Re: Maven newbie: Marry maven classloaders and jars-in-jar artifact?

2016-02-24 Thread Wayne Fay
I avoided answering this for a while as I hoped someone else might
make a more useful comment, but I don't like seeing posts - especially
from people new to Maven & this list - completely unanswered if I have
something to contribute, so here's my 2c...

Personally, I'd abandon the "jars in a jar" thing and use bog-standard
Maven tooling including dependency management etc to pull in the jars
you are depending on for your application. Especially seeing as you
are a "Maven newbie."

We've seen plenty of people new to Maven come to this list with
nonstandard configurations and expectations of how they're going to
change Maven to fit their specific needs. I think that most of them
eventually come around and learn to love Maven as-is. That said, I'm
not a user of Tycho so perhaps this is normal/easy and you simply need
to ask your question on a Tycho-oriented list rather than here.


On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 4:22 PM, Stefan Sobernig
> Dear all,
> I use Eclipse Tycho [1] to obtain and to repackage a number of Eclipse
> plug-in jars into a Maven artifact [2]. This artifact
> is effectively a "jars-in-jar":
> superjar.jar
> `- plugin1.jar
> `- plugin2.jar
> `- *.jar
> `- org.eclipse.jdt.internal.jarinjarloader.*
> When using this superjar artifact as a maven dependency in a second
> maven project (e.g., a CLI app), the superjar and its parts are managed
> via Eclipse's org.eclipse.jdt.internal.jarinjarloader.JarRsrcLoader as
> main class *when deployed*. From within Maven, however, the jars-in-jar
> structure is not visible to maven when providing the classpath etc.
> (compile, exec:java, or test using surefire), for obvious reasons.
> I am now watching out for strategies to make maven aware of the
> jars-in-jar structure, by retrofitting or reusing
> org.eclipse.jdt.internal.jarinjarloader.JarRsrcLoader. Unfortunately, I
> am bare any knowledge of maven internals. This is my first maven
> experience. Therefore, I am looking for your advise (custom
> classloader?, ...)
> I'd appreciate any conceptual and/or coding hints.
> Stefan
> [1]
> [2]
> -
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Re: running tests in parallel

2016-02-24 Thread Wayne Fay
Maven users on this list generally have a better experience when they
don't just ask "how is this supposed to work" but instead demonstrate
that they have actually tried to solve their problem by themselves.
Ideally you'd provide one or more examples of the Maven configuration
you have tried along with a statement related to each saying what
worked and what did not.

This list will not simply do your homework/job for you. There is a lot
of documentation on the site. Start there. Also search the Maven Users


On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 11:04 PM, Sree09  wrote:
> Hi,
> i too am struggling with the maven-surefire-plugin configuration for running
> the tests in parallel. I have tried all possible ways mentioned here but
> parallel execution using maven is still not possible. Please assist me with
> this as my company wants to implement parallel execution on a priority
> basis.
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the Maven - Users mailing list archive at
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Re: Weird error

2015-11-18 Thread Wayne Fay
This seems to be the issue:

he.maven.plugins:maven-eclipse-plugin:2.9:eclipse failed: A required class
was missing while executing
: org/codehaus/plexus/util/StringUtils

But I'm not sure why StringUtils is not found. Hopefully someone else pipes up.


On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 6:43 AM, Shrivallabh Deshmukh
> Hi,
> I am using maven 3.3.9.
> The eclipse plugin version is Eclipse plugin version 2,9
> I am getting the error mentioned below. It does not happen for all
> projects. Once it starts happening, even if I clear pom to absolute
> vanilla, it still keeps giving the same error.
> Any help will be appreciated
> Thanks
> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-eclipse-plugin:2.9
> :eclipse (default-cli) on project trixie: Execution default-cli of goal
> org.apac
> he.maven.plugins:maven-eclipse-plugin:2.9:eclipse failed: A required class
> was m
> issing while executing
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-eclipse-plugin:2.9:eclipse
> : org/codehaus/plexus/util/StringUtils
> [ERROR] -
> [ERROR] realm =plugin>org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-eclipse-plugin:2.9
> [ERROR] strategy =
> org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.strategy.SelfFirstStrategy
> [ERROR] urls[0] =
> file:/C:/Users/shriv_000/.m2/repository/org/apache/maven/plugi
> ns/maven-eclipse-plugin/2.9/maven-eclipse-plugin-2.9.jar
> [ERROR] urls[1] =
> file:/C:/Users/shriv_000/.m2/repository/junit/junit/3.8.1/juni
> t-3.8.1.jar
> [ERROR] urls[2] =
> file:/C:/Users/shriv_000/.m2/repository/org/apache/maven/repor
> ting/maven-reporting-api/2.0.8/maven-reporting-api-2.0.8.jar
> [ERROR] urls[3] =
> file:/C:/Users/shriv_000/.m2/repository/org/apache/maven/doxia
> /doxia-sink-api/1.0-alpha-9/doxia-sink-api-1.0-alpha-9.jar
> [ERROR] urls[4] =
> file:/C:/Users/shriv_000/.m2/repository/commons-cli/commons-cl
> i/1.0/commons-cli-1.0.jar
> [ERROR] urls[5] =
> file:/C:/Users/shriv_000/.m2/repository/org/codehaus/plexus/pl
> exus-interactivity-api/1.0-alpha-4/plexus-interactivity-api-1.0-alpha-4.jar
> [ERROR] urls[6] =
> file:/C:/Users/shriv_000/.m2/repository/commons-io/commons-io/
> 1.4/commons-io-1.4.jar
> [ERROR] urls[7] =
> file:/C:/Users/shriv_000/.m2/repository/org/codehaus/plexus/pl
> exus-archiver/1.0-alpha-7/plexus-archiver-1.0-alpha-7.jar
> [ERROR] urls[8] =
> file:/C:/Users/shriv_000/.m2/repository/org/codehaus/plexus/pl
> exus-utils/1.5.6/plexus-utils-1.5.6.jar
> [ERROR] urls[9] =
> file:/C:/Users/shriv_000/.m2/repository/org/codehaus/plexus/pl
> exus-interactivity-jline/1.0-alpha-5/plexus-interactivity-jline-1.0-alpha-5.jar
> [ERROR] urls[10] =
> file:/C:/Users/shriv_000/.m2/repository/jline/jline/0.9.1/jli
> ne-0.9.1.jar
> [ERROR] urls[11] =
> file:/C:/Users/shriv_000/.m2/repository/org/apache/maven/mave
> n-archiver/2.2/maven-archiver-2.2.jar
> [ERROR] urls[12] =
> file:/C:/Users/shriv_000/.m2/repository/org/codehaus/plexus/p
> lexus-resources/1.0-alpha-7/plexus-resources-1.0-alpha-7.jar
> [ERROR] urls[13] =
> file:/C:/Users/shriv_000/.m2/repository/biz/aQute/bndlib/0.0.
> 145/bndlib-0.0.145.jar
> [ERROR] urls[14] =
> file:/C:/Users/shriv_000/.m2/repository/org/apache/maven/shar
> ed/maven-osgi/0.2.0/maven-osgi-0.2.0.jar
> [ERROR] urls[15] =
> file:/C:/Users/shriv_000/.m2/repository/org/eclipse/core/reso
> urces/3.3.0-v20070604/resources-3.3.0-v20070604.jar
> [ERROR] Number of foreign imports: 1
> [ERROR] import: Entry[import  from realm ClassRealm[maven.api, parent:
> null]]
> [ERROR] -:
> org.codehaus.plex
> us.util.StringUtils
> [ERROR] -> [Help 1]
> [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e
> swit
> ch.
> [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
> [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions,
> please rea
> d the following articles:
> [ERROR] [Help 1]
> rException

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Re: Maven stops building class files after Enum file added to project.

2015-11-09 Thread Wayne Fay
Can you make it work with plain "javac -cp ..."? Have you tried? There
may be some "hidden" javac error that Maven is not showing you, for
some reason.


On Mon, Nov 9, 2015 at 2:00 PM, Jarl  wrote:
> Once a 'clean' is performed all subsequent builds leave classes directory
> empty.   I can copy a working project to a new directory but i can only get
> the first build to work.   Is there way to actually clean maven build
> artifacts other than mvn clean?
> On 11/9/2015 8:30 PM, Karl Heinz Marbaise wrote:
>> Hi,
>> those lines:
>> [INFO] Assembling webapp [myProject] in
>> [C:\myProject\target\myProject-2.1.0]
>> [INFO] Processing war project
>> [INFO] Copying webapp resources [C:\myProject\src\main\webapp]
>> [INFO] Webapp assembled in [661 msecs]
>> [INFO] Building war: C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.64\webapps\myProject-2.1.0.war
>> [INFO]
>> look strange cause building the war is a different folder than building
>> the rest of the project...
>> Have you tested to do a mvn clean ...
>> before doing mvn package ?
>> Kind regards
>> Karl Heinz Marbaise
>> On 11/9/15 8:13 PM, Jarl wrote:
>>> No error messages.
>>> [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) @
>>> myProject---
>>> [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
>>> [INFO] Compiling 295 source files to C:\myProject\target\classes
>>> [INFO]
>>> [INFO] --- maven-war-plugin:2.3:war (default-war) @ myProject---
>>> [INFO] Packaging webapp
>>> [INFO] Assembling webapp [myProject] in
>>> [C:\myProject\target\myProject-2.1.0]
>>> [INFO] Processing war project
>>> [INFO] Copying webapp resources [C:\myProject\src\main\webapp]
>>> [INFO] Webapp assembled in [661 msecs]
>>> [INFO] Building war: C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.64\webapps\myProject-2.1.0.war
>>> [INFO]
>>> [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @
>>> myProject---
>>> [INFO] Installing C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.64\webapps\myProject-2.1.0.war to
>>> C:\Users\admin\.m2\repository\com\nsb\myProject\myProject\2.1.0\myProject-2.1.0.war
>>> [INFO] Installing C:\myProject\pom.xml to
>>> C:\Users\admin\.m2\repository\com\nsb\myProject\myProject\2.1.0\myProject-2.1.0.pom
>>> [INFO]
>>> [INFO]
>>> [INFO] Total time: 8.935 s
>>> [INFO] Finished at: 2015-11-09T19:47:32+01:00
>>> [INFO] Final Memory: 23M/224M
>>> On 11/9/2015 8:04 PM, Karl Heinz Marbaise wrote:

 Error messages ?
 Log output ?

 Kind regards
 Karl Heinz Marbaise
 On 11/9/15 7:59 PM, Jarl wrote:
> The build succeeds but the target/classes directory is empty of any
> class files.
> -Jarl
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> -Jarl
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Re: Copying resources from another .jar with assembly to build a deb?

2015-11-05 Thread Wayne Fay
I could be wrong, but I think you are looking for


On Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 12:42 PM, Kevin Burton  wrote:
> I have init scripts and various other scripts I want to share between
> projects.
> The MAIN one is our init script for our daemons.
> so if I have a project I want to depend on artemis-daemon which has our
> daemon scripts.
> Then I want to copy some resources from that .jar while building a dpkg via
> jdeb...
> In the past I've just done a copy ../ and used a parent directory to read a
> module.
> But I can't do that now since I'm breaking projects apart.
> Is there an easy way to handle this?
> --
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Re: Add third party jars from the file system to final executable jar without adding the third party jars in local maven repo

2015-10-26 Thread Wayne Fay
Sounds like you know the answer. Use the "mvn install" file command.


