RE: Re: How to cleanup an application scoped bean

2007-02-21 Thread H. Swaczinna
Ok, but how can I access (find) the bean from such servletcontext 
listener? There's no FacesContext at that time I think.


>you can use a servletcontext listener to do some cleanup on shutdown
>On 2/21/07, H. Swaczinna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have an application scoped bean and want to do some cleanup when
>> the application is shutdown (undeployed). Is there a way to register
>> the bean somehow with the application context like I can register a
>> session scoped bean with the session context?
>> Regards
>> Helmut
>Matthias Wessendorf
>further stuff:
>mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com

RE: Re: Re: How to cleanup an application scoped bean

2007-02-21 Thread H. Swaczinna
Ok, looks simple. Thank you.

>contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent sce)
> ServletContext servletCxt = sce.getServletContext()
> MyBean mb = (MyBean) servletCxt.getAttribute("nameOfTheManagedBean");
> mb.doIt();
>On 2/21/07, H. Swaczinna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Ok, but how can I access (find) the bean from such servletcontext
>> listener? There's no FacesContext at that time I think.
>> Regards
>> Helmut
>> >you can use a servletcontext listener to do some cleanup on shutdown
>> >
>> >-M
>> >
>> >On 2/21/07, H. Swaczinna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> Hi,
>> >>
>> >> I have an application scoped bean and want to do some cleanup when
>> >> the application is shutdown (undeployed). Is there a way to register
>> >> the bean somehow with the application context like I can register a
>> >> session scoped bean with the session context?
>> >>
>> >> Regards
>> >> Helmut
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> >--
>> >Matthias Wessendorf
>> >
>> >
>> >further stuff:
>> >blog:
>> >mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com
>Matthias Wessendorf
>further stuff:
>mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com

[Tobago] How to display an euro with IE and ajax

2007-02-22 Thread H. Swaczinna

I want to display an euro character (€) in a label that's on a
ajax reloaded panel. There's no problem with Firefox, but with IE(5.5/6.0)
I see the string "&euro" instead of the euro char. The label is
loaded from a resource bundle (in xml style). I tried to encode the
euro in the resource but that doesn't help.

Resource  -> IE
"€"   -> "&euro"
"€"  -> ""
"€"  -> "€"

I think Tobago still has some problems with the character encoding
in ajax reloaded components.


[Tobago] foreach and SelectOneChoice

2007-02-23 Thread H. Swaczinna

I want to display a list of data rows. Each row has a tc:selectOneChoice
with a different item list. I tried this with c:foraech:




But I get this error:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /edit/workflowView.jsp(287,22) According to 
TLD or attribute directive in tag file, attribute value does not accept any 

Is there any way to have different item lists per row, maybe with tc:sheet?


RE: Re: [Tobago] foreach and SelectOneChoice

2007-02-23 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hi Volker,

no, it's the value attribute f:selectItems (line 287). I've other
pages with c:foreach and tc:selectOneChoice but with the same
item list on each row. That's no problem.


>Hi Helmut,
>i think the id attributes makes the problem. Did you need to define them?
>Of cause you can also use the sheet for this.
>  Volker
>2007/2/23, H. Swaczinna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Hi,
>> I want to display a list of data rows. Each row has a tc:selectOneChoice
>> with a different item list. I tried this with c:foraech:
>> >   varStatus="status" begin="0">
>>   > value="#{workflowController.rollen[${status.index}]}"/>
>> >   value="#{workflowController.benutzer[${status.index}]}">
>>   value="#{workflowController.benutzerMasterData[${status.index}].itemList}"/>
>> But I get this error:
>> org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /edit/workflowView.jsp(287,22) According 
>to TLD or attribute directive in tag file, attribute value does not accept any 
>> Is there any way to have different item lists per row, maybe with tc:sheet?
>> Regards
>> Helmut

RE: Re: [Tobago] nesting tc:sheet

2007-02-26 Thread H. Swaczinna
There's no tc:selectItems in the Tobago tag doc. Is this a new tag?


>tc:selectItems may resolve your problem, it is similar to f:selectItems 
>but allows $-Expressions, as far as I know. So you can use forEach.
>Do you really need nested loops? Is the inner a loop over the items? 
>Then you can use ?:selectItems instead of ?:selectItem.
>Michał 'Gandalf' Stawicki schrieb:
>> Hi,
>> no answers to this one...
>> Is there any way in Tobago to do double-iteration (so I iterate over
>> some List, and than I iterate over some elements than I get from the
>> first list)? I can't use forEach  as I need to use tc:selectOneChoice
>> and f:selectItems and these won't work with forEach
>> regards,
>> michael
>> On 14/02/07, Michał 'Gandalf' Stawicki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> did anyone tried nesting tc:sheet inside another tc:sheet's column?
>>> I don't get any errors, but the inner tc:sheet just isn't rendered
>>> regards,
>>> michael
>>> -- 
>>> GG: 369

[Tobago] Problem with PDF download and Ajax

2007-02-26 Thread H. Swaczinna

I've a page with a link to download a PDF file. The PDF download itself
works without a problem. But after a download Ajax requests don't work
anymore, for example a popup or a tabGroup with reloadTab.

Here's a small testcase for this behavior.

The page:

<%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="tc" 
%><%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="f" 
%><%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" 
%><%@ page pageEncoding="UTF-8" 









The java code for the PDF download:

  public void showPDFActionListener(ActionEvent e) {
String filename = (String)e.getComponent().getAttributes().get("file");
sendFile(attachmentPath, filename, "application/pdf");

  protected void sendFile(String filepath, String filename, String mimeType) {
File file = new File(filepath, filename);
if (file.exists() && file.isFile()) {
  try {
InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);
FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
HttpServletResponse response = 
" attachment;filename=\"" + filename + "\"");
ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
byte[] buffer = new byte[0x1];
while ( > 0) {
StateManager stateManager = 
  } catch (Exception x) {
getLog().error("Error writing output", x);
} else {
  getLog().error("File " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " not found");
I think there's a problem with Ajax when a page submit has no result.


RE: Re: [Tobago] Problem with PDF download and Ajax

2007-02-27 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hi Madan,here's a (stripped) example I use to generate print files within java code:      label="Print"  immediate="true"  transition="false"  action=""/>  public void printAction() {    String pathname = System.getProperty("");    String filename = "test.pdf";    File pdfFile = new File(pathname, filename);    try {  PrintStream out = new PrintStream(pdfFile);  // Write the PDF content  out.println(...);  out.close();  sendFile(pathname, filename, "application/pdf");    } catch (IOException x) {  LOG.error("Can't create PDF file", x);    }  }RegardsHelmut Hi Helmut,As per ur code, u give the location of a PDF doc on the server.Which when referred then that would be downloaded.But what if a pdf doc is generated within a javacode, say with Jasper Reports.How can i pass that pdf doc generated in runtime to the jsp page and display that ?Thnx in Advance,Regards,Madan - Original Message From: Bernd Bohmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: MyFaces Discussion Sent: Tuesday, 27 February, 2007 4:25:31 AMSubject: Re: [Tobago] Problem with PDF download and AjaxHello
 Helmut,just solved see: be available with the next nightly buildRegardsBerndH. Swaczinna wrote:> Hi,> > I've a page with a link to download a PDF file. The PDF download itself> works without a problem. But after a download Ajax requests don't work> anymore, for example a popup or a tabGroup with reloadTab.> > Here's a small testcase for this behavior.> > The page:> > <%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="tc" > %><%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="f" > %><%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"
 language="java" > %><%@ page pageEncoding="UTF-8" > %>>  >> >   > >   rows="fixed;fixed"/>>   >   > label="PDF"> immediate="true"> transition="false">
 actionListener="#{anlagenController.showPDFActionListener}">> >   >   > label="Ajax">> > >   > >  
 label="Close">>   > >   > >   > >   > > > The java code for the PDF download:> >   public void showPDFActionListener(ActionEvent e) {> String filename = (String)e.getComponent().getAttributes().get("file");> sendFile(attachmentPath, filename, "application/pdf");>   }> >   protected void
 sendFile(String filepath, String filename, String mimeType) {> File file = new File(filepath, filename);> if (file.exists() && file.isFile()) {>   try {> InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);> FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();> HttpServletResponse response = >   (HttpServletResponse)facesContext.getExternalContext().getResponse();> response.setContentType(mimeType);> response.setContentLength(in.available());>
 response.setHeader("Content-disposition", > " attachment;filename=\"" + filename + "\"");> ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();> byte[] buffer = new byte[0x1];> while ( > 0) {>   out.write(buffer);> }> in.close();> out.close();> StateManager stateManager = (StateManager)facesContext.getApplication().getStateManager();>
 stateManager.saveSerializedView(facesContext); > facesContext.responseComplete();>   } catch (Exception x) {> getLog().error("Error writing output", x);>   }> } else {>   getLog().error("File " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " not found");> }>   }>  > I think there's a problem with Ajax when a page submit has no result.> > Regards> Helmut> 

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[Tobago] How to redisplay a popup in case of an error

2007-03-05 Thread H. Swaczinna

I have a popup with some input fields and a submit button
When the popup is submitted I want to check the entered values
and then redisplay the same popup in case of incorrect data entered,
so the user can correct his inputs. How can I do this?


RE: Re: [Tobago] Form submit using JavaScript

2007-03-06 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hi Madan,just one tip, may be this helps. You can use the (internally) Tobago function Tobago.reloadComponent() to execute a serveside action, get back a value via ajaxand finally execute some _javascript_. Example:function checkOrderIdAndConfirmSubmit() {    var options = {  onComplete:     function() {  confirmSubmit();     }    };    Tobago.reloadComponent(, , options); }function confirmSubmit() {  if (orderId exists) {       if (confirmDialog(...)) {  Tobago.submit(...);        }    }}RegardsHelmut Hi All,Am bit in a urgency to complete my application as my project deadline is ahead.Am stuck with a few issues like this  and the mouseOver functionality for Could anyone plz suggest me how to proceed with this case ?Regards,Madan- Original Message From: madan chowdary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: MyFaces Discussion Sent: Friday, 2 March, 2007 5:27:56 PMSubject: [Tobago] Form submit using _javascript_Hi All,I have a usecase which
 does as follows,-> User has to enter an orderID->If orderId is already present in the database, then he should be asked to confirm with the same orderId or cange the orderId.->This would be asked with a _javascript_ confirm dialog .-> if  'Ok' is clicked, the form must be submitted. else if 'Cancel' does not do any thing.The first time he enters with the po number, it should go to the server process , if poNumber already exists, then it should come back to the same page , render all the text and then show the _javascript_ confirm dialog asking to choose the above case.I was able to achieve this as under                                        <%-- poNumberExists Confirmation --%>                                                            Just for testing i kept as follows to print true or false, when i click on buy button, was able to send a
 request with ajax and get back the value as true or false.But i was stuck how to proceed with "_javascript_ confirm" and submitting the form.Plz suggest me with this,Thnx in AdvanceRegards,Madan

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RE: Why we use Tobago?

2007-03-06 Thread H. Swaczinna

there's no direct way to use css styles. But you can use and define
markups instead, for example markup="number" right aligns input
fields. To define your own markups see 9. and 10.


>Hi all
>Can I use css for any Tobago tag like “in“,”out” etc tag?
>Sometime I need to left align right align some text filed, button but I
>don’t know how to solved this problem. 
>Please help if any one has answer.
>Another question is: I am new in Tobago any one can explain me why we choice
>Tobago ?
>View this message in context: 
>Sent from the MyFaces - Users mailing list archive at

[Tobago] Problem with tabGroup and redered attribute

2007-03-09 Thread H. Swaczinna

I've a tabGroup with some tabs and one the tabs has rendered="false"
(for example a user has no right to see this tab). Then you can't 
activate a tab which is right of the the tab not rendered.
Clicking on the tab has no effect. Seems to be a bug in Tobago.


[Tobago] Ajax request timeout

2007-03-12 Thread H. Swaczinna

the timeout for ajax request seems to be very small. If an ajax requests 
blocks for some seconds I get the error message 

2007-03-12 15:16:56 ERROR - 
org.apache.myfaces.tobago.ajax.api.AjaxPhaseListener - Ignoring AjaxRequest 
without valid component tree!

and ajax doesn't work anymore.

How can I increase the ajax timeout?


Re: [Tobago] Problem with tabGroup and redered attribute

2007-03-12 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hello Bernd,

here's a (very simple) example:






Tab 2 is not rendered and you can't activate Tab3.


