Re: Tapestry 5.3.4

2012-08-15 Thread David Rees
On Sat, Aug 11, 2012 at 7:20 AM, Stephan Windmüller wrote:
 On 11.08.2012 02:00, David Rees wrote:

 I'm confused - so what's the proper fix to get the yuicompressor
 dependency downloaded when one is using a maven proxy?

 Configure your maven proxy to access the mentioned repository.

Duh - thanks for pointing out the obvious - worked a treat! :-)


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Re: Tapestry 5.3.4

2012-08-10 Thread David Rees
On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 10:11 AM, Kalle Korhonen wrote:
 Yes, the pom looks correct:

 You are instructing Maven to use a proxy exactly so that it wouldn't
 generate requests to unknown locations on open internet, so proxy
 configurations certainly up to the users.

I'm confused - so what's the proper fix to get the yuicompressor
dependency downloaded when one is using a maven proxy?


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Re: Adding confirmation step to form

2012-06-15 Thread David Rees
On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 12:57 AM, Geoff Callender wrote:
 See if this helps: the Wizard Using Form Fragments example on:

Yeah - don't know how I missed that before - that looks like the
perfect solution and is nearly exactly the app flow I'm looking to



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Adding confirmation step to form

2012-06-14 Thread David Rees
I feel like this should be something dead-simple and am missing
something obvious - I'm sure you guys will have a slick solution here.

I'm creating a simple form which has a confirmation step.  Use case
goes like this:

Step 1: Enter data
Step 2: Validate data show confirmation page if OK
Step 3: Submit and process data

I have this build on a single page - I'm trying to avoid storing any
data in the session.  So Step 3 has a form with hidden fields with the
validated data.

Of course, there's nothing that keeps one from changing the submitted
data so the data should be revalidated again before processing the

I thought it'd be easy by adding the same validate attributes to the
hidden fields, but that doesn't work.



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Re: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException in tapestry 5.3.3 under stress

2012-05-23 Thread David Rees
On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 2:28 PM, Sean wrote:
 I recently upgraded to tapestry 5.3.3 from 5.0.1.x, and while running some
 load tests using jmeter, I saw some new ConcurrentModificationException
 errors. The test is simple, it just selects the first checkbox on the form,
 then submits it.


 public class CheckoutsList {
    private ListCheckoutsInfoType currentCheckouts;
    private CheckoutsInfoType item;

    private ListString selected = new ArrayListString();

Don't initialize selected here, do it in onActivate or setupRender.


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Recommended method to reference assets in .css file?

2012-04-24 Thread David Rees
What's the recommended method to reference assets in a .css file - for
example background images?

Currently I use a hard-coded relative URL, but this has the drawback
of causing the browser to cache the resource after it's changed
leading to browsers caching old resources unless I change the name of
the resource.

I've seen one suggestion to pull that particular css out of the css
file and add it as part of a layout so it's included on each page and
a ${asset} reference can be used, but that kind of defeats the purpose
of using an external css file.

What are people generally doing here?


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Re: Recommended method to reference assets in .css file?

2012-04-24 Thread David Rees
On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 4:04 PM, Chris Mylonas wrote:
 Good question - I don't know about from within a CSS file.
 Looking into the tapestry source, specifically  
 it uses relative links to the pics in 
 src/main/resources/org/apache/tapestry5/silk/     [error.png|cancel.png|]
 In the same src/main/resources/org/apache/tapestry5/  - there is the 
 default.css class.
 Here is a snippet
 IMG.t-autoloader-icon {
    margin-left: 4px;
    width: 16px;
    height: 16px;
    background: url(ajax-loader.gif);

Duh, thanks for the hint. :)

With my images under src/main/webapp/images, I was using
../../../images/file when all I need to do is use

Problem solved, thanks!