On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 9:53 AM, reena upadhyay  wrote:
> Can you please provide some code snippet, how to add it to local repo
> through pom.xml. I don't want it add to my local maven repo using mvn
> install file command.
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 8:21 PM, Anders Hammar  wrote:
>> The system scope is deprecated and the issues you're running into is likely
>> due to that. The solution is to add the library to your internal (remote)
>> repo or at least your local repo.
>> /Anders
>> On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 3:26 PM, reena upadhyay 
>> wrote:
>> > I want dependencies that are having system scope to be part of my project
>> > final executable jar. I tried maven-assembly, maven-shade and
>> > maven-dependency plugin. But using these plugins, only those dependency
>> of
>> > my project which were present in my local maven repository were getting
>> > added. Dependency with system scope (not present in my local maven repo)
>> > are not getting added in the final executable jar.
>> >
>> > I tried searching over google, but most of the links are suggesting to
>> add
>> > it local maven repo first. I have some limitations so I cannot add those
>> > dependency on local repo. I want it to picked from file system directly,
>> > and wanted it to be part of final executable jar.
>> >
>> > 
>> > 
>> > org.teradata
>> > teradata
>> > 4.0
>> > system
>> >
>> >
>> ${basedir}/../../../lib/terajdbc4.jar
>> >
>> > Above dependency is not getting added in the final jar that maven is
>> > building.
>> >
>> > Please suggest me the right plugin with its usage for this use case.
>> >
>> > Any help on this would be really appreciated.
>> >

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Re: Setting Up Internal Repositories

2015-10-16 Thread Wayne Fay
Some organizations have concerns about using precompiled binaries
provided by third parties.

To "vet" a third-party provided binary would be a process to simply
compare the provided binary against the one that you could create
yourself using the same source code. A sufficiently motivated
third-party could take a perfectly clean/safe binary, inject their own
modifications, and distribute that modified version as if it were the
original version. I haven't seen this happen myself with any Java
libraries, but it could occur, at least in theory (and assuming you
don't pay attention to checksums - also realize the same person who
could secretly modify the binary could also modify the checksum).

As with everything, you need to think about what risks you are
concerned about, then devise processes to mitigate those risks. No one
here can dictate the correct approach for your organization.


On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 9:33 AM,   wrote:
> The Maven Introduction to Repositories documentation contains a section that 
> describes setting up an internal repository.
> In that section is described an option to manually download and vet releases, 
> apparently of a remote repo.
> What is meant by "vet"?  Can you provide an example of how a repo release 
> would be vetted?  I suspect this is highly dependent on the intended use of 
> the repo, but I'm just trying to get a general idea of what is involved.
> Thank you.
> Mike
> Michael Tarullo
> Contractor (Engility Corp)
> Enterprise Architect
> NSRR System Administrator
> FAA WJH Technical Center
> (609)485-5294

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Re: Best way to lock in .jar versions between releases.

2015-10-13 Thread Wayne Fay
Forget transitive dependencies. Pretend you're back on Ant. All
artifacts must be declared. Leave nothing to chance.

Declare all dependencies, including the ones you are currently
bringing in transitively, in your project's pom.

Set all versions with [1.2.3] to "lock" them down.

There may be another way to do this, but this is what I'd suggest to start...


On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 1:08 PM, Kevin Burton  wrote:
> I want to lock in the effective classpath for our releases.
> So if extra .jars or versions of .jars are changed, I want the build to
> fail until I manually approve it.
> For some reason, our version of cassandra regressed and broke on release.
> Still trying to track this down but in the future it would be nice to just
> flat out prevent this from happening.
> Thoughts?
> --
> We’re hiring if you know of any awesome Java Devops or Linux Operations
> Engineers!
> Founder/CEO
> Location: *San Francisco, CA*
> blog:
> … or check out my Google+ profile

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Re: Cause: the class was not found

2015-10-12 Thread Wayne Fay
Maybe use org.apache.ant:ant-nodeps artifact instead (or in addition) to
what you already listed (?).

Version 1.8.1 seems to be the latest.

On Oct 12, 2015 1:05 PM, "K R"  wrote:

> What do I need to do to make this work see error below?
> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-antrun-plugin:1.8:run (compile) on project
> YT-100_ATU_Controller: An Ant BuildException has occured: Problem: failed
> to create task or type scp
> [ERROR] Cause: the class was
> not found.
> [ERROR] This looks like one of Ant's optional components.
> [ERROR] Action: Check that the appropriate optional JAR exists in
> [ERROR] -the IDE Ant configuration dialogs
> [ERROR] Do not panic, this is a common problem.
> [ERROR] The commonest cause is a missing JAR.
> [ERROR] This is not a bug; it is a configuration problem
> I have the  dependency
>   com.jcraft
>   jsch
>   0.1.53
>   ant
>   ant-jsch
>   1.6.5
>   compile
>   package
>   todir="${ftp-userid}@${ftp-server}:${deployment.dir}"
>  trust="true"
>  port="${ftp-port}"
>  password="${ftp-password}"/>

Re: War file name and sftp to server

2015-10-09 Thread Wayne Fay
Also check for error messages on the Tomcat server side, in the Tomcat logs.

On Oct 8, 2015 6:49 PM, ""  wrote:

> I tried tomcat plugin and it starts to upload and stops no error.
> On October 8, 2015 2:13:18 PM wrote:
> Check the Tomcat site for the Tomcat Maven plug-in. Not sure if it will
>> use sftp, though. I believe it can use https.
>> Cheers,
>> Greg Trasuk.
>> Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
>>   Original Message
>> From:
>> Sent: Thursday, October 8, 2015 4:58 PM
>> To: Maven Users List
>> Reply To: Maven Users List
>> Subject: Re: War file name and sftp to server
>> Tomcat7 running on Raspberry Pi
>> On October 8, 2015 1:36:53 PM Curtis Rueden  wrote:
>> Hi K R,
>>> How do I sftp it to the server?

>>> What kind of server? Web server? Maven repository? Something else?
>>> == Web server ==
>>> If it's just a web server, typically that is done outside of the Maven
>>> build. You can also rename the file at that point. Alternately, you can
>>> use
>>> the exec-maven-plugin to automate whatever steps you want during any
>>> phase(s) of your Maven build.
>>> == Maven repository ==
>>> If you want to transfer the final artifact to a Maven repository, this is
>>> called "deploying" the artifact, and is done by Maven's deploy phase. You
>>> have to configure the "wagon" plugin you want to use. For SFTP you'd use
>>> wagon-ssh [1].
>>> You have to add a distributionManagement section to your POM, and put
>>> your
>>> credentails in your ~/.m2/settings.xml. See:
>>> However, note that you cannot override the final name of the artifact in
>>> your remote Maven repository, since Maven repos use a standard naming
>>> scheme which includes the version suffix.
>>> == Something else ==
>>> Feel free to elaborate on your question. ;-)
>>> Regards,
>>> Curtis
>>> [1]
>>> On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 3:16 PM, K R  wrote:
>>> I have this in pom.xml


 and I get YT-100_ATU_Controller-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war how do I get

 How do I sftp it to the server?

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Re: Maven and Vaadin to build war correct

2015-10-08 Thread Wayne Fay
Your time is most likely better spent on a Vaadin-specific list, where
you can probably find a decent percentage of people who use Maven for
their builds vs a Maven-specific list where only a tiny fraction of
users are using Vaadin.


On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 12:59 PM, K R  wrote:
> In Eclipse and was using IVY and switched to Maven.
> My widgetset is not in /VAADIN/widgetset folder
> in /VAADIN/themes/themes01 there is only one SCSS file and no images or css
> file
> Just do not know how to make  the war file correct.
> On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 10:45 AM, Javier Ortiz 
> wrote:
>> I don't understand the question. How did you create the project? Maven
>> artifact? Does the project work when ran? I've never had issues with Vaadin
>> before, but I use Netbeans ;)

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Re: Copy-dependencies goal error

2015-10-06 Thread Wayne Fay
If you disagree with almost everything I said, there's really no point
in continuing to discuss it. The possibility of either of us being
convinced to change our minds is vanishingly small.

I'm glad Greg was able to help you solve your problem.


On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 2:17 PM,  <> wrote:
> Wayne,
> Thank you for your reply.  I think I disagree with almost everything you said.
> First I did not attack anyone.  Was my attitude bad, yes.  Did it get worse 
> when I felt like I was not getting the explanation I needed, most assuredly.  
> I called no one a name, nor insulted anyone's intelligence, and when I came 
> close to it I apologized.  That's more than I got from several of the 
> responders.  Just check the thread, its all there.
> Second, are you implying that you only support people that are happy with the 
> product?  It sounds to me that you are on the defensive already and as soon 
> as you get someone that is frustrated or displeased.   Like it is somehow 
> their fault.
> Third, how do you know how much time I've invested in trying to learn Maven?  
> How much is enough before I can have this "intelligent" Maven dialog with the 
> Maven community?  Users don't want to ask people for help (i.e. at least I 
> like to try and figure things out for myself), but there comes a time when 
> you are just plain stuck.  Maybe its because of a mental block and maybe 
> something you've read and researched just does not make any sense.  Yes I 
> understand that there are some people that probably post questions without 
> having made an effort to learn anything.  How do you determine that?  How do 
> you differentiate someone who has made an effort from someone who is just 
> trying to get an easy answer?
> With respect to vocabulary and the lingua franca, does "bogus" fit in that 
> category.
> Your comment about the Maven 4.0.0 POM model is particularly frustrating.  
> When you told me to do the research on the original version I did exactly as 
> you instructed.  That is how I determined that it was 2.2.1.  I'm sorry but I 
> think the POM model version question is valid.  In your original reply you 
> did not know the time frame.  I replied to you that it goes back at least 
> five years.  You did not respond.  So while I was doing the research on the 
> version and I found out it was 2.2.1 I thought the POM model version could be 
> a problem.  To tell me now after the fact that I should not have been 
> concerned would mean that I would either have to assume that you know that or 
> I would have to be a mind reader.
> And finally I demanded nothing from anyone.  I asked if two of the repliers 
> were contributors, and I reiterated a basic question I asked from the 
> beginning, several times.
> Yes I am partly to blame here.  But many of the Maven User List responders 
> have a little dirt on their hands too.  I don't see any of you acknowledging 
> that.
> Regards,
> Mike
> Michael Tarullo
> Contractor (Engility Corp)
> Enterprise Architect
> NSRR System Administrator
> FAA WJH Technical Center
> (609)485-5294
> -Original Message-
> From: Wayne Fay []
> Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2015 12:30 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: Copy-dependencies goal error
> Maven is a rather complex piece of software. Many problems cannot be simply 
> distilled to "here's your simple problem, and here's your simple solution." I 
> understand this is what you want, but it is rarely that simple. And attacking 
> the people on this list who are trying to help you when you are frustrated 
> with the type of support they are providing is a really bad approach to 
> problem solving. Also recognize that many people on this list are not US-born 
> native English speakers, so there is sometimes a language barrier even when 
> we are all writing English.
> By using a free product, you (and your employer) should recognize that you 
> are trading off dollar costs for other costs - including your own time. 
> Please don't complain about people asking you to do something very simple 
> like install a couple other versions to see if that fixes your build issue. 
> It doesn't sound like you went back and tried 2.2.1 as I originally 
> recommended - simply to get more information about what happened, certainly 
> not intending to guarantee that would fix your issue. I'd be curious about 
> the error message you say that you got in 3.0.5.
> (Also, as a side-note, the POM model has been 4.0.0 for a long time - if I 
> was worried about that, I would have mentioned it. This is where "not really 
> knowing the product at all, 

Re: Copy-dependencies goal error

2015-10-06 Thread Wayne Fay
Maven is a rather complex piece of software. Many problems cannot be
simply distilled to "here's your simple problem, and here's your
simple solution." I understand this is what you want, but it is rarely
that simple. And attacking the people on this list who are trying to
help you when you are frustrated with the type of support they are
providing is a really bad approach to problem solving. Also recognize
that many people on this list are not US-born native English speakers,
so there is sometimes a language barrier even when we are all writing

By using a free product, you (and your employer) should recognize that
you are trading off dollar costs for other costs - including your own
time. Please don't complain about people asking you to do something
very simple like install a couple other versions to see if that fixes
your build issue. It doesn't sound like you went back and tried 2.2.1
as I originally recommended - simply to get more information about
what happened, certainly not intending to guarantee that would fix
your issue. I'd be curious about the error message you say that you
got in 3.0.5.