>Hello Helmut,
>can you send an example page, please.
>H. Swaczinna wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've a tabGroup with some tabs and one the tabs has rendered="false"
>> (for example a user has no right to see this tab). Then you can't 
>> activate a tab which is right of the the tab not rendered.
>> Clicking on the tab has no effect. Seems to be a bug in Tobago.
>> Regards
>> Helmut

RE: [Tobago] Scrollable text insice tc:sheet

2007-03-13 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hello Michael,

you can use a tc:in or tc:textArea with readonly="true".


>is there a way to put a scrollable text inside a tc:column in tc:sheet?
>I tried tc:cell scrollbars="auto" and putting tc:out inside, but it didn't 
>GG: 369

RE: [Tobago] opening a new broswer and the original IE broswer lost session

2007-03-13 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hi Sam,seems to me you've taken the code from a posting I've done some time ago ;-)I'm still using the same code and it works with the IE. The problem with the session timeoutmust have an other cause.There exists an alternative approach for PDF download in the Tobago demo. Maybe youcan try this.RegardsHelmut 


    I am using the IE browser.  I create a print button to open a new browser to print, then I tried to submit a record form the original browser, but nothing got submitted.  When I click on other tab, I got session timeout.  It seems the FaceContext was lost.  I would need to refresh the browser in order to get back the FaceContext object back. Could anyone tell me how to open a new browser and the FaceContext will not lost from the original browser?  Or is this a bug for Tobago?  Thanks.

I am using this suggestion below:




    // Everytime the page is loaded, check for an existing PDF file to display

    function showPrintResult(url) {

  if (url != null && url != "") {, "Print");










  public void printAction() {

    // Generate PDF file


    // Set PDF file

    printFile = "http://localhost:8080/gena/print/test.pdf";;


  public String getPrintFile() {

    // Return and reset PDF file 

    String tmp = printFile;

    printFile = null;

    return tmp;


--> Sam Wong

RE: [ Tobago ] defaultCommand in

2007-03-13 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hi Madan,you can try to define a custom markup for the button which hides the border.RegardsHelmut Hi All,I have a link which is shown with an image.If at all i use a button for the action, i used ' defaultCommand ' attribute to achieve my task if i press enter.But now as i am using link, i was not able  to complete the action when i press enter.I need to show an image in the form, but when used image in  was getting a border which looks bad. Is there any means to achieve the defaultCommand action to a link ?Regards,Madan

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Re: File upload?

2007-03-13 Thread H. Swaczinna
You can set the path for the files in web.xml:



  Set the size limit for uploaded files. Default value is 1 MB.
Format: 10 = 10 bytes
10k = 10 KB
10m = 10 MB
1g = 1 GB

  Set the upload repository path for uploaded files. Default 
value is



>On 12/03/07, Bjørn T Johansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Where can I configure where the files are saved?
>> And can I have two file upload on the same page?
>Take a look at:
>GG: 369

RE: [Tobago] opening a new broswer and the original IE broswer lost session

2007-03-13 Thread H. Swaczinna
I'm just remembering one thing. Do you get a message like"Server error. Probably a session timeout." in your browser window?If so, this isn't really a session timeout, but an exception while executing an ajaxrequest. When you have set switchType="reloadTab" in your tabGroup tab switchingis done by ajax. Have a look in your server log for any exceptions.RegardsHelmut 


    I am using the IE browser.  I create a print button to open a new browser to print, then I tried to submit a record form the original browser, but nothing got submitted.  When I click on other tab, I got session timeout.  It seems the FaceContext was lost.  I would need to refresh the browser in order to get back the FaceContext object back. Could anyone tell me how to open a new browser and the FaceContext will not lost from the original browser?  Or is this a bug for Tobago?  Thanks.

I am using this suggestion below:




    // Everytime the page is loaded, check for an existing PDF file to display

    function showPrintResult(url) {

  if (url != null && url != "") {, "Print");










  public void printAction() {

    // Generate PDF file


    // Set PDF file

    printFile = "http://localhost:8080/gena/print/test.pdf";;


  public String getPrintFile() {

    // Return and reset PDF file 

    String tmp = printFile;

    printFile = null;

    return tmp;


--> Sam Wong

[Tobago] Popups background not disabled

2007-03-13 Thread H. Swaczinna

when the page shows a popup the background page is grayed and
you can't activate any component by mouse. But you can activate
any component by keyboard when you use the tab key. You can execute
actions and modifiy fields. This is the serious problem because our
customers users used to work more by keyboard than by mouse.
With the IE there's another problem. Listboxes aren't disabled at all.
You can pick entries by mouse.


Re: [Tobago] Popups background not disabled

2007-03-13 Thread H. Swaczinna
No, sorry, we can't switch to IE 7. I would be happier if we could...


>BTW, the same is true for the progress effect used for page transitioning.
>Is switching to IE 7 an option?
>Arvid Hülsebus wrote:
>> In a different project I installed something like a keyboard event 
>> sink to avoid this. I will try to work this out together with Udo.
>> The select control problem doesn't exist in IE 7. For IE 6 we didn't 
>> include an IFRAME hack up to now to hide the select controls. This was 
>> a known issue, which we somehow forgot to fix.
>> Best regards,
>> Arvid
>> H. Swaczinna wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> when the page shows a popup the background page is grayed and
>>> you can't activate any component by mouse. But you can activate
>>> any component by keyboard when you use the tab key. You can execute
>>> actions and modifiy fields. This is the serious problem because our
>>> customers users used to work more by keyboard than by mouse.
>>> With the IE there's another problem. Listboxes aren't disabled at all.
>>> You can pick entries by mouse.
>>> Regards
>>> Helmut

RE: [Tobago] Sheet gets Refreshed

2007-03-14 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hello Madan,not the values have changed but the order of the rows. Maybe your databasedoes random sorting. Do you have a sort criteria for your database query?Are the columns of the sheet sortable? If you have sorted the rows by clicking theheaders and then refresh the data from your database the original sorting is restored.RegardsHelmut Hi All,I have a sheet which contain details of an order placed by the user.The order Qty entered by the user is available in the textfield in the sheet.But if at all the user refreshes the page , the sheet gets refreshed and
 the values in the Qty are being altered.This would be a blocker in my app if found by the testers.Please find the difference in the images i attached with this mail, u can see that the Qty is varied for the products.This values are changed when i refresh the page as in the images before.gif and after.gif.Regards,Madan

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RE: [Tobago] Ajax request timeout

2007-03-15 Thread H. Swaczinna

I have to ask again, is there a way to set the timeout for ajax
requests? There're several problems when an ajax request timesout,
for example a popup doesn't popup.


>the timeout for ajax request seems to be very small. If an ajax requests 
>blocks for some seconds I get the error message 
>2007-03-12 15:16:56 ERROR - 
>org.apache.myfaces.tobago.ajax.api.AjaxPhaseListener - Ignoring AjaxRequest 
>without valid component tree!
>and ajax doesn't work anymore.
>How can I increase the ajax timeout?

Re: [Tobago] Ajax request timeout

2007-03-15 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hi Volker,

thank you for the info, I'll try this. 

Maybe the problem in my first mail was a followup problem of
an ajax timeout.


>Hi Helmut,
>i think the problem in your first mail is not the ajax timeout.
>but to set this timout you can redefine the value of
>  Tobago.Updater.UPDATE_TIMEOUT = 5000;
>5000 = 5 sec, is the default.
>  Volker
>2007/3/15, H. Swaczinna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Hello,
>> I have to ask again, is there a way to set the timeout for ajax
>> requests? There're several problems when an ajax request timesout,
>> for example a popup doesn't popup.
>> Regards
>> Helmut
>> >Hello,
>> >
>> >the timeout for ajax request seems to be very small. If an ajax requests
>> >blocks for some seconds I get the error message
>> >
>> >2007-03-12 15:16:56 ERROR -
>> >org.apache.myfaces.tobago.ajax.api.AjaxPhaseListener - Ignoring 
>> >without valid component tree!
>> >
>> >and ajax doesn't work anymore.
>> >
>> >How can I increase the ajax timeout?
>> >
>> >Regards
>> >Helmut

Re: [Tobago] Popups background not disabled

2007-03-15 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hello Volker, hello Arvid, hello Bernd,

this seems to be a very difficult problem for you to solve.
I discussed this with my project manager. If there's no
simple solution you can leave it as it is. Our customer will
switch to IE 7 before the end of the year. We (he) can live with
this until then.

But the problem with the not disabled keyboard keys should be 
fixed please. Should I add a jira issue for this?


>An iframe with transparent background?
>I thought this is impossible. I had needed this on other places an
>tryed without success.
>I thought i had asked you before, obviously not.
>btw: can you take a look at TOBAGO-213? I tryed without succes to hide
>the selects with an iframe underlying the header.
>  Volker
>2007/3/15, Arvid Hülsebus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> I have built a solution with IFRAMEs which works in IE6 a long time ago.
>> I will try to make a minimal example.
>> Regards,
>> Arvid
>> Volker Weber wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > The second problem (listboxes are not diabled in IE < 7) could afaik
>> > only solved by the iframe trick. An this is imho not an option,
>> > because this did not grey out the background but hide it completly.
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> >  Volker
>> >
>> > 2007/3/15, Bernd Bohmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> >> Hello Helmut,
>> >>
>> >> can you add an jira issue for this, please.
>> >>
>> >> Regards
>> >>
>> >> Bernd
>> >>
>> >> H. Swaczinna wrote:
>> >> > No, sorry, we can't switch to IE 7. I would be happier if we could...
>> >> >
>> >> > Regards
>> >> > Helmut
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >> BTW, the same is true for the progress effect used for page
>> >> transitioning.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Is switching to IE 7 an option?
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Regards,
>> >> >> Arvid
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Arvid Hülsebus wrote:
>> >> >>> In a different project I installed something like a keyboard event
>> >> >>> sink to avoid this. I will try to work this out together with Udo.
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>> The select control problem doesn't exist in IE 7. For IE 6 we didn't
>> >> >>> include an IFRAME hack up to now to hide the select controls.
>> >> This was
>> >> >>> a known issue, which we somehow forgot to fix.
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>> Best regards,
>> >> >>> Arvid
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>> H. Swaczinna wrote:
>> >> >>>> Hi,
>> >> >>>>
>> >> >>>> when the page shows a popup the background page is grayed and
>> >> >>>> you can't activate any component by mouse. But you can activate
>> >> >>>> any component by keyboard when you use the tab key. You can execute
>> >> >>>> actions and modifiy fields. This is the serious problem because our
>> >> >>>> customers users used to work more by keyboard than by mouse.
>> >> >>>> With the IE there's another problem. Listboxes aren't disabled
>> >> at all.
>> >> >>>> You can pick entries by mouse.
>> >> >>>>
>> >> >>>> Regards
>> >> >>>> Helmut
>> >> >>>>
>> >> >>>>
>> >> >
>> >>

Re: [TObago] need for attribute matrix

2007-03-16 Thread H. Swaczinna

yes, I agree with Yazid, a list of all facets and attributes with
the tags they belong to would be very helpful. I found some useful 
facets only by chance in the mailing list because they're nowhere documented.


>Thanks Volker,
>But what I need is the list of attribute name "rendredPartially,.." and
>associated value in tobago.
>Bernd Bohmann wrote:
>> Hello,
>> you can find the tlddoc here:
>> Regards
>> Bernd
>> yazid wrote:
>>> Hi all;
>>> Can anyone tell how to find the  Tobago 1.0.10 attribute matrix
>>> Thanks
>View this message in context: 
>Sent from the MyFaces - Users mailing list archive at

[Tobago] Doubleclick and rightclick?

2007-03-16 Thread H. Swaczinna

that's only a question. Is there any chance to react on mouse
doubleclicks or rightclicks with Tobago, for example to popup a
popup or a menu? My boss asked me...


How to load an application scoped bean on application startup

2007-03-16 Thread H. Swaczinna

I want to load an application scoped bean immidiately when the
applcation is loaded (deployed), not when it is first accessed.
In general, I can create the bean in a ServletContextListener:

  public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent event) {
LOG.debug("*** contextInitialized ***");
ServletContext servletContext = event.getServletContext();
MasterDataSupplier masterDataSupplier = new MasterDataSupplier();
servletContext.setAttribute("masterDataSupplier", masterDataSupplier);

But my question is, how do I resolve the managed properties of the
bean? I can use a context-param for a simple string property but
there're complex properties to handle (DAOs managed by Spring).
I think, I have to get the (Sring)VariableResolver somehow and do
the resolving myself. Has anybody done this before?