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Disable zone update for specific form submit

2012-01-26 Thread David Rees
I've got a form in a zone with multiple submits.  If the user selects
one of them, I'd like to not do a zone update but instead do regular
form submit handling (want to download a file using
BinaryStreamResponse instead of render a zone update).  tml looks
something like this:

t:zone t:id=formZone
t:form t:id=theForm t:zone=formZone
t:submit value=Submit Zone Update
t:submit value=Submit Regular Update

Suggestions?  Seems like it may be easiest to just eliminate zones
from the picture.


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Re: Disable zone update for specific form submit

2012-01-26 Thread David Rees
On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 1:28 PM, Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo wrote:
 On Thu, 26 Jan 2012 19:05:39 -0200, David Rees wrote:
 I've got a form in a zone with multiple submits.  If the user selects
 one of them, I'd like to not do a zone update but instead do regular
 form submit handling (want to download a file using
 BinaryStreamResponse instead of render a zone update).

 Have you tried to return the StreamResponse in the event handler in an AJAX?
 If Tapestry doesn't support this yet, it should IMHO.

Yep, tried just returing the BinaryStreamResponse in my onSuccess
method but the browser doesn't do anything.  FWIW - still using
Tapestry 5.2.6, though, haven't tried 5.3 yet...


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Re: [T5.3 beta 2] Using Tapestry-Spring-Security with 5.3?

2012-01-20 Thread David Rees
On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 4:44 AM, antalk wrote:
 I'm in the process of upgrading our webapps to Tap 5.3.x and we use this
 library for our authentication process. I'm happy to announce that i've
 updated the 3.0.0 trunk of tapestry-spring-security to work with Tapestry

 Now all i need is a repository where i can place the source code from which
 other developers can build the jar themselves. works if you want to setup a full blown source code repo
for an open project.  Or the changes aren't intensive, just inline or
attach a patch/diff and send to the tapestry mailing list should


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Re: prototypejs is dead - time to bring t5-jquery in?

2011-12-14 Thread David Rees
On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 10:36 AM, Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo wrote:
 On Wed, 14 Dec 2011 16:30:15 -0200, Lenny Primak
 I would say it's better to favor better functionality rather than
 backwards compatibility in this case.

 Backward compatibility is a very strong priority for Tapestry 5. This
 doesn't mean we shouldn't have a T5 version based on jQuery, but we should
 continue providing Prototype. We could add a configuration symbol to switch
 from one to another.

It's up to the devs (like yourself) how long to provide backwards
compatibility with Prototype.  A configuration symbol to switch from
one to another would be useful.  I could also see it being useful on a
per-page level when migrating larger apps.

 On Dec 14, 2011, at 1:27 PM, Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
 We are currently caught between the wrong technology (PrototypeJS) and
 the need for backwards compatibility. I'm not sure how that will play
 out in 5.4 but it will (finally!) be addressed.

Glad to hear that - what does the roadmap to 5.4 look like?


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prototypejs is dead - time to bring t5-jquery in?

2011-12-13 Thread David Rees
Reading the prototypejs mailing list archives, it's pretty clear that
prototypejs is pretty much dead at this point in time.

The tapestry5-jquery team have done a great job replacing prototypejs
with jquery which is pretty much the defacto javascript library these

Is it time to bring tapestry5-jquery into the core project?

What are the long term plans?

As a Tapestry developer, I normally try to minimize my use of third
party plugins - they are very rarely supported as well as the core
project itself so while using a 3rd party plugin may save some short
term development effort, it usually comes around later when dealing
with version updates - hence my suggestion to bring tapestry5-jquery
into the core project.

Obviously, it's likely that a lot of people have built Tapestry apps
using prototypejs since it's bundled with Tapestry - so coming up with
a plan that allows for minimal pain while migrating will be essential.


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Re: T5.3: do we still need AssetProtectionDispatcher?