(Also, as a side-note, the POM model has been 4.0.0 for a long time -
if I was worried about that, I would have mentioned it. This is where
"not really knowing the product at all, and not wanting to" becomes a
problem, you are making bad assumptions.)

And yes, the users of this list generally expect people to have some
passing familiarity with the product and the lingua franca that is
utilized. There are several free resources online to help you "get up
to speed" in the form of user's manuals etc. Your response here will
most likely be "but I don't want to learn Maven, I just need to use it
for this quick thing in my job so just help me with that" and the
collective answer here will be "but Maven is complex, there are so
many variables, providing simple solutions to problems is even tougher
when the user lacks the standard foundational knowledge that is

It is fine that you only use Maven for your job and thus don't want to
learn much - just get your issue fixed. Please understand that our
collective tolerance for such users, when they have the wrong attitude
as you have demonstrated in this thread, is pretty low. Especially
when you say this is part of a COTS software which means that vendor
is "passing the buck" for support to this list when they themselves
should provide you more support which you are paying for. In the ideal
scenario, you open a ticket to that vendor, they have an internal
person who is good with Maven who provides you with support, and only
if they cannot solve the problem would they come to this list for
support on your behalf.

You should not be unhappy with the users of this list. You should
direct that anger to the COTS vendor who is failing to provide you
with support for a product that you have paid for! If your emails to
this list demonstrates how angry you get when you haven't paid for
something and don't get what you expect, I don't want to be around
when we throw substantial real dollars into the mix - I anticipate a
stream of obscenity-laced emails flying in every direction.

Demanding short & simple responses to all inquiries such as yours will
result in little traffic on this list as there is rarely a short &
simple response to most of the questions. And yes, demanding is the
only word which is appropriate in the context of this thread.

We're happy to (try to) support you here, but I'd suggest that you
adopt a somewhat different approach & attitude first.

Apache Maven PMC Member

On Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 4:42 PM,   wrote:
> Here is why I care:
> Well I'm not a Maven contributor.  I don't wish to be.  I don't even want to 
> use the product, and wouldn't if I wasn't required to for my job.
> So I get the impression that certain people answer questions because they are 
> contributors and answer the question as if everyone else is a contributor and 
> is expected to know the product as such.
> You folks in the open source arena have a lot to learn.  Your reply that you 
> "fixed my stupid pom" is one of those things.  Good customer support would go 
> something like this.
> The problem you are having is because..  someone who is not a contributor or even an intermediate or advanced user can 
> understand>
> Here is what you need to do to fix that problem.  explain why this fix is needed in this case>
> You have done nothing to educate the user and to make them more 
> self-sufficient.
> Michael Tarullo
> Contractor (Engility Corp)
> Enterprise Architect
> NSRR System Administrator
> FAA WJH Technical Center
> (609)485-5294
> -Original Message-
> From: Bernd Eckenfels []
> Sent: Monday, October 05, 2015 5:12 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Copy-dependencies goal error
> Am Mon, 5 Oct 2015 21:08:02 +
> schrieb 

Re: Copy-dependencies goal error

2015-10-05 Thread Wayne Fay
Looking at the error message again, I agree there seems to be an issue
with this dependency:

Failed to read artifact descriptor for
Failed to resolve version for org.jvnet.staxex:stax-ex:jar:RELEASE:
Could not find metadata org.jvnet.staxex:stax-ex/maven-metadata.xml
  in local (C:\Users\Michael CTR

I would spend some effort looking into that artifact and sorting out
why there seems to be no pom file for it, then most likely you can
move forward with the rest.


On Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 9:34 AM,  <> wrote:
> Wayne,
> A few questions before I begin to investigates as per your recommendation.
> Are you a committer or just a user?
> I understand your request to try an older release (and I have every intention 
> of doing just that) but I'm a bit skeptical.  Here's why.  This is simply a 
> file copy operation that works fine on other Fuse components (i.e. ActiveMQ 
> and CXF).  Why would a copy operation (i.e. goal) behave any differently 
> simply because the files it is copying are different?
> That's what I'm struggling with right now!!!
> Thanks,
> Mike
> Michael Tarullo
> Contractor (Engility Corp)
> Enterprise Architect
> NSRR System Administrator
> FAA WJH Technical Center
> (609)485-5294
> -Original Message-
> From: Wayne Fay []
> Sent: Sunday, October 04, 2015 5:03 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: Copy-dependencies goal error
> What version of Maven was this process originally built to run against?
> Can you roll (Maven) back to that version and try again, to confirm it still 
> works as it did originally? If it does not work, then you know it is not 
> Maven but rather another tool in the mix like Nexus etc.
> Wayne
> On Fri, Oct 2, 2015 at 1:18 PM,  <> wrote:
>> I am currently responsible for a "legacy" POM that copies ZIP files
>> from the Red Hat JBoss Fuse distro in our Nexus repository manager
>> to a location on a local worstation.  Several ZIP files are copied
>> from each of the following Fuse components, ActiveMQ, Camel and CXF.
>> To perform the copy operation the legacy POM is using the Maven
>> copy-dependencies goal or the maven-dependency-plugin.
>> When this project is executed by Maven for just the ActiveMQ and
>> CXF Fuse components the designated files are copied fine.  When,
>> however we execute the project to copy the Camel files, the process
>> fails.
>> The directory for the failing artifacts is present in our Nexus
>> repository manager, and is populated with several artifacts.
>> What I do not understand is why Maven is even looking for these
>> artifacts for a simple copy operation?  It appears to me that the
>> artifacts causing the problem have nothing to do with the copy goal!
>> I have posted this problem with Red Hat, who originally helpd our
>> previous personnel develop this POM.  They believe, and I tend to
>> agree 100%, that this is a Maven problem.
>> I have attached our settings.xml, pom.xml and the text of the error
>> message.
>> Can someone please explain why this is happening and how to fix it?
>> Thanks,
>> Mike
>> Michael Tarullo
>> Contractor (Engility Corp)
>> Enterprise Architect
>> NSRR System Administrator
>> FAA WJH Technical Center
>> (609)485-5294
>> -
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> -
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Re: Copy-dependencies goal error

2015-10-04 Thread Wayne Fay
What version of Maven was this process originally built to run against?

Can you roll (Maven) back to that version and try again, to confirm it
still works as it did originally? If it does not work, then you know
it is not Maven but rather another tool in the mix like Nexus etc.


On Fri, Oct 2, 2015 at 1:18 PM,   wrote:
> I am currently responsible for a "legacy" POM that copies ZIP files
> from the Red Hat JBoss Fuse distro in our Nexus repository manager
> to a location on a local worstation.  Several ZIP files are copied
> from each of the following Fuse components, ActiveMQ, Camel and CXF.
> To perform the copy operation the legacy POM is using the Maven
> copy-dependencies goal or the maven-dependency-plugin.
> When this project is executed by Maven for just the ActiveMQ and
> CXF Fuse components the designated files are copied fine.  When,
> however we execute the project to copy the Camel files, the process
> fails.
> The directory for the failing artifacts is present in our Nexus
> repository manager, and is populated with several artifacts.
> What I do not understand is why Maven is even looking for these
> artifacts for a simple copy operation?  It appears to me that the
> artifacts causing the problem have nothing to do with the copy goal!
> I have posted this problem with Red Hat, who originally helpd our
> previous personnel develop this POM.  They believe, and I tend to
> agree 100%, that this is a Maven problem.
> I have attached our settings.xml, pom.xml and the text of the error
> message.
> Can someone please explain why this is happening and how to fix it?
> Thanks,
> Mike
> Michael Tarullo
> Contractor (Engility Corp)
> Enterprise Architect
> NSRR System Administrator
> FAA WJH Technical Center
> (609)485-5294
> -
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Re: How to run junit test suite class but still see individual test class progress information on stdout?

2015-09-24 Thread Wayne Fay
There is probably some configuration available that will satisfy your
needs (e.g. useFile):

If not, you may need to just cat some files under
target/surefire-reports when your build is done.

Also look here, it may be interesting for you:


On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 9:48 AM, Phil Adams  wrote:
> When I run a junit test suite class via the surefire plugin, I see only the
> progress information for the test suite itself.  So if the suite contains
> 100 test classes, I see output like this on stdout:
> Running my.package.MySuite
> Tests run: 1257, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 1, Time elapsed: 124.971
> sec - in my.package.MySuite
> Results :
> Tests run: 1257, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 1
> I would like to find a way to continue using the test suite class, but yet
> see progress information on stdout that is similar to running the test
> classes individually, like this:
> Running my.package.MyTestClass1
> Tests run: 10, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.50
> sec - in my.package.MyTestClass1
> Running my.package.MyTestClass2
> Tests run: 15, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.25
> sec - in my.package.MyTestClass2
> Running my.package.MyTestClass3
> Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.74
> sec - in my.package.MyTestClass3
> ...
> Results :
> Tests run: 1257, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 1
> How can this be done?
> Thanks in advance for any help
> --
> Phil Adams

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Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: POM file downloaded by Maven different than what was deployed.

2015-09-23 Thread Wayne Fay
Cool! Thanks for confirming the network sniffing worked, and also that
Artifactory was to "blame." Now future Maven Users who run into this
may (hopefully) find your message when they run into the same trouble.


On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 4:24 PM, Justin Georgeson <> wrote:
> Just found this
> Turns out it's a configurable behavior when using Artifactory's virtual 
> repository feature. After disabling that it's working.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Justin Georgeson []
>> Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 4:15 PM
>> To: Maven Users List
>> Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] Re: POM file downloaded by Maven different than
>> what was deployed.
>> Good idea. The wireshark packet reassembly suggests that it's the 'magic' is
>> happening on the server side. So will have to wait for reply from jFrog.
>> > -Original Message-
>> > From: Wayne Fay []
>> > Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 2:57 PM
>> > To: Maven Users List
>> > Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: POM file downloaded by Maven different than
>> > what was deployed.
>> >
>> > > I have a parent pom deployed to Artifactory (3.9.3), which when
>> > > downloaded into local Maven repo by Maven itself (3.2.5, as a normal
>> > > part of the Maven build lifecycle), is not the same as what is
>> > > deployed. If I download the
>> >
>> > Maybe also try watching/capturing the network traffic to confirm what
>> > is being received by the Maven process on your local machine...?
>> >
>> > Wayne
>> >
>> > -
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>> --
>> This e-mail, including any attached files, may contain confidential and
>> privileged information for the sole use of the intended recipient.  Any
>> review, use, distribution, or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited.  
>> If you
>> are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive information for the
>> intended recipient), please contact the sender by reply e-mail and delete all
>> copies of this message.

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Re: POM file downloaded by Maven different than what was deployed.

2015-09-23 Thread Wayne Fay
> I have a parent pom deployed to Artifactory (3.9.3), which when downloaded
> into local Maven repo by Maven itself (3.2.5, as a normal part of the Maven
> build lifecycle), is not the same as what is deployed. If I download the

Maybe also try watching/capturing the network traffic to confirm what
is being received by the Maven process on your local machine...?


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Re: Maven ear,jar and war packaging

2015-09-13 Thread Wayne Fay
Not sure how you plan on packaging jars in another jar. That is not
allowed per the jar spec, as far as I'm aware. What are you actually
doing here?

As for packaging only certain jars in an ear or war, that is
controlled by the scope for the dependency declared in your pom. This
is standard, built-in functionality of Maven and already well
documented online if you spend 5 minutes looking for it and reading.


