how mod_jk load balancer auto recover node?

2009-04-08 Thread WenDong Zhang
Hi all,

I'm using httpd 2.2 & mod_jk as the load balancer server. There 2
tomcat nodes under the cluster. After run a long time, the tomcat node
need to restart (because I found that the system resource's usage is
too high, the cpu usage is almost 100%). During the restarting period,
httpd load balancer maybe treat the node in error status and try to
recover it. I set each node retry times to 2 (the default value):
  worker.node1.retries = 2
but it seems that the httpd try to recover the error node for a while,
if fail it will never try to recover the node any more.

is there any way let the httpd load balancer try to recover the fail
nodes per several minutes (e.g. 5 mins), and not depend on the
"retries" parameter.


Best Regards!
Wen Dong

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Re: tomcat process memory

2009-04-08 Thread Rainer Jung
On 08.04.2009 16:25, Andrew Hole wrote:
> I'm using Your Kit Java Profiler:
> 32121 tomcat25   0 1649m 962m  15m S   76 24.3  23:00.14 java
> At this moment I've 501 heap allocated memory and 146 non-heap.
> The total memory used by the process is increasing and has the value of
> 962MB.

You might also want to look at the file


or more generally


There you can do a little exercise with hex address difference
calculations to find out how much native memory is used (roughly) for what.



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Re: Odd Tomcat setup - graphics not displaying

2009-04-08 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA1


On 4/8/2009 5:54 PM, BJ Selman wrote:
> We've got two identical tomcat servers load balanced with apache as
> frontend.


> When you hit refresh, some graphics display
> while others go away keep hitting refresh and its a different
> result every time maybe every blue moon, ALL graphics will
> display.  If a session is threaded on tomcat1 (server1), there's not
> a problem.

Are you using mod_proxy_[something] or mod_jk to connect httpd to
Tomcat? If you are using mod_jk, does setting the "JkStripSession"
directive to "true" fix this problem?

JkStripSession will remove the ";jsessionid=..." parameter that is added
to certain URLs that application servers generate. Apache httpd is too
stupid to realize that this is a /parameter/ and not part of the actual
URL, and so it stupidly goes around the disk looking for a file called
"myLogo.gif;jsessionid=ABCD1234". JkStripSession removes the jsessionid
parameter from URLs that will /not/ be handled by Apache.

I'm not sure what the mod_proxy_[whatever] analog is.

This can also be done using mod_rewrite, but we'll only get to that if
you actually have this problem. Check your httpd error logs to see if
you're getting requests failing because it can't find a file with the
session id attached.

- -chris
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Installing Tomcat

2009-04-08 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA1


On 4/8/2009 1:29 PM, Jonathan Mast wrote:
> Furthermore, I can tell you that "netstat -a" indicated no listener for port
> 8080 and that that Catalina logs look ok.

Seriously. Post. Your. Server. Dot. XML. File.

- -chris
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: tomcat, mod_jk, and apache

2009-04-08 Thread Rainer Jung
On 08.04.2009 20:39, André Warnier wrote:
> Jordan Michaels wrote:
>>  > Another possibility is having a single source for your host setup,
>> with some kind of script/program to generate both the httpd and Tomcat
>> config files from that.  (That could turn out to be a marketable
>> product.)
>>  >
> The organisation of the Tomcat documentation is sometimes a bit
> confusing.  Here is an example :
> I do not know if this relates to what you are looking for, but it may be
> worth looking at anyway :
> and have a look at the section
> Using Tomcat auto-configure

Unfortunately this time you found one of the dark parts of mod_jk. Don't
use auto-config. It mostly produces garbage.

But: why do you plan to use different Hosts in Tomcat at all? Unless you
need to set Host based settings for different webapps to different
values or you want to deploy different webapps under the same name, you
can put all webapps into the default Host.

Or do you use multiple ROOT contexts?



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Re: apache/tomcat communication issues (502 response)

2009-04-08 Thread Rainer Jung
On 08.04.2009 08:23, feedly team wrote:
> We are running apache and tomcat on the same machine (using the http
> connector) and logging requests in both. Occasionally (maybe 1% of
> requests) we see 502 response in the apache log spread fairly evenly
> throughout the day. these requests don't appear in the tomcat log
> produced by the access valve. in the apache error log I see:
> proxy: error reading status line from remote server
> proxy: Error reading from remote server returned by [url]
> The requests are a mix of methods (GET/POST/PUT) of pretty small
> bodies and responses, generally under 1k.
> We added request time (%T) in the apache logs and many of the requests
> have 0 response time so I don't think it's a timeout issue. Reading
> the tomcat connector documentation, I tried increasing the maxThreads
> to 100 and backlog to 1000 in the http connector since it seemed like
> with the default settings a burst of traffic may cause this issue.
> This didn't solve the problem. I have done periodic thread dumps and
> it looks like the number of http threads doesn't get past 80.
> concerning machine resources, cpu is not loaded at all (~10%
> utilization). i checked file descriptor usage, it's about 400 and
> there is a per process limit of 1024.
> I am not sure if this should be posted to the apache list or tomcat
> list, but thought i would start here since to me it seems more likely
> that I am not configuring tomcat correctly as opposed to some problem
> in apache. I have searched the web quite a bit, but nothing seems to
> fit. The next thing I will try is to use the AJP connector. But even
> if it gets rid of the problem, I am worried it may reappear once
> traffic increases. Has anyone experienced a similar problem?

I guess it's the usual HTTP Keep-Alive race with mod_proxy_http.
The connections between Apache and Tomcat are only reused for a certain
amount of time. What happens every now and then is that httpd thinks it
has a valid connection and sends the next data, but in parallel Tomcat
detects the HTTP KeepAlive has timed out and closes the connection.

There have been improvements in newer 2.2.x versions (latest is 2.2.11).
You should especially look at the various pool size and timeout
configuration attributes on the mod_proxy documentation page and also at
the Keepalive configuration values for the Tomcat HTTP connector you are

> other stuff:
> OS: CentOS
> apache: 2.2.3, using mod_proxy
> tomcat: 6.0.16
> using netstat, i see a moderate number (~80) of tomcat's sockets in
> the CLOSE_WAIT state, not sure if this is relevant.

I assume Apache and Tomcat are on separate systems, and you notice
CLOSE_WAIT when doing netstat on the Tomcat system and the connections
are proxy connections? Then this means Apache has closed a connection
and Tomcat would still use it. Investigate the related timeout
parameters as suggested above.



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Re: CLOSE_WAIT and what to do about it

2009-04-08 Thread Rainer Jung
Hi André,

I didn't fully read all responses, so I hope i don't repeat to much (or
worse contradict statements contained in other replies).

On 08.04.2009 12:32, André Warnier wrote:
> Like the original poster, I am seeing on my systems a fair number of
> sockets apparently stuck for a long time in the CLOSE_WAIT state.
> (Sometimes several hundreds of them).
> They seem to predominantly concern Tomcat and other java processes, but
> as Alan pointed out previously and I confirm, my perspective is slanted,
> because we use a lot of common java programs and webapps on our servers,
> and the ones mostly affected talk to eachother and come from the same
> vendor.
> Unfortunately also, I do not have the sources of these programs/webapps
> available, and will not get them, and I can't do without these programs.
> It has been previously established that a socket in a
> long-time-lingering CLOSE-WAIT status, is due to one or the other side
> of a TCP connection not properly closing its side of the connection when
> it is done with it.

CLOSE_WAIT says the other side shut down the connection. TCP connections
are allowed to stay for an arbitrary time in half-closed state. In
general TCP connection can be used in a duplex way. But assume one end
has finished communication (sending data). Then it can already close its
side of the connection.

