Re: [Tomcat] [daemon] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError unable to create new native thread

2009-02-06 Thread André Warnier

Bill Davidson wrote:

I really would like to be able to run these kind of tools across a
firewall.  I can't believe there are no provisions for it.

Seems there is now.  Haven't tried it yet, but will soon, if I can 
upgrade that Tomcat.  Previous messages in this thread give more clues.

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Re: [OT] [Tomcat] [daemon] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError unable to create new native thread

2009-02-06 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA1


André Warnier wrote:
 I have been put right about that by someone else already.

Yeah, I'm about 2 days behind on all the drivel on the list. ;)

 Not everyone agrees with that solution by the way, because the JConsole
 may interfere with the JVM on the same system (specially on mine, seen
 it has less RAM than Chuck's portable phone).

Well, the solution /will/ work, but may not be a good one. If you thrash
your production server, it's not a really good solution, now, is it?

Assuming Chuck has an iPhone, which has 128MB of RAM, I'm not sure I'd
want to run a JVM on that server in the first place. Something tells me
we've been over this before so I won't beat a dead horse.

 There's an interesting other solution here :
 Seems one /can/ now fix that second port, which would allow it setting 2
 tunnels beforehand, if I understand this correctly.


- -chris
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Re: [Tomcat] [daemon] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError unable to create new native thread

2009-02-06 Thread Rainer Jung

On 03.02.2009 16:31, Steve Cohen wrote:

We have an application that runs under Tomcat under RHEL 5.0  and is
launched by a jsvc daemon.
It chugs along seemingly fine on several servers, yet yesterday crashed
on one of them with the above exception seemingly without experiencing
any kind of abnormal load. I am trying to get a handle on this.
System is

$ uname -a
Linux 2.6.18-92.1.22.el5 #1 SMP Fri Dec 5 09:29:46 EST 2008 i686 i686
i386 GNU/Linux

Java version:
java -version
java version 1.5.0_16
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_16-b02)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_16-b02, mixed mode, sharing)

no special JVM memory settings are used when launching tomcat, just the
default memory allocations. I have read in some places that this
particular form of OutOfMemoryError is actually made worse by increasing
the memory size.

I need to deploy some thread and memory monitoring setup to get a handle
on this.

I wouldn't put so much work into making X11 work.

You need to find out your memory situation and your thread situation.

The error says: when trying to start a new thread, native memory 
allocation failed and thus the thread could not be created.

So the reason is, that you ran out of native memory in the process. The 
cure is either to reduce the amount of memory needed or to reduce the 
number of threads needed.

Concerning Memory:

Basically your process uses Java memory (Heap and Permanent generation) 
and native memory (thread stacks and other native memory).

If you are using a 32Bit system or VM, the address space is 4GB per 
process, but that space is divided in some part available for the 
process, and some part used by the kernel for data associated with the 
process. The part actually available for the process depends as far as i 
know on kernel settings and can be either 1, 2, or 3 GB (I would expect 

Heap, Perm and native memory has to fit into this. I'm not quite sure 
about the thread stacks, but I assume those must fit into the 1/2/3 GB too.

Process memory can be inspected using the proc file system. The file 
/proc/MYPID/maps (MYPID is the process id of your Tomcat process) 
contains a table of memory areas used by the process. The hex numbers at 
the beginning of each line shows starting and ending addresses, the 
differences are the sizes of the areas.

Check whether you can verify, that the process is close to one of those 
magic limits.

Then check, how big your heap and your permanent generation is. You can 
do this with jstat. I would sugest you find a good sizing for your app 
and don't proceed with automatic 8and thus unknown) sizing.

If total memory is close to the limit and heap+perm is close to the 
total memory, you know that your java memory is to big for 32bits.

If total memory is close to the limit and heap+perm is much lower, then 
there's something which consumes large native memory. It could be 
threads (see next) or some embedded native component, e.g. some library 
included via JNI.


Use kill -QUIT MYPID with MYPID the process id of your Tomcat. It will 
write a thread dump (not: memory dump) to catalina.out. This dump 
contains all Java threads of your process and the stacks they are in. 
See how many these are and to which components they belong. With a 
thread dump you can find out, whether you have extremely many Java 
threads. You need to be the owner of the Tomcat process or root to be 
able to send a signal to the process. You need to be able to read 
catalina.out to analyse the output.