2011-12-07 Thread David Rees
On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 10:53 AM, Lenny Primak wrote:
 You can still get a directory listing of assets, but you can't access them 
 I have a fix in the flowlogix library for this, but perhaps I should file a 

Yeah, you should.  That's an information disclosure security bug...


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Re: Validate without a form field

2011-08-29 Thread David Rees
On Sat, Aug 27, 2011 at 9:14 AM, Robert Zeigler wrote:
 FieldValidatorSource is heavily geared for form fields; form field validation 
 involves potentially hooking up client-side js to the form field, displaying 
 error messages to the user, tracking the field that generated the error, etc. 
  If you don't have a form field, where does the request parameter come from?

It's a REST style API use for data services.

 If you're using tapestry 5.3, you could try using the alerts service + 
 components.  Check the request parameter in onActivate with whatever logic 
 you need, then if there's an issue, you can display an alert to the user.

Unfortunately, I'm not using T5.3 yet.

What I've done in the mean time is embed a form into a block which is
never rendered.  A bit of a hack but works well for now. :-)


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Validate without a form field

2011-08-26 Thread David Rees
Trying to validate a request parameter but without using a form field.

Was going down the route of @Injecting a FieldValidatorSource and then
using that to create a validator which I can then use to validate the
parameter, but that requires me to insert a Field into the tml file
and the tml file is XML output so I can't insert a field into the

Any suggestions?


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exists variable false - but sessionstate variable not null?

2011-06-13 Thread David Rees
I've got a @SessionState variable used to track the logged in user
declared along with an exists variable like this on multiple pages:

@SessionState @Property
private User user;
private boolean userExists;

Now, what I have seen on occasion is that userExists == false even
when the user variable has been initialized.

Anyone see this before?  It doesn't seem to happen all the time...


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Re: exists variable false - but sessionstate variable not null?

2011-06-13 Thread David Rees
On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 4:25 PM, Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo wrote:
 On Mon, 13 Jun 2011 19:58:36 -0300, David Rees wrote:

 I've got a @SessionState variable used to track the logged in user
 declared along with an exists variable like this on multiple pages:

 @SessionState @Property
 private User user;
 private boolean userExists;

 Now, what I have seen on occasion is that userExists == false even
 when the user variable has been initialized.

 Anyone see this before?  It doesn't seem to happen all the time...

 Since create=false exists in @SessionState I don't think having a boolean
 xxxExists fields makes any sense . . . Just my opinion. ;)

Hmm, so you're saying don't use xxxExists fields and just check set
create=false on the @SessionState instead like this?

@SessionState(create=false) @Property
private User user;

Makes more sense and is more intuitive for non-tapestry experts who
might forget that the two variables are related...


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Re: Logo asset path

2011-05-16 Thread David Rees
On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 5:32 PM, Greg Pagendam-Turner wrote:
 I'm trying to reference a logo in my Layout component.

 The logo is located in the project under

 After reading I would
 have thought that the correct way to reference it from Layout.tml would be:

 img src=context:layout/images/logo.png/

Did you try: img src=${context:layout/images/logo.png}/ ?


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Re: Logo asset path

2011-05-16 Thread David Rees
On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 5:46 PM, Greg Pagendam-Turner wrote:
 Perhaps the examples at should be changed to
 include ${}

Latest docs are better than those old docs.


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Re: TAP5-920 rears it's head again in 5.2 with a twist

2011-05-13 Thread David Rees
On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 1:43 PM, Rich M wrote:
 I've run into this issue now myself, was there ever a resolution to this or
 a workaround? As David said, supply an explicit value encoder isn't able to
 solve the issue for me either.

My brute force workaround was to disable
tapestry.hibernate.provide-entity-value-encoders in


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Re: T5.2 BindingPrefixCycle not thread safe

2011-04-08 Thread David Rees
On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 12:01 PM, Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo wrote:
 On Fri, 08 Apr 2011 15:44:43 -0300, Joe Klecko wrote:
 DOH!  Nice find David.   I've been using this binding in several T5.1
 projects and now starting to use it in T5.2 projects.  Thiago is there an
 easy T5 way to make it thread safe or should the index value be stored
 using something like ThreadLocal?