The nice TCP state diagram is contained in the fundamental book of
Stevens, and can be seen e.g. at

As you can see, CLOSE_WAIT on one end always implies FIN_WAIT2 on the
other end (except, when between the two ends there's yet another
component, that interferes with the communication like maybe a firewall).

In the special situation where both ends of the communication are on the
same system, one finds each connection twice, one from the point of view
of each side of the connection. It is always important to think about
which end one is looking at, when interpreting the two lines.

> I also surmise (without having a definite proof of this), that this is
> essentially "bad", as it ties up some resources that could be otherwise
> freed.
> I have also been told or discovered that, our servers being Linux Debian
> servers, programs such as "ps", "netstat" and "lsof" can help in
> determining precisely how many such lingering sockets there are, and who
> the culprit processes are (to some extent).


> In our case, we know which are the programs involved, because we know
> which ones open a listening socket and on what fixed port, and we also
> know which are the other processes talking to them.
> But, as mentioned previously, we do not have the source of these
> programs and will not get them, but cannot practically do without them
> for now. But we do have full root control of the Linux servers where
> these programs are running.

The details may depend on the used protocols and sometimes you can get
information about timeouts you can set in the application, like idle
timeouts for persistent connections.

> So my question is : considering the situation above, is there something
> I can do locally to free these lingering CLOSE_WAIT sockets, and under
> which conditions ?
> (I must admit that I am a bit lost among the myriad options of lsof)

I would say "no", if you can't change the application and the developper
of it didn't provide any configuration options. CLOSE_WAIT from the
point of view of tcp is a legitimate state without any builtin timeout.

> For example, suppose I start with a "netstat -pan" command and I see the
> display below (sorry for the line-wrapping).
> I see a number of sockets in the CLOSE_WAIT state, and for those I have
> a process-id, which I can associate to a particular process.
> For example, I see this line :
> tcp6  12  0 :::  :::
> CLOSE_WAIT 29649/java
> which tells me that there is a local process 29649/java, whith a "local"
> socket port 41674 in the CLOSE_WAIT state, related to another socket
> #11002 on the same host.
> On the other hand, I see this line :
> tcp0  0 FIN_WAIT2  -
> which shows a "local" socket on port 11002, related to this other local
> socket port #41764, with no process-id/program displayed.
> What does that tell me ?

My interpretation (not 100% sure): Not sure, what your OS shows in
netstat after closing the local side of a connection, more precisely
whether the pid is still shown, or is removed. Depending on this answer,
either we have a simple one-sided shutdown, or even a process exit. In
both cases the process 41764 didn't have any reason to use the
established connection in the meantime, so it didn't realise, that the
connection is only half-open. As soon as it tried to use it, it
should/would detect that and most likely (if programmed correctly) close it.

> I also know that the process-id 29649 corresponds to a local java
> process, of the daemon variety,

Odd Tomcat setup - graphics not displaying

2009-04-08 Thread BJ Selman
We've got two identical tomcat servers load balanced with apache as frontend.  
Our site has a private side where users can log in.  Once you've logged in, 
there is a link to a forum.  The forum ONLY resides on server1 at 
/tomcat/webapps/forum (on server2 there is NO /tomcat/webapps/forum and so any 
links in the code explicitly refer to the IP of server1).  Our main site is at 
/tomcat/webapps/thr4, so obviously the forum folder is outside the parent dir.  
The problem happens when tomcat2 (server2) serves a session... then the forum 
is very unpredictable and inconsistent on whether or not it will display static 
graphic files.  When you hit refresh, some graphics display while others go 
away keep hitting refresh and its a different result every time maybe 
every blue moon, ALL graphics will display.  If a session is threaded on 
tomcat1 (server1), there's not a problem.

I'm an apache & tomcat newbie.  My IT dept (of 2 people) was asked to make our 
web server lb'd and replicated between two servers and we are not web 
devs/admins so I'm unsure what exactly is causing and what to do... I don't 
like the fact that the webapps dir structure is not the same on both servers, 
but as its only a forum, it doesn't need to replicate I don't guess? (I'm not 
in charge of where webapp folders go and the person who is isn't a web admin 
either).  Any suggestions?  Can post config files if need be...

Thanks so much!


Odd Tomcat setup - graphics not displaying

2009-04-08 Thread BJ Selman
We've got two identical tomcat servers load balanced with apache as frontend.  
Our site has a private side where users can log in.  Once you've logged in, 
there is a link to a forum.  The forum ONLY resides on server1 at 
/tomcat/webapps/forum (on server2 there is NO /tomcat/webapps/forum and so any 
links in the code explicitly refer to the IP of server1).  Our main site is at 
/tomcat/webapps/thr4, so obviously the forum folder is outside the parent dir.  
The problem happens when tomcat2 (server2) serves a session... then the forum 
is very unpredictable and inconsistent on whether or not it will display static 
graphic files.  When you hit refresh, some graphics display while others go 
away keep hitting refresh and its a different result every time maybe 
every blue moon, ALL graphics will display.  If a session is threaded on 
tomcat1 (server1), there's not a problem.

I'm an apache & tomcat newbie.  My IT dept (of 2 people) was asked to make our 
web server lb'd and replicated between two servers and we are not web 
devs/admins so I'm unsure what exactly is causing and what to do... I don't 
like the fact that the webapps dir structure is not the same on both servers, 
but as its only a forum, it doesn't need to replicate I don't guess? (I'm not 
in charge of where webapp folders go and the person who is isn't a web admin 
either).  Any suggestions?  Can post config files if need be...

Thanks so much!


Re: Tomcat 6 Cluster with Apache 2.2.9 issues

2009-04-08 Thread nohacks

Look for the replacement of "balanced_workers" in

Also remove the ps line from It has no meaning.
Furthermore look at the page
to learn more about timeouts you should use in the configuration.

Thanks great links. I will check them out now. 


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Re: Tomcat 6 Cluster with Apache 2.2.9 issues

2009-04-08 Thread Rainer Jung
On 08.04.2009 23:23, nohacks wrote:
> thanks for the reply.
> I updated my file to 
> worker.list=loadbalancer 
> still get this in my mod_jk.log. 
> [Wed Apr 08 17:21:46.840 2009] [29811:3075569408] [warn]
> jk_map_validate_property::jk_map.c (410): The attribute
> 'worker.loadbalancer.balanced_workers' is deprecated - please check the
> documentation for the correct replacement.

Look for the replacement of "balanced_workers" in

> [Wed Apr 08 17:21:46.841 2009] [29811:3075569408] [error]
> uri_worker_map_ext::jk_uri_worker_map.c (505): Could not find worker with
> name 'ajp13' in uri map post processing.
> [Wed Apr 08 17:21:46.841 2009] [29811:3075569408] [error]
> uri_worker_map_ext::jk_uri_worker_map.c (505): Could not find worker with
> name 'ajp13' in uri map post processing.

It seems you haven't successfully defined any JkMount(s) or If there are no such, then a builtin automatic
worker named "ajp13" is assumed, which is not configured in your Don't configure an additional worker with that name,
instead try to explain "JkMount" or (both are
nearly equivalent, you can choose whatever you like more). They are
needed to explain, which URLs Apache httpd should forward via which
worker (or not forward at all).

Also remove the ps line from It has no meaning.
Furthermore look at the page
to learn more about timeouts you should use in the configuration.

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RE: Tomcat 6 Cluster with Apache 2.2.9 issues

2009-04-08 Thread nohacks

thanks for the reply.

I updated my file to 


still get this in my mod_jk.log. 

