Re: Refreshing a dojo Dialog on submit

2007-06-28 Thread Heping Zhang

do you resolve the problem? I think you can try to update the entire dialog
box component, not only the if component, or something like this, contains
the error message. I don't know whether it will work in your project, but I
when encounter this problem, I tried this and it works.

Re: dojo's dialog which should hidden not hidden at first

2007-06-06 Thread Heping Zhang

Thank you. Maybe something others goes wrong and cause my problem. Thank

Re: dojo's dialog which should hidden not hidden at first

2007-06-06 Thread Heping Zhang

Thank you. But there are some problems. If I put style="display:none" in the
out DIV, like the following, the Dialog will never be selected. In general,
when the dialog appears, others below it will become translucent and cannot
be select. And if I add the style rule like this, the dialog will also be
translucent and cannot be select when it is asked to appear.


I think maybe that's because there is colliding between the attribute of
hidden and the attribute of style?
And if I put the rule in the inner DIV, it don't work. The dialog still
appear at first.
Thanks for your help. Yet this problem still puzzles me.

dojo's dialog which should hidden not hidden at first

2007-06-05 Thread Heping Zhang

hi, I use dojo's dialog to let people login,like this:


All is ok, except one small problem. Before the page opened completely,the
loginDialog appears on the top of the page. Only after the browser download
the entire page the dialog hidden.
I initialize the loginHidden property to true. 
If the time it takes to download the page is long, the dialog which should
hidden makes it not perfect. Could someone help me?

Re: t4.1.1 async call crashes inside a Border Component

2007-06-02 Thread Heping Zhang

btw, as long as I delete the "async="true"", even though the form still in
the border component, it works. Only async+outer border component will wreck
the app.

t4.1.1 async call crashes inside a Border Component

2007-06-02 Thread Heping Zhang

hi, I have a page to let people upload something, using ajax. At first it
worked. But after I surround it with a Border Component like the following
code, it crashes.

//those things worked well, looks like:

When I click the upload button, it does nothing. And the listen method on
server side is not called. On the firebug console, it says:  ERROR:
23:30:42: Error received in IO response. On the DOM pane of firebug, the
message is "None of the loaded transports for can handle the
Could someone help me? Thank you in advance.

Re: flash covers dojo dialog

2007-05-31 Thread Heping Zhang

I resolved it. Just add ""

flash covers dojo dialog

2007-05-30 Thread Heping Zhang

hi, I have a login link which will trigger a dojo dialog appear to let
people login and then I add a flash on Home page. Before adding, all things
is ok. But after that, when I want login, I find that the flash's div is
above the dialog's. The flash covers dojo dialog. Here is the code insert
the flash.

var f="images/learn.swf";
var f_w = "775";
var f_h = "210";
   +' width="'+f_w+'" height="'+f_h+'" id="introduction">'


I examine the dojo script and find the dialog's z-index is 999. So why this
happen and how to resolve it ?

Re: an inner component want to get an outer component

2007-05-30 Thread Heping Zhang

Thank you very much! It works well.

an inner component want to get an outer component

2007-05-30 Thread Heping Zhang

hi, I have a login pane which embeded in a dojo dialog. And when login
successful, I want the dialog close. In my I wrote
   public void doLogin() {
   Dialog dlg = (Dialog)getComponent("loginDialog");


Component [EMAIL PROTECTED]/$Border.$Header.$Login] does not contain
a component loginDialog.
What can I do then? Or can I do something to tell the outer I am success and
you handle other thing? Thank you.

Re: Where can I find the log when using ajax?

2007-05-29 Thread Heping Zhang

I'm sorry. It's me didn't understand you. Thanks for your reply!

Re: Where can I find the log when using ajax?

2007-05-29 Thread Heping Zhang

Oh thank you. But maybe I don't express it correctly. My page is the left
and when error happened Tapestry will generate a page like the right. When I
don't use ajax, it works well, first the original page and then error
happened and it turns to the right. But when using ajax, or more exactly,
dojo, the two pages overlaped. Just image the right moved horizontally to
left and laps over the original page. That's what I see in firefox. The
first page doesn't disappear when the second appears. So they overlap and
that makes me cannot read the error message. That's my problem. When I ask I
thought its a common problem and you can understand what I say easily. But
it seems only me encounter this problem. So, if there is no solution, on my,
left it to me. There is still a solution. I can read the source file of the
html page and get the imformation I need. But still thank you!
  | error message such  |
___| as Object $BaseComponent   |
|   |  | [Home/$Border] does not   |
| the page |   | implement a listener |
| when errors |  | method named 'showDialog'   |
| happened.   |  | blah blah...   |
|_|  | blah... |
  | blah...
  | blah...

