Re: Getting Answers on the User List

2008-04-18 Thread Thiago HP
On 4/18/08, Angelo Turetta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  And why your hypothetical 1.0 need not to be compatible with 2.0, whereas
> just because Tapestry 4.0 is not compatible with 5.0 you feel like defending
> someone deliberately insulting Howard?

In my humble opinion, Yura is not defending Rob, he/she's saying that
Rob has some valid arguments. Rob is a troll because he always repeats
the same arguments, some valid, some not, over and over. Yura is not a
troll (at least not yet, hehehe :)) because he/she made some
reasonable criticisms about Tapestry, not just bashing it mindlessly
like Rob.


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Re: Getting Answers on the User List

2008-04-18 Thread Angelo Turetta

Yura Tkachenko wrote:

I hope after reading my post you won't add me to this page -
I really want to defend Rob :-) Since some of his points are real problems
of Tapestry.
I will say it again: backward compatibility.
Of course major releases shouldn't be compatible, i.e. 1.0 version not
necessary compatible with 2.0. But 1.0 should be compatible with 1.1. But at
the same time T4 wasn't compatible with T3 and T4 is not compatible with T5.

And why your hypothetical 1.0 need not to be compatible with 2.0, 
whereas just because Tapestry 4.0 is not compatible with 5.0 you feel 
like defending someone deliberately insulting Howard?

Of course, in the real world nobody does fully backwards compatibility,
every time we have issues during migrating to new version of some product.
Even JDK 1.5 not fully backwards compatible with JDK 1.4.

Exactly: so why do you blame Tapestry?


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Re: Getting Answers on the User List

2008-04-14 Thread Ted Steen
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

2008/4/11, Rob Smeets <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> And especially, Howard himself recently participates in the answering of
>  questions. Thanks to the stiff competition out there in the webframework
>  space that has triggered this. His ego went too high and I'm glad he is
>  finally humbling himself. It's rather unfortunate he got awaken only after
>  Tapestry's popularity, status and image have drastically diminished in the
>  community. Many high profile Tapestry users have dissapeared and have
>  embrased really compelling frameworks such as Wicket. Take for example Kent
>  Tong, the former Tapestry commiter. He has now even written a book on
>  Wicket. Another example is Geoff Longman, the creator of Spindle who left
>  and embrased GWT. I can go on and on and on. Tapestry is now just another
>  dead horse, I'm sorry.
>  Your's friendly,
>  Rob
>  On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 9:17 AM, Chris Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  wrote:
>  > That's what I'm talkin' about!
>  >
>  > Francois Armand wrote:
>  > > Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
>  > >> Just want to say thanks to everyone whose providing answers and
>  > >> support on the users list.  I'm really impressed by how much Tapestry
>  > >> 5 knowledge is out there.
>  > >>
>  > > Not to forget the irc channel on freenode: #tapestry ;)
>  > >
>  >
>  > --
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > -
>  > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  >
>  >

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Re: Getting Answers on the User List

2008-04-11 Thread Michael Gerzabek

A big hello and thanks to Rob!

Reading this post it came to my mind through Rob's playing the devils 
advocate here he is really improving this user-list's community.

And there are one personal experience and one common though to share 
with you.

1. Personal experience with Wicket

Long before I knew of Tapestry I was evaluating webframeworks. I came 
from cocoon, which in fact was and is a web-publishing-framework but 
back in 2000 nobody cared about that. Huge efforts where made to make it 
a webframework and doing simple webapps was a real PITA.

Through a collegue of mine I found Wicket and from reading the marketing 
stuff on their page - they where the first framework that had this 
comparison matrix online - I found it interesting and started to 
evaluate. Hello world was easy and also the demo application was quite 
interesting. When you have some experience with browser applications you 
usually have ideas on what you need and so I tried to make my first own 
Wicket app. Things got nasty, documentation was not present and my claim 
was to not follow another mailing list. Though Eclipse would help me 
with the Java part the concepts of Wicket haven't been connected with 
what I see as the basis - HTML. Finally I dropped it. The quickstart was 
to hard to take for me.

