Re: Using the Maven Indexer

2015-01-12 Thread Eduard Moraru

I`ve just created 2 pull requests: (indexer-cli not working as
expected) (what I mentioned about the
ArtifactInfo's repositoryID being null)

Hope you have the time to have a look.

I`m particularly interested in #11. If it is accepted, I might continue
exploring option 1), as detailed in my previous post, since I am currently
blocked by it, as detailed in 1.1).


On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 10:26 PM, Tamas Cservenak

 Hi Eduard,

 for additional information see:

 Currently, the ArtifactInfo is hardwired, is not extensible.

 Re available index for Central, it’s not the “minimal usable”
 the decision driver, but the SIZE of the index download instead.
 We were experimenting with different creators, but the bandwidth
 it took off (if you compared it to artifact downloads) was really huge.

 As almost everyone uses MRMs, and they tend to “improve” the
 basic GAV index Central publishes (ie. once Nexus caches a
 JAR file, it will “improve” the index with Classnames in the JAR too,
 something Central does not publish).

 artifactInfo#repoId should not return null, if asked via context.
 If it does, there is a bug lurking somewhere.

 Currently the “extra info” path is viable, but that would create a lot
 of cruft around indexer classes…..


 On 8 Dec 2014 at 17:15:08, Eduard Moraru ( wrote:


 I have a new challenge for your maven-indexer expertise :)

 What about adding additional information to the local index? I see the
 default indexers (min, etc..) produce really minimal information. The
 problem is that everybody is using these default indexers and all the
 available indexes (maven central, etc) offer very little information that
 you can actually use to make the index useful in an application outside of
 really basic name, description, group, artifact, etc queries.

 For instance, if I would want to add author information (to query by
 author) or dependency information (to perform compatibility checks against
 an installation/group of installed artifacts) or anything else for the
 matter, what would be the recommended approach?

 From what I have currently researched, I see 2 options:

 1) Have a custom IndexCreator that uses the updateDocument(ArtifactInfo
 artifactInfo, Document document) method to fetch (HTTP GET) get the
 by using information from the artifactInfo object (repository, groupID,
 artifactId, classifier, version, etc.) so that the resulting document
 contains the extra information. It seems that IndexCreators are used a lot
 more than they are advertised in the descriptions, not only for indexing
 new items, but also when converting between ArtifactInfo objects and

 1.1) I had initially started going on this pat, but then I realized that
 the artifactInfo that I receive in this method does not provide basic
 information (i.e. artifactInfo.getRepository() always returns null ;-( )
 would be awesome if information like context and/or repository would be
 added to the artifactInfo object (maybe in
 IndexUtils.constructArtifactInfo( Document doc, IndexingContext context )
 ?), the same way the ArtifactInfo.UINFO and ArtifactInfo.LAST_MODIFIED
 fields are handled specially and explicitly added to a new Document that
 passed to the IndexCreators.

 2) Handle this separately from maven indexer's work, and do it right after
 index/update operations, i.e. let maven-indexer update the local index
 information from the remote index and then start manipulating the
 underlying Lucene index by adding information retrieved from the network
 (HTTP GET) from the remote repositoy's POM files. In a rough pseudocode,
 something like:

 indexer.getAllIndexedArtifacts().forEach(artifact -
 var extraData = getExtraData(repoX, artifact);
 var indexer.getLuceneIndex().add(artifact, extraData)

 3) Any other suggestions?

 My ultimate goal is (besides basic name/description queries) to be able to
 perform compatibility queries on artifacts coming from multiple
 repositories, so I need to find a solution to add this missing infrmation
 (artifact dependencies, and maybe more).

 As previously, your help and suggestions are most welcomed.


 On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 1:22 PM, Eduard Moraru

  On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 12:22 PM, Tamas Cservenak
  Hi there,
  1) yes, indexing context retains the artefact “origin” (ie. repo), so
  need context per origin. Sadly, the 1 index per context is current
  limitation of maven indexer, but this problem is known. Created
  2) Yes, merged context is basically delegating to member contexts.
  the hud, it uses Lucene’s MultiReader to actually

Re: Using the Maven Indexer

2014-12-08 Thread Eduard Moraru

I have a new challenge for your maven-indexer expertise :)

What about adding additional information to the local index? I see the
default indexers (min, etc..) produce really minimal information. The
problem is that everybody is using these default indexers and all the
available indexes (maven central, etc) offer very little information that
you can actually use to make the index useful in an application outside of
really basic name, description, group, artifact, etc queries.

