Re: ClamAV plugin with 3.1.17

2007-01-18 Thread Michel Vaillancourt
Brent Kennedy wrote:
 Woops I meant .cf file not pm file.
 I just wanted to make sure this is still accurate:

As a suggestion, the way I am doing it is running ClamAV as my SMTP 
proxy... so it gets virus scanned and dropped as required before it ever sees 
anything important in my infrastructure.

-- Michel Vaillancourt
Wolfstar Systems

Re: Earthlink emails

2006-09-29 Thread Michel Vaillancourt
Ramprasad wrote:
 Why not SPF ??

Over two thirds of the email I receive that is UCE/Spam has an 
SPF_PASS associated with it from SA.  All SPF seems to do is make the 
stupid spammers look more stupid.  The clever ones aren't affected.

 DK is a resource HOG. And I cant do that easily in postfix ,( I know you
 will point to dk-milter )   ...  Postfix specific implementation 
using the Sourceforge/ OpenSource adoptation of the DK standards.

 What is the point accepting the mail and the entire data and then
 scanning for DK when It should have ideally been rejected after 
 mail from:

That would be the exact point of DK at the Postfix/ MTA level.

 So I let SA do the testing .. which catches the spams but eats resources
 of my servers. When you receive 3-5 million mails a day you tend to
 bother more about resources
I would humbly submit to you that if you move that much traffic, you 
should be able to justify one more MX machine in the pool and implementing DK.

Another point here is that SPF and DK are NOT mutually exclusive 
technologies.  If a thirty-customer/ 10k message-a-day shop like me can 
implement both, I am sure that a Big Shop like yours can.

--Michel Vaillancourt
Wolfstar Systems

Re: Earthlink emails

2006-09-29 Thread Michel Vaillancourt
Ramprasad wrote:
 On Fri, 2006-09-29 at 08:12 -0400, Michel Vaillancourt wrote:
 Ramprasad wrote:
 Why not SPF ??
  Over two thirds of the email I receive that is UCE/Spam has an 
 SPF_PASS associated with it from SA.  All SPF seems to do is make the 
 stupid spammers look more stupid.  The clever ones aren't affected.

 I have a script that automatically blocks SPF-pass domains sending spam
 consistently. you could make good use of the SPF_PASS too. 

Care to share?  This would be very handy.

 What is the point accepting the mail and the entire data and then
 scanning for DK when It should have ideally been rejected after 
 mail from:

  That would be the exact point of DK at the Postfix/ MTA level.
 How. All the while I thought dkfilter helps me block after dataend ? Do
 I have to RTFM again ? 
My mistake..  this one runs as a content filter.  The same author is 
working on a DKIM Proxy that would be your first point-of-contact and handle 
the mail from intercept.  I got confused.

 So I let SA do the testing .. which catches the spams but eats resources
 of my servers. When you receive 3-5 million mails a day you tend to
 bother more about resources

  I would humbly submit to you that if you move that much traffic, you 
 should be able to justify one more MX machine in the pool and implementing 

 We have 8 dual xeons already. for this much traffic. And servers are
 always loaded with all kinds tests enabled in SA  
I'm curious... what is the RAM/ MHz spec of your machines?  5M mail/day 
is 7 mail per second per machine...  at a median 8 seconds mail handle time, 
that is 57 mail in the pipes at any one time...  50Mb for SA or anti-virus per 
message works to about 3Gb of RAM in use.  I can see your concern.  However, 
again, I'd say that even two more machines in the pool would bring that down to 
~2GB of RAM in use per machine, and that should give you the cycles and memory 
to run SPF queries as well as DK filters.

I do understand the notion your boss might not be willing to put 
another $5K down to deal with the problem.  However, as anyone  can attest to, 
good customer service costs money to provide.

--Michel Vaillancourt
Wolfstar Systems

Re: Inconsistent Rules Firing

2006-09-11 Thread Michel Vaillancourt
Michel Vaillancourt wrote:
 Bowie Bailey wrote:
 Are you sure these messages are being scanned?  Take a look at the
 headers and see if there are X-Spam headers in both the marked and
 unmarked messages.  If so, post those headers here so we can see what
 is hitting.

