[SOGo] SOGo with Plesk/Dovecot on Ubuntu 14

2016-04-21 Thread "Carsten Pieper"
Hi all,


I try to install SOGo on my Ubuntu 14-Server with Plesk Panel for a while
now and I come to the login screen successful and have created a user in
openLDAP that can authenticate. After authentication, I get a blank page.


The log does contain the following:


Apr 21 17:53:46 sogod [6636]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f032d5cb298[NGImap4ConnectionManager]> IMAP4 login failed:

  host=, user=xing, pwd=yes




  = <0x0x7f032dd8dd78[NGImap4Client]: login=xing(pwd)
connectedTo=<0x0x7f032db5e668[NGInternetSocketAddress]: host=

Apr 21 17:53:46 sogod [6636]: <0x2DD9AD58[SOGoMailAccount]:0> renewing imap4

Apr 21 17:53:52 sogod [6636]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f032d5cb298[NGImap4ConnectionManager]> IMAP4 login failed:

  host=, user=xing, pwd=yes




  = <0x0x7f032dc33848[NGImap4Client]: login=xing(pwd)
connectedTo=<0x0x7f032d77c588[NGInternetSocketAddress]: host=

Apr 21 17:53:52 sogod [6636]: [ERROR] <0x2DD9AD58[SOGoMailAccount]:0> Could
not connect IMAP4


My sogo.conf looks like this:


  /* Mail */

  SOGoDraftsFolderName = Drafts;

  SOGoSentFolderName = Sent;

  SOGoTrashFolderName = Trash;

  SOGoIMAPServer = imaps://;

  SOGoSieveServer = sieve://;

  SOGoSMTPServer =;

  SOGoMailDomain = carstenpieper.com;

  SOGoMailingMechanism = smtp;


Could someone please be so kind to explain to me as a Newbie to SOGo and
Linux/mail administration what is missing or wrong? I have set up the mail
account long time ago with the Plesk panel, do I have to configure something
in LDAP to get it working?


Thanks a lot in advance,




[SOGo] problems with Outlook 2011 on MacOS 10.11.6

2016-12-12 Thread &quot;Carsten Pieper"
Hi all,


I just tried to configure a SOGo 3.2.4 mail account with a Mac with Outlook
2011 and MacOS 10.11.6 El Capitan. Outlook says that it found unexpected
data and gives the error code -17997.


Does someone have a solution what to configure different to get this


Thanks a lot in advance,







Dyckburgheide 5
48157 Münster


+49 251 3997257


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[SOGo] Upgrade 3.2.15 -> 4.0.5: Database problems

2019-01-16 Thread Carsten Pieper

Hi dear community,

today, I upgraded from SOGo 3.2.15 to 4.0.5 and everything worked. I 
optimized some points with sogo-tool (cleanup). But now, I do get the 
following error:

ERROR: could not open MySQL4 connection to database 'sogo': Access 
denied for user 'sogo'

I now changed the user in /etc/sogo/sogo.conf for testing purposes to 
root. But even after a complete restart of my ubuntu server, I still get 
the message above, still with the user sogo.

I assume, that my sogo.conf file is not read but some other default is 

Can please somebody help me to fix this problem and maybe tell me what 
to do thaat SOGo accepts my sogo.conf?

Thanks in advance,


Dyckburgheide 1
48157 Münster

Fon:+49 251 3997257
Fax:+49 251 3997256
Mobil:  +49 151 46673961
E-Mail: i...@carstenpieper.com
Internet:   www.carstenpieper.com


Re: [SOGo] Upgrade 3.2.15 -> 4.0.5: Database problems

2019-01-17 Thread Carsten Pieper

Hi all,

thanks for your answer, Christian.

/usr/sbin/sogo-tool dump-defaults

returns some parts of my sogo.conf containing my database password.

But actually, I cannot find any .GNUstepDefaults, neither in 
/root/GNUtep/Defaults nore somewhere else.

plparse /etc/sogo/sogo.conf
returns "Parsing '/etc/sogo/sogo.conf' - a dictionary" as expected.


And yes, I ran the db-upgrade but tried it again just now. This time, I get:

root@www:/usr/share/doc/sogo# ./sql-update-3.2.10_to_4.0.0-mysql.sh
Username (root): sogo
Hostname (
Database (sogo):
This script will ask for the database password twice
Converting c_content from TEXT to LONGTEXT in the sogo_user_profile table
Converting c_mail from VARCHAR(255) to TEXT in Contacts quick tables
Enter password:
Enter password:
ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 1: Duplicate column name 'c_hascertificate'
ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 1: Duplicate column name 'c_hascertificate'

Thanks in advance,


Am 17.01.19 um 09:05 schrieb Christian Mack 

Am 16.01.19 um 23:15 schrieb Carsten Pieper (i...@carstenpieper.com):

Hi dear community,

today, I upgraded from SOGo 3.2.15 to 4.0.5 and everything worked. I
optimized some points with sogo-tool (cleanup). But now, I do get the
following error:

ERROR: could not open MySQL4 connection to database 'sogo': Access
denied for user 'sogo'

I now changed the user in /etc/sogo/sogo.conf for testing purposes to
root. But even after a complete restart of my ubuntu server, I still get
the message above, still with the user sogo.

I assume, that my sogo.conf file is not read but some other default is

Can please somebody help me to fix this problem and maybe tell me what
to do thaat SOGo accepts my sogo.conf?

First check if there exists an old GNUstep configuration outside
sogo.conf with:
/usr/sbin/sogo-tool dump-defaults

You should get "No defaults found. Try to use -f.".
If not, move the following GNUstep config file out of the way.
sudo -u sogo mv ~/GNUstep/Defaults/.GNUstepDefaults

Then check your sogo.conf
plparse /etc/sogo/sogo.conf
You should get "Parsing '/etc/sogo/sogo.conf' - a dictionary".
If not, fix your sogo.conf

Did you execute sql-update-3.2.10_to_4.0.0-mysql.sh after upgrade?

