T4 -> T5 vs another framework?

2007-07-13 Thread Josh Joy
  I thought I would put this out here...as a caution, not trying to start any 
flames here, just a logical question...
  Currently I'm using Tapestry 4.0.2I  was curious if anyone else was in 
the same position as I, basically I'm looking to upgrade to T5. However, 
considering the lack of a compelling migration plan to T5, I was curious if 
anyone else has considered the benefits/costs of going to Tapestry5 vs another 
web framework?

Re: T4 - T5 Guide?

2007-07-12 Thread Josh Joy

The main page is

I created a new section

It is blank right now, though I'll try to contribute
as I go along as 


Peter Stavrinides wrote:
>> documentation is something that can start to grow
>> the wiki as users start migrating...
> Sounds good, I will be doing a hefty migration from
4 to 5 soon ... so 
> I will try to contribute to this. Please send the
> thanks
> Peter
> Josh Joy wrote:
>> Thanks Marcus.
>> Something similar to "What's changed since Tapestry
>> 4?" is helpful, though even more helpful would
perhaps be a side by
>> side comparison of what's changed between T4 and T5
with code examples.
>> Maybe this sort of documentation is something that
can start to grow in
>> the wiki as users start migrating...
>> Thanks,
>> Josh
>> Marcus wrote:
>>> Hi Josh,
>>> I agree with Ulrich, we're doing this right now.
>> Forum already have a
>>> lot of T5 code examples.
>>> http://tapestry.apache.org/tapestry5 (What's
>> since Tapestry 4?)
>>> Marcus
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Re: T4 - T5 Guide?

2007-07-12 Thread Josh Joy
Thanks Marcus.

Something similar to "What's changed since Tapestry
4?" is helpful, 
though even more helpful would perhaps be a side by
side comparison of 
what's changed between T4 and T5 with code examples.
Maybe this sort of 
documentation is something that can start to grow in
the wiki as users 
start migrating...


Marcus wrote:
> Hi Josh,
> I agree with Ulrich, we're doing this right now. The
Forum already have a
> lot of T5 code examples.
> http://tapestry.apache.org/tapestry5 (What's changed
since Tapestry 4?)
> Marcus

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T4 - T5 Guide?

2007-07-12 Thread Josh Joy

Is there a rough outline to help with migration of T4
-> T5? I realize 
T5 may still be alpha, though I would like to begin
migration as well as 
have a general idea of what to expect...


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Tapestry read query parameters before page rendering [T4.0]

2007-07-09 Thread Josh Joy

If I have a page like
http://www.website.com/report?id=12345 and I send 
someone this link

How can I use the information for the parameter id
with arg 12345 to 
generate the report using the custom information I
pull for this 
particular id? I know when dealing with forms, I can
implement a 
listener and pull the "id" info from the IRequestCycle
using the method 
getParameter(), though what about getting the
parameter information if 
someone access a page directly and I need to generate
this before the 
page renders?
Thanks in advance...


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HTML Include? [T4]

2007-05-30 Thread Josh Joy
 I would like to include reusable HTML snippets which contain Tapestry code 
(jwcid) tags rather than build an actual component. There have been several 
posts that I searched through and the answer was to build a component, though 
I'm not sure if that will help in my case as I would like to keep the jwcid 
tags in place and NOT render them.
 Here is my situation, for example I have a sign up and edit info page. There 
is common Java code between the two and common HTML code as well. The Java code 
I can share by reusing the same base class. I would like to reuse the HTML 
code, such as below. Rather than copying and pasting, is there a way I can 
include common html code and componentize on that building one HTML page out of 
smaller common HTML pages? Thanks in advance.
 Username :

 no spaces please
  Password : 

Re: tapestry links too long for ie? [t4]

2007-05-14 Thread Josh Joy
Thanks everyone for the tips.

Yes, it would be nice if tapestry generated a log

I was able to pull the code from SVN and compile the
tapestry-contrib v4.0.3, though opted to persist in
the session rather 
than client side.


