CI checkout on floating tag, then using maven-scm-plugin to update pom.xml to latest?

2009-02-10 Thread De Smet Ringo
I am trying to use Hudson to perform automated software releases based on a 
floating CVS tag. When developers move the floating tag on the sources, they 
indicate that the tagged code can go in a next build. Hudson then checks out 
the code and executes a release:prepare. Problem now is that the changes to 
pom.xml (done by the release plugin) can't be checked in since the CVS 
information indicates that the version retrieved is a sticky tag (although 
usually it is the latest version). To get around this, I want to use 
maven-scm-plugin (in the validate phase of my Maven run) to update pom.xml to 
the latest version. However, I tried several goals (update, checkout, export) 
but pom.xml remains the the version based on the tag. 
Can anyone tell me how to update pom.xml to the latest version coming from the 
branch configured in the connectionUrl/developerConnectionUrl info from the 
Also, my experiments so far seem to indicate that includes/excludes 
configuration is ignored in the goals tried. Known bug?


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RE: Deploy a POM with Properties Filterred/interpolated

2008-12-18 Thread De Smet Ringo

> -Original Message-
> From: Trevor Paterson [] 
> Sent: donderdag 18 december 2008 11:50
> To:
> Subject: RE: Deploy a POM with Properties Filterred/interpolated
> thanks, but...
> using the maven-release-plugin would push us down the route 
> of using maven to integrate builds with SCM (subversion)...
> this is not a route we want to go down at the moment, we 
> handle SVN integration manually. What we want is to have a 
> generateReleasePoms type funcionality in the deploy plugin so 
> we can deploy release artifacts to our local Archiva 
> repository with meaningful Poms.
> At the moment we can hack this by making a 
> filterred/interpolated copy of the POM and then cleaning this 
> to remove unwanted directives using a script: then deploy the 
> artifact with this hacked POM. 

The first "solution" that comes to mind is running the
maven-release-plugin in dryRun mode (see the docs). This generates the
proposed release-pom.xml. The build-helper-maven-plugin (1) can help you
to deploy this file to the repository. After deployment, you trigger an
mvn release:clean to get rid of these intermediate files.


FYI, this is just out of the top of my head. I never tried it myself,
but I hope it can put you on the right track.


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RE: Deploy a POM with Properties Filterred/interpolated

2008-12-17 Thread De Smet Ringo

> we have many variable properties in our POMs to control 
> artifact and depedency artifact versions and need these 
> interpolated before deployment.

If you use the maven-release-plugin, you can use
-DgenerateReleasePoms=true as a command line option to generate a
release-pom.xml. Everything in that file is resolved, so no properties
remain in there.

> On a related issue we would also like to exclude any  
> directives from the uploaded POM, but to edit a POM manually 
> to achieve all this seems unecessarily laborious!

You should lookup if you can put build directives in a profile section?


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RE: Reusing assembly descriptors aka. sharing them between projects

2008-12-10 Thread De Smet Ringo

> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of John Stoneham
> Sent: dinsdag 9 december 2008 6:27
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: Reusing assembly descriptors aka. sharing them 
> between projects
> Now, you can use it as a descriptorRef, just like 
> jar-with-dependencies.
> #d0e16265
> has step-by-step instructions.

Weird that the Maven book has such a complicated setup. Here is an alternative

1) The assembly descriptor Maven module:

Create a POM with packaging type 'assembly-descriptor'. Put the following in 
the 'build' section of the POM:


And complete the rest of the POM as you like. Release the project and deploy it 
to your repository.
Put the file assembly-descriptor.xml under src/main/resources (note: *no* 
assemblies subfolder!)

2) Projects using the assembly descriptor

Configure the maven-assembly-plugin as follows:





I think this is much for the users of the assembly descriptor.