On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 10:32 PM, aalok singhvi  wrote:
> hello,
> I have a project where i want to package certain jars only in an ear , jar
> or war .
> Any suggestion and best practices.
> Any useful links will really help.
> Thanks
> --
> Aalok Singhvi

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Re: AUTO: Warren Cook is out of the office (returning 09/14/2015)

2015-09-11 Thread Wayne Fay
I heard they share a cubicle. When one is on vacation, the other one
is working, and vice versa.

On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 7:23 AM, Barrie Treloar  wrote:
> Is Warren related to Julia Antonova?

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Re: maven jar versus ant jar

2015-09-01 Thread Wayne Fay
Greg T. sent you this reply a few days back when you asked this
question previously:

> jar tvf abc.jar

That is (still) the answer to your question.


On Tue, Sep 1, 2015 at 3:29 PM, Magnanao, Hector
> I was finally able to build my snapshot jar using maven after going thru all 
> the missing dependencies.  But what I noticed is that the maven jar is much 
> larger than my ant jar.  Can anybody tell me why this is so ?  Should they be 
> different in sizes after  converting the build to maven ? what should I be 
> looking for causes of differences  ?
> Hector Magnanao Jr.
> SCM Analyst
> Fieldglass, Inc.
> O: (331) 702-6142
> M: (773) 474-3051
> Fieldglass is now part of SAP
> This email contains confidential information.  If you are not the intended 
> recipient, do not read, distribute or reproduce this transmission (including 
> any attachments). If you have received this email in error, please notify the 
> sender by email reply.

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Re: maven jar versus ant jar

2015-09-01 Thread Wayne Fay
Try "mvn clean" first to be sure you didn't accidentally put the
contents of that jar file in target/ and forget about it. Then build

If it is still large and includes those files, there must be something
in your pom file that is causing it to occur. Very hard to debug your
build without seeing these details.


On Tue, Sep 1, 2015 at 4:41 PM, Magnanao, Hector
> I found out why my maven jar is much bigger. It looks like it's including a 
> dependency jar inside the SNAPSHOT jar.  I installed this jar locally so I 
> can compile but now it's being included in the build itself.  So how do I 
> exclude it when I do a mvn package ?
> -Original Message-
> From: Tobias Hochgürtel []
> Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2015 3:35 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: maven jar versus ant jar
> You can unpack the jar files to see what they include. This should help
> you to find out what they makes fat or slimmer as the other one.
> Tobias
> Am 01.09.2015 um 22:29 schrieb Magnanao, Hector:
>> I was finally able to build my snapshot jar using maven after going thru all 
>> the missing dependencies.  But what I noticed is that the maven jar is much 
>> larger than my ant jar.  Can anybody tell me why this is so ?  Should they 
>> be different in sizes after  converting the build to maven ? what should I 
>> be looking for causes of differences  ?
>> Hector Magnanao Jr.
>> SCM Analyst
>> Fieldglass, Inc.
>> O: (331) 702-6142
>> M: (773) 474-3051
>> Fieldglass is now part of SAP
>> This email contains confidential information.  If you are not the intended 
>> recipient, do not read, distribute or reproduce this transmission (including 
>> any attachments). If you have received this email in error, please notify 
>> the sender by email reply.
> --
> Tobias Hochgürtel
> Tobias Hochgürtel
> Alt-Stralau 15
> 10245 Berlin
> Tel. 03029 0493-39
> Fax  03026 9488-22
> E-Mail:
> -
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Re: What does the TODO refering to a "jarjar" format in the maven-assembly-plugin jar-with-dependencies example mean?

2015-09-01 Thread Wayne Fay
SVN says Brett posted that file (over 10 yrs ago), so maybe he can tell us more:

"Added Mon Apr 18 07:07:58 2005 UTC (10 years, 4 months ago) by brett"

I scanned quickly and found some files in the JarJar project you
linked to that date back to Aug 2004, so I suspect that is what he is
talking about, but can't really be certain...


On Tue, Sep 1, 2015 at 1:25 PM, Timo  wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> a question on Stack Overflow made me curious about the following line
> in the jar-with-dependencies example descriptor file
> (
> What does this mean? Is it refering to jarjar
> ( or to something like what the
> Spring Boot Maven plugin does?
> Thanks for any insight!
> Timo
> -
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Re: package com.aspose.cells does not exist

2015-08-26 Thread Wayne Fay
If no one here can help, I'd assume the dev team responsible for creating
the artifact could tell you where to find it.

On Aug 25, 2015 11:17 AM, Magnanao, Hector

 Can anyone point me to where to get the dependency for
 aspose-cells-7.3.1.jar ? I can't find a good repo in google.

 Hector Magnanao Jr.
 SCM Analyst

 Fieldglass, Inc.
 O: (331) 702-6142
 M: (773) 474-3051

 Fieldglass is now part of SAP

 This email contains confidential information.  If you are not the intended
 recipient, do not read, distribute or reproduce this transmission
 (including any attachments). If you have received this email in error,
 please notify the sender by email reply.

Re: dependency error

2015-08-24 Thread Wayne Fay
Click the url.

There appears to be no artifacts with groupId javax in this repo. Only
stuff under com.


On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 3:21 PM, Magnanao, Hector wrote:
 Can someone help me with this error ? It can't seem to get to this url.

 [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project foundation: Could not resolve 
 dependencies for project 
 Failure to find javax.sql:jdbc-stdext:jar:2.0 in was cached in 
 the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update 
 interval of AsposeJavaAPI has elapsed or updates are forc
 ed - [Help 1]

 I have this url setup in my pom file as below:

nameAspose Java API/name


 Hector Magnanao Jr.
 SCM Analyst

 Fieldglass, Inc.
 O: (331) 702-6142
 M: (773) 474-3051

 Fieldglass is now part of SAP

 This email contains confidential information.  If you are not the intended 
 recipient, do not read, distribute or reproduce this transmission (including 
 any attachments). If you have received this email in error, please notify the 
 sender by email reply.

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Re: error when using log4j dependency

2015-08-24 Thread Wayne Fay
I said it way back in 2009, and it is still true:
Friends don't let friends use the repo.

Seriously, get rid of that repo from all your pom files, config files,
everywhere. Find another source of the javax.jms jar that you need, or
try a newer version, perhaps under a different groupId.


On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 11:40 AM, Adrien Rivard wrote:

 It is hard to say for sure without the pom but, it look like you are trying
 to use (maybe indirectly) an invalid repository / repositoryUrl ( is not accessible
 for me at least).
 Error don't appear to be related with log4j but with javax.jms:jms:jar:1.1

 On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 6:25 PM, Magnanao, Hector

 Why does Maven complain with this error when I try to use version 1.2.15
 of log4j as a dependency in my pom file ?  Is there a different way of
 uploading this particular version of log4j ?

 [INFO] Total time: 0.373 s
 [INFO] Finished at: 2015-08-24T11:20:17-05:00
 [INFO] Final Memory: 6M/246M
 [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project foundation: Could not resolve
 dependencies for project The
 following artifacts could not be resolved: javax.jms
 :jms:jar:1.1, com.sun.jdmk:jmxtools:jar:1.2.1,
 com.sun.jmx:jmxri:jar:1.2.1: Could not transfer artifact
 javax.jms:jms:jar:1.1 from/to (
 Cannot access with
 type legacy using the available connector factories:
 BasicRepositoryConnectorFactory: Cannot access https://maven-repository. with type legacy using the available layout
 factories: Maven2RepositoryLayoutFactory: Unsupported repository layout
 legacy - [Help 1]
 [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the
 -e switch.
 [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.

 Hector Magnanao Jr.
 SCM Analyst

 Fieldglass, Inc.
 O: (331) 702-6142
 M: (773) 474-3051

 Fieldglass is now part of SAP

 This email contains confidential information.  If you are not the intended
 recipient, do not read, distribute or reproduce this transmission
 (including any attachments). If you have received this email in error,
 please notify the sender by email reply.

 Adrien Rivard

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Re: Why Maven included provided scope dependency in the final jar-with-dependency

2015-08-19 Thread Wayne Fay
 1) The scope is changed to provided in this case, why the final jar still
 contains protobuf-java classes?
 2) If the above way is not the right way to handle this case, what should I
 do? Basically, I want hive-jdbc as compile, but exclude protobuf-java

1. Not sure why that is happening.

2. Try adding an explicit dependency to protobuf-java in your own
project pom, and specify the scope as provided there. See if that
forces it to do what you want.


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Re: Why Maven included provided scope dependency in the final jar-with-dependency

2015-08-19 Thread Wayne Fay
Ben, I had not even considered that option. Good one!


On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 3:22 PM, java8964 wrote:
 Thanks, Ben.
 You are absolutely correct. The hive-exec is an uber jar including all 
 protobuf classes.
 So now my only option is to use fileset to filter these classes out.

 Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2015 10:14:32 -0700
 Subject: Re: Why Maven included provided scope dependency in the final 

 Not saying it's likely, but maybe one of your other dependencies is
 actually an uberjar which rolled protobuf into itself.  We've run into that

 On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 7:06 AM, java8964 wrote:

  Thanks for you suggestion, but it didn't work in my case.
   Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2015 08:34:04 -0500
   Subject: Re: Why Maven included provided scope dependency in the final
1) The scope is changed to provided in this case, why the final jar
contains protobuf-java classes?
2) If the above way is not the right way to handle this case, what
  should I
do? Basically, I want hive-jdbc as compile, but exclude
   1. Not sure why that is happening.
   2. Try adding an explicit dependency to protobuf-java in your own
   project pom, and specify the scope as provided there. See if that
   forces it to do what you want.
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Re: Jetspeed 2.3

2015-08-17 Thread Wayne Fay
Stop fighting with Maven.

Read the Jetspeed documentation:


On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 7:21 AM, Lalitha Bourishetty wrote:
 Tried by giving mvn 
 plugin-groupId:plugin-artifactId[:plugin-version]:plugin-goal i.e., 
 Then getting error as
 [ERROR] Could not find goal 'db.fusion.create' in plugin 
 org.apache.portals.jetspeed-2:jetspeed-db-maven-plugin:2.3.0 among available 
 goals ddl, init - [Help 1
 [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e 
 [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
 [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please 
 read the following articles:
 [ERROR] [Help 1]

 Please let me know if there is any resolution


 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Patrick
 Sent: Friday, August 14, 2015 8:11 PM
 To: Lalitha Bourishetty
 Cc:; Robert Patrick
 Subject: Re: Jetspeed 2.3

 Moving the developers list to BCC...

 To invoke Maven as you discovered, you run:

 mvn lifecycle-phase


 mvn plugin-goal

 The second error is because you are trying to invoke a plugin goal directly 
 but Maven cannot locate the plugin based on your name.  The way to invoke 
 plugin goals is:

 mvn plugin-groupId:plugin-artifactId[:plugin-version]:plugin-goal

 If the plugin has a register short name, then you can use the short name in 
 place of the groupId:artifactId portion of the plugin goal specification.

 The third error is due to you specifying an unrecognized build lifecycle 

 You can find a list of the Jetspeed plugins at:

 Robert Patrick VP, Development, Oracle Corporation
 Mobile: +1.469.556.9450
 Sent from my iDevice

 On Aug 14, 2015, at 7:11 AM, Lalitha Bourishetty wrote:

 Hi Team,

 Got source code for Jetspeed 2.3 and built it. We tried deploying 
 jetspeed2.3.war file. Then we are facing error as] ERROR: SQLException during 
 the execution of the query (for 
 ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

 ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

 java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00942: table or view does not

at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.processError(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIfun.receive(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIfun.doRPC(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.doOALL(

Re: Specified destination directory cannot be created

2015-08-17 Thread Wayne Fay
One last thing - since we are talking about Windows, make sure that
you try a reboot before giving up entirely. That solves a disturbingly
high number of issues...