Jesse Kuhnert wrote:
> Since the size limitation is fairly well known maybe
Tapestry should at
> least generate a log warning or outright exception
when it detects a get
> request that won't be compatible in IE?
> The exception may be too heavy handed if people are
targeting non IE
> browsers for specific reasons but a warning message
seems very 
> reasonable.
> On 5/12/07, Marcus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Josh,
>> Are you using @Persist("client") with large array
>> If it's true, try @Persist("session")
>> Marcus

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Re: tapestry links too long for ie? [t4]

2007-05-12 Thread Josh Joy
Thanks Lionel.

I'm receiving a NPE, and according to this link there
is a fix for this.

My question is, where can I download Tapestry v4.0.3?
All the links on 
the tapestry site and on google only point me to


Lionel Touati wrote:
> Yes IE has a strong limit on the number of
characters a GET url can 
> be. The solution is to use a FormLinkRenderer, which
will create a 
> piece a javascript and transform your URL into a
post that don't have 
> such limits
> For example:
renderer="ognl:@[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Lnk

> L.
> Ben Acker a écrit :
>> Hi Josh.
>> I haven't had the links be non-clickable before,
but have had weird 
>> juju go
>> on in the differences between the two (and Opera,
and Safari, and...).
>> Could you hit me with the code generating the links
(the HTML 
>> template and
>> Java, if any) and the html of the produced links?
>> Thanks!
>> Ben
>> On 5/11/07, Josh Joy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Had a question, my web page works fine in Firefox,
>>> though when viewed in
>>> Internet Explorer, none of my links workhas
>>> experienced this
>>> before? Basically, the links are non clickable, so
>>> strange...
>>> Thanks,
>>> Josh
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tapestry links too long for ie? [t4]

2007-05-11 Thread Josh Joy

Had a question, my web page works fine in Firefox,
though when viewed in 
Internet Explorer, none of my links workhas anyone
experienced this 
before? Basically, the links are non clickable, so


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Create error page T4.0.2

2007-04-27 Thread Josh Joy

Sorry, though I've tried looking for the documentation
though I probably 
just missed it...
If tapestry experiences an error, for example I have
an invalid HTML 
template so it will have a parsing error, or perhaps I
have an 
application error, Tapestry will display a very nice
exception page with 
stack trace and various other info. This is helpful
for development, 
though for production how can I define my own error


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Rendered Time - value stored in property? (Tap 4.0.2)

2007-04-25 Thread Josh Joy

When I view my generated HTML source, I see info at
the bottom such as

My question, is the value 9ms stored in some Java
property that I have 
access to? All I'm looking to do is to log this
property to a log file 
to track generation time. I would guess somehow I
could turn on log4j 
Tapestry in DEBUG mode, though I'm only concerned with
the rendered time 
value. Thanks.


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Pass parameter as custom url, www.example.com/pic?id=12345

2007-04-09 Thread Josh Joy

For the most part, I think Tapestry is generating urls
for me and with 
me specifying client persistence it encodes state into
the url...
My question is, how can I do something similar to the
where I can define a page "pic" and have a default
listener which will 
take a parameter "id" thus allowing me to dynamically
generate a page 
based on the parameter "id" ?


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spans leaving behind extra whitespace after page generation

2007-03-29 Thread Josh Joy

I generate a lot of dynamic content using @If and
@Else and @For within 
span tags. Within these span tags is the actual
content that becomes 
generated. This works, no issues so far. My only
concern, is that these 
span tags containing the jwcid with the various tags
leave behind empty 
lines, whitespace. While they obviously generate the
content, tapestry 
is not removing this whitespace perse. When used in
conjuction with img 
tags, the extra whitespace does become an issue on
browsers as they will 
actually translate the whitespace between my img tags
as intended 
whitespace rather than ignore them, thus introducing
unwanted spacing 
between my images.
My question is, for my span tags with jwcid
atttributes, after Tapestry 
processses these can I somehow ask it to remove the
tag and the 
whitespace, rather than just removing the tag and
leaving behind 
whitespace in it's place?

I'm using tapestry 4.0.2


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Tap 4 - dynamic page caching?