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Version property in root POM & multi-level dependency resolution

2008-12-08 Thread De Smet Ringo
I am busy creating an easy Maven2 setup for a 200+ module system, both targeted 
to an easier release and an easier development setup. It is a multi-level 
system, with common modules, service modules and presentation (web-ui) modules. 
I will use a simplification of this setup in this mail:
pres.d -> srv.a -> common
I also created a 'root' pom containing common build instructions and a property 
[9.10,9.11). The root POM is released as version 
9.10.0. All other modules refer to this versioned root POM as their parent POM.
All modules in a release 9.10 (current release) have 9.10-SNAPSHOT as their 
version. When I create a release, I use the properties releaseVersion and 
developmentVersion to make builds numbered 9.10.0, 9.10.1, ... and then 
fallback to 9.10-SNAPSHOT during development. The dependencies on other 
internal modules are specified using the ver-release property. This means that 
every module depends on the latest released version of its dependencies, e.g.:
pres.d:9.10-SNAPSHOT -> srv.a:9.10.3
srv.a:9.10-SNAPSHOT -> common:9.10.2
Making releases of modules gives me a complete versioned hierarchy since I 
create a module release containing a release-pom.xml with all the version 
ranges resolved to actual version. So far so good if you look at it from a 
release viewpoint.
The problem arises trying to get my development setup in place. Developers 
usually have to change code spanning multiple modules in multiple layers. Let's 
assume that, to implement a certain feature, a developer needs to change 
pres.d, srv.a and common. In such a setup, I would like pres.d:9.10-SNAPSHOT to 
depend on srv.a:9.10-SNAPSHOT, and srv.a:9.10-SNAPSHOT to depend on 
Well, since the indicated version is defined as aproperty, I created an active 
profile in my settings.xml and redeclared the ver-release property in there. 
Now comes the point where I think Maven is failing. Here is the output of "mvn 
dependency:resolve" of pres.d:
[INFO] The following files have been resolved:

The dependency resolution correctly resolved the dependency from pres.d on 
srv.a to 9.10-SNAPSHOT, but it seems to ignore my overridden property and 
resolved the dependency from srv.a on common to the latest resolved version. 
All deployed SNAPSHOT versions of the POMs contain the version property, so I 
would expect this property to resolve to my overridden value for the complete 
dependency chain.
Any comments?


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MNG-3092, patch applied but still SNAPSHOTS?!?

2008-10-16 Thread De Smet Ringo

To circumvent bug MNG-3092 (1), I applied the patch file given in the JIRA 
issue to all possible versions of org.apache.maven:maven-artifact. This 
resulted in patched versions 2.0, [2.0.2-2.0.9] in my local repository.


After doing this, I went back to my test project be.telenet.test:srv.a that has 
a dependency to be.telenet.test:common:[8.3,8.4). My local repository contains 
versions 8.3.0, 8.3.1 and 8.3.2-SNAPSHOT of module common. The patch should 
exclude snapshots, but running "mvn dependency:list" on my project srv.a gives 
the following output:

[INFO] [dependency:list]
[INFO] The following files have been resolved:
[INFO] be.telenet.test:common:jar:8.3.2-SNAPSHOT:compile
[INFO] junit:junit:jar:3.8.1:test

So I am quite puzzled why the SNAPSHOT version is still picked up. Is there any 
other code in Maven besides maven-artifact that handles versioning and version 


P.S. Apologies for the pesky disclaimer that the mail server appends below! It 
is beyond my control...


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RE: org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: The plugin 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-wsdl2code-plugin' does not exist or no valid version could be found

2008-08-25 Thread De Smet Ringo

> I was asked to run and paste the mvn -X wsdl2code:wsdl2code 
> output. Here is the same:

Thanks for the requested output. I think I found what is wrong in your

1) Your POM (first mail):






What is your intent? Is this really the axis2-wsdl2code-maven-plugin you
are developping or do you just want to use the plugin in your project?
You are using the same groupId and artifactId for your module and
together with it, you list it as a build plugin. If you just want to use
the plugin, please change the groupId and artifactId of your own POM to
something else. The section of the build plugin seems OK.