Not trying to chase you off the list, I just see a lot of people using
free User Support to solve problems when their organization is already
paying (usually, a lot of money) for specialized, product-specific
support from their vendors. Make 'em work for it! Or, decide to drop
the support  save money.


On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 11:19 AM, wrote:
 I don't believe the latter is the case, but then again they do require 
 v3.1.1, so one never knows!

 This seemed like a good problem to post here, even taking into account that I 
 considered many of the obvious reasons, as presented here.  I thought it 
 might be something simple but not related to the most obvious reasons.

 Looks like that is not the case.

 Thanks everyone for your suggestions.


 Michael Tarullo
 Contractor (Engility Corp)
 Enterprise Architect
 NSRR System Administrator
 FAA WJH Technical Center

 -Original Message-
 From: Wayne Fay []
 Sent: Monday, August 17, 2015 12:13 PM
 To: Maven Users List
 Subject: Re: Specified destination directory cannot be created

 On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 9:43 AM, wrote:
 I think it might be time to see what the vendor of the software I'm trying 
 to build has to say!!!

 In these cases, it is nearly always a good idea to talk to the vendor and use 
 the support you are already paying for rather than simply depending on the 
 Maven Users list for support.

 For all we know, the vendor may have their own modifications to Maven which 
 are not public that affect the build. It would be very difficult for us to 
 support that kind of scenario.


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Re: Specified destination directory cannot be created

2015-08-17 Thread Wayne Fay
On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 9:43 AM, wrote:
 I think it might be time to see what the vendor of the software I'm trying to 
 build has to say!!!

In these cases, it is nearly always a good idea to talk to the vendor
and use the support you are already paying for rather than simply
depending on the Maven Users list for support.

For all we know, the vendor may have their own modifications to Maven
which are not public that affect the build. It would be very difficult
for us to support that kind of scenario.


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Re: for maven-compiler-plugin

2015-04-15 Thread Wayne Fay
Your link is to the m-javadoc-p. You want m-compiler-p as seen here. Look
for the source parameter.


On Sun, Apr 12, 2015 at 1:10 AM, Lin Ma wrote:

 Thanks Dan,

 Followed your advice tried mvn -X compile and output is very verbose, which
 items should I look at?

 I refer the document for compiler plug-in as well (,
 not found it is mentioned where is source directory to search for for
 compiler plug-in? Thanks.


 On Sat, Apr 11, 2015 at 10:12 PM, Dan Tran wrote:

  try mvn -X compile, it will give you lots of hints too
  On Sat, Apr 11, 2015 at 10:11 PM, Dan Tran wrote:
   looks like your pom reconfigures the default source ( ie
   build--sourceDirectory)   this may help
   On Sat, Apr 11, 2015 at 10:06 PM, Lin Ma wrote:
   Hi Dan,
   I have this question since I tried it compiles fine with sources in
   src/java/com/foo/..., are they default location as well? I do not find
   sub-directory main in the middle of the path.
   On Sat, Apr 11, 2015 at 9:59 PM, Dan Tran wrote:
default main source is at src/main/java
to add more sources, use build-helper-maven-plugin
On Sat, Apr 11, 2015 at 8:10 PM, Lin Ma wrote:
 Hi Maven masters,

 For maven-compiler-plugin, how to check what are the source
 files/directories it will scan for to compile? And add other
 directories? Thanks.

 thanks in advance,


Re: for maven-compiler-plugin

2015-04-15 Thread Wayne Fay
As Dan said before, the default is src/main/java for java sources.

If src/java/com… is working, then I'd assume there is a configuration
coming in somewhere in your project (pom, parent pom, etc) to change it
from src/main/java. Or I'd expect Maven to complain a little.


On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 3:52 PM, Lin Ma wrote:

 Thanks Wayne for the correction, :))

 Is there any default values for source if I do not use the parameter

 I tried it compiles fine with sub-folder src/java/com/foo/goo/



 On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 9:04 AM, Wayne Fay wrote:

  Your link is to the m-javadoc-p. You want m-compiler-p as seen here. Look
  for the source parameter.
  On Sun, Apr 12, 2015 at 1:10 AM, Lin Ma wrote:
   Thanks Dan,
   Followed your advice tried mvn -X compile and output is very verbose,
   items should I look at?
   I refer the document for compiler plug-in as well (
   not found it is mentioned where is source directory to search for for
   compiler plug-in? Thanks.
   On Sat, Apr 11, 2015 at 10:12 PM, Dan Tran wrote:
try mvn -X compile, it will give you lots of hints too
On Sat, Apr 11, 2015 at 10:11 PM, Dan Tran
 looks like your pom reconfigures the default source ( ie
 build--sourceDirectory)   this may help


 On Sat, Apr 11, 2015 at 10:06 PM, Lin Ma wrote:

 Hi Dan,

 I have this question since I tried it compiles fine with sources
 src/java/com/foo/..., are they default location as well? I do not
 sub-directory main in the middle of the path.


 On Sat, Apr 11, 2015 at 9:59 PM, Dan Tran

  default main source is at src/main/java
  to add more sources, use build-helper-maven-plugin
  On Sat, Apr 11, 2015 at 8:10 PM, Lin Ma
   Hi Maven masters,
   For maven-compiler-plugin, how to check what are the source
   files/directories it will scan for to compile? And add other
   directories? Thanks.
   thanks in advance,


Re: Can Maven be used in an nmake environment with VPATH?

2015-04-01 Thread Wayne Fay
This blog post may be helpful to you:

If I was in your shoes, I would at least consider this approach.


On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 4:50 PM, Steve Cohen wrote:


 After half a day messing around, I am now convinced that you are right.
 Writing a new plugin is harder than it looked at first, even though I was
 able to grok what the plugin was doing fairly well. But there's a lot of
 stuff going on under the covers that isn't well documented.

 for just one example ${project.compileSourceRoots}

 Plus - even if that was all okay, how would you turn maven-compiler-plugin
 off?  I notice it appears in my effective POM in Eclipse without even
 specifying to use it in the POM.

 So a hack on a lesser scale it must be!  Preprocessing it into a form
 maven is comfortable with would work better.  In fact, the current nmake
 system uses its own form of preprocessing.


 On 04/01/2015 12:14 PM, Jim Klo wrote:

 Don’t let me discourage you on that choice if you choose it - however it
 sounds like this might be a stopgap in a transition to a more modern

  From my POV, which is a defensive approach towards configuration
 management - if this is just a transitionary step to removing nmake, I
 would not bother investing that time, unless:
 1) you are going to make a conscious decision on embracing and
 maintaining your modified fork for a long time because this is going to be
 a critical part of your solution.
 2) you were going to contribute that enhancement back to the plugin
 projects and get it adopted  - which I don’t know what the process is for
 that with the maven project (I’ve done it with other apache projects - and
 it’s not exactly an easy process)

 Otherwise it would just add one more piece of forked code to your bucket
 list maintain.  We all know none of us has time, or desire usually, to
 manage yet another forked project. :)

 I’m sure others have their own opinion on this, but as a maven user” and
 not a maven developer” - I personally don’t like enhancing other tools
 unless there’s an easy way for me to contribute that fix back and get it
 into the main build.

 Just my 2 cents advice.

 - JK

  On Apr 1, 2015, at 9:48 AM, Steve Cohen wrote:

 That sounds like it might be a possibility.  But after looking at it, my
 initial take (which is quite possibly wrong!!) is that it might be easier
 to extend the compiler plugin, and the jar plugin, to use the vpath.
 Basically, you're just writing a new SourceInclusionScanner. This seems
 like it would have the benefit of staying within known Maven channels.

 On 04/01/2015 10:23 AM, Jim Klo wrote:

 Is there a reason you cannot just use the exec plugin?  We use that to
 manage all sorts of esoteric make-like systems the have similar problems as
 you list.

 Jim Klo
 Senior Software Engineer
 SRI International
 t: @nsomnac

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Re: Custom configuration for tomcat7:run goal

2014-09-03 Thread Wayne Fay
 What I hoped to accomplish was to put some specific snippets in pom.xml
 or some other place and have maven pick up those snippets and drop them
 in the right place in the generated web.xml.

That plugin is owned and maintained by the Tomcat guys, so feel free
to file an improvement in their bug tracker and perhaps they'll be
able to accomodate your request. Or you could hack to add the code
yourself and donate it back.


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Re: Custom configuration for tomcat7:run goal

2014-09-02 Thread Wayne Fay
 My question is: how do I get the web.xml that maven generates include the 
 directives that I need for the CORS filter to work when the project is 
 launched from
 Eclipse or the command line using the tomcat7:run goal?

Not sure if this is possible, but if it is, the documentation is a
good place to start:


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Re: how to access properties defined in other module pom in maven multimodule project

2014-08-28 Thread Wayne Fay
 n pom of A.B.C i have defined a property as abc where A B C are modules. Now
 i want to access that property in pom of A.D.F module

What does the parent  child  grandchild relationship look like
between these various modules? What you want may not be possible.


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Re: local repository permissions

2014-08-06 Thread Wayne Fay
 How can I get maven to create directories and files with world writeable
 when it is downloading or installing to the local ~/.m2 repository ?

Most likely you are attempting to do something that Maven does not
want you to do - the ~/.m2 repo is not designed to be shared. Describe
your use case more.


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Re: MD5 checksum validation tool [Windows]?

2014-08-05 Thread Wayne Fay
Perhaps you need to whip something up then? I'm sure it would not be
terribly difficult. All the source code for the md5 checking is open
source, so you just need to pretty it up with a front end.

Even better (from my POV) would be a tool that could be run and take a
directory/path as input, then run across all .md5 files it ran across with
optional recursion.


On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 11:41 AM, Justin Georgeson

 Thanks Paul. I don't see HashTab as being able to directly read the .md5
 file. Users would have to open the .md5 file in a text editor, then
 copy/paste. And sadly this tiny bit of effort is actually being deemed an
 undue burden. It literally has to be as simple as double-click the .md5
 file and get nice green graphic that says everything is ok. HashCheck is
 the tool people are wanting to use, but that requires the relative path be
 included in the md5 file. I've submitted an enhancement request but their
 last release was in 2009 so I'm not hopeful.

  -Original Message-
  From: []
  On Behalf Of Paul Benedict
  Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 11:18 AM
  To: Maven Users List
  Subject: Re: MD5 checksum validation tool [Windows]?
  Yup. I've used HashTab for years.
  On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 11:16 AM, Justin Georgeson
   All the checksum validation tools I've found only seem to support
   files with format produced by the md5sum tool, ie -
   checksum1 relative/path/file1
   checksum2 relative/path/to/file2
   But Maven publishes sibling files of the same name with .md5
   appended, and no relative path in the file. Does anyone know of a tool
   on Windows (shell extension, standalone GUI) that people could use
   after downloading the artifact (in this particular case it's an
   executable installer) and the
   md5 file and just double-click the md5 file to validate the download
   (or drag/drop the artifact and md5 file)?
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Re: Strange error while using Maven

2014-06-25 Thread Wayne Fay
 1. Added jar into maven local repo with command like
 mvn install:install-file -Dfile='C:\ATUReporter_Selenium_testNG_4.6.jar'
 -DgroupId=atu -DartifactId=atu-reporter-selenium-testng -Dversion=4.6
 But while running the automation scripts, maven given me error like

 ERROR] No plugin found for prefix 'C' in the current project and in the

I think the prefix C error relates to the -Dfile='C:\ATU' in your
install command line. Can you perhaps just cd to that directory and
leave off the 'C:\' business entirely, just specify the name of the
jar file?


