Re: Maven, Subversion and Eclipse issue

2011-05-09 Thread Brian Smith
We set the following on each module's trunk:

$ svn ps svn:ignore core  

On 9 May 2011 15:42, Refr Bruhl wrote:


 I've an issue with the m2 plugin using maven in conjunction with
 Since this crosses three platforms I thought I would try both the
 subversion and
 maven list to see if anyone has run across a similar issue and what the

 When maven dependency is enabled for an eclipse project the maven plugin
 ensure the target subdirectory exists. This is usally a good thing.

 When the project is committed to subversion is when issues arise

 When a mvn clean is issued either thru the plugin or at the command shell
 target directory is deleted. The eclipse maven 2 plugin will recreate the

 However subversion now complains the directory is out of sync. Most times
 subversion plugin will not allow a force update.

 My current workaround is not to commit the entire project -- just subfolder
 components when I make updates. I'm thinking there is a cleaner solution to

 Using this method I am forced to use svn shell commands to create tags. The
 feature of the subversion plugin will not work unless all sub directories

 has anyone else ran into this? If so what solutions or workarounds were

 Platform details below


 Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.

 Version: Helios Release
 Build id: 20100617-1415

 (c) Copyright Eclipse contributors and others 2005, 2010.  All rights

 Maven for Eclipse:

 M2 plugin by Sonatype

 Subversion for Eclipse
 Subversive byu Polarion 2.2.2

 OS: Windows XP

 --Refr inn gra

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Re: Advantages of using a Repository Manager

2011-04-21 Thread Brian Smith
Hi there,

We have a slightly more open setup than you do where developers can add
libraries _provided_ they're licensed under pre-approved business friendly

Artifactory works excellently for us in that respect as it allows us to
handle permissions at the right level, I also personally find the UI to be
very intuitive and simple.

We also use the repository to publish API libraries to our internal
solutions teams and as an archive of customer deliverables quickly
accessible by support.

Repository Managers in general are very useful and Artifactory (power pack)
in particular would get a recommendation from me.

Kind regards


On 20 April 2011 13:23, Sony Antony wrote:

 Im trying to evaluate whether we should use a repository manager.

 Will somebody post at least a few of the advantages here
 Our project uses a list of pre approved ( and pre downloaded ) dependencies
 and plugins.


Re: Multiple packages with different configuration files

2010-11-22 Thread Brian Smith
I believe you can specify multiple executions.


I think you could use the EAR plugin for example with three separate
executions, each with a configuration that excludes different files.

Hope this helps.

On 22 November 2010 23:19, wrote:


 Let me elaborate on the issue. I cannot use profiles as it will create
 only one distribution for me. I need to have the same compiled cod
 bundled with different config files for DEV/QA/PROD. Is there are any
 easy way to create 3 TAR files from one jar or war and include different
 sets of config files within each of them? How can I implement it with
 Assembly mojo?


 Ilya Mayzel
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 -Original Message-
 From: Haszlakiewicz, Eric []
 Sent: Monday, November 22, 2010 3:38 PM
 To: Maven Users List
 Subject: RE: Multiple packages with different configuration files

 Well those are some rather useless answers.
 JNDI will only do the job if you configure it that way.  You need to
 get that configuration *into* tomcat somehow in the first place,
 regardless of whether you use JNDI or a properties file.

 To suggest some options for the original poster:
  There are several different options to choose which configuration gets
 used or included in a application package.  One way, which I have used a
 fair amount, is to include all configurations, and have an environment
 variable that you set when you run that app that causes it to choose the
 right file.  The exact method of doing this depends on exactly how your
 configuration is stored, but it might consist of things like having
 property references in spring config files, tomcat scripts
 that pass appropriate java options, or custom java code within your app
 that looks for the variable settings.

 On the other hand, if you want actual, separate application packages,
 each that only contains a single set of configuration options, well then
 you're back in the realm of how to get maven to do that for you.  What
 I've done for this is use profiles with embedded ant tasks that copy the
 appropriate files into place.  Then to build a dev environment you might
 do something like mvn -P dev package.  Of course, you can use any
 other plugin config within a profile other than the ant plugin, such as
 having separate assembler plugin configs and include different
 configuration files that way.
 There's lots of way to do it; I'm not sure what the best one is.