2) Now you still got an error. This is because you specified too much on
your command line. If the plugin is correctly implemented, you just have
to invoke "mvn deploy" and the appropriate actions will be executed
automatically. So why did you get the error? You specified
"wsdl2code:wsdl2code" on the command line. Maven2 will try to resolve
the goal prefix wsdl2code to a plugin. I don't know the exact
implementation of this resolving mechanism, but one thing it at least
tries is to pre- and postfix your "wsdl2code" with some default parts.
In the end you get "maven-wsdl2code-plugin" and this plugin gets
resolved in the org.apache.maven.plugins and org.codehaus.plugins
groupIds. In neither of these groupIds does this plugin exist.

So fix the project information of your own pom and just run "mvn
install" or "mvn deploy" and you should be fine.


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RE: org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: The plugin 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-wsdl2code-plugin' does not exist or no valid version could be found

2008-08-25 Thread De Smet Ringo
Probably nothing wrong with the project POM, but what did you specify in
your settings.xml? Did you specify a mirror section? I encountered this
once too, and I got it resolved by specifying repositories and
pluginRepositries in an always active profile. Here is the profile
snippet from my settings.xml:


  Internal Proxy Repository


  Internal Proxy Repository


Hope this helps.


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Javadoc generation on Unix requiring /bin/bash???

2008-08-20 Thread De Smet Ringo
I encounter another problem with the site report generation, this time
with the Javadoc generation. When run by Continuum on one of our Unix
boxes, the site generation fails because the plugin seems to insisting
on /bin/bash. Bash is not installed on our production environment unix
boxes, but /bin/sh is. Can I configure the maven-javadoc-plugin so
/bin/sh is used instead? 

Embedded error: Error rendering Maven report: Unable to find javadoc
version: Error while executing process.
/bin/bash: not found

[INFO] Trace
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Error during
page generation
at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.execute(
at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.main(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.launch(
at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.main(
Caused by: org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException: Error during
page generation
... 16 more
Caused by: org.apache.maven.doxia.siterenderer.RendererException: Error
rendering Maven report: Unable to find javadoc version: Error while
executing process.
... 18 more
Caused by: org.apache.maven.reporting.MavenReportException: Unable to
find javadoc version: Error while executing process.
... 22 more
Caused by: org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.CommandLineException: Error
while executing process.
... 24 more
Caused by: /bin/bash: not found
at java.lang.UNIXProcess.forkAndExec(Native Method)
at java.lang.UNIXProcess.(
at java.lang.Runtime.execInternal(Native Method)
at java.lang.Runtime.exec(
... 28 more

[INFO] Total time: 26 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Wed Aug 20 15:17:12 CEST 2008
[INFO] Final Memory: 44M/83M

RE: SCM report generation failed due to scm provider

2008-08-19 Thread De Smet Ringo

> -Original Message-
> From: Brett Porter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: dinsdag 19 augustus 2008 3:08
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: SCM report generation failed due to scm provider
> The project info reports plugin is using the java version 
> explicitly (Since it doesn't actually execute anything it 
> shouldn't have mattered). Seems like this is a bug in the 
> project info reports plugin.

I filed this as


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SCM report generation failed due to scm provider

2008-08-18 Thread De Smet Ringo

I have a number of projects correctly building with Maven 2.0.9. I now
came to the point that I wanted to tackle the site generation.
Everything works, except the SCM report because it seems to insist on
using the Java based CVS library. I already had to revert to scm_native
for the release plugin, so I would have assumed that this would have
worked for the project-info-reports also.

Is there a version of the site plugin or the project-info-reports that
has this fixed?

The command-line I use:
mvn site -Dmaven.scm.provider.cvs.implementation=cvs_native

The error I get:
[INFO] Generating "Source Xref" report.
[INFO] Generating "Continuous Integration" report.
[INFO] Generating "Dependencies" report.
[INFO] Generating "Issue Tracking" report.
[INFO] Generating "Project License" report.
[INFO] Generating "Mailing Lists" report.
[INFO] Generating "Project Summary" report.
[INFO] Generating "Source Repository" report.