Use the -L flag of ps to look at all threads of the Tomcat process. 
Check whether there are many more threads in ps, than there are in the 
Java thread dump. If so, you have some native component inside, that 
creates additional threads. In this case use gstack, to check, what 
those are doing (to get an idea, what they are used for).

If you can verify that you run our of native memory, but you can reduce 
neither memory size not thread count, you can start playing around with 
the thread stack size using -Xss. But this will be tedious.



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Re: [OT] [Tomcat] [daemon] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError unable to create new native thread

2009-02-06 Thread André Warnier

Christopher Schultz wrote:

Assuming Chuck has an iPhone, which has 128MB of RAM, I'm not sure I'd
want to run a JVM on that server in the first place. Something tells me
we've been over this before so I won't beat a dead horse.

Chuck assured us, on this forum, that his phone had waaay more memory 
than that. So either it's not an iPhone, or it's a hacked one.

Probably has a JVM on it too.

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Re: [OT] [Tomcat] [daemon] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError unable to create new native thread

2009-02-05 Thread André Warnier

Peter Crowther wrote:

From: André Warnier []
Christopher Schultz wrote:

What about forwarding X through the tunnel instead?

You can't, because it is variable. It is the result of some internal
negotiation between Jconsole and the remote JVM.
Apparently, anyway. I haven't managed to make it work so far.

To expand Chris' suggestion: What about forwarding the X11 protocol through the 
tunnel instead, such that you can run Jconsole on the same machine as the JVM?  
X11 has a fixed port number, and ssh has support for this.  I've used this 
trick when needing to do something graphical on a box with ssh-only access; 
works a treat.

Sorry to be so obtuse. X is not something I use regularly, so when 
Chris mentioned X, I thought he was talking about the secondary 
connection/port that the JVM/Jconsole agree on, not about X-terminal and so.

So thanks for the tip, but could you expand even more ?
I realise this isn't really a Tomcat matter, but maybe this can help 
someone else in a similar situation.

At which level would X11 kick in ?

Layout is as follows :

Office A :
workstation (me) -- firewall/router - internet modem -- internet
Office B :
internet - internet modem - firewall/router - Tomcat host

There is no VPN setup between A and B.

My workstation is a Windows laptop. I don't presently have an X emulator 
on it. It has Java JDK 6, an SSH terminal-like program (putty), WinSCP, 
etc..  I'd rather avoid installing Cygwin on the laptop, because it 
interferes with other Unix-like things I have on it.

The Tomcat host has a fixed internal IP address.
I could also fix the internal IP address of my workstation.
I have full control of the routers/firewalls/hosts.
The firewall/router at B automatically tunnels ports 22,80,8080 and some 
others to the Tomcat host. I can add more tunnels.
I can also build on-demand tunnels from outside to any inside host/port 
via the firewall and SSH.  Doing something in the other direction is 
more tricky , because both Office A and B have variable internet IP 
addresses which change once per 24h (both with dynamic DNS though).

I'm usually at A. B is my home office, and when my laptop is there, I 
have no problem running JConsole on it and connecting to the Tomcat 
host, because both are then on the same LAN. But I haven't managed that 
yet from A.


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Re: [OT] [Tomcat] [daemon] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError unable to create new native thread

2009-02-05 Thread Gregor Schneider

Works pretty much the same on any other Linux


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RE: [OT] [Tomcat] [daemon] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError unable to create new native thread

2009-02-05 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: André Warnier []
 X is not something I use regularly, so when
 Chris mentioned X, I thought he was talking about the secondary
 connection/port that the JVM/Jconsole agree on, not about
 X-terminal and so.

 So thanks for the tip, but could you expand even more ?
 I realise this isn't really a Tomcat matter, but maybe this can help
 someone else in a similar situation.

 At which level would X11 kick in ?