 -Original Message-
 From: Ron Wheeler []
 Sent: Monday, November 22, 2010 1:03 PM
 Subject: Re: Multiple packages with different configuration files
 JNDI will do the job on Tomcat.
 On 22/11/2010 1:47 PM, Antonio Petrelli wrote:
  This app need to be packaged with different configuration files
  (server names/IP addresses) for Dev/QA/Prod environments.
  This kind of info are better put in the server. For example, for
  JBoss, you can create a .properties file and put it inside:
  Everything in the conf directory is available in your classpath.
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Re: maven is a swamp

2010-10-15 Thread Brian Smith
I really fail at understanding the XML rage.  Yeah it's verbose.  How's that
a problem?  We've had tools with auto complete, auto format and syntax
highlighting for well over a decade, we also now have fairly robust GUIs
too.  If you're hand editing a 2000 line xml file in a green screen terminal
you're doing the equivalent of using an abacus and I'm afraid you're not the
user new tools ought to be aimed at.

XML has a huge ubiquity value.  It might not be the *best* tool for the job
for each individual user but it's the only one that is widely enough
understood to not put an additional learning burden on the user.  When I
learned Maven I had to grok concepts like dependencyManagement and plugins
and phases.  I didn't have to learn XML, I already knew it.  If Maven POMs
were written in Python or A.N.Other language/markup I'd have to learn that
too.  There are many useful libraries that make it easier to produce GUI
tools on top of XML that don't exist for alternatives, so we'd have less
tooling for POMs.  Tooling and minimising the learning required are good

The _actual_ problem I see is the lack of best practise use for plugins
off the beaten track.  The documentation is usually fairly good at telling
you how to make a plugin do something, it's less than brilliant at
recommending best practises and unless it's one of the mainstream ones
covered by the sonatype book it's hard to find.  I've found the best thing
to do in those cases is go look at large, open source projects and see how
they do it.  Ken's original problem in this thread (and the others he's been
getting help with on the scala list) are _nothing_ to do with XML, that is
just the target of frustration.  They would have happened regardless of the
language for POM specification.

For us, Maven's killed about 12,000 lines of ant legacy built up over a few
years, and also done a drive by on a couple of dozen ivy files, replacing
them with one medium size POM declaring dependency versions, a dozen small
ones declaring dependencies, and a bunch of minimal ones - all with NO
bespoke build instructions in.  Using nexus has killed the need to maintain
an internal ivy repository which was a real pain in the rear, and we can now
easily share deliverables with the other couple of hundred developers we
have working in the same technologies around the globe.  It's been very
painless by comparison to what we were doing before and well worth the



On 15 October 2010 08:56, wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 3:00 am, Jason van Zyl wrote:
   A fact to note though is that I've asked over 2k people over the last
 two years at talks and in any average crowd the people who care to have a
 different format or DSL is around 3%.

 And I one of them :-) I always havent been a friend of XML and I happy to
 see the possibilities maven3 offers (although I prefer using gradle -

 What I'm wondering most is - why the heck do you write to the maven
 mailinglist how you dislike maven ? Is your intention to convince people
 that they are doing bad stuff over the last xxx years ? Is it just pure
 boredness ?

 I dont like Ruby or Clojure - what is the reason to bother the ruby/clojure
 mailing list that their syntax is apparently horrible ?

 Sorry - I dont get it... If you dont like maven - dont use it... there are
 tons of alternatives around.

 Or what point do I miss here ?

Re: maven is a swamp

2010-10-15 Thread Brian Smith
On 15 October 2010 21:50, Kenneth McDonald

 Well, just to make it concrete, I am not a troll. I've been doing dev for
 20+ years, have lots of
 experience with large projects, etc. etc. If I have to drop names, I was
 associated with one of
 the two main sites of the Human Genome Project.

 I still don't get the complacency at the XML swamp. How is

 possibly better than


 which would in turn be better than:

 genericTagName = false

 XML is a swamp of undertulized, overused redundancy. Period.

 In response to the person who'd interrogated 2K+ people to see if they
 XML was overrdone;  Wow, that's really impressive! Where did you find the
 to ask all those people and still get your your job done? Whereas, if I ask
 the five
 people who I know well, and who have to use these tools, the answer is,
 a bunch of garbage. They HATE XML.

 Still not convinced? What about the simple fact of that that languages
 before, and the
 languages _since_ have not been written in a dialect of XML. If XML were
 such a great
 solution, surely it would have cleared here by now.