2007-02-23 Thread Josh Joy

Is there such a possibility or is it possible to cache
the tapestry 
dynamically generated pages? I tried searching on the
tapestry wiki, 
though was unable to turn up any leads...

There is a project called OSCache which says it can
cache JSP content, 
is there such a tool for Tapestry, or has anyone used
this for Tapestry?


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Re: Directlink, works in ie thought not firefox?

2007-02-10 Thread Josh Joy
Hi Dan,

Looks like a combination of Tomcat verion and Tap
version issue...I was 
using Java 1.5 with annotations...
(I had just set up a devl box and was doing initial
testing of the 
pages, then I realized the setup was incorrect)


Daniel Jue wrote:
> This reply is a bit off topic, but I thought 
was perfectly
> acceptable, and actually recommended, especially for
tags that usually
> have no close like .
> I've never seen a  (doesn't make a lot of
sense), but I have been
> told to use .  I thought some versions of
Dreamweaver point this
> out to you.  Some option about well formatted XML.
> As for the OP, was this only a Tomcat 5 versus 5.5
problem, or a
> combination of Tomcat version and Tap version? 
Which Tap version are
> you using?  Were you using J 1.5?  (have any
> Dan
> On 2/8/07, Daniel Tabuenca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Strange. When I see errors like this the first
thing I typically think
>> is weird errors in your javascript or non-standard
html. I used to run
>> into strange bugs before because of doing
non-standard html such as
>> writing  rather than . Always
use firebug or some
>> other development verification tool to verify that
>> html/css/javascript etc... are valid, especially if
things work in one
>> browser but not another.
>> On 2/8/07, Josh Joy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I checked my tomcat configuration, and on the box
>> > had tomcat 5
>> > installed rather than tomcat 5.5
>> > After reinstalling, the problem disappeared.
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > Josh
>> >
>> > Josh Joy wrote:
>> > > Hi All,
>> > >
>> > > I'm having an odd situation pop up...I have a
>> > > which has several
>> > > directlinks on it. The page shows search
>> > and
>> > > the directlinks
>> > > are basically new query terms, ie will
>> > link
>> > > back to the same
>> > > page just different data. Each of these
>> > > invoke a listener
>> > > and pass a parameter to it.
>> > >
>> > > The issue I'm seeing, is that on the initial
>> > > load, all the
>> > > directlinks seems to be working. However, only
>> > > firefox, when I click
>> > > the directlink again, the listener is not
invoked (I
>> > > also added debug
>> > > statements to the method and see no entry) and
all I
>> > > see instead is a
>> > > blank html page. Though, when I do this in
>> > > Explorer, everything
>> > > works fine. Has anyone seen anything like this?
>> > > only thing I can
>> > > think of is that my URL is too long and firefox
>> > can't
>> > > handle it and ie
>> > > can? Though when I look at the url on the
>> > page
>> > > load and
>> > > subsequent hits, it seems to be the exact same?
>> > >
>> > > Thanks in advance,
>> > > Josh
>> > >
>> > >
>> >
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>> > >
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>> > >
>> > >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
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>> >
>> >
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Re: Directlink, works in ie thought not firefox?

2007-02-08 Thread Josh Joy

I checked my tomcat configuration, and on the box I
had tomcat 5
installed rather than tomcat 5.5
After reinstalling, the problem disappeared.


Josh Joy wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm having an odd situation pop up...I have a page
> which has several 
> directlinks on it. The page shows search results,
> the directlinks 
> are basically new query terms, ie will basically
> back to the same 
> page just different data. Each of these directlinks
> invoke a listener 
> and pass a parameter to it.
> The issue I'm seeing, is that on the initial page
> load, all the 
> directlinks seems to be working. However, only in
> firefox, when I click 
> the directlink again, the listener is not invoked (I
> also added debug 
> statements to the method and see no entry) and all I
> see instead is a 
> blank html page. Though, when I do this in Internet
> Explorer, everything 
> works fine. Has anyone seen anything like this? The
> only thing I can 
> think of is that my URL is too long and firefox
> handle it and ie 
> can? Though when I look at the url on the initial
> load and 
> subsequent hits, it seems to be the exact same?
> Thanks in advance,
> Josh
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Directlink, works in ie thought not firefox?

