Re: DataSources and Tomcat (continue thread: Re: How to use connectionpool with tomcat 1.2.9)

2007-07-16 Thread Lyallex

You left this bit out

... it's not a criticism before anyone gets upset

I'd be glad to contribute to the documentation, just gotta figure out
how, guess I'll have to RTFM.


On 7/15/07, Mark Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Lyallex wrote:
> One thing that constantly frustrates me is the apparent ambiguities in
> the documentation

Then do something constructive about it. You are part of the Tomcat
community and the documentation is as much your responsibility as
anyone else here. If you find a problem, report it. Better yet,
suggest an alternative wording that improves the documentation or
ideally, provide a patch.

> 'Add this in between the  tag of the examples context and
> the  tag closing the localhost definition'
> Well there isn't a Context tag in my distro so I just invented one and
> it works, of course we are always being advised to put our 
> thing in our web apps these days so that's what I'm going to try next.

This has been now fixed in the docs 5.5.x and 6.0.x and will be in the
next release of each.


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Did anyone had problems with JspWriter in Tomcat 5.5.17?

2007-07-16 Thread Borut Hadžialić

Hi list,

I have spent last 15 working hours trying to figure out the cause of a
strange bug. Home page on one of our web sites sometimes gets
generated with no content - as a blank page, the response buffer
having size 0. We use caching filter (modified CachingFilter from
Ehcache 1.3.0) which uses a response wrapper to capture responses to
make caching possible. The response wrapper internaly uses standard
classes ByteArrayOutputStream and PrintWriter from the Java API.

The page cache time-to-live is set to 1 day. When the page is
generated first time by jsps and tiles it is put into cache, and
served for next 24 hours from the cache. After 24 hours  it gets
generated again.

The manifestation of the bug is that randomly, the homepage gets
generated as a blank page, about once in every 3 cache refreshes. When
it occurs, the ByteArrayOutputStream has size 0, after the generation
of the page has completed.

Generating the homepage involves pulling some data from the database,
which changes rarely, about once every week. I put cache time to live
300 seconds to eliminate the posibility that corrupt data from
database causes errors in page generation. With 300 second time to
live the problem was still there. The data in database does not change
between good and faulty page generations. Home page is relatively
simple - it does not involve pulling data from other data sources. It
just reads some data the database and uses that data to make some
html, using jsp.

After turning on logging on database calls, all filters, and using a
PrintWriter decorator inside our response wraper that echoes all print
statements to the log,  I found out something strange -

A correct page generation logs some database calls (by the database
logger), then a chunk of html (by the logging PrintWriter decorator,
as a result of flushing JspWriter after enough out.write calls have
been made), then some more database calls, then some more html.. and
the page gets generated.

** A faulty generation (the one that produces a blank page) logs
exactly same database calls as a correct page generation, but the log
entries produced by the echoing PrintWriter are missing! **, like as
jsps are executing normally, but something is wrong with the JspWriter
out object.

I am suspecting that somehow JspWriter writes somewhere else, not
where it should. It should write into response wrapper's buffer,
though the echoing/logging PrintWriter. But there is no PrintWriter
echo and no bytes in response wrapper buffer... more exactly,
*sometimes* there is no PrintWriter echo and no bytes in response
wrapper buffer.

I have read all the code that makes up the life cycle of PageContext
and JspWriter on the docjar site (not sure for what version of
Tomcat), and couldn't find anything that would help me solve this.

After adding some more logging statements I found out that 1 instance
of JspWritter and 1 instance of PageContext are used shared across all
page generations (site has low traffic and rarely 2 requests in same
time). Same JspWritter and  PageContext instances sometimes
participate in good page and faulty page generations.

I was hoping that someone on this list might know something that could
help me find out why is this happening. Please help.

Because YES!

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Re: Tomcat 5.5.x: Null component

2007-07-16 Thread hezjing

I'm using Tomcat 5.5.23

On 7/13/07, Mark Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

hezjing wrote:
> The dummy\WEB-INF\classes\ contains the following,
> log4j.rootLogger=ALL, stdout
> log4j.appender.stdout=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender
> log4j.appender.stdout.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
> log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{/MM/dd HH:mm:ss}
> %5p [%t] %C{1} - %m%n
> I don't see any problem, did I miss anything here?

Exact Tomcat version?


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Re: Did anyone had problems with JspWriter in Tomcat 5.5.17?

2007-07-16 Thread Borut Hadžialić

I forgot to write information about our environment:

Os: Red Hat 4.1 (Linux 2.6.9-42.EL) on i386
Jvm: Sun's Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM version 1.5.0_07-b03
Tomcat 5.5.17
We also use Spring, Informix db, iBatis, Jsp (tiles) and Ehcache 1.3.0
We have made 5 sites for now with these same technologies. The bug
only occurrs on the home page on the least visited site.. Other sites
are visited very often (we have to use load balancing on 4 servers)

And 1 more important thing - when the caching filter is turned off,
pages always get generated fine. But.. the code that creates the
wrapper is same for all apps/pages, and works fine in other apps.

Because YES!

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Re: Did anyone had problems with JspWriter in Tomcat 5.5.17?

2007-07-16 Thread rpr_listas

Hello, Borut.

Are you sure that there are no other  thread writing in the cache at 
this moment? How do you prevent this case?

Best regards.

Borut Hadžialić escribió:

Hi list,

I have spent last 15 working hours trying to figure out the cause of a
strange bug. Home page on one of our web sites sometimes gets
generated with no content - as a blank page, the response buffer
having size 0. We use caching filter (modified CachingFilter from
Ehcache 1.3.0) which uses a response wrapper to capture responses to
make caching possible. The response wrapper internaly uses standard
classes ByteArrayOutputStream and PrintWriter from the Java API.

The page cache time-to-live is set to 1 day. When the page is
generated first time by jsps and tiles it is put into cache, and
served for next 24 hours from the cache. After 24 hours  it gets
generated again.

The manifestation of the bug is that randomly, the homepage gets
generated as a blank page, about once in every 3 cache refreshes. When
it occurs, the ByteArrayOutputStream has size 0, after the generation
of the page has completed.

Generating the homepage involves pulling some data from the database,
which changes rarely, about once every week. I put cache time to live
300 seconds to eliminate the posibility that corrupt data from
database causes errors in page generation. With 300 second time to
live the problem was still there. The data in database does not change
between good and faulty page generations. Home page is relatively
simple - it does not involve pulling data from other data sources. It
just reads some data the database and uses that data to make some
html, using jsp.

After turning on logging on database calls, all filters, and using a
PrintWriter decorator inside our response wraper that echoes all print
statements to the log,  I found out something strange -

A correct page generation logs some database calls (by the database
logger), then a chunk of html (by the logging PrintWriter decorator,
as a result of flushing JspWriter after enough out.write calls have
been made), then some more database calls, then some more html.. and
the page gets generated.

** A faulty generation (the one that produces a blank page) logs
exactly same database calls as a correct page generation, but the log
entries produced by the echoing PrintWriter are missing! **, like as
jsps are executing normally, but something is wrong with the JspWriter
out object.

I am suspecting that somehow JspWriter writes somewhere else, not
where it should. It should write into response wrapper's buffer,
though the echoing/logging PrintWriter. But there is no PrintWriter
echo and no bytes in response wrapper buffer... more exactly,
*sometimes* there is no PrintWriter echo and no bytes in response
wrapper buffer.

I have read all the code that makes up the life cycle of PageContext
and JspWriter on the docjar site (not sure for what version of
Tomcat), and couldn't find anything that would help me solve this. 

