Re: tomcat no longer writing to log files

2009-05-15 Thread Michael A. Repucci
On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 10:20 AM, Steve Ochani  wrote:

>  Really? Your cv/resume indicates otherwise.
> Sure your phd is in neuroscience but your current employment is listed as
> "Scientific Programmer" and so was your last employment.
> Considering that you are "Proficient" in things such as "C/C++/C#, PHP ...
> Linux OS"
> you should have considered that letting people know some details about your
> configuration/system would have helped.

That's just marketing. If you look more carefully, I've never worked outside
of academia. I've even tried, and I can't get a job as a real programmer. My
father and brother are both real programmers, and I understand the
difference between what they know and what I know. But when trying to get a
job in science doing programming, the academics that tend to hire you like
to see "proficiency", where my proficiency in any of those languages is
probably less than yours.

> Anyways, as stated by other people, get rid of the ubuntu packaged Tomcat
> and install the
> official one, also use a real Java version from SUN.

Working on it. I didn't realize that Ubuntu packages were the potentially
more difficult route. I'd made the false assumption that they might simplify
things for me.

> Also, tomcat does work "out of the box". Incorrect administration of any
> system will stop it
> from working out of the box.

Honestly, what I'm most frustrated about isn't Tomcat, per say, but the
stuff written by my colleagues that should work with Tomcat. I'm a bit
baffled how the über-cross-platform Java (and its disciples Ant and Tomcat)
could be used to create code that is extraordinarily sensitive to the
version and platforms on which it is compiled and run. I suppose that's just
because the code was poorly written, and you could probably write platform-
and version-dependent code in any language, but it would have been nice if I
could have installed whatever the latest packages were on my system, and
compiled and run successfully the first time. Instead I'm spending upwards
of a week learning all the internals. I guess that's useful in the long run,
but I could just use some good and patient guidance. Sorry to have stepped
on anybody's toes, and thank you all for your help.

:) Michael

Re: tomcat no longer writing to log files

2009-05-14 Thread Michael A. Repucci
On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 5:11 PM, André Warnier  wrote:

> If you did install this tomcat with the apt utility, then just do
> - apt-get remove tomcatx.y
> - apt-get purge tomcatx.y
> Then, make sure that the java you have is a Sun Java, not gcj, and make it
> the default (update-alternatives java).
> Then
> - apt-get install tomcatx.y
> and it should just magically run again.

Hmm ... well now I've gone and made things worse again. André's advice
sounded good, but I'd basically already done this using the Synapic Package
Manager, and it didn't help. So I decided, foolishly, to take it one step
farther. I removed, and purged, then searched the system for anything Tomcat
related, and deleted that stuff too. Then when I reinstalled, Tomcat didn't
get reinstalled under /etc nor /etc/init.d, and it didn't get started
automatically as it had before. So is there some way to auto-recreate those
magic startup scripts? I know I could just start it manually, or create the
scripts myself, but they used to be there before I stupidly removed them.
How do I get them back?

Sad, tired, and frustrated. I'm going home.

:( Michael

Re: tomcat no longer writing to log files

2009-05-14 Thread Michael A. Repucci
Seems like a bit of animosity toward Tomcat has finally helped me make
progress, mostly because it got all you gurus to actually explain a bit of
how it works, and how it's packaged, all concepts I didn't understand. I'm a
scientist, not a programmer. I'm new to Ubuntu and Tomcat. My colleagues
have been completely unhelpful in this process. It works on their systems,
so they've just left me to struggle on my own.

My frustration is further fueled by the fact that the web site that our
application will soon handle ( is working
just fine as static html; it doesn't change much, and most of the pages (not
viewable externally) are generated automatically from code, using m2html or
doxygen. But now they want me to integrate this site into the JSP format
seen at the root (, despite the fact that I have
zero experience with Tomcat, Java, or JSP, and nearly no web application
development experience.

It would have been nice if Tomcat just worked, out of the box, but it took
me a couple days just to get it up and running. Now Tomcat works, at least
the default page and the example webapps, but the application that my
colleagues built won't work. This is their fault, as far as I'm concerned,
yet there's nothing I can do to force them to improve what is probably
sloppy code on their part.

So I'm just looking for some help. Sorry to insult Tomcat, but thanks for
the useful feedback. I'll work on the suggestions and let you know if I
can't make any progress.

:) Michael

Re: tomcat no longer writing to log files

2009-05-14 Thread Michael A. Repucci
Well, actually, I did this stupid thing under Ubuntu Linux. I've even now
gone through the process of completely uninstalling and reinstalling the
Tomcat packages, and it doesn't help. So now, not only does our application
not work on my local machine, but I can't figure out why because Tomcat
won't give me error messages. I think I'm going to give up on Tomcat
entirely ... crappy piece of software. I take it that you have nothing
useful to contribute to my problem?