RE: [ Tobago ] maxLength in and

2007-03-22 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hi Madan, generates a HTML maxlength="4", so the inputlength is restricted to 4 chars.RegardsHelmut Hi All,I have a constraint for inputfield to take only 4 numerics thai is to be entered by the user.To do this i need the maxLength attribute thats present in Html tags but not in the Tobago  or  tags.I dont want to use  tag , as if at all this validation fails there would be a a page refresh and have to show an error message.So instead of that i can block the user to enter only 4 numerics.As per the docs this Attribute "maxLength" cannot be included in  and  .How can i achieve this task ?Madan

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[Tobago] No progress bar in login page

2007-03-22 Thread H. Swaczinna

normally I see a progress bar and the page grayed out when I switch
between pages or execute long running actions. But not in my login page
when the user logs in. Maybe the page transition mechanism doesn't
work, when the page is called from outside JSF, like the login page?
Here's my code:








Re: NullPointerException in org.apache.myfaces.lifecycle.PhaseListenerManager during RESTORE_STATE

2007-03-22 Thread H. Swaczinna

have you seen the OutOfMemoryError at the end of the stacktrace?


>  I have the same problem. 
>Did you find any solution for this?
>Envirnoment:  Seam 1.1.6, ajax4jsf1.1.0rc1, MyFaces 1.1.4, Tomahawk 1.1.3 
>Madhav Bhargava-2 wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Till now the application was working fine. Since 3 hrs I have been
>> getting the following exception when navigating to different pages. The
>> exception is thrown at any arbitrary JSF page so I am unable to trace
>> anything.
>> I googled this exception and found that there was a patch released in
>> the nightly build sometime back.  I took the latest nightly build out
>> but I am still getting the same exception.
>> Stack Trace:
>> 929975 ERROR [http-]
>> org.apache.myfaces.lifecycle.PhaseListenerManager   - Exception in
>> PhaseListener RESTORE_VIEW(1) afterPhase
>>  java.lang.NullPointerException
>> at
>> org.apache.shale.remoting.faces.RemotingPhaseListener.afterPhase(Remotin
>> at
>> org.apache.myfaces.lifecycle.PhaseListenerManager.informPhaseListenersAf
>> ter(
>> at
>> org.apache.myfaces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.executePhase(LifecycleImpl.ja
>> va:99)
>> at
>> org.apache.myfaces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.execute(
>> )
>> at
>> javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(
>> at
>> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(Applica
>> at
>> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilt
>> at
>> org.apache.myfaces.webapp.filter.ExtensionsFilter.doFilter(ExtensionsFil
>> at
>> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(Applica
>> at
>> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilt
>> at
>> org.apache.myfaces.webapp.filter.ExtensionsFilter.doFilter(ExtensionsFil
>> at
>> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(Applica
>> at
>> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilt
>> at
>> org.jboss.web.tomcat.filters.ReplyHeaderFilter.doFilter(ReplyHeaderFilte
>> at
>> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(Applica
>> at
>> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilt
>> at
>> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValv
>> at
>> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextValv
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> ava:59)
>> at
>> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
>> :126)
>> at
>> org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(
>> :105)
>> at
>> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(StandardEngineValve.
>> java:107)
>> at
>> org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(
>> 48)
>> at
>> org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(
>> 6)
>> at
>> org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.processC
>> onnection(
>> at
>> .java:527)
>> at
>> at
>> 929975 ERROR [http-]
>> org.apache.myfaces.lifecycle.PhaseListenerManager   - Exception in
>> PhaseListener RESTORE_VIEW(1) afterPhase
>>  java.lang.NullPointerException
>> at
>> com.sun.j2ee.blueprints.ui.util.ResourcePhaseListener.afterPhase(Resourc
>> at
>> org.apache.myfaces.lifecycle.PhaseListenerManager.informPhaseListenersAf
>> ter(
>> at
>> org.apache.myfaces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.executePhase(LifecycleImpl.ja
>> va:99)

Re: [Tobago] in Tobago pages

2007-04-03 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hi Madan,I had the same error after upgrading. Make sure there're no Tobago 1.0.10 jar in yourclasspath and war file and try a cleanbuild."outcome != null" simply means return a not null string value from your action method.public String action() {  return "foo";}RegardsHelmut Hi Volker,Was getting this error when replaced Tobago 1.0.10 with Tobago 1.0.11 Snapshotjava.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.ajax.api.AjaxUtils.getAjaxComponents(Ljavax/faces/context/FacesContext;)Ljava/util/List;    at org.apache.myfaces.tobago.lifecycle.RenderResponseExecutor.execute( api and impl are 1.1.5 v.And can u plz tell how can i use " outcome != null in the action to invoke standard jsf navigation, also on ajax requests" .Thnx Regards,Madan- Original Message From: madan chowdary
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: MyFaces Discussion Sent: Tuesday, 3 April, 2007 1:07:00 PMSubject: Re: [Tobago]  in Tobago pagesHi Volker,Can u send me the code syntax where to place this ' outcome != null 'Madan- Original Message From: Volker Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: MyFaces Discussion Sent: Tuesday, 3 April, 2007 12:47:57 PMSubject: Re: [Tobago]  in Tobago pagesHi,in 1.0.11-snapshot you can just do a outcome != null in the action toinvoke standardjsf navigation, also on ajax requests.Regards,  Volker2007/4/3,
 madan chowdary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:>> Hi Volker,>> I am doing this request via
 Ajax.>> I tried to forward to the particular page based on the condition from the> controller, but that doesn't work as this is via Ajax.>> I am refreshing a sheet which has some products in it and a checkbox to> delete.>> I select the checkbox and submit a button which does a refresh on the panel.>> If i have only one product and checks for that to delete and submit the> button, then it deletes it and then displays an empty sheet.>> This sheet is placed in a jsp which includes many other fields in that.>> So i cant show a message that u don't have any items at the bottom of the> page making all the fields in active state.>> so i need to forward to another page for displaying this message.>> Thats the reason i am in need of a forward.>> Cant this be done or have any other means to do this..>>
 Regards,> Madan>> - Original Message > From: Volker Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> To: MyFaces Discussion > Sent: Monday, 2 April, 2007 12:46:52 PM> Subject: Re: [Tobago]  in Tobago pages>> Hi Madan,>> you can't, but you can switch the output in your action method based> on the condition.>> Regards,>   Volker>> 2007/4/2, madan chowdary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:> >> > Hi David,> >> > thnx for the hint, but will this satisfy my question..> >> > this is my navigation case in faces-config.xml> >> > > > goto_checkout> >
 /jsp/checkout.jsp> > > >> > so how could i use this to forward to "goto_checkout"  based upon a> > condition as such.> >> >  > > > > > > page="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/jsp/checkout.faces"/>> > > > > >> > Madan> >> > - Original Message > > From: David Steinkopff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> > To: MyFaces Discussion > > Sent: Monday, 2 April, 2007 12:11:55 PM> > Subject: Re: [Tobago]  in Tobago
 pages> >> > Hi Madan,> > my hint for you> > faces-config.xml -> navigation rules> > Regards> > David> >> > 2007/3/31, madan chowdary <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >:> > >> > >> > >> > > Hi All,> > >> > > Is there any way to do such kind of thing...?> > >> > > Madan> > >> > >> > >> > > - Original Message > > > From: madan chowdary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> > > To: MyFaces Discussion <>> > > Sent: Friday, 30 March, 2007 2:57:27 PM> > > Subject: [Tobago]  in Tobago pages> > >> > >> > >> > > Hi All,> > >> > > I need to forward to a page based upon a
 condition that i need to check.> > >> > > I was doing some thing like this,> > >> > > > rendered="#{!shoppingCart.cartContainsItems}">> > > > > > > > page="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/jsp/checkout.faces"/>> > > > > > > > >> > > But this doesn't work as am using scriplets.> > >> > > But i need to a forward to the URL as specified above.> > >> > > How can i achieve this ?> > >> > > Regards,> > > Madan> > >> > > > >  Here's a new way to find what you're looking for - Yahoo!
 Answers> > >> > >> > > > >  Here's a new way to find what you're looking for - Yahoo! Answers> >> >> >> >  > >  Here's a new way to find what you're looking for - Yahoo! Answers>>>  >  Here's a new way to find what you're looking for - Yahoo! Answers

Here’s a new way to find what you're looking for - Yahoo! Answers 

Here’s a new way to find what you're looking for - Yahoo! Answers 

[Tobago] transition="false" don't work anymore in 1.0.11

2007-04-04 Thread H. Swaczinna

stetting transition="false" has no effect in snapshot 1.0.11 (02.04.07).
You can see this in the demo.


[Tobago] Why is tc:tree marked as deprecated?

2007-04-10 Thread H. Swaczinna

in the 1.0.11 taglib doc the tc:tree component is marked as deprecated.
Which tree component should I use instead?


[Tobago] ClassCastException with tree in a popup

2007-04-10 Thread H. Swaczinna

I want to display a tc:tree in a tc:popup. The tree is displayed,
but when I click on the text of a node I get a ClassCastException.
There's no problem, when the tree is on a normal page.

The stacktrace:

java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UITreeOldNode
at javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentTag.encodeEnd(
at javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentTag.doEndTag(

The JSP code:









Re: [Tobago] Problem with ActionListener for

2007-04-10 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hi,can you tell me how do you find out which node was clicked in the action or actionListener?ThanksHelmut Hi Madan,Thanks for your repsonse.It's working now :-).regardsCyrillOn 3/30/07, madan chowdary <
Hi Cyrill,place the following code(with respect to urs) in between  and  
         action="" /> Regards,
Madan- Original Message From: Cyrill Zadra <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: MyFaces Discussion Sent: Friday, 30 March, 2007 5:30:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Tobago] Problem with ActionListener for
 Hi all,I'm just confronted with the same problem at the moment. Has anybody a solution?my jsf tobago code:                    nameReference="" showIcons="true" showJunctions="true"            showRootJunction="true" showRoot="true" selectable="none"
            mutable="false" tipReference="">                    

thx & reagrdsCyrillOn 2/2/07, madan chowdary <
Hi all,I have a issue regarding the Tree's 
ActionListener.When i click on one of my nodes in the tree, i need to fire an event.I used the following code as below to display my 
tree.Was able to get the tree and see the underlying nodes in that.But when i click on the nodes, the ActionListener
 is not invoked.                                                         
                     tree value="#{category.categoryTree}"                          state="#{category.categoryTreeState
}"                          id="categoryTree"                               idReference=""               
  nameReference=""                 showIcons="#{category.showIcons}"                 showJunctions="#{category.showJunctions

}"                 showRootJunction="#{category.showRootJunction}"                
 showRoot="#{category.showRoot}"                 selectable="#{category.treeSelectMode}"                 mutable="#{category.mutable}"                 
actionListener="#{inventorySearch.browseCategories}"                >                actionListener

 type=""/>                tree>              Regards,

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Here's a new way to find what you're looking for - Yahoo! Answers

[Tobago] How to display a popup in tree?

2007-04-10 Thread H. Swaczinna

I want to display some detail data when the user clicks on a tree node.
I added a tc:command tag with a popup but it does not work.






I also tried to display a javascript alert box with the onclick
attribute of tc:command. But the onclick attribute of tc:command
does not work.


[Tobago] renderedPartially doesn't work in treeNodeCommand

2007-04-10 Thread H. Swaczinna

I tried another approach to display detail data for a tree node.
The detail data is displayed in a panel on the page and when the
user clicks a node the panel should be reloaded via ajax. But the
whole page is reloaded always when the user clicks a node.






[Tobago] Problem with target attribue

2007-04-10 Thread H. Swaczinna

I want to display the result of an action (a new page) in a new 
browser window. So I set the target attribute of tc:link or
tc:button to the window name. This works fine. But when I click another 
button or link in the page the action is not executed (the page is 
rendered again). I always have to click the button twice.

I think this is a known problem with a known solution. In my code for 
the PDF download I included this two lines to avoid this problem:

// Save serialized view or else after clicking on the export button,
// user will have to click TWICE to invoke another action
StateManager stateManager = 

(Taken from

Maybe this code should be included in Tobago (or myFaces?) when the
target attribute is set.


Re: [Tobago] Problem with target attribue

2007-04-11 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hello Bernd,

I'm using myFaces 1.1.5 and Tobago 1.0.11 from yesterday.

I build a simple test case for you. The problem is only with tc:link
I found out. tc:button seems to be ok.










  public String newWindowAction() {
return "newWindow";

  public void anotherAction() {

When you click the "new window" link in test1.jsp a new window is 
opened with test2.jsp. But when you click the link again test1.jsp 
is displayed in the new window. When you click the "another action"
button after clicking the "new window" link the anotherAction()
is not called. You have to click the button once again.

I think you should be able to reproduce this behavior.