For instance, if I would want to add author information (to query by
author) or dependency information (to perform compatibility checks against
an installation/group of installed artifacts) or anything else for the
matter, what would be the recommended approach?

From what I have currently researched, I see 2 options:

1) Have a custom IndexCreator that uses the updateDocument(ArtifactInfo
artifactInfo, Document document) method to fetch (HTTP GET) get the pom.xml
by using information from the artifactInfo object (repository, groupID,
artifactId, classifier, version, etc.) so that the resulting document
contains the extra information. It seems that IndexCreators are used a lot
more than they are advertised in the descriptions, not only for indexing
new items, but also when converting between ArtifactInfo objects and Lucene

1.1) I had initially started going on this pat, but then I realized that
the artifactInfo that I receive in this method does not provide basic
information (i.e. artifactInfo.getRepository() always returns null ;-( ) It
would be awesome if information like context and/or repository would be
added to the artifactInfo object (maybe in
IndexUtils.constructArtifactInfo( Document doc, IndexingContext context )
?), the same way the ArtifactInfo.UINFO and ArtifactInfo.LAST_MODIFIED
fields are handled specially and explicitly added to a new Document that is
passed to the IndexCreators.

2) Handle this separately from maven indexer's work, and do it right after
index/update operations, i.e. let maven-indexer update the local index with
information from the remote index and then start manipulating the
underlying Lucene index by adding information retrieved from the network
(HTTP GET) from the remote repositoy's POM files. In a rough pseudocode,
something like:

indexer.getAllIndexedArtifacts().forEach(artifact -
  var extraData = getExtraData(repoX, artifact);
  var indexer.getLuceneIndex().add(artifact, extraData)

3) Any other suggestions?

My ultimate goal is (besides basic name/description queries) to be able to
perform compatibility queries on artifacts coming from multiple
repositories, so I need to find a solution to add this missing infrmation
(artifact dependencies, and maybe more).

As previously, your help and suggestions are most welcomed.


On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 1:22 PM, Eduard Moraru wrote:

 On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 12:22 PM, Tamas Cservenak

 Hi there,

 1) yes, indexing context retains the artefact “origin” (ie. repo), so you
 need context per origin. Sadly, the 1 index per context is current
 limitation of maven indexer, but this problem is known. Created

 2) Yes, merged context is basically delegating to member contexts. under
 the hud, it uses Lucene’s MultiReader to actually perform the search.

 I have solved the search problem for now by using the SearchEngine
 component and issuing an IteratorSearchRequest on a list of
 IndexingContexts to get paginated results. Will have to see how that works
 on the long run.


 Re ranging, there are already issues (or problem spread across multiple
 issues), most notably this one

 3) I think yes. Currently, indexer is being transitioned from Plexus to
 JSR330, and as you see in examples, it should work with any container
 supporting it. re “manually wiring”, in latest releases you might be able
 to do it, but in older ones probably not, as Plexus supported field
 injection only, and some of those member was not exposed via getter/setter.


 On 21 Nov 2014 at 18:08:26, Eduard Moraru ( wrote:


 I have recently started playing with the maven indexer [1], following the
 examples [2], and I have some questions (since AFAIS, documentation is
 practically unexistent on the matter):

 1) From what I can understand, you need an IndexingContext for each
 repository you plan to index. This makes you end up with n lucene indexes,
 one for each repository. Is there any way that I could have just 1 lucene
 index, with all my repositories indexed in the same place? If the main
 purpose is searchig, why scatter the indexed information across n indexes
 and make the whole process dificult? Maybe I`m missing something.

 2) On the same line as the first question, when

Re: Using the Maven Indexer

2014-11-26 Thread Eduard Moraru
On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 12:22 PM, Tamas Cservenak

 Hi there,

 1) yes, indexing context retains the artefact “origin” (ie. repo), so you
 need context per origin. Sadly, the 1 index per context is current
 limitation of maven indexer, but this problem is known. Created

 2) Yes, merged context is basically delegating to member contexts. under
 the hud, it uses Lucene’s MultiReader to actually perform the search.

I have solved the search problem for now by using the SearchEngine
component and issuing an IteratorSearchRequest on a list of
IndexingContexts to get paginated results. Will have to see how that works
on the long run.