Re: Can't a Component has its own listener?

2007-05-29 Thread Heping Zhang

Thank you Jesse! It is because of the
org.apache.tapestry.component-class-packages configuration. In fact I just
thought is enough and I don't know
there is a org.apache.tapestry.component-class-packages. Thank you!

Can't a Component has its own listener?

2007-05-29 Thread Heping Zhang

hi, I have a Border component like this:

Show 3

   This is content hidden in a Dialog.


And in I have a method:
public abstract class Border extends BasePage {
   public void showDialog() {
   Dialog dlg = (Dialog) getComponent("testDialog3");;

However, when I call this component in Home page, it keeps tell me
Object [EMAIL PROTECTED]/$Border] does not implement a
listener method named 'showDialog'
But I do have this method! I found this:
is that means component can't has its own listeners defined in itself?
Thank you in advance.

Where can I find the log when using ajax?

2007-05-29 Thread Heping Zhang

hi, I use jbossas4.2.0 as server and when I do not use ajax, I can find logs
in server.log, console and the page opened in browser. However, when I use
ajax on the page and something happened, there's no error message on both
server.log and console. And In the page the  error message is unreadable
because it lapped over the original page which makes the error. I want the
log to see what cause the error on earth. could anyone help me?

Re: need an example of using Dojo Dialo

2007-05-29 Thread Heping Zhang

I found it, TimeTracker. thank you.

Re: need an example of using Dojo Dialo

2007-05-29 Thread Heping Zhang

Thank you. But, you see, after one hour later,  I still puzzled. It is a
shame. But if any one has some a little more simply example, please help me.
Thank you.

Re: need an example of using Dojo Dialo

2007-05-29 Thread Heping Zhang

Thank you!

need an example of using Dojo Dialo

2007-05-29 Thread Heping Zhang

hi, can any one give me an example of using Dojo Dialog in tap4.1.1? Or just
some cue? Since there's no one example in tapestry4.1's home page and I am a
novice of tap, I do not know how to do. Thanks.

Re: where can I download the taestry 4.1.1's documents

2007-05-25 Thread Heping Zhang

ok, then, Gareth, let's wait. And Jesse, thanks for your hard work!

where can I download the taestry 4.1.1's documents

2007-05-24 Thread Heping Zhang

hi, all, could any one tell me where can I download the taestry 4.1.1's
documents, includes UsersGuide, api and so on? I have seeked this in its
homepage and the download page but not found. Since sometimes I cannot
access the net, an offline document is really needed. Thank you!
BTW, if someone knows the's download link, please also tell me.

Re: cannot pass String parameters if they are not encoded with ISO8859-1

2007-05-23 Thread Heping Zhang

oh, you always know the solution! Thank you!

cannot pass String parameters if they are not encoded with ISO8859-1

2007-05-23 Thread Heping Zhang

hi, all, I write a button and its listener is a onOk method like this:
public IPage onOk() {


 return resultPage;
 at this time the System.err.println method prints right character. In
another page, the resultPage, I have a DirectLink and persist the profession
and address String in the client and then get them back when the client
click the DirectLink. This is my DirectLink :
the DirectLink's listener is something like this:
public void gotoPage(String profession, String address) {
 System.err.println(profession + address);
and the System.err.println just prints characters like ???. If the parameter
is English characters , it works ok. But when it is Chinese characters, it
seems encoded incorrected.
Further more, when I get the result Page in browser, hover the cursor on
that direst link, on the bar in the bottom of browser I can see the link and
it encoded correct. It seems only when the server get the parameter from the
client back, something goes wrong.
Could someone help me?

Re: how to use more than one parameters in DirectLink

2007-05-23 Thread Heping Zhang

Thank you, I've tried and it works. It is more conveniency. Thank you all!