After adding some more logging statements I found out that 1 instance
of JspWritter and 1 instance of PageContext are used shared across all
page generations (site has low traffic and rarely 2 requests in same
time). Same JspWritter and  PageContext instances sometimes
participate in good page and faulty page generations.

I was hoping that someone on this list might know something that could
help me find out why is this happening. Please help.

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Re: Did anyone had problems with JspWriter in Tomcat 5.5.17?

2007-07-16 Thread Borut Hadžialić

The caching filter uses a BlockingCache. A miss (get that returns
null) locks that entry/key, and other threads that try to get the page
from the cache using the same key, must wait until the thread that
locked the entry puts something into the cache and releases the lock.
Lock are released implicitly when cache put method is called, by the
thread that locked it. All this is implemented inside Ehcache. We
havent observed any thread deadlock problems (using JMX to monitor

Lock implementation is net.sf.ehcache.constructs.concurrent.Mutex
which is a copy of Doug Lea's mutex class from standard Java API,
copied and imported into Ehcache.

On 7/16/07, rpr_listas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello, Borut.

Are you sure that there are no other  thread writing in the cache at
this moment? How do you prevent this case?

Best regards.

Borut Hadžialić escribió:
> Hi list,
> I have spent last 15 working hours trying to figure out the cause of a
> strange bug. Home page on one of our web sites sometimes gets
> generated with no content - as a blank page, the response buffer
> having size 0. We use caching filter (modified CachingFilter from
> Ehcache 1.3.0) which uses a response wrapper to capture responses to
> make caching possible. The response wrapper internaly uses standard
> classes ByteArrayOutputStream and PrintWriter from the Java API.
> The page cache time-to-live is set to 1 day. When the page is
> generated first time by jsps and tiles it is put into cache, and
> served for next 24 hours from the cache. After 24 hours  it gets
> generated again.
> The manifestation of the bug is that randomly, the homepage gets
> generated as a blank page, about once in every 3 cache refreshes. When
> it occurs, the ByteArrayOutputStream has size 0, after the generation
> of the page has completed.
> Generating the homepage involves pulling some data from the database,
> which changes rarely, about once every week. I put cache time to live
> 300 seconds to eliminate the posibility that corrupt data from
> database causes errors in page generation. With 300 second time to
> live the problem was still there. The data in database does not change
> between good and faulty page generations. Home page is relatively
> simple - it does not involve pulling data from other data sources. It
> just reads some data the database and uses that data to make some
> html, using jsp.
> After turning on logging on database calls, all filters, and using a
> PrintWriter decorator inside our response wraper that echoes all print
> statements to the log,  I found out something strange -
> A correct page generation logs some database calls (by the database
> logger), then a chunk of html (by the logging PrintWriter decorator,
> as a result of flushing JspWriter after enough out.write calls have
> been made), then some more database calls, then some more html.. and
> the page gets generated.
> ** A faulty generation (the one that produces a blank page) logs
> exactly same database calls as a correct page generation, but the log
> entries produced by the echoing PrintWriter are missing! **, like as
> jsps are executing normally, but something is wrong with the JspWriter
> out object.
> I am suspecting that somehow JspWriter writes somewhere else, not
> where it should. It should write into response wrapper's buffer,
> though the echoing/logging PrintWriter. But there is no PrintWriter
> echo and no bytes in response wrapper buffer... more exactly,
> *sometimes* there is no PrintWriter echo and no bytes in response
> wrapper buffer.
> I have read all the code that makes up the life cycle of PageContext
> and JspWriter on the docjar site (not sure for what version of
> Tomcat), and couldn't find anything that would help me solve this.
> After adding some more logging statements I found out that 1 instance
> of JspWritter and 1 instance of PageContext are used shared across all
> page generations (site has low traffic and rarely 2 requests in same
> time). Same JspWritter and  PageContext instances sometimes
> participate in good page and faulty page generations.
> I was hoping that someone on this list might know something that could
> help me find out why is this happening. Please help.

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Because YES!

Re: Did anyone had problems with JspWriter in Tomcat 5.5.17?

2007-07-16 Thread Borut Hadžialić

The problem seem to happen before writing to the cache. Jsps write to
response wrapper's buffer.. well, when they do page gets generated
fine, when they don't we get a blank home page served and put in the

On 7/16/07, rpr_listas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello, Borut.

Are you sure that there are no other  thread writing in the cache at
this moment? How do you prevent this case?

Best regards.

Because YES!

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Re: Tomcat cannot access the resources in an HTTPS webapp

2007-07-16 Thread Dimitris Mouchritsas
Mark Thomas wrote:
> Dimitris Mouchritsas wrote:
>> ORA Examples
> There is no such authentication method defined in the spec. If you
> want client certificate authentication then the correct value is
> Mark
> -
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No, I don't want client certification at the moment, only the encryption
that https offers.
So if I want a subdirectory (e.g. admin) of my webapp, or my entire
webapp to be accessible
_only_ under https what should I do?

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Change stderr.log and stdout.log location of Tomcat Apache 4.1

2007-07-16 Thread Yulius
Hi all,
  Currently the stdout.log and stderr.log is located in the Web Server logs 
  Is there a way to relocate this two files at another path directory, lets say 
at d drive?
  I tried tomcats admin page with no result, and also i can't find logger at 
server.xml that is pointing to this two files.
  Thanks in advance.

Ready for the edge of your seat? Check out tonight's top picks on Yahoo! TV. 

Re: Change stderr.log and stdout.log location of Tomcat Apache 4.1

2007-07-16 Thread David Smith
Look at the startup script.  These files receive data redirected from 
stdout and stderror.


Yulius wrote:

Hi all,
  Currently the stdout.log and stderr.log is located in the Web Server logs directory.

  Is there a way to relocate this two files at another path directory, lets say 
at d drive?
  I tried tomcats admin page with no result, and also i can't find logger at 
server.xml that is pointing to this two files.
  Thanks in advance.


Ready for the edge of your seat? Check out tonight's top picks on Yahoo! TV. 

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Thread waiting

2007-07-16 Thread André Vila Cova


How can I say for what is the tread waiting?

"http-8085-Processor23" daemon prio=1 tid=0xdd4b7ae8 nid=0x2d41 in
Object.wait() [0xde29b000..0xde29c020]
   at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
   - waiting on <0xe61981f0> (a
   at java.lang.Object.wait(
   at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$
   - locked <0xe61981f0> (a

Thanks a lot

Re: Tomcat cannot access the resources in an HTTPS webapp

2007-07-16 Thread Lyallex


There seems to be an awful lot of confusion on this list about
container managed security and https ... I know I was confused when I
started with it.

As I see it the two are not really connected.

I think what you want to do is to force an https request for certain
resources in your application.

One way of doing this is to add this to your security constraint


Of course, as always, this is not the complete answer but it should
get you started.

(see for where this goes
in web.xml)

If you were to configure the
FORM (for example)
with a suitable login form then when you attempt to access a protected
resource that has the required transport guarantee associated with it,
access to that resource will not only require a user to log in but
access to the resource itself will 'automatically' be over https.

As usual I'm sure there are other (better) ways of doing this but it
works for me.

I hope this helps.


On 7/16/07, Dimitris Mouchritsas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Mark Thomas wrote:
> Dimitris Mouchritsas wrote:
>> ORA Examples
>>   > >>
> There is no such authentication method defined in the spec. If you
> want client certificate authentication then the correct value is
> Mark
> -
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No, I don't want client certification at the moment, only the encryption
that https offers.
So if I want a subdirectory (e.g. admin) of my webapp, or my entire
webapp to be accessible
_only_ under https what should I do?