Compare this to Tapestry 5! You get 5 screencasts that speed you up in 
an instant. The maven quickstart where you immediately can start your 
own work. I was really impressed. Project Layout is well documented, the 
concept is HTML visible/ invisible instrumented, so 50% of the lease 
already payed!

Every Java programmer knows Beans and the IOC concept in 2007 is not 
new. Of course the deeper you step into the framework the more fancy 
things you have to learn. One ambivalent thing is this magical javassist 
stuff. On the one side - not sure if this is the technical reason - it 
helps you keep your code clean. I like @Property annotation because I 
see no intellectual challenge in generating getters and setters. The 
price is payed in debugging where paramters get set somehow invisible. 
Anyway, compared to Wicket or Struts and Cocoon I need the debugger in 
5% of the time I used to use it back then! Besides T5 notedly supports 
you in getting a clear cut between business and web logic so the tiers 
can be developed completely separate.

2. A common thought

One marketing problem of T5 as I see it is it's superb readyness. It 
really is easy to develop applications with it after you learned the 
basics - and that's easy too, thanks to the user-list (!) and the 
nightly-docs(!). Let me give you an example. I have a contact form for 
my webpage developed with Spring MVC. When I decided to switch to T5 I 
let it live side by side. Yesterday I decided to write the T5 version of 
it. I think it was done in 10 minutes. Ok, I of course reused the spring 
stuff through IoC. But isn't that cool to?

Back to the readiness. Because T5 is so ready, users usually do their 
thing with it. And it was said on the list some weeks before when an 
insult from Rob was shaking this list for the very first time. But think 
of it. We also have to market T5. Not only to our bosses or clients and 
programmer collegues but also in the huge webframework market. And to do 
that we need some flesh - this is the user stories.

So honestly Rob, thank you for your razor-sharp comments. Somehow you 
are able to awake us to make the next step for T5 in a bright future.

My 2 cents,

Onno Scheffers schrieb:

Take for example Kent Tong, the former Tapestry commiter. He has now even
written a book on

..and he has written yet another one on JSF after that. So clearly he must
not like Wicket very much :o)




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RE: Getting Answers on the User List

2008-04-11 Thread Blower, Andy
Great post Onno! +1

Like Jan, I also find Rob pretty amusing. You never know, maybe one day his 
messages about the version incompatibilities will help someone who has somehow 
managed to miss the statements on the Tapestry site, however unlikely that 
might be.

