problem with tomcat JDBC realm , i can not login and all configuration are correct

2006-09-09 Thread Legolas Woodland
Thank you for reading my post
i have problem with tomcat JDBC realm
I defined a jdbc realm in server.xml also i configured my application to
use Realms
but it never login into system ,it always send me to login_error page
instead of logging in to the syste.
I should say that when i creaete my own realm in server.xml ,i can not
login into admin console anymore.
are these two relevant ?
should i comment or uncomment more stuff in server.xml ?
how an application knows which realm it should use ?

another question that i have is about users / users_role / roles tables
should i create all these tables ?my users allways has one role , so i
create one table and
it contains also role column , i mapped these in server.xml .
can it be a problem for tomcat ? is it manedatory to use 3 tables ?

I attached my web.xml section that is related to security and also
server.xml section that is related to security and realms

I should say that i double check JDBC driver to be in place , double
check connection url ...

thank you very much.

---web.xml begin-

  !-- Because this Realm is here, an instance will be shared
globally --

  !-- This Realm uses the UserDatabase configured in the global JNDI
   resources under the key UserDatabase.  Any edits
   that are performed against this UserDatabase are immediately
   available for use by the Realm.  --
   by masoud
  Realm className=org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm
  !-- Comment out the old realm but leave here for now in case we
   need to go back quickly --
  Realm className=org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryRealm /

  !-- Replace the above Realm with one of the following to get a Realm
   stored in a database and accessed via JDBC --

  Realm  className=org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm
 connectionName=test connectionPassword=test
  userTable=users userNameCol=user_name
  userRoleTable=user_roles roleNameCol=role_name /

  Realm  className=org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm
 connectionName=hr connectionPassword=hr
  userTable=users userNameCol=username
  userRoleTable=users roleNameCol=role_name /

  Realm  className=org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm
  userTable=users userNameCol=user_name
  userRoleTable=user_roles roleNameCol=role_name /

---Database table structure---
   ) ;

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Re: Where i can find tomcat clustring features list ?

2006-04-30 Thread Legolas Woodland

Thanks for reply
Mark Thomas wrote:

Legolas Woodland wrote:

Does tomcat support fail over in a clustered environment ?


I find a document in tomcat documentation :
is there any more documents around ?
How i can use Fail over feature  , in i find a article that 
said  tomcat does not support fail over ,*cluster*ing.html

Also i need farm deployment feature , i mean deploying an application to 
one node and it deploy that application in all nodes.

is it supported ?

is there any utility or library which can add clustering to tomcat?

Tomcat does this out of the box.


How i can exclude a url pattern for a filter ?

2006-04-29 Thread Legolas Woodland

Thank you for reading my post
I have defined a filter in my web.xml and for some of my pages it should 
be applied but not for all of them.
for example i should exclude a subdirectory like : webroot/s/ from this 

but filter should be applied for  other subdirectory and files .

can some one tell me how i should configure it ?

My current filter mapping :



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Problem with hosting web application on tomcat / error 404 for an exists file

2006-02-15 Thread Legolas Woodland

Thank you for reading my post.
I have a web application which i developed and works well on my tomcat 5.5.9
Now i purchase a hosting plane with tomcat 5.5.9 it is on linux and have 
they said that i should upload all contents of my war file into http_doc 
folder , so i did
I used ftp to upload them all , now that i try to access my web site it 

 HTTP Status 404 - /index.jsp

meanwhile index.jsp in under that www folder.
I test the server by uploading an html file to make sure that i put 
content of war file in correct place. nad it works ok with HTML file.

can some one help me about this problem ?


Problem with hosting web application on tomcat / error 404 for an exists file

2006-02-15 Thread Legolas Woodland

Thank you for reading my post.
I have a web application which i developed and works well on my tomcat 5.5.9
Now i purchase a hosting plane with tomcat 5.5.9 it is on linux and have 
they said that i should upload all contents of my war file into http_doc 
folder , so i did
I used ftp to upload them all , now that i try to access my web site it 

 HTTP Status 404 - /index.jsp

meanwhile index.jsp in under that www folder.
I test the server by uploading an html file to make sure that i put 
content of war file in correct place. nad it works ok with HTML file.

can some one help me about this problem ?


is there any way to monitor application server when it is working ?