[Wed Apr 08 17:21:46.840 2009] [29811:3075569408] [warn]
jk_map_validate_property::jk_map.c (410): The attribute
'worker.loadbalancer.balanced_workers' is deprecated - please check the
documentation for the correct replacement.
[Wed Apr 08 17:21:46.841 2009] [29811:3075569408] [info] init_jk::mod_jk.c
(3018): mod_jk/1.2.27 initialized
[Wed Apr 08 17:21:46.841 2009] [29811:3075569408] [error]
uri_worker_map_ext::jk_uri_worker_map.c (505): Could not find worker with
name 'ajp13' in uri map post processing.
[Wed Apr 08 17:21:46.841 2009] [29811:3075569408] [error]
uri_worker_map_ext::jk_uri_worker_map.c (505): Could not find worker with
name 'ajp13' in uri map post processing.
[Wed Apr 08 17:21:46.924 2009] [29812:3075569408] [warn]
jk_map_validate_property::jk_map.c (410): The attribute
'worker.loadbalancer.balanced_workers' is deprecated - please check the
documentation for the correct replacement.
[Wed Apr 08 17:21:46.924 2009] [29812:3075569408] [info] init_jk::mod_jk.c
(3018): mod_jk/1.2.27 initialized
[Wed Apr 08 17:21:46.924 2009] [29812:3075569408] [error]
uri_worker_map_ext::jk_uri_worker_map.c (505): Could not find worker with
name 'ajp13' in uri map post processing.
[Wed Apr 08 17:21:46.924 2009] [29812:3075569408] [error]
uri_worker_map_ext::jk_uri_worker_map.c (505): Could not find worker with
name 'ajp13' in uri map post processing.

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RE: Tomcat 6 Cluster with Apache 2.2.9 issues

2009-04-08 Thread Jorge Medina
Remove your tomcat workers from the worker.list, you only need to
reference the balance worker here:


your load balancer worker then refers to the tomcat workers:



-Original Message-
From: nohacks [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 4:11 PM
Subject: Re: Tomcat 6 Cluster with Apache 2.2.9 issues

This is my file too.


# list the workers by name

# Specifies the load balance factor when used with # a load balancing
# Note:
#  > lbfactor must be > 0
#  > Low lbfactor means less work done by the worker.

# First tomcat server

# Second tomcat server

# Third tomcat server

# ---
# Load Balancer worker
# The loadbalancer (type lb) worker performs weighted round-robin # load
balancing with sticky sessions.
# Note:
#  > If a worker dies, the load balancer will check its state
#once in a while. Until then all work is redirected to peer


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Re: Tomcat 6 Cluster with Apache 2.2.9 issues

2009-04-08 Thread nohacks

This is my file too.


# list the workers by name

# Specifies the load balance factor when used with
# a load balancing worker.
# Note:
#  > lbfactor must be > 0
#  > Low lbfactor means less work done by the worker.

# First tomcat server

# Second tomcat server

# Third tomcat server

# ---
# Load Balancer worker
# The loadbalancer (type lb) worker performs weighted round-robin
# load balancing with sticky sessions.
# Note:
#  > If a worker dies, the load balancer will check its state
#once in a while. Until then all work is redirected to peer


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Tomcat 6 Cluster with Apache 2.2.9 issues

2009-04-08 Thread nohacks

Hi All,

I have been working with this problem for 3 weeks now and can't seem to
figure it out. I have a cluster of 3 Tomcat servers using mod_jk/1.2.27 and
Apache 2.2.9 and Tomcat 6.0.18

I am seeing these errors in my mod_jk.log.

[Tue Apr 07 17:57:11.829 2009] [29020:3075438336] [warn]
jk_map_validate_property::jk_map.c (410): The attribute
'worker.loadbalancer.balanced_workers' is deprecated - please check the
documentation for the correct replacement.
[Tue Apr 07 17:57:11.830 2009] [29020:3075438336] [info] init_jk::mod_jk.c
(3018): mod_jk/1.2.27 initialized
[Tue Apr 07 17:57:11.830 2009] [29020:3075438336] [error]
uri_worker_map_ext::jk_uri_worker_map.c (505): Could not find worker with
name 'ajp13' in uri map post processing.
[Tue Apr 07 17:57:11.830 2009] [29020:3075438336] [error]
uri_worker_map_ext::jk_uri_worker_map.c (505): Could not find worker with
name 'ajp13' in uri map post processing.
[Tue Apr 07 17:57:11.912 2009] [29021:3075438336] [warn]
jk_map_validate_property::jk_map.c (410): The attribute
'worker.loadbalancer.balanced_workers' is deprecated - please check the
documentation for the correct replacement.
[Tue Apr 07 17:57:11.912 2009] [29021:3075438336] [info] init_jk::mod_jk.c
(3018): mod_jk/1.2.27 initialized
[Tue Apr 07 17:57:11.912 2009] [29021:3075438336] [error]
uri_worker_map_ext::jk_uri_worker_map.c (505): Could not find worker with
name 'ajp13' in uri map post processing.
[Tue Apr 07 17:57:11.912 2009] [29021:3075438336] [error]
uri_worker_map_ext::jk_uri_worker_map.c (505): Could not find worker with
name 'ajp13' in uri map post processing.
[Wed Apr 08 09:06:09.510 2009] [29022:3075438336] [warn]
map_uri_to_worker_ext::jk_uri_worker_map.c (961): Uri HTTP/1.1 is invalid.
Uri must start with /
[Wed Apr 08 11:04:03.917 2009] [29056:3075438336] [warn]
map_uri_to_worker_ext::jk_uri_worker_map.c (961): Uri * is invalid. Uri must
start with /
[Wed Apr 08 11:06:36.917 2009] [29025:3075438336] [warn]
map_uri_to_worker_ext::jk_uri_worker_map.c (961): Uri * is invalid. Uri must
start with /
[Wed Apr 08 11:06:37.917 2009] [29058:3075438336] [warn]
map_uri_to_worker_ext::jk_uri_worker_map.c (961): Uri * is invalid. Uri must
start with /
[Wed Apr 08 11:06:40.917 2009] [29595:3075438336] [warn]
map_uri_to_worker_ext::jk_uri_worker_map.c (961): Uri * is invalid. Uri must
start with /
[Wed Apr 08 13:25:48.917 2009] [29045:3075438336] [warn]
map_uri_to_worker_ext::jk_uri_worker_map.c (961): Uri * is invalid. Uri must
start with /

I am having issues with my jsessionId throwing a 404 page not found error. I
have Apache returning the user to login again. Then the second time the
login works and no jsessionId 404.

Do you think this is the problem in my logs? Is the issue something else?


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Re: tomcat, mod_jk, and apache

2009-04-08 Thread André Warnier

Jordan Michaels wrote:
 > Another possibility is having a single source for your host setup, 
with some kind of script/program to generate both the httpd and Tomcat 
config files from that.  (That could turn out to be a marketable product.)


The organisation of the Tomcat documentation is sometimes a bit 
confusing.  Here is an example :
I do not know if this relates to what you are looking for, but it may be 
worth looking at anyway :
and have a look at the section
Using Tomcat auto-configure

Don't ask me how I got to the above Tomcat documentation page, nor if 
this represents the state-of-the-art. I think it was from the top 
documentation page, then the Reference section on the left, then the "JK 
1.2 documentation", then some "Apache howto".
One would want to hide that page, he could not do much better.  Maybe 
there is a reason...

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Re: tomcat, mod_jk, and apache

2009-04-08 Thread Jordan Michaels
> Another possibility is having a single source for your host setup, 
with some kind of script/program to generate both the httpd and Tomcat 
config files from that.  (That could turn out to be a marketable product.)


This is our backup plan, and probably what we'll end up doing.

Thanks folks!

Warm regards,
Jordan Michaels
Vivio Technologies
Open BlueDragon Steering Committee
Adobe Solution Provider

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

From: Jordan Michaels []
Subject: tomcat, mod_jk, and apache

I'm using mod_jk with apache and I was wondering if it would be
possible to configure mod_jk in a way that I wouldn't have to 
specify the  entries in Tomcat's server.xml file in addition

to apache.