   As I inidcated in the original mail... they are getting scored.  The 
 headers are there.  However, the scores are VERY low compared to another 
 similar one that arrives moments later.  I'll post back when I get a good 
 comparison pair.
 You also may want to add this line to you file:

 add_header all Report _REPORT_

 This will add the report header listing the rule hits to all messages
 regardless of the score.  Restart spamd after making the change.

   Will do.  I'll post back with results.

It turns out that the issue was *not* spamassasin.  Due to a quirk in 
my mail routing, some messages were skipping the primary mail exchanger and 
going to one of my other machines which was running a less loaded version of 
SA.  Once that was corrected, all started behaving correctly.

My first clue was when the add_header didn't change anything on some 
of the incoming traffic...  I started digging deeper.  Thanks for the help and 
suggestions, all.

--Michel Vaillancourt
Wolfstar Systems

SPF Scores

2006-09-08 Thread Michel Vaillancourt

I set up SPF for yesterday, and I've been reading a bit off 
the website about SPF itself.  WRT to SA, I'm interested in knowing if folks 
have adjusted their stock SPF scores or if they've done some custom rules to 
lever this technology?
--Michel Vaillancourt
Wolfstar Systems

Inconsistent Rules Firing

2006-09-07 Thread Michel Vaillancourt

Recently several IMG spams and plain-text stock spams have been making 
it in unmarked.  However, they'll be right beside two more correctly 
identified.  What seems to be happening is that spamd isn't always firing all 
the rules that apply to the message, resulting in a score 8 or 9 spam arriving 
with a score of 4.something.

When I spamassassin -D --lint, the debug info always looks right 
about all the rules loading.  Suggestions as to where to start looking?
--Michel Vaillancourt
Wolfstar Systems

Re: Inconsistent Rules Firing

2006-09-07 Thread Michel Vaillancourt
Bowie Bailey wrote:
 Are you sure these messages are being scanned?  Take a look at the
 headers and see if there are X-Spam headers in both the marked and
 unmarked messages.  If so, post those headers here so we can see what
 is hitting.
As I inidcated in the original mail... they are getting scored.  The 
headers are there.  However, the scores are VERY low compared to another 
similar one that arrives moments later.  I'll post back when I get a good 
comparison pair.

 You also may want to add this line to you file:
 add_header all Report _REPORT_
 This will add the report header listing the rule hits to all messages
 regardless of the score.  Restart spamd after making the change.

Will do.  I'll post back with results.

--Michel Vaillancourt
Wolfstar Systems

Re: source SENDER authentication ? (as opposed to SPF HOST authentication)

2006-08-30 Thread Michel Vaillancourt
Theo Van Dinter wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 30, 2006 at 10:10:00AM -0700, Michael Grey wrote:
 I am aware of SPF which can confirm that a host at ip address x.x.x.x is
 authorized to send mail as from domain A, but how about a means to confirm
 that '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' actually is a real user before accepting mail
 from him ? 
 The short answer is that there's no way to do that in general, regardless
 of SA, so no.

There is a way to do it, but someone more skilled at PERL than I would 
have to carve it...  you actually open an SMTP conversation with a la:

Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ESMTP Postfix (Debian/GNU)
250-SIZE 10240
250 Ok
554 [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Relay access denied

...  trap that 5xx return, and you know its a bogus sender.  The 
plug-in adds 2 points to the score.
Get a 250 Ok back, and you are likely safe... score 0.

--Michel Vaillancourt
Wolfstar Systems

Re: SA-LEARN Question

2006-08-22 Thread Michel Vaillancourt
Bowie Bailey wrote:
 Christopher Mills wrote:
 We have over 100 domains on a server, all of which are getting junk
 mail. SA 3.1.4 installed, but I don't think it's properly trained yet
 (even though I did upgrade from an earlier version).  