It ships the stream of commands to display JConsole on your local desktop.  
Rough sequence of events:

- Start an X11 server on your workstation.  Find out its DISPLAY variable.
- If using PuTTY, tell it about your X11 DISPLAY variable.  It can't guess!
- Use ssh/PuTTY with X11 tunnelling enabled to remote to your Tomcat host.
- echo $DISPLAY to make sure it's come across OK.
- Start Jconsole on the Tomcat host.  It will display on your local desktop, 
via the ssh tunnel.

The network part of this is no more complex than you already have.

 Layout is as follows :

 Office A :
 workstation (me) -- firewall/router - internet modem -- internet
 Office B :
 internet - internet modem - firewall/router - Tomcat host

 There is no VPN setup between A and B.

 My workstation is a Windows laptop. I don't presently have an
 X emulator
 on it. It has Java JDK 6, an SSH terminal-like program
 (putty), WinSCP,
 etc..  I'd rather avoid installing Cygwin on the laptop, because it
 interferes with other Unix-like things I have on it.

OK.  If you don't want to put Cygwin on - which is certainly the 
easiest+cheapest way of getting an X11 display on your laptop - then you still 
have options.  You could, for example, install something like VMware (Server is 
free, which would be plenty for this job).  You could then run, say, Ubuntu on 
the VM and ssh across from Ubuntu.

- Peter

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Re: [OT] [Tomcat] [daemon] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError unable to create new native thread

2009-02-05 Thread Gregor Schneider
On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 11:11 AM, Peter Crowther wrote:

 OK.  If you don't want to put Cygwin on

Just a simple install, very small, convinient and works like charm.


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Re: [OT] [Tomcat] [daemon] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError unable to create new native thread

2009-02-05 Thread André Warnier

Thanks Chris and Peter and Gregor.
Gregor sent me a link to an article that looks promising, and says 
basically the same as Peter below, using XMing as the X11 server 
(client?, I can never remember..).

I will try that tonight.

Peter Crowther wrote:

From: André Warnier []
X is not something I use regularly, so when
Chris mentioned X, I thought he was talking about the secondary
connection/port that the JVM/Jconsole agree on, not about
X-terminal and so.

So thanks for the tip, but could you expand even more ?
I realise this isn't really a Tomcat matter, but maybe this can help
someone else in a similar situation.

At which level would X11 kick in ?

It ships the stream of commands to display JConsole on your local desktop.  
Rough sequence of events:

- Start an X11 server on your workstation.  Find out its DISPLAY variable.
- If using PuTTY, tell it about your X11 DISPLAY variable.  It can't guess!
- Use ssh/PuTTY with X11 tunnelling enabled to remote to your Tomcat host.
- echo $DISPLAY to make sure it's come across OK.
- Start Jconsole on the Tomcat host.  It will display on your local desktop, 
via the ssh tunnel.

The network part of this is no more complex than you already have.

Layout is as follows :

Office A :
workstation (me) -- firewall/router - internet modem -- internet
Office B :
internet - internet modem - firewall/router - Tomcat host

There is no VPN setup between A and B.

My workstation is a Windows laptop. I don't presently have an
X emulator
on it. It has Java JDK 6, an SSH terminal-like program
(putty), WinSCP,
etc..  I'd rather avoid installing Cygwin on the laptop, because it
interferes with other Unix-like things I have on it.

OK.  If you don't want to put Cygwin on - which is certainly the 
easiest+cheapest way of getting an X11 display on your laptop - then you still 
have options.  You could, for example, install something like VMware (Server is 
free, which would be plenty for this job).  You could then run, say, Ubuntu on 
the VM and ssh across from Ubuntu.

- Peter

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RE: [OT] [Tomcat] [daemon] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError unable to create new native thread

2009-02-05 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: André Warnier []
 using XMing as the X11 server (client?, I can never remember..).

Yeah, X's terminology is very counter-intuitive - I get comments of you're 
kidding every time I teach it.  An X server serves out the keyboard, mouse and 
display.  X11 clients connect to the X11 display server in order to display 
their output and get their input.

All of which means that you often use an X server running on your workstation 
or thin client to connect to X client programs running on your 
application/web/... server.

- Peter

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RE: [OT] [Tomcat] [daemon] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError unable to create new native thread

2009-02-05 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Gregor Schneider []

 Just a simple install, very small, convinient and works like charm.