[INFO] Username isn't defined.

[INFO] Trace
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Username isn't defined.
at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.execute(
at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.main(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.launch(
at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.main(

[INFO] Total time: 28 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Mon Aug 18 16:32:28 CEST 2008
[INFO] Final Memory: 54M/347M


Ringo De Smet

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RE: 2nd compile phase?

2008-07-07 Thread De Smet Ringo

> -Original Message-
> From: Markku Saarela [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: maandag 7 juli 2008 11:21
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: 2nd compile phase?
> In that case you could try configure compile plugin for two 
> executions one bind for normal compile phase and another bind 
> to prepare-package phase that also compiles these third-party 
> generated classes.

Before I mailed the list, I configured the compiler plugin to run during
the process-classes phase, but this seemed to override the default run
in the compile phase. I have the plugin now configured twice explicitely
as you mentioned. After adding some required dependencies, my build



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RE: 2nd compile phase?

2008-07-07 Thread De Smet Ringo

> -Original Message-
> From: Markku Saarela [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: maandag 7 juli 2008 11:11
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: 2nd compile phase?
> Hi,
> You could split project to three different ones. One for this 
> actual ejb project that then depends on you third-party 
> project and which depends you original source code project.

Thanks for the tip, but this is not an option for now. I may not disrupt
the current Maven 1 based project setup. Once we are completely on Maven
2, we can do project refactorings to simplify things, but not at this


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2nd compile phase?

2008-07-07 Thread De Smet Ringo
I am in the need of triggering a second compile phase. During our build,
we have a third-party tool, integrated using the antrun plugin in the
process-classes phase, that uses a descriptor file and a classpath
(contains our already compiled manually written java classes) and
generates additional sources. These need to be compiled before the
ejb:ejb goal can run successfully. I searched through the archives, but
couldn't find a similar problem description.
Ringo De Smet

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2008-06-30 Thread De Smet Ringo

> -Original Message-
> From: buters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: maandag 30 juni 2008 15:15
> To:
> Subject: RE: Maven&Properties2
> file is arranged in src/main/resources and 
> in lib. Earlier it was an Ant-Project and all work cute. Now 
> it must be a Maven-Project. It won't only work on this place. 

I suspect this is not a Maven problem. I think your are
picked up just fine.
Does your define a network logger? Did you start the
program that accepts the log events on the other side of the network
socket? I suspect not, because you get this error:

'log4j:ERROR Could not connect to remote log4j server at [localhost]. 
We will try again later. Connection refused: connect'

Log4j tries to open a network socket, but the target end is not


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RE: There are no tests to run

2008-06-30 Thread De Smet Ringo

> -Original Message-
> From: buters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: maandag 30 juni 2008 15:04
> To:
> Subject: RE: There are no tests to run
> I use m2eclipse and I create Maven projects direct in 
> eclipse. Also folder structure must be ok. (src/test/java)

Seems fine. What about the class naming of your test classes?

This is what I got from the Getting Started Guide on running unit tests:

-- start snippet from the docs --
Note that the surefire plugin (which executes the test) looks for tests
contained in files with a particular naming convention. By default the
tests included are:

* **/*
* **/Test*.java
* **/*

And the default excludes are:

* **/Abstract*
* **/Abstract*
-- end snippet from the docs --

Complete docs at


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2008-06-30 Thread De Smet Ringo
> For log4j things I have only:
> ...
>  public static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("A"); ...
> There is no explicit reference to, where is the file.

Did you create a file? If so, where did you put it in
the source tree?

I suspect you have a somewhere on your classpath, since
Log4J tries to send it's output to a network Log4j sink. This is not the
default Log4j configuration.


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RE: There are no tests to run

2008-06-30 Thread De Smet Ringo
> I've created tests. They run ok with junit-test. But mvn test 
> display this:
> ---
>  T E S T S
> ---
> There are no tests to run.
> Results :
> Tests run: 0, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
> What do I wrong?

