I like the idea of two major releases each year...those being releases
incorporating new functionality.  However, I think it would be a good idea
to have patch releases in-between...making for a total of four releases
each year.


On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 7:19 AM Geertjan Wielenga
<geertjan.wiele...@googlemail.com.invalid> wrote:

> Hi all,
> We've completed the NetCAT process (on the functioning of the convenience
> binary of Apache NetBeans 10) and the PPMC vote (on the sources of Apache
> NetBeans 10).
> Right now, the IPMC (the incubator project management committee) is voting
> on the sources of Apache NetBeans 10, since Apache NetBeans is in the
> Apache Incubator. (We're going to be voting to get out of the Apache
> Incubator very soon, with support from our mentors, since they're happy
> with how we're working as a community and consider us to be ready to be a
> top level Apache project.)
> So, what's next? After we release Apache NetBeans 10, we'll start working
> on the next release. Consensus on the dev mailing list has formed around
> quarterly releases. In the NetCAT process, we found that there was quite
> some time pressure to get things done and maybe we should take more time
> and thereby be able to provide more quality.
> As a result, here's a proposal to do two major releases next year, in line
> with JDK 12 and 13 in March and September, with two optional minor releases
> in between (e.g., a bug fix release could be great). Of course, Apache
> NetBeans does not serve the Java community only, though those two months of
> March and September are fairly spaced anyway and potentially could allow us
> to provide bundles with those JDKs if and when that were to be possible.
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/NETBEANS/Apache+NetBeans+Release+Roadmap
> There are several significant bugs that we need to nail down and resolve,
> we can include them in the upcoming releases or distribute them via
> plugins. We're I'm sure all very aware of several problems, as well as
> features that need to be added -- we need everyone to be proactive in
> pinning down bugs and in providing code contributions for missing features.
> Comments welcome, and many thanks for all the hard and enthusiastic work
> done so far.
> Gj
> --
Josh Juneau

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