Thanks Gregor, I wasn't aware of that one.  Think I may just have a new 
preferred X server :-).

- Peter

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Re: [OT] [Tomcat] [daemon] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError unable to create new native thread

2009-02-05 Thread Mark Thomas
Peter Crowther wrote:
 From: André Warnier []
 using XMing as the X11 server (client?, I can never remember..).
 Yeah, X's terminology is very counter-intuitive - I get comments of you're 
 kidding every time I teach it.  An X server serves out the keyboard, mouse 
 and display.  X11 clients connect to the X11 display server in order to 
 display their output and get their input.
 All of which means that you often use an X server running on your workstation 
 or thin client to connect to X client programs running on your 
 application/web/... server.

You might also want to look at
org.apache.catalina.mbeans.JMXAdaptorLifecycleListener in

Something similar also exists for 6.0.x


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Re: [OT] [Tomcat] [daemon] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError unable to create new native thread

2009-02-05 Thread André Warnier

Mark Thomas wrote:

Peter Crowther wrote:

From: André Warnier []
using XMing as the X11 server (client?, I can never remember..).

Yeah, X's terminology is very counter-intuitive - I get comments of you're 
kidding every time I teach it.  An X server serves out the keyboard, mouse and 
display.  X11 clients connect to the X11 display server in order to display their output 
and get their input.

All of which means that you often use an X server running on your workstation or 
thin client to connect to X client programs running on your 
application/web/... server.

You might also want to look at
org.apache.catalina.mbeans.JMXAdaptorLifecycleListener in

Something similar also exists for 6.0.x

Thanks Mark.
That page is a bit obscure for someone like me not making Tomcat and 
Java their main focus, but do I understand it correctly in that it would 
mean that the variable second port connection would no longer be 
variable, thus allowing JConsole to connect to it through 2 pre-created 
SSH tunnels (as long as one inserts the indicated Listener element in 
the server.xml of a Tomcat 5.5.25+ ) ?

(admittedly, some people might consider this question a bit obscure too)

As a secondary question, does the fact of adding such a Listener have 
any discernable impact on Tomcat's performance (when JConsole is not in 
use) ?

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Re: [OT] [Tomcat] [daemon] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError unable to create new native thread

2009-02-05 Thread Pieter Temmerman
The disadvantage of running these tools on the server that also runs
Tomcat is that these tools generate certain load, which under some
circumstances is not wanted as it might influence the stats.

On Thu, 2009-02-05 at 14:15 +0100, André Warnier wrote:
 Mark Thomas wrote:
  Peter Crowther wrote:
  From: André Warnier []
  using XMing as the X11 server (client?, I can never remember..).
  Yeah, X's terminology is very counter-intuitive - I get comments of 
  you're kidding every time I teach it.  An X server serves out the 
  keyboard, mouse and display.  X11 clients connect to the X11 display 
  server in order to display their output and get their input.
  All of which means that you often use an X server running on your 
  workstation or thin client to connect to X client programs running on 
  your application/web/... server.
  You might also want to look at
  org.apache.catalina.mbeans.JMXAdaptorLifecycleListener in
  Something similar also exists for 6.0.x
 Thanks Mark.
 That page is a bit obscure for someone like me not making Tomcat and 
 Java their main focus, but do I understand it correctly in that it would 
 mean that the variable second port connection would no longer be 
 variable, thus allowing JConsole to connect to it through 2 pre-created 
 SSH tunnels (as long as one inserts the indicated Listener element in 
 the server.xml of a Tomcat 5.5.25+ ) ?
 (admittedly, some people might consider this question a bit obscure too)
 As a secondary question, does the fact of adding such a Listener have 
 any discernable impact on Tomcat's performance (when JConsole is not in 
 use) ?
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Pieter Temmerman
skype: ptemmerman.sadiel


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Re: [OT] [Tomcat] [daemon] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError unable to create new native thread

2009-02-05 Thread André Warnier

Christopher Schultz wrote:

Hash: SHA1


André Warnier wrote:

Christopher Schultz wrote:

What about forwarding X through the tunnel instead?

You can't, because it is variable.

If you forward the X connection, then Jconsole is running locally on the
Tomcat server. So there should be no problem with tunneling because you
are only tunneling the X connection, not the JMX ones.