2007-02-08 Thread Josh Joy
Hi All,

I'm having an odd situation pop up...I have a page
which has several 
directlinks on it. The page shows search results, and
the directlinks 
are basically new query terms, ie will basically link
back to the same 
page just different data. Each of these directlinks
invoke a listener 
and pass a parameter to it.

The issue I'm seeing, is that on the initial page
load, all the 
directlinks seems to be working. However, only in
firefox, when I click 
the directlink again, the listener is not invoked (I
also added debug 
statements to the method and see no entry) and all I
see instead is a 
blank html page. Though, when I do this in Internet
Explorer, everything 
works fine. Has anyone seen anything like this? The
only thing I can 
think of is that my URL is too long and firefox can't
handle it and ie 
can? Though when I look at the url on the initial page
load and 
subsequent hits, it seems to be the exact same?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: ServletContextListener equivalent in Tapestry

2006-12-28 Thread Josh Joy
Hi James,

I created a class and had it implement 
interface and also 
implemented the method public void
registryDidShutdown(); For the 
method, I just had it print a debug statement my
standard out log.

However, when I redeploy my app, I don't see any
messages being printed 
indicating that the shutdown method is being called. I
do though see 
that my startup code is being executed. Do I need to
update the 
hivemind.xml or another config file?

Thanks for your help,

James Carman wrote:
> Have your implementation class implement
> org.apache.hivemind.events.RegistryShutdownListener
interface and it
> will automatically be registered for the events by
HiveMind (as long
> as you're not using the threaded service model).
> On 12/26/06, Josh Joy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I was able to implement the below for
>> hivemind.startup...however is
>> there such a thing as hivemind.shutdown? I'm
>> for the equivalent
>> of contextDestroyed?
>> Thanks,
>> Josh
>> James Carman wrote:
>> > You let HiveMind inject stuff into your service
>> runs at startup:
>> >
>> > public class MyStartupClass implements Runnable
>> > {
>> >  private MyService myService;
>> >
>> >  public void setMyService( MyService myService )
>> >  {
>> >this.myService = myService;
>> >  }
>> >
>> >  public void run()
>> >  {
>> >myService.doSomethingThatMyServiceDoes();
>> >  }
>> > }
>> >
>> > HiveMind will "autowire" the MyService object
>> your MyStartupClass
>> > object (unless there is more than one service
>> within your HiveMind
>> > registry which implements the MyService
>> Then, declare your
>> > service point in the HiveMind module:
>> >
>> > > interface="java.lang.Runnable">
>> >  
>> >> class="com.myco.somepackage.MyStartupClass" />
>> >  
>> > 
>> >
>> > Then, register your service with the startup
>> configuration point:
>> >
>> > 
>> >  
>> > 
>> >
>> > That's it!  Your Runnable class will now run upon
>> registry startup
>> > (creation), which happens in a Tapestry
>> when the application
>> > servlet starts up.
>> >
>> > On 10/28/06, KEGan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >>
>> >> Hi,
>> >>
>> >> I have tried both approches. However, inside my
>> code, I am trying to
>> >> access
>> >> Hivemind services, and it didnt work.
>> >>
>> >> Example, in my custom "ApplicationInitializer",
>> use:
>> >>
>> >> Registry registry =
>> RegistryBuilder.constructDefaultRegistry();
>> >> MyService myservice =
>> (MyService)registry.getService("
>> >> com.project.myService",
>> >> MyService.class);
>> >>
>> >> And all I get is a null.
>> >>
>> >> I suspect using the
>> "RegistryBuilder.constructDefaultRegistry()" is not
>> >> the
>> >> correct way to get access into Hivemind
>> when Tapestry is
>> >> starting
>> >> up.
>> >>
>> >> So, how do I get access to Hivemind registry ...
>> whether it is from
>> >> inside
>> >> "
>> >> hivemind.Startup" or
>> "tapestry.init.ApplicationInitializers".
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On 10/24/06, James Carman
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> > There is a configuration point called
>> "hivemind.Startup" where you can
>> >> > register Runnable objects to be run at HM
>> registry startup time (which
>> >> is
>> >> > the same as Tapestry startup time).
>> >> >
>> >> > On 10/22/06, KEGan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>> >> > >
>> >> > > Hi,
>> >> > >
>> >> > > I need to do some tasks when my Servlet web
>> application is
>> >> initialized.
>> >> > In
>> >> > > this, I can use ServletContextListener.
>> >> > >
>> >> > > Now, I am using Tapestry ... and I want to
>> achieve the same
>> >> thing. Of
>> >> > > course, I can still use
>> but with this, I
>> >> cannot
>> >> > > use
>> >> > > all the TapestryAnnotation Hivemind goodness
>> (autowiring, etc) that
>> >> > comes
>> >> > > with Tapestry. So is there a
>> ServletContextListener equivalent in
>> >> > > Tapestry?
>> >> > > The idea is that I can run some tasks (only
>> once) when Tapestry is
>> >> first
>> >> > > initialized, and I want to do this with all
>> Tapestry Annontation
>> >> and
>> >> > > Hivemind goodness.
>> >> > >
>> >> > > Thanks.
>> >> > >
>> >> > > ~KEGan
>> >> > >
>> >> > >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
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Re: ServletContextListener equivalent in Tapestry