Michael Repucci
(M) 718-288-4554
(W) 212-746-0462

--See life as it is, not as it appears to be.

On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 4:23 PM, André Warnier  wrote:

> Michael A. Repucci wrote:
>> Yes. That changed nothing. Still no catalina.out, still no ourapp.log.
>>  Well, that'll teach you to do stupid things like that under Windows.
> Seriously now, if this was one of my customers calling me to tell me the
> same story, I would ask them "and what else did you do that you're not
> telling us ?"
> -
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Re: juddi -Tomcat 6

2009-05-14 Thread Michael A. Repucci

Michael Repucci
(M) 718-288-4554
(W) 212-746-0462

--See life as it is, not as it appears to be.

On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 4:16 PM, André Warnier  wrote:

> Arundhati Chabukswar wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Can someone help me set up or give me directions to set up a juddi in the
>> Tomcat 6.0 server and provide directions to the dependancy files required.
>>  Can't help you, but I'm always happy to see a new word appear on this
> forum.  What's a juddi ?
> Don't tell me blogs and wiki etc.. are now already passé ?
> -
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Re: tomcat no longer writing to log files

2009-05-14 Thread Michael A. Repucci
Yes. That changed nothing. Still no catalina.out, still no ourapp.log.

Michael Repucci
(M) 718-288-4554
(W) 212-746-0462

--See life as it is, not as it appears to be.

On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 4:09 PM, André Warnier  wrote:

> Michael A. Repucci wrote:
>> Hi Tomcat'ers,
>> I'm completely new to Tomcat, and very unfamiliar with JSP or web
>> applications in general. I've been trying to set up an application on my
>> system (Ubuntu 9.04) that works just fine on my colleagues' systems
>> (Windows
>> XP). I've got Tomcat working just fine, and the manager and demo
>> applications all work. But loading our application was giving me errors.
>> Before I can let you know what the errors are, I need help making Tomcat
>> write them once again to the log files. See, I did a silly thing. I wanted
>> to clear the log files (catalina.out and ourapp.log), so I just opened
>> them,
>> emptied them, and resaved them. (Dumb, I know. I was getting frustrated.)
>> Lo
>> and behold, Tomcat stopped writing to them, even after completely
>> restarting
>> my computer. How can I get Tomcat to rewrite to these files? I've searched
>> all over this group's archive and the web, and the closest thing I found
>> was
>> this not so helpful suggestion (
>> Any ideas?
>>  Did you try stopping Tomcat, deleting these logfiles altogether, and
> restarting Tomcat ?
> -
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Re: What is the difference?

2009-05-14 Thread Michael A. Repucci
The "java -version" returns the version of the JVM you're using. The "java
version" attempts to start a Java application whose class name is version.
See the man pages for java for more information.

Michael Repucci
(M) 718-288-4554
(W) 212-746-0462

--See life as it is, not as it appears to be.

On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 3:48 PM, Dave Filchak  wrote:

> Curious,
> What is the difference between java -version and java version?
> In the first case I get:
> java -version
> java version "1.6.0_13"
> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_13-b03)
> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.3-b02, mixed mode)
> In the second, I get:
> java version
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: version
> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: version
>   at$
>   at Method)
>   at
>   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>   at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
>   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
> Could not find the main class: version.  Program will exit.
> Dave
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
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tomcat no longer writing to log files

2009-05-14 Thread Michael A. Repucci
Hi Tomcat'ers,

I'm completely new to Tomcat, and very unfamiliar with JSP or web
applications in general. I've been trying to set up an application on my
system (Ubuntu 9.04) that works just fine on my colleagues' systems (Windows
XP). I've got Tomcat working just fine, and the manager and demo
applications all work. But loading our application was giving me errors.
Before I can let you know what the errors are, I need help making Tomcat
write them once again to the log files. See, I did a silly thing. I wanted
to clear the log files (catalina.out and ourapp.log), so I just opened them,
emptied them, and resaved them. (Dumb, I know. I was getting frustrated.) Lo
and behold, Tomcat stopped writing to them, even after completely restarting
my computer. How can I get Tomcat to rewrite to these files? I've searched
all over this group's archive and the web, and the closest thing I found was
this not so helpful suggestion ( Any ideas?

Michael Repucci
(M) 718-288-4554
(W) 212-746-0462

--See life as it is, not as it appears to be.