> > Take for example Kent Tong, the former Tapestry commiter. He has now
> even
> > written a book on
> > Wicket.
> ..and he has written yet another one on JSF after that. So clearly he
> must
> not like Wicket very much :o)
> Seriously though: I have used Tapestry 3 on several projects. I've used
> Tapestry 4 on several projects and I'm currently learning my way around
> Tapestry 5. Inbetween I've also done a couple of projects using Wicket.
> I think Wicket is much easier to learn, even than Tapestry 5. Howard
> often
> claims everything is easy in T5 and for him that's probably true. Not
> only
> is Howard very intelligent and talented, but he also knows everything
> there
> is to know about Tapestry.
> But T5 uses naming-conventions and annotations for methods, properties
> and
> parameters instead of simply extending a base-class. It also injects
> all
> kinds of stuff into the components using annotations and if you want to
> use
> a service, you'll have to know how to get to it.
> All of this means your IDE won't help you much when you get started and
> you
> have have to learn an awful lot (annotations, naming conventions,
> services
> and a little about the inner workings of Tapestry) before you can
> actually
> really build something other than an HelloWorld application. I still
> find
> myself going back to the documentation all the time.
> Once you have learned all those things though, Tapestry is extremely
> productive and powerful.
> And even though I claimed Wicket is much easier to learn, once I
> started
> creating more complex web-applications with it, I've also lost many
> days
> trying to figure out how I could make Wicket components do the things I
> wanted them to do and often I found that I was writing a lot of code
> for
> simple things (especially a lot of simple models, where Tapestry only
> expected me to write a getter on the page).
> You repeatedly stated that you don't like Tapestry. Mostly because of
> the
> lack of backward compatibility. I understand that and I have old
> projects in
> T3 and T4 as well and migrating them over to T5 would take months or
> even
> years. Supporting them requires knowledge of old versions of Tapestry.
> This
> is indeed a problem. But I also have customers that still have old
> applications written with plain servlets. Applications written with
> JSP's
> (and scriptlets) and applications written with Struts. I don't like
> those
> technologies but it's basically the same thing: Time moves on and so
> does
> technology. Old stuff that works doesn't get migrated simply because I
> happen to prefer the latest and greatest tools.
> I now prefer Wicket over T3 and T4, but I am starting to prefer T5 over
> Wicket again. Every framework has its pros and cons and fits a
> different
> audience and target. I have advised different customers to use Tapestry
> in
> one situation and Wicket in another (different projects, different
> requirements). They are all still happy with those choices. Each
> framework
> has its place and is just another tool in your toolbox.
> You can choose to either use Tapestry or to use something else. Just be
> glad
> that a group of people is willing to share their work with the rest of
> world. Frameworks like Click or Wicket probably wouldn't have existed
> if it
> wasn't for Tapestry. And Tapestry 5 probably would have looked
> different if
> Wicket and Rails hadn't been around.
> All frameworks are important because they push innovation, making each
> other
> a little better over time.
> regards,
> Onno

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RE: Getting Answers on the User List

2008-04-11 Thread Jonathan Barker

You're here! I was getting concerned when you didn't reply to my question on
another thread.  I feared that some tragedy had befallen you.  It would be
impolite of you to simply disregard a simple question.

So, back to the fundamental and simple question...

Given that you have no intention of using Tapestry for serious work, you do
not give assistance to users, nor do you request assistance from other
users, why do you post to this list?

It's an odd hobby. 


> -Original Message-
> From: Rob Smeets [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 10:34 AM
> To: Tapestry users
> Subject: Re: Getting Answers on the User List
> And especially, Howard himself recently participates in the answering of
> questions. Thanks to the stiff competition out there in the webframework
> space that has triggered this. His ego went too high and I'm glad he is
> finally humbling himself. It's rather unfortunate he got awaken only after
> Tapestry's popularity, status and image have drastically diminished in the
> community. Many high profile Tapestry users have dissapeared and have
> embrased really compelling frameworks such as Wicket. Take for example
> Kent
> Tong, the former Tapestry commiter. He has now even written a book on
> Wicket. Another example is Geoff Longman, the creator of Spindle who left
> and embrased GWT. I can go on and on and on. Tapestry is now just another
> dead horse, I'm sorry.
> Your's friendly,
> Rob
> On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 9:17 AM, Chris Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > That's what I'm talkin' about!
> >
> > Francois Armand wrote:
> > > Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
> > >> Just want to say thanks to everyone whose providing answers and
> > >> support on the users list.  I'm really impressed by how much Tapestry
> > >> 5 knowledge is out there.
> > >>
> > > Not to forget the irc channel on freenode: #tapestry ;)
> > >
> >
> > --
> >
> >
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >

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Re: Getting Answers on the User List

2008-04-11 Thread Onno Scheffers
> Take for example Kent Tong, the former Tapestry commiter. He has now even
> written a book on
> Wicket.

..and he has written yet another one on JSF after that. So clearly he must
not like Wicket very much :o)

Seriously though: I have used Tapestry 3 on several projects. I've used
Tapestry 4 on several projects and I'm currently learning my way around
Tapestry 5. Inbetween I've also done a couple of projects using Wicket.