 If I set up a [EMAIL PROTECTED] address and tell all my customers
 to forward the junk mail they get to that address, then run sa-learn
 on that mailbox, will that help, or, will it train SA that the users
 that forwarded the junk ARE the spammers and start to assign higher
 scores to legitimate customers?
 No, SA will learn that messages forwarded from your users are spam.
 As someone else pointed out, you need to find a method that preserves
 the original headers of the message.  Forwarding the spam as an
 attachment and then stripping it out or copying it to a shared imap
 folder are two of the more common options.

   I have similar, albiet smaller, environment.  What I've done is asked my 
users who want to help to have a ConfirmedSpam folder in their IMAP 
directory.  Every night I cron-job a LOCATE for that folder and then tell 
sa-learn to learn those emails.  Then I empty the mail dir to start fresh for 
the next day.  It works like a charm.

--Michel Vaillancourt
Wolfstar Systems

Re: Running on Debian stable

2006-08-18 Thread Michel Vaillancourt
Raymond Wan wrote:
 I could also go up to testing or *gasp* unstable, but I really don't
 want to.  I'm not a very good system admin and don't really know how to
 fix some things when they break.  Also would rather have a working
 system than a up-to-the-minute system.
 I was wondering whether it is possible to update the rules and not
 the software.  I guess not?  spamassassin in Debian is one package?  But
 anyway, I'll do your suggestion -- thanks!
Hi, Ray.  I'm a Debian admin as well.  However, my experience has been 
that for Spamassassin in particular, don't use the .deb package.  Instead, run 
the CPAN install process;  I have it set as a CRON job that fires monthly.  
You'll find that it is no worse than using packages, and for SA at least, 10 
times more effective.

--Michel Vaillancourt
Wolfstar Systems

Re: Rule for non-DK-signed mail from yahoo

2006-08-16 Thread Michel Vaillancourt
Justin Mason wrote:
 I'd prefer not to do this without some kind of DKIM reputation service up
 and running, so that we don't give bonuses to spammers who sign their
 mails.  In our experience, spammers will quickly exploit any SpamAssassin
 bonuses available, and this would be pretty easy.

So what is involved in establishing one?

Re: Hashcash plugin to stamp outgoing mails (for postfix only)

2006-08-16 Thread Michel Vaillancourt
decoder wrote:
 Hello there,
 since SpamAssassin supports the hashcash signatures but support for
 MUAs is rare, I wrote a plugin which is able to stamp all outgoing
 emails of a postfix server. If anyone is interested in testing this
 alpha version of the content_filter, please mail me.

What exactly is this going to achieve?  I'm not familiar with using HCS 
(hashcash signatures).  I'm running Postfix on all my boxen, so I'll be happy 
to test it for you, either way.

--Michel Vaillancourt
Wolfstar Systems

Re: Hashcash plugin to stamp outgoing mails (for postfix only)

2006-08-16 Thread Michel Vaillancourt
decoder wrote:
 SpamAssassin supports verification of these hashes (this is enabled by
 default, you only need to configure the mail adresses you accept mails
 for in the

I read:

hashcash_accept [EMAIL PROTECTED] ...
Used to specify addresses that we accept HashCash tokens for. You should 
set it to match all the addresses that you may receive mail at.

thus, if I accept traffic for,, and then 
I would have:


... traffic coming IN to these domains/addresses with an HCS is deemed 
safer than unmarked traffic and thus will be scored lower.

 I will send you the plugin this evening so you can try it out (as I am 
 currently on a run:))

Sounds good.  I look forward to getting it.

--Michel Vaillancourt
Wolfstar Systems

Antiword Rules

2006-08-15 Thread Michel Vaillancourt

Does anyone have an anti word based PM/CF file-set?  I don't want to 
reinvent the wheel if I don't need to.  Thanks.

--Michel Vaillancourt
Wolfstar Systems

Re: The arms race continues

2006-08-14 Thread Michel Vaillancourt
Simon Standley wrote:
 Hi Gang,
 I've had the latest FuzzyOcr on test for the past day or so - very nice work. 
 Congrats to all involved.
 Thought you may be interested in the attached GIF. It was only a matter of 
 time before something like this came along ...
I've seen three of these this morning alone...  and FuzzyOCR isn't 
trapping them.  

