Re: spam filter working, but not well

2006-11-06 Thread Peter Teunissen

On 6-nov-2006, at 1:54, John Andersen wrote:

On Sunday 05 November 2006 15:48, Brian S. Meehan wrote:

Hi all,
Spam filtering is working, but I'm getting about half the spam in my
mailbox. Anyone have tips on adjustments I could make?

Here's what I have in the file:
rewrite_header SUBJECT  **SPAM**
dns_available yes
required_score 4.0
bayes_path /etc/mail/spamassassin/bayesfiles/bayes
use_bayes 1
bayes_auto_learn 1
bayes_auto_learn_threshold_spam 10
bayes_file_mode 0777
report_safe 0
bayes_ignore_header X-purgate
bayes_ignore_header X-purgate-ID
bayes_ignore_header X-purgate-Ad
bayes_ignore_header X-GMX-Antispam
bayes_ignore_header X-Antispam
bayes_ignore_header X-Spamcount
bayes_ignore_header X-Spamsensitivity

Its not clear if you have network tests running or not.
How is spamassassin invoked?

- have you trained you bayes DB with at least 200 HAM and 200 SPAM?
- added some safe rules from SARE (for example with sa-update and the channel?)


Re: spamd scan problem

2006-10-27 Thread Peter Teunissen

On 27-okt-2006, at 11:40, Frank van den Diepstraten wrote:

ok I understand that, but I wan't to know if this causes the  
problem. So I
want to trie it out without that razor thing... But I can't find  
the config

where it's enabled in.

Hi Frank,

To disable razor, add the following to your

use_razor2  0


-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: John Andersen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Verzonden: vrijdag 27 oktober 2006 11:36
Onderwerp: Re: FW: spamd scan problem

On Friday 27 October 2006 01:32, Frank van den Diepstraten wrote:

But now the question is where I can
disable this razor thing...

No no, you want to ENABLE it on the good system.

Razor is wounderfull.  It just takes a little bit of time, but not
a great deal of CPU load.

Razor catches a lot of spam with almost a non-existant
false positive rate.

John Andersen

Re: Newbie - Need Help in writing rules

2006-10-26 Thread Peter Teunissen

On 26-okt-2006, at 20:07, Chris St. Pierre wrote:

On Thu, 26 Oct 2006, san wrote:

Hi, How to write a rules to avoid below type of mails or is there  
a rule
already which marks this as spam. Everday i get 3 to 4 mails of  
this type

with one picture image which says GDKI No.1 Entertainment industry.
Your help is much appreciated and i started using spam assassin  
recently and

still learning it.

Check out the SARE rulesets, ImageInfo, FuzzyOcr, ...

Chris St. Pierre
Unix Systems Administrator
Nebraska Wesleyan University

Or try sa-update with the openprotect channel, it's easy to setup and  
you get all the rules needed to catch this spam without having to  
decide which exact SARE rules to use. You'll find a simple howto at


Re: Any ISP's using SpamAssassin with user customization?

2006-10-26 Thread Peter Teunissen

On 26-okt-2006, at 23:01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So my shell account may be disappearing soon and I'm looking for a
recommendation for an ISP that provides SA but also allows me to  
apply my own
perl filter for any mail that arrives. The latter isn't crucial but  
it's very


Looking basically for webmail (https) imap4 and the ability to  
launch my own
perlscript for an arriving mail and run my own CPAN modules. so  
basically a

domain account and an associated shell account.

Anybody running SA on their own colo setup? If so what does that cost?

Would be prepared to colo a mac mini somewhere if it was affordable.

Just remembered having seen an advertisement for mac mini colo's:

Website says they do not limit what you do on your macmini in any way.



Re: Which release of spamassassin should I use on a Debian sarge system?

2006-10-14 Thread Peter Teunissen

On 14-okt-2006, at 19:33, Bob Proulx wrote:

Chris Purves wrote:

You can also get newer versions of spamassassin from
debian-volatile, which maintains packages that update often (such as
spamassassin, antivirus, etc).  You would need to add the following
to your sources.list (although you'll probably want a closer mirror

deb stable/volatile- 
sloppy main

Even as a Debian user I was not familiar with volatile-sloppy and
needed to do some research.  For the benefit other Debian users on the
list using spamassassin here is a useful thread about it.

I definitely recommend that you upgrade your spamassassin.  The
version currently in volatile is 3.1.5.  I can't comment as to the
differences between using backports, as others have suggested, or
volatile.  You'll have to research that yourself.  If you use
volatile, you won't need to update your preferences file, since
there is a very small subset of packages in that repository.

The sarge-backports depot is based on the Testing track.  Testing is a
staging area for Stable.  That means that a user who only uses Stable
but adds Sarge-Backports can upgrade from one Stable release to the
next Stable release automatically and all of the package
postprocessing should happen correctly.  In general when things are
pulled from Unstable, Experimental or from Volatile that is not true
and may require administrative action in order to adjust things at the
next upgrade.  Packages may need to be manually added or removed.
Configuration files may not automatically get postprocessing in the
same way as a normal upgrade.