2006-01-30 Thread Legolas Woodland

thank you for reading my post

is there any application that help monitor an application server when it 
is working ?

for example , total active sessions , Connections , ...
i need this application to monitor my tomcat and sun application server 
, but if there is no application that help monitor both of them , then i 
will be happy to monitor at least one of them (TOMCAT)

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Tuning Tomcat , i need some advice

2006-01-30 Thread Legolas Woodland

Thank you for reading my post.
I have an application which will handle about 30 hit per second with 
Tomcat 5.5.* (* wil be one of 15 or 12)
Now i need some advice about tuning tomcat to perform the best under 
this condition

I read something so far , things like :

use Java server mode
increase the heap

Where i can find more reference and how to(s) or step by step manual to 
tune tomcat.
in condition that we have  30 hit/sec ,how much large connection pool 
should be ?

is there some refrences about tuning connection pool?

Thank you

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Tomcat 5.5.15 use a native library to improve performace , i have some question about it

2006-01-30 Thread Legolas Woodland
Tomcat 5.5.15 use a native library to improve performace , i have some 
question about it

Thank you for reading my post.
today i installed a newer version of tomcat (5.5.15 ) before this i used 
but when i was installing 5.5.15 , it asks about downloading a native 
library to improve performace.

now i just want to know ,
1-how much improvement it brings to tomcat under heavy load
2-how tomcat use it ? what else change in installation when we select to 
use native library
3-in tomcat start-up application under start up tab ,there is a DropDown 
box which asks about mode that tomcat will run

there are two modes ,1-JVM , -JAVA
is it true that
when we select JVM it uses JRE to run tomcat
When we use java it uses JDK to run tomcat ?

Thank you

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Re: Tuning Tomcat , i need some advice

2006-01-30 Thread Legolas Woodland

Thank you for reply.

George Sexton wrote:

Database interaction is by far the major issue. In my application, a page
with no db interaction runs in something like 80ms, while a page with DB
interaction takes something like 350-400ms. There's no silver bullet to
tuning tomcat applications, and most of the advice you'll get here won't
make any difference (use this connector, instead of that). So, my advice is:
Indeed some pages of my web application will cause more than 4-5 select 
statement over tables with more than 50,000 records.

will a dual processor server handle this loads ? I used derby as database .

1)  Using JDK 1.5. It can be up to 25% faster than 1.4
2)  Use the server JVM
3)  Allocate sufficient memory
4)  Start tuning your application. Look at query execution times, and
the number of DB Interactions per page. Reduce the number of interactions by
using Stored procedure, or views.

How i can tune the database code ?
i just once worked with db2 , it has some facilities that bring up a 
plan (execution path and detailed information about each step) of 
statement and allow user to tune the database operations base on its 
step and time that each step consumed , now how i can find such 
facilities for derby ?

Thank you

George Sexton
MH Software, Inc.
Voice: 303 438 9585


-Original Message-
From: Legolas Woodland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 1:57 PM

To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Tuning Tomcat , i need some advice

Thank you for reading my post.
I have an application which will handle about 30 hit per second with 
Tomcat 5.5.* (* wil be one of 15 or 12)
Now i need some advice about tuning tomcat to perform the best under 
this condition

I read something so far , things like :

use Java server mode
increase the heap

Where i can find more reference and how to(s) or step by step 
manual to 
tune tomcat.
in condition that we have  30 hit/sec ,how much large connection pool 
should be ?

is there some refrences about tuning connection pool?

Thank you

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Re: Problem with using tomcat Datasource inside a servlet.