 But of course it hasn't. The reasons is because it's a CRAPPY SOLUTION.
 Period. No Line breaks.
 Unless one is writing for ultimate display in the web, XML  SUCKS

 In all the best to have all the people who have responded to this,
 I don't see how you can continue maintain your position,

I don't think you're going to convince many people with a rant like
that. Not one person in this thread has taken the position that XML is
great.  I don't think anybody, even the people who did design it, would
design XML the same way now.  There are far stronger criticisms of it than
named end tags though.

It is like it is for a bunch of reasons that are to do with its hereditary
burden carried from SGML, the people involved in the original specification
and (sadly) the process of managing that amongst other reasons.  If you're
interested the history and design decisions can be read up at the w3c.

However even acknowledging that there are valid and well thought out
criticisms of XML design beyond the ones you've brought up in this thread,
it hasn't become so widely used (and misused) by some accident.  It is very
popular for exactly the reason that it was the best choice for maven -
 because it is very simple to understand and to build tools for.

I think really you're lucky POMs are in XML, because if they were in
something like python you'd have had all of the same difficulties without
the target to vent at.  And with far less help, since maven would not be
nearly as popular if read a POM required people to learn a programming
language as well as the semantics for maven.

I hope you get over the XML thing and find maven useful to you - best way to
do that is to follow conventions and use tools.



Re: multi-module project versioning question

2010-09-30 Thread Brian Smith
What I find helped me tremendously when figuring out the best way to
organise our project is to look at examples.

Large scale open source projects like the spring framework and maven itself
are good places to learn.



On 30 September 2010 13:32, Antonio Petrelli antonio.petre...@gmail.comwrote:

 2010/9/30 Nathaniel Auvil
  what does not make sense to you?
  If i only have a bug in the child-web project, i should not have to
  a new version of my child-service and child-core...those did not change.

 I understand the point, but its intrinsically wrong. When you fix
 something inside a module you are, in fact, fixing the whole project.
 Otherwise, if you want to manage those module separately, you'd better
 move them in a separate project.
 In fact, one main point of a multi-module project is to maintain the
 versions of modules all together.

   This is fundemental to multi-module projects and i do not see how maven
  not support this.  Releasing all modules of  a project at the same time
  not make sense in this case.

 You can try going in the module subdir and running the release plugin.
 It *might* work, however I strongly discourage it.

  Right now i have separate projects for each module, but it is painful to
  builds and releases.

 Doing as I said in the sentence before is painful in the exact same
 way. It would be less painful if you tag only the main project.

  Another issue with multi-module projects is how they have to live in
  SVN...if you want to tag or branch, you have to tag or branch the entire
  codebase, not just a single module.

 At this point I suppose you are managing projects in a wrong way. Why
 did you put the whole codebase under a single project?
 If it is only for sharing configuration, then create a separate master
 pom and use it as parent for all the other projects.


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Re: [scala-user] Solution to scalatest test phase under maven

2010-09-29 Thread Brian Smith

Glad to hear you have it fixed.

It makes sense now, our project had to use manifest jars because we had so
many third party libraries required for unit testing that the classpath got
too long for the windows command line.  They basically contain (for us) a
manifest pointing to the other jars for the sole purpose of shortening that
command line.

I guess the surefire plugin had the same problem and there is something
about how they are specified in the manifest which doesn't work on your

Thanks for posting the solution


On 28 September 2010 18:47, Kenneth McDonald wrote:

 Posting this in hopes it will help others. First, I'd like to heartily
 thank everyone who gave of their time with helping me in this problem. I
 learned a log about maven (more than I really want to :-) but it's good for
 future jobs), and I wouldn't have found the solution on my own without a
 _lot_ more time.

 Basically, a couple of people sent me pom files which worked for them, but
 which didn't work for me. I don't know why, this is still a mystery. What
 did work was the following highlighted line:


 I'm going to have to dig into the Maven documentation and refresh my memory
 of manifests (its been _years_ since I've used Java) to figure out exactly
 what is going on, but once I added this, my tests ran smoothly. (And I am
 happy to say, all are still OK :-) ).

 Again, many thanks to all,
 Ken McDonald

Re: What is your strategy to manage dependencies?

2010-09-29 Thread Brian Smith
Yes - it's a multi module project.  It has several levels in fact and
delivers two web apps and three izpack installed core java/swing apps.

We do sometimes release modules internally with no change but a new version
number.  It doesn't actually cause us any problems and the consistency is
worth the extra bandwidth.