I think Wicket is much easier to learn, even than Tapestry 5. Howard often
claims everything is easy in T5 and for him that's probably true. Not only
is Howard very intelligent and talented, but he also knows everything there
is to know about Tapestry.
But T5 uses naming-conventions and annotations for methods, properties and
parameters instead of simply extending a base-class. It also injects all
kinds of stuff into the components using annotations and if you want to use
a service, you'll have to know how to get to it.
All of this means your IDE won't help you much when you get started and you
have have to learn an awful lot (annotations, naming conventions, services
and a little about the inner workings of Tapestry) before you can actually
really build something other than an HelloWorld application. I still find
myself going back to the documentation all the time.
Once you have learned all those things though, Tapestry is extremely
productive and powerful.

And even though I claimed Wicket is much easier to learn, once I started
creating more complex web-applications with it, I've also lost many days
trying to figure out how I could make Wicket components do the things I
wanted them to do and often I found that I was writing a lot of code for
simple things (especially a lot of simple models, where Tapestry only
expected me to write a getter on the page).

You repeatedly stated that you don't like Tapestry. Mostly because of the
lack of backward compatibility. I understand that and I have old projects in
T3 and T4 as well and migrating them over to T5 would take months or even
years. Supporting them requires knowledge of old versions of Tapestry. This
is indeed a problem. But I also have customers that still have old
applications written with plain servlets. Applications written with JSP's
(and scriptlets) and applications written with Struts. I don't like those
technologies but it's basically the same thing: Time moves on and so does
technology. Old stuff that works doesn't get migrated simply because I
happen to prefer the latest and greatest tools.

I now prefer Wicket over T3 and T4, but I am starting to prefer T5 over
Wicket again. Every framework has its pros and cons and fits a different
audience and target. I have advised different customers to use Tapestry in
one situation and Wicket in another (different projects, different
requirements). They are all still happy with those choices. Each framework
has its place and is just another tool in your toolbox.

You can choose to either use Tapestry or to use something else. Just be glad
that a group of people is willing to share their work with the rest of
world. Frameworks like Click or Wicket probably wouldn't have existed if it
wasn't for Tapestry. And Tapestry 5 probably would have looked different if
Wicket and Rails hadn't been around.
All frameworks are important because they push innovation, making each other
a little better over time.



Re: Getting Answers on the User List

2008-04-11 Thread Jan Vissers

Do like I do - just laugh at his remarks. At first I thought it was
annoying, now I think they're actually quite funny. Not that they have any
technical merit.


> Yawn.
> On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 7:33 AM, Rob Smeets <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> And especially, Howard himself recently participates in the answering of
>>  questions. Thanks to the stiff competition out there in the
>> webframework
>>  space that has triggered this. His ego went too high and I'm glad he is
>>  finally humbling himself. It's rather unfortunate he got awaken only
>> after
>>  Tapestry's popularity, status and image have drastically diminished in
>> the
>>  community. Many high profile Tapestry users have dissapeared and have
>>  embrased really compelling frameworks such as Wicket. Take for example
>> Kent
>>  Tong, the former Tapestry commiter. He has now even written a book on
>>  Wicket. Another example is Geoff Longman, the creator of Spindle who
>> left
>>  and embrased GWT. I can go on and on and on. Tapestry is now just
>> another
>>  dead horse, I'm sorry.
>>  Your's friendly,
>>  Rob
>>  On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 9:17 AM, Chris Lewis
>>  wrote:
>>  > That's what I'm talkin' about!
>>  >
>>  > Francois Armand wrote:
>>  > > Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
>>  > >> Just want to say thanks to everyone whose providing answers and
>>  > >> support on the users list.  I'm really impressed by how much
>> Tapestry
>>  > >> 5 knowledge is out there.
>>  > >>
>>  > > Not to forget the irc channel on freenode: #tapestry ;)
>>  > >
>>  >
>>  > --
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >
>>  > -
>>  > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>  > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>  >
>>  >
> --
> Howard M. Lewis Ship
> Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Getting Answers on the User List