Kind regards,
Christian Mack


Dyckburgheide 1
48157 Münster

Fon:+49 251 3997257
Fax:+49 251 3997256
Mobil:  +49 151 46673961
E-Mail: i...@carstenpieper.com
Internet:   www.carstenpieper.com


Re: [SOGo] Upgrade 3.2.15 -> 4.0.5: Database problems

2019-01-18 Thread Carsten Pieper

Thanks Christian, thanks Gordon,

that was it. Sorry, was a little stupid.



Am 18.01.19 um 06:44 schrieb Gordon Messmer (gordon.mess...@gmail.com):
On 1/17/19 12:05 AM, Christian Mack" (christian.m...@uni-konstanz.de) 

sudo -u sogo mv ~/GNUstep/Defaults/.GNUstepDefaults

Minor nit: That won't do what you suggest.  The shell will expand "~" 
to the home directory of the user calling sudo before running "mv" as 
the sogo user.


Dyckburgheide 1
48157 Münster

Fon:+49 251 3997257
Fax:+49 251 3997256
Mobil:  +49 151 46673961
E-Mail: i...@carstenpieper.com
Internet:   www.carstenpieper.com


[SOGo] could not open storage channel

2019-02-11 Thread Carsten Pieper

Hi all,

actually, I have some strange problems with SOGO.

A user told me that his calendar is empty. In the logs I find:

Feb 11 01:04:20 sogod [22810]: [ERROR] 
<0x0x56308306d918[GCSChannelManager]> could not open channel 
Feb 11 01:04:20 sogod [22810]: [WARN] 
<0x0x56308306d918[GCSChannelManager]>   will prevent opening of this 
channel 5 seconds after 2019-02-11 01:04:20 +0100
Feb 11 01:04:20 sogod [22810]: [ERROR] <0x0x56308826a138[GCSFolder]>  
could not open storage channel!

I tried the dump-default sogo-tool command and got:

root@www:/var/log/sogo# sogo-tool dump-defaults
    OCSFolderInfoURL = 

    SOGoACLsSendEMailNotifications = YES;
    SOGoAppointmentSendEMailNotifications = YES;
    SOGoFoldersSendEMailNotifications = YES;
    SOGoLanguage = German;
    SOGoMailDomain = "carstenpieper.com";
    SOGoProfileURL = 

    SOGoTimeZone = "Europe/Berlin";
    SOGoUserSources = (
        CNFieldName = cn;
        IDFieldName = uid;
        IMAPHostFieldName = mailHost;
        UIDFieldName = uid;
        baseDN = "ou=accounts,dc=[...],dc=com";
        bindDN = "uid=sogadmin,ou=accounts,dc=[...],dc=com";
        bindPassword = okoo9Fi;
        canAuthenticate = YES;
        displayName = "Shared Addresses";
        hostname = localhost;
        id = public;
        isAddressBook = YES;
        port = 389;

Now, some questions come into my mind:

1. Why is there no default for OCSSessionsFolderURL?

2. Where do the defaults come from? I had a look in the GNUstepDefaults 
but found nothing:

root@www:/etc/sogo# cd ~sogo/GNUstep/Defaults/
root@www:/var/lib/sogo/GNUstep/Defaults# ls -al
total 12
drwxr-xr-x 3 sogo sogo 4096 Jan 18 13:19 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 sogo sogo 4096 Nov 26  2015 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 sogo sogo 4096 Feb 11 10:32 .lck

3. How can I get rid of these defaults?

I'm using sogo on Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS.

Thanks in advance for your appreciated help,



Re: [SOGo] could not open storage channel

2019-02-12 Thread Carsten Pieper

Thanks a lot, Odhiambo,

but that is exactly my problem.

I have specified User A in my sogo.conf, but in the logs, I see, that 
the default user 'sogo' is used. I have set the password of the user 
'sogo' to the password prompted out in the dump-defaults. I can 
authenticate via mysql console with User A and user sogo. Now, I change 
the password of user 'sogo' to 'sogo'. I can authenticate with the new 
password via mysql console, the errors in the log disappear and the 
calendar entries are back again.

Thus, where in the system do I find the defaults dumped out?



Am 12.02.19 um 08:29 schrieb Odhiambo Washington (odhia...@gmail.com):

[My responses inline]

Since it's been 8hrs since you posted and no one has responded, I will 
try my guess here:

On Tue, 12 Feb 2019 at 01:13, Carsten Pieper <mailto:users@sogo.nu>> wrote:

Hi all,

actually, I have some strange problems with SOGO.

A user told me that his calendar is empty. In the logs I find:

Feb 11 01:04:20 sogod [22810]: [ERROR]
<0x0x56308306d918[GCSChannelManager]> could not open channel
Feb 11 01:04:20 sogod [22810]: [WARN]
<0x0x56308306d918[GCSChannelManager]>   will prevent opening of this
channel 5 seconds after 2019-02-11 01:04:20 +0100
Feb 11 01:04:20 sogod [22810]: [ERROR] <0x0x56308826a138[GCSFolder]>
could not open storage channel!

The " could not open channel connection" line could be something to do with

sogod not being able to connect to the MySQL database.
Could you please try to manually connect to see if the connection is 

mysql -h localhost -usogo -p sogo 
Then enter the relevant password.

Another way to find out is to edit your /etc/sogo/sogo.conf and enable 
debugging then restart sogod.