From the debian volitale page ( 

* Packages in debian-volatile cannot require any package outside of  
stable main (or any later version of it) to run or build. Packages  
need to be auto-buildable within the same (stable) release. This  
constraint could be relaxed for the sloppy archive, on case by case  
basis. That needs to be discussed on the list.
* Packages need to be conformant to stable policy; we currently take as a hint about what is  
ok and what not.
* The upgrade path from volatile to the next stable release needs to  
be at least as easy as for the stable release; version numbers in  
volatile must not be higher than those in testing, for instance.

I understant that to mean that, equal to backports, it should be  
trivial to upgrade to the next release.

How the above applies to spamassasin in the two different depots I
don't know because I have not looked specifically.  It is probably not
terrible for a heads up administrator though.  At a guess I would
say that volatile is more volatile and sarge-backports is more
stable.  :-)



Re: can't get Bayesian to work when invoked from postfix - SOLVED

2006-09-29 Thread Peter Teunissen

Hi All,

With the great help of Michel Valliancourt I managed to solve my  
bayesian problem. Solution, for the archives, is below

On 26-sep-2006, at 21:13, Peter Teunissen wrote:

After having trained SA with sufficient amounts of ham  spam, I  
have bayesian testing working. When I test it with spamassassin -D  
 testmessage as root it works flawlessly. But, when postfix  
invokes spamc with user filter, bayes always fails.

I tested this by running spamassassing -D  tesmessage as user  
filter and saw some permission errors as shown in the debug output  
at the end of this mail.

I see two things going wrong:
1. it tries to create userprefs for filter, not lethal I guess. How  
can I keep SA from doing this when invoked from postfix? I use it  
system wide, so no user prefs are needed. There's no option for  
spamc mentioned in the manpage to make it run system wide only.

Turned out that since I created the user filter spamd runs as with / 
dev/null for a home folder. Changed that to the directory where my  
bayes db resides. Problem 1 solved.

2. More seriously, it cannot access /var/spool/spamassassin, so it  
can't use the  bayes DB or the whitelist. But this directory is  
world readable and writable:

I had, due to a lack of knowledge on unix file permissions, not made  
the directory accesible to the user SA runs at; it could read and  
write the dir, but not execute. I changed the directory so it is  
owned by user filter and chmoded it to 0755. The contents are also  
owned by filter and chmoded to 0660.

Eh voila, bayesian works.

Thanks Michel!


can't get Bayesian to work when invoked from postfix

2006-09-26 Thread Peter Teunissen

Hi All,

After having trained SA with sufficient amounts of ham  spam, I have  
bayesian testing working. When I test it with spamassassin -D   
testmessage as root it works flawlessly. But, when postfix invokes  
spamc with user filter, bayes always fails.

I tested this by running spamassassing -D  tesmessage as user filter  
and saw some permission errors as shown in the debug output at the  
end of this mail.

I see two things going wrong:
1. it tries to create userprefs for filter, not lethal I guess. How  
can I keep SA from doing this when invoked from postfix? I use it  
system wide, so no user prefs are needed. There's no option for spamc  
mentioned in the manpage to make it run system wide only. At the  
moment is is invoked as

  unix  -   n   n   -   -   pipe
  user=filter argv=/usr/bin/spamc -f -e /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -f $ 
{sender} ${recipient}

2. More seriously, it cannot access /var/spool/spamassassin, so it  
can't use the  bayes DB or the whitelist. But this directory is world  
readable and writable:

mrblue:/home/oneman# ls -lh /var/spool/spamassassin/
total 4.6M
-rw-rw-rw-  1 root root  12K 2006-09-26 20:07 auto-whitelist
-rw-rw-rw-  1 root root 5.1K 2006-09-26 20:07 bayes_journal
-rw-rw-rw-  1 root root 632K 2006-09-26 20:07 bayes_seen
-rw-rw-rw-  1 root root 5.2M 2006-09-26 20:07 bayes_toks

I'm probably missing the obvious, but can someone point out to me  
what to change so filter can access /var/spool/spamassassin ?



 Output of spamassassin debug =

mrblue:#su filter
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:$spamassassin -D  testmsg


debug: using /dev/null/.spamassassin for user state dir
debug: mkdir /dev/null/.spamassassin failed: mkdir /dev/null: File  
exists at /usr/share/perl5/Mail/ line 1453

File exists


Cannot write to /dev/null/.spamassassin/user_prefs: Not a directory
Failed to create default user preference file /dev/null/.spamassassin/ 

debug: using /dev/null/.spamassassin/user_prefs for user prefs file
debug: bayes: no dbs present, cannot tie DB R/O: /var/spool/ 

debug: Score set 1 chosen.
debug: bayes: no dbs present, cannot tie DB R/O: /var/spool/ 

debug: open of AWL file failed: lock: 27966 cannot create tmp  
lockfile /var/spool/spamassassin/auto-whitelist.lock.mrblue.27966  
for /var/spool/spamassassin/auto-whitelist.lock: Permission denied

debug: auto-learning failed: lock: 27966 cannot create tmp lockfile / 
var/spool/spamassassin/bayes.lock.mrblue.27966 for /var/spool/ 
spamassassin/bayes.lock: Permission denied