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Re: Thread waiting

2007-07-16 Thread David Delbecq
It waits for a specific java.lang.Object to get 'notified' by another
Thread. Typically, in your stacktrace, the Thread is simply waiting for
tomcat to give him an http Request to process.

En l'instant précis du 16/07/07 12:52, André Vila Cova s'exprimait en
ces termes:
> Hi!
> How can I say for what is the tread waiting?
> "http-8085-Processor23" daemon prio=1 tid=0xdd4b7ae8 nid=0x2d41 in
> Object.wait() [0xde29b000..0xde29c020]
>at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
>- waiting on <0xe61981f0> (a
> org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ControlRunnable)
>at java.lang.Object.wait(
>at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$
>- locked <0xe61981f0> (a
> org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ControlRunnable)
> Thanks a lot

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Re: change in local directory deployment behavior between 5.5 and 6

2007-07-16 Thread Johnny Kewl

- Original Message - 
From: "Alice Young" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2007 5:47 PM
Subject: change in local directory deployment behavior between 5.5 and 6


 I have been searching for a solution to this problem for a while, but 
it's difficult to search on when the keywords match so many general 

 In tomcat 5.5, I was able to use manager to deploy from a directory on 
the filesystem, and tomcat would use that directory for the source. It 
would not copy the contents of the directory to its webapps directory. I 
could stop tomcat, start it again and pick up changes in the class files 
of the app. This was very quick because no file copying was going on.

 In tomcat 6, it now copies all of the files to the webapps directory. I 
can no longer just stop and restart tomcat to pick up the changes in the 
class files because tomcat has its own copy. I have to undeploy and 
redeploy at minimum, and it takes quite some time and extra work on my 

 Is there a way to configure tomcat 6 get the old tomcat 5.5 behavior 
back? Thanks for any help.


Hi Alice how were you actually deploying it? Using an IDE, ant, HTTP?
It doesnt actually look like its changed much from 5.5 to 6... so it may 
just be the tool thats doing it different with TC6?

Anyway let me show you how I do it once you have this ant script setup, 
its so handy, you cant live without it.

It just so happens its actually setup now for what you need
If my notes are not clear... the trick is just to setup the context.xml with 
its "own docBase location"... in the unpacked web app in one of your 
Then when you run this ant script... TC will use that unpacked webapp... 
just point config at the context in the webapp.

Have fun




   http://localhost:8080/manager"; username="admin" password=""


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RE: Tomcat6 Manager App HOW-TO

2007-07-16 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: John Moore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Subject: Re: Tomcat6 Manager App HOW-TO
> I also gather that you should copy the manager directory into each 
> webapp..???

Not required, but it's an alternative to creating manager.xml files
under each conf/Catalina/[host] directory that all have a docBase
attribute pointing to the single copy of the webapp.

 - Chuck

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RE: Tomcat cannot access the resources in an HTTPS webapp

2007-07-16 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Dimitris Mouchritsas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Subject: Re: Tomcat cannot access the resources in an HTTPS webapp
> So if I want a subdirectory (e.g. admin) of my webapp, or my entire
> webapp to be accessible _only_ under https what should I do?

Read section 12 of the servlet spec:

Use a combination of  and  (along with
their surrounding elements, of course).

Note that the Tomcat doc does not duplicate any information in the
servlet spec; you have to read both.

 - Chuck

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Re: Did anyone had problems with JspWriter in Tomcat 5.5.17?

2007-07-16 Thread rpr_listas

Hi Borut.

I don't know the ehcache framework. What is the method used to prevent 
the thread collision?

If I had this error, would try to make the most simple example to 
reproduce it.  A simple wrapper and singleton class could be a good 
beginnin. Then grow the example until the error reproduces.

Best regards.

Borut Hadžialić escribió:

The caching filter uses a BlockingCache. A miss (get that returns
null) locks that entry/key, and other threads that try to get the page
from the cache using the same key, must wait until the thread that
locked the entry puts something into the cache and releases the lock.
Lock are released implicitly when cache put method is called, by the
thread that locked it. All this is implemented inside Ehcache. We
havent observed any thread deadlock problems (using JMX to monitor

Lock implementation is net.sf.ehcache.constructs.concurrent.Mutex
which is a copy of Doug Lea's mutex class from standard Java API,
copied and imported into Ehcache.

On 7/16/07, rpr_listas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello, Borut.

Are you sure that there are no other  thread writing in the cache at
this moment? How do you prevent this case?

Best regards.

Borut Hadžialić escribió:
> Hi list,
> I have spent last 15 working hours trying to figure out the cause of a
> strange bug. Home page on one of our web sites sometimes gets
> generated with no content - as a blank page, the response buffer
> having size 0. We use caching filter (modified CachingFilter from
> Ehcache 1.3.0) which uses a response wrapper to capture responses to
> make caching possible. The response wrapper internaly uses standard
> classes ByteArrayOutputStream and PrintWriter from the Java API.
> The page cache time-to-live is set to 1 day. When the page is
> generated first time by jsps and tiles it is put into cache, and
> served for next 24 hours from the cache. After 24 hours  it gets
> generated again.
> The manifestation of the bug is that randomly, the homepage gets
> generated as a blank page, about once in every 3 cache refreshes. When
> it occurs, the ByteArrayOutputStream has size 0, after the generation
> of the page has completed.
> Generating the homepage involves pulling some data from the database,
> which changes rarely, about once every week. I put cache time to live
> 300 seconds to eliminate the posibility that corrupt data from
> database causes errors in page generation. With 300 second time to
> live the problem was still there. The data in database does not change
> between good and faulty page generations. Home page is relatively
> simple - it does not involve pulling data from other data sources. It
> just reads some data the database and uses that data to make some
> html, using jsp.
> After turning on logging on database calls, all filters, and using a
> PrintWriter decorator inside our response wraper that echoes all print
> statements to the log,  I found out something strange -
> A correct page generation logs some database calls (by the database
> logger), then a chunk of html (by the logging PrintWriter decorator,
> as a result of flushing JspWriter after enough out.write calls have
> been made), then some more database calls, then some more html.. and
> the page gets generated.
> ** A faulty generation (the one that produces a blank page) logs
> exactly same database calls as a correct page generation, but the log
> entries produced by the echoing PrintWriter are missing! **, like as
> jsps are executing normally, but something is wrong with the JspWriter
> out object.
> I am suspecting that somehow JspWriter writes somewhere else, not
> where it should. It should write into response wrapper's buffer,
> though the echoing/logging PrintWriter. But there is no PrintWriter
> echo and no bytes in response wrapper buffer... more exactly,
> *sometimes* there is no PrintWriter echo and no bytes in response
> wrapper buffer.
> I have read all the code that makes up the life cycle of PageContext
> and JspWriter on the docjar site (not sure for what version of
> Tomcat), and couldn't find anything that would help me solve this.



> After adding some more logging statements I found out that 1 instance
> of JspWritter and 1 instance of PageContext are used shared across all
> page generations (site has low traffic and rarely 2 requests in same
> time). Same JspWritter and  PageContext instances sometimes
> participate in good page and faulty page generations.
> I was hoping that someone on this list might know something that could
> help me find out why is this happening. Please help.

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Re: Axis 2, POJO, Exceptions and Faults

2007-07-16 Thread albert quinn

 Hi Joe !!! :

 Many thanks by your answer, I'm really a newbie in the Axis world
and I'm still lost, spending a lot of time reading the Axis 2 docs and
samples but not finding answers to thowsands of questions in that docs
and samples. So, I'm trying to find the easiest way to do what I need
quickly and in a few months (if a better Axis 2 docs and samples are
available) I'll try to do it better using my own AxisFaults, Axis 2
sessions, Rampart, and so on.

 Again, many thanks by spending your time with my newbie
questions. Regards.