The below are possible debug options that you can enable:

/* Debug */
    //SOGoDebugRequests = YES;
    //SoDebugBaseURL = YES;
    //ImapDebugEnabled = YES;
    //LDAPDebugEnabled = YES;
    //PGDebugEnabled = YES;
    //MySQL4DebugEnabled = YES;
    //SOGoUIxDebugEnabled = YES;
    //WODontZipResponse = YES;

I tried the dump-default sogo-tool command and got:

root@www:/var/log/sogo# sogo-tool dump-defaults
 OCSFolderInfoURL =
 SOGoACLsSendEMailNotifications = YES;
 SOGoAppointmentSendEMailNotifications = YES;
 SOGoFoldersSendEMailNotifications = YES;
 SOGoLanguage = German;
 SOGoMailDomain = "carstenpieper.com <http://carstenpieper.com>";
 SOGoProfileURL =
 SOGoTimeZone = "Europe/Berlin";

  SOGoUserSources = (
     CNFieldName = cn;
     IDFieldName = uid;
     IMAPHostFieldName = mailHost;
     UIDFieldName = uid;
     baseDN = "ou=accounts,dc=[...],dc=com";
     bindDN = "uid=sogadmin,ou=accounts,dc=[...],dc=com";
     bindPassword = okoo9Fi;
     canAuthenticate = YES;
     displayName = "Shared Addresses";
     hostname = localhost;
     id = public;
     isAddressBook = YES;
     port = 389;

Now I have to ask you: Are your  SOGoUserSources stored in LDAP of MySQL??

Now, some questions come into my mind:

1. Why is there no default for OCSSessionsFolderURL?

From https://sogo.nu/files/docs/SOGoInstallationGuide.html, I can see 
that OCSSessionsFolderURL needs to be specified.

There is a default for it.

2. Where do the defaults come from? I had a look in the
but found nothing:

SOGo creates them :-)

Best regards,
+254 7 3200 0004/+254 7 2274 3223
"Oh, the cruft.", grep ^[^#] :-)


Dyckburgheide 1
48157 Münster

Fon:+49 251 3997257
Fax:+49 251 3997256
Mobil:  +49 151 46673961
E-Mail: i...@carstenpieper.com
Internet:   www.carstenpieper.com


[SOGo] Question regarding OpenChange package on Xenial

2019-03-06 Thread Carsten Pieper

Hi all,

I'm actually migrating my SOGo installation from trusty to xenial.

Trying to install the necessary packages results in:

E: Package 'sogo-openchange' has no installation candidate

This is my relevant entry in the sources.list:

deb http://www.axis.cz/linux/debian xenial sogo-v4 openchange

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks a lot in advance,



Re: [SOGo] Question regarding OpenChange package on Xenial

2019-03-07 Thread Carsten Pieper


then, I need some more explanation. I was running SOGO 3 on Ubuntu 14 
without having openchange installed. SOGO was working fine, with Outlook 
and Exchange ActiveSync. But because of some performance troubles, I had 
the idea to upgrade to SOGo 4. The performance problems have not been 
solved, and I cannot connect from Outlook anymore.

Am I right, that SOGo v4 needs openchange to connect to Outlook, but 
SOGo v3 not?

If so, would it be better to install SOGo 3 on the new server with 
ubuntu 16? I have already installed v4 there, can I downgrade without 

Will SOGo v3 be supported in the future or am I riding a dead horse?

Thanks a lot,


Am 06.03.19 um 22:08 schrieb Ludovic Marcotte (lmarco...@inverse.ca):

On 2019-03-06 3:37 p.m., Markus Winkler (m...@irmawi.de) wrote:

AFAIK there's no sogo-openchange package for SOGo 4 and I assume 
there never will be one, as to my knowledge the OpenChange project is 
rather dead. 

Right on buddy.


Dyckburgheide 1
48157 Münster

Fon:+49 251 3997257
Fax:+49 251 3997256
Mobil:  +49 151 46673961
E-Mail: i...@carstenpieper.com
Internet:   www.carstenpieper.com


Re: [SOGo] Question regarding OpenChange package on Xenial

2019-03-07 Thread Carsten Pieper

Hi mj, hi all,

referring to 

it says in Chapter 5 I have to install  sogo-openchange and several 
more. I do not find anything regarding sogo-activesync there.

So, am I right with the following thesis:

"SOGo v4 supports Outlook/ExchangeActiveSync via installing the package 
sogo-activesync, i.e. following 
https://sogo.nu/files/docs/SOGoInstallationGuide.html. It is not 
necessary to follow the NativeOutlookConfigurationGuide, neither for v3 
nor v4, to have Outlook connected to SOGo without any plugin."

But for what do I than need the Native Outlook Configuration Guide?



Am 07.03.19 um 11:05 schrieb mj (li...@merit.unu.edu):


But are you not looking for the package sogo-activesync?

That way outlook can connect to sogo using activesync.


On 3/7/19 9:45 AM, Carsten Pieper (i...@carstenpieper.com) wrote:


then, I need some more explanation. I was running SOGO 3 on Ubuntu 14 
without having openchange installed. SOGO was working fine, with 
Outlook and Exchange ActiveSync. But because of some performance 
troubles, I had the idea to upgrade to SOGo 4. The performance 
problems have not been solved, and I cannot connect from Outlook 

Am I right, that SOGo v4 needs openchange to connect to Outlook, but 
SOGo v3 not?

If so, would it be better to install SOGo 3 on the new server with 
ubuntu 16? I have already installed v4 there, can I downgrade without 

Will SOGo v3 be supported in the future or am I riding a dead horse?

Thanks a lot,


Am 06.03.19 um 22:08 schrieb Ludovic Marcotte (lmarco...@inverse.ca):

On 2019-03-06 3:37 p.m., Markus Winkler (m...@irmawi.de) wrote:

AFAIK there's no sogo-openchange package for SOGo 4 and I assume 
there never will be one, as to my knowledge the OpenChange project 
is rather dead. 

Right on buddy.


Dyckburgheide 1
48157 Münster

Fon: +49 251 3997257
Fax: +49 251 3997256
Mobil: +49 151 46673961
E-Mail: i...@carstenpieper.com
Internet: www.carstenpieper.com



Dyckburgheide 1
48157 Münster

Fon:+49 251 3997257
Fax:+49 251 3997256
Mobil:  +49 151 46673961
E-Mail: i...@carstenpieper.com
Internet:   www.carstenpieper.com


[SOGo] Problems with a fresh install of SOGO 4.0.7 on ubuntu 16

2019-03-13 Thread Carsten Pieper

Hi all,

sorry, I think I have quite a stupid question this time.

I try to install SOGo v4.0.7 on my new server on Ubuntu 16.

