On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 5:11 PM, André Warnier <a...@ice-sa.com> wrote:

> If you did install this tomcat with the apt utility, then just do
> - apt-get remove tomcatx.y
> - apt-get purge tomcatx.y
> Then, make sure that the java you have is a Sun Java, not gcj, and make it
> the default (update-alternatives java).
> Then
> - apt-get install tomcatx.y
> and it should just magically run again.

Hmm ... well now I've gone and made things worse again. André's advice
sounded good, but I'd basically already done this using the Synapic Package
Manager, and it didn't help. So I decided, foolishly, to take it one step
farther. I removed, and purged, then searched the system for anything Tomcat
related, and deleted that stuff too. Then when I reinstalled, Tomcat didn't
get reinstalled under /etc nor /etc/init.d, and it didn't get started
automatically as it had before. So is there some way to auto-recreate those
magic startup scripts? I know I could just start it manually, or create the
scripts myself, but they used to be there before I stupidly removed them.
How do I get them back?

Sad, tired, and frustrated. I'm going home.

:( Michael

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