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Re: Unmanaged dependency question

2014-05-31 Thread Wayne Fay
 so that I can do everything right. What I had been trying to do in the 
 is having it set up
 so that when we set up a new development station, the user can simply clone 
 Github repo that
 has these dependency projects and just do 'mvn install' on each one, then 

Arguably if you insist on this mvn install approach, you could unzip
the jar contents into src/main/resources. Then when you build it
would copy everything into /target and build a new jar file which
would be installed.

But this is really not the right approach. You should be using


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Re: [ANN] flatten-maven-plugin 1.0.0-beta-1 Released

2014-05-01 Thread Wayne Fay
Flatten-m-p only touches your pom, not the project. So I think it does not
address your use case.

On May 1, 2014 9:40 AM, Eric Kolotyluk wrote:

 When I tried using Maven with IBM's Jazz, I had to manually flatten my
 projects because Jazz could not deal with nested projects (modules).

 Was the flatten-maven-plugin designed to solve this problem, or some other

 Cheers, Eric

 On 2014-05-01, 8:55 AM, Jörg Hohwiller wrote:


 The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the
 flatten-maven-plugin version 1.0.0-beta-1.

 Flatten Maven Plugin generates a flattened version of your pom.xml and
 makes maven to install
 and deploy this one instead of the original pom.xml.

 To get this update, simply specify the version in your project's plugin


 All you need to do is add the plugin to the plugins in your build section.

 This is the initial release.


 The Mojo team.


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Re: BUILD FAILED - apache-maven-3.2.1

2014-04-22 Thread Wayne Fay
 I am trying to install apache-maven-3.2.1

No, you are trying to BUILD Maven 3.2.1. If you simply want to install
it, grab the binaries.

Who's JDK/JVM are you using and what version is it?


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Re: Better way to capture output from a Maven job

2014-04-11 Thread Wayne Fay
 While this works okay, I would have hoped for a better way to return a value
 from Maven. Is there a return/result parameter of some sort such that I
 don't have to pick the result out of the entire text output of the Maven job

The versions-maven-plugin from Codehaus may be helpful - but no guarantee.


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Re: Hot deployment using jetty 8 and maven

2014-04-10 Thread Wayne Fay
 However, it would be great to execute mvn process-classes automatically
 anytime maven sees there have been source files changed.

This is just not a feature that Maven natively supports. You can get
similar functionality out of your IDE. Or maybe your IDE can use an
on save trigger to kick Maven to run process-classes?


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Re: Hot deployment using jetty 8 and maven

2014-04-10 Thread Wayne Fay
 monitored by something like Jenkins.  I'd want all those bits anyway.

Agreed... but one step at a time. :)


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Re: Maven cannot see my DLL artifact

2014-04-07 Thread Wayne Fay
 the artifact there. If I delete the artifact from my local repository, Maven
 has no trouble downloading the metadata and pom, but for some reason it
 cannot see the dll artifact.

Are you sure it finds the pom? The error below indicates it does not.

 [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project elevate-exe: Could not resolve
 dependencies for project
 Failed to collect dependencies at Failed to
 read artifact descriptor for Could not
 find artifact in
 local-nexus (http://localhost:8081/nexus/content/groups/public) - [Help 1]

You see how it says it is Downloading the pom file, then immediately
fails with an error? And how you don't see messages like these as you
do on the other files?
 (2 KB at 6.4 KB/sec)
 (10 KB at 237.8 KB/sec)

I think your assumptions are incorrect. It seems Maven cannot download
the pom. I think something else is going on and this is merely a

PS- I saw your follow-up using system scope. I am not a fan of system
scope, but if it gets the job done and makes you happy, then feel free
to keep using it. Just realize your pom file (c:\Users\Eric) is
completely not portable after this change. I predict many but it
works on my machine! conversations with other developers are in your
future... And good luck integrating with CI.


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2014-04-04 Thread Wayne Fay
 Is there a chance that instead of managing the dependencies, I will just add
 the USER LIBRARY I have created on Eclipse?

I don't really understand the question. Provide more context and
details in what you are doing vs what you expect. Also be clear if you
are using M2E or command-line Maven as this list is primarily for
support of command-line Maven. There are separate Eclipse lists that
support M2E.


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Re: Maven Filtering

2014-04-04 Thread Wayne Fay
 Am I going insane, is this a bug in Maven, or is the documentation wrong?

 Is there some other way to escape the filtering?

Generally, this should work. Did you specify the escapeString
configuration [1]? What version of plugins etc are you using?



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Re: Scanning for Projects... before

2014-04-02 Thread Wayne Fay
 Is it possible running a maven plugin before Scanning for projects... ?

Probably not. What is your use case?


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Re: Scanning for Projects... before

2014-04-02 Thread Wayne Fay
 repo unless their are snapshots, right? Well snapshot is not an option
 right now (due to corporate things).

 It is one of Maven's cardinal assumptions that release versions are
 immutable. If you need different contents, use either: A) a different

As Curtis already mentioned, you are unlikely to find a solution by
continuing to head in this direction. Find another approach - most
likely one that involves a process running outside of Maven before
your build kicks off.


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Re: Debugging output only for a subproject in a reactor run

2014-03-31 Thread Wayne Fay
 commandline option -X enables debugging for the complete execution, and I
 fear this would create too much output and might fail the build due to
 memory problems... Now, is there a way to change the logger during the build
 to enable debugging just for this one project? (plugins running in pre and

I'm unaware of any specific way to implement what you've requested. I
generally just debug the whole build and grep/find the things I care
about. Can't say that I've run into memory problems as a rseult of


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Re: skip deploy maven parent pom to artifactory

2014-03-31 Thread Wayne Fay
 Thanks for your advise. One more question, the following is our project maven
 structure. There are too many pom exist after deploy. For example, not only
 the ear pom.xml deploy to artifactory, but also the console A pom , the
 console pom and the parent pom. They separate to different directories.
 Therefore, I want to reduce the layer of the this structure. Could you mind
 to give me some idea again ?

What does too many mean?
What harm do the extra pom files cause?

If you must reduce the number of deployed pom, then you must
consolidate your projects, resulting in fewer poms to be deployed.


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Re: maven release-plugin 2.5 bug - releasing snapshots...

2014-03-28 Thread Wayne Fay
 Let me join this thread, because that someone is me. As said by Stephen:
 the version handling prior to 2.4 contained several issues, so you were
 relying on a bug.

Reminds me of this classic XKCD... :)


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Re: Why is mvn archetype:generate so low?

2014-03-27 Thread Wayne Fay
 [INFO] Generating project in Batch mode.
 *It hangs here for hours! *

 what's going on here? why it hangs?

Hopefully the silence is deafening for you on this one. Your
experience is not typical. Please describe your environment - are you
on a network at work where there are Internet proxies? If so, did you
configure settings.xml properly?


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Re: More on releasing artifacts with and without debug info

2014-03-27 Thread Wayne Fay
Off the top of my head, I could imagine 2 other approaches:

1. set up 2 separate project trees - one that produces the debug
output, and another that depends on the source of the first (use
dependency:unpack), and merely produces the non-debug output

2. if tooling exists to strip debug information, set up a second tree
of projects, each one depending on the primary artifact and running
the strip debug tool

Best of luck keeping the versions in sync etc.


On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 2:22 PM, Mark Eggers wrote:
 Recently I received a requirement much like that covered in the following

 Releasing artifacts with and without debug info (December 04, 2013)

 I'm new to Maven, but I more or less followed the idea:

 1. create a profile
 2. in the profile, specify the plugins
 3. in each plugin, specify multiple execution blocks
a. one block is configured to generate debug info
b. another block is configured to omit debug info
c. add classifiers to the JAR or WAR plugin as needed
 4. deploy plugin
a. add a configuration section
b. add a files section
c. list additional artifacts to be attached (?!)

 Is this the gist of Dimitar Gospodinov's reply at the end of the thread?

 It seems both hackish and verbose.

 However, I'm not sure of any other way to provide both fully optimized
 (compressed CSS, Javascript) and non-optimized WAR and JAR artifacts.

 Any time I'm doing something like this, I feel that I'm not doing it the
 Maven way.

 Other approaches?


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Re: Incremental Build ?

2014-03-26 Thread Wayne Fay
 Is there any way to implement incremental build with required dependency
 compilation using Maven?

If you search the mail list archive, Jason van Zyl posted some
information about Incremental Builds just a few days ago.

From: Jason van Zyl jason@...
Subject: Incremental build API
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 10:43:57 -0700


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Re: The par packaging not working

2014-03-20 Thread Wayne Fay
Google has more information on the par plugin if you look there. From
what I can see, the Apache Maven dev team has nothing to do with this

Instead I think you should look at the Codehaus Mojo project, specifically:

I also found some Github links. Most likely you are going to have to
build it yourself and mvn install it locally to use.


On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 8:30 AM, lilyevsky wrote:
 The par packaging is not working. It is dependent on the
 org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-par-plugin, but this plugin does not exist.
 Is it deprecated?
 I am using the latest maven 3.2.1.
 How should I make the par package these days? I know this thing is
 relatively simple: just a collection of jars plus manifest with a few
 special entries. But I don't want to re-invent the wheel.

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Maven - Users mailing list archive at

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Re: excluding classes and including classes in maven

2014-03-19 Thread Wayne Fay
 I want some help regarding how to exclude some classes and including
 other classes  in one module.

 The intuition behind that is we have some mock classes that we want them
 to replace the original classes when the development profile is active.

To me, this seems like something you would handle in src/test. Why is
that approach not acceptable in this specific case?


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Re: Install Problem on Mac OS

2014-03-17 Thread Wayne Fay
 mvn clean package
 [ERROR] Error executing Maven.
 [ERROR] 9 problems were encountered while building the effective settings
 [WARNING] Unable to parse element 'port', must be an integer (position:
 END_TAG seen ...password/\n  port/... @15:14) caused by:
 java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string:  @
 /Users/joeterro/.m2/settings.xml, line 15, column 14

Obviously you have problems with the data in your settings.xml file.
What exactly do you want us to do for you, considering you did not
provide that file so we can't view it, so we can't tell you how to fix


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Re: Maven 3.1.1 dependency downloading issues

2014-03-12 Thread Wayne Fay
 I am wondering why some artifacts still downloading from other repo, here
 How can i stop downloading from other repository?

The mirrorOf value should be an asterisk/star, as I stated before:
 mirrorOf*/mirrorOf which will capture all repo requests, and


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Re: How to exclude jar from war overlay

2014-03-11 Thread Wayne Fay
 I have a war overlay I want to use in my war but need to specify a
 different jar version in my final war or remove some unused jars.
  Shouldn't dependencyManagement work for both of these cases?  What's the
 approach to handle these two cases?

To be clear, are you saying that you want to compile  test with
g:a:1.0.1 but then package g:a:1.0.2 in your WAR? And you want to
build with g1:a1:1.0.1 and g2:a2:1.0.1 but then keep them out of the
WAR when you package it?

If so, I don't understand these use cases, please explain things more.
If not, please explain with more concrete details/examples -- tell us
what you have right now vs what you want.


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Re: Maven 3.1.1 dependency downloading issues

2014-03-11 Thread Wayne Fay
 If it's correct, seems my options are
 1. configure the threads to just 1, so mycental always the first one to try.
 2. block all external repositories, just left mycentral.

Generally speaking, I'd expect you should have a mirror for this
mycentral defined in settings.xml with a configuration of
mirrorOf*/mirrorOf which will capture all repo requests, and then
you don't have to worry so much about these other repos finding their
way into your build.


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Re: Netbeans 7.4 maven POM for is invalid

2014-03-10 Thread Wayne Fay
 I'm not sure where you mean to check that ojdbc6 is listed as a dependency.
 I am trying to convert the project from using MySql to Oracle,
 so I might not have configured everything correctly.