Installation succeeded, I copied the database from the old server,

checked /etc/sogo/sogo.conf

and /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/SOGo.conf

When I try to open https://mydomain.tld/SOGo/ I get an Internal Server 
Error on mydomain.tld:443.

I checked /var/log/sogo.log, var/log/apache2/error.log and 
/var/log/nginx/error.log and found nothing helpful to get the login 
screen displayed.

I checked if SOGo is running:

root@server:/var/log/nginx# service sogo status
● sogo.service - LSB: SOGo server
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/sogo; bad; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2019-03-13 11:48:07 CET; 1h 52min ago
 Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
  Process: 24670 ExecStop=/etc/init.d/sogo stop (code=exited, 
  Process: 24740 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/sogo start (code=exited, 

   CGroup: /system.slice/sogo.service
   ├─24811 /usr/sbin/sogod -WOWorkersCount 3 -WOPidFile 
/var/run/sogo/sogo.pid -WOLogFile /var/log/sogo/sogo.log
   ├─24812 /usr/sbin/sogod -WOWorkersCount 3 -WOPidFile 
/var/run/sogo/sogo.pid -WOLogFile /var/log/sogo/sogo.log
   ├─24813 /usr/sbin/sogod -WOWorkersCount 3 -WOPidFile 
/var/run/sogo/sogo.pid -WOLogFile /var/log/sogo/sogo.log
   └─24814 /usr/sbin/sogod -WOWorkersCount 3 -WOPidFile 
/var/run/sogo/sogo.pid -WOLogFile /var/log/sogo/sogo.log

Mar 13 11:48:07 mydomain.tld sogo[24740]:  * Starting SOGo sogo
Mar 13 11:48:07 mydomain.tld sogo[24740]:    ...done.

Does anybody have an idea what I'm doing wrong and I have to do to get 
the login screens displayed?

Thanks a lot,



Dyckburgheide 1
48157 Münster

Fon:+49 251 3997257
Fax:+49 251 3997256
Mobil:  +49 151 46673961
E-Mail: i...@carstenpieper.com
Internet:   www.carstenpieper.com


Re: [SOGo] Problems with a fresh install of SOGO 4.0.7 on ubuntu 16

2019-03-13 Thread Carsten Pieper

Hi Juergen,

thanks for your answers, but on Ubuntu, at least in my plesk-configured 
system, ssl and non-ssl requests are written in the same logfile. Feel 
free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Thanks a lot,


Am 13.03.19 um 14:00 schrieb "J. Echter" 

Am 13.03.19 um 13:43 schrieb Carsten Pieper (i...@carstenpieper.com):

Hi all,

sorry, I think I have quite a stupid question this time.

I try to install SOGo v4.0.7 on my new server on Ubuntu 16.

Installation succeeded, I copied the database from the old server,

checked /etc/sogo/sogo.conf

and /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/SOGo.conf

When I try to open https://mydomain.tld/SOGo/ I get an Internal 
Server Error on mydomain.tld:443.

I checked /var/log/sogo.log, var/log/apache2/error.log and 
/var/log/nginx/error.log and found nothing helpful to get the login 
screen displayed.

I checked if SOGo is running:

root@server:/var/log/nginx# service sogo status
● sogo.service - LSB: SOGo server
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/sogo; bad; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2019-03-13 11:48:07 CET; 1h 
52min ago

 Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
  Process: 24670 ExecStop=/etc/init.d/sogo stop (code=exited, 
  Process: 24740 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/sogo start (code=exited, 

   CGroup: /system.slice/sogo.service
   ├─24811 /usr/sbin/sogod -WOWorkersCount 3 -WOPidFile 
/var/run/sogo/sogo.pid -WOLogFile /var/log/sogo/sogo.log
   ├─24812 /usr/sbin/sogod -WOWorkersCount 3 -WOPidFile 
/var/run/sogo/sogo.pid -WOLogFile /var/log/sogo/sogo.log
   ├─24813 /usr/sbin/sogod -WOWorkersCount 3 -WOPidFile 
/var/run/sogo/sogo.pid -WOLogFile /var/log/sogo/sogo.log
   └─24814 /usr/sbin/sogod -WOWorkersCount 3 -WOPidFile 
/var/run/sogo/sogo.pid -WOLogFile /var/log/sogo/sogo.log

Mar 13 11:48:07 mydomain.tld sogo[24740]:  * Starting SOGo sogo
Mar 13 11:48:07 mydomain.tld sogo[24740]:    ...done.

Does anybody have an idea what I'm doing wrong and I have to do to 
get the login screens displayed?

Thanks a lot,



as you try accessing via ssl i would check ssl_error_log, 
ssl_access_log and ssl_request_log.

I don't know if its the same on ubuntu, but on centos i got different 
logs for ssl.




Dyckburgheide 1
48157 Münster

Fon:+49 251 3997257
Fax:+49 251 3997256
Mobil:  +49 151 46673961
E-Mail: i...@carstenpieper.com
Internet:   www.carstenpieper.com


Re: [SOGo] Problems with a fresh install of SOGO 4.0.7 on ubuntu 16

2019-03-13 Thread Carsten Pieper

Hi Odhiambo,

thanks for your answer,

I'm running on MySQL and can actually log in to the database from 
console with the user configured in the conf. sogo-tool dump-defaults 
does not return anything.

I was looking in nginx because it feels for me that something before 
SOGo is not running correctly yet.

Other LogLevel or Debug options in sogo.conf do not help, wihich makes 
me even more think that the problem is caused somewhere in Apache or 
Nginx, not in SOGo. I do not find any request in SOGo.log, it just says 
it started fine and that was it.

Any other ideas are really appreciated, I think it's something really 
stupid :-),

Thanks a lot,


Am 13.03.19 um 14:04 schrieb Odhiambo Washington (odhia...@gmail.com):

On Wed, 13 Mar 2019 at 15:48, Carsten Pieper <mailto:users@sogo.nu>> wrote:

Hi all,

sorry, I think I have quite a stupid question this time.

I try to install SOGo v4.0.7 on my new server on Ubuntu 16.