2007/7/16, Joe Nathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

albert quinn wrote:
>   I've been trying to do something like that but i couldn't make it
> work . My test Web Service returns a String and the client receives
> the AxisFault/RemoteException message throwed from the Web Service as
> it was the returned value from the Web Service !!, so I'd
> been able to know in the client side if an error happened in the
> server side.

POJO is a plain Java objects that you cannot throw things!

I tend to return results wrapped in XML strings containing
types (=ok, error, ...) and contents. For clients, any exceptions
happened in transport will be captured by try {} catch blocks.
Errors occured in POJO servers will be embedded in return strings
as XML strings. Note that use of SOAP means that you should
live with XML!


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Re: Creating a Logger in Tomcat 5.5.12

2007-07-16 Thread Filip Hanik - Dev Lists
take a look at conf/, you can see how they setup 
logging for the different contexts


Archibald Moepi wrote:


I just migrated to Tomcat 5.5.12 from Tomcat 4.1.31 and I want to 
create a logger for my context, any ideas on how I can complish this?


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Http Header Cache-Control

2007-07-16 Thread gerocoma-forophp

I've apache 1.3.36 + tomcat 4 + mod_jk 3.3

I'm very new to web servers. I have a problem with the
cache configuration of a tomcat web application. Using
a http headers inspector, I can see that no cache
control is been sent. 

I'd like to send "CacheControl: no-cache" in the
header of every page of my app. First of all, is this
something that I should configure in apache, in tomcat
or in mod_jk???

Then, How can I do it?

Thanks ;)

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Capturing Tomcat thread dumps from startup.bat (Windows)

2007-07-16 Thread Jayson Enriquez
I am unable to copy Tomcat thread dumops when launching it from
Startup.bat from a command window. At the end of the day I do a select
all and copy but it only captures part of the thread dump. Is/Are their
other ways to capture thread dumps from a command (DOS) window? Buffers
are set to 999


I do need a full day of activity.


I've also tried 


Option 1:


Start command window and 'cd' to 'C:\...Tomcat\bin' folder where
'startup.bat' file resides and enter "startup.bat > tomcat.log"


This creates tomcat.log file in the same folder as startup.bat. I have
attached the file which got generated now. The log gets updated with
first 4 lines and that's all. 


Option 2:


In the start->run type "C:\Apache\Tomcat\bin\startup.bat > tomcat.log"
and the log is generated with same output. The log gets updated with
first 4 lines and that's all.




Thank you


Re: Tomcat cannot access the resources in an HTTPS webapp

2007-07-16 Thread Dimitris Mouchritsas
Thank you for your responses. Well, I was a bit lost in the specs but
after looking up  I got what I
wanted. Out of curiosity though what should I do to add tomcat user
I tried adding:




but tomcat, while asking me to log in, and I did, denied access to the
resource. Without the addition I get the https encryption
that I require.

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
>> From: Dimitris Mouchritsas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> Subject: Re: Tomcat cannot access the resources in an HTTPS webapp
>> So if I want a subdirectory (e.g. admin) of my webapp, or my entire
>> webapp to be accessible _only_ under https what should I do?
> Read section 12 of the servlet spec:
> Use a combination of  and  (along with
> their surrounding elements, of course).
> Note that the Tomcat doc does not duplicate any information in the
> servlet spec; you have to read both.
>  - Chuck
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RE: Tomcat cannot access the resources in an HTTPS webapp

2007-07-16 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Dimitris Mouchritsas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Subject: Re: Tomcat cannot access the resources in an HTTPS webapp
> Out of curiosity though what should I do to add tomcat user
> authentication?

Container-managed authentication is unique to the container, so refer to
the appropriate Tomcat doc:

If you're using the default  (likely), you need to add
appropriate userid, password, and role names to conf/tomcat-users.xml,
and restart Tomcat.

 - Chuck

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Re: memory tomcat

2007-07-16 Thread Christopher Schultz

alvaro tovar wrote:
> hi, thanks for your answer,  i think that i have to questions in
> solaris, is a solaris sparc,  but, if the manager application show

FYI Sparc/Solaris also has both 32- and 64-bit editions.

> Free memory: 3000 MB Total memory: 3000 MB Max memory: 3000 MB
> then tomcat have 3000?,  if true then i can put 3 gb in my tomcat.

3000 MB free with 3000 MB max? That doesn't sound right. /Some/ of the
memory ought to be taken up by the JVM... but 3000 MB looks fine to me.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Tomcat - All threads (200) are currently busy

2007-07-16 Thread Christopher Schultz

André Vila Cova wrote:
> And it's possible to know what threads are really doing?
> And I don't understand why having the following 3 connectors
> maxThreads="400" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
> maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
> maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
> I get error:
> SEVERE: All threads (200) are currently busy, waiting. Increase maxThreads
> (200) or check the servlet status.
> Why 200? I dont have configured the value 200.

Something is not right. It's possible that the "(200)" is a programming
oversight and it's not giving you the right number of threads, but that
is unlikely.

What is more likely is that you are misreading your own configuration
file, or Tomcat is using a different configuration file than you think
it is.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Thread waiting

2007-07-16 Thread Christopher Schultz

André Vila Cova wrote:
> How can I say for what is the tread waiting?

As a follow-up to David's reply, I'd like to be a little more specific.

> "http-8085-Processor23" daemon prio=1 tid=0xdd4b7ae8 nid=0x2d41 in
> Object.wait() [0xde29b000..0xde29c020]

This line of output tells you which thread (http-8085-Processor23), what
type of thread it is (daemon), it's priority, and then method it's
currently in (Object.wait).

>at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)

This line confirms that the thread is in Object.wait().

The JVM knows that Object.wait is a special method that requires a
"monitor" (the object being waited for), and it tells you

>- waiting on <0xe61981f0> (a
> org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ControlRunnable)

This line tells you what the monitor is (the object being waited on).
It's the object with reference 0xe61981f0, which is a
org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ControlRunnable object. I'm
not expert on Tomcat internals, but I'm guessing that ControlRunnable is
related to request dispatching.

This thread is clearly waiting on a notification of a request coming
into the server. Therefore, it can be considered IDLE, and not doing
anything at all.

If you really do have multiple , and you are only using one
(which is likely), then the threads for the other 2 connectors will
always be idle.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Http Header Cache-Control

2007-07-16 Thread Christopher Schultz
To whom it may concern,

> I've apache 1.3.36 + tomcat 4 + mod_jk 3.3

Something is wrong with that mod_jk version, by the way. The most recent
release of mod_jk is 1.2.23.

> I'm very new to web servers. I have a problem with the
> cache configuration of a tomcat web application. Using
> a http headers inspector, I can see that no cache
> control is been sent. 

Cache-control headers are usually not sent unless they are necessary.
Are you sure they are necessary for your environment?

> I'd like to send "CacheControl: no-cache" in the
> header of every page of my app. First of all, is this
> something that I should configure in apache, in tomcat
> or in mod_jk???

I'm sure there are other ways to do this, but in Tomcat, you can do it
easily by writing a simple "Filter" and installing it in your
application. Writing a filter is as simple as writing a class that
implements javax.servlet.Filter (3 methods) and then installing it by
adding this to your WEB-INF/web.xml file:


A filter to ensure that the request has a valid
character encoding. This fixes problems when the request is
being sent in (say) UTF-8 but the user agent doesn't specify
the encoding.


This stuff goes right at the top of the web.xml file, just inside the
 element. Note that filters are applied in the order they
appear in web.xml, so you might want to familiarize yourself with any
existing filters before you install this one.