Our external release cycle is much longer so our real end users always get a
set of applications that have a significant set of changes in them with
accompanying release notes generated from svn log + jira.

The huge benefit for us was the reduction in time to administrate third
party library versions.



On 29 September 2010 23:59, Mario Wirth wrote:

 Hi Brian,
 is your project configuration a multi module project? If so, I guess this
 is a nice solution. If you release all your modules at the same time, you
 will never have dependency conflicts. Disadvantage of that approach is, that
 you sometimes release moduls without a change. Am I right?


 Am 29.09.2010 00:42, schrieb Brian Smith:

  Hi Mario

 Unless I'm misunderstanding - I do 2) for dependencies of external
 plus 4) for dependencies on my own modules.

 I only specify versions of external dependencies in dependencyManagement
 the parent, and do so with properties so they're convenient to change.

 Child poms just inherit versions from the parent dependencyManagement.

 I keep the versions of my own modules as SNAPSHOT of the next version,
 release time and then release them all with the same version.

 Then set the versions to SNAPSHOT for the next (likely) version.

 This way I only maintain dependency versions in one place and everything
 that is released is consistent.

 I haven't needed version ranges or found diffcult conflicts despite
 depending on dozens of your fairly common java libraries.

 Hope that helps


 On 28 September 2010 22:29, Mario  wrote:

  Thank you Antonio,
 for your response. But is this really the only solution? Is there no
 or technique available which helps to avoid (binary) compatibility
 between artifacts?
 Can anyone recommend the use of version ranges?


 Am 24.09.2010 09:47, schrieb Antonio Petrelli:

  5. Use released versions if possible and resolve conflicts one by one.


 2010/9/24 Mario

  Hi community,

 I am interested in your strategy, how to use Maven to make sure, all
 artifacts are selected in the right version.

 By default, if you add a dependency with it's version, that is only a
 Maven is allowed to change the artifact to a newer or an older version.
 depends on the dependency tree and the distance to the root. (see:

 As a consequence, sometimes my war file contains libs which do not fit
 together. The following solutions I've figured out so far:
 1.Declare all needed dependencies in the pom of the war file.
 I have to do the work manually.
 2.Use Dependency Management. In my parent pom I can declare all
 and their versions. Advantage: I have full control of the dependencies
 the child moduls. Disadvantage: If I need to change a version of a
 particular dependency, I need to release a new version of the parent
 afterwards I have to update the version number in all child projects
 need the new version of the dependency.
 3.Use Version Ranges. Advantage: With version ranges I can add more
 informations for Maven. This is used to support the conflict resolution
 maven only selects artifacts which satisfy all version ranges.
 conflict resolution does not cause (binary) incompatibilty between the
 artifacts, if the version ranges are set correct. Disadvantage: There
 more effort during the release process: you need to build a release pom
 resolved version ranges to make the build repeatable. You have to hide
 Snapshots during the release process, if you use boundaries like
 finally, maven needs additional meta data from the repository. If the
 data are not up to date, strange behaviour can happen.
 4.Use only snapshots. If I use only snapshot versions, the latest
 always used. Disadvantage: Developing against snapshots can be
 because of the nature of snapshots ;-) But you will find out very fast,
 something is binary incompatible.

 So, I am very interested in the best practise! How do you solve the
 to manage all dependencies in their correct version. Thank you for your
 suggestions in advance.


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Re: What is your strategy to manage dependencies?

2010-09-29 Thread Brian Smith
In this situation I would simply not allow A to depend on C-1.0.0.

I'd upgrade to C-2.0.0 for all modules and deal with whatever change A had
to swallow to sustain that.

Less surprises, problems found earlier.

I haven't encountered a situation where it would be beneficial to do
otherwise yet.

Using dependencyManagement in a parent pom is just following DRY.

I'm not saying version ranges can't be a useful way of working, I'd just
prefer to be sure of what was being delivered.

We do have a huge battery of automated acceptance tests running under CI so
we can afford to upgrade drop in replacements often with low risk.



On 30 September 2010 00:07, Mario Wirth wrote:

 Sorry, for the misleading post. I declare all dependencies, which are
 needed for compile in the project's pom (not parent pom). I trust on maven's
 conflict resolution and don't use Dependency Management at all at the
 moment. The reason for that I have described already: I don't want to
 release the parent pom and update the new version number in each child. If I
 don't do that, former builds are not repeatable.