>Hello Helmut,
>I don't get this behavior in the tobago-example-demo.
>Which version of the jsf impl are you using?
>H. Swaczinna wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I want to display the result of an action (a new page) in a new 
>> browser window. So I set the target attribute of tc:link or
>> tc:button to the window name. This works fine. But when I click another 
>> button or link in the page the action is not executed (the page is 
>> rendered again). I always have to click the button twice.
>> I think this is a known problem with a known solution. In my code for 
>> the PDF download I included this two lines to avoid this problem:
>> // Save serialized view or else after clicking on the export button,
>> // user will have to click TWICE to invoke another action
>> StateManager stateManager = 
>> stateManager.saveSerializedView(facesContext); 
>> (Taken from
>> Maybe this code should be included in Tobago (or myFaces?) when the
>> target attribute is set.
>> Regards
>> Helmut

Re: [Tobago] Why is tc:tree marked as deprecated?

2007-04-11 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hello Bernd,

is the new tree interface in the sandbox completely different from
the current interface? Or would it be easy to convert the app to the
new tree? When will the 1.1.0 version be released?


>Hello Helmut,
>we are not happy with the current interface of the tc:tree. The tree 
>would be replaced with the tree from the sandbox in the 1.1.0 version.
>H. Swaczinna wrote:
>> Hi,
>> in the 1.0.11 taglib doc the tc:tree component is marked as deprecated.
>> Which tree component should I use instead?
>> Regards
>> Helmut

Re: [Tobago] Problem with target attribue

2007-04-11 Thread H. Swaczinna
The problem exists also with tc:button. Don't know what I saw...


>Hello Bernd,
>I'm using myFaces 1.1.5 and Tobago 1.0.11 from yesterday.
>I build a simple test case for you. The problem is only with tc:link
>I found out. tc:button seems to be ok.
>  target="newWindow"
>  action="#{controller.newWindowAction}" />  
>  action="#{controller.anotherAction}" />  
>  newWindow
>  /test2.jsp
>  public String newWindowAction() {
>return "newWindow";
>  }
>  public void anotherAction() {
>  }
>When you click the "new window" link in test1.jsp a new window is 
>opened with test2.jsp. But when you click the link again test1.jsp 
>is displayed in the new window. When you click the "another action"
>button after clicking the "new window" link the anotherAction()
>is not called. You have to click the button once again.
>I think you should be able to reproduce this behavior.
>>Hello Helmut,
>>I don't get this behavior in the tobago-example-demo.
>>Which version of the jsf impl are you using?
>>H. Swaczinna wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I want to display the result of an action (a new page) in a new 
>>> browser window. So I set the target attribute of tc:link or
>>> tc:button to the window name. This works fine. But when I click another 
>>> button or link in the page the action is not executed (the page is 
>>> rendered again). I always have to click the button twice.
>>> I think this is a known problem with a known solution. In my code for 
>>> the PDF download I included this two lines to avoid this problem:
>>> // Save serialized view or else after clicking on the export button,
>>> // user will have to click TWICE to invoke another action
>>> StateManager stateManager = 
>>> stateManager.saveSerializedView(facesContext); 
>>> (Taken from
>>> Maybe this code should be included in Tobago (or myFaces?) when the
>>> target attribute is set.
>>> Regards
>>> Helmut

Re: [Tobago] Problem with target attribue

2007-04-13 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hello Bernd,

how about this problem? This a really serious problem. We can't live
with this behaviour. Please have a look at it.


>Hello Bernd,
>I'm using myFaces 1.1.5 and Tobago 1.0.11 from yesterday.
>I build a simple test case for you. The problem is only with tc:link
>I found out. tc:button seems to be ok.
>  target="newWindow"
>  action="#{controller.newWindowAction}" />  
>  action="#{controller.anotherAction}" />  
>  newWindow
>  /test2.jsp
>  public String newWindowAction() {
>return "newWindow";
>  }
>  public void anotherAction() {
>  }
>When you click the "new window" link in test1.jsp a new window is 
>opened with test2.jsp. But when you click the link again test1.jsp 
>is displayed in the new window. When you click the "another action"
>button after clicking the "new window" link the anotherAction()
>is not called. You have to click the button once again.
>I think you should be able to reproduce this behavior.
>>Hello Helmut,
>>I don't get this behavior in the tobago-example-demo.
>>Which version of the jsf impl are you using?
>>H. Swaczinna wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I want to display the result of an action (a new page) in a new 
>>> browser window. So I set the target attribute of tc:link or
>>> tc:button to the window name. This works fine. But when I click another 
>>> button or link in the page the action is not executed (the page is 
>>> rendered again). I always have to click the button twice.
>>> I think this is a known problem with a known solution. In my code for 
>>> the PDF download I included this two lines to avoid this problem:
>>> // Save serialized view or else after clicking on the export button,
>>> // user will have to click TWICE to invoke another action
>>> StateManager stateManager = 
>>> stateManager.saveSerializedView(facesContext); 
>>> (Taken from
>>> Maybe this code should be included in Tobago (or myFaces?) when the
>>> target attribute is set.
>>> Regards
>>> Helmut

[Tobago] Problem with target attribue (Reminder)

2007-04-19 Thread H. Swaczinna

I want to display the result of an action (a new page) in a new
browser window. So I set the target attribute of tc:link or
tc:button to the window name. This works fine. But when I click another
button or link in the page the action is not executed (the page is
rendered again). I always have to click the button twice.

I think this is a known problem with a known solution. In my code for
the PDF download I included this two lines to avoid this problem:

// Save serialized view or else after clicking on the export button,
// user will have to click TWICE to invoke another action
StateManager stateManager = 

(Taken from

Maybe this code should be included in Tobago (or myFaces?) when the
target attribute is set. 

Here's a simple test case for you:






public String newWindowAction() {
return "newWindow";

public void anotherAction() {

When you click the "new window" link in test1.jsp a new window is
opened with test2.jsp. But when you click the link again test1.jsp
is displayed in the new window. When you click the "another action"
button after clicking the "new window" link the anotherAction()
is not called. You have to click the button once again.

I'm using myFaces 1.1.5 and Tobago 1.0.11 from yesterday.
I think you should be able to reproduce this behavior.


Re: [Tobago] Problem with target attribue (Reminder)

2007-04-19 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hi Volker!

>i will try to test this this afternoon. (hope i found the time)


>are you sure this work?
>  public void anotherAction() {...}
>should be
>  public String anotherAction() {...; return null;}

Yes, that makes no difference. I always use void, when there's no


>2007/4/19, H. Swaczinna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Hi,
>> I want to display the result of an action (a new page) in a new
>> browser window. So I set the target attribute of tc:link or
>> tc:button to the window name. This works fine. But when I click another
>> button or link in the page the action is not executed (the page is
>> rendered again). I always have to click the button twice.
>> I think this is a known problem with a known solution. In my code for
>> the PDF download I included this two lines to avoid this problem:
>> // Save serialized view or else after clicking on the export button,
>> // user will have to click TWICE to invoke another action
>> StateManager stateManager = 
>> stateManager.saveSerializedView(facesContext);
>> (Taken from
>> Maybe this code should be included in Tobago (or myFaces?) when the
>> target attribute is set.
>> Here's a simple test case for you:
>> test1.jsp
>> > target="newWindow"
>> action="#{controller.newWindowAction}" />
>> > action="#{controller.anotherAction}" />
>> test2.jsp
>> faces-config.xml
>> /test1.jsp
>> newWindow
>> /test2.jsp
>> public String newWindowAction() {
>> LOG.debug("newWindowAction");
>> return "newWindow";
>> }
>> public void anotherAction() {
>> LOG.debug("anotherAction");
>> }
>> When you click the "new window" link in test1.jsp a new window is
>> opened with test2.jsp. But when you click the link again test1.jsp
>> is displayed in the new window. When you click the "another action"
>> button after clicking the "new window" link the anotherAction()
>> is not called. You have to click the button once again.
>> I'm using myFaces 1.1.5 and Tobago 1.0.11 from yesterday.
>> I think you should be able to reproduce this behavior.
>> Regards
>> Helmut

Re: [Tobago] Problem with target attribue (Reminder)

2007-04-23 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hi Volker,

I tried to build a minimal application to reproduce this problem for 
you but the problem does not appear with it. So I have to find out 
what's wrong with my real life (complex) application.


>Hi Helmut,
>i can't reproduce your problem.
>anotherAction is invoked even on first click after clicking the newWindow 
>Can you create a war showing the problem and send it to me?
>2007/4/19, H. Swaczinna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Hi Volker!
>> >i will try to test this this afternoon. (hope i found the time)
>> Thanks!
>> >are you sure this work?
>> >  public void anotherAction() {...}
>> >should be
>> >  public String anotherAction() {...; return null;}
>> Yes, that makes no difference. I always use void, when there's no
>> navigation.
>> Regards
>> Helmut
>> >
>> >Regards,
>> >Volker
>> >
>> >2007/4/19, H. Swaczinna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> >> Hi,
>> >>
>> >> I want to display the result of an action (a new page) in a new
>> >> browser window. So I set the target attribute of tc:link or
>> >> tc:button to the window name. This works fine. But when I click another
>> >> button or link in the page the action is not executed (the page is
>> >> rendered again). I always have to click the button twice.
>> >>
>> >> I think this is a known problem with a known solution. In my code for
>> >> the PDF download I included this two lines to avoid this problem:
>> >>
>> >> // Save serialized view or else after clicking on the export button,
>> >> // user will have to click TWICE to invoke another action
>> >> StateManager stateManager =
>> >(StateManager)facesContext.getApplication().getStateManager();
>> >> stateManager.saveSerializedView(facesContext);
>> >>
>> >> (Taken from
>> >>
>> >> Maybe this code should be included in Tobago (or myFaces?) when the
>> >> target attribute is set.
>> >>
>> >> Here's a simple test case for you:
>> >>
>> >> test1.jsp
>> >>
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> > >> target="newWindow"
>> >> action="#{controller.newWindowAction}" />
>> >> > >> action="#{controller.anotherAction}" />
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >>
>> >> test2.jsp
>> >>
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >>
>> >> faces-config.xml
>> >>
>> >> 
>> >> /test1.jsp
>> >> 
>> >> newWindow
>> >> /test2.jsp
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> public String newWindowAction() {
>> >> LOG.debug("newWindowAction");
>> >> return "newWindow";
>> >> }
>> >>
>> >> public void anotherAction() {
>> >> LOG.debug("anotherAction");
>> >> }
>> >>
>> >> When you click the "new window" link in test1.jsp a new window is
>> >> opened with test2.jsp. But when you click the link again test1.jsp
>> >> is displayed in the new window. When you click the "another action"
>> >> button after clicking the "new window" link the anotherAction()
>> >> is not called. You have to click the button once again.
>> >>
>> >> I'm using myFaces 1.1.5 and Tobago 1.0.11 from yesterday.
>> >> I think you should be able to reproduce this behavior.
>> >>
>> >> Regards
>> >> Helmut
>> >>

[Tobago] File-upload doesn't work anymore with myFaces 1.1.5

2007-05-08 Thread H. Swaczinna

with myFaces 1.1.4 my file-uplaod worked fine but with 1.1.5 I get the 
error message

FileRenderer Can't process multipart/form-data without TobagoRequest. 
Please check the web.xml and define a TobagoMultipartFormdataFilter. 
See documentation for 

I use Tobago 1.0.11.


Re: Antwort: Re: Antwort: Re: file-upload

2007-05-08 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hi Martin,

did you solve this problem? I have the same problem you had also now. I
switched from myFaces 1.1.4 to1.1.5.
With 1.1.4 it works fine but with 1.1.5 I get the error message

FileRenderer Can't process multipart/form-data without TobagoRequest. Please
check the web.xml and define a TobagoMultipartFormdataFilter. See
documentation for 


- Original Message - 
To: "MyFaces Discussion" 
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 5:15 PM
Subject: Antwort: Re: Antwort: Re: file-upload

Hi Helmut and all others,

sorry for calling you Bernd,
I have now completely written  my simple example for file upload with
This one works.

Still, file upload does not work flawless in my large application.
Firstly, I get an ERROR message. Trying the upload for the second time, it
Maybe it is nesting problem. I use tc:file inside some tc:panels etc.
I think I have googled this kind of problem before with tc:popup.

