Re: agency theory and software development

2013-08-29 Thread MartinHarrison

its a f*cker but I think it boils down to 'user error'!

+ and bad programming.

On 15/08/13 08:18, Kristian Rosenvold wrote:

2013/8/14 SARTAJ HUNDAL :

Given the future of computation and being in a technological singularity,
how do we divert a total disaster when the 'machines' have solid bodies?
Since Hume, we have had theories about "ghosts in the machine", and if we
look even at the beginnings of AI since MIT, it's clear that the software
often has a mind of its own and takes us on courses we never intended to go

Finite-state automata, with no solution to the Halting problem, actually
have exhibited free will and agency. In that respect, how do we reclassify
our notions of human and animal rights when such a species actually has the
entire compendium of human history, knowledge and the universe? Think Data
from Star Trek.

Given the recent activity on our vote threads, I fear this has already happened.


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Re: agency theory and software development

2013-08-15 Thread SARTAJ HUNDAL

On 13-08-15 01:18 AM, Kristian Rosenvold wrote:

2013/8/14 SARTAJ HUNDAL :

Given the future of computation and being in a technological singularity,
how do we divert a total disaster when the 'machines' have solid bodies?
Since Hume, we have had theories about "ghosts in the machine", and if we
look even at the beginnings of AI since MIT, it's clear that the software
often has a mind of its own and takes us on courses we never intended to go

Finite-state automata, with no solution to the Halting problem, actually
have exhibited free will and agency. In that respect, how do we reclassify
our notions of human and animal rights when such a species actually has the
entire compendium of human history, knowledge and the universe? Think Data
from Star Trek.

Given the recent activity on our vote threads, I fear this has already happened.


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I'm not so sure we have anything to fear, Maxwell's Daemon is a timeless 
notion. If anything, they strive to achieve unity with the LOGOS.

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Re: agency theory and software development

2013-08-15 Thread Kristian Rosenvold
2013/8/14 SARTAJ HUNDAL :
> Given the future of computation and being in a technological singularity,
> how do we divert a total disaster when the 'machines' have solid bodies?
> Since Hume, we have had theories about "ghosts in the machine", and if we
> look even at the beginnings of AI since MIT, it's clear that the software
> often has a mind of its own and takes us on courses we never intended to go
> on.
> Finite-state automata, with no solution to the Halting problem, actually
> have exhibited free will and agency. In that respect, how do we reclassify
> our notions of human and animal rights when such a species actually has the
> entire compendium of human history, knowledge and the universe? Think Data
> from Star Trek.

Given the recent activity on our vote threads, I fear this has already happened.


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RE: agency theory and software development

2013-08-14 Thread Martin Gainty
It is assume that automated processes triggered by maven build scripts need to 
1)told what to do and 
2)the same build scripts need to be told what specific steps need to be 
executed and in which order in order to accomplish each task

if an automated processes in danger of going fubar becomes a 'statistical 
probability' is up to us (hopefully) intelligent humans to 
1)note the aberrant behavior (violation of multiple rules)
2)pull smartly on the choke collar (i.e. shortcircuit the task behavior and 
quiesce the process)

if the automated process does not respond  in a  
amount of time..the off switch should be considered..
to wit:

Because these scenarios have become a reality one of the mission statements of 
CTOs of Financial Houses is to  monitor all financial transactions by 
monitoring software on 24/7/365  basis... the rule-based engine of the 
monitoring software will
1) monitor aberrant behavior by applying violations of transactions to 
preconfigured 'rules' and 
2) apply appropriate shortcircuits when  number of preconfigured rules have 
been violated

(speaking of shortcirtcuit we should probably continue this discussion offline)
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> Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 14:01:33 -0600
> From:
> To:
> Subject: re: agency theory and software development
> Given the future of computation and being in a technological 
> singularity, how do we divert a total disaster when the 'machines' have 
> solid bodies? Since Hume, we have had theories about "ghosts in the 
> machine", and if we look even at the beginnings of AI since MIT, it's 
> clear that the software often has a mind of its own and takes us on 
> courses we never intended to go on.
> Finite-state automata, with no solution to the Halting problem, actually 
> have exhibited free will and agency. In that respect, how do we 
> reclassify our notions of human and animal rights when such a species 
> actually has the entire compendium of human history, knowledge and the 
> universe? Think Data from Star Trek.
> -
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Re: agency theory and software development

2013-08-14 Thread Andreas Gudian
Am Mittwoch, 14. August 2013 schrieb SARTAJ HUNDAL :

> Given the future of computation and being in a technological singularity,
> how do we divert a total disaster when the 'machines' have solid bodies?
> Since Hume, we have had theories about "ghosts in the machine", and if we
> look even at the beginnings of AI since MIT, it's clear that the software
> often has a mind of its own and takes us on courses we never intended to go
> on.

Sounds like a bug to me. Would you open a Jira issue for that?


> Finite-state automata, with no solution to the Halting problem, actually
> have exhibited free will and agency. In that respect, how do we reclassify
> our notions of human and animal rights when such a species actually has the
> entire compendium of human history, knowledge and the universe? Think Data
> from Star Trek.
> --**--**-
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re: agency theory and software development

2013-08-14 Thread SARTAJ HUNDAL
Given the future of computation and being in a technological 
singularity, how do we divert a total disaster when the 'machines' have 
solid bodies? Since Hume, we have had theories about "ghosts in the 
machine", and if we look even at the beginnings of AI since MIT, it's 
clear that the software often has a mind of its own and takes us on 
courses we never intended to go on.

Finite-state automata, with no solution to the Halting problem, actually 
have exhibited free will and agency. In that respect, how do we 
reclassify our notions of human and animal rights when such a species 
actually has the entire compendium of human history, knowledge and the 
universe? Think Data from Star Trek.

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