Installation succeeded, I copied the database from the old server,

Which database?

checked /etc/sogo/sogo.conf

and /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/SOGo.conf

When I try to open https://mydomain.tld/SOGo/ I get an Internal
Server Error on mydomain.tld:443.

I checked /var/log/sogo.log, var/log/apache2/error.log and
/var/log/nginx/error.log and found nothing helpful to get the
login screen displayed.

Why are you checking  /var/log/nginx/error.lo, if I may ask?

I checked if SOGo is running:

root@server:/var/log/nginx# service sogo status
● sogo.service - LSB: SOGo server
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/sogo; bad; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2019-03-13 11:48:07 CET; 1h
52min ago
 Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
  Process: 24670 ExecStop=/etc/init.d/sogo stop (code=exited,
  Process: 24740 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/sogo start (code=exited,
   CGroup: /system.slice/sogo.service
   ├─24811 /usr/sbin/sogod -WOWorkersCount 3 -WOPidFile
/var/run/sogo/sogo.pid -WOLogFile /var/log/sogo/sogo.log
   ├─24812 /usr/sbin/sogod -WOWorkersCount 3 -WOPidFile
/var/run/sogo/sogo.pid -WOLogFile /var/log/sogo/sogo.log
   ├─24813 /usr/sbin/sogod -WOWorkersCount 3 -WOPidFile
/var/run/sogo/sogo.pid -WOLogFile /var/log/sogo/sogo.log
   └─24814 /usr/sbin/sogod -WOWorkersCount 3 -WOPidFile
/var/run/sogo/sogo.pid -WOLogFile /var/log/sogo/sogo.log

Mar 13 11:48:07 mydomain.tld sogo[24740]:  * Starting SOGo sogo
Mar 13 11:48:07 mydomain.tld sogo[24740]:    ...done.

Does anybody have an idea what I'm doing wrong and I have to do to
get the login screens displayed?

Does "LogLevel Debug" in /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/SOGo.conf help??

How about you check the configs closely again?
How about enable the Debug options in sogo.conf?

Best regards,
+254 7 3200 0004/+254 7 2274 3223
"Oh, the cruft.", grep ^[^#] :-)


Dyckburgheide 1
48157 Münster

Fon:+49 251 3997257
Fax:+49 251 3997256
Mobil:  +49 151 46673961
E-Mail: i...@carstenpieper.com
Internet:   www.carstenpieper.com


Re: [SOGo] Problems with a fresh install of SOGO 4.0.7 on ubuntu 16

2019-03-14 Thread Carsten Pieper

Hi again,

thank you all for thinking and analyzing with me. I now solved the 
problem by enabling the proxy_http module of Apache. Till now, I just 
looked only for the proxy module itself.

Sorry about that.

Kind regards and many thanks,


Am 13.03.19 um 18:29 schrieb Carsten Pieper (i...@carstenpieper.com):

Hi Markus,

Am 13.03.19 um 16:12 schrieb Markus Winkler (m...@irmawi.de):

Hi Carsten,

On Wed, 13 Mar 2019 at 02:56:17PM +0100, Carsten Pieper wrote:
I was looking in nginx because it feels for me that something before 
SOGo is not running correctly yet.

what I still cannot understand: you have Apache configured for SOGo, 
right?  What's the purpose of the additional Nginx in your setup? And 
do you really have them _both_ running on the same host, are you sure?

Yes I am, that is the default config in Plesk virtual servers. Nginx 
is working as reverse proxy, see: 
(Sorry, German, but different translations are available.

It would be good to know which webserver is doing which job. Could 
you please send us an output of 'ps aux' and 'netstat -lntp' or 
something similar?

It would be helpful if you could:

o set 'LogLevel debug' (in case of using Apache)

Please find attached my /etc/apache2/conf-available/SOGo.conf

and my /etc/sogo/sogo.conf

o send an extract of the logs (configured for CustomLog and ErrorLog)
 of the webserver which is serving SOGo right after you try to access 
 SOGo via browser (when you say that you get an 'Internal Server 
 Error', then there must be something to find in the log) - even if 
 it doesn't seem:

I checked /var/log/sogo.log, var/log/apache2/error.log and 
/var/log/nginx/error.log and found nothing helpful to get the login 
screen displayed. 

"interesting" to you.

I've attached you the current sogo.log and apache error.log.

makes me even more think that the problem is caused somewhere in 
Apache or Nginx, not in SOGo.

At the moment I assume you have a problem with your webserver(s), but 
just to be sure: did you check if the SOGo deamon is really running 
and listens on the configured port? You should see something like this:

tcp  0  0*    LISTEN 1508/sogod

Please find attached the output from ps and netstat in running 

Any other ideas are really appreciated, I think it's something 
really stupid :-),

Let's see after you give a little more input. ;-)

Thanks and regards,


THANK you so much for your support, I'm a little blinded at the moment...





[SOGo] problems with EAS and Outlook 2016

2019-03-23 Thread &quot;Carsten Pieper"

Hi all,

I switched to SOGo 4 and a new server because of performance reasons and do 
have problems with some mailboxes on Outlook 2016. I'm analyzing the log files 
now and I found just one strange thing:

S[0x56065b4ef100]: * LIST (\HasNoChildren \UnMarked) "." INBOX.Webseiten.site1
S[0x56065b4ef100]: * LIST (\HasNoChildren \UnMarked) "." INBOX.Webseiten.site2
S[0x56065b4ef100]: * LIST (\HasNoChildren \UnMarked) "." INBOX.Webseiten.site3
S[0x56065b4ef100]: * LIST (\HasNoChildren \UnMarked) "." INBOX.Webseiten.site4
S[0x56065b4ef100]: * LIST (\HasNoChildren \UnMarked) "." 
"INBOX.Webseiten.Produktwechsel Hosteuro2019-03-23 10:00:30.832 sogod[14156] 
FROM sogo_cache_folder_idempiere_A_carstenpieper_D_com WHERE c_type = 201 AND 
c_deleted <> 1 AND c_path like '/533EB2B5178448A4902264273D404691%';
2019-03-23 10:00:30.833 sogod[14156]    query has results, entering fetch-mode.

