I really fail at understanding the XML rage.  Yeah it's verbose.  How's that
a problem?  We've had tools with auto complete, auto format and syntax
highlighting for well over a decade, we also now have fairly robust GUIs
too.  If you're hand editing a 2000 line xml file in a green screen terminal
you're doing the equivalent of using an abacus and I'm afraid you're not the
user new tools ought to be aimed at.

XML has a huge ubiquity value.  It might not be the *best* tool for the job
for each individual user but it's the only one that is widely enough
understood to not put an additional learning burden on the user.  When I
learned Maven I had to grok concepts like dependencyManagement and plugins
and phases.  I didn't have to learn XML, I already knew it.  If Maven POMs
were written in Python or A.N.Other language/markup I'd have to learn that
too.  There are many useful libraries that make it easier to produce GUI
tools on top of XML that don't exist for alternatives, so we'd have less
tooling for POMs.  Tooling and minimising the learning required are good

The _actual_ problem I see is the lack of "best practise" use for plugins
off the beaten track.  The documentation is usually fairly good at telling
you how to make a plugin do something, it's less than brilliant at
recommending best practises and unless it's one of the mainstream ones
covered by the sonatype book it's hard to find.  I've found the best thing
to do in those cases is go look at large, open source projects and see how
they do it.  Ken's original problem in this thread (and the others he's been
getting help with on the scala list) are _nothing_ to do with XML, that is
just the target of frustration.  They would have happened regardless of the
language for POM specification.

For us, Maven's killed about 12,000 lines of ant legacy built up over a few
years, and also done a drive by on a couple of dozen ivy files, replacing
them with one medium size POM declaring dependency versions, a dozen small
ones declaring dependencies, and a bunch of minimal ones - all with NO
bespoke build instructions in.  Using nexus has killed the need to maintain
an internal ivy repository which was a real pain in the rear, and we can now
easily share deliverables with the other couple of hundred developers we
have working in the same technologies around the globe.  It's been very
painless by comparison to what we were doing before and well worth the



On 15 October 2010 08:56, <mremerson...@aim.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 3:00 am, Jason van Zyl wrote:
>  >> A fact to note though is that I've asked over 2k people over the last
> two years at talks and in any average crowd the people who care to have a
> different format or DSL is around 3%.
> And I one of them :-) I always havent been a friend of XML and I happy to
> see the possibilities maven3 offers (although I prefer using gradle -
> bygones)
> What I'm wondering most is - why the heck do you write to the maven
> mailinglist how you dislike maven ? Is your intention to convince people
> that they are doing bad stuff over the last xxx years ? Is it just pure
> boredness ?
> I dont like Ruby or Clojure - what is the reason to bother the ruby/clojure
> mailing list that their syntax is apparently horrible ?
> Sorry - I dont get it... If you dont like maven - dont use it... there are
> tons of alternatives around.
> Or what point do I miss here ?

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