Gr. Martin

Ed. Züblin AG
Direktion Zentrale Technik ·  Technical Head Office
Tunnelbau (TUB) ·  Dept. of Tunnel Design
Dr.-Ing. Martin Kelm
Projektingenieur ·  Project Engineer
Albstadtweg 3 · 70567 Stuttgart · Germany
Fon +49 711 7883-9710 ·  Fax +49 711 7883-207  ·  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Aufsichtsratvorsitzender: Dr. Hans Peter Haselsteiner
Dipl.-Ing. Eberhard Gläser, Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Pöllath, Dipl.-Kfm.
Hans-Joachim Rühlig
Dipl.-Ing. Burkhard Schmidt, Dipl.-Ing. Edgar Schömig, Dr. rer.pol.
Alexander Tesche
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Stuttgart, HRB 110, Ust-IdNr.: DE 147 843 723

Re: [Tobago] File-upload doesn't work anymore with myFaces 1.1.5

2007-05-10 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hi Arvid,

I'm using TobagoMultipartFormdataFilter but I tried the other way also with 
no success.
Hm, then I have to have a look at the address demo. But do you aggree with 
me that code
that worked with 1.1.4 should work with 1.1.5 also?


- Original Message - 
From: "Arvid Hülsebus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "MyFaces Discussion" 
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 12:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Tobago] File-upload doesn't work anymore with myFaces 1.1.5

> In the address demo the file upload works with MyFaces 1.1.5 and a popup. 
> Are you using the TobagoMultipartFormdataFilter servlet filter or the 
> tobago-fileupload.jar? The preferred way is adding tobago-fileupload.jar 
> to the classpath.
> Regards,
> Arvid
> Helmut Swaczinna wrote:
>> Please help, this is a really serious problem. We must use 1.1.5 because 
>> of the problem with the target attribute.
>> One more info: the tc:file is on a popup.
>> Regards
>> Helmut
>> - Original Message - From: "H. Swaczinna" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2007 2:02 PM
>> Subject: [Tobago] File-upload doesn't work anymore with myFaces 1.1.5
>>> Hi,
>>> with myFaces 1.1.4 my file-uplaod worked fine but with 1.1.5 I get the
>>> error message
>>> FileRenderer Can't process multipart/form-data without TobagoRequest.
>>> Please check the web.xml and define a TobagoMultipartFormdataFilter.
>>> See documentation for 
>>> I use Tobago 1.0.11.
>>> Regards
>>> Helmut

[Tobago] Another problem with myFaces 1.1.5

2007-05-10 Thread H. Swaczinna

I've discovered another problem after switching to myFaces 1.1.5. The value 
of an input field is not restored
when a button with immediate="true" is clicked. The action method of the 
bean resets the value of the property
to a standard value and returns an outcome != null so the component tree 
should be rebuild. But the input field
still shows the entered value. Even when I switch to another page and back. 
This input field resides on tab of tabgroup.
With an input field which is not on a tab it works.

It works with myFaces 1.1.4 and it works in a simple example but not if 
things get a little more comlex. So I can't give you example code to 
reproduce this. Because it works with 1.1.4 my code can't be wrong.

I'm using Tobago 1.0.11 from 23.4.


[Tobago] How to make tobago pages printable

2007-05-23 Thread H. Swaczinna

when I print a tobago page every style information is lost. This is because
in the stylesheet references the
media attribute is set to "screen". Is there somewhere a switch to set this
to "print"?


Re: [ Tobago ] Help Regarding custom message for Conversion Errors

2007-05-23 Thread H. Swaczinna

Hi Madan,
I put these messages in 

This works but I don't know if it's the right way 
to do this.

  - Original Message - 
  To: MyFaces Discussion 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 5:17 
  Subject: [ Tobago ] Help Regarding custom 
  message for Conversion Errors
  Hi All,
  I have a Sheet which has a column with .
  It should accept only numerics and nothing other then that. I placed 
   on top of the sheet to see if there are any errors.
  If at all i submit my page with alphabets entered in   
  , i get " Conversion Error " .
  But i need to display a custom message like " Only Numerics 
  Allowed ".
  Tried to place
  javax.faces.component.UIInput.CONVERSION = 
  *javax.faces.component.UIInput.CONVERSION_detail = Only Numerics allowed 
  in Qty Field 
  in a resource bundle and specified as such in faces-config.xml
  But this message is not being reflected when submitted with non numerics 
  Is this the way to do or missed anything...
  Thnx in advance 
  -- Regards,Madan N 

Re: [Tobago] How to make tobago pages printable

2007-05-31 Thread H. Swaczinna

nobody had the need to print a Tobago page from the browser?

I tried to add my own css style files for printing but I found no way. The 
tc:style tag generates only style file
references for media="screen". If the tc:style tag has a media attribute the 
problem can be solved.


- Original Message - 
From: "H. Swaczinna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 3:26 PM
Subject: [Tobago] How to make tobago pages printable

> Hi,
> when I print a tobago page every style information is lost. This is 
> because
> in the stylesheet references the
> media attribute is set to "screen". Is there somewhere a switch to set 
> this
> to "print"?
> Regards
> Helmut

[Tobago] Layout problems with tc:sheet in a tc:tab with IE

2007-06-01 Thread H. Swaczinna

I have three sheets on a tab of a tab group with switchType="reloadTab". 
With Firefox everything is fine
but with IE (6 and 7) there layout problems. In my app all three sheets 
disappear when I switch to this tab
the first time. The sheets are shown for a short time (ca. 0,1 s) and than 
disappear. I think they're first shown
with a wrong layout and than relayouted and removed. When I switch to 
another tab and back the sheets are
shown correctly. With switchType="reloadPage" there's no problem.

Because my page layout is very compley I can't send you the source code. But 
I built a very small example
with a tab and a sheet which shoes some layout problems with IE also:









When you load the page and switch to Tab 2 the first time then the header of 
the second column is missing and
there's a horizontal scrollbar (but there's no need for a scrollbar). When 
you switch to Tab 1 and back to Tab 2
everything is ok.

I'm using Tobago snapshot from the 23th of April.


Re: [Tobago] Layout problems with tc:sheet in a tc:tab with IE

2007-06-04 Thread H. Swaczinna

with the moons sheet in demo there seems to be no specific IE layout problem 
(but a general layout problem with the
period column header). The layout problems with the IE depend on the whole 
page layout. Please try the code
I posted.


BTW: Who does the IE testing?

- Original Message - 
From: "Volker Weber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "MyFaces Discussion" 
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 7:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Tobago] Layout problems with tc:sheet in a tc:tab with IE

> Hi,
> the tobago-demo
> already contains a sheet inside a tab.
> switch to "Server side tabbing", "Moons".
> this sheet is loaded by switchtype=reloadTab.
> BTW: i also have no IE available.
> Regards,
> 2007/6/1, Bernd Bohmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Hello,
>> just added your test to
>> but I don't have a Windows with IE available.
>> Can someone with a Windows test this page, please.
>> Regards
>> Bernd
>> H. Swaczinna wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I have three sheets on a tab of a tab group with 
>> > switchType="reloadTab".
>> > With Firefox everything is fine
>> > but with IE (6 and 7) there layout problems. In my app all three sheets
>> > disappear when I switch to this tab
>> > the first time. The sheets are shown for a short time (ca. 0,1 s) and 
>> > than
>> > disappear. I think they're first shown
>> > with a wrong layout and than relayouted and removed. When I switch to
>> > another tab and back the sheets are
>> > shown correctly. With switchType="reloadPage" there's no problem.
>> >
>> > Because my page layout is very compley I can't send you the source 
>> > code. But
>> > I built a very small example
>> > with a tab and a sheet which shoes some layout problems with IE also:
>> >
>> > 
>> >   
>> > 
>> >   
>> > 
>> >   
>> >   
>> > > >   columns="1*;1*"
>> >   showHeader="true"
>> >   showRowRange="none"
>> >   showPageRange="none"
>> >   showDirectLinks="none"
>> >   first="0"
>> >   selectable="none"
>> >   var="row"
>> >   value="#{controller.list}">
>> >   
>> > > >   value="#{row.column1}"/>
>> >   
>> >   
>> > > >   value="#{row.column2}"/>
>> >   
>> > 
>> >   
>> > 
>> >   
>> > 
>> >
>> > When you load the page and switch to Tab 2 the first time then the 
>> > header of
>> > the second column is missing and
>> > there's a horizontal scrollbar (but there's no need for a scrollbar). 
>> > When
>> > you switch to Tab 1 and back to Tab 2
>> > everything is ok.
>> >
>> > I'm using Tobago snapshot from the 23th of April.
>> >
>> > Regards
>> > Helmut
>> >

Session tracking without Cookies

2007-11-23 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hi everybody,

I'm a little bit confused about session tracking without using
cookies. When cookies are turned of, either in browser or in container,
the sessionId must be encoded in the URL. I know Tomcat does this
for me automaticly. But what to do if the container does not do this
for me, like OC4J? Do I have to do the URL rewriting (encodeURL())
myself in a servlet filter or something? Or can JSF (myFaces) do this
for me?

Thanks for any help.

[Tobago] TabChangeListener not invoked

2006-11-21 Thread H. Swaczinna

I've set a TabChangeListener for a tabGroup, but it is not invoked,
when the tag I'm leaving contains an invalid input field, for example
a numerical field with an invalid number entered. When the entered
data is valid, the TabChangeListener is invoked. Is this a bug or a

I want to use the TabChangeListener to switch back to the tab, when
the leaving tab contains invalid data, so the user can correct it.
Is there an other way to switch back to the tab or block the user from
leaving the invalid tab?

Btw. when I switch back manually to the invalid tag, the invalid input 
field has no red border.

The tabGroup has switchType "reloadTab". I'm using Tobago 1.0.9.

Thanks for any help

AW: Re: AW: Re: [Tobago] How to set individual styles for individual components

2006-11-21 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hello Bernd,

thank you, it works. But one short followup question: Is it possible
to combine the markups in the markup attribute, for example
markup="number;strong;mymarkup"? Or must I define for every combination
of simple markups a new combined markup, for example 


>Hello Helmut,
>added a short description to the faq.
>> Hello Bernd,
>> thank you for this information. This is what I needed. I'll wait for
>> your howto then. You don't need to hurry with the howto. Next week will be 
>> Regards
>> Helmut
>>> Hello,
>>> with a own theme you can define additonal markup for components that 
>>> support the markup property. At this time out, in and box (trunk).
>>> I will prepare a short howto for "Own Theme and Custom Markup" later.
>>> Because lack of time this won't be finished until tonight :-(
>>> Regards
>>> Bernd
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 In HTML, I write for example: 


  #xyz { color: red; }  




 In Tobago, I must write: 


  #page1:xyz { color: red; }  



 Because Tobago concatenates all hierarchical ids with a colon.
 But in style denifitions colons are not allowed for ids. So the style 
>>> definition 
 has no effect.
 Is there a workaround for this problem? Or is there any other way to set 
 style for
 indiviual components?

 Thanks for any help!


[Tobago] Problem with input validation and tab group

2006-11-21 Thread H. Swaczinna

Is there a general problem with input validation and tabGroup?

When I enter an invalid value in an input field, which resides on a
tab of a tabgroup, and click on the submit button, the submit action
is not called and the input field gets a red border. So everything is
fine. But when I switch to an other tab before clicking the submit button,
the submit action *is* called and UIInput.isValid() gives TRUE for the 
invalid field. So switching between tabs sets invalid input fields to

This problem appears not for switchType="client", but for 
"reloadTab" and "reloadPage". We can't use "client", because loading
all tabs at once is mutch too slow and the TabChangeListener will not be 
called at all.


AW: [Tobago] Problem with input validation and tab group

2006-11-22 Thread H. Swaczinna
Problem solved. Please see my followup to my posting
"[Tobago] TabChangeListener not invoked"


>Is there a general problem with input validation and tabGroup?
>When I enter an invalid value in an input field, which resides on a
>tab of a tabgroup, and click on the submit button, the submit action
>is not called and the input field gets a red border. So everything is
>fine. But when I switch to an other tab before clicking the submit button,
>the submit action *is* called and UIInput.isValid() gives TRUE for the 
>invalid field. So switching between tabs sets invalid input fields to
>This problem appears not for switchType="client", but for 
>"reloadTab" and "reloadPage". We can't use "client", because loading
>all tabs at once is mutch too slow and the TabChangeListener will not be 
>called at all.

AW: [Tobago] TabChangeListener not invoked

2006-11-22 Thread H. Swaczinna

sorry for bothering you. It was my fault. When I set the state attribute
for tc:tabgroup (state="#{controller.selectedTab}"), everything works 
fine. When I enter an invalid value in an input field on a tab, Tobago 
blocks the other tabs. So it's impossible to leave the tab with the 
invalid value. This is want I want.


