Re: Correction: [TOBAGO] tc.gridlayout does not work inside a sheets column

2008-11-22 Thread Bernd Bohmann
Hello Groovie,

a column should only contain one child.
Please try it with a surrounding panel.








The sheet issued a warning about "More or less than 1 child in column! "

I think we should extend this warning in the case of more than one child
in column.




Groovie schrieb:
> Hy there,
> the workaround for this issue is to assign a 
> with-value to the column or the first 
> panel element.
> It looks like, that the tc:column does not have any useful
> information concerning its dimension. Maybe its is also 
> a kind of sequence problem. Perhaps, the  is
> not completly rendered, when the panel starts asking
> the column tag, how fat he is ;-)
> Maybe a Tobago Developer has an explanation for this ?!?!
> Groovie

Re: Correction: [TOBAGO] tc.gridlayout does not work inside a sheets column

2008-11-21 Thread Groovie

Salut Bernd,

thanks for your help. Let me give you some information,
concerning this issue. I think i know, why Tobago sheets
runs into that problem.

We are doing some weired things here. The originator
of the problem are problems with the 
tag, that i understand as a , that completly
fails to run. (furthermore it is deprecated, for any reason
i can not follow).

Let's compare the repeat with a sheet. A runtime 
oder  unfolds a given list and replicates its contents.
Then it would externalize the dimension of the stacked elements
to the parent panel.
The sheet runs differently. The widget asks the available area
and renders itself into it, accepting the given space.

You see, both should run differently. .. and i belive that's the key
difference in both processing. Any contents of the sheet is beeing 
automatically clipped into the sheets scrollbar, where the columns
and cells will not get the surrounding X and Y dimension.
This may be a reason, why the formating 
might not get a reasonyble size indication.

The reason why  and  have a different
layout-rendering begaviour makes me hard to understand why
 is deprecated. I do have to abuse the  
to behave like a , that's the beginning of all my


Hello Groovie,

i will look at this issue tonight or tomorrow.



Thanx, thanx, thanx, thanx, thanx, thanx!
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Re: Correction: [TOBAGO] tc.gridlayout does not work inside a sheets column

2008-11-20 Thread Bernd Bohmann
Hello Groovie,

i will look at this issue tonight or tomorrow.



Groovie schrieb:
> Hy there,
> the workaround for this issue is to assign a 
> with-value to the column or the first 
> panel element.
> It looks like, that the tc:column does not have any useful
> information concerning its dimension. Maybe its is also 
> a kind of sequence problem. Perhaps, the  is
> not completly rendered, when the panel starts asking
> the column tag, how fat he is ;-)
> Maybe a Tobago Developer has an explanation for this ?!?!
> Groovie

Re: Correction: [TOBAGO] tc.gridlayout does not work inside a sheets column

2008-11-20 Thread Groovie

Hy there,

the workaround for this issue is to assign a 
with-value to the column or the first 
panel element.






It looks like, that the tc:column does not have any useful
information concerning its dimension. Maybe its is also 
a kind of sequence problem. Perhaps, the  is
not completly rendered, when the panel starts asking
the column tag, how fat he is ;-)

Maybe a Tobago Developer has an explanation for this ?!?!


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Correction: [TOBAGO] tc.gridlayout does not work inside a sheets column

2008-11-19 Thread GroovieMan

Dear Sirs 

i am using a two colums sheet. The contents of the 
first column has a fixed content. The secound column 
may alter with its structure. It may contain one or 
two columns inside. 

It looks like this: 





The curious thing is, when i add a simple output or 
control inside the panel, everything goes fines. 
When  try to use a grid-layoutmanager as shown 
in the follwing panel code; 



Any output lost, you may not find any output 
in the columns cell, regardless iff you also 
change the 50%;50% by fixed;fixed or 1*;1* 

Looks like a rendering problem ?? 

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[TOBAGO] tc.gridlayout does not work inside a sheets column

2008-11-19 Thread GroovieMan

Dear Sirs

i am using a two colums sheet. The contents of the
first column has a fixed content. The secound column
may alter with its structure. It may contain one or
two columns inside.

It looks like this:





The curious thing is, when i add a simple output or
control inside the panel, everything goes fines.
When  try to use a grid-layoutmanager as shown
in the follwing panel code;



the entire layout gets mixed up, completly. Thats 
weired or did i something wrong?
Using fixed instread of 50% lokks the same!!

Ah, another hint to this problem, the prints
out a very thin/condensed line. You can 
select/copy it with the mouse and paste it into a 
texteditor and you will see a part of the text
you would expect to see in the sheet-column.

Looks like a problem with the sizing of the
renderer, does n't it.

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