In which source folder did you put your tests. The Maven surefire plugin
expects them in /test/java. May I advice you to reread the
Getting Started Tutorial on Maven as it documents a number of things you
want info about.


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2008-06-30 Thread De Smet Ringo
> If you do not want the second "resources" folder, you have to 
> adapt your code to read:
> configFile.load(A.class.getResourceAsStream("A.ini"));

My mistake! This should read:



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2008-06-30 Thread De Smet Ringo
> my problem:
> ...   
> 94   Properties configFile = new Properties();
> 95   configFile.load(A.class.getResourceAsStream("/resources/A.ini"));
> ...
> The file 'A.ini' is located in src/main/resources.
> I get NullPointerException at line 95. Where and which 
> changes must I make?

With the getResourceAsStream like above, the complete path to the ini
file must be:


If you do not want the second "resources" folder, you have to adapt your
code to read:



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RE: build fails

2008-06-25 Thread De Smet Ringo

> -Original Message-
> From: radiya sojitrawala
> Sent: woensdag 25 juni 2008 18:07
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: build fails
> Hi Ringo,
> I do not see any repository settings in my project.xml.  What 
> should I be looking for?
> Am I missing something?

I think most of us were assuming that you were running Maven 2.x. Have a
look first to the Properties Reference page in the Maven 1.x

The Connection Properties and the Proxy Properties are the sections you
should definitely read.

BTW, any specific reason why you can't switch to Maven 2.x? It is a
better option in the long run...


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RE: maven 2.0.9 unable to download artificats

2008-06-25 Thread De Smet Ringo

> -Original Message-
> From: shady kazan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: woensdag 25 juni 2008 14:55
> Cc:
> Subject: RE: maven 2.0.9 unable to download artificats
> but i had no previous installation, i made a fresh clean 
> install of maven.
> i guess thi rules out the erroneous settings.xml file possibility

Just for completeness, in which folder did you put the settings.xml? 
Maven2 requires this file in /.m2, while Maven1 had this in


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RE: Please help with assembly plugin dependency problems! :-(

2008-06-25 Thread De Smet Ringo

> -Original Message-
> From: Kent Närling
> Sent: woensdag 25 juni 2008 11:22
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: Please help with assembly plugin dependency problems! :-(
> Thanks a lot, this fixed it! :-)

You're welcome!

As to the 'why': Maven Embedder is based on the Maven 2.1 codebase, which is 
still a work in progress. It's a fact of life that bugs can creep in in code 
that is being changed. I continue to use an external Maven installation at 
least until Maven 2.1 and the Embedder gets official.


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RE: Please help with assembly plugin dependency problems! :-(

2008-06-25 Thread De Smet Ringo

> -Original Message-
> From: Kent Närling
> Sent: woensdag 25 juni 2008 10:53
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: Please help with assembly plugin dependency problems! :-(
> Update to this one, this seems to happen if I execute the 
> build from within the M2 plugin in eclipse only.
> If I run it on the command line it works fine!?!
> Anyone know why the plugin makes this behave differently?
> On the command line it also tries to download the failing POM 
> and fails too, but it seems to ignore it then!
> (but not from within Eclipse)

I also encountered problems once where a build using the m2eclipse plugin 
failed, while it worked on the command line. What I did was to disable the 
Maven Embedder in m2eclipse and select a normal Maven2 installation to use. 
Check the Eclipse Preferences (Window -> Preferences -> Maven -> Installations).


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RE: Passing compile dependencies to Ant-based mojo?

2008-06-25 Thread De Smet Ringo
No answers so far... Should I rather direct this to the developer list?