 But if you trust maven's conflict resolution, it can lead to the following
 There are 3 projects and their releationship:

 A-1.0.0 → B-1.0.0 → C-2.0.0
 In addition A as the following dependency:
 A-1.0.0 → C-1.0.0

 If project A is a war, it's lib folder will include B-1.0.0 and C-1.0.0.
 But B-1.0.0 needs classes which are only available in C-2.0.0. Consequence:
 You will get an exception at runtime.

 With version ranges you can avoid that. You have to write in the POM of B →
 C[2.0.0, 2.1). Maven will consider this additional information and select
 version C-2.0.0.

 But version ranges lead to other problems. You need correct meta-data and
 you have to create a release pom to resolve the version ranges at release
 time. (see:

 I really would like to use version ranges, but I read very often in this
 forum: Avoid version ranges! (the post of Michael McCallum is an exception
 ;-) ) I am not sure if it's the maven way.
 On the other hand: If you do the dependency management manually, you use
 Maven just to download the artifacts. Is that the maven way?


 Am 29.09.2010 15:27, schrieb Yanko, Curtis:

 I do find it surprising that your saying declaring a dependency is *only
 a wish*? A declared dependency *should be* closest to the root, our do
 you make your declarations in a Parent POM?

 We too used to *factor up* any shared dep to the Parent but have stopped
 since it creates a couple of issues, yours being just one of them.

  2.Use Dependency Management. In my parent pom I can declare all
 dependencies and their versions. Advantage: I have full control of
 the dependencies in the child moduls. Disadvantage: If I need to
 change a version of a particular dependency, I need to release a
 new version of the parent pom and afterwards I have to update the
 version number in all child projects which need the new version of the


 If you are declaring versions in depMgmnt, don't put a version in the
 project pom dependency. Work with a SNAPSHOT POM version until you have
 what you want, then RELEASE it, to nail it down.

 I don't advocate version ranges at all since your build may not be
 re-produceable if you do.


 Curt Yanko | Continuous Integration Services | UnitedHealth Group IT
 Making IT Happen, one build at a time

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael McCallum []
 Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 5:51 PM
 To: Maven Users List
 Subject: Re: What is your strategy to manage dependencies?

 I highly recommend using version ranges, in fact i wonder how people
 work without them, it must be really hard to keep track of all the

 On Wednesday 29 September 2010 10:29:36 Mario Wirth wrote:

 Thank you Antonio,
 for your response. But is this really the only solution? Is there no
 plugin or technique available which helps to avoid (binary)
 compatibility conflicts between artifacts?
 Can anyone recommend the use of version ranges?


 Am 24.09.2010 09:47, schrieb Antonio Petrelli:

 5. Use released versions if possible and resolve conflicts one by



 2010/9/24 Mario

 Hi community,

 I am interested in your strategy, how to use Maven to make sure,
 all artifacts are selected in the right version.

 By default, if you add a dependency with it's version, that is only

 a wish.

 Maven is allowed to change the artifact to a newer or an older
 version. It depends on the dependency tree and the distance to the

 root. (see:

 As a consequence, sometimes my war file contains libs which do not

Re: What is your strategy to manage dependencies?

2010-09-28 Thread Brian Smith
Hi Mario

Unless I'm misunderstanding - I do 2) for dependencies of external libraries
plus 4) for dependencies on my own modules.

I only specify versions of external dependencies in dependencyManagement in
the parent, and do so with properties so they're convenient to change.

Child poms just inherit versions from the parent dependencyManagement.

I keep the versions of my own modules as SNAPSHOT of the next version, until
release time and then release them all with the same version.

Then set the versions to SNAPSHOT for the next (likely) version.

This way I only maintain dependency versions in one place and everything
that is released is consistent.

I haven't needed version ranges or found diffcult conflicts despite
depending on dozens of your fairly common java libraries.

Hope that helps


On 28 September 2010 22:29, Mario Wirth wrote:

 Thank you Antonio,
 for your response. But is this really the only solution? Is there no plugin
 or technique available which helps to avoid (binary) compatibility conflicts
 between artifacts?
 Can anyone recommend the use of version ranges?


 Am 24.09.2010 09:47, schrieb Antonio Petrelli:

 5. Use released versions if possible and resolve conflicts one by one.


 2010/9/24 Mario

 Hi community,

 I am interested in your strategy, how to use Maven to make sure, all
 artifacts are selected in the right version.