The method you'll want to look for when implementing your filter is
HttpServletResponse.addHeader(). You will probably want to add your
header /before/ you hand-off processing to the next filter in the chain.
Please please /please/ read the documentation for Filter.doFilter before
you get started. You can find this documentation here
as well as other places, I'm sure.

Hope that helps,

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

birtruntime 2.2.0 crash on tomcat 5.5.20

2007-07-16 Thread Tom Butts

I deploy the new birt 2.2.0 runtime on tomcat 5.5.20 and run the
Webviewer example I get the following jvm crash under windows.




# An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine:


#  EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc005) at pc=0x780104ac, pid=924,


# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.5.0_11-b03 mixed mode)

# Problematic frame:

# C  [MSVCRT.dll+0x104ac]



---  T H R E A D  ---


Current thread (0x0ae6f440):  JavaThread "http-8080-Processor4" daemon
[_thread_in_native, id=1464]


siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc005, reading address 0x



EAX=0x, EBX=0x, ECX=0x6f04, EDX=0xfffe

ESP=0x0b43d7f8, EBP=0x0b43d810, ESI=0x0be86b60, EDI=0x

EIP=0x780104ac, EFLAGS=0x00010246


Top of Stack: (sp=0x0b43d7f8)

0x0b43d7f8:   7801f29d  0b43da46 0be86b60

0x0b43d808:     0b43da48 6f003cd1

0x0b43d818:    0b43da40  

0x0b43d828:    0be87070 0be86b60 78010cde

0x0b43d838:   003a0043 0057005c 004e0049 0054004e

0x0b43d848:   0073005c 00730079 00650074 0033006d

0x0b43d858:   005c0032 00700073 006f006f 005c006c

0x0b43d868:   00520044 00560049 00520045 005c0053 


Instructions: (pc=0x780104ac)

0x7801049c:   42 42 66 85 c0 75 f1 8b 44 24 04 c3 8b 44 24 04

0x780104ac:   66 8b 08 40 40 66 85 c9 75 f6 2b 44 24 04 d1 f8 



Stack: [0x0b40,0x0b44),  sp=0x0b43d7f8,  free space=245k

Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code,
C=native code)

C  [MSVCRT.dll+0x104ac]

C  [dlpsbcmu.dll+0x3cd1]


Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)


j  sun.print.Win32PrintService.getDefaultPrinterSettings()[I+13















When I run it on Linux platform I get a class not found in the sun
printer writer support.

Has anyone seen this problem?



Re: Capturing Tomcat thread dumps from startup.bat (Windows)

2007-07-16 Thread Filip Hanik - Dev Lists

catalina.bat run > dump.log

then do a Ctrl+Break for the dump

another way is to use a service wrapper that lets you do dumps,


Jayson Enriquez wrote:

I am unable to copy Tomcat thread dumops when launching it from
Startup.bat from a command window. At the end of the day I do a select
all and copy but it only captures part of the thread dump. Is/Are their
other ways to capture thread dumps from a command (DOS) window? Buffers
are set to 999


I do need a full day of activity.


I've also tried 


Option 1:


Start command window and 'cd' to 'C:\...Tomcat\bin' folder where
'startup.bat' file resides and enter "startup.bat > tomcat.log"


This creates tomcat.log file in the same folder as startup.bat. I have
attached the file which got generated now. The log gets updated with
first 4 lines and that's all. 


Option 2:


In the start->run type "C:\Apache\Tomcat\bin\startup.bat > tomcat.log"
and the log is generated with same output. The log gets updated with
first 4 lines and that's all.




Thank you



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Re: Tomcat6 Manager App HOW-TO

2007-07-16 Thread John Moore

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: John Moore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Re: Tomcat6 Manager App HOW-TO

I also gather that you should copy the manager directory into each 

Not required, but it's an alternative to creating manager.xml files
under each conf/Catalina/[host] directory that all have a docBase
attribute pointing to the single copy of the webapp.


Ah yes, thanks, that makes sense now...

I think for production I'm going to need to fall back to 5.5.23 for now, 
too many issues to resolve and test. I'll setup a test machine for 
Tomcat6 and keep working on it..

I appreciate your assistance..


Tomcat 4.1.3 on Win2k Server: Log generated pages?

2007-07-16 Thread Eric B

Hi, all.

I'm using Tomcat to build VoiceXML pages for our IVR application.  There are
some strange errors that have been cropping up in the VXML browser, and in
an effort to debug them, I'm trying to figure out a way to log or view the
pages that Tomcat generates.

Is there a runtime option for Tomcat that would allow me to see the output
of incoming HTTP requests?

Eric B

How to deploy a web app on tomcat.. help needed plz.. :)

2007-07-16 Thread pinky88


I'm trying to deploy a web application on tomcat 5.5.23 but I'm not exactly
sure how to do so (beginner).

I've copied the war file and archive into the webapp directory but i'm
getting a message saying the requested resource is not available.

I previously had another web app deployed but with the help of my cousin so
i'm not entirely sure what he did, this was still running fine with tomcat
until I put my new war file into webapp, now I am getting the same message
ass above for this application too.

Does tomcat only allow one web application war file into the webapp
directory at a time maybe???

Thanks in advance for replies,

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RE: How to deploy a web app on tomcat.. help needed plz.. :)

2007-07-16 Thread Asensio, Rodrigo
Pinki, please post the entire tomcat log here. 

-Original Message-
From: pinky88 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 3:39 PM
Subject: How to deploy a web app on tomcat.. help needed plz.. :)


I'm trying to deploy a web application on tomcat 5.5.23 but I'm not
exactly sure how to do so (beginner).

I've copied the war file and archive into the webapp directory but i'm
getting a message saying the requested resource is not available.

I previously had another web app deployed but with the help of my cousin
so i'm not entirely sure what he did, this was still running fine with
tomcat until I put my new war file into webapp, now I am getting the
same message ass above for this application too.

Does tomcat only allow one web application war file into the webapp
directory at a time maybe???

Thanks in advance for replies,

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RE: How to deploy a web app on tomcat.. help needed plz.. :)

2007-07-16 Thread pinky88

HTTP Status 404 - /LoginApp

type Status report

message /LoginApp

description The requested resource (/LoginApp) is not available.
Apache Tomcat/5.5.23

Asensio, Rodrigo wrote:
> Pinki, please post the entire tomcat log here. 
> -Original Message-
> From: pinky88 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 3:39 PM
> To:
> Subject: How to deploy a web app on tomcat.. help needed plz.. :)
> Hi,
> I'm trying to deploy a web application on tomcat 5.5.23 but I'm not
> exactly sure how to do so (beginner).
> I've copied the war file and archive into the webapp directory but i'm
> getting a message saying the requested resource is not available.
> I previously had another web app deployed but with the help of my cousin
> so i'm not entirely sure what he did, this was still running fine with
> tomcat until I put my new war file into webapp, now I am getting the
> same message ass above for this application too.
> Does tomcat only allow one web application war file into the webapp
> directory at a time maybe???
> Thanks in advance for replies,
> Pinky
> --
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Re: birtruntime 2.2.0 crash on tomcat 5.5.20

2007-07-16 Thread Len Popp

Since it's crashing in a printer driver DLL, I suggest removing the
problem printer and specifying a different printer as the default in

On 7/16/07, Tom Butts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I deploy the new birt 2.2.0 runtime on tomcat 5.5.20 and run the
Webviewer example I get the following jvm crash under windows.


