Re: Evaluate Apache Royale Emulation

2018-11-25 Thread hferreira
Hi Alex, 

I tested and the Alert is working now. 
Also PoupManager add is also working. 
I see a lot of features to implement PoupManager remove is not working,
FormItem, etc ... 

Thanks for you time on the tutorial I will carefully read and see if I can
implement one of the missing features.

Sent from:

Re: Evaluate Apache Royale Emulation

2018-11-25 Thread hferreira
Hi Alex, 

I tested and the Alert is working now. 
Also PoupManager add is also working. 
I see a lot of features to implement PoupManager remove is not working,
FormItem, etc ... 

Thanks for you time on the tutorial I will carefully read and see if I can
implement one of the missing features.

Sent from:

Re: Evaluate Apache Royale Emulation

2018-11-25 Thread hferreira
Hi Alex,

I tested and the Alert is working now.
Also PoupManager add is also working.
I see a lot of features to implement PoupManager remove is not working,
FormItem, etc ...

Thanks for you time on the tutorial I will carefully read and see if I can
implement one of the missing features.

Sent from:

Re: How to apply Jewel theme using VS Code

2018-11-22 Thread hferreira
I used version 14 for many years.
Only a few months ago I updated to latest version.
0 improvements about core features.
A lot of bloatware (seems as anti-virus programs) however this can be easily
New look and feel comparing to version 14.
Native support for MacBook touchbar (nice to have, but it's only nice).
On my new MacBook Pro, I got 10 seconds compile time improvement (that's the
only reason that I found to upgrade).

Seems that they are out of ideas for improvement.

Support for Royale would be a better way to spent there resources but I
understand that the target clients/developers are currently low.

Sent from:

Re: Evaluate Apache Royale Emulation

2018-11-22 Thread hferreira
Hi Alex,

That would be great.

Sent from:

Re: Apache Royale Debugging news

2018-11-17 Thread hferreira
How to add that cool debug toolbar to VS Code solution ?
Currently I have to do cmd + shift + p (macOS) to do a build-debug and then
I have to open the folder and then open the file on my browser.
I would like to:
1. Add that same toolbar
2. If possible when build, automatically open the index.html on the debug

Sent from:

Re: Jewel dependency

2018-11-17 Thread hferreira
And the most important more of your code won't need as much changes.
> Yes. In a framework change perspective is the cheapest approach but for
> now is not there iet (let's see in a near future), meanwhile I will check
> Royale without emulation.

Sent from:

Jewel dependency

2018-11-17 Thread hferreira
Basic cannot work without Jewel. It is correct ?
Jewel it's like a UI implementation using Basic like mx ou spark for Flex,
correct ?

So, what happens if I'm using Jewel and at some point I would like to
completely change my UI aspect ?

Or Jewel is the first implement, a set of UI with a default skin that I can
change with CSS ?

Sent from:

Re: Beads

2018-11-17 Thread hferreira
Thank you very much.
Now I understand the Express and Basic and Strands and Beads.

Express ends up to be more what Flex is about but Basic + Strands and Beads
it's the best way to go.

Sent from:

Re: initialView in Royale

2018-11-17 Thread hferreira
OK, thank you.

Sent from:

Re: Where is the creationComplete in jewel ?

2018-11-17 Thread hferreira

Re: What is Card ?

2018-11-17 Thread hferreira
Hi Carlos,

OK, it's a Panel.
Thank you.

Sent from:

Re: initialView in Royale

2018-11-17 Thread hferreira
OK, thank you.

Sent from:

Re: Beads

2018-11-17 Thread hferreira
OK, I understand now.

For one hand it's better than Flex SDK and other frameworks, because avoids
to load tons of code that I don't need all the time.
For another hand I will end up with final mxml with more code but it's OK.

Thank you for the detailed explanation.

Sent from:


2018-11-17 Thread hferreira
Royale  is the equivalent for  in Flex/Spark ?

Sent from:

initialView in Royale

2018-11-17 Thread hferreira
I saw initialView in every example in Royale.
This seems strange for me.
Why not put the component instance directly on mxml ?

Sent from:

Re: Why the namespace Adobe ?

2018-11-17 Thread hferreira
Thanks for the explanation.

Sent from:

Re: Suggestion: Emulation tutorial

2018-11-17 Thread hferreira
Great example Carlos.
Thank you very much.
I will play around with Royale and I have a few question that I will put in
different threads.

Sent from:

Re: Suggestion: Emulation tutorial

2018-11-16 Thread hferreira
Hi Carlos,

Thanks for sharing.

Yes, that's an alternative way to migrate and at same point of view, it's a
good strategy.
It's not proper a migrate/port process but more a total UI refactoring.
It's 2 steps in 1 if someone move from mx/spark Flex to mx/spark Royale and
then jewel Royale.

Yes, for my forum readings and so on, I see that jewel it's advance and
mx/spark compile as a shell a few days ago and there is a lot of work to do
to make it running, however seems that is on the good track.