(I'll assume by "apache" you really mean httpd, since both Tomcat and httpd are 
Apache products.)

Let's turn the question around: do you really need httpd in front of Tomcat?  
There are certainly valid reasons for doing so (e.g., running PHP, poor man's 
load balancing, etc.), but is your environment one of those?

If you do need to use httpd, can you get away with a single  in Tomcat, 
and simply differentiate the varied requests via webapp name?  (Using mod_rewrite 
might help here.)

Another possibility is having a single source for your host setup, with some 
kind of script/program to generate both the httpd and Tomcat config files from 
that.  (That could turn out to be a marketable product.)

 - Chuck

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RE: Migration from Tomcat 4.1 to 6.0

2009-04-08 Thread Jorge Medina

Read "Compiling and Installing" section
You will need to undertand the modules and directives of several

You will find in the Apache site instructions for mod_proxy, but if you
decide mod_jk then here are the instructions

"Can you please provide me step by step instruction..."

Don't expect the people in the list to do your work.  
Research, read, experiment! Then come back with specific questions.


-Original Message-
From: Rashid Malik [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 10:48 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Migration from Tomcat 4.1 to 6.0 <<>>


You are probably right about httpd.  Please see the attached images for
details.  The reason why I thought I had a 2.2 application is because
whenever I shutdown the 2.2 service, the main web site running on port
80 would not launch.  Please excuse my naiveness about our
configuration.  I just recently inherited this system and was not
provide any documentation.. so I am trying to figure it all out.
Anyway, I only need to keep the tomcat 6.0 version of the tomcat.  Can
you please explain how I should configure httpd to work with the tomcat
6.0 version of the application, not 4.1.  Chris provided me with the
following instructions.  It seems like I have to use mod_proxy_http or
mod_proxy_ajp.  Can you please provide me step by step instruction on
how I should change my existing configuration to work with the newer
application?  Thank you so so much.  God Bless...


On 4/7/2009 5:08 PM, Rashid Malik wrote:
> Hi, I changed port 8080 to 80 and I get page not found error.  Please 
> note that I have another website that is running on an older version 
> of tomcat.

Aah, you didn't mention that.

Only one process may bind to a particular interface/port combination. In
your case, port 80 is already taken (by Tomcat 4.1). If you want both
Tomcat 4.1 ans 6.0 to appear to be using port 80, you will need to put
another piece of software out in front in order to play traffic cop and
properly route the requests to the appropriate server (app on TC4.1
versus app on TC6.0).

Apache httpd is a popular choice for accomplishing this.

You will have to:

1. Change Tomcat 4.1's configuration so that the HTTP port is
   something /other/ than port 80 (8080 is a popular choice) 2. Change
Tomcat 6.0's configuration so that the HTTP port is
   something /other/ than port 80 and 8080 (8081?) 3. Install Apache
httpd and have it listen on port 80 4. Configure httpd to send the
appropriate requests to the
   appropriate back-end server

To accomplish #4, you will need to use either mod_proxy_http,
mod_proxy_ajp (both built-into Apache httpd 2.2.x) or mod_jk (which is a
separate download).

There is a lot of documentation for using mod_jk here: 

If you use mod_proxy_http, you'll need to do:

ProxyPass /appA http://localhost:8080/appA ProxyPass /appB

That should be enough to get you started.

- -chris

>>> Christopher Schultz  4/7/2009 6:03:42 
>>> pm >>>
Hash: SHA1


On 4/7/2009 5:45 PM, Rashid Malik wrote:
> What I mean here is that I have three 3 installations of tomcat not 2.

How many total web applications do you have?

Do any of them have any requirements for which Tomcat version on which
they are running?

It sounds like the answer is "I have 3 webapps and at least one of them
requires Tomcat 6.0". If there are no other constraints, then just move
all your webapps to Tomcat 6.0, uninstall Tomcat 4.1, and change Tomcat
6.0's  to port="80" as I said previously.

> There is tomcat 2.2 application (using port 80)

As Chuck suggests, that is probably Apache httpd, which might actually
make things easier. If this is the case, you have not correctly
configured httpd to support your new application. Go into httpd's
configuration and find out where your other application is configured.
Read and /understand/ the configuration before you start changing
things. Reading that configuration plus the config reference I already
posted should clear a lot of things up.

- -chris
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - 


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Re: Installing Tomcat

2009-04-08 Thread Jonathan Mast
Is this:
the extent of the setup docs?

I'm reaching it by editing the hosts file on my windoze machine to resolve
all requests back to an internal ip which is the machine in

Tomcat is running as root or at least thats what "ps auxf" indicates.

I rolled back to the original server.xml, restarted Tomcat and I'm still
getting a "Failed to Establish Connection Error" in my browser for  But is working.

Furthermore, I can tell you that "netstat -a" indicated no listener for port
8080 and that that Catalina logs look ok.


On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 12:24 PM, Peter Crowther  wrote:

> > From: Jonathan Mast []
> > I'm trying to get Tomcat 6 running on a RedHat box.
> >
> > I don't want to build deamon with jsvc as the docs say I
> > should do, at least
> > not yet.  Is this the extent of the official documentation
> > for setting up Tomcat on Linux?
> You don't say what "this" is, so we can't help you.
> > I installed JDK 6 and Tomcat 6, defined JAVA_HOME and
> > TOMCAT_HOME and setup
> > have a Host and Context in server.xml for  I invoke
> > start and get a process running, but I can't reach mysite.
> *Exactly* how are you trying to reach it?  From what computer, and what are
> you trying as the address?  If it's, have you changed your
> hosts file or DNS so that it points to your computer rather than off into
> the Internet?
> What happens if you browse to http://localhost:8080?
> > I should say that apache httpd 2.0 is already running on this
> > machine and my
> > is reachable there, so I figured
> > would
> > take me to tomcat.  Is that a correct assumption? IE. Should
> > I be able to by httpd by tacking :8080 onto the url?
> If you still have a default server.xml, this should work.  However, you've
> changed your server.xml.  You haven't bothered to post your new one, so we
> can't tell whether this would work or not.
> > If I kill apache httpd (I have no intention of using it going
> > forward), will
> > updating server.xml with port 80 rather than port 8080
> > automagically get
> > everything to work, or is there other stuff I need to do
> > before Tomcat will
> > run as a standalone webserver?
> With the default server.xml, simply changing 8080 to 80 (and ensuring the
> process at least starts as root, which is why jsvc is so important) will be
> all you need to do.  With your server.xml?  Nobody on the list will have any
> idea.
> Give us some more information, please - we're not psychic!
>- Peter
> -
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RE: Installing Tomcat

2009-04-08 Thread Peter Crowther
> From: Jonathan Mast []
> I'm trying to get Tomcat 6 running on a RedHat box.
> I don't want to build deamon with jsvc as the docs say I
> should do, at least
> not yet.  Is this the extent of the official documentation
> for setting up Tomcat on Linux?

You don't say what "this" is, so we can't help you.

> I installed JDK 6 and Tomcat 6, defined JAVA_HOME and
> TOMCAT_HOME and setup
> have a Host and Context in server.xml for  I invoke
> start and get a process running, but I can't reach mysite.

*Exactly* how are you trying to reach it?  From what computer, and what are you 
trying as the address?  If it's, have you changed your hosts 
file or DNS so that it points to your computer rather than off into the 

What happens if you browse to http://localhost:8080?

> I should say that apache httpd 2.0 is already running on this
> machine and my
> is reachable there, so I figured
> would
> take me to tomcat.  Is that a correct assumption? IE. Should
> I be able to by httpd by tacking :8080 onto the url?

If you still have a default server.xml, this should work.  However, you've 
changed your server.xml.  You haven't bothered to post your new one, so we 
can't tell whether this would work or not.