 I'd go for ThreadLocal.

Yep, did that and it works great now.  Should I update the wiki or something?


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Re: T5.2 BindingPrefixCycle not thread safe

2011-04-08 Thread David Rees
On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 1:43 PM, Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo wrote:
 On Fri, 08 Apr 2011 16:59:26 -0300, David Rees wrote:
 Yep, did that and it works great now.  Should I update the wiki or

 Please do it. Thanks in advance. :)



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T5.2 BindingPrefixCycle not thread safe

2011-04-07 Thread David Rees

I notice that using the above code in T5.2 results in arbitrary
results now on T5.2 if multiple requests are executing at the same

It appears that the same CycleBinding ends up being used across
requests.  It seems that we'd want a pool of these used (which is
probably why it worked with the page-pool in T5.1).

Is this a bug with T5.2 or is this an issue with the CycleBinding



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Re: GZIP: Tapestry or Apache

2011-03-25 Thread David Rees
On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 9:25 AM, stephanos2k wrote:
 Out of sheer interest: Assuming Apache is used in front of Tapestry, which of
 the two would be the best place to GZIP resources? Why?

 PS: Considering  speed, CPU/memory usage  compatibility - not considering:
 setup  maintenance

Because Tapestry is one of the few frameworks that gzip-encode on the
fly, we use Apache and mod_deflate to handle it.

There are some clients out there that really don't like gzip encoding
even if they say they do - and Apache gives us the flexibility to turn
it on/off for those specific clients on the fly.

CPU/memory usage is not typically a factor here.


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DateTimeField background

2011-03-25 Thread David Rees
I'm working on upgrading an application from T5.1 to T5.2 and of
course to chenille-kit 1.3.2.

I have found that the DateTimeField component always sets the input
background to white and can't find a way to override it.  Am I missing
something or do I need to look at modifying the component?


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Re: Minify tapestry.js (and other js/css)

2011-03-24 Thread David Rees
On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 7:44 PM, Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo wrote:
 On Wed, 23 Mar 2011 22:04:16 -0300, David Rees wrote:

 I'm looking for an effective way to minify tapestry.js (along with
 other Tapestry supplied js/css).

 It's in the plan to have this out-of-the-box for 5.3. With the automatic
 gzipping provided by Tapestry, the gains of using minification are lowered.

Yeah - I read that.  Unfortunately I can't quite wait that long. ;-)

 But short of re-bundling tapestry, I don't see a way to do that for
 the other Tapestry js/css?

 URL rewriting. In the 5.1 API, you could this by writing a rewrite rule that
 changes the request path. In 5.2, it was replaced by the LinkTransformer
 API, but I don't think it supports rewriting of URLs which aren't component
 or render requests. On the other hand, you can do this in 5.2 by writing a
 RequestFilter that changes the request path (by creating Request wrapper
 object which returns a different value in getPath() and passing it to the
 next filter) and contribute it before the other request filters.

Actually, I just figured out a way (thanks to my friend) - looks like
for tapestry.js and default.css in 5.2.  Don't see one to override
tapestry.js for 5.1, though. (yeah I know I need to upgrade those

 tapestry.js in particular minifies very
 well because of all the comments going from 54 kB to 16.7 kB using the
 yui compressor.  Even after gzip content encoding it's significantly
 smaller - 5 kB vs 15 kB.

 I didn't expect all this difference between minified vs non-minified gzipped
 content. Thanks for the info. ;)

Yes - minifying js/css before gzipping can still make a significant
difference in file size.


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TAP5-920 rears it's head again in 5.2 with a twist

2011-03-24 Thread David Rees
TAP5-920 has long been an issue for one of our applications which uses
composite keys.

