Re: [DISCUSS] Apache NetBeans roadmap updates

2018-11-14 Thread Neil C Smith
On Wed, 14 Nov 2018, 22:20 Jiří Kovalský  I am glad to see that except two respondents the vast majority likes the
> proposal for only two mandatory major (with NetCAT programs) and two
> optional minor releases per year.

You could equally say that a vast majority of committers on dev@ wanted
fixed quarterly releases the last time this came up. Except that's probably
a similarly inaccurate metric! ;-)

I'm fine if the two major, optional minors is what we go for. But l think
it's probably something that's better decided in a more structured way than
based on a relatively small amount of input on a discussion thread.

Best wishes,



Re: [DISCUSS] Apache NetBeans roadmap updates

2018-11-14 Thread Jiří Kovalský
I am glad to see that except two respondents the vast majority likes the 
proposal for only two mandatory major (with NetCAT programs) and two 
optional minor releases per year.

The main argument against this release scheme, if I followed the 
discussion correctly, is that frequent (quarterly or even monthly) 
releases increase quality, because every incomplete feature could be 
stabilized as needed and only wait for couple of more weeks to shine in 
the next release.

In my opinion:

1. It's exactly the NetBeans old-school and slow release model which 
helped get so much credit for the great out-of-the-box experience. I 
would rather prefer to keep this differentiator in the future.

2. I myself don't share this modern hysteria for wanting everything and 
instantly. Ubuntu has been releasing only in Aprils and Octobers for 
years now, it survived this "small" cadence and there are Linux 
distributions even building on top of Ubuntu. I know many conservative 
developers who actually think otherwise - instead of grabbing every new 
NetBeans version they stick to some dated version which serves their 
needs and happily use that.

3. Finally I believe that quality is also a feature and it simply takes 
time to build a quality product. If things are rushed, the quality is 
compromised and the final product gets worse over time.

Just like when people write long e-mails quickly not caring enough about 
quality of their own writing, the resulting message is then often hard 
to read and contains a lot of typos. Not always though ... :)


Dne 14.11.2018 v 00:38 Geertjan Wielenga napsal(a):

Indeed, let's discuss it again after the last release of 2019. I think we
can handle it. We should not overreact. In the meantime, can you consider
spending less time sending long e-mails? We need your enthusiasm to be
focused on actually helping with the Apache NetBeans releases -- maybe you
can participate in the NetCAT process or in the PPMC process -- your name
is not here, where it should be:



On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 11:17 PM Christian Lenz 

-1 for only 2 releases per year. This is far to less and will end up with
the Oracle model, where we only have 2 releases per year (Round About, look
at the Roadmaps, you see often big time between a new release and an old
one). We will not be competitive to other IDEs, we are still now lack of a
lot of Features (Little ones, which make everyone happy and Handy and big
ones). IMHO the biggest Problem now with the NetCat is still the donation
process. I guess, it will be less problematic after we have everything in
Apache and completed donation.

To put it back to the JDK Version is also not good, again only IMHO,
because NetBeans is still not a Java DIE anymore we should remove this
thinking which is still in the heads of a lot of developers. And to put
that thinking away, NetBeans Needs more advertisement of the other Features
and more implementation of stuff, which is still missing (Angular, Vue,
JSON Schema, other language supports, etc.)

How will the Patches look like? Only bug fixes? What About Major Releases
like 11, 12, 13 and in between 11.1, 11.2 with new Features?

I mean we can have 11 in Feb and 12 in I don’t know August which is 6
Months and in between we should have 11.1 and 11.2 which is not only a
bugfix for a lot of Bugs, also with new Features, but not that big. So
Maybe no NetCat for 11.1 and 11.2 or not that much time spending on that.
Maybe reducing the NetCat process or changing it? Come one, there can be a
lot more stuff to make it better and possible. I know and this is a big
Benefit, that NetBeans is real stable. I switched from Eclipse now 5 years
ago to NetBeans, because of 2 simple Plugins of Eclipse, that broke the
whole IDE. I know that we Need that Quality. So IntelliJ or the JetBrains
based IDEs are also real stable.

So I think we can handle it.

And no, using the development Version is not an Option, they are often not
stable and not possible to use it in production. I tried it from 7.0 – 7.2
I end up with a nightly build with a lot of NPE after starting the DIE so I
had to go back tot the stable Version and had to wait 3 more months for the
new Fancy Features.

Agian, I think after the donation process, it will be more easy, so we
should wait a whole year 2019 to 

Re: [DISCUSS] Apache NetBeans roadmap updates

2018-11-14 Thread Neil C Smith
On Tue, 13 Nov 2018 at 22:17, Christian Lenz  wrote:
> Maybe reducing the NetCat process or changing it?