> If I kill apache httpd (I have no intention of using it going
> forward), will
> updating server.xml with port 80 rather than port 8080
> automagically get
> everything to work, or is there other stuff I need to do
> before Tomcat will
> run as a standalone webserver?

With the default server.xml, simply changing 8080 to 80 (and ensuring the 
process at least starts as root, which is why jsvc is so important) will be all 
you need to do.  With your server.xml?  Nobody on the list will have any idea.

Give us some more information, please - we're not psychic!

- Peter

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Installing Tomcat

2009-04-08 Thread Jonathan Mast
I'm trying to get Tomcat 6 running on a RedHat box.

I don't want to build deamon with jsvc as the docs say I should do, at least
not yet.  Is this the extent of the official documentation for setting up
Tomcat on Linux?

I installed JDK 6 and Tomcat 6, defined JAVA_HOME and TOMCAT_HOME and setup
have a Host and Context in server.xml for  I invoke start and get a process running, but I can't reach mysite.

I should say that apache httpd 2.0 is already running on this machine and my is reachable there, so I figured would
take me to tomcat.  Is that a correct assumption? IE. Should I be able to by
httpd by tacking :8080 onto the url?

If I kill apache httpd (I have no intention of using it going forward), will
updating server.xml with port 80 rather than port 8080 automagically get
everything to work, or is there other stuff I need to do before Tomcat will
run as a standalone webserver?


RE: tomcat process memory

2009-04-08 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Andrew Hole []
> Subject: Re: tomcat process memory
> At this moment I've 501 heap allocated memory and 146 non-heap.

If you're using a HotSpot JVM (again, you didn't tell us) with YourKit, heap 
memory is the space consumed by allocations in the young and old generations, 
and non-heap is JIT-generated code and permanent generation.  The exact 
components of the non-heap space also vary depending on whether class sharing 
is on or not (on by default in client mode, not available in server mode).

 - Chuck

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Re: Migration from Tomcat 4.1 to 6.0 <<>>

2009-04-08 Thread Rashid Malik

You are probably right about httpd.  Please see the attached images for 
details.  The reason why I thought I had a 2.2 application is because whenever 
I shutdown the 2.2 service, the main web site running on port 80 would not 
launch.  Please excuse my naiveness about our configuration.  I just recently 
inherited this system and was not provide any documentation.. so I am trying to 
figure it all out.  Anyway, I only need to keep the tomcat 6.0 version of the 
tomcat.  Can you please explain how I should configure httpd to work with the 
tomcat 6.0 version of the application, not 4.1.  Chris provided me with the 
following instructions.  It seems like I have to use mod_proxy_http or 
mod_proxy_ajp.  Can you please provide me step by step instruction on how I 
should change my existing configuration to work with the newer application?  
Thank you so so much.  God Bless...


On 4/7/2009 5:08 PM, Rashid Malik wrote:
> Hi, I changed port 8080 to 80 and I get page not found error.  Please
> note that I have another website that is running on an older version
> of tomcat.

Aah, you didn't mention that.

Only one process may bind to a particular interface/port combination. In
your case, port 80 is already taken (by Tomcat 4.1). If you want both
Tomcat 4.1 ans 6.0 to appear to be using port 80, you will need to put
another piece of software out in front in order to play traffic cop and
properly route the requests to the appropriate server (app on TC4.1
versus app on TC6.0).

Apache httpd is a popular choice for accomplishing this.

You will have to:

1. Change Tomcat 4.1's configuration so that the HTTP port is
   something /other/ than port 80 (8080 is a popular choice)
2. Change Tomcat 6.0's configuration so that the HTTP port is
   something /other/ than port 80 and 8080 (8081?)
3. Install Apache httpd and have it listen on port 80
4. Configure httpd to send the appropriate requests to the
   appropriate back-end server

To accomplish #4, you will need to use either mod_proxy_http,
mod_proxy_ajp (both built-into Apache httpd 2.2.x) or mod_jk (which is a
separate download).

There is a lot of documentation for using mod_jk here: 

If you use mod_proxy_http, you'll need to do:

ProxyPass /appA http://localhost:8080/appA 
ProxyPass /appB http://localhost:8081/appB 

That should be enough to get you started.

- -chris

>>> Christopher Schultz  4/7/2009 6:03:42 pm >>>
Hash: SHA1


On 4/7/2009 5:45 PM, Rashid Malik wrote:
> What I mean here is that I have three 3 installations of tomcat not
> 2.

How many total web applications do you have?

Do any of them have any requirements for which Tomcat version on which
they are running?

It sounds like the answer is "I have 3 webapps and at least one of them
requires Tomcat 6.0". If there are no other constraints, then just move
all your webapps to Tomcat 6.0, uninstall Tomcat 4.1, and change Tomcat
6.0's  to port="80" as I said previously.

> There is tomcat 2.2 application (using port 80)

As Chuck suggests, that is probably Apache httpd, which might actually
make things easier. If this is the case, you have not correctly
configured httpd to support your new application. Go into httpd's
configuration and find out where your other application is configured.
Read and /understand/ the configuration before you start changing
things. Reading that configuration plus the config reference I already
posted should clear a lot of things up.

- -chris
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - 


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RE: Apache in front of Tomcat or APR?

2009-04-08 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Bart Ophelders []
> Subject: Apache in front of Tomcat or APR?
> What do I use best to set up a Shibboleth Identity provider:
> Apache in front of Tomcat, Tomcat with APR or just Tomcat?

(I'll assume by "Apache" you mean httpd, since both Tomcat and httpd are Apache 

I'm always of the opinion that one should use the minimum necessary components 
to get the job done.  So, unless you have some compelling need for httpd (e.g., 
running PHP), I would not include it in the configuration.  If you expect to 
have a lot of SSL traffic, then using the APR option of Tomcat would help 
there.  If the amount of SSL traffic is limited, I wouldn't bother with it; if 
the traffic increases, you can always add it later.

> I know Apache and APR use the OpenSSL libraries, which 
> some say are safer.

Some say the world is flat (sorry, Mr Pratchett).  Got any data?

 - Chuck

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Re: tomcat process memory

2009-04-08 Thread Andrew Hole
I'm using Your Kit Java Profiler:

32121 tomcat25   0 1649m 962m  15m S   76 24.3  23:00.14 java

At this moment I've 501 heap allocated memory and 146 non-heap.
The total memory used by the process is increasing and has the value of

On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 3:13 PM, Caldarale, Charles R <> wrote:

> > From: Andrew Hole []
> > Subject: Re: tomcat process memory
> >
> > What is the difference between heap and non-heap and where I can
> > configure the limit to non-heap?
> The terminology depends on the profiling tool you're using - one of the
> many pertinent things you didn't bother to tell us.
>  - Chuck
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Apache in front of Tomcat or APR?

2009-04-08 Thread Bart Ophelders


What do I use best to set up a Shibboleth Identity provider: Apache in front of 
Tomcat, Tomcat with APR or just Tomcat? And why?
I know Apache and APR use the OpenSSL libraries, which some say are safer. Are 
there any more advantages I should know of?

Thanks in Advance!

Bart Ophelders

RE: tomcat process memory

2009-04-08 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Andrew Hole []
> Subject: Re: tomcat process memory
> What is the difference between heap and non-heap and where I can
> configure the limit to non-heap?

The terminology depends on the profiling tool you're using - one of the many 
pertinent things you didn't bother to tell us.

 - Chuck

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RE: CLOSE_WAIT and what to do about it

2009-04-08 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: André Warnier []
> Subject: Re: CLOSE_WAIT and what to do about it
> Relatedly, does there exist any way to force a given JVM process to do
> a full GC interactively, but from a Linux command-line ?