Wolfstar Systems

RE: Memory requirements

2006-08-09 Thread Michel Vaillancourt
 jdow's plugged nickel's worthBased on the bad case I ran his
 machine should do on the order of 10 to 30 seconds per email depending
 on the speed of his processor. At 30 seconds per that gives him the
 capacity, with delays to be sure, for 3000 emails per day. When they
 come in batched there will be several minutes of delay. But for most
 people's needs for a single user 3000 emails is somewhat more than is
 to be expected.

 {^_-}   Joanne, who has a bad habit if running numbers. And I note he
 might be able to run two instances to get SOME benefit from
 paralleling the DNS lookups.

ext1:~# cat /proc/cpuinfo
model name  : Pentium II (Deschutes)
stepping: 2
cpu MHz : 398.982
cache size  : 512 KB

ext1:~# free -m
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:   251247  4  0 16 12
-/+ buffers/cache:217 33
Swap:  760118642

ext1:~/pflogsumm-1.1.0# sh  | head -n 10
Postfix log summaries for Aug  8

Grand Totals


   9867   received
   9955   delivered

ext1:~# grep -i spamd /var/log/mail.log | grep -i identified | head
Aug  9 06:42:43 ext1 spamd[465]: spamd: identified spam (17.9/5.0) for
nobody:8 in 1.3 seconds, 1390 bytes.
Aug  9 06:43:04 ext1 spamd[466]: spamd: identified spam (24.6/5.0) for
nobody:8 in 1.4 seconds, 26292 bytes.
Aug  9 06:43:39 ext1 spamd[466]: spamd: identified spam (44.9/5.0) for
nobody:8 in 1.6 seconds, 2637 bytes.
Aug  9 06:46:55 ext1 spamd[466]: spamd: identified spam (14.7/5.0) for
nobody:8 in 1.3 seconds, 1415 bytes.
Aug  9 06:52:00 ext1 spamd[466]: spamd: identified spam (23.0/5.0) for
nobody:8 in 1.2 seconds, 2692 bytes.
Aug  9 06:58:33 ext1 spamd[466]: spamd: identified spam (16.6/5.0) for
nobody:8 in 1.4 seconds, 1313 bytes.
Aug  9 07:07:06 ext1 spamd[466]: spamd: identified spam (15.6/5.0) for
nobody:8 in 2.8 seconds, 21911 bytes.
Aug  9 07:07:42 ext1 spamd[466]: spamd: identified spam (12.7/5.0) for
nobody:8 in 7.1 seconds, 12636 bytes.
Aug  9 07:11:10 ext1 spamd[466]: spamd: identified spam (51.2/5.0) for
nobody:8 in 1.6 seconds, 3174 bytes.
Aug  9 07:11:54 ext1 spamd[466]: spamd: identified spam (42.1/5.0) for
nobody:8 in 3.9 seconds, 2034 bytes.

... and I'm running 66 optional tests above and beyond the stock set 
come with SA, so that makes 85 rules tests my machine is running through.
Its running Postfix, Spam Assassin, ClamAV, Courier IMAPD/POPD with a local
replica of MySQL for authentication.  I'm running six spamc clients
concurrently on the machine to keep delays down.

I don't know if that data-point is of use in the discussion, but there 


No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.10.8/413 - Release Date: 8/8/2006

Help With A Custom Rule

2006-08-02 Thread Michel Vaillancourt

Hello to the list!

I'm trying to write a rule to nail the following string:
'Microsoft Word 11 (filtered medium)'

To wit, I've written the following rule:

rawbody WOLFSTAR_MSWORD11_RULE   /Microsoft Word 11 (filtered medium)/
describe WOLFSTAR_MSWORD11_RULE   Looks Like Another Inline IMG SPAM

... --lint gives me no indication that anything is wrong.  However, the 
rule doesn't seem to fire...  specifically I'm trying to trap:

[meta name=3DGenerator content=3DMicrosoft Word 11 (filtered medium)]

sub [/  ]/ in the line above

Suggestions as to what I am doing wrong?