In the past we have worked around the issue by providing an encoder
with our affected loops.

We are now working on upgrading from to 5.2.4 and have run
into a new problem:

Even if we supply an encoder, the default encoder
(HibernateEntityValueEncoder) gets used and the NPE is back.

Below is a stack trace.  Suggestions?

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException


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Minify tapestry.js (and other js/css)

2011-03-23 Thread David Rees
I'm looking for an effective way to minify tapestry.js (along with
other Tapestry supplied js/css).  I've found a good way to do this for
the prototype/scriptaculous JS by overriding the the
tapestry.scriptaculous factory default mapping and using my own
supplied JS like tapx-prototype.

But short of re-bundling tapestry, I don't see a way to do that for
the other Tapestry js/css?  tapestry.js in particular minifies very
well because of all the comments going from 54 kB to 16.7 kB using the
yui compressor.  Even after gzip content encoding it's significantly
smaller - 5 kB vs 15 kB.  This adds up very quickly on a high traffic
site - Javascript/CSS are a significant user of bandwidth.


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Re: Tapestry 5 with Prototype 1.7

2011-03-23 Thread David Rees
On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 4:09 AM, antalk wrote:
 Today i replaced the internal prototype.js from Tapestry with the released
 1.7 version. I didn't had to change any code at all and our sites are now
 correctly working with IE9.

FWIW - I have tried 1.7 on Tapestry and get javascript errors
in prototype.js in JSON.parse.  Looks like Tapestry isn't encoding
JSON quite right from what I can tell...


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Re: Tapestry 5 with Prototype 1.7

2011-03-22 Thread David Rees
On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 4:09 AM, antalk wrote:
 Today i replaced the internal prototype.js from Tapestry with the released
 1.7 version. I didn't had to change any code at all and our sites are now
 correctly working with IE9.

 I think 1.7 should be included in the upcoming release asap.

With IE9 released to the public now - it definitely should be a top
priority bug-fix...


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Re: Tapestry 5 with Prototype 1.7

2011-03-22 Thread David Rees
On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 4:43 PM, Kalle Korhonen wrote:
 Agree... doesn't look like we have an issue open for it yet. There's
 the tapx-prototype but I don't see a reason for not putting it in
 directly for 5.2.x.

tapx-prototype is gone now (deleted with the message that it's not
needed with tapestry 5.2), but it's fairly easy to reproduce on your
own by browsing the old release source if needed.  Just replace the
appropriate bits...

 Unfortunately we apparently just missed the boat for 5.2.5 - or did we, Igor?

There's always 5.2.6. :-)  And it's good to get it into trunk for 5.3.x.


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Re: Prevent double submission w/linkSubmit

2010-12-10 Thread David Rees
On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 2:57 PM, Benny Law wrote:
 Keep in mind that a form could be submitted by pressing the Enter key inside
 a text field. A safer approach would be to prevent the form itself from
 being submitted more than once, regardless of how it is submitted.

Right - and as I stated in my original post I tried disabling the link
by observing the FORM_PREPARE_FOR_SUBMIT_EVENT event - but for some
reason you can't disable the link like you can a button...

I also tried using a Javascript variable to see if the form had been
submitted once already or not, but I was not able to get the event to


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Prevent double submission w/linkSubmit

2010-12-03 Thread David Rees
I'm having problems figuring out how to prevent double clicks with a linkSubmit.

With a regular submit, you can just disable the submit button after
observing a FORM_PREPARE_FOR_SUBMIT_EVENT, but this doesn't seem to
work for a linkSubmit element.

Using T5.1.0.8-SNAPSHOT.

Any ideas?  Have also tried stopping the event but that doesn't seem
to do anything.


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Re: ChenilleKit RELEASE 1.3.0

2010-11-08 Thread David Rees
On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 6:22 AM, Massimo Lusetti wrote:
 I would like to announce the availability of ChenilleKit 1.3.0, our
 first release to support Tapestry 5.2 branch... namely version 5.2.2

Thank you! Does 1.3.0 also support Tapestry 5.1?