2006-12-26 Thread Josh Joy
Hi All,

I was able to implement the below for
hivemind.startup...however is 
there such a thing as hivemind.shutdown? I'm looking
for the equivalent 
of contextDestroyed?


James Carman wrote:
> You let HiveMind inject stuff into your service that
runs at startup:
> public class MyStartupClass implements Runnable
> {
>  private MyService myService;
>  public void setMyService( MyService myService )
>  {
>this.myService = myService;
>  }
>  public void run()
>  {
>  }
> }
> HiveMind will "autowire" the MyService object into
your MyStartupClass
> object (unless there is more than one service point
within your HiveMind
> registry which implements the MyService interface). 
Then, declare your
> service point in the HiveMind module:
> Then, register your service with the startup
configuration point:
> That's it!  Your Runnable class will now run upon
registry startup
> (creation), which happens in a Tapestry application
when the application
> servlet starts up.
> On 10/28/06, KEGan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have tried both approches. However, inside my
code, I am trying to
>> access
>> Hivemind services, and it didnt work.
>> Example, in my custom "ApplicationInitializer", I
>> Registry registry =
>> MyService myservice =
>> com.project.myService",
>> MyService.class);
>> And all I get is a null.
>> I suspect using the
"RegistryBuilder.constructDefaultRegistry()" is not
>> the
>> correct way to get access into Hivemind registry,
when Tapestry is
>> starting
>> up.
>> So, how do I get access to Hivemind registry ...
whether it is from 
>> inside
>> "
>> hivemind.Startup" or
>> On 10/24/06, James Carman
>> >
>> > There is a configuration point called
"hivemind.Startup" where you can
>> > register Runnable objects to be run at HM
registry startup time (which
>> is
>> > the same as Tapestry startup time).
>> >
>> > On 10/22/06, KEGan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > >
>> > > Hi,
>> > >
>> > > I need to do some tasks when my Servlet web
application is
>> initialized.
>> > In
>> > > this, I can use ServletContextListener.
>> > >
>> > > Now, I am using Tapestry ... and I want to
achieve the same 
>> thing. Of
>> > > course, I can still use ServletContextListener,
but with this, I
>> cannot
>> > > use
>> > > all the TapestryAnnotation Hivemind goodness
(autowiring, etc) that
>> > comes
>> > > with Tapestry. So is there a
ServletContextListener equivalent in
>> > > Tapestry?
>> > > The idea is that I can run some tasks (only
once) when Tapestry is
>> first
>> > > initialized, and I want to do this with all the
Tapestry Annontation
>> and
>> > > Hivemind goodness.
>> > >
>> > > Thanks.
>> > >
>> > > ~KEGan
>> > >
>> > >
>> >
>> >

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Border component, Application state object, jwcid

2006-12-17 Thread Josh Joy
Hi All,

For my border component, is there a way for this to
access application 
state objects and also to use jwcid tags such as the
"If" component? 
Does anyone have an example of this?