>I've set a TabChangeListener for a tabGroup, but it is not invoked,
>when the tag I'm leaving contains an invalid input field, for example
>a numerical field with an invalid number entered. When the entered
>data is valid, the TabChangeListener is invoked. Is this a bug or a
>I want to use the TabChangeListener to switch back to the tab, when
>the leaving tab contains invalid data, so the user can correct it.
>Is there an other way to switch back to the tab or block the user from
>leaving the invalid tab?
>Btw. when I switch back manually to the invalid tag, the invalid input 
>field has no red border.
>The tabGroup has switchType "reloadTab". I'm using Tobago 1.0.9.
>Thanks for any help

[Tobago] Is it possible to use Tobago apps without cookies?

2006-11-22 Thread H. Swaczinna

when the browser doesn't support cookies or they're turned off, the servlet 
(Tomcat) normally codes the JSESSIONID in the URL. This works with JSF/myFaces, 
but not
with Tobago. There's no JSESSIONID in the URL and the Tobago app doesn't work. 
When I
turn off the cookies in Tomcat for my app, the behavior is the same. The Tobago 
and examples don't work without cookies either. So I think, this a general 
Tobago problem.
We don't want the servlet container to store the sessionid in a cookie, because 
we want to
have different sessions in different browser windows (multiple login). This is 
a very
important feature for our customer.

Thanks for any help

AW: Re: [Tobago] Is it possible to use Tobago apps without cookies?

2006-11-23 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hello Bernd,

thank you for the quick bug fix and for the support the last days.
This was very helpful for us.

But just another followup question: Is there any chance to remove
to jsessionid from the URL and store it as hidden field in the page?
I don't think so, right? And this isn't a Tobago issue, I think?

Best regards

>Try the next nighly build
>Bernd Bohmann wrote:
>> Hello Helmut,
>> i think this is a bug. Please add a jira issue for this.
>> Regards
>> Bernd
>> H. Swaczinna wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> when the browser doesn't support cookies or they're turned off, the 
>>> servlet container
>>> (Tomcat) normally codes the JSESSIONID in the URL. This works with 
>>> JSF/myFaces, but not
>>> with Tobago. There's no JSESSIONID in the URL and the Tobago app 
>>> doesn't work. When I
>>> turn off the cookies in Tomcat for my app, the behavior is the same. 
>>> The Tobago demo
>>> and examples don't work without cookies either. So I think, this a 
>>> general Tobago problem.
>>> We don't want the servlet container to store the sessionid in a 
>>> cookie, because we want to
>>> have different sessions in different browser windows (multiple login). 
>>> This is a very
>>> important feature for our customer.
>>> Thanks for any help
>>> Helmut

AW: Re: [Tobago] How to set individual styles for individual components

2006-11-27 Thread H. Swaczinna

I've defined my own theme and an additional markup. It works,
when I use the standard resource path 
But when I change the path to my own package de/wlps/ndr/tobago/renderkit,
it doesn't work. The class defintion in my style.css has no effect. 
I can see the reference to my own style.css in the html source. When I
enter this URL in my browser, I can see the style class defintion.
So the resource location seems to work properly. The defined class is 
referenced in the generated html code for the tc:in tag.

This is the tobago-theme.xml




In web.xml, I setup a ResourceServlet:


This is the generated html code:




And finally, this is my style.css:

.tobago-in-markup-modified {
  background-color: yellow;

Is there something else, I have to setup?
Thanks for help

>with a own theme you can define additonal markup for components that 
>support the markup property. At this time out, in and box (trunk).
>I will prepare a short howto for "Own Theme and Custom Markup" later.
>Because lack of time this won't be finished until tonight :-(
>> Hi! 
>> In HTML, I write for example: 
>>  #xyz { color: red; }  
>> ... 
>> In Tobago, I must write: 
>>  #page1:xyz { color: red; }  
>> ...
>> ...
>> Because Tobago concatenates all hierarchical ids with a colon.
>> But in style denifitions colons are not allowed for ids. So the style 
>> has no effect.
>> Is there a workaround for this problem? Or is there any other way to set the 
>> style for
>> indiviual components?
>> Thanks for any help!
>> Regards
>> Helmut

AW: How to prevent direct access to JSPs

2006-11-27 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hi Jan,

try this in your web.xml:

Prevent access to raw JSP pages that are for JSF pages.

No roles, so no direct access


>I use myfaces with JSPs on Tomcat 5.5.17, the MyFaces extensionsFilter maps
>to *.jsf.
>How do I restrict the access to my *.jsp files?
>Now, when the user enters in the url:
>Tomcat prints on the screen something like
>org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Exception in JSP: /login.jsp:16
>followed by the stacktrace. I don't want this internal information to be
>printed out.
>How can I prevent the access?
>Extracts from my web.xml:
>  extensionsFilter
>  *.jsf
>  extensionsFilter
>  /faces/*
>  extensionsFilter
>   Set the size limit for uploaded files. Format: 10 - 10 bytes
>10k - 10 KB
>10m - 10 MB 1g - 1 GB
>   uploadMaxFileSize
>   100m
>   Set the threshold size - files below this limit are stored
>in memory,
>files above this limit are stored on disk. Format: 10 - 10 bytes 10k
>10 KB 10m - 10 MB 1g - 1 GB
>   uploadThresholdSize
>   100k
>View this message in context: 
>Sent from the MyFaces - Users mailing list archive at

[Tobago] Howto display a popup with a button

2006-11-28 Thread H. Swaczinna

I would like to display a popup panel on a button click. I tried this:




But it didn't work. There are only examples with a popup on a toolbar
and I can't find any hint howto use a popup with a button. Isn't it
possible at all?


AW: Re: [Tobago] Howto display a popup with a button

2006-11-28 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hello Volker,

I didn't realize, that I have to care myself about switching the
popup on and off. Now, it works.

But one more question: Is it possible, to set the position of the
popup relative to the button? I know, I can set the position of the 
popup programmaticly, but how do I get the position of the button?


P.S. You made me curious about the non simple ajax version.

>Hello Helmut,
>Here the simple (non ajax) version:
>  private boolean popup = false;
>  public boolean isPopup() {
> return popup;
>  }
>  public String openPopup() {
>popup = true;
>return null;
>  }
>  public String closePopup() {
>popup = false;
>    return null;
>  }
>2006/11/28, H. Swaczinna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Hi,
>> I would like to display a popup panel on a button click. I tried this:
>> But it didn't work. There are only examples with a popup on a toolbar
>> and I can't find any hint howto use a popup with a button. Isn't it
>> possible at all?
>> Regards
>> Helmut

[Tobago] No id for tc:out

2006-12-01 Thread H. Swaczinna

the id attribute of the tc:out tag is not rendered into the html code.



HTML Hello

This is a must, because without an id, you can't run webtests.

I'm using Tobago 1.0.9 from two weeks ago.


[Tobago] tc:reload reloads only once

2006-12-04 Thread H. Swaczinna

the tc:reload tag reloads it's parent component only once after
the given frequency. I thought, it should reload the component regulary.

Here is a simple example:

<%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="tc" %>
<%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="f" %>
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>





Is there anything more I have to configure?

I'm using the 1.0.9 snapshot from tonight.


[Tobago] Why no markup for tc:textarea?

2006-12-05 Thread H. Swaczinna

I can see no reason, why there's a markup attribute for tc:in, but no
for tc:textarea. There's no logical difference between both components.


[Tobago] no onchange for tc:selectBooleanCheckbox

2006-12-05 Thread H. Swaczinna

the onchange attribute of the tc:selectBooleanCheckbox is not rendered
into the HTML code.




And the valueChangeListener isn't called also, because there's no
onChange generated.

I'm using snapshot 1.0.9 form yesterday night.


AW: Antwort: [Tobago] no onchange for tc:selectBooleanCheckbox

2006-12-06 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hello Adam,

thanks for the tip. But that's not exactly what I wanted. I would
like to execute some javascript code. I tried the onclick attribute 
of tc:command, but this has no effect:



Btw the onchange and valueChangeListener attributes of 
tc:selectBooleanCheckbox should work, because they're well


>Hello Helmut,
>you can use instead of the onchange attribute the change facet:
>kind regards
>Adam A. Henne
>"H. Swaczinna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am 06.12.2006 00:58:34:
>> Hello,
>> the onchange attribute of the tc:selectBooleanCheckbox is not rendered
>> into the HTML code.
>> Example:
>> JSP onchange="javascript:alert('Hello')
>> ;"/>
>> HTML > class="tobago-selectBooleanCheckbox-default " id="gena:_idJsp0">
>> And the valueChangeListener isn't called also, because there's no
>> onChange generated.
>> I'm using snapshot 1.0.9 form yesterday night.
>> Regards
>> Helmut

AW: Re: [Tobago] No id for tc:out

2006-12-06 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hello Bernd,

thank you for the quick fix. The id problem is resolved in the
build from last night. But other things that worked yesterday
don't work today anymore. I can't describe exactly what's going on.
My popups don't work anymore. It seems to me, that the value bindings
for the rendered attribute of the popups are not read or not correctly 
read. Some popups are not displayed, others are displayd, but can't be
closed. Are there any changes affecting popups?


>Hello Helmut,
>this is not a bug, but you can submit a feature request for this.
>H. Swaczinna wrote:
>> Hi,
>> the id attribute of the tc:out tag is not rendered into the html code.
>> Example:
>> JSP 
>> HTML Hello
>> This is a must, because without an id, you can't run webtests.
>> I'm using Tobago 1.0.9 from two weeks ago.
>> Regards
>> Helmut

AW: Re: Re: [Tobago] No id for tc:out

2006-12-06 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hello Volker, hello Bernd,

I changed my application now, using the new popup features. It
works fine, when I use tc:button to show the popups. But I've got
a tc:link also. This worked with the old version, but not with the
new. The popup is not displayed, when I click the link.

This was the old code:








And this is the new code:










What's the exact meaning of the renderedPartially attribute for the
close button? Is this the component to reload, when the popup was closed?


>Hello Helmut,
>yes there are changes affecting popup, Bernd made the use of the
>rendered attribute in normal popup situation obsolete. This may result
>in misfunction on closing popups this way.
>I also obsered this here, but currently working on another part of the
>application, i may change this part later.
>take a look into the demo application, the sheetControll.jsp, the
>buttons for closing the popup need a f:attribute subtag now.
>2006/12/6, H. Swaczinna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Hello Bernd,
>> thank you for the quick fix. The id problem is resolved in the
>> build from last night. But other things that worked yesterday
>> don't work today anymore. I can't describe exactly what's going on.
>> My popups don't work anymore. It seems to me, that the value bindings
>> for the rendered attribute of the popups are not read or not correctly
>> read. Some popups are not displayed, others are displayd, but can't be
>> closed. Are there any changes affecting popups?
>> Regards
>> Helmut
>> >Hello Helmut,
>> >
>> >this is not a bug, but you can submit a feature request for this.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >Regards
>> >
>> >Bernd
>> >
>> >H. Swaczinna wrote:
>> >> Hi,
>> >>
>> >> the id attribute of the tc:out tag is not rendered into the html code.
>> >>
>> >> Example:
>> >>
>> >> JSP 
>> >>
>> >> HTML Hello
>> >>
>> >> This is a must, because without an id, you can't run webtests.
>> >>
>> >> I'm using Tobago 1.0.9 from two weeks ago.
>> >>
>> >> Regards
>> >> Helmut
>> >>

AW: [Tobago] tc:reload reloads only once

2006-12-06 Thread H. Swaczinna
Ok, I found it out. You have to enable Ajax in tobago-config.xml.
But I wonder why all the other Ajax features (explicit reloads, popups) 
work without Ajax enabled and why the sheet is reloaded once...


>the tc:reload tag reloads it's parent component only once after
>the given frequency. I thought, it should reload the component regulary.
>Here is a simple example:
><%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="tc" %>
><%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="f" %>
><%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
>  columns="*" 
>  var="task"
>  showHeader="true"
>  showRowRange="none"
>  showPageRange="none"
>  showDirectLinks="none"
>  first="0"
>  selectable="none">
>Is there anything more I have to configure?
>I'm using the 1.0.9 snapshot from tonight.