 Re ranging, there are already issues (or problem spread across multiple
 issues), most notably this one

 3) I think yes. Currently, indexer is being transitioned from Plexus to
 JSR330, and as you see in examples, it should work with any container
 supporting it. re “manually wiring”, in latest releases you might be able
 to do it, but in older ones probably not, as Plexus supported field
 injection only, and some of those member was not exposed via getter/setter.


 On 21 Nov 2014 at 18:08:26, Eduard Moraru ( wrote:


 I have recently started playing with the maven indexer [1], following the
 examples [2], and I have some questions (since AFAIS, documentation is
 practically unexistent on the matter):

 1) From what I can understand, you need an IndexingContext for each
 repository you plan to index. This makes you end up with n lucene indexes,
 one for each repository. Is there any way that I could have just 1 lucene
 index, with all my repositories indexed in the same place? If the main
 purpose is searchig, why scatter the indexed information across n indexes
 and make the whole process dificult? Maybe I`m missing something.

 2) On the same line as the first question, when it comes to searching, it
 seems that I can use a MergedIndexingContext to perform a search on
 multiple (all) indexed repositories (IndexingContexts). How does this merge
 the search results? I assume it takes each lucene index and queries it
 individually, but this probably means that the lucene scores of these
 merged results are completely messed up and ureliable, right?
 Any suggestions on how to properly perform search over multiple indexed

 3) About the Plexus Container: Am I forced to initialize and use one, or
 can I/should manually instantiate the default implementations and use them

 I`ll probably come up with more questions along the way, hope someone will
 find the time to guide me on the right path.



Re: Using the Maven Indexer

2014-11-24 Thread Eduard Moraru

I have a new question: How can I index a remote repository? All the
examples I have found and even the NexusIndexerCli seem to be focused about
indexing *only* local repositories and then publishing this index for

I do not want to do that. Is there any way I can pass an URL to an
IndexPackingRequest instead of a (local) directory? Basically, my use case

1. Take a maven URL
2. If it has an index already created, use it through an
3. If not, create a local index (IndexPackingRequest?)
4. In both cases, I then need to periodically update/synchronize my local
index of the remote repository.

Any help is deeply appreciated.


On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 7:07 PM, Eduard Moraru wrote:


 I have recently started playing with the maven indexer [1], following the
 examples [2], and I have some questions (since AFAIS, documentation is
 practically unexistent on the matter):

 1) From what I can understand, you need an IndexingContext for each
 repository you plan to index. This makes you end up with n lucene indexes,
 one for each repository. Is there any way that I could have just 1 lucene
 index, with all my repositories indexed in the same place? If the main
 purpose is searchig, why scatter the indexed information across n indexes
 and make the whole process dificult? Maybe I`m missing something.

 2) On the same line as the first question, when it comes to searching, it
 seems that I can use a MergedIndexingContext to perform a search on
 multiple (all) indexed repositories (IndexingContexts). How does this merge
 the search results? I assume it takes each lucene index and queries it
 individually, but this probably means that the lucene scores of these
 merged results are completely messed up and ureliable, right?
 Any suggestions on how to properly perform search over multiple indexed

 3) About the Plexus Container: Am I forced to initialize and use one, or
 can I/should manually instantiate the default implementations and use them

 I`ll probably come up with more questions along the way, hope someone will
 find the time to guide me on the right path.



Using the Maven Indexer

2014-11-21 Thread Eduard Moraru

I have recently started playing with the maven indexer [1], following the
examples [2], and I have some questions (since AFAIS, documentation is
practically unexistent on the matter):

1) From what I can understand, you need an IndexingContext for each
repository you plan to index. This makes you end up with n lucene indexes,
one for each repository. Is there any way that I could have just 1 lucene
index, with all my repositories indexed in the same place? If the main
purpose is searchig, why scatter the indexed information across n indexes
and make the whole process dificult? Maybe I`m missing something.

2) On the same line as the first question, when it comes to searching, it
seems that I can use a MergedIndexingContext to perform a search on
multiple (all) indexed repositories (IndexingContexts). How does this merge
the search results? I assume it takes each lucene index and queries it
individually, but this probably means that the lucene scores of these
merged results are completely messed up and ureliable, right?
Any suggestions on how to properly perform search over multiple indexed

3) About the Plexus Container: Am I forced to initialize and use one, or
can I/should manually instantiate the default implementations and use them

I`ll probably come up with more questions along the way, hope someone will
find the time to guide me on the right path.