As you can see in the fith and sixth line of the snippet, the listing of the 
IMAP folders gets interrupted with a new log entry. Is this normal behaviour of 
the log or maybe the failure I should eliminate to get the EAS on Outlook 2016 
running again?

Thanks for your help,



AW: [SOGo] problems with EAS and Outlook 2016

2019-03-23 Thread &quot;Carsten Pieper"

Hi Thomas, hi all,

Yes, I forgot to say that the Web UI works fine and using Thunderbird wiht IMAP 
shows all folders as expected. Android clients show all folders as well.

Kind regards,


Am Samstag, 23. März 2019 15:59 CET, "\"Thomas Fuehrer\"" (t...@aon.at) 
Hi Carsten,

I’d suggest you check first whether you can access all your IMAP-folders via 
sogo’s webui. You can also check whether you get all the expected IMAP-folders 
when accessing your imap-server via telnet.



Von: users-requ...@sogo.nu  Im Auftrag von "Carsten 
Gesendet: Samstag, 23. März 2019 12:19
An: users@sogo.nu
Betreff: [SOGo] problems with EAS and Outlook 2016

Hi all,

I switched to SOGo 4 and a new server because of performance reasons and do 
have problems with some mailboxes on Outlook 2016. I'm analyzing the log files 
now and I found just one strange thing:

S[0x56065b4ef100]: * LIST (\HasNoChildren \UnMarked) "." INBOX.Webseiten.site1
S[0x56065b4ef100]: * LIST (\HasNoChildren \UnMarked) "." INBOX.Webseiten.site2
S[0x56065b4ef100]: * LIST (\HasNoChildren \UnMarked) "." INBOX.Webseiten.site3
S[0x56065b4ef100]: * LIST (\HasNoChildren \UnMarked) "." INBOX.Webseiten.site4
S[0x56065b4ef100]: * LIST (\HasNoChildren \UnMarked) "." 
"INBOX.Webseiten.Produktwechsel Hosteuro2019-03-23 10:00:30.832 sogod[14156] 
FROM sogo_cache_folder_idempiere_A_carstenpieper_D_com WHERE c_type = 201 AND 
c_deleted <> 1 AND c_path like '/533EB2B5178448A4902264273D404691%';
2019-03-23 10:00:30.833 sogod[14156]    query has results, entering fetch-mode.

As you can see in the fith and sixth line of the snippet, the listing of the 
IMAP folders gets interrupted with a new log entry. Is this normal behaviour of 
the log or maybe the failure I should eliminate to get the EAS on Outlook 2016 
running again?

Thanks for your help,



Dyckburgheide 1
48157 Münster
DeutschlandFon:+49 251 3997257Fax:+49 251 3997256Mobil:+49 151 

Re: [SOGo] problems with EAS and Outlook 2016

2019-03-25 Thread Carsten Pieper

Hi all again,

problem solved now.

After I added those two Parameters, everything works fine:

SOGoMaximumSyncResponseSize = 512;
SOGoMaximumSyncWindowSize = 30;

I did not understand the installation guide in that way that it is 
mandatory to set these two parameters and to overwrite the default to 
get EAS working.

Kind regards,


Am 25.03.19 um 10:46 schrieb Carsten Pieper:

hi Thomas, hi all,

ok, after I did some further tests, let me point out the following:

  * One Account with 6 mails, newly created, works fine.
  * second Account, 857 MB in size (according to plesk), completely
deleted and recreated in Outlook.
The folder list is completely transferred. No mails. No calendar
events, no contacts.
  * third account, 4,36 GB in size, renamed ost-file and restarted
Outlook. This profile is the profile from the log snippet of my
initial posting. The folder list as, surprising, transferred
completely. But same here, no mails, no events, no contacts. After
starting Outlook, it says "Connected" and "Waiting for server
reply". Then it says "Folder was synced last time on {now}". Still
no mails, contact, events... After some minutes, Outlook says
"Disconnected" in the bottom right.
  * On sencond and third account, I put the offline-mode-sync-slider
of Outlook down to one month (minimum)
  * On all accounts, I use
mydomain.tld/SOGo/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync as Email-Server-adress.

This is the EAS part of my sogo.conf:

/* ActiveSync */
  SOGoMaximumPingInterval = 3540;
  SOGoMaximumSyncInterval = 3540;
  SOGoInternalSyncInterval = 60;

  SOGoEnablePublicAccess = YES;

This is the relevant part of my Apache-configuration:

ProxyPass /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync \ \
 retry=60 connectiontimeout=5 timeout=3600

ProxyPass /SOGo retry=0

My PREFORK-value in /etc/default/sogo is set to 30.

Hope that these details are helpful and that someone has some good 
idea to solve my problem.

Thank you so far,


Am 23.03.19 um 21:50 schrieb Thomas Führer (t...@aon.at):

Carsten, in your initial mail you say "... have problems with some 
mailboxes on Outlook 2016...". What is the problem?

I assume you tried to re-create the EAS account in OL?

Regards, Thomas

 Carsten Pieper schrieb 

Hi Thomas, hi all,

Yes, I forgot to say that the Web UI works fine and using Thunderbird 
wiht IMAP shows all folders as expected. Android clients show all 
folders as well.

Kind regards,


Am Samstag, 23. März 2019 15:59 CET, "\"Thomas Fuehrer\"" 
(t...@aon.at)  schrieb:

Hi Carsten,

I’d suggest you check first whether you can access all your 
IMAP-folders via sogo’s webui. You can also check whether you get all 
the expected IMAP-folders when accessing your imap-server via telnet.