# An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine:


#  EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc005) at pc=0x780104ac, pid=924,


# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.5.0_11-b03 mixed mode)

# Problematic frame:

# C  [MSVCRT.dll+0x104ac]


---  T H R E A D  ---

Current thread (0x0ae6f440):  JavaThread "http-8080-Processor4" daemon
[_thread_in_native, id=1464]

siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc005, reading address 0x


EAX=0x, EBX=0x, ECX=0x6f04, EDX=0xfffe

ESP=0x0b43d7f8, EBP=0x0b43d810, ESI=0x0be86b60, EDI=0x

EIP=0x780104ac, EFLAGS=0x00010246

Top of Stack: (sp=0x0b43d7f8)

0x0b43d7f8:   7801f29d  0b43da46 0be86b60

0x0b43d808:     0b43da48 6f003cd1

0x0b43d818:    0b43da40  

0x0b43d828:    0be87070 0be86b60 78010cde

0x0b43d838:   003a0043 0057005c 004e0049 0054004e

0x0b43d848:   0073005c 00730079 00650074 0033006d

0x0b43d858:   005c0032 00700073 006f006f 005c006c

0x0b43d868:   00520044 00560049 00520045 005c0053

Instructions: (pc=0x780104ac)

0x7801049c:   42 42 66 85 c0 75 f1 8b 44 24 04 c3 8b 44 24 04

0x780104ac:   66 8b 08 40 40 66 85 c9 75 f6 2b 44 24 04 d1 f8

Stack: [0x0b40,0x0b44),  sp=0x0b43d7f8,  free space=245k

Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code,
C=native code)

C  [MSVCRT.dll+0x104ac]

C  [dlpsbcmu.dll+0x3cd1]

Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)


j  sun.print.Win32PrintService.getDefaultPrinterSettings()[I+13













When I run it on Linux platform I get a class not found in the sun
printer writer support.

Has anyone seen this problem?

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Re: How to deploy a web app on tomcat.. help needed plz.. :)

2007-07-16 Thread David kerber
Do you have the LoginApp servlet defined in web.xml or another 
equivalent place?

pinky88 wrote:

HTTP Status 404 - /LoginApp

type Status report

message /LoginApp

description The requested resource (/LoginApp) is not available.
Apache Tomcat/5.5.23

Asensio, Rodrigo wrote:
Pinki, please post the entire tomcat log here. 

-Original Message-
From: pinky88 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 3:39 PM

Subject: How to deploy a web app on tomcat.. help needed plz.. :)


I'm trying to deploy a web application on tomcat 5.5.23 but I'm not
exactly sure how to do so (beginner).

I've copied the war file and archive into the webapp directory but i'm
getting a message saying the requested resource is not available.

I previously had another web app deployed but with the help of my cousin
so i'm not entirely sure what he did, this was still running fine with
tomcat until I put my new war file into webapp, now I am getting the
same message ass above for this application too.

Does tomcat only allow one web application war file into the webapp
directory at a time maybe???

Thanks in advance for replies,

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Re: How to deploy a web app on tomcat.. help needed plz.. :)

2007-07-16 Thread pinky88

yup i have it defined in a web.xml in the WEB-INF folder.. my web.xml is as



Perhaps I've done something wrong with this, I copied from the web
application that my cousin deployed for me, and changed the servlet name and


David Kerber wrote:
> Do you have the LoginApp servlet defined in web.xml or another 
> equivalent place?
> pinky88 wrote:
>> HTTP Status 404 - /LoginApp
>> type Status report
>> message /LoginApp
>> description The requested resource (/LoginApp) is not available.
>> Apache Tomcat/5.5.23
>> Asensio, Rodrigo wrote:
>>> Pinki, please post the entire tomcat log here. 
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: pinky88 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>> Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 3:39 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: How to deploy a web app on tomcat.. help needed plz.. :)
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm trying to deploy a web application on tomcat 5.5.23 but I'm not
>>> exactly sure how to do so (beginner).
>>> I've copied the war file and archive into the webapp directory but i'm
>>> getting a message saying the requested resource is not available.
>>> I previously had another web app deployed but with the help of my cousin
>>> so i'm not entirely sure what he did, this was still running fine with
>>> tomcat until I put my new war file into webapp, now I am getting the
>>> same message ass above for this application too.
>>> Does tomcat only allow one web application war file into the webapp
>>> directory at a time maybe???
>>> Thanks in advance for replies,
>>> Pinky
>>> --
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RE: How to deploy a web app on tomcat.. help needed plz.. :)

2007-07-16 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: pinky88 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Subject: How to deploy a web app on tomcat.. help needed plz.. :)
> I'm trying to deploy a web application on tomcat 5.5.23 but 
> I'm not exactly sure how to do so (beginner).

You might want to take a look at the doc:
especially this part:

> I've copied the war file and archive into the webapp directory but i'm
> getting a message saying the requested resource is not available.

Don't bother giving us an approximation or your interpretation of the
message - post the exact message, since you have it readily available.
As another poster already noted, take a look in Tomcat's logs for more

> Does tomcat only allow one web application war file into the webapp
> directory at a time maybe???

Of course not.  The standard Tomcat 5.5 distribution comes with six
applications in webapps, plus two more in server/webapps.

Exactly what are you referring to with "webapp directory"?

 - Chuck

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RE: How to deploy a web app on tomcat.. help needed plz.. :)

2007-07-16 Thread Asensio, Rodrigo
Do you have the real class inside %YOUR_WEBAPP%/WEB-INF/classes or lib ?

-Original Message-
From: pinky88 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 4:11 PM
Subject: Re: How to deploy a web app on tomcat.. help needed plz.. :)

yup i have it defined in a web.xml in the WEB-INF folder.. my web.xml is



Perhaps I've done something wrong with this, I copied from the web
application that my cousin deployed for me, and changed the servlet name
and pattern..?


David Kerber wrote:
> Do you have the LoginApp servlet defined in web.xml or another 
> equivalent place?
> pinky88 wrote:
>> HTTP Status 404 - /LoginApp
>> type Status report
>> message /LoginApp
>> description The requested resource (/LoginApp) is not available.
>> Apache Tomcat/5.5.23
>> Asensio, Rodrigo wrote:
>>> Pinki, please post the entire tomcat log here. 
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: pinky88 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 3:39 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: How to deploy a web app on tomcat.. help needed plz.. :)
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm trying to deploy a web application on tomcat 5.5.23 but I'm not 
>>> exactly sure how to do so (beginner).
>>> I've copied the war file and archive into the webapp directory but 
>>> i'm getting a message saying the requested resource is not
>>> I previously had another web app deployed but with the help of my 
>>> cousin so i'm not entirely sure what he did, this was still running 
>>> fine with tomcat until I put my new war file into webapp, now I am 
>>> getting the same message ass above for this application too.
>>> Does tomcat only allow one web application war file into the webapp 
>>> directory at a time maybe???
>>> Thanks in advance for replies,
>>> Pinky
>>> --
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>>> d-pl
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RE: How to deploy a web app on tomcat.. help needed plz.. :)

2007-07-16 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: pinky88 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Subject: Re: How to deploy a web app on tomcat.. help needed plz.. :)
> xmlns:xsi="";
> xsi:schemaLocation="
> version="2.4">
> login
> com.cellusys.test.LoginApp
>   login
>   /login

That defines a class name, not a webapp name.

Since you seem to be deploying from a .war file, what is the name of
that .war file and where exactly did you put it?

 - Chuck

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Re: How to deploy a web app on tomcat.. help needed plz.. :)

2007-07-16 Thread David kerber
What are you typing into the browser to access this app?  Your error 
message says "LoginApp" wasn't found, but here your servlet is named 
"login".  Try using "login" in your URL instead of LoginApp.

pinky88 wrote:

yup i have it defined in a web.xml in the WEB-INF folder.. my web.xml is as



Perhaps I've done something wrong with this, I copied from the web
application that my cousin deployed for me, and changed the servlet name and


David Kerber wrote:
Do you have the LoginApp servlet defined in web.xml or another 
equivalent place?

pinky88 wrote:

HTTP Status 404 - /LoginApp

type Status report

message /LoginApp

description The requested resource (/LoginApp) is not available.
Apache Tomcat/5.5.23

Asensio, Rodrigo wrote:
Pinki, please post the entire tomcat log here. 