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MultiplePropertySelection example

2006-10-03 Thread Josh Joy
Hi All,

Does anyone have an example of how to use
MultiplePropertySelection ? 
Thanks in advance.


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Tapestry Examples - workbench source code

2006-09-30 Thread Josh Joy
Hi All,

I downloaded the tapestry example jboss bundle which
includes the 
"workbench" example. Unfortunately, I was unable to
locate the source 
Java code for these examples. Does anyone know where I
can obtain this?


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Submit Windows Print job

2006-09-28 Thread Josh Joy
Hi All,

Is it possible to create a link thru tapestry such
that when a user 
clicks it, it opens up the windows print screen dialog


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Re: Tomcat restart through tapestry

2006-09-21 Thread Josh Joy
Try looking into JMX MBeans. They provide a lot of
this and other 

Peter Dawn wrote:
> guys,
> i have run into this problem. i am able to stop
tomcat from the app. but,
> 1. if i have another button to start tomcat within
the app, then that
> command is not captured as tomcat is not running and
hence the web
> application is not running
> 2. if i execute a batch file, again the stop works
but it does not 
> start again.
> any ideas.
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Re: java.io.NotSerializableException - tapestry property

2006-09-21 Thread Josh Joy
Hi Jesse,

Yes, the problem is that it's being serialized. If I
properly implement 
java.io.Serializable on the object, then the error
goes away.

I'm just thinking for some reason though that I
vaguely remember the 
Tapestry documentation mentioning this and providing 3
solutions to remedy the problem though I can't find
the link...I've 
googled, searched my history etc...(very


Jesse Kuhnert wrote:
> Is it a parameter that is being serialized? You
haven't provided the full
> stack trace so it's impossible to say why...(Other
than the obvious that
> some user defined object you are using isn't
java.io.Serializable  ;) )
> On 9/21/06, Peter Dawn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> i think your output file is missing. the fill you
are trying to write
>> to does not exist.
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java.io.NotSerializableException - tapestry property

2006-09-20 Thread Josh Joy
Hi All,

Dumb question...I'm getting a

stack Trace:



* java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)

I remember reading in the Tapestry documentation three
ways to address 
this problem, though can't find the link anymore...Any


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Re: Submit button with listener and onclick event

2006-09-16 Thread Josh Joy
Thanks Jesse.

I wasn't aware of such a call, though it does seem
what I need to use. I 
think I understand what you are saying, though I'm not
sure of the 
correct syntax I need to use. I have a for loop that
generates multiple 
forms and inside these multiple forms is a button. The
only problem I 
have is how in the example below to pass in the button
id, since the 
button id is dependent on which iteration of the  for
loop it is 
(basically the id name is partly made up of the
current iterator of the 
for loop).

I tried to google, though am probably am not searching
for the right 


Jesse Kuhnert wrote:
> Sure. dojo.event.connect("before", dojo.byId("your
button id"), 
> "onclick",
> function(event){
>   // do stuff
> });
> On 9/16/06, Josh Joy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Question about forms...I would like to have a
>> that has an onClick
>> event that calls a javascript function and I would
>> like to also set up a
>> tapestry listener for the same button, so when the
>> user pushes the
>> button first the onClick function is called, next
>> Tapestry listener
>> is invoked. Is such a thing possible?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Josh
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Submit button with listener and onclick event

2006-09-16 Thread Josh Joy
Hi All,

Question about forms...I would like to have a button
that has an onClick 
event that calls a javascript function and I would
like to also set up a 
tapestry listener for the same button, so when the
user pushes the 
button first the onClick function is called, next the
Tapestry listener 
is invoked. Is such a thing possible?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Generate Unique Javascript IDs?