[JSF/Tobago] Howto display a document in a separate window

2006-12-07 Thread H. Swaczinna

I would like to display a document (for example PDF) as a result of
an action in a separate browser window. This is a typical situation:
The user enters some data in a form, presses a print button and a generated
report is displayed in a new browser window, where he or she can print it.
I tried two approaches: The first works only partly, the second works good, but
both seems to me a little bit ugly. I think, there must be a prettier way to do


First approach

function printAction() {
  // Redirect result from action to a new window
  document.forms[0].target = "Print";
  document.forms[0].target = "";

  public void printAction() {
// Generate PDF file
FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
ExternalContext ec = fc.getExternalContext();
try {
  // Return PDF file as result
} catch (IOException e) {
  LOG.error("printAction", e);

The Problem with this solution is, that every second time the print button
is pressed, the page itself is redisplayed in the new window and not the
PDF file. I can't tell you why.
Second approach

// Everytime the page is loaded, check for an existing PDF file to display
function showPrintResult(url) {
  if (url != null && url != "") {, "Print");

  public void printAction() {
// Generate PDF file
// Set PDF file
printFile = "http://localhost:8080/gena/print/test.pdf";;

  public String getPrintFile() {
// Return and reset PDF file 
String tmp = printFile;
printFile = null;
return tmp;

[Togabo] Ajax reload and character encoding

2006-12-07 Thread H. Swaczinna

the character encoding works not correctly, when a component is
reloaded via ajax. I coded my JSP pages and german umlauts in utf8.
When the page is initially loaded, all umlauts are displayed as
expected. But when the component is reloaded (explicit or in a popup),
the umlauts appear as qustionmarks. Is there any filter or so to
be configured in faces-config?


[Tobago] Probem with tc:reload and tc:tabGroup

2006-12-07 Thread H. Swaczinna

I've got a page with a tc:tabGroup and a tc:sheet in one of the
tabs. The sheet has a tc:reload tag, which reloadd the sheet every
10 seconds. So far, so good. But when I switch to another tab and back
to the sheet tab, there's always a new timer startet. So after one
switch, the sheet is reloaded twice in 10 seconds, after two switches
three times and so on. The tabGroup has switchType="reloadTab".


[Tobago] Testing Tobago apps with Canoe webtest?

2006-12-08 Thread H. Swaczinna

are there any expieriences in testing Tobago apps with Canoe webtest?
Will it work? Will Canoe handle the Ajax features? We're about to start 
testing our app with Canoe webtest. If one of you says "no chance",
we don't need to waste our time with trying it.


[Tobago] Whitespaces in HTML output before DOCTYPE

2006-12-08 Thread H. Swaczinna

Tobago generates some whitespace characters before the DOCTYPE 
defintionen in the HTML output. Example:



http://localhost:8080/worklist/";>Bare character content found. Inserting 
parent element .
http://localhost:8080/worklist/";>Missing parent chain. Inserting proper 
parent  for element .
http://localhost:8080/worklist/";>DOCTYPE declaration found inside document 

This problem leads to an other followup problem: The onload script
of the body tag is not executed, so Tobago.init() is not called.
This leads to an exception in Tobago.submit (Tobago.js, line 364).
Please remove the whitespaces.


AW: Re: AW: Re: [Tobago] How to set individual styles for individual components

2006-12-08 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hello Bernd,

I've examined this problem once again and I can provide one more
detail to you: If you use your own package path to style.css, the
reference to style.css is always listed at first in the HTML page.

For example:
> media="screen" type="text/css"
> media="screen" type="text/css"
> media="screen" type="text/css"
> media="screen" type="text/css"
> media="screen" type="text/css"

AW: RE: [Tobago] Whitespaces in HTML output before DOCTYPE

2006-12-08 Thread H. Swaczinna
>> Tobago generates some whitespace characters before the DOCTYPE 
>> defintionen in the HTML output.
>Sounds like a perfect place to use a servlet filter...

Yes, as a workaround. But the DOCTYPE should the first thing to be found
in a HTML document.

>> This problem leads to an other followup problem: The onload script
>> of the body tag is not executed.
>Sounds like a bug for Httpunit, not necessarily a myfaces issue.

No, not a myfaces issue. But if there're no whitespaces, the body
tag wil be handled correctly by HTMLUnit.


AW: Re: [Togabo] Ajax reload and character encoding

2006-12-11 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hello Bernd,

this doesn't solve my problem. The problem occurs, when you have
a tc:out tag with escape="false"(!) in an ajax loaded component. Here's
an example for a popup:

<%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="tc" 
%><%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="f" 
%><%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" 
%><%@ page pageEncoding="UTF-8"







The umlauts outside the popup are displayed correct, those inside not.
I observed the same behaviour in a tc:sheet with tc:reload and in a
panel with an explicit Tobago.reloadComponent().


>Hello Helmut,
>I solve this problem with adding
><%@ page pageEncoding="UTF-8" %>
>to my pages.
>H. Swaczinna wrote:
>> Hi,
>> the character encoding works not correctly, when a component is
>> reloaded via ajax. I coded my JSP pages and german umlauts in utf8.
>> When the page is initially loaded, all umlauts are displayed as
>> expected. But when the component is reloaded (explicit or in a popup),
>> the umlauts appear as qustionmarks. Is there any filter or so to
>> be configured in faces-config?
>> Regards
>> Helmut

AW: [Tobago] Why no markup for tc:textarea?

2006-12-13 Thread H. Swaczinna
Please, please provide a markup attribute for all input components.
I have to set the background color for some individual input components.
So far, I use a Javascript workaround, but this doesn't work, when the
component resides on an Ajax loaded part of the page (tc:popup, tc:tab).
So when the page is initially loaded, I can't access these components via


>I can see no reason, why there's a markup attribute for tc:in, but no
>for tc:textarea. There's no logical difference between both components.

AW: Re: AW: [Tobago] Why no markup for tc:textarea?

2006-12-14 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hello Bernd,

ok, thank you. Can you tell me, when do you expect the 1.0.9 release?


>Hello Helmut,
>i expect this short after the 1.0.9 release. Please add a jira issue for 
>your improvement.
>H. Swaczinna wrote:
>> Please, please provide a markup attribute for all input components.
>> I have to set the background color for some individual input components.
>> So far, I use a Javascript workaround, but this doesn't work, when the
>> component resides on an Ajax loaded part of the page (tc:popup, tc:tab).
>> So when the page is initially loaded, I can't access these components via
>> Javascript.
>> Regards
>> Helmut
>>> Hi,
>>> I can see no reason, why there's a markup attribute for tc:in, but no
>>> for tc:textarea. There's no logical difference between both components.
>>> Regards
>>> Helmut

[Tobago] Howto display a popup per row in a sheet

2006-12-14 Thread H. Swaczinna

I would like to display a popup which shows some detail data for a
column in a tc:sheet. When I define the popup in the tc:column and
associate it with a tc:button or tc:link in this column, the popup
will not be displayed, when I click the button or link. When I define
the popup outside the tc:sheet and call Tobago.openPopupWithAction() 
with the appropriate ids from the button in the row, the popup will be 
displayed. But I found no way to pass the data from the current row to 
a component in the popup. Is there any way to do this?


[Tobago] No id for tc:tab

2006-12-15 Thread H. Swaczinna

the id attribute of the tc:tab tag is not rendered into the html code.
Having the id is very useful for webtests.


[Tobago] Testing Tobago web apps?

2006-12-15 Thread H. Swaczinna

we want to build automatic tests for our web application currently under
construction. At first, we tried Canoo webtest. But we couldn't get far,
because it couldn't handle ajax requests, obviously. So we switched to 
the Selenium webtest framework. This looks very nice and powerful and has
the advantage of testing the app in a real browser environment. But as
it came to ajax, we had a problem too. You can obviously examine the
results of ajax requests, but it seems impossible to access the rest of
the page after the ajax request. You can see only the result of the ajax

Has anybody experiences with testing web applications using ajax?
Is Selenium the right choice? How do you, the Togabo developers, test
the Tobago demo?


AW: Re: [Tobago] 1.0.9 popups

2006-12-18 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hello Volker,

aren't the old style popups supported anymore? I need both of them.
The old ones, because I want the page to be submitted, before the
popup is displayed, and the new ones for displaying some detail data
or for short user prompts. I mixed both styles in one page and I got
strange results. The old style popups work as expected, only when
there's somewere in the page a new style popup with the same id!
If there's no new style popup with the same id, the old style popup
can not be closed. And under some cirumstances, a new style popup
is displayed, when the old style popup should be closed. So both
popups are displayed at the same time. These two popups have different

I'm using the current 1.0.10 snapshot.


>Hi Florian,
>the popup handling has changed in the last weeks.
>the rendered attribute of the popup-tag did not longer cause tho popup
>to open (it just can suppress the popup).
>You need a command with a tc:attribute inside to open or close a popup.
>see the sourcecode of the sheetControll.jsp in the tobago-example-demo
>there is a popup for the sheet config.
>  Volker
>2006/12/18, Florian Pfann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Hello
>>   i'am using myfaces-tobago-1.0.9-SNAPSHOT. I have some problems with
>> popus.
>> The following side works with 1.0.8:
>> <%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="tc"%>
>> <%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="f"%>
>> <%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="tx"%>
>> > rendered="true" id="dpopup">
>> > id="idDPopupText" />
>> When i try it with 1.0.9, i get an empty page without the popup.
>> I couldn't determine the error.
>> Are there any sulutions for this problem or will it be resolved in the
>> final version?
>> (mayby the problem is sitting in front of the monitor ;-))
>> Regards,
>> Florian

AW: Re: Re: [Tobago] 1.0.9 popups

2006-12-19 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hello Volker,

can you give me an example? I tried this:








The page is definitely not submitted, before the popup shows up (by
the popupButton1), but the popupAction1 is executed. When the popup is 
closed (by the saveButton), the page is submitted and saveAction1 is


>Hello Helmut,
>no the old style of popup handling did not longer work, but should not
>be a problem,
>if you put a action to the opening command the action is executed
>(including submitting all page content, but without rerendring).
>  Volker
>2006/12/19, H. Swaczinna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Hello Volker,
>> aren't the old style popups supported anymore? I need both of them.
>> The old ones, because I want the page to be submitted, before the
>> popup is displayed, and the new ones for displaying some detail data
>> or for short user prompts. I mixed both styles in one page and I got
>> strange results. The old style popups work as expected, only when
>> there's somewere in the page a new style popup with the same id!
>> If there's no new style popup with the same id, the old style popup
>> can not be closed. And under some cirumstances, a new style popup
>> is displayed, when the old style popup should be closed. So both
>> popups are displayed at the same time. These two popups have different
>> ids.
>> I'm using the current 1.0.10 snapshot.
>> Regards
>> Helmut
>> >Hi Florian,
>> >
>> >the popup handling has changed in the last weeks.
>> >
>> >the rendered attribute of the popup-tag did not longer cause tho popup
>> >to open (it just can suppress the popup).
>> >You need a command with a tc:attribute inside to open or close a popup.
>> >see the sourcecode of the sheetControll.jsp in the tobago-example-demo
>> >there is a popup for the sheet config.
>> >
>> >Regards,
>> >  Volker
>> >
>> >2006/12/18, Florian Pfann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> >> Hello
>> >>   i'am using myfaces-tobago-1.0.9-SNAPSHOT. I have some problems with
>> >> popus.
>> >>
>> >> The following side works with 1.0.8:
>> >>
>> >> <%@ taglib uri=""; 
>> >> <%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="f"%>
>> >> <%@ taglib uri=""; 
>> >>
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> > >> rendered="true" id="dpopup">
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> > >> id="idDPopupText" />
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >>
>> >> When i try it with 1.0.9, i get an empty page without the popup.
>> >> I couldn't determine the error.
>> >>
>> >> Are there any sulutions for this problem or will it be resolved in the
>> >> final version?
>> >>
>> >> (mayby the problem is sitting in front of the monitor ;-))
>> >>
>> >> Regards,
>> >> Florian
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>

[Tobago] Problem with DateTimeConverter

2006-12-20 Thread H. Swaczinna

I've got a tc:date in my page which represents a java.util.Date in
my bean. The Date is initialized with
Date date = (new GregorianCalendar(2006, 8, 1)).getTime(), so the
time part is 00:00:00. Date.toString() prints "Fri Sep 01 00:00:00 CEST 2006", 
which is correct. But in the page, I see "31.08.2006" (with 
). When I submit the page, the 
date is written back as "Thu Aug 31 02:00:00 CEST 2006", which is 
definitely wrong. When I initialize the date with
date = (new GregorianCalendar(2006, 11, 1)).getTime(), I got back
"Thu Nov 30 01:00:00 CET 2006" from the page. So, the behaviour is
different, if the date lies in the daylight saving period or not, and
the day of month is always miscalculated by one day minus one or to hours.

Maybe, the initialization of the date might be wrong or the converter
is not setup correctly. But I think, there's also a problem in the


AW: [Tobago] Problem with DateTimeConverter

2006-12-20 Thread H. Swaczinna
Another example:

Initializtion with date = new Date() at 13 minutes after midnight.
Date.toString() prints "Thu Dec 21 00:13:48 CET 2006", but the
page shows "20.12.2006" and I got back "Wed Dec 20 01:00:00 CET 2006" 
after submit. So every date with time part less than one our is dated
back one day. When I execute the same code after one o'clock in the
morning, the date is calculated correct (but the time part is always
set to one o'clock, where I expect zero).