Re: how to use more than one parameters in DirectLink

2007-05-23 Thread Heping Zhang

Thank you!

how to use more than one parameters in DirectLink

2007-05-23 Thread Heping Zhang

hi, all, I know how to use binding parameters in DirectLink if there is only
one parameter. However now I want two parameters and it keeps say  "No
listener method named 'gotoPage' suitable for no listener parameters found
". I doubt I use it incorrectly. I write it this way:
public IPage gotoPage(Object[] parameters) {
Is it wrong? how can I use it? Thank you.

Re: looking for such a component

2007-05-20 Thread Heping Zhang

hi, Jonathan, thank you. That's what I am trying to do now. As I have ever
used JSF and it has a table component which can designate its style to
ask it display rows as grids, I do know whether tap has such a component,
so I post this email. Still thanks for your help. Your demo helps me with
this For component!

looking for such a component

2007-05-20 Thread Heping Zhang

hi, all, I'm a novice to tapestry. And I wonder whether there is such a
compenont. Generally, it acts like a table. But while table presents content
this way:
row 1
row 2
row 3
row 4
I am looking for a component presents content this way:
row 1  |  row 2
row 3  |  row 4
it puts the contest into grids, not rows. Is there any conponents like this?
thank you!

failed to deploy tapestry to jbossas 4.2.0

2007-05-18 Thread Heping Zhang

hi, I've ever deploy my app on jbossas 5 and it works well. but when today I
just want to use jbossas 4.2.0 since it is GA version, it crashed. here is
the message:
org.apache.hivemind.ApplicationRuntimeException: Unable to construct service
tapestry.request.DisableCachingFilter: Error building service
tapestry.request.DisableCachingFilter: Failure invoking constructor for
line 238, column 20]
could any one tell me why and how to resolve this? thank you!

Re: any idea to inject a ejb to tapestry?

2007-05-18 Thread Heping Zhang

thank you very much! I will try that.Thank you again!

Re: any idea to inject a ejb to tapestry?

2007-05-18 Thread Heping Zhang

thanks for your reply! however, as I use ejb3, it seems that hivemind
doesn't support *EJB3:  Since this
message is one year ago, I don't know is there any more development of
hivemind on this subject? Or any other way to inject slsb to tapestry?*
I also looked through HiveMind 2's homepage, but it does not mention this
thing. So, I just have no idea.
Thank you!

2007/5/18, Andrea Chiumenti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

With T4 ?
Have a look here:


On 5/18/07, Heping Zhang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi, I use tapestry as web tier and want get a slsb in this tier. this is
> code:
> public abstract class Home extends BasePage {
>  // @EJB
>  // Calculator bean;
>  public String getResult() {
>   // Double message = bean.calculate(11, 22, 0.08, 44);
>   // return message.toString();
>   InitialContext ctx = null;
>   Calculator bean = null;
>   try {
>ctx = new InitialContext();
>bean = (Calculator) ctx
>  .lookup("ejb3TapestryJboss/CalculatorBean/local");
>   } catch (NamingException e) {
>   }
>   Double message = bean.calculate(22, 22, 0.08, 22);
>   return "ok! " + message.toString();
>  }
> }
> When I use JNDI's lookup, as showed above, it works. But when I want to
> inject a slsb to this page, as the commented code showed, it get
nothing. No
> bean is injected. do I misues this annotation? and how can I inject a
> to tapestry? or I can only do this in servlet? By the way, I use jbossAs
> beta2 as the server.
> Thanks for your help in advance.

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any idea to inject a ejb to tapestry?

2007-05-18 Thread Heping Zhang

hi, I use tapestry as web tier and want get a slsb in this tier. this is my
public abstract class Home extends BasePage {

// @EJB
// Calculator bean;

public String getResult() {
 // Double message = bean.calculate(11, 22, 0.08, 44);
 // return message.toString();

 InitialContext ctx = null;
 Calculator bean = null;
 try {
  ctx = new InitialContext();
  bean = (Calculator) ctx
 } catch (NamingException e) {

 Double message = bean.calculate(22, 22, 0.08, 22);
 return "ok! " + message.toString();
When I use JNDI's lookup, as showed above, it works. But when I want to
inject a slsb to this page, as the commented code showed, it get nothing. No
bean is injected. do I misues this annotation? and how can I inject a bean
to tapestry? or I can only do this in servlet? By the way, I use jbossAs 5
beta2 as the server.
Thanks for your help in advance.