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Re: ?

2010-01-26 Thread David Rees
On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 4:43 AM, Andreas Andreou wrote:
 I'm not sure how this is possible... Version ranges were supposed to help
 in that regard, i.e. you'd have your pom depend on Tapestry [5.1, 5.2)
 and perhaps this will just work for you

Thanks for the suggestion.  For now, I'll lock it to

I noticed that tapestry-upload doesn't appear to to have any 5.1.0
SHAPSHOT builds - is that expected or an oversight?



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Re: ?

2010-01-25 Thread David Rees
On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 11:47 AM, David Rees wrote:
 With around the corner, where can we find SNAPSHOT builds?

 Looked on the regular snapshot server, only found there.

Just following up on this again - any chance we can get
5.1.0-SHAPSHOTs going until 5.1.0.x gets released?


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Re: ?

2010-01-25 Thread David Rees
On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 6:21 PM, Andreas Andreou wrote:

Those only appear to contain 5.2.0 snapshots, not 5.1.0 snapshots,
unless I am missing something?



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Re: ?

2010-01-25 Thread David Rees
On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 7:04 PM, Andreas Andreou wrote:
 no - there's more!
 will show you the list

Thanks - missed that.  What do you think about just creating a general
5.1.0-SNAPSHOT that tracks the 5.1.0 branch instead of a snapshot for
each possible upcoming release?

Would be good for people who automatically want to track the latest in
the 5.1.0 branch. :)



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2009-12-02 Thread David Rees
With around the corner, where can we find SNAPSHOT builds?

Looked on the reguar snapshot server, only found there.



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Re: Zone update effect in T5

2009-12-02 Thread David Rees
On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 5:37 PM, Benny Law wrote:
 Can someone show me how I can turn off the fading yellow effect when a zone
 is updated?

Set the zone's update attribute to something other than the default.
Frankly, I wish the default did not display any effects!

t:zone update=


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Re: T 5.1 vs 5.0 JSON encoding - breaks IE8

2009-11-18 Thread David Rees
On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 1:57 AM, Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
 On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 1:52 AM, Markus Joschko 
 But doesn't stabilizing mean to fix at least the major bugs?
 Especially if patches are provided? Otherwise it looks more like

 True; the big question is whether bugs should be fixed for 5.1 (i.e.,
 leading up to a release perhaps) or whether they can be
 bundled into a 5.2 alpha release.

Most projects seem to do the following:

Decide which major releases are currently supported.  These releases
get security patches and bugfixes.  Any significant new features go
into the next major release.

So the question is:  What versions of Tapestry is supported?  Is 5.0.x
supported?  Is 5.1.0.x supported?

If both are supported, they should both get any security and important bugfixes.

And those security / bugfixes should go into trunk for the next major
release as well.

The biggest issue is manpower - since as you said, it takes a bit of
work to backport patches and push out a release - but even if they
only get into snapshot builds (a 5.0.19-SNAPSHOT and
that are built nightly from the appropriate branch, that would satisfy
the needs of a lot of users without having to push out an actual
release too often.


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Re: T 5.1 vs 5.0 JSON encoding - breaks IE8

2009-11-17 Thread David Rees
On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 2:00 AM, Ciaran Wood wrote:
 The issue you were thinking of is - there is a patch w/tests
 attached to the issue so a committer can probably fix this one!

Thanks, voted.  BTW, it affects all versions of IE that I tested.
It's a show-stopper, not a minor issue - should raise the priority,
especially since it has a patch.

How can we encourage the developers to get a release out with some of
these issues?  Are people building their own local version with
patches applied?