I will "play" around with jewel.
Can you point a sample (if there is one) that opens a popup window with a
form ?

Sent from:

Re: Suggestion: Emulation tutorial

2018-11-16 Thread hferreira
We're following a slightly different approach; the effort in getting the
emulation classes all put together and working properly is huge and it will
end up being a similar scale to the Flex libraries - lots of code handling
cases that are very rarely used...  so I've much preferred the Royale
concepts of keeping everything as simple and modular as possible.
> Yes, I read about that and it's not difficult to see that is a better
> approach however is Royale exclusive to new applications (the Royale
> approach), Flex compatibility (emulation) or both ?
At the beginning of this project (it's already years I think) I saw a lot of
discussion about it and ends up to the new Roayle approach.
I have a project with 1.5 millions lines of code and more then 500 views.
Change this to a new approach it's not viable at all.
Change to the emulation approach in a more mature state will probably need
weeks of fixs and probably month to the stable but it's acceptable.
Royale came from Flex, have a new structure and it's good but should not
forget from where it came from that's why I think that the mix approach that
we have now it's the better one. How prefer using the new approach is not
affecta at all.
Perhaps migration a project and letter starting moving thinks to the new
The new emulation that I read on Flex foruns kept my attention.

Anyway, there's always choices for how to do things! And it's perfectly
possible to use a mixture of the emulation classes, your own classes, and
other Royale ones... 
> That's true. Flex SDK is a beast and loads many thinks that I don't need.

In terms of documentation, there's some pretty good stuff available online:
> Thanks. I already saw that. I will read more.

Sent from:

Re: Suggestion: Emulation tutorial

2018-11-16 Thread hferreira
"Yeah, it is a lot to learn.  Did you ever make patches to the Flex SDK
framework code? "
A few ones yes, but the deepest I went was:
1. Debug;
2. Find bugs that affects my code;
3. Find logical patch;
4. Copy the original code from the SDK to my project;
5. Apply the patch;
6. Fill a bug on the JIRA with the suggestion of the patch;
7. If (probably not) my patch appear on a future SDK release, I used it and
delete my custom patch.

"I will try to put together a step-by-step tutorial on the next component I
get to run."
That would be great !

"I'm not sure where I have seen this but I think Serkan who migrating his
app has it on the GitHub."
Serkan, can you help ?

It's a big world and I believe that there at least 100 (if not 1000 or more)
developers using Flex SDK that would love to migrate to Royale.
The new components and a new foundation makes sense but it's the emulation
that counts for this set of developers.
Probably they have knowledge to build Flex application and already created
hundreds of widgets using Flex components and perhaps a few patch at most
but if you ask the build a component from scratch for SDK they would not be
able to do and did not know even here to start.
Probably they are all waiting to see what's happen here (if the Roayle with
emulation see the light one day).
I don't believe that this force (a lot of developers) would help but if 1%
of them help developing at least one component or component implementation,
would be a giant help and this "guide for dummies" it's necessary.
It happens all the time, and that's why Flex SDK was successful with samples
and .NET, etc ...
But I may be wrong because I don't have numbers ...

Sent from:

Re: Why the namespace Adobe ?

2018-11-16 Thread hferreira
My logic is:
1. Apache Royale already changed the namespaces of mx and spark, so there is
not reason to do do the same here;
2. It's seems that it's the last rest of piece of code (one line of code per
mxml) with reference to adobe;
3. We should get rid of adobe, flash, air, swf and swc from the project as
much as possible (not for me believe me and I don't have nothing against
flash/flex, on the 
contrary, it's because of the negative around it);
4. For last but not least: 2008 it's old :P for a namespace on a new project
even if the specification didn't changed that could be weird change the

Sent from:

Re: Suggestion: Emulation tutorial

2018-11-15 Thread hferreira
Yes. I read before posted.
In a conceptual point of view is a good material.
Explains the approach.
Create the component without implementation, surrounding Royale API (the
important is the emulation like an interface, the content/implementation can
and should be different from Flex SDK, using directly Royale API as match as
And on the finish like, code the implementation.
Also, I understand now, that correctly MXRoyale it's very uggly because the
intention is first to compile a big project (recently done), then put the
things work (components implementation) and only then maybe try to simulate
more or less the Flex SDK UI.

Perhaps, it's just me, but for someone inexperience with Royale API, breads,
etc ..., became lost (or worst can follow to do a bad implementation)
without a code sample guide.

But if there are guys that are doing this successful, perhaps it's just me.

Sent from:

Suggestion: Emulation tutorial

2018-11-15 Thread hferreira
Would be great if one of the experients Royale developers produce a basic
step by step tutorial how to implement a MXRoyale or SparkRoyale component
from scratch (a button for example).

So, let's imagine that there is no MXRoyale button iet and with this
tutorial, would be possible to create a button and test it (press it and do
an action).

If you believe that's worth it.

Sent from:

Why the namespace Adobe ?