2006-09-10 Thread Josh Joy
Thanks Erik.

Couple questions...what do the following mean and how
are their values 

1. time$
2.  row 
3.  column 


Erik Johansson wrote:
> Hi Josh,
> This is how I did it
> The tag:
>  class="scheduleClicked" 
> onclick="ognl:'javascript:switchClicked(' row ','
column ');return 
> false;'">
> The javascript
> function switchClicked(_row, _column){
>if(document.getElementById('time$' _row '$'
_column).className == 
> 'scheduleClicked'){
>document.getElementById('time$' _row '$'
_column).className = 
> 'scheduleUnclicked';
>document.getElementById('time$' _row '$'
_column).className = 
> 'scheduleClicked';
> }
> -erik
> Josh Joy wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I'm needing to generate unique ids to use in my
>> javascript function calls? The closest thing I
could find on google is
>> something called "IdAllocator" though I couldnt
find any helpful
>> examples.
>> I need to do something similar to the following
>> the first number changes, ie _1_1 for the first row
and the for loop
>> generates _2_1 for the second row...
>> for loop generates
>> > onclick="changePic('1','1');" src="pic.jpg" />
>> > onclick="changePic('1','1');" src="pic.jpg" />
>> > onclick="changePic('1','1');" src="pic.jpg" />
>> > onclick="changePic('2','1');" src="pic.jpg" />
>> > onclick="changePic('2','1');" src="pic.jpg" />
>> > onclick="changePic('2','1');" src="pic.jpg" />
>> First I was thinking of using the @Any tag, though
>> not sure how to inject a counter id into the
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Josh
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Generate Unique Javascript IDs?

2006-09-09 Thread Josh Joy
Hi All,

I'm needing to generate unique ids to use in my
javascript function 
calls? The closest thing I could find on google is
something called 
"IdAllocator" though I couldnt find any helpful

I need to do something similar to the following where
the first number 
changes, ie _1_1 for the first row and the for loop
generates _2_1 for 
the second row...

for loop generates

First I was thinking of using the @Any tag, though I'm
not sure how to 
inject a counter id into the string?

Thanks in advance,

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Writing Tapestry 4 app while keeping in mind Tapestry 5 migration points?

2006-09-05 Thread Josh Joy
Hi All,

Currently I'm writing a new Tapestry 4 app. I was
wondering if there was 
some ways I should watch out for when I build my app
that will help make 
the transition to Tapestry 5 smoother? For instance, I
was reading 
through the email archives and it was mentioned to
stay away from OGNL? 
(Though it wasn't stated what was the easiest / best
approach since the 
prop: tag doesnt work for all situations).

Thanks in advance,

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Html include? same header and footer for each page

2006-08-25 Thread Josh Joy
Hi All,

Newbie question...I would like to maintain the same
header and footer 
for each page (basically simulate an include)...what
is the recommended 
approach to doing this? Thanks in advance.


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Re: Link to external application

2006-08-20 Thread Josh Joy
Thanks, the Any tag works well for this situation.

Shing Hing Man wrote:
> Have you looked at the GenericLink or Any component
> Shing
> --- Josh Joy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>>   I have a newbie question...in my tapestry
>> application based on user input I am generating
>> links to external websites, for instance the user
>> will input their address and I would to return back
>> to them thru html  tags a link to the
>> mapquest page with the map information. 
>>   The difficulty I'm having is how to generate
>> to external applications? The only tapestry
>> components I'm familiar with is PageLink and
>> DirectLink, though it seems that use is for linking
>> within the same tapestry application. Any
>> suggestions?
>>   Thanks,
>>   Josh
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Link to external application

2006-08-20 Thread Josh Joy
Hi All,
  I have a newbie question...in my tapestry application based on user input I 
am generating links to external websites, for instance the user will input 
their address and I would to return back to them thru html  tags a link 
to the mapquest page with the map information. 
  The difficulty I'm having is how to generate links to external applications? 
The only tapestry components I'm familiar with is PageLink and DirectLink, 
though it seems that use is for linking within the same tapestry application. 
Any suggestions?