How does the Tomcat Manager guess at user name?

2009-05-04 Thread Matt Brown
The Sessions Administration page within the Tomcat Manager (i.e., 
/manager/html/sessions?path=/) has two columns for Guessed Locale and 
Guessed User name.

Does anyone know how the manager app guesses at these two values?

My app stores the user's username (and locale) in session, but both are buried 
somewhere in an object graph in one of the session attributes. I think it might 
be kind of useful to be able to see this data displayed within Session 
Administration, but I just have no idea what to do to enable Tomcat Manager to 
effectively guess at this.

Does anyone know how the guessing is done?


Matt Brown
Citrix Online
Audio Services
201-420-1155 x42

RE: Question on Executor and maxThreads reported by Manager

2009-03-20 Thread Matt Brown
Actually yes, in our case the image content is not already sufficiently 
compressed by the content provider - we're seeing a sizeable decrease in the 
size of the images delivered after enabling gzip on them.

Good question though, thank you.


-Original Message-
From: Christopher Schultz [] 
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2009 11:18 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Question on Executor and maxThreads reported by Manager

Hash: SHA1


On 3/19/2009 1:37 PM, Matt Brown wrote:
 compression=on compressableMimeType=..., 

Are you sure you want to waste your CPU time compressing files that are already 

- -chris
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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RE: Question on Executor and maxThreads reported by Manager

2009-03-20 Thread Matt Brown
Here are some quick numbers (provided by YSlow) from the home page of this 

Without gzip compression on image/png,image/jpeg,image/gif:
133.1K  12 Images

With gzip compression:
1.7K  12 Images

..,Actually now that I'm looking in detail at the numbers reported for each 
individual image by YSLow, I'm starting to think that it doesn't calculate the 
size of gzipped images correctly. Here were the largest size images on this 
page pre-compression (I've removed the filenames):

jpg 43.8K 
jpg 39.4K  
jpg 31.1K
gif 7.4K 
png 4.5K  
gif 2.5K 
gif 2.4K 

With compression turned on:

jpg gzip  0K
gif gzip0K
gif gzip0K
gif gzip0K
jpg gzip0K
jpg gzip0K
png gzip0K

Seems like my earlier findings were incorrect based on this - surely gzip is 
not capable of compressing images to zero byte files :) I should have looked 
further into the total size number reported by Yslow instead of taking it for 
granted as being correct.

Thanks again for pointing this out, I'll likely go ahead and disable these 
types from wastefully being recompressed on the server.


-Original Message-
From: Christopher Schultz [] 
Sent: Friday, March 20, 2009 10:16 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Question on Executor and maxThreads reported by Manager

Hash: SHA1


On 3/20/2009 9:10 AM, Matt Brown wrote:
 Actually yes, in our case the image content is not already 
 sufficiently compressed by the content provider - we're seeing a 
 sizeable decrease in the size of the images delivered after enabling 
 gzip on them.

You may be able to re-code some of these graphics using higher compression 
(better results with PNG) or lower quality (for JPG) though lower quality will 
always be... lower quality.

Interesting that gzip does a good job with these files. Can you give some 
metrics? I'd be interested to see how well it does.

Is this for a mobile application? Or are you just trying to reduce bandwidth 
use in general?

- -chris
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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RE: very off topic marketing question

2009-03-20 Thread Matt Brown
I would ask for benchmarks and evidence to back up that assertion.


-Original Message-
From: Jason Pyeron [] 
Sent: Friday, March 20, 2009 11:04 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: very off topic marketing question

I have a client that is confused why we are giving them a J2EE product and they 
are concerned with performance and scalability.

(IE/Tomcat 5.5/struts 2.1/hibernate 3.x/oracle 10g)

Note the system will never see more than 50 users/sessions with 7500 hits per 
day on a lan. As such we don't see any relevance as to the performance and 
scalability issues for either PHP or J2EE.

They have quoted to us:

PHP by itself is very fast. Much faster than ASP or JSP running on the same 
type of server. This is because it has very little overhead compared to its 
competitors and it pre-compiles all of its code before it runs each script

How would others respond to this?


-   -
- Jason Pyeron  PD Inc. -
- Principal Consultant  10 West 24th Street #100-
- +1 (443) 269-1555 x333Baltimore, Maryland 21218   -
-   -
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Question on Executor and maxThreads reported by Manager

2009-03-19 Thread Matt Brown
In my conf/server.xml, I have an executor and two connectors set up something 
like this:

Executor name=tomcatThreadPool namePrefix=catalina-exec- maxThreads=200 

Connector port=8686 protocol=HTTP/1.1 connectionTimeout=2
maxThreads=250 executor=tomcatThreadPool

Connector port=8643 protocol=HTTP/1.1 SSLEnabled=true
maxThreads=250 executor=tomcatThreadPool
scheme=https secure=true
clientAuth=false sslProtocol=TLS

My intention is to have the two connectors share a thread pool with a maximum 
thread count of 200, and minSpareThreads of 50.

When I check the server info in Tomcat Manager, the max thread count for each 
connector is reported as 250 (the value of maxThreads in each Connector 
element, which I expect to be ignored because 'executor' is present) and not 

When using a shared thread pool, should I expect the Manager to report the 
incorrect amount of max threads per connector, or is something wrong with my 
configuration? Will the Manager report on the size/limits of the shared thread 


RE: Question on Executor and maxThreads reported by Manager

2009-03-19 Thread Matt Brown
Thanks Charles. 

I was using the Manager to confirm if my settings for the thread pool 
(particularily minSpareThreads) were working right - I'll have to confirm with 

We have a monitoring app that pings /manager/status?XML=true to get mem usage, 
thread activity/count/stats, etc., so it sounds like our stats for max threads 
might not reflect the true settings?

Thanks again

-Original Message-
From: Caldarale, Charles R [] 
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2009 2:07 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Question on Executor and maxThreads reported by Manager

 From: Matt Brown []
 Subject: Question on Executor and maxThreads reported by Manager
 When I check the server info in Tomcat Manager, the max thread count 
 for each connector is reported as 250 (the value of maxThreads in each 
 Connector element, which I expect to be ignored because 'executor' 
 is present) and not 200.

Just because it's reported doesn't mean it's not being ignored.  (Were there 
enough negatives in that sentence?)

 When using a shared thread pool, should I expect the Manager to report 
 the incorrect amount of max threads per connector, or is something 
 wrong with my configuration?

I don't see anything wrong with your config.  The manager is just reporting 
what's there, and is blissfully unaware that you're actually using an 
Executor, so the maxThreads setting is meaningless.

 Will the Manager report on the size/limits of the shared thread pool?

I don't think anyone has ever tried to update the manager webapp to do that 
(patches are welcome).

You can see the Executor and its threads with JConsole.

 - Chuck

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