 By default, if you add a dependency with it's version, that is only a
 Maven is allowed to change the artifact to a newer or an older version.
 depends on the dependency tree and the distance to the root. (see:

 As a consequence, sometimes my war file contains libs which do not fit
 together. The following solutions I've figured out so far:
 1.Declare all needed dependencies in the pom of the war file.
 I have to do the work manually.
 2.Use Dependency Management. In my parent pom I can declare all
 and their versions. Advantage: I have full control of the dependencies in
 the child moduls. Disadvantage: If I need to change a version of a
 particular dependency, I need to release a new version of the parent pom
 afterwards I have to update the version number in all child projects
 need the new version of the dependency.
 3.Use Version Ranges. Advantage: With version ranges I can add more
 informations for Maven. This is used to support the conflict resolution
 maven only selects artifacts which satisfy all version ranges. Advantage:
 conflict resolution does not cause (binary) incompatibilty between the
 artifacts, if the version ranges are set correct. Disadvantage: There is
 more effort during the release process: you need to build a release pom
 resolved version ranges to make the build repeatable. You have to hide
 Snapshots during the release process, if you use boundaries like [4.0,).
 finally, maven needs additional meta data from the repository. If the
 data are not up to date, strange behaviour can happen.
 4.Use only snapshots. If I use only snapshot versions, the latest version
 always used. Disadvantage: Developing against snapshots can be
 because of the nature of snapshots ;-) But you will find out very fast,
 something is binary incompatible.

 So, I am very interested in the best practise! How do you solve the
 to manage all dependencies in their correct version. Thank you for your
 suggestions in advance.


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Re: Maven FAQ

2010-09-28 Thread Brian Smith
mvn dependency:go-offline seems like it does what you're after?



On 29 September 2010 00:32, Greg Akins wrote:

 I'm trying to use some spare time to update the Maven FAQ Wiki

 In that document, an unanswered question is:

 How about making sure all files needed are available so I can run

 My first impression is to run the goals successfully before running
 disconnected (mvn -o goal).

 However, it occurs to me that there might be a way to use the
 dependency goal, or something else to make sure that all dependencies
 are available, even those for targets that aren't commonly run.  I'm
 thinking of something along the line of download all dependencies
 instead of just those associated with a single goal.

 Does that make sense?  Or is my first impression correct?

 Greg Akins

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xdoclet maven plugin: Ambiguous subtask definition exception

2007-09-06 Thread Brian Smith
I'm getting an error (Ambiguous subtask definition exception) while trying
to run Maven from the top directory of a multi-module project that contains
both EJBs and web apps.  I've seen that this has been reported before and
that a bug was created and has been closed (  Supposedly this is an xdoclet

Has anyone ran into this lately and found a way to work around this?  The
solution on the bug report won't work because it says the plugin doesn't
exist.  Also, are other developers not relying on a tool (xdoclet or ejbgen
or ??) to create descriptors?


Re: xdoclet maven plugin: Ambiguous subtask definition exception

2007-09-06 Thread Brian Smith
I'll give that a try.  I finally figured out my issue with the getting the
correct version of the plugin but I'm still getting the same error.

On 9/6/07, Marco Mistroni [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i had.. long time ago while i was trying to do exactly the same thing.
 Resorted to use xdoclet in one project, and to call xdocket from maven
 antrun plugin in the other

 not elegant, but was theonly solution i found


 On 9/6/07, Brian Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm getting an error (Ambiguous subtask definition exception) while
  to run Maven from the top directory of a multi-module project that
  both EJBs and web apps.  I've seen that this has been reported before
  that a bug was created and has been closed (  Supposedly this is an
  Has anyone ran into this lately and found a way to work around
 this?  The
  solution on the bug report won't work because it says the plugin doesn't
  exist.  Also, are other developers not relying on a tool (xdoclet or
  or ??) to create descriptors?

Eclipse setup for Multi-module project

2007-09-04 Thread Brian Smith
Has anyone come up with a decent way to setup a project in Eclipse that will
support a multi-module project?  The best example I've seen is in the
Better Builds with Maven book ( - Chapter 4) but I'm
having some difficulty.  The book is creating the DayTrader application
and recommends the file structure that I've tried to describe below.  It
also mentioned that this flat structure is the best and a nested directory
structure has some drawbacks -- especially for Eclipse users.

   |  +...
   |  +...
   |  +...
   |  +...
   |  +...