I haven't found one yet, but there are numerous command-line monitoring 
utilities included with the JDK that display all sorts of GC information, using 
the same connection mechanism as JConsole.  Since JConsole can force a GC in a 
JVM its monitoring, doing it from the command line is feasible.  Might have to 
do a little coding...

 - Chuck

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Re: tomcat process memory

2009-04-08 Thread Andrew Hole
Linux. RES column.

What is the difference between heap and non-heap and where I can configure
the limit to non-heap?


On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 2:58 PM, André Warnier  wrote:

> Andrew Hole wrote:
>> Hi guys!
>> I'm getting a strange behaviour of Tomcat process.
>> I'm using a memory profiler and it shows the following info:
>> heap allocated memory: 278MB
>> non-heap allocated memory : 151MB
>> However, TOP shows that memory used by tomcat process is more or less 1GB.
> What column of top is telling you that, on which platform and with which
> Tomcat ?
>> WhY this happens? Is it possible to understant what is using the remaining
>> MB?
> Probably difficult at the best of time without a lot more information, but
> start with the above.
> By the way, a good document of which I just heard of today is here :
> -
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RE: tomcat process memory

2009-04-08 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Andrew Hole []
> Subject: tomcat process memory
> WhY this happens? Is it possible to understant what is using the
> remaining MB?

That 1 GB is the virtual space allocated to the process, so it includes not 
only the Java heap, but also code, the C heap, OS structures, library 
structures, file buffers, and myriad other bits and pieces needed to actually 
run a program.

 - Chuck

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Re: tomcat process memory

2009-04-08 Thread André Warnier

Andrew Hole wrote:

Hi guys!

I'm getting a strange behaviour of Tomcat process.
I'm using a memory profiler and it shows the following info:
heap allocated memory: 278MB
non-heap allocated memory : 151MB

However, TOP shows that memory used by tomcat process is more or less 1GB.

What column of top is telling you that, on which platform and with which 
Tomcat ?

WhY this happens? Is it possible to understant what is using the remaining

Probably difficult at the best of time without a lot more information, 
but start with the above.

By the way, a good document of which I just heard of today is here :

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tomcat process memory

2009-04-08 Thread Andrew Hole
Hi guys!

I'm getting a strange behaviour of Tomcat process.
I'm using a memory profiler and it shows the following info:
heap allocated memory: 278MB
non-heap allocated memory : 151MB

However, TOP shows that memory used by tomcat process is more or less 1GB.

WhY this happens? Is it possible to understant what is using the remaining

Thanks a lot

Re: Apache / Tomcat - Mod_jk

2009-04-08 Thread Leonard

Hi André

That's got to be the easiest fix ever. Thanks, that worked!

André Warnier wrote:

Leonard wrote:


I have am having some trouble getting my Apache/Tomcat/Mod_jk setup 
to work.

In short, the folder I specify in my Apache Vhost is not accessible. 
I have added the following

to my vhost: JkMount /vhost1/*  vhost1Worker

I have not read the rest, but just add another line
JkMount /vhost1  vhost1Worker
and see if that solves it.

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Re: Apache / Tomcat - Mod_jk

2009-04-08 Thread gianc64

In JkMount /vhost1/*  vhost1Worker

vhost1 is the application context .


Leonard wrote:


I have am having some trouble getting my Apache/Tomcat/Mod_jk setup to 

In short, the folder I specify in my Apache Vhost is not accessible. I 
have added the following

to my vhost: JkMount /vhost1/*  vhost1Worker

I can access the domain itself, but when I try accessing the domain 
with /vhost1 I get a 404


I am running Apache/2.2.3, Tomcat 6.0.18 and using the Tomcat 
I can access all my Apache Vhosts perfectly via http://domainname/ and 
the documentroot

for my vhosts is: /web/username/www
I can access my Tomcat webapp fine via http://serverip:8080/vhost1 or 
using the domain name,

my webapp is stored in /usr/apache-tomcat-6.0.18/webapps/vhost1

Any help with this will be much appreciated as I have searched and 
searched but dont seem to

find a working solution. Please advise if more info is required.

Thank you,


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RE: CLOSE_WAIT and what to do about it

2009-04-08 Thread Peter Crowther
> From: André Warnier []
> This process is started as a daemon, with a "java" command-line.
> Is it possible to add some arguments to that command-line to "induce"
> the JVM to do a GC more often ? - I don't 
think so, although the RMI option under "Explicit Garbage Collection" might 

> The same question for the related Tomcat webapp (which I suspect of
> having the same issue).  But in that case I do have to be a bit more
> careful regarding the performance impact, although this
> webapp is pretty much all that is running in this Tomcat.

That one's easy.  Add another webapp with one page.  When the page is 
requested, call System.GC().  Job done!

> Relatedly, does there exist any way to force a given JVM
> process to do a
> full GC interactively, but from a Linux command-line ?

I'm not aware of one, but I'm not an expert.  I await the experts' comments 
with interest!

- Peter

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Re: Apache / Tomcat - Mod_jk

2009-04-08 Thread André Warnier

Leonard wrote:


I have am having some trouble getting my Apache/Tomcat/Mod_jk setup to 

In short, the folder I specify in my Apache Vhost is not accessible. I 
have added the following

to my vhost: JkMount /vhost1/*  vhost1Worker

I have not read the rest, but just add another line
JkMount /vhost1  vhost1Worker
and see if that solves it.

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Apache / Tomcat - Mod_jk

2009-04-08 Thread Leonard


I have am having some trouble getting my Apache/Tomcat/Mod_jk setup to work.

In short, the folder I specify in my Apache Vhost is not accessible. I 
have added the following

to my vhost: JkMount /vhost1/*  vhost1Worker

I can access the domain itself, but when I try accessing the domain with 
/vhost1 I get a 404


I am running Apache/2.2.3, Tomcat 6.0.18 and using the Tomcat 
I can access all my Apache Vhosts perfectly via http://domainname/ and 
the documentroot

for my vhosts is: /web/username/www
I can access my Tomcat webapp fine via http://serverip:8080/vhost1 or 
using the domain name,

my webapp is stored in /usr/apache-tomcat-6.0.18/webapps/vhost1

Any help with this will be much appreciated as I have searched and 
searched but dont seem to

find a working solution. Please advise if more info is required.

Thank you,


Re: CLOSE_WAIT and what to do about it

2009-04-08 Thread André Warnier

Peter Crowther wrote:

If you have some way of forcing that Java process to collect garbage, you 
should do so.  It's possible for sockets that haven't been close()d to hang 
around, unreferenced but not yet garbage collected.  A full GC would collect 
any of these, finalizing them as it does and hence closing the socket.  If a 
full GC doesn't close the socket, some other object is still referencing it.

Hopping on that idea, and still considering the "try something from the 
outside, without modifying the code" kind of view :

This process is started as a daemon, with a "java" command-line.
Is it possible to add some arguments to that command-line to "induce" 
the JVM to do a GC more often ?
(I don't think that in this case it would have a very negative impact on 
It currently starts without any -D switches at all to the command-line, 
basically :

path/to/java/java -jar theapp.jar

The same question for the related Tomcat webapp (which I suspect of 
having the same issue).  But in that case I do have to be a bit more 
careful regarding the performance impact, although this webapp is pretty 
much all that is running in this Tomcat.
And that Tomcat (on some of our systems) starts under jsvc, and I don't 
really know where to set the parameters for that one under Linux.

Relatedly, does there exist any way to force a given JVM process to do a 
full GC interactively, but from a Linux command-line ?
I have full access to these systems, but usually only in SSH console 
mode, and I don't know if there is any kind of graphical GUI installed 
or accessible on them.
Basically, I'd like to see if triggering a GC reduces this number of 
lingering sockets.

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Re: CLOSE_WAIT and what to do about it

2009-04-08 Thread André Warnier

Peter Crowther wrote:

Does that help?  Or is it clear as mud?

For no-java-expert-me, it is indeed of the hazy category.
But it helps a lot, in the sense of adding a "+3" in the column "get 
back to the vendor and ask them to fix their code".


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RE: CLOSE_WAIT and what to do about it

2009-04-08 Thread Peter Crowther
> From: André Warnier []
> It has been previously established that a socket in a
> long-time-lingering CLOSE-WAIT status, is due to one or the other side
> of a TCP connection not properly closing its side of the
> connection when
> it is done with it.
> I also surmise (without having a definite proof of this), that this is
> essentially "bad", as it ties up some resources that could be
> otherwise freed.

At the very least it'll tie up a kernel data structure for the socket itself.  
I don't know modern Linux kernels well enough to know how buffers are 
allocated, but I suspect you won't be wasting much memory on buffers as they'll 
be allocated on-demand.  You're probably talking tens to low hundreds of bytes 
for each one of these.

You will also be consuming resources in whichever program is not closing the 
sockets correctly.

> So my question is : considering the situation above, is there
> something
> I can do locally to free these lingering CLOSE_WAIT sockets, and under
> which conditions ?

> For example, I see this line :
> tcp6  12  0 :::  :::
> CLOSE_WAIT 29649/java
> which tells me that there is a local process 29649/java,
> whith a "local"
> socket port 41674 in the CLOSE_WAIT state, related to another socket
> #11002 on the same host.
> On the other hand, I see this line :
> tcp0  0
> FIN_WAIT2  -
> which shows a "local" socket on port 11002, related to this
> other local
> socket port #41764, with no process-id/program displayed.
> What does that tell me ?

The process that was on port 11002 closed its end of the socket and sent a FIN. 
 Process 29649 hasn't closed its end of the socket yet.

> I also know that the process-id 29649 corresponds to a local java
> process, of the daemon variety, multi-threaded.  That program
> "talks to"
> another known server program, written in C, of which instances are
> started on an ad-hoc base by inetd, and which "listens" on port 11002
> (in fact it is inetd who does, and it passes this socket on to the
> process it forks, I understand that).

The local Java process may have a resource leak.  It appears not to have closed 
the socket it was using to communicate with the server.

A possible reason for the lack of a PID on port 11002 is that the socket was 
handed across from inetd to the C daemon - not sure about this.

> What it looks like to me in this case, is that at some point
> one of the
> threads of process # 29649 opened a client socket #41674 to the local
> inetd port #11002; that inetd then started the underlying
> server process
> (the C program); that the underlying C program then at some point
> exited; but that process #41674 never closes one of the sides of its
> connection with port #11002.


> Can I somehow detect this condition, and "force" the
> offending thread of
> process #29649 to close that socket (or just force this
> thread to exit) ?

Threads are flows of control.  Threads do not reference objects other than from 
their stack and any thread-local storage - and there are plenty of other places 
that can hold onto objects!  The socket may well be referenced from an object 
on the heap (not the stack) that's ultimately referenced by a static variable 
in a class, for example, in which case zapping a thread may well do nothing.

You need to find out what, if anything, is holding onto the socket.

If you have some way of forcing that Java process to collect garbage, you 
should do so.  It's possible for sockets that haven't been close()d to hang 
around, unreferenced but not yet garbage collected.  A full GC would collect 
any of these, finalizing them as it does and hence closing the socket.  If a 
full GC doesn't close the socket, some other object is still referencing it.

If a full GC doesn't clear the problem, you may need to go in with some 
memory-tracing tool and find out what's holding onto the socket.  It's a long, 
long time since I had to do this in Java, so I have no idea of the appropriate 
tools - my brain's telling me Son of Strike, which is for the .Net CLR and 
*definitely* wrong!

Does that help?  Or is it clear as mud?

- Peter

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Re: Best Practise Apache + Tomcat + Multiple Hosts

2009-04-08 Thread Mark Thomas
André Warnier wrote:
> Alexander Diedler wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Is there are a small how-to to configure a hosting server with multiple
>> Tomcat Contexts?
>> e.g.:
>>  -> Tomcat Context /test1
>> -> Tomcat Context /test2
> You could do worse than searching the users-list archives, here :
> Other than that, I think that just creating adding different 
> tags is probably what you are looking for, and in each making the
> corresponding webapp into the ROOT webapp.
> Look this up here :
> and here :
> look for "How do I make my web application be the Tomcat default
> application ?"

Don't forget


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Re: Best Practise Apache + Tomcat + Multiple Hosts

2009-04-08 Thread André Warnier

Alexander Diedler wrote:


Is there are a small how-to to configure a hosting server with multiple
Tomcat Contexts?

e.g.:  -> Tomcat Context /test1 -> Tomcat Context /test2

You could do worse than searching the users-list archives, here :

Other than that, I think that just creating adding different  
tags is probably what you are looking for, and in each making the 
corresponding webapp into the ROOT webapp.

Look this up here :
and here :
look for "How do I make my web application be the Tomcat default 
application ?"

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Best Practise Apache + Tomcat + Multiple Hosts

2009-04-08 Thread Alexander Diedler

Is there are a small how-to to configure a hosting server with multiple
Tomcat Contexts?

e.g.:  -> Tomcat Context /test1 -> Tomcat Context /test2






Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

CLOSE_WAIT and what to do about it

2009-04-08 Thread André Warnier

As a follow-upon another thread originally entitled "apache/tomcat 
communication issues (502 response)", I'd like to pursue the CLOSE-WAIT 

Sorry if this post is a bit long, I want to make sure that I do provide 
all the necessary information.

Like the original poster, I am seeing on my systems a fair number of 
sockets apparently stuck for a long time in the CLOSE_WAIT state.

(Sometimes several hundreds of them).
They seem to predominantly concern Tomcat and other java processes, but 
as Alan pointed out previously and I confirm, my perspective is slanted, 
because we use a lot of common java programs and webapps on our servers, 
and the ones mostly affected talk to eachother and come from the same 
Unfortunately also, I do not have the sources of these programs/webapps 
available, and will not get them, and I can't do without these programs.

It has been previously established that a socket in a 
long-time-lingering CLOSE-WAIT status, is due to one or the other side 
of a TCP connection not properly closing its side of the connection when 
it is done with it.
I also surmise (without having a definite proof of this), that this is 
essentially "bad", as it ties up some resources that could be otherwise 
I have also been told or discovered that, our servers being Linux Debian 
servers, programs such as "ps", "netstat" and "lsof" can help in 
determining precisely how many such lingering sockets there are, and who 
the culprit processes are (to some extent).

In our case, we know which are the programs involved, because we know 
which ones open a listening socket and on what fixed port, and we also 
know which are the other processes talking to them.
But, as mentioned previously, we do not have the source of these 
programs and will not get them, but cannot practically do without them 
for now. But we do have full root control of the Linux servers where 
these programs are running.

So my question is : considering the situation above, is there something 
I can do locally to free these lingering CLOSE_WAIT sockets, and under 
which conditions ?

(I must admit that I am a bit lost among the myriad options of lsof)

For example, suppose I start with a "netstat -pan" command and I see the 
display below (sorry for the line-wrapping).
I see a number of sockets in the CLOSE_WAIT state, and for those I have 
a process-id, which I can associate to a particular process.

For example, I see this line :
tcp6  12  0 :::  ::: 
CLOSE_WAIT 29649/java
which tells me that there is a local process 29649/java, whith a "local" 
socket port 41674 in the CLOSE_WAIT state, related to another socket 
#11002 on the same host.

On the other hand, I see this line :
tcp0  0 
which shows a "local" socket on port 11002, related to this other local 
socket port #41764, with no process-id/program displayed.

What does that tell me ?