2008-04-11 Thread Howard Lewis Ship

On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 7:33 AM, Rob Smeets <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And especially, Howard himself recently participates in the answering of
>  questions. Thanks to the stiff competition out there in the webframework
>  space that has triggered this. His ego went too high and I'm glad he is
>  finally humbling himself. It's rather unfortunate he got awaken only after
>  Tapestry's popularity, status and image have drastically diminished in the
>  community. Many high profile Tapestry users have dissapeared and have
>  embrased really compelling frameworks such as Wicket. Take for example Kent
>  Tong, the former Tapestry commiter. He has now even written a book on
>  Wicket. Another example is Geoff Longman, the creator of Spindle who left
>  and embrased GWT. I can go on and on and on. Tapestry is now just another
>  dead horse, I'm sorry.
>  Your's friendly,
>  Rob
>  On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 9:17 AM, Chris Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  wrote:
>  > That's what I'm talkin' about!
>  >
>  > Francois Armand wrote:
>  > > Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
>  > >> Just want to say thanks to everyone whose providing answers and
>  > >> support on the users list.  I'm really impressed by how much Tapestry
>  > >> 5 knowledge is out there.
>  > >>
>  > > Not to forget the irc channel on freenode: #tapestry ;)
>  > >
>  >
>  > --
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > -
>  > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  >
>  >

Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind

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Re: Getting Answers on the User List

2008-04-11 Thread Rob Smeets
And especially, Howard himself recently participates in the answering of
questions. Thanks to the stiff competition out there in the webframework
space that has triggered this. His ego went too high and I'm glad he is
finally humbling himself. It's rather unfortunate he got awaken only after
Tapestry's popularity, status and image have drastically diminished in the
community. Many high profile Tapestry users have dissapeared and have
embrased really compelling frameworks such as Wicket. Take for example Kent
Tong, the former Tapestry commiter. He has now even written a book on
Wicket. Another example is Geoff Longman, the creator of Spindle who left
and embrased GWT. I can go on and on and on. Tapestry is now just another
dead horse, I'm sorry.

Your's friendly,


On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 9:17 AM, Chris Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> That's what I'm talkin' about!
> Francois Armand wrote:
> > Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
> >> Just want to say thanks to everyone whose providing answers and
> >> support on the users list.  I'm really impressed by how much Tapestry
> >> 5 knowledge is out there.
> >>
> > Not to forget the irc channel on freenode: #tapestry ;)
> >
> --
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Getting Answers on the User List

2008-04-10 Thread Chris Lewis
That's what I'm talkin' about!

Francois Armand wrote:
> Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
>> Just want to say thanks to everyone whose providing answers and
>> support on the users list.  I'm really impressed by how much Tapestry
>> 5 knowledge is out there.
> Not to forget the irc channel on freenode: #tapestry ;)


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Re: Getting Answers on the User List

2008-04-10 Thread Francois Armand

Howard Lewis Ship wrote:

Just want to say thanks to everyone whose providing answers and
support on the users list.  I'm really impressed by how much Tapestry
5 knowledge is out there.

Not to forget the irc channel on freenode: #tapestry ;)

Francois Armand
Etudes & Développements J2EE
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Re: Getting Answers on the User List

2008-04-09 Thread Angelo Chen

Hi Howard,

Tapestry mailing is a very active forum, I learned a lot from it, answers
are usually relevant. second to this is is, usenet's java language, you will
get more answers than you need, lately I asked a simple question and I got
125 responses, and the number still growing:

Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
> Just want to say thanks to everyone whose providing answers and
> support on the users list.  I'm really impressed by how much Tapestry
> 5 knowledge is out there.
> Many hands make light work.
> Keep up the great effort!
> -- 
> Howard M. Lewis Ship
> Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Sent from the Tapestry - User mailing list archive at

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