Add -X to the call to Maven (mvn -X ...) and pipe the output to a file
(mvn -X ...  out.txt). Then search the file for ojdbc6 to see where
and how the dependency is being brought into your project during the
compile and test steps. I'd assume it is not part of your test
classpath as you expect it to be. Once you confirm this, you can work
on sorting out why.

What is the XPath to the dependency node in your pom? Or paste the
pom and that -X output at gist, pastebin etc so we can take a look 
help (please don't email them here).


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Re: maven won't resolve from central log4j:log4j:1.2.8 through 1.2.15

2014-03-10 Thread Wayne Fay
 Where did this url come from?

 Wayne, it's a correct URL for the central repository. It's the one we
 define in the super-POM since Maven 3.0.something.

Doh, well ignore that then. I should have done 30 seconds of searching
before sending that one. :)

But just FYI, when I myself tried accessing that URL last night, I had
problems in my browser. First it was HTTPS problems as the URL did not
match the server name being reported (I have the HTTPS Everywhere
plugin turned on). I clicked ignore and went to the site and got
HTTP 404 errors at /log4j/log4j/maven-metadata.xml so I moved up to
/log4j/log4j and had the same errors. I did not grab the error but it
was something related to Varnish cache - when I cause a 404 now, the
error appears different.

So at the very least, the mirror I was on ( was having
issues - and potentially this was mirrored to others, possibly
explaining the troubles (??). I had no such trouble hitting the old
standby of and resolving the files etc. These errors
made me question the URL entirely.

I hit it again just now and dns sends me to again but this
time the files are there.

So, I would ask Richard to try again and see if things work better
today, or if he is having the same troubles.


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Re: Maven-shade-plugin Class Overlap

2014-03-10 Thread Wayne Fay
 Thanks for the reply, I was curious how would you throw together a filter
 that could handle something like that? I didn't see anything like that on
 their website.

Do you know the name(s) of the files that overlap?
If so, surely a filter that specifies them could be created.
If not, that's the place to start.

For fine-grained control of which classes from the selected
dependencies are included, artifact filters can be used:


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Re: maven won't resolve from central log4j:log4j:1.2.8 through 1.2.15

2014-03-10 Thread Wayne Fay
 I am still having trouble.
 It certainly should be easy to reproducee no?
 It is a trivial settings.xml and pom.xml and mvn dependency:tree goal

Have you used mvn -U lately?
Have you deleted ~/.m2/repository lately? I rarely do this myself, but
occasionally we hear this solves problems for some users. I might
suggest a slightly more surgical deletion of ~/.m2/repository/log4j
rather than the entire repo in this case.


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Re: Maven-shade-plugin Class Overlap

2014-03-10 Thread Wayne Fay
 Well, I can find out which are and aren't but they change every release, and
 there will be many eventually. Which the filter using include/excludes would
 be unmanageable when it gets as large as I imagine it will be

Try this experiment for me.

Make 3 jar file with content as follows:
1.jar  a.class, b.class, c.class
2.jar  c.class, d.class, e.class
3.jar  a.class, c.class, f.class

Put some text in each file so you know which version (1, 2, or 3)
the file represents. These don't need to be real class files, just
plain txt files.

Now play with the shade plugin configuration to see you can
predict/configure the ordering of how these files are merged together.
You want something repeatable of course. I assume there is some
implicit ordering which takes place and which you can leverage to
guarantee your later versions of these files overwrites the earlier

If you can do this, then I think you will be able to see a solution to
your own problem.


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Re: Best way for packaging maven plugin

2014-03-09 Thread Wayne Fay
 I have a maven project with many modules, some of them use a maven plugin
 into the goal compile. This plugin is also a module.

Best practice (IMO  IME) is to have the plugin as its own,
independent project. Then depend on the plugin in your other projects.


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Re: maven won't resolve from central log4j:log4j:1.2.8 through 1.2.15

2014-03-09 Thread Wayne Fay
 (352 B at 0.7 KB/sec)
 Downloaded: (352 B
 at 0.6 KB/sec)

Where did this url come from? It is invalid as
far as I know. I suspect your troubles are related to this. Or
possibly related to the proxy you have defined.

The correct URL to central is

which shows these versions under that GA coordinate:
1.1.3/ 04-Jan-2007 19:21
1.2.11/04-Jan-2007 19:21
1.2.12/04-Jan-2007 19:21
1.2.13/04-Jan-2007 19:21
1.2.14/08-Jan-2007 15:56
1.2.15/30-Aug-2007 17:41
1.2.16/08-Jan-2011 14:24
1.2.17/28-May-2012 10:46
1.2.4/ 04-Jan-2007 19:21
1.2.5/ 04-Jan-2007 19:21
1.2.6/ 04-Jan-2007 19:21
1.2.7/ 04-Jan-2007 19:21
1.2.8/ 04-Jan-2007 19:21
1.2.9/ 04-Jan-2007 19:21


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Re: Maven-shade-plugin Class Overlap

2014-03-09 Thread Wayne Fay
 I'm trying to use maven shade to overlay all of my changes to a jar on top of
 another in a manner similar to a jar overlay. However there are some classes
 that overlap in my source files with the jar I wish to overlap. After I
 build, the ones that overlap are replaced by what is in the jar's i'm
 overlaying. I want to know if it's possible to either chose the order the
 jars are added or to tell it to skip any classes that overlap.

I use shade but won't pretend to be an expert on all the configuration
options. I will assume you RTFM already.

Did you consider using class relocation to move the overlapping
classes to com.dontuse? Or perhaps an artifact filter to just
eliminate them entirely? Just thinking out loud, I'm not sure what the
order is/should be.


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Re: Netbeans 7.4 maven POM for is invalid

2014-03-08 Thread Wayne Fay
 I updated the ojdbc6- file (see below) and the 'invalid'
 message did not appear.


 Now there is an error running JUnit tests: No suitable driver found for

Most likely you are missing a dependency declaration for the ojdbc
driver in the module that threw this error during the JUnit execution.

 I can PING the database in GlassFish Domain Admin Console and view the
 Tables and data in Netbeans | Services | Databases

What makes you think this has ANYTHING to do Netbeans or Glassfish...?


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Re: Netbeans 7.4 maven POM for is invalid

2014-03-08 Thread Wayne Fay
 In the log, there is a reference to 'no dependency information available',
 Verifying availability of
 from [eclipselink (,
 releases+snapshots), central (,
 The POM for is missing, no dependency

Actually, read the message again:
Verifying availability of ...pom file from [repository1,
repository2]... The pom is missing

Where did this pom file come from? Did you acquire it from the
eclipselink repo, or central? Or did you use mvn
install:install-file? Or did you put it in that directory manually?


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Re: Netbeans 7.4 maven POM for is invalid

2014-03-08 Thread Wayne Fay

What is the complete path in the pom.xml file to this dependency node?
Use XSLT or post the pom file at pastebin, gist, etc.

Also consider changing the scope just for testing purposes. Try
compile and/or test instead of provided.


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Re: Netbeans 7.4 maven POM for is invalid

2014-03-08 Thread Wayne Fay
 What is the complete path in the pom.xml file to this dependency node?
 Use XSLT or post the pom file at pastebin, gist, etc.

Of course I meant, use XPath (syntax)


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Re: Netbeans 7.4 maven POM for is invalid

2014-03-08 Thread Wayne Fay
 I don't have control over the server so I cannot change the POM.
 Is there a way to have maven ignore the modelVersion is missing error?

Can you not open a ticket/bug somehow to request they fix this file?
Or perhaps find a different repository that hosts the (corrected)
file? Or worst case, set up your own Nexus server @ work on a box and
run your own repo (which is common for users on this list)?


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Re: Maven Dependency on exe

2014-03-08 Thread Wayne Fay
 does not show up on the classpath, but is there some way to pass this
 information from Maven to the tests so they can find the executable?

What unit test tool are you using? I would start looking there and
make it work (perhaps even hardcoding some paths etc to start), then
sort out a way to make it work with Maven once you have it working at
a basic level.


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Re: Netbeans 7.4 maven POM for is invalid

2014-03-06 Thread Wayne Fay
 The POM for is invalid, transitive
 dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable debug logging for more

Did you enable debug logging with -X to see more details? What does it say?


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Re: Could not create staless EJB whith maven 3.2.1 but working fine with version 3.0.5

2014-03-05 Thread Wayne Fay
 With maven version 3.2.1, in fact same issue since version 3.1.1, I get
 the exception SCHWERWIEGEND: EJB5070: Exception creating stateless session
 bean : [RequirementBeanSL]
 when building the concerned  module with tests. Changing back to run the
 same tests with maven version 3.0.5, all tests run fine and pass.

Most likely there are plugin and/or jdk changes that are influencing
the change in results. And not just a change in the Maven version

 I would very much appreciate any hint on how to work around this problem.
 Of course, I could simple stick to maven version 3.0.5 as this works. But
 in the long run I would prefer to keep pace with the newer versions.

Do the following:
Go to command line.
Go to your project directory/folder.
Set path to be Maven 3.0.5 and run mvn -X package  mvn305_out.txt.
Set path to be Maven 3.2.1 and run mvn -X package  mvn321_out.txt.
Run diff or a similar command to compare the output.

Specifically, look at the plugins listed and try to narrow down what
is different which might cause this. You can lock down your plugin
versions with version[1.2.3]/version and perhaps try using a
plugin that shows up when running 3.0.5 in 3.2.1 and vice-versa to
narrow it down.


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Re: Google Summer of Code - Java opportunity, mentors needed

2014-03-04 Thread Wayne Fay
 When you call this GSOC, are you looking to sponsor a student within
 the Apache Maven project? I don't think that this is viable. If you
 have some other sponsoring organization and an intention to manage it
 elsewhere, then I wish you luck but I have no standing to object.

Benson, scroll back and read the original message, he stated...

 I have some plans for how this project could be broken down into
 achievable tasks for a GSoC student but to go ahead it would need at
 least one additional mentor, mainly because Google has accepted the
 Ganglia organisation this year and I am one of the admins for Ganglia.
 The project has been proposed under Debian (mainly as a way of enabling


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Re: Maven copies 3 jars in lib folder (skinny war) for no reason

2014-03-03 Thread Wayne Fay
 I still cannot understand why those three jars are copied there. Two of
 them they are not in the dependency tree at all, so the war should not need
 them, and the other one (seam) is a depedency of other 4 artifacts, which
 means that is also referenced from ouside the war so it should be on the
 EAR lib.

Have you run mvn clean recently? If not, they may just be leftovers
from previous builds still in the target folder which keeps them in
the WAR.


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Re: Using a proxy server during mvn install

2014-02-28 Thread Wayne Fay
Yes, and this is well documented on the Maven site.

Search with Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc with the following terms:
maven proxy configure


On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 12:46 PM, Mahmood Naderan wrote:

 I run mvn install to build YCSB. In the middle of the compilation, it 
 connects to
 Right now we have some network problems. Is it possible to tell mvn to use a 
 proxy server IP:PORT for connecting to clojars?


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Re: Using a proxy server during mvn install

2014-02-28 Thread Wayne Fay
As before, details of the settings.xml file is already documented -
pay attention to the Tip:

As for SOCKS, there is some discussion on this subject at StackOverflow:

(You may notice a pattern here -- this is all documented online, you
just need to search for it. hint hint.)


On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 1:12 PM, Mahmood Naderan wrote:
 OK. According to the manual:

 please ensure your settings.xml file (usually
 ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml) is secured with permissions appropriate
 for your operating system).

 There is no settings.xml in ~/.m2/
 I only see ~/.m2/repository/

 Also, I want to know is it possible to use SOCKS5? The example states:

 settings . . proxies proxy activetrue/active 
 protocolhttp/protocol port8080/port 
 usernameproxyuser/username passwordsomepassword/password|* /proxy 
 /proxies . .

 So if I want to use SOCKS5, I have to use protocolsocks5/protocol. Is 
 that right?