2018-11-15 Thread hferreira
As the title said.
Why the namespace Adobe in:
Could not be updated to ?

Sent from:

Re: Evaluate Apache Royale Emulation

2018-11-14 Thread hferreira
Yes, it was what I tried but my bad. I failed on my explanation.
I checked tour the flex and it also does not work (mx alert).

For you explanation, I see that the alert it's a custom popup and not a
native alert browser and it makes sense at same point. At least to be
browser independent and more like was Flex working.

On that way, yes. We should focus on PopupManager before Alert.

Sent from:

Re: PopUpManager createPopUp and addPopUp

2018-11-13 Thread hferreira
OK, I see now.
So, in this case I can try to implement the PopUp (it's not an easy one) and
suggest the new implementation.
The same for any mx component.
Correct ?

Sent from:

PopUpManager createPopUp and addPopUp

2018-11-13 Thread hferreira
PopUpManager createPopUp and addPopUp, both methods exists however nothing
Debugging on addPopUp, I see that the SDK does nothing with the window

Does methods was created and was not finished for now, right ?
Any special reason ?

Sent from:

Debug on browser directly from MXML !

2018-11-13 Thread hferreira
While debugging on browser (Google Chrome on macOS), I saw that I can put a
break point on my MXML (not the generated JS) and debug and inspect


Great work !

Sent from:

Re: Evaluate Apache Royale Emulation

2018-11-13 Thread hferreira
No more errors on console but nothing happens :(
No alert.

Sent from:

Re: Evaluate Apache Royale Emulation

2018-11-13 Thread hferreira
It was I thought.
OK, thanks.
Later I will pick up the new build and test again.
I will let you know the results and my findings.

Sent from:

Re: Evaluate Apache Royale Emulation

2018-11-13 Thread hferreira
When the Royale night builds/Jenkins runs ?
Once per day, hour or immediately after a commit ?

Sent from:

Re: Evaluate Apache Royale Emulation

2018-11-13 Thread hferreira
The bug occurs inside Alert.js

var /** @type {mx.managers.ISystemManager} */ sm =,
mx.managers.ISystemManager, true);
var /** @type {Object} */ mp;

On this case, mx.core.FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication topLevelApplication is

topLevelApplication shouldn't be a singleton instanciated once ?

Sent from:

Re: Why SWF support

2018-11-13 Thread hferreira
"This is the most compelling reason to me."
Yes, I agree.
Last decade was Flash, yesterday was AIR, today is JS but tomorrow could be
something else and it would be easier to target again new technology.

Sent from:

Re: Why SWF support

2018-11-13 Thread hferreira
1. Flash offers runtime type checking which helps catch bugs. 
This means that I can target JS and quickly switch to SWF just for debug ?
Can't I debug now directly on VS Code + Royale JS ?
I saw something on twitter that currently it's possible to debug from JS but
I could be mistaken however seems that is specific for VS Code.

2. By keeping the SWF target, it forces development of the framework to be
technology-agnostic as much as possible. This means that if we decide we
want a native android or iOS target (for example), it will be much easier to
Do you mean, support both SWF and JS at the same time, keep the focus on
technology-agnostic and do not fall on JS specific things ?

3. There are those who will want an AIR target. 
OK, perhaps.
For Flex and Flash there is not alternative besides AIR.
For Royale does not make sense "for me" with Eletron for Desktop and Cordova
for Mobile and the continuous fear about AIR future but different minds.

Any way, thank you for your answers.
On my case I will use JS only.

Sent from:

Re: Evaluate Apache Royale Emulation

2018-11-13 Thread hferreira
"Delete the bin/js-debug folder and try again."
That did the trick. I have to get used to this new approach.
With Flex since is a single file, is always updated.
There was probably old files from the previous compile with the previous SDK

Now I can see the button on the page and without any console errors however
when I press the button, nothing happens and I get the following console

Alert.js:159 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'systemManager' of
at (Alert.js:159)
at HelloRoyale.$EH0 (HelloRoyale.mxml:12)
at [as googFireListener]
[as fireListener] (HTMLElementWrapper.js:61)
at (events.js:870)
at HTMLButtonElement.f (events.js:289)

Sent from:

Re: Evaluate Apache Royale Emulation

2018-11-13 Thread hferreira
"Delete the bin/js-debug folder and try again."
That did the trick.
I need to get used to this new approach since Flex use a single file.
The previous compile with the previous Royale SDK probably did this

Now, I can see the button on the screen without console errors however when
I press the button nothing happens and I get the following error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'systemManager' of undefined
at (Alert.js:159)
at HelloRoyale.$EH0 (HelloRoyale.mxml:12)
at [as googFireListener]
[as fireListener] (HTMLElementWrapper.js:61)
at (events.js:870)
at HTMLButtonElement.f (events.js:289)

Sent from:

Re: Test of posting from an unsubscribed email account

2018-11-12 Thread hferreira
Second test from a different e-mail account.

Sent from: