disable security manager

2007-03-16 Thread Hernâni Cerqueira
Hello all, i have a tomcat 5.5.9 instance with security manager enabled. 
Can someone tell-me how to disable it?

Thanks's in advance

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Tomcat process on windows

2007-03-07 Thread Hernâni Cerqueira

Hello all,

I have a little curiosity, that may seem trivial for some of you. I 
usually do my work on linux, but sometime I work on a laptop that runs 
windows, and because i do lots of application reloads using tomcat 
manager, i usually ran out of memory, and then it comes the PermGem 
space exception. Then i have to go to task manager and kill the tomcat 
process because it wont even stop using regular ways, and restart again. 
But the strange is that sometimes i got a tomcat5 and a tomcat5w process 
using the memory, and some other times i got a javaw process. Can anyone 
tell me why this happens? It's not a annoying problem, is just a bit 
strange for me...


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Re: Tomcat process on windows

2007-03-07 Thread Hernâni Cerqueira

Caldarale, Charles R escreveu:

As far as I can tell, it is not used by any of the standard Tomcat scripts.
Someone uses it ;-) ... But that isn't a problem. Thanks for a good 
ansewr to a silly question.


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Startup errors

2007-03-06 Thread Hernâni Cerqueira
Hello all, after upgrading my jdk to 1.6 on my gentoo server running 
tomcat 5.5 and started up i got this errors:

Starting tomcat5: lock file found but no process running for pid 9691, 
/usr/bin/rebuild-jar-repository: error: Could not find jdbc-stdext Java 
extension for this JVM
/usr/bin/rebuild-jar-repository: error: Could not find jndi Java 
extension for this JVM
/usr/bin/rebuild-jar-repository: error: Some detected jars were not 
found for this jvm
/usr/bin/rebuild-jar-repository: error: Could not find jaas Java 
extension for this JVM
/usr/bin/rebuild-jar-repository: error: Some detected jars were not 
found for this jvm

I guess this as something to do with missing libraries, but some doubts 
1 - The jdbc drivers are the ones i normally use (for example i use de 
postgres jdbc3 driver)?

2 -  jndi - this i can get from sun's site, correct?
3 -  jaas - no idea wath this is, where can i get it?
4 - finnaly, after getting those libraries, where to put them?

Any help? please?

Thank's in advance

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Re: Startup errors

2007-03-06 Thread Hernâni Cerqueira
I first tried that solution, i tried to install tomcat6 but i keep 
getting Could not reserve enough space for object heap error. This is 
kind of strange because my server is a vps with 8GB of shared memory, 
with just 50mb free but more than 4GB are in cache so there should be no 

Then i found out that privvmpages was the problem, i get huge failcnt 
values. So, i don't know why, but seems that the vps has some weird 
limitations. But when i use the bundled tomcat (wich i use for almost 
a year), that problem don't seem to happen, just those library errors.

But this time i need to upgrade jdk, because i need to deploy a webapp 
that uses lots of annotations, wich is java 1.5+ feature, and i'm using 
1.4.2. I'm considering switching host and upgrade to a dedicated server, 
but rigth now my budget is kind of short, so i realy need to get on with 
this one... Any help???

Sorry for this super newbie questions, but my client is always asking 
why isn't my site online yet? and i'm freaking with this problem...

Caldarale, Charles R escreveu:
From: Hernâni Cerqueira [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Startup errors

Hello all, after upgrading my jdk to 1.6 on my gentoo server running 
tomcat 5.5 and started up i got this errors:

These errors are from a 3rd-party script that apparently comes with gentoo's 
repackaging of Tomcat, not an original Tomcat download.  You might try 
installing a real Tomcat (from tomcat.apache.org) and using the real startup 
and shutdown scripts included with that download.

 - Chuck

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jdk upgrade

2007-03-05 Thread Hernâni Cerqueira
Hello all, sorry if this question seems trivial to you, but i'm just a 
web develloper that started working on hes own , and now i have to deal 
with some heavy server management, wath can be really tricky (for me at 

I already have some apps running on tomcat 5.5 running on java 1.4.2, 
but i just finished a tapestry application that heavily deppends on 
annotations so i really need to upgrade to at least java 1.5. I jumped 
directly to 1.6, went to sun's site, downloaded the distro and installed 
as the installaction instructions told me to. I've installed it at 
/usr/share/jdk1.6.0. After that i set up JAVA_HOME accordingly and 
restarted tomcat. No effect... The problem is that tomcat is installed 
on a vps and has no startup scripts under tomcat's bin directory, but i 
have a script under /etc/init.d that does the job, but apparently it 
don't rellys on JAVA_HOME to find the java distro. I atached the script 
hoping that someone can take a look and tell-me wath to change...

I already tried with the online support of my hosting company but 
apparently they are even worst than me, the guy that ansewred my ticket 
said that, and i quote, you already have java (resin) installed on your 
system. The java(resin) part says it all i guess.

Any help would be great...


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Re: jdk upgrade

2007-03-05 Thread Hernâni Cerqueira

Caldarale, Charles R escreveu:

First of all, thanks for your reply

Make sure you remove Tomcat's 1.4 compatibility package before attempting to 
run it on Jave SE 5 or 6.
I guess i can find some info online about how to do it, but should i 
just remove it or upgrade it?
I atached the script hoping that someone can take a look 
and tell-me wath to change...

Attachments are often stripped off before reaching the list - including this 

 - Chuck

I guess this time i forgot the atchment O:-) , this time i'll send it...

Thank's once again

# Startup script for Tomcat 5.0, the Apache Servlet Engine
# chkconfig: - 80 20
# description: Tomcat 5.0 is the Apache Servlet Engine RI for Servlet 2.4/JSP 
# processname: tomcat
# pidfile: /var/run/tomcat5.pid
# config:  /etc/tomcat5/tomcat5.conf
# Nicolas Mailhot [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# version 1.02 - Removed initlog support
# version 1.03 - Removed config:
# version 1.04 - tomcat will start before httpd and stop after httpd
# version 1.05 - jdk hardcoded to link /usr/java/jdk and tomcat runs as nobody
# version 1.06 - split up into script and config file
# version 1.07 - Rework from Nicolas ideas
# version 1.08 - Fix work dir permission at start time, switch to use tomcat4
# version 1.09 - Fix pidfile and config tags
# version 1.10 - Fallback to su direct use on systems without Redhat/Mandrake 
init.d functions
# version 1.11 - Fix webapps dir permissions
# version 1.12 - remove initial start/stop level for chkconfig (- 80 20)
# version 1.13 - remove chown of logs/work/temp/webapps dir, owned by tomcat4 
at install time
# version 1.14 - correct the start/stop ugly hack by waiting all the threads 
# version 1.15 - ensure we're looking for TOMCAT_USER running catalina
# version 1.16 - Add support for CATALINA_PID env var
# version 1.17 - Remove run files only tomcat started correctl
#in start area, check that tomcat is not allready running
# version 1.18 - Fix kill typo (thanks Kaj J. Niemi)
# version 1.19 - Add jar relinking
# version 1.20 - Check there is no stalling tomcat4.pid
# version 1.20tc5 - Changed all instances of tomcat4 to tomcat5 except 
# version 1.21 - Add status command

# Source function library.
if [ -x /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions ]; then
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

# Get Tomcat config



# Path to the tomcat launch script (direct don't use wrapper)

# Path to the script that will refresh jar symlinks on startup

# Tomcat name :)

# if TOMCAT_USER is not set, use tomcat5 like Apache HTTP server
if [ -z $TOMCAT_USER ]; then

# Since the daemon function will sandbox $tomcat
# no environment stuff should be defined here anymore.
# Please use the /etc/tomcat.conf file instead ; it will
# be read by the $tomcat script


# See how we were called.
start() {
echo -n Starting $TOMCAT_PROG: 

if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/tomcat5 ] ; then
if [ -f /var/run/tomcat5.pid ]; then
read kpid  /var/run/tomcat5.pid
if checkpid $kpid 21; then
echo process allready running
return -1
echo lock file found but no process running 
for pid $kpid, continuing
export CATALINA_PID=/var/run/tomcat5.pid


if [ -x /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions ]; then
daemon --user $TOMCAT_USER $TOMCAT_SCRIPT start 

[ $RETVAL = 0 ]  touch /var/lock/subsys/tomcat5
return $RETVAL

stop() {
echo -n Stopping $TOMCAT_PROG: 

if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/tomcat5 ] ; then
  if [ -x /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions ]; then
  daemon --user $TOMCAT_USER $TOMCAT_SCRIPT stop

  if [ $RETVAL = 0 ]; then

if [ -f /var/run/tomcat5.pid ]; then

read kpid  /var/run/tomcat5.pid
let kwait=$SHUTDOWN_WAIT

until [ `ps --pid $kpid | grep -c $kpid` = '0' ] || [ $count -gt 
$kwait ]
echo waiting for processes to exit;
sleep 1
let count=$count+1;

if [ $count -gt $kwait ]; then
echo killing processes which didn't stop after $SHUTDOWN_WAIT 
kill -9 $kpid

Re: jdk upgrade

2007-03-05 Thread Hernâni Cerqueira

Thanks for your help, 5*...

Caldarale, Charles R escreveu:
From: Hernâni Cerqueira [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Re: jdk upgrade

I guess i can find some info online about how to do it,

Actually, you probably won't.


but should i just remove it or upgrade it?

Just remove it - there is no upgrade.  It's for use only with JRE 1.4, and 
consists of only two or three jars, depending on the exact version of Tomcat 
5.5 that you have installed.  Look inside the compat.zip or compat.tar.gz file 
for the Tomcat level you have to find out what to get rid of.

I guess this time i forgot the atchment O:-) , this 
time i'll send it...

This is just a wrapper for the real script, which appears to be in:

There may be some pertinent config info in:
but you won't really know until you look at it.

 - Chuck

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