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Re: T 5.1 vs 5.0 JSON encoding - breaks IE8

2009-11-17 Thread David Rees
On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 11:56 AM, Kalle Korhonen wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 11:01 AM, David Rees wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 2:00 AM, Ciaran Wood wrote:
 The issue you were thinking of is - there is a patch w/tests
 attached to the issue so a committer can probably fix this one!

 Thanks, voted.  BTW, it affects all versions of IE that I tested.
 It's a show-stopper, not a minor issue - should raise the priority,
 especially since it has a patch.

 Agree, maybe not a showstopper, but not a minor either.

Seems pretty critical to me if it breaks the browser with the single
largest market share - but either way - the bug has been known for 6
months now with a patch - yet the patch hasn't been applied anywhere
as far as I can tell.

 How can we encourage the developers to get a release out with some of
 these issues?  Are people building their own local version with
 patches applied?

 Starting to veer off-topic, but I think the issue there is that Howard
 has traditionally done all the releases, but he hasn't been actively
 involved in bug fixing lately (and probably shouldn't need to be).

I agree.  Aren't there a handful of Tapestry devs?

 Howard's also been complaining about some difficulties with releasing
 but I don't know the details. I know though that setting up a fully
 automated release process with Maven can sometimes be taxing but the
 efforts are well worth it. Especially for bug fix releases,
 confidently being able to roll up yet another point release is great
 (at times, I release my projects a few times a week since it's so
 simple). I fully agree with you that more frequent point releases for
 T5 are badly needed.

I concur as well, here.  Maven should make it easy to roll out point
releases, no?  Apply patch to 5.1.0 branch - bump version number,
build and deploy.

 I'd avoid building your own versions if at all possible. Not because
 building would be too difficult, but with local versions, you need to
 deal with everything else included - deploying, maintaining,
 distributing and keeping track of versions. Use nightly snapshots from
 Formos if you have to and lock down to specific unique snapshot
 whenever possible.

I would like to avoid it as well - but do you have an alternative?
It's either apply a 1-line patch to Tapestry and figure out
how to build it (call it or internally or
something), or go through hundreds of lines of my own code replacing
single quotes with double quotes and more testing to work around this


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T 5.1 vs 5.0 JSON encoding - breaks IE8

2009-11-16 Thread David Rees
Anyone else have issues with the new JSON encoding in 5.1?

I upgraded an application when a block is returned that has a
JavaScript link in it with single quotes, IE8 (haven't tested other
versions of IE) puke on it.

For example, this snippet in the block:

a href= onclick=openWindow('winname')Click me/a

Gets returned in T5.1.0.5 as:

a href='' onclick='openWindow(apos;winnameapos)'Click me/a

Gets returned in T5.0.18 as:

a href= onclick=openWindow('winname')Click me/a

Firefox 3.5 handles both OK.

Any work around that people know of off-hand besides going back to
T5.0?  Only thing I've found so far is to swap out single/double
quotes in my .tml files like so:

a href= onclick='openWindow(winname)'Click me/a

But that's a major PITA in a large application.


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Re: T 5.1 vs 5.0 JSON encoding - breaks IE8

2009-11-16 Thread David Rees
On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 9:17 PM, Kalle Korhonen wrote:
 There's a known issue with the version of prototype packaged in
 T5.1.0.5 and IE8. Are you using the newly released tapx-prototype
 already (

Yep, already using tapx-prototype, that was the first thing I tried
before digging into it more and figuring out that the JSON encoding
changed in T5.1 (can't find the ticket now, but it was changed to
replace instances of \ with ' to save bandwidth).

tapx-prototype doesn't affect the JSON encoding - I wouldn't expect it
to affect JSON decoding, either.


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Re: How to use tapx-protoype

2009-11-16 Thread David Rees
On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 10:47 PM, Mario Udina wrote:
 I am not using maven! What do I have to do to use tapx-prototype?

Just download it and put the jar file in your library path - Tapestry
will pick it up automagically.

And next time don't hijack the thread. :-p


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