*Von:* users-requ...@sogo.nu  *Im Auftrag von 
*"Carsten Pieper"

*Gesendet:* Samstag, 23. März 2019 12:19
*An:* users@sogo.nu
*Betreff:* [SOGo] problems with EAS and Outlook 2016

Hi all,

I switched to SOGo 4 and a new server because of performance reasons 
and do have problems with some mailboxes on Outlook 2016. I'm 
analyzing the log files now and I found just one strange thing:

S[0x56065b4ef100]: * LIST (\HasNoChildren \UnMarked) "." 
S[0x56065b4ef100]: * LIST (\HasNoChildren \UnMarked) "." 
S[0x56065b4ef100]: * LIST (\HasNoChildren \UnMarked) "." 
S[0x56065b4ef100]: * LIST (\HasNoChildren \UnMarked) "." 
S[0x56065b4ef100]: * LIST (\HasNoChildren \UnMarked) "." 
"INBOX.Webseiten.Produktwechsel Hosteuro2019-03-23 10:00:30.832 
sogod[14156] connection=0x0x56065bf6b2e0> SQL: SELECT * FROM 
sogo_cache_folder_idempiere_A_carstenpieper_D_com WHERE c_type = 201 
AND c_deleted <> 1 AND c_path like '/533EB2B5178448A4902264273D404691%';
2019-03-23 10:00:30.833 sogod[14156] connection=0x0x56065bf6b2e0>   query has results, entering fetch-mode.

As you can see in the fith and sixth line of the snippet, the listing 
of the IMAP folders gets interrupted with a new log entry. Is this 
normal behaviour of the log or maybe the failure I should eliminate 
to get the EAS on Outlook 2016 running again?

Thanks for your help,


users@sogo.nu <mailto:users@sogo.nu>


Dyckburgheide 1
48157 Münster
Fon:+49 251 3997257
Fax:+49 251 3997256
Mobil:  +49 151 46673961
E-Mail: i...@carstenpieper.com <mailto:i...@carstenpieper.com>
Internet:   www.carstenpieper.com <http://www.carstenpieper.com>


Re: [SOGo] problems with EAS and Outlook 2016

2019-03-25 Thread Carsten Pieper

hi Thomas, hi all,

ok, after I did some further tests, let me point out the following:

 * One Account with 6 mails, newly created, works fine.
 * second Account, 857 MB in size (according to plesk), completely
   deleted and recreated in Outlook.
   The folder list is completely transferred. No mails. No calendar
   events, no contacts.
 * third account, 4,36 GB in size, renamed ost-file and restarted
   Outlook. This profile is the profile from the log snippet of my
   initial posting. The folder list as, surprising, transferred
   completely. But same here, no mails, no events, no contacts. After
   starting Outlook, it says "Connected" and "Waiting for server
   reply". Then it says "Folder was synced last time on {now}". Still
   no mails, contact, events... After some minutes, Outlook says
   "Disconnected" in the bottom right.
 * On sencond and third account, I put the offline-mode-sync-slider of
   Outlook down to one month (minimum)
 * On all accounts, I use mydomain.tld/SOGo/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync
   as Email-Server-adress.

This is the EAS part of my sogo.conf:

/* ActiveSync */
  SOGoMaximumPingInterval = 3540;
  SOGoMaximumSyncInterval = 3540;
  SOGoInternalSyncInterval = 60;

  SOGoEnablePublicAccess = YES;

This is the relevant part of my Apache-configuration:

ProxyPass /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync \ \
 retry=60 connectiontimeout=5 timeout=3600

ProxyPass /SOGo retry=0

My PREFORK-value in /etc/default/sogo is set to 30.

Hope that these details are helpful and that someone has some good idea 
to solve my problem.

Thank you so far,


Am 23.03.19 um 21:50 schrieb Thomas Führer (t...@aon.at):

Carsten, in your initial mail you say "... have problems with some 
mailboxes on Outlook 2016...". What is the problem?

I assume you tried to re-create the EAS account in OL?

Regards, Thomas

 Carsten Pieper schrieb 

Hi Thomas, hi all,

Yes, I forgot to say that the Web UI works fine and using Thunderbird 
wiht IMAP shows all folders as expected. Android clients show all 
folders as well.

Kind regards,


Am Samstag, 23. März 2019 15:59 CET, "\"Thomas Fuehrer\"" (t...@aon.at) 

Hi Carsten,

I’d suggest you check first whether you can access all your 
IMAP-folders via sogo’s webui. You can also check whether you get all 
the expected IMAP-folders when accessing your imap-server via telnet.



*Von:* users-requ...@sogo.nu  *Im Auftrag von 
*"Carsten Pieper"

*Gesendet:* Samstag, 23. März 2019 12:19
*An:* users@sogo.nu
*Betreff:* [SOGo] problems with EAS and Outlook 2016

Hi all,

I switched to SOGo 4 and a new server because of performance reasons 
and do have problems with some mailboxes on Outlook 2016. I'm 
analyzing the log files now and I found just one strange thing:

S[0x56065b4ef100]: * LIST (\HasNoChildren \UnMarked) "." 
S[0x56065b4ef100]: * LIST (\HasNoChildren \UnMarked) "." 
S[0x56065b4ef100]: * LIST (\HasNoChildren \UnMarked) "." 
S[0x56065b4ef100]: * LIST (\HasNoChildren \UnMarked) "." 
S[0x56065b4ef100]: * LIST (\HasNoChildren \UnMarked) "." 
"INBOX.Webseiten.Produktwechsel Hosteuro2019-03-23 10:00:30.832 
sogod[14156] connection=0x0x56065bf6b2e0> SQL: SELECT * FROM 
sogo_cache_folder_idempiere_A_carstenpieper_D_com WHERE c_type = 201 
AND c_deleted <> 1 AND c_path like '/533EB2B5178448A4902264273D404691%';
2019-03-23 10:00:30.833 sogod[14156] connection=0x0x56065bf6b2e0>   query has results, entering fetch-mode.

As you can see in the fith and sixth line of the snippet, the listing 
of the IMAP folders gets interrupted with a new log entry. Is this 
normal behaviour of the log or maybe the failure I should eliminate to 
get the EAS on Outlook 2016 running again?

