Yes. That changed nothing. Still no catalina.out, still no ourapp.log.

Michael Repucci
(M) 718-288-4554
(W) 212-746-0462

--See life as it is, not as it appears to be.

On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 4:09 PM, André Warnier <> wrote:

> Michael A. Repucci wrote:
>> Hi Tomcat'ers,
>> I'm completely new to Tomcat, and very unfamiliar with JSP or web
>> applications in general. I've been trying to set up an application on my
>> system (Ubuntu 9.04) that works just fine on my colleagues' systems
>> (Windows
>> XP). I've got Tomcat working just fine, and the manager and demo
>> applications all work. But loading our application was giving me errors.
>> Before I can let you know what the errors are, I need help making Tomcat
>> write them once again to the log files. See, I did a silly thing. I wanted
>> to clear the log files (catalina.out and ourapp.log), so I just opened
>> them,
>> emptied them, and resaved them. (Dumb, I know. I was getting frustrated.)
>> Lo
>> and behold, Tomcat stopped writing to them, even after completely
>> restarting
>> my computer. How can I get Tomcat to rewrite to these files? I've searched
>> all over this group's archive and the web, and the closest thing I found
>> was
>> this not so helpful suggestion (
>> Any ideas?
>>  Did you try stopping Tomcat, deleting these logfiles altogether, and
> restarting Tomcat ?
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