-Original Message-
From: pinky88 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 3:39 PM

Subject: How to deploy a web app on tomcat.. help needed plz.. :)


I'm trying to deploy a web application on tomcat 5.5.23 but I'm not
exactly sure how to do so (beginner).

I've copied the war file and archive into the webapp directory but i'm
getting a message saying the requested resource is not available.

I previously had another web app deployed but with the help of my cousin
so i'm not entirely sure what he did, this was still running fine with
tomcat until I put my new war file into webapp, now I am getting the
same message ass above for this application too.

Does tomcat only allow one web application war file into the webapp
directory at a time maybe???

Thanks in advance for replies,

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About Using memory JVM and Tomcat

2007-07-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What the maximum value size to:


To SUN JVM jdk in the server with 3GB RAM.

Im my case for exemplo:
-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -ms1024m -mx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=400m

To bigger value then 1024m Tomcat crash with message:

Do Any documentation to correct configuration?

Sorry for my english :-(


Silvio Cesar L. dos Santos
Analista de Redes Pleno
DTI - Divisão de Tecnologia da Informação
UNIGRANRIO - Universidade do Grande Rio
+55 21 2672-7720

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Re: About Using memory JVM and Tomcat

2007-07-16 Thread alvaro tovar

Christopher Schultz say.

Most 32-bit JVMs can't actually give you 3GB of heap space.
You'll probably be limited to somewhere between 1.5 - 2.0GB. If you have
a 64-bit processor and OS, go with a 64-bit JVM and then you can get
/lots/ of memory.



What the maximum value size to:


To SUN JVM jdk in the server with 3GB RAM.

Im my case for exemplo:
-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -ms1024m -mx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=400m

To bigger value then 1024m Tomcat crash with message:

Do Any documentation to correct configuration?

Sorry for my english :-(


Silvio Cesar L. dos Santos
Analista de Redes Pleno
DTI - Divisão de Tecnologia da Informação
UNIGRANRIO - Universidade do Grande Rio
+55 21 2672-7720

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RE: About Using memory JVM and Tomcat

2007-07-16 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Subject: About Using memory JVM and Tomcat
> What the maximum value size to:

We've covered this topic numerous times - search the archives.  For

 - Chuck

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RE: About Using memory JVM and Tomcat

2007-07-16 Thread Asensio, Rodrigo
Also remember that for each thread created on the JVM it will create a thread 
on the OS.

We had that problem and now our servers are running with 1408 MB of memory but 
with the IBM JDK 1.5.
Here are some settings


Initial memory 1408mb
Max memory 1408mb
Trhead stack size 128kb

I don't know about Java 16 yet but these settings are working really good.

-Original Message-
From: alvaro tovar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 4:41 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: About Using memory JVM and Tomcat

Christopher Schultz say.

 Most 32-bit JVMs can't actually give you 3GB of heap space.
You'll probably be limited to somewhere between 1.5 - 2.0GB. If you have a 
64-bit processor and OS, go with a 64-bit JVM and then you can get /lots/ of 

> Hi!
> What the maximum value size to:
> -Xms
> -Xmx
> -ms
> -mx
> -XX:MaxPermSize
> To SUN JVM jdk in the server with 3GB RAM.
> Im my case for exemplo:
> -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -ms1024m -mx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=400m
> To bigger value then 1024m Tomcat crash with message:
> Do Any documentation to correct configuration?
> Sorry for my english :-(
> --
> Att,
> Silvio Cesar L. dos Santos
> Analista de Redes Pleno
> DTI - Divisão de Tecnologia da Informação UNIGRANRIO - Universidade do 
> Grande Rio
> +55 21 2672-7720
> -
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RE: How to deploy a web app on tomcat.. help needed plz.. :)

2007-07-16 Thread pinky88

Thanks everyone for the replies,

Um forgot to mention that I'm using Maven to build the project, so I have a
pom.xml file, and the web.xml.

/login is for a form. /LoginApp shows a servlet which may use the info from
the form.. I think..
Ok I'm extremely new to this Maven/Tomcat stuff, two weeks.. Last week i
started a hello world app and my cousin helped me to finish it (I had no
web.xml and hadn't it deployed), I'm learning all this for some possible
work experience in my cousin's programming company for the rest of the
summer. The only programming I've done before are pretty basic java programs
that I've learned in university (i'm studying computer science,just finished
1st year) so I hope some of that explains why some of my questions ,and
generalised answers to your questions may sound so stupid!! ;)

I do not know what tomcat logs are.. but i posted the message i got just
after I was asked for them..

I followed the basic structure of the hello world app already deployed..

I'll post the pom.xml and the web.xml of both the hello world app and the
login one, and maybe you'll understand why I've got both /login and

For the hello world app:










For the login app:










...When the HelloWorld app was deployed using the previously mentioned
pom.xml and web.xml, it worked. The /MyWebApp showed the hello world
message. The /sayMyNameBitch  (excuse the language,my cousin was joking ;])
shows a form asking for a name, and then i changed the servlet to print
"hello ". 

I hope this makes things clearer as regards having the two URLs..


Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
>> From: pinky88 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> Subject: Re: How to deploy a web app on tomcat.. help needed plz.. :)
>> xmlns:xsi="";
>> xsi:schemaLocation="
>> version="2.4">
>> login
>> com.cellusys.test.LoginApp
>>  login
>>  /login
> That defines a class name, not a webapp name.
> Since you seem to be deploying from a .war file, what is the name of
> that .war file and where exactly did you put it?
>  - Chuck
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Re: Http Header Cache-Control

2007-07-16 Thread gerocoma-forophp

Thanks Christopher,

> To whom it may concern,
> > I've apache 1.3.36 + tomcat 4 + mod_jk 3.3
> Something is wrong with that mod_jk version, by the
> way. The most recent
> release of mod_jk is 1.2.23.

Well, the installation file that I found in the server
is named:, that's why I assumed
that version.

> > I'm very new to web servers. I have a problem with
> the
> > cache configuration of a tomcat web application.
> Using
> > a http headers inspector, I can see that no cache
> > control is been sent. 
> Cache-control headers are usually not sent unless
> they are necessary.
> Are you sure they are necessary for your
> environment?
> > I'd like to send "CacheControl: no-cache" in the
> > header of every page of my app. First of all, is
> this
> > something that I should configure in apache, in
> tomcat
> > or in mod_jk???
> I'm sure there are other ways to do this, but in
> Tomcat, you can do it
> easily by writing a simple "Filter" and installing
> it in your
> application. Writing a filter is as simple as
> writing a class that
> implements javax.servlet.Filter (3 methods) and then
> installing it by
> adding this to your WEB-INF/web.xml file:
> encodingFilter
> A filter to ensure that the request has
> a valid
> character encoding. This fixes problems
> when the request is
> being sent in (say) UTF-8 but the user
> agent doesn't specify
> the encoding.
> This stuff goes right at the top of the web.xml
> file, just inside the
>  element. Note that filters are applied in
> the order they
> appear in web.xml, so you might want to familiarize
> yourself with any
> existing filters before you install this one.
> The method you'll want to look for when implementing
> your filter is
> HttpServletResponse.addHeader(). You will probably
> want to add your
> header /before/ you hand-off processing to the next
> filter in the chain.
> Please please /please/ read the documentation for
> Filter.doFilter before
> you get started. You can find this documentation
> here
> as well as other places, I'm sure.
> Hope that helps,
> -chris

This method looks really cool, any way, does somebody
knows another solution. I read about configuring
apache http.conf and/or installing the headers module.
However, I don't know if modifying apache
configuration will solve the problem, maybe it's
something that should be modified in mod_jk or tomcat.
Does somebody knows this???