 On Friday, February 28, 2014 10:37 PM, Wayne Fay wrote:

 Yes, and this is well documented on the Maven site.

 Search with Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc with the following terms:
 maven proxy configure


 On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 12:46 PM, Mahmood Naderan 

 I run mvn install to build YCSB. In the middle of the compilation, it 
 connects to
 Right now we have some network problems. Is it possible to tell mvn to use a 
 proxy server IP:PORT for connecting to clojars?


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Re: Can I generate pre-signed 3rd party artifacts?

2014-02-27 Thread Wayne Fay
 to be signed using the same certificate. Although the
 webstart-maven-plugin can take care of the signing, there are so many
 jar files that it takes quite a long time to sign them all every time I

Why are you doing this every time you build? This seems like the
kind of thing that should rarely be done locally and instead handled
by your by your CI server.

 Since  the 3rd party artifacts rarely change, I'd like to sign them all
 once, and store them in a local repository and have the projects all
 depend on the signed versions. Is there any quick way of doing this?

I am unaware of any quick way to do this.


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Re: Rule for maven plugin inheritance

2014-02-24 Thread Wayne Fay
 At first, I define two maven java doc plugin inside the reporting tag and 
 used to generate
 different type of javadoc, one for standard javadoc and for customize one.

FYI: I don't use much of the reporting functionality in Maven, just the basics.

 Later, I want to move those two javadoc plug in into the parent pom, I don't 
 use the
 pluginElement, just want all of our sub project could use it directly.

Generally speaking, you don't include a plugin twice in your pom, you
should include it once and use executions or reportSets to provide
different configurations for the various executions you require. Read
more online:


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Re: Why does Maven fail to compile my project occasionally?

2014-02-20 Thread Wayne Fay
 It's because my code depends some other modules which I didn't put it into
 pom.xml explicitly. And I'm adding them into the corresponding pom.xml.
 Thank you for directing me back to the right track!

Glad you sorted that out! :)

 However, I'm curious that I succeed to compile the project after several
 compilation failure. How does it happen? I've passed the parameter 'clean
 install -Dmaven.test.skip=true --update-snapshots --batch-mode --fail-fast
 --debug -Dmaven.compiler.forceJavacCompilerUse=true
 -Dmaven.compiler.verbose=true' to Maven, but it doesn't get the same error
 when I compile the project the second time. And it mislead me to blame Maven

I rarely use any parameters as you have done here. Can you try a
simple mvn clean install and see how that goes? Also -U and -X may
be useful shortcuts for you to know about.

And I agree with Stephen and Ron - Eclipse sometimes does helpful
things which produce hard to explain results. I would suggest either
using Eclipse or Maven CLI but not both simultaneously on the same
project (close Eclipse  just use Maven CLI, or just use Eclipse).


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Re: Solution for handeling many conflicts in maven dependencies.

2014-02-19 Thread Wayne Fay
 is a problem. We excluded zookeeper from netflix-curator and hadoop, but
 not from hbase. So when we use all 3 artifacts we receive zookeeper from
 hbase, but when use only netflix-curator and hadoop we can lost needed

You should have a direct dependency on zookeeper if you are using it,
and not just assume you will get it as a transitive dependency from
hbase. What happens when hbase suddenly stops using zookeeper (even if
this is wildly unlikely)?

 And we would recognize it only when in Runtime we receive
 ClassNotFoundException. That's why I want to write an additional plugin
 for this case. This plugin would check: if you have dependency on some
 artifact, you should depend on artifacts, which were excluded from that
 artifact. If you lost some artifact, you need to add it or configure an

Have you looked at the dependency plugin, specifically the analyze mojo?


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Re: Why does Maven fail to compile my project occasionally?

2014-02-16 Thread Wayne Fay
 I've written a Windows batch file to invoke Maven to build the project
 before I choose Jenkins as my daily build system. And at that time I got
 the same Maven error as I described in this thread.

Maven calls out to your system JDK to do the compilation step. With
the [ERROR] lines you provided previously, Maven is simply passing
along the error that was reported by javac. I bet, if you constructed
the proper javac call (which can be seen in Maven's logs if you use -X
for debug mode), you would see the same error produced without
involving Maven (or Jenkins) at all.

IIRC you had some cannot find symbol errors. What do you expect
Maven to do about code defects reported by the Java compiler? Why are
you blaming Maven for this?

 I'll post some other source code and POM files later. Please help me to
 diagnose my problem then. Thanks.

Please don't try to send attachments or huge logs, source code, pom
files to the list. Instead post it to Pastebin or Gist and send us a


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Re: Looking for org.apache.poi 3.10-FINAL

2014-02-16 Thread Wayne Fay
 thanks once again!  The only person to supply useful information.
 Over 6 days old!!
 So that means maven central took over 6 days to index this content.
 That is quite incredible!
 This is in my opinion a bug, or at least a fundamental design error.

 Also before completely blaming Sonatype I would suggest you find out

You may also want to lose some of the attitude. No one here is getting
paid (by you) to do what we're doing -- in fact Sonatype has spent a
considerable amount of money building and maintaining Central over the
years. Attacking them (or those on this list) because you couldn't use
the latest POI immediately after it was released seems like a bad
move. You catch more flies with honey and all that.


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Re: Looking for org.apache.poi 3.10-FINAL

2014-02-16 Thread Wayne Fay
Sure, but which FAQ should this go in - a generic Maven faq, a faq
specific to m2eclipse (bear in mind, this group has zero control over
m2e), or a FAQ related to Central? Or all of those places? Where did
you look (in the Maven website  docs) for such information, prior to
posting your email to this list?

It may not sound like it but I am genuinely curious where this
information should go to ensure the right people can see/find it when
they need to know such information.


On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 4:43 PM, David Law wrote:
 Hi Wayne,

 I would suggest someone documents the behaviour in the FAQ
 with a tip that a not-yet-indexed artifact can be proactively retrieved
 by entering its Group Id, Artifact Id  Version.

 That way we all save time.

 All the best,

 On 16.02.2014 21:52, Wayne Fay wrote:

 thanks once again!  The only person to supply useful information.


 Over 6 days old!!


 So that means maven central took over 6 days to index this content.
 That is quite incredible!


 This is in my opinion a bug, or at least a fundamental design error.

 Also before completely blaming Sonatype I would suggest you find out

 You may also want to lose some of the attitude. No one here is getting
 paid (by you) to do what we're doing -- in fact Sonatype has spent a
 considerable amount of money building and maintaining Central over the
 years. Attacking them (or those on this list) because you couldn't use
 the latest POI immediately after it was released seems like a bad
 move. You catch more flies with honey and all that.


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Re: Prevent installing archives to local repository

2014-02-14 Thread Wayne Fay
 i see, that some of the files are installing to the local repository and
 some not. The files that i need are installed to the repository, but there
 is also a file that should not be installed. My question is how maven

Can you be more specific about the file that should not be
installed? What is special about it?

 install plugin detect which file should be installed and which not, and is
 there a possibility to control this process and define that a specific file
 shouldn't be installed.

Perhaps share your pom so we can comment on improvements? Please don't
just email it here - post to pastebin or a similar service and send us
the link.


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Re: Why is dependency:analyze lying to me?

2014-02-13 Thread Wayne Fay
 This may fall into the “How the hell is Maven supposed to know?” category,

Yes, it most certainly does.

 Anyway, not sure if the plugin can be configured to detect these kind of
 things, but a guy can dream, can’t he??

You would need to write code that performs the following tasks:
1. look in jar files related to dependencies
2. find taglib files and other configuration files [each file type
needs its own parser]
3. store tag uris that are discovered along with the associated jar
4. check those tag uris vs what is in your code (keep in mind some may
be in config files you wrote, so gotta parse those too - more code to
5. output the list of jars (dependencies) which are not actually used
in code or config

This is nontrivial, so no one has done it. I'm sure we'd take a
contribution if you did the work.


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Re: Maven parent POM - execute plugin after the submodule execution

2014-02-13 Thread Wayne Fay
Just add another submodule.
Make it depend on the last submodule (eg you had A, B, C before -
make this D, and depend on C, assumes C depends on B which depends on
Add the plugin to D.


On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 7:04 AM, DenisDasKind wrote:
 Hi Everybody, in my project i have a pom, that contains some childs
 (submodules). The pom was defined as pom packaging type, and all is working
 fine. But now i must execute a maven plugin, that should be executed after
 the submodule build was finished. Is this possible, and when not, how can i
 realize this? The parent pom is only a aggregator pom.

 Thank you in Advance!


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Re: How to minimize quantity of profiles in pom.xml file

2014-02-13 Thread Wayne Fay
 I have a lot of profiles in my module pom. The difference between them is
 only target URL.

 Is there any possibility to make one profile with parameters which will be
 taken from file or any other solution to make one profile instead of many.

Tell us more about what you are building. Why do you need to vary the
target URL as you mention?


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Re: Best practices for Java EE 7 dependencies

2014-02-11 Thread Wayne Fay
  Should I better specify the exact dependencies and investigate some
  more work in POM maintainance? What would this gain me?

 You answered your own question, congrats! :)

 Well, if I got you right, you mean it won't gain me anything. Right?

I made no such statement. I was simply agreeing that you should
specify the exact dependencies.

 So using javaee-api instead of the finer grained POMs DOES CAUSE
 problems. Or am I doing something wrong here?

Probably you should just use the finer grained POMs. Or better, make a
parent project, use depMgmt, specify versions there, then only
depend on the correct things in your various modules. It is not
*that* much more work.


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Re: Best practices for Java EE 7 dependencies

2014-02-07 Thread Wayne Fay
 Should I better specify the exact dependencies and investigate some more
 work in POM maintainance? What would this gain me?

You answered your own question, congrats! :)


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Re: Build is successful but can't run?

2014-02-06 Thread Wayne Fay
 I added the maven-assembly-plugin as described here:
 and now the dependencies are bundled within the jar. Thanks for your help

This is a fine approach. I still maintain the exec plugin is a great
option for these types of uses - so long as you (the developer) are
the one who needs to run the app. If you want to deliver it to a
third-party in a single executable jar format, then assembly and other
plugins are generally superior.


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Re: Build is successful but can't run?

2014-02-05 Thread Wayne Fay
 When I try to /run /it in the form of *java -cp
 target/my-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar* I get this:
 *java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/slf4j/LoggerFactory*

 How come this dependency fails at this late stage?

This line says run Java with the classpath being my-app.jar and use as the main/entry class.

Java says OK and happily tries to run your file. Then immediately
discovers that the classpath you have specified does not include one
or more classes - classes that you have declared as dependencies and
by using Maven to help manage during the compile process you don't
need to worry about the details of your classpath. This is exactly

But now you are dealing with run-time, not compile-time. Until now,
Maven has ensured that various dependencies are in the classpath --
but note that you are not running Maven, you are running Java, and
java does not know anything about Maven's pom and the dependencies
etc. So now you need to manually build out that classpath to run your
code with a lot more things in the -cp parameter.

A far simpler approach is to use the maven-exec-plugin and again let
Maven help with your run-time dependencies. Here is a link to that
documentation - I'm sure you can sort it out by click a few links and
doing 5 minutes of reading:


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Re: Build is successful but can't run?

2014-02-05 Thread Wayne Fay
 *Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from target/myApp.jar*

 I opened the manifest and the *Main-Class* attribute was entered as
 *mainClass.* So I changed it to the former and that got rid of that error.
 But now  I *still *get the original error.

You should specify the fully qualified main class eg:
in the mainClass field/parameter to the plugin.


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Re: Maven antrun: pass maven properties to ant

2014-02-04 Thread Wayne Fay
- outputDirectory, indicates where the generation happens? or the war is
generated in and then copied to the indicated

Best way to know for sure is to simply give it a try on a dev machine.


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