> -Original Message-
> From: De Smet Ringo  
> Sent: vrijdag 20 juni 2008 15:14
> To:
> Subject: Passing compile dependencies to Ant-based mojo?
> Hello,
> I am busy converting our complete build process from Maven 1 
> to Maven 2.
> One of my tasks is to migrate our custom Maven 1 build plugin 
> to the Maven 2 format. In this latter plugin, I wrote an 
> Ant-based mojo that invokes the Weblogic WLI wlwbuild task. 
> However, I failed to correctly configure the classpath to 
> this task up to now. Here are the contents of the 
> Ant file:
>   Hello, wli
>path="${weblogicHome}/workshop/wlw-ide.jar" />
>path="${weblogicHome}/workshop/wlw-ide.jar" />
> Home}/serv
> er/lib/xbean.jar;${weblogicHome}/server/lib/weblogic.jar;"
> maxmemory="512m" logDir="${targetDirectory}">
>outputfilename="${targetEarName}" noear="${noEar}" />
> While the mojo is defined in the maven2.plugin project, in 
> the our custom build plugin, I want to pass the classpath to 
> the dependencies of the project in which this mojo is 
> invoked. E.g. if I invoke this mojo in project 
> srv.service.common, then I want the compile-time dependencies 
> of srv.service.common being passed as the classpath setting 
> of the wlwBuild Ant task. What do I have to write in place of 
> the XML comment above?
> Let me clarify that I have been searching the user and 
> developer for a number of hours, read through a lot of posts, 
> but still couldn't get it to work! 
> Ringo De Smet

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RE: build fails

2008-06-25 Thread De Smet Ringo

> -Original Message-
> From: radiya sojitrawala [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: woensdag 25 juni 2008 1:57
> To:
> Subject: build fails
> I ma new to Maven. My build fails due to the following:

Can you post your Maven repository settings from your pom.xml?


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RE: Best practice for handling multi-modules version numbers

2008-06-24 Thread De Smet Ringo

> -Original Message-
> From: Mick Knutson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: dinsdag 24 juni 2008 17:07
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: Best practice for handling multi-modules version numbers
> I have tried that, but some strange unknown reason sometimes, 
> I get version not found errors on some jars. Random. So I 
> just added it to each of them, but the property in 1 place 
> and I don't get the errors anymore

I experienced similar errors. Most of these problems were my mistake,
not Maven, except one:

As a result, I have add to transitive test dependencies over and over
again in all projects.

In general, when I have to change version information of a dependency, I
update the version info in the main pom and install or deploy it first
before trying a build one of the other projects. Otherwise, these
projects will not be able to resolve the new version info in the parent

Hope this helps,


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RE: Best practice for handling multi-modules version numbers

2008-06-24 Thread De Smet Ringo

> -Original Message-
> From: Mick Knutson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Subject: Re: Best practice for handling multi-modules version numbers
> Are you referring to your module versions, or dependency versions?
> I user  xyz
> then add ${spring.version} to my dependencies in each of my modules.
> For my modules, That is just manual labor for me.

Why do you add the version property to each of your modules?

We use a parent pom like below, where all the information of a
dependency is added to the dependencyManagement tag:";

Main Project



In the project POM's, I only use the groupId and artifactId of the
dependency. The rest is resolved via the information in the
dependencyManagement tag of the parent pom:";




Works like a charm!


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Passing compile dependencies to Ant-based mojo?

2008-06-20 Thread De Smet Ringo

I am busy converting our complete build process from Maven 1 to Maven 2.
One of my tasks is to migrate our custom Maven 1 build plugin to the
Maven 2 format. In this latter plugin, I wrote an Ant-based mojo that
invokes the Weblogic WLI wlwbuild task. However, I failed to correctly
configure the classpath to this task up to now. Here are the contents of
the Ant file:

Hello, wli

While the mojo is defined in the maven2.plugin project, in the our
custom build plugin, I want to pass the classpath to the dependencies of
the project in which this mojo is invoked. E.g. if I invoke this mojo in
project srv.service.common, then I want the compile-time dependencies of
srv.service.common being passed as the classpath setting of the wlwBuild
Ant task. What do I have to write in place of the XML comment above?

Let me clarify that I have been searching the user and developer for a
number of hours, read through a lot of posts, but still couldn't get it
to work! 
Ringo De Smet

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