2006-01-28 Thread Legolas Woodland

Peter Rossbach wrote:

Wrong lookup name:




Am 28.01.2006 um 11:03 schrieb Legolas Woodland:


I change it according to your advice but it still return the same error.
some more description : when i deploy the application  , if i add the 
same data source as that image shows to my application data sources node 
it will works
but in test env , it is very hard to define a data source each time that 
i run the application.

Thank you

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I need advice about choosing a application server.

2006-01-18 Thread Legolas Woodland

I need advice about choosing a application server.
Thank you for reading my post
I need some advice to choose an application server / srvlet container 
for deploying a project.

Application description :
application has two part  which one of them is a portal .
portal itself will have a  2 hit/second . each hit could have 1 select / 
1 update and one insert

sql statement. portal itself use hibernate and Derby.
I used plain *JDBC , derby , jsf *to develop my portlets (two portlet 
which are runing on the base)
there are about 2 emails /second in peak time of the system , it will 
jsut send the emails and store them

in database.

The most busy part of the system is another application which will 
handel about 30 hit (each hit has , 2 update , 2 insert , and 2 select 

for this part there will be no email

*I did not implement sending emails as i do not know a good or best 
practice for this one , and i think it is something related to 
application server ?*

As i did not use any EJB stuff and just some datasource  , JNDI , 
connection pool ,

what will be my choice to deploy the application ?
Tomcat ?
Sun application server 8.* ?
Geronimo ?

Host is a Redhat enterprise Linux , with one p4 processor .
some tables has 1/000/000 records.
Will that hardware handle this load ?

is there any log file viewer for tomcat log files with live feed ability

2006-01-01 Thread Legolas Woodland

Thank you for reading my post.
im developing some application and i have problem with viewing the Log 
file of application server everytime.
is there any tool that could automatically fetch the changes from log 
file and show them instantly ?
for example if i ask it to monitor application server log file it shows 
me a live feed of the log file.

thank you

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Re: Tomcat Datasource , can we define them in war file (whithout accessing to Admin console)?

2005-12-27 Thread Legolas Woodland

Khawaja Shams wrote:

   I am assuming that you are trying to define this datasource in order to
do application server managed connection pooling.  The closest I have done
to what you described is declare a datasource as a global resource in the
server.xml and refer to it in context definition.  You can define a new
context in the $CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost/APPNAME.xml. Here is
an example:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
Context path=/son
I want to create a data source to have a application server managed pool 
of connection.
but the problem is that i have no access to tomcat installation folder , 
so i can not change anythin in tomcat installation .

they just allows to upload a war file.

 However, I still needed to put the jdbc jar file in the common/lib.  I am
not completely sure about this, but for application server to manage your
datasource, one needs to make the proper jar file available to the app
server by putting it in the common/lib as it will not look inside each
deployed directory to perform application independent tasks.  I am also
curious to know if someone has found a way around this.
A connection pool is application is application independent ? but i want 
the connection pool just for my own application.
I will be happy if any one can tell me a trick to have application 
server managed pool without changing tomcat installation stuff.

Best Regards,
Khawaja Shams

On 12/26/05, Legolas Woodland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thank you for reading my post.
Is it possible to make a data-source without admin console ?
I mean by defining the data-source in web.xml or in Context.xml (i think
i read somewhere that we could put context.xml into meta-inf folder and
it will act like Context definition in admin console).

is it mandatory that Tomcat shared library folder contain my database
jdbc driver to have data-source ?
I mean can we bundle , our JDBC driver inside war file and define the
data-source in war file too ?

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Tomcat Datasource , can we define them in war file (whithout accessing to Admin console)?

2005-12-26 Thread Legolas Woodland

Thank you for reading my post.
Is it possible to make a data-source without admin console ?
I mean by defining the data-source in web.xml or in Context.xml (i think 
i read somewhere that we could put context.xml into meta-inf folder and 
it will act like Context definition in admin console).

is it mandatory that Tomcat shared library folder contain my database 
jdbc driver to have data-source ?
I mean can we bundle , our JDBC driver inside war file and define the 
data-source in war file too ? 

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