I also know that the process-id 29649 corresponds to a local java 
process, of the daemon variety, multi-threaded.  That program "talks to" 
another known server program, written in C, of which instances are 
started on an ad-hoc base by inetd, and which "listens" on port 11002 
(in fact it is inetd who does, and it passes this socket on to the 
process it forks, I understand that).

(The link with Tomcat is that I also see frequently the same situation, 
where the process "owning" the CLOSE_WAIT socket is Tomcat, more 
specifically one webapp running inside it.  It's just that in this 
particular snapshot it isn't.)

What it looks like to me in this case, is that at some point one of the 
threads of process # 29649 opened a client socket #41674 to the local 
inetd port #11002; that inetd then started the underlying server process 
(the C program); that the underlying C program then at some point 
exited; but that process #41674 never closes one of the sides of its 
connection with port #11002.
Can I somehow detect this condition, and "force" the offending thread of 
process #29649 to close that socket (or just force this thread to exit) ?

I realise this may be a complex question, and that the answers may be 
different if it is a Tomcat webapp than a stand-alone process.  I would 
be content to just have answers for the webapp case.

Full display of "netstat -pan | grep WAIT" :

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address   Foreign Address 
State   PID/Program name
tcp0  0 
tcp0  0 
tcp0  0 
tcp0  0 
tcp0  0 
tcp0  0 
tcp0  0

Re: Redirect from https to http

2009-04-08 Thread Mark Thomas
as2 wrote:
> lol, any easy way of doing it? e.g. by the reverse of http->https



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Re: Redirect from https to http

2009-04-08 Thread as2

lol, any easy way of doing it? e.g. by the reverse of http->https
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[Mildly OT] Re: apache/tomcat communication issues (502 response)

2009-04-08 Thread André Warnier

Alan Chaney wrote:

Hi Andre

Hi. And thanks, to Peter also.
As this might start to look like a thread hijack, I'll repost with a new 
CLOSE_WAIT subject to continue this discussion.

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Re: apache/tomcat communication issues (502 response)

2009-04-08 Thread Alan Chaney

Hi Andre

André Warnier wrote:

feedly team wrote:

using netstat, i see a moderate number (~80) of tomcat's sockets in
the CLOSE_WAIT state, not sure if this is relevant.

Approximately, because I am not sure I have this really understood yet 
: a TCP CLOSE_WAIT state happens when the writing side of a TCP 
connection has finished writing and (nicely) closes its side of the 
socket to indicate the fact, but the reading side of the connection 
does not read what is left in the buffers, so there is still some data 
unread in the pipeline, and the reading side never closes the socket.
And now I'm stuck in my explanation, because I am not sure which side 
is seeing the CLOSE_WAIT... ;-)

I think that you are indicating one condition in which you can see a
CLOSE_WAIT but there are many others. I also think that the condition
you indicate is appropriate when the CLOSE_WAIT is observed at the
receiving end of a communication, but is possible for a socket to be in
this state when it has sent data as well, but of course there will be no
outstanding data to send.

More generally CLOSE_WAIT is the state in which a socket is left AFTER
the "other end" says its finished and BEFORE the application which is
using the socket actually closes the socket. The "WAIT" refers to the
operating system waiting for the application to finish using the socket.

I think a socket can be in a CLOSE_WAIT state without there being any
further data to read or write - literally just waiting for the calling
application to close it.

Having written socket handling code for both Java and C++ on  a variety
of platforms I don't think there is any particular reason why Java
should be better or worse (in fact, code which uses sockets in Java is
generally pretty easy.) I suspect that your observations may be affected
by "local conditions" eg one application is badly written but represents
a lot of your network activity, so its behavior is predominant in
conditioning your thinking. Or not! :)


Alan Chaney

But anyway, it indicates a problem somewhere in one of the two 
applications, my guess being the reading one.
It should do more reads to exhaust the remaining data, get an 
end-of-stream, then close its side of the connection, but it never does.
There is apparently no timeout for that, so the OS can never get rid 
of that socket, which probably leaves a bunch of things hanging around 
and consuming resources that they shouldn't.
On one of our systems, I have occasionally seen this issue grow until 
the point where the system seemed unable to accept new connections.
Now whether that has any bearing on your particular issue, I don't 
know.  But it sure indicates a logical problem somewhere.

There is quite a bit on the subject on Google, of unequal quality.
If someone knows a more rigorous explanation, please go ahead.

I will still add a purely sibjective and personal note : from personal 
experience, this phenomenon seems to happens more frequently whith 
Java applications than with others, so I would guess that there might 
be something in the Java handling of sockets that makes it a bit 
harder to write correct socket-handling code.

A Java expert may want to comment on that too.

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[Mildly OT] RE: apache/tomcat communication issues (502 response)

2009-04-08 Thread Peter Crowther
> From: André Warnier []
> a TCP CLOSE_WAIT state happens when the writing side of a TCP
> connection
> has finished writing and (nicely) closes its side of the socket to
> indicate the fact,


> but the reading side of the connection does not read
> what is left in the buffers, so there is still some data unread in the
> pipeline,

No.  It merely means that the reader has not yet closed the socket.  You're 
putting more context behind that than there really is - the reader may, for 
example, have read all the data, but never have issued the close() call.

> and the reading side never closes the socket.

"Has not yet closed" :-).
 (itself reproduced from "TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 2") is a useful resource 
if you want to know what the states mean.  If you're seeing CLOSE_WAITs on the 
Tomcat server, it means the client has sent a FIN and Tomcat's ACKed that.  If 
you can, look on the client to see what's happening.  If you see connections in 
FIN_WAIT_1, the client never got the ACK from Tomcat, if you see connections in 
FIN_WAIT_2, the client got the ACK and is sitting around waiting for Tomcat to 
close the connection and send a FIN.

- Peter

P.S. Yes, I used to teach this stuff ;-).

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Re: apache/tomcat communication issues (502 response)

2009-04-08 Thread André Warnier

feedly team wrote:

using netstat, i see a moderate number (~80) of tomcat's sockets in
the CLOSE_WAIT state, not sure if this is relevant.

Approximately, because I am not sure I have this really understood yet : 
a TCP CLOSE_WAIT state happens when the writing side of a TCP connection 
has finished writing and (nicely) closes its side of the socket to 
indicate the fact, but the reading side of the connection does not read 
what is left in the buffers, so there is still some data unread in the 
pipeline, and the reading side never closes the socket.
And now I'm stuck in my explanation, because I am not sure which side is 
seeing the CLOSE_WAIT... ;-)
But anyway, it indicates a problem somewhere in one of the two 
applications, my guess being the reading one.
It should do more reads to exhaust the remaining data, get an 
end-of-stream, then close its side of the connection, but it never does.
There is apparently no timeout for that, so the OS can never get rid of 
that socket, which probably leaves a bunch of things hanging around and 
consuming resources that they shouldn't.
On one of our systems, I have occasionally seen this issue grow until 
the point where the system seemed unable to accept new connections.
Now whether that has any bearing on your particular issue, I don't know. 
 But it sure indicates a logical problem somewhere.

There is quite a bit on the subject on Google, of unequal quality.
If someone knows a more rigorous explanation, please go ahead.

I will still add a purely sibjective and personal note : from personal 
experience, this phenomenon seems to happens more frequently whith Java 
applications than with others, so I would guess that there might be 
something in the Java handling of sockets that makes it a bit harder to 
write correct socket-handling code.

A Java expert may want to comment on that too.

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Re: tomcat not working

2009-04-08 Thread André Warnier

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

From: jigneshjsoni []
Subject: tomcat not working

what is wrong in here ?

Lots of things, such as you not telling us the Tomcat version you're using, the 
JDK/JRE it's running on, the platform this is all installed on, the complete 
contents of server.xml, how you're starting Tomcat, and any messages in the 
Tomcat logs - for starters.

Yeah, and you forgot to mention the subject of the post.

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