Is that filter installation the only way in which this
could be achieved with tomcat??

Thank You.  =)

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RE: How to deploy a web app on tomcat.. help needed plz.. :)

2007-07-16 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: pinky88 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Subject: RE: How to deploy a web app on tomcat.. help needed plz.. :)

I would recommend cleaning up your examples before posting.  This is an
international, multi-cultural, multi-gender mailing list, and you (or
your cousin's) attempts at humor are completely inappropriate.

> I do not know what tomcat logs are..

Try looking in the aptly named "logs" directory...

> I'll post the pom.xml

Irrelevant - that has meaning to maven, not Tomcat.

You still haven't answered the questions you were asked:

1) What's in the logs?

2) What's the name of your new .war file?

3) Where did you put your new .war file?

4) Do you have the real class inside %YOUR_WEBAPP%/WEB-INF/classes or

5) What are you typing into the browser to access this app?

 - Chuck

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Re: How to deploy a web app on tomcat.. help needed plz.. :)

2007-07-16 Thread ben short


If your using maven 2 then it should be dead easy. Assuming you have
maven 2 setup on your system follow the example given here [1]. This
will create a war file artifact with a simple jsp and the web.xml. The
last goal mvn package will create you a war file.

I suggest that you give it ago and then analyse whats files are in the war file.

You can deploy the war as shown in one of the links provided by others
in this thread. I prefer the tomcat manager webapp myself.

Sorry to the Tomcat guys if this is off topic but maybe it might help
her understand the layout of the war file and she can build on it from


On 7/16/07, Caldarale, Charles R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: pinky88 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: How to deploy a web app on tomcat.. help needed plz.. :)

I would recommend cleaning up your examples before posting.  This is an
international, multi-cultural, multi-gender mailing list, and you (or
your cousin's) attempts at humor are completely inappropriate.

> I do not know what tomcat logs are..

Try looking in the aptly named "logs" directory...

> I'll post the pom.xml

Irrelevant - that has meaning to maven, not Tomcat.

You still haven't answered the questions you were asked:

1) What's in the logs?

2) What's the name of your new .war file?

3) Where did you put your new .war file?

4) Do you have the real class inside %YOUR_WEBAPP%/WEB-INF/classes or

5) What are you typing into the browser to access this app?

 - Chuck

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Re: Tomcat 5.5.x: Null component

2007-07-16 Thread Mark Thomas
hezjing wrote:
> I'm using Tomcat 5.5.23

Do you have log4j.jar in WEB-INF\lib ?


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Re: Tomcat6 Manager App HOW-TO

2007-07-16 Thread Mark Thomas
Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
> The only part that I find somewhat misleading is the following:
> "There are two ways to configure the Manager web application Context:
> "* Install the manager.xml context configuration file in the
> "  $CATALINA_HOME/conf/[enginename]/[hostname] folder.
> "* Configure the Manager Context within the Host configuration
> "  in your Tomcat server.xml configuration. Here is an example:
> "   "
> docBase="/usr/local/kinetic/tomcat6/server/webapps/manager">
> "  "

This is now clarified for TC4, 5 & 6.


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Re: Problem listing apps in manager app

2007-07-16 Thread csirus

I hit the same snag when I updated server.xml and added some Context elements
for web apps I hadn't deployed yet. So, check the spelling/existence of any
webapps that you explicitly name in your server.xml file.

Jake Alley wrote:
> I'm trying to list the applications in the manager app.  It was working
> before, but now all of a sudden it has stopped.  It was working before,
> but I added an app and it stopped working.  I remove the app and it still
> doesn't work.  I clean the work space for the manager app and it still
> doesn't work.  The applications list under "Complete Server Status" but
> not under "List Applications."
> I'm using 6.0.13 on 1.5.0_06-b05
> The error I get is:
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> org.apache.catalina.manager.HTMLManagerServlet.list(
> org.apache.catalina.manager.HTMLManagerServlet.doGet(
>  javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>  javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>  Line 434 is the following:
> args[11] = new Integer(context.getManager().getMaxInactiveInterval()/60);
> I'm inclined to believe it's failing because of context.getManager() which
> is checked for null previously in the same function.
>if (context.getManager() != null) {
> args[4] = new Integer
> (context.getManager().getActiveSessions());
> } else {
> args[4] = new Integer(0);
> }
> Does anybody have any insight into this?
> Thanks.
> -
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Re: Http Header Cache-Control

2007-07-16 Thread Rainer Jung

There is no way to influence HTTP headers by mod_jk.

You can manipulate Headers via mod_headers, which is part of Apache httpd.

If I remember correctly, in case Tomcat already sends a header, 
mod_headers will not be able to remove or overwrite it, because mod_jk 
will set the header Tomcat sent unconditionally (that's a field of 
possible optimisation, not done yet).

Be careful to fully understand the Caching headers, e.g. by studying the 
HTTP 1.1 RFC. For instance Cache-Control: no-cache does not really mean 
"do not cache", but instead "if you cache, then revalidate every time 
you want to use the item". There are also negative implications between 
"no-cache" and externally rendered objects as ODF, when using MSIE and SSL.

A servlet filter, as suggested by Christopher Schultz, could handle more 
logic (like setting different headers, if your http status is an error 
status etc.) and is partially reusable for all your webapps, once it is 




Thanks Christopher,

To whom it may concern,


I've apache 1.3.36 + tomcat 4 + mod_jk 3.3

Something is wrong with that mod_jk version, by the
way. The most recent
release of mod_jk is 1.2.23.

Well, the installation file that I found in the server
is named:, that's why I assumed
that version.

I'm very new to web servers. I have a problem with


cache configuration of a tomcat web application.


a http headers inspector, I can see that no cache
control is been sent. 

Cache-control headers are usually not sent unless
they are necessary.
Are you sure they are necessary for your

I'd like to send "CacheControl: no-cache" in the
header of every page of my app. First of all, is


something that I should configure in apache, in


or in mod_jk???

I'm sure there are other ways to do this, but in
Tomcat, you can do it
easily by writing a simple "Filter" and installing
it in your
application. Writing a filter is as simple as
writing a class that
implements javax.servlet.Filter (3 methods) and then
installing it by
adding this to your WEB-INF/web.xml file:


A filter to ensure that the request has
a valid
character encoding. This fixes problems
when the request is
being sent in (say) UTF-8 but the user
agent doesn't specify
the encoding.


This stuff goes right at the top of the web.xml
file, just inside the
 element. Note that filters are applied in
the order they
appear in web.xml, so you might want to familiarize
yourself with any
existing filters before you install this one.

The method you'll want to look for when implementing
your filter is
HttpServletResponse.addHeader(). You will probably
want to add your
header /before/ you hand-off processing to the next
filter in the chain.
Please please /please/ read the documentation for
Filter.doFilter before
you get started. You can find this documentation


as well as other places, I'm sure.

Hope that helps,

This method looks really cool, any way, does somebody
knows another solution. I read about configuring
apache http.conf and/or installing the headers module.
However, I don't know if modifying apache
configuration will solve the problem, maybe it's
something that should be modified in mod_jk or tomcat.
Does somebody knows this???

Is that filter installation the only way in which this
could be achieved with tomcat??

Thank You.  =)

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