OK, so in the interests of [DISCUSS] :-)  I think Chris is right here.
I wasn't able to take part in NetCAT for NB10, but did for NB9, and
that process probably does need to adapt.  We had a conversation a
while ago about quarterly releases time-based releases, but are we a
little in limbo between what used to happen and what should happen

I'm not sure "quality" is the most useful thing to consider here, in
the sense that anyone who likes Release Early, Release Often is going
to give you loads of "evidence" that that leads to better "quality".
:-)  On the other hand, our capacity is important.  I just wonder
whether we should be looking at other projects that are doing this
successfully and what their processes are?

A couple of things based on things I've seen elsewhere that might be
worth considering if we stick with this release model -

* Fix the feature freeze / branch dates for the next 4 releases now.
Maybe 4 weeks after each release.  Keep master stable, and branch then
- anything not ready for master is not a feature for the next release.

* Do a voted-on, public early-access release of the branch maybe 2
weeks after that?  At the moment the NetCAT binaries are not meant to
be distributed outside dev@ and netcat@, but we could make them
public, encourage early adopters to test and report alongside any
NetCAT process.

Best wishes,


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Re: [DISCUSS] Apache NetBeans roadmap updates

2018-11-14 Thread Josh Juneau
I like the idea of two major releases each year...those being releases
incorporating new functionality.  However, I think it would be a good idea
to have patch releases in-between...making for a total of four releases
each year.


On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 7:19 AM Geertjan Wielenga

> Hi all,
> We've completed the NetCAT process (on the functioning of the convenience
> binary of Apache NetBeans 10) and the PPMC vote (on the sources of Apache
> NetBeans 10).
> Right now, the IPMC (the incubator project management committee) is voting
> on the sources of Apache NetBeans 10, since Apache NetBeans is in the
> Apache Incubator. (We're going to be voting to get out of the Apache
> Incubator very soon, with support from our mentors, since they're happy
> with how we're working as a community and consider us to be ready to be a
> top level Apache project.)
> So, what's next? After we release Apache NetBeans 10, we'll start working
> on the next release. Consensus on the dev mailing list has formed around
> quarterly releases. In the NetCAT process, we found that there was quite
> some time pressure to get things done and maybe we should take more time
> and thereby be able to provide more quality.
> As a result, here's a proposal to do two major releases next year, in line
> with JDK 12 and 13 in March and September, with two optional minor releases
> in between (e.g., a bug fix release could be great). Of course, Apache
> NetBeans does not serve the Java community only, though those two months of
> March and September are fairly spaced anyway and potentially could allow us
> to provide bundles with those JDKs if and when that were to be possible.
> There are several significant bugs that we need to nail down and resolve,
> we can include them in the upcoming releases or distribute them via
> plugins. We're I'm sure all very aware of several problems, as well as
> features that need to be added -- we need everyone to be proactive in
> pinning down bugs and in providing code contributions for missing features.
> Comments welcome, and many thanks for all the hard and enthusiastic work
> done so far.
> Gj
> --
Josh Juneau

Re: Intro & question

2018-11-14 Thread Ben Fourie
Ok managed to solve this eventually.
Seems this only works with native java se. You cannot do this with maven.
The moment you create new project maven -> java, that platform option 

Kind Regards

> On 14 Nov 2018, at 06:27, Ben Fourie  wrote:
> Hi everyone
> I’m new to this list and thought i will introduce myself first.
> I’m a java backend dev during the day for the leading healthcare insurance 
> company in South Africa. Discovery.
> I’m also a hobbyist and program my raspberry pies with netbeans.
> And in that, I ran into a problem.
> The reason I chose Netbeans as the ide for my hobby side, is because it 
> natively supports remote debugging. It worked very well.
> I setup a remote platform, and it tested okey.
> Ran a few spike programs, all worked great. So I click run on my mac, and the 
> code runs on the pi. Perfect.
> But that stopped working. :(
> I uninstalled netbeans, and reinstalled 8.2 from a fresh download.
> Problem persists. In project properties, under the run tab, I no longer have 
> a dropdown for remote platform. Remote platform is configured and tested ok. 
> I gave the raspberry pi a static ip.
> I followed these instructions which worked before:
> In there, the run tab looks something like this:
> As you can see, it’s easy to just select another platform. Ie the one 
> configured for the remote raspberry pi.
> However, my screen looks like this now.
> I no longer have the option to select the remote, or any other platform.
> Has anyone experienced something like this?
> Kind regards
> Ben Fourie