>I've got a tc:date in my page which represents a java.util.Date in
>my bean. The Date is initialized with
>Date date = (new GregorianCalendar(2006, 8, 1)).getTime(), so the
>time part is 00:00:00. Date.toString() prints "Fri Sep 01 00:00:00 CEST 2006", 
>which is correct. But in the page, I see "31.08.2006" (with 
>). When I submit the page, the 
>date is written back as "Thu Aug 31 02:00:00 CEST 2006", which is 
>definitely wrong. When I initialize the date with
>date = (new GregorianCalendar(2006, 11, 1)).getTime(), I got back
>"Thu Nov 30 01:00:00 CET 2006" from the page. So, the behaviour is
>different, if the date lies in the daylight saving period or not, and
>the day of month is always miscalculated by one day minus one or to hours.
>Maybe, the initialization of the date might be wrong or the converter
>is not setup correctly. But I think, there's also a problem in the

AW: AW: Re: Re: [Tobago] 1.0.9 popups

2006-12-20 Thread H. Swaczinna
Ok, I found out, how to submit the page before the popup is shown.
Deleting the line 

does it (always guessing and trying...).

But there's another problem. When a validation error occurs during
submit, there's no chance to prevent the popup from opening or to
show an other or modified popup. How do I react on validation errors
in this case?


>Hello Volker,
>can you give me an example? I tried this:
>  action="#{mainController.popupAction1}">
>  action="#{mainController.saveAction1}">
>The page is definitely not submitted, before the popup shows up (by
>the popupButton1), but the popupAction1 is executed. When the popup is 
>closed (by the saveButton), the page is submitted and saveAction1 is
>>Hello Helmut,
>>no the old style of popup handling did not longer work, but should not
>>be a problem,
>>if you put a action to the opening command the action is executed
>>(including submitting all page content, but without rerendring).
>>  Volker
>>2006/12/19, H. Swaczinna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> Hello Volker,
>>> aren't the old style popups supported anymore? I need both of them.
>>> The old ones, because I want the page to be submitted, before the
>>> popup is displayed, and the new ones for displaying some detail data
>>> or for short user prompts. I mixed both styles in one page and I got
>>> strange results. The old style popups work as expected, only when
>>> there's somewere in the page a new style popup with the same id!
>>> If there's no new style popup with the same id, the old style popup
>>> can not be closed. And under some cirumstances, a new style popup
>>> is displayed, when the old style popup should be closed. So both
>>> popups are displayed at the same time. These two popups have different
>>> ids.
>>> I'm using the current 1.0.10 snapshot.
>>> Regards
>>> Helmut
>>> >Hi Florian,
>>> >
>>> >the popup handling has changed in the last weeks.
>>> >
>>> >the rendered attribute of the popup-tag did not longer cause tho popup
>>> >to open (it just can suppress the popup).
>>> >You need a command with a tc:attribute inside to open or close a popup.
>>> >see the sourcecode of the sheetControll.jsp in the tobago-example-demo
>>> >there is a popup for the sheet config.
>>> >
>>> >Regards,
>>> >  Volker
>>> >
>>> >2006/12/18, Florian Pfann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> >> Hello
>>> >>   i'am using myfaces-tobago-1.0.9-SNAPSHOT. I have some problems with
>>> >> popus.
>>> >>
>>> >> The following side works with 1.0.8:
>>> >>
>>> >> <%@ taglib uri=""; 
>>> >> <%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="f"%>
>>> >> <%@ taglib uri=""; 
>>> >>
>>> >> 
>>> >> 
>>> >> 
>>> >> >> >> rendered="true" id="dpopup">
>>> >> 
>>> >> />
>>> >> 
>>> >> 
>>> >> >> >> id="idDPopupText" />
>>> >> 
>>> >> 
>>> >> 
>>> >> 
>>> >> 
>>> >>
>>> >> When i try it with 1.0.9, i get an empty page without the popup.
>>> >> I couldn't determine the error.
>>> >>
>>> >> Are there any sulutions for this problem or will it be resolved in the
>>> >> final version?
>>> >>
>>> >> (mayby the problem is sitting in front of the monitor ;-))
>>> >>
>>> >> Regards,
>>> >> Florian
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>

AW: Re: [Tobago] Problem with DateTimeConverter

2006-12-21 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hello Volker,

ok, thank you. I thought, the converter uses the default timezone,
as toString() does, and not GMT by default.

This issue seems to be a reason for many discussions...


>Hi Helmut,
>this is  exact the expectet behavior.
>The jsf spec says the default timezone for converter is GMT, a
>date.toString() uses the systemDefault timezone, this makes the
>see this thread for more:
>  Volker
>2006/12/21, H. Swaczinna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Another example:
>> Initializtion with date = new Date() at 13 minutes after midnight.
>> Date.toString() prints "Thu Dec 21 00:13:48 CET 2006", but the
>> page shows "20.12.2006" and I got back "Wed Dec 20 01:00:00 CET 2006"
>> after submit. So every date with time part less than one our is dated
>> back one day. When I execute the same code after one o'clock in the
>> morning, the date is calculated correct (but the time part is always
>> set to one o'clock, where I expect zero).
>> Regards
>> Helmut
>> >Hello,
>> >
>> >I've got a tc:date in my page which represents a java.util.Date in
>> >my bean. The Date is initialized with
>> >Date date = (new GregorianCalendar(2006, 8, 1)).getTime(), so the
>> >time part is 00:00:00. Date.toString() prints "Fri Sep 01 00:00:00 CEST 
>> >which is correct. But in the page, I see "31.08.2006" (with
>> >). When I submit the page, the
>> >date is written back as "Thu Aug 31 02:00:00 CEST 2006", which is
>> >definitely wrong. When I initialize the date with
>> >date = (new GregorianCalendar(2006, 11, 1)).getTime(), I got back
>> >"Thu Nov 30 01:00:00 CET 2006" from the page. So, the behaviour is
>> >different, if the date lies in the daylight saving period or not, and
>> >the day of month is always miscalculated by one day minus one or to hours.
>> >
>> >Maybe, the initialization of the date might be wrong or the converter
>> >is not setup correctly. But I think, there's also a problem in the
>> >converter.
>> >
>> >Regards
>> >Helmut

[Tobago] FacesException with 1.0.10 snapshot

2006-12-22 Thread H. Swaczinna

I get an Exception with the latest 1.0.10 snapshot. The width attribute
of tc:page doesn't accept it's value anymore. This worked with 
1.0.10 from a few day ago.


javax.faces.FacesException: Could not set property width of component loginPage 
to value : 1020px with type : java.lang.


2006-12-22 16:41:35 http-8080-Processor25 ERROR - 
[FacesServlet]:253 - Servlet.service() for servlet FacesServlet threw exception
javax.faces.FacesException: Exception in JSP: /login.jsp:8

5: %><%@ page pageEncoding="UTF-8"
6: %>


[Tobago] Problem with input validation and tab group (again)

2007-01-04 Thread H. Swaczinna

I've got a problem with input validation in a tabGroup with 
switchType="reloadTab". When I enter an invalid value in an input field
on a tab, I can switch to another tab. The validation of the field is
excuted and failes, but switching tabs is not blocked. When I switch
back to the tab with the invalid field, the field is not marked as

With switchType="reloadPage", I cannot the switch to another tab and the
field is marked as invalid. This is, what I'm expecting.

I'm using the current 1.0.10 snapshot.


[Tobago] How to use TabChangeListener?

2007-01-04 Thread H. Swaczinna

I've set in my tabGroup a TabChangeListener


But every time the processTabChange() method is called, a new instance
of GenaTabChangeListener is created. And this instance is not set
via the binding in my backing bean. Even if I create the TabChangeListener 
in the getTabChangeListener() method, there's always a new one created. 
So the backing bean doesn't know the TabChangeListener and vice versa. 
How do I access the backing bean from a TabChangeListener? For example to 
store data entred in a tab when the user switches to another tab. Is it 
possible to declare the TabChangeListener as a managed bean in 


AW: Re: [Tobago] How to use TabChangeListener?

2007-01-08 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hello Bernd!

>is the GenaTabChangeListener instance of TabChangeListener?

Yes, of course.

public class GenaTabChangeListener implements TabChangeListener {

>With the binding attribute you can point directly to a managed bean.

Do you mean this binding attributte?


But setTabChangeListener() in my managed bean (mainController) is not 
called, when a new TabChangeListener instance is created. Only the first 


>H. Swaczinna wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've set in my tabGroup a TabChangeListener
>>   > binding="#{mainController.tabGroup}"
>> state="#{mainController.selectedTab}">
>> type="de.wlps.ndr.workflow.common.webapp.web.GenaTabChangeListener"
>>   binding="#{mainController.tabChangeListener}"/>
>> But every time the processTabChange() method is called, a new instance
>> of GenaTabChangeListener is created. And this instance is not set
>> via the binding in my backing bean. Even if I create the TabChangeListener 
>> in the getTabChangeListener() method, there's always a new one created. 
>> So the backing bean doesn't know the TabChangeListener and vice versa. 
>> How do I access the backing bean from a TabChangeListener? For example to 
>> store data entred in a tab when the user switches to another tab. Is it 
>> possible to declare the TabChangeListener as a managed bean in 
>> faces-config.xml?
>> Regards
>> Helmut

AW: Re: [Tobago] Problem with input validation and tab group (again)

2007-01-08 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hello Bernd,

thank you for fixing this bug. But there's a new bug now:
switchType="reloadPage" doesn't work anymore. Switching tabs
is not possible at all.


>Hello Helmut,
>i think this is a bug. Can you add a jira issue please?
>H. Swaczinna wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've got a problem with input validation in a tabGroup with 
>> switchType="reloadTab". When I enter an invalid value in an input field
>> on a tab, I can switch to another tab. The validation of the field is
>> excuted and failes, but switching tabs is not blocked. When I switch
>> back to the tab with the invalid field, the field is not marked as
>> invalid.
>> With switchType="reloadPage", I cannot the switch to another tab and the
>> field is marked as invalid. This is, what I'm expecting.
>> I'm using the current 1.0.10 snapshot.
>> Regards
>> Helmut

AW: Re: AW: Re: [Tobago] Problem with input validation and tab group (again)

2007-01-08 Thread H. Swaczinna
Hello Bernd,

there's nothing going wrong in the page. I can provide a simple
example to you, where reloadPage doesn't work.


<%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="tc" 
%><%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="f" 
%><%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" 
%><%@ page pageEncoding="UTF-8"




  public int getSelectedTab() {
getLog().debug("getSelectedTab: " +  selectedTab);
return selectedTab;

  public void setSelectedTab(int selectedTab) {
getLog().debug("setSelectedTab: " +  selectedTab);
this.selectedTab = selectedTab;

The log:

2007-01-08 22:43:08 http-8080-Processor25 DEBUG - 
de.wlps.ndr.workflow.gena.webapp.web.MainController:342 - 
setSelectedTab: 0
2007-01-08 22:43:08 http-8080-Processor25 DEBUG - 
de.wlps.ndr.workflow.gena.webapp.web.MainController:337 - 
getSelectedTab: 0

When I remove the state attribute from the tabGroup 
(state="#{mainController.selectedTab}"), switching tabs is possible.


>Hello Helmut,
>I move switching the tab to the INVOKE_APPLICATION phase instead of the 
>UPDATE_MODEL_VALUES phase. Looks like something on the page goes wrong 
>in the UPDATE_MODEL_VALUES phase.
>Can you verify this, please.
>H. Swaczinna wrote:
>> Hello Bernd,
>> thank you for fixing this bug. But there's a new bug now:
>> switchType="reloadPage" doesn't work anymore. Switching tabs
>> is not possible at all.
>> Regards
>> Helmut
>>> Hello Helmut,
>>> i think this is a bug. Can you add a jira issue please?
>>> Thanks
>>> Bernd
>>> H. Swaczinna wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I've got a problem with input validation in a tabGroup with 
>>>> switchType="reloadTab". When I enter an invalid value in an input field
>>>> on a tab, I can switch to another tab. The validation of the field is
>>>> excuted and failes, but switching tabs is not blocked. When I switch
>>>> back to the tab with the invalid field, the field is not marked as
>>>> invalid.
>>>> With switchType="reloadPage", I cannot the switch to another tab and the
>>>> field is marked as invalid. This is, what I'm expecting.
>>>> I'm using the current 1.0.10 snapshot.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Helmut

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