Thanks for your help,


users@sogo.nu <mailto:users@sogo.nu>


Dyckburgheide 1
48157 Münster
Fon:+49 251 3997257
Fax:+49 251 3997256
Mobil:  +49 151 46673961
E-Mail: i...@carstenpieper.com <mailto:i...@carstenpieper.com>
Internet:   www.carstenpieper.com <http://www.carstenpieper.com>



Dyckburgheide 1
48157 Münster

Fon:+49 251 3997257
Fax:+49 251 3997256
Mobil:  +49 151 46673961
E-Mail: i...@carstenpieper.com
Internet:   www.carstenpieper.com


Re: [SOGo] too many pid XXXX has been hanging in the same request for XX minutes

2019-03-27 Thread Carsten Pieper

Hi Daniel,

your WOWorkersCount has no effect because it is overwritten by the 
PREFORK value.

What SxVMemLimit have you set? Do you use the default of 384 MB? That 
would mean that you need 56 GB of RAM available, if I understand 
everything right (I'm quite new to SOGo).

Kind regards,


Am 26.03.19 um 20:17 schrieb "Daniel Carlos Silva" 

Hi folks,
This happened today, starting at 300 per hour and increasing. It 
reached almost 1200 per hour.

Mar 26 11:59:43 sogod [21474]: [WARN] 
<0x0x564c19758320[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 21594 has been hanging in the 
same request for 12 minutes
Mar 26 11:59:47 sogod [21474]: [WARN] 
<0x0x564c19755f00[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 21579 has been hanging in the 
same request for 12 minutes
Mar 26 11:59:47 sogod [21474]: [WARN] 
<0x0x564c19769940[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 21600 has been hanging in the 
same request for 13 minutes
Mar 26 11:59:50 sogod [21474]: [WARN] 
<0x0x564c197c7ed0[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 21512 has been hanging in the 
same request for 18 minutes
Mar 26 11:59:51 sogod [21474]: [WARN] 
<0x0x564c197a2a70[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 21619 has been hanging in the 
same request for 16 minutes
Mar 26 11:59:53 sogod [21474]: [WARN] 
<0x0x564c197a1e30[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 21616 has been hanging in the 
same request for 14 minutes
Mar 26 11:59:57 sogod [21474]: [WARN] 
<0x0x564c1978e9b0[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 21609 has been hanging in the 
same request for 15 minutes
Mar 26 11:59:58 sogod [21474]: [WARN] 
<0x0x564c1978fc20[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 21612 has been hanging in the 
same request for 14 minutes
Mar 26 11:59:58 sogod [21474]: [WARN] 
<0x0x564c19757be0[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 23763 has been hanging in the 
same request for 11 minutes
Mar 26 11:59:58 sogod [21474]: [WARN] 
<0x0x564c196dcfd0[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 21532 has been hanging in the 
same request for 16 minutes

sogod CPU usage has reached 100%

Sogo and apache processes have been restarted and appear to have 

  SOGoEnablePublicAccess = YES;
  WOWatchDogRequestTimeout = 60;
  WOWorkersCount = 20;
  SOGoMaximumPingInterval = 3540;
  SOGoMaximumSyncInterval = 3540;
  SOGoInternalSyncInterval = 30;
  SOGoMaximumSyncResponseSize = 1024;
  SOGoMaximumSyncWindowSize = 512;

sogo prefork  150

Daniel Carlos Silva



Dyckburgheide 1
48157 Münster

Fon:+49 251 3997257
Fax:+49 251 3997256
Mobil:  +49 151 46673961
E-Mail: i...@carstenpieper.com
Internet:   www.carstenpieper.com


[SOGo] problems with 5.6.0

2022-05-06 Thread &quot;Carsten Pieper"
Hey sogo community,


I had the problem with SOGo 5.5.1 on Ubuntu 20.04.4, that I could not get
tot he settings screen after login of a user.


I thought it is a good idea to update to 5.6.0 to get rid of it, but anyhow,
no login at all is possible any longer.


After login of any user I get „Unbehandelte Fehlerantwort“ unhandled error


There is nothing suspicious in var/log/sogo/sogo.log, even though some
Debug-Options are enabled in /etc/sogo/sogo.conf


Does anyone have a hint for me where I could solve my problem?


Thank you so much in advance,






Dyckburgheide 1
48157 Münster


+49 251 3997257


+49 251 3997256


+49 151 46673961


 <mailto:i...@carstenpieper.com> i...@carstenpieper.com


 <http://www.carstenpieper.com/> www.carstenpieper.com




AW: [SOGo] problems with 5.6.0

2022-05-08 Thread &quot;Carsten Pieper"
Dear Adi,

jeihii, that solved my problem. Sorry guys, could have solved it by myself
reading the docs.

Thanks a lot!


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: users-requ...@sogo.nu  Im Auftrag von Adi
Gesendet: Freitag, 6. Mai 2022 14:22
An: users@sogo.nu
Betreff: Re: [SOGo] problems with 5.6.0

Dear Carsten, 

> I thought it is a good idea to update to 5.6.0 to get rid of it, but 
> anyhow, no login at all is possible any longer.
> After login of any user I get „Unbehandelte Fehlerantwort“ unhandled 
> error response.
I assume, you're using nginx. As I've already written[1], the error message
is a consequence of bigger header data. You'll need to update the buffer
values in your nginx config:

proxy_buffer_size 8k;
proxy_buffers 4 64k;

To find the error message, just check your nginx error log. In my case, the
following got logged to sogo.log:
[ERROR] <0xX[WOHttpTransaction]>
client disconnected during delivery of response for 
(len=50): the socket was shutdown

and nginx' error log:
*123456 upstream sent too big header while reading response
header from upstream, client: ip.add.re.ss, server: sogo.example.com,
request: "POST /SOGo/connect HTTP/1.1", upstream:
host: "sogo.example.com", referrer: https://sogo.example.com/SOGo/"; 

After increasing the buffer size and reloading nginx it worked again.
(btw. do not forget to upgrade your database scheme as this is required for
5.5.1 -> 5.6.0 upgrade).

-- Adi

[1] https://www.mail-archive.com/users%40sogo.nu/msg31359.html