Unless I'm missing something, this is a nested directory structure.  I've
tried creating Java Projects and Simple Projects in Eclipse for the
daytrader.  I've tried source folders for the ear, ejb...   I can't seem
to get this directory structure to work using Eclipse.  Has anyone found a
good way to make this work?

I'm a maven newbie but it seems that there is some incompatibility between
one of the main IDEs (Eclipse) and Maven.  If Maven is geared to a
particular directory structure and Eclipse to another, and you have to have
major tweaks to Maven to make everything work, then you lose a large
percentage of the benefits of using Maven.

Hopefully I'm missing something easy on how to setup a project in Eclipse.

Re: xdoclet plugin and weblogic-ejb-jar.xml descriptor

2007-09-04 Thread Brian Smith
I'm using Weblogic 9.2.  I think you're correct in that the weblogic plugin
only works for versions 8.x and earlier.   I haven't found any great
solutions for this hurdle yet.

On 8/31/07, Scott Ryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What version of Weblogic are you using?  You can use the weblogic tag
 to generate the XML files  but as far as I know xdoclet can only
 generate xml files for 8.x and prior.  9.x and 10.x are not supported
 but then maybe you should be using JPA, EJB 3.0 or Hibernate by then.

 Scott Ryan
 CTO Soaring Eagle L.L.C.
 Denver, Co. 80129
 (303) 263-3044

 On Aug 31, 2007, at 9:34 AM, Brian Smith wrote:

  I'm working on a simple HelloWorldEJB stateless session bean that I
  want to
  run in Weblogic.  I'm using the xdoclet plugin and xdoclet is able to
  generate the home/remote classes.  Should xdoclet be able to
  generate the
  weblogic-ejb-jar.xml descriptor?  If so, how do I do this?  Is there a
  special tag in the EJB source code or is there something in the pom
  I need
  to specify?
  I'm guessing this a task of xdoclet instead of maven but I'm not
  sure.  Any
  input would be appreciated.

Re: Eclipse setup for Multi-module project

2007-09-04 Thread Brian Smith

I'm trying to keep things really small at this point (like HelloWorlds) but
I setup a directory structure similar to the DayTrader and performed the
import into eclipse.

First thing I noticed (and I think this is what you mentioned) is that the
top level directory is not there.  Because of this, I can't run Maven (mvn
install) because the parent pom is not available.  You mentioned making a
symlink but we're developing on our PCs (XP).

  Directory Structure  Eclipse
  ===  ===
  TestApp + testcommon
+ testcommon  + testejb
+ testejb + testear
+ testear

So, it seems like I'm back to where I started.  Eclipse and Maven aren't too
compatible.  All the books and articles talk about a flat directory
structure but it's really nested.  Maven needs (or recommends) a top
directory to hold the parent pom but Eclipse doesn't like the notion of

I'm using CVS and I've played with the idea of having something setup like
the following where I have a parent directory that just holds the parent pom
and the ear to create the ear and then the two modules that actually hold
the code but this seems pretty ugly.  At least with Ant I can layout the
code the way I want too.

 + testcommon
 + testejb
 + testear
 + testparent

On 9/4/07, Nick Stolwijk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In your daytrader directory, run mvn eclipse:eclipse. This will create
 the .project and .classpath files of the child modules with dependencies
 for eclipse between them if necessary. Then, in Eclipse, import your
 projects. If you want your parent pom.file easily accessible from
 eclipse, make a symlink to it from one of the other directories.

 If your developers use a SCM from Eclipse (like subclipse) they will not
 pickup any changes to the root directory. That's why we've setup our
 environment to send mails when the root pom changes. (This was often a
 pain in the butt, people not upgrading their parent pom)

 I hope it is clear, if not, ask.

 Nick Stolwijk

 Brian Smith wrote:
  Has anyone come up with a decent way to setup a project in Eclipse that
  support a multi-module project?  The best example I've seen is in the
  Better Builds with Maven book ( - Chapter 4) but
  having some difficulty.  The book is creating the DayTrader
  and recommends the file structure that I've tried to describe below.  It
  also mentioned that this flat structure is the best and a nested
  structure has some drawbacks -- especially for Eclipse users.
 |  +...
 |  +...
 |  +...
 |  +...
 |  +...
  Unless I'm missing something, this is a nested directory
 structure.  I've
  tried creating Java Projects and Simple Projects in Eclipse for the
  daytrader.  I've tried source folders for the ear, ejb...   I can't
  to get this directory structure to work using Eclipse.  Has anyone found
  good way to make this work?
  I'm a maven newbie but it seems that there is some incompatibility
  one of the main IDEs (Eclipse) and Maven.  If Maven is geared to a
  particular directory structure and Eclipse to another, and you have to
  major tweaks to Maven to make everything work, then you lose a large
  percentage of the benefits of using Maven.
  Hopefully I'm missing something easy on how to setup a project in

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Re: Eclipse setup for Multi-module project

2007-09-04 Thread Brian Smith
Actually, I did select the Copy projects into Workspace checkbox so that
may be the source of my problem.

I've been experimenting a little bit and it seems that if I create the whole
directory structure in C:\temp (c:\temp\TestApp) and then do the imports,
everything seems to work as expected.  If I go ahead and check in one of the
submodules (say testcommon), and then delete the directory from disk and
check out of the repository, the code is in my workspace as opposed to
c:\temp\TestApp.  In a team environment, this still seems pretty ugly.  It
appears that you have to jump through quite a few hoops to get this to work.

Could you explain more about how you can import the top level project into
eclipse?  I was able to see the top level pom but it also  had the sub
modules as well.

On 9/4/07, Francois Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 One little Note about the importing of the projects: Ensure that Copy
 projects into workspace is deselected.
 Event the top level project can be imported into eclipse. To do this you
 generate the project files of the submodules and import them. Then
 create a new Project (not Java, a General Project) with exactly the name
 of your Top-Level Module (In your application: TestApp). Eclipse will
 not overwrite the directory. Instead it will discover the contents.
 Inside this project executing mvn install will be possible.

 Graham Leggett schrieb:
  On Tue, September 4, 2007 7:12 pm, Brian Smith wrote:
  First thing I noticed (and I think this is what you mentioned) is that
  top level directory is not there.  Because of this, I can't run Maven
  install) because the parent pom is not available.
  Why is the top level directory not there?
  One thing to make sure you do - check out the whole project using your
  source control tool of choice, then run mvn eclipse:eclipse from the
  of your project, then import your projects into eclipse by selecting the
  root of your project and importing all the projects eclipse finds.
Directory Structure  Eclipse
===  ===
TestApp + testcommon
  + testcommon  + testejb
  + testejb + testear
  + testear
  This is exactly what we have, and mvn install runs fine.
  Can you explain in more detail the exact steps you are trying to
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Re: Eclipse setup for Multi-module project

2007-09-04 Thread Brian Smith
I may be running into a couple of different issues.  When I did my import, I
selected the Copy projects into workspace which appears to ignore the top
level directory.

Also, I was trying to use Eclipse to check in/out of CVS.  It appears that
you don't use Eclipse to check the code into your workspace.  If I'm
understanding you correctly, you checkout to a temp directory and then
import into Eclipse to do your work.  Doesn't this cause problems in a team
environment?  Everyone would have to agree on the directory structure where
the code will be checked out to?

On 9/4/07, Graham Leggett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, September 4, 2007 7:12 pm, Brian Smith wrote:

  First thing I noticed (and I think this is what you mentioned) is that
  top level directory is not there.  Because of this, I can't run Maven
  install) because the parent pom is not available.

 Why is the top level directory not there?

 One thing to make sure you do - check out the whole project using your
 source control tool of choice, then run mvn eclipse:eclipse from the root
 of your project, then import your projects into eclipse by selecting the
 root of your project and importing all the projects eclipse finds.

Directory Structure  Eclipse
===  ===
TestApp + testcommon
  + testcommon  + testejb
  + testejb + testear
  + testear

 This is exactly what we have, and mvn install runs fine.

 Can you explain in more detail the exact steps you are trying to perform?


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xdoclet plugin and weblogic-ejb-jar.xml descriptor

2007-08-31 Thread Brian Smith
I'm working on a simple HelloWorldEJB stateless session bean that I want to
run in Weblogic.  I'm using the xdoclet plugin and xdoclet is able to
generate the home/remote classes.  Should xdoclet be able to generate the
weblogic-ejb-jar.xml descriptor?  If so, how do I do this?  Is there a
special tag in the EJB source code or is there something in the pom I need
to specify?

I'm guessing this a task of xdoclet instead of maven but I'm not sure.  Any
input would be appreciated.