Maybe I'm missing something.

Yes. What you missed is that I understood your first X for being the 
mysterious second unpredictable connection port which JConsole/JVM agree on.

Well, X sounded like that, didn't it ?

I have been put right about that by someone else already.

Not everyone agrees with that solution by the way, because the JConsole 
may interfere with the JVM on the same system (specially on mine, seen 
it has less RAM than Chuck's portable phone).

I'm giving the X-way a try though, using XMing (Gregor's suggestion).

There's an interesting other solution here :

Seems one /can/ now fix that second port, which would allow it setting 2 
tunnels beforehand, if I understand this correctly.

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Re: [Tomcat] [daemon] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError unable to create new native thread

2009-02-05 Thread Bill Davidson

Christopher Schultz wrote:

What about forwarding X through the tunnel instead?

I've tried that and found it to be unusably slow.  Just using
Cygwin/X though.  I'm not sure about those fancy light weight
X compression systems.

I really would like to be able to run these kind of tools across a
firewall.  I can't believe there are no provisions for it.  It has
to be something that a lot of people want to do.  If I can run Oracle
connections over an ssh tunnel with good performance, it seems like
I should be able to do something like jconsole data too.

RMI's random port thing is really annoying.  It seems like there
ought to be some way to specify all ports involved.  Whomever designed
it apparently didn't give any thought to working across firewalls.

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Re: [Tomcat] [daemon] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError unable to create new native thread

2009-02-04 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA1


André Warnier wrote:
 Steve Cohen wrote:

 Which means I'm looking for command-line equivalents for what 
 JConsole does, particularly the threads tab.  Any ideas along that path?

 Not really a help here, but as I have discovered JConsole wont't even
 work through a simple SSH tunnel, because it wants to dynamically open a
 second parallel connection, which of course your tunnel knows nothing

What about forwarding X through the tunnel instead?

- -chris
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Re: [Tomcat] [daemon] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError unable to create new native thread

2009-02-04 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA1


Steve Cohen wrote:
 One additional restriction I have is a security bureaucracy from hell.

You can use jmap from the command-line. That will give you a thread dump
which can help you see what all your threads are doing.

If you are using a system that uses POSIX threads, it might also help to
see what the output of 'ulimit -u' which will tell you the process limit
for your user. POSIX threads are essentially processes, so threads count
against your process limit.

The obvious answer is that you simply have too many threads being
created. There are a number of reasons you could be running out of
threads. Here are some:

1. Too many request processor threads configured in server.xml
   (see your Connector element). Inspect your configuration. You may
   have more connectors configured than necessary (I've seen
   configurations where both HTTP and AJP connectors are both enabled
   but only one is being used).

2. Too much file I/O. If you are using background threads to read/write
   files independently of the request processor thread, you might be
   creating too many of them. I recommend using a thread pool to
   schedule background jobs.

3. Timer threads. If you are using java.util.Timer, you may be creating
   more threads than you realize. Check your use of java.util.Timer and
   possibly use a thread pool for timed tasks.

4. Quartz, Quartz, Quartz (this is a job scheduler that generates a lot
   of questions on this list). Check any uses of Quartz.

- -chris
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: [Tomcat] [daemon] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError unable to create new native thread

2009-02-04 Thread André Warnier

Christopher Schultz wrote:

Hash: SHA1


André Warnier wrote:

Steve Cohen wrote:
Which means I'm looking for command-line equivalents for what 
JConsole does, particularly the threads tab.  Any ideas along that path?

Not really a help here, but as I have discovered JConsole wont't even
work through a simple SSH tunnel, because it wants to dynamically open a
second parallel connection, which of course your tunnel knows nothing

What about forwarding X through the tunnel instead?

You can't, because it is variable. It is the result of some internal 
negotiation between Jconsole and the remote JVM.

Apparently, anyway. I haven't managed to make it work so far.

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RE: [Tomcat] [daemon] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError unable to create new native thread

2009-02-04 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: André Warnier []
 Christopher Schultz wrote:
  What about forwarding X through the tunnel instead?
 You can't, because it is variable. It is the result of some internal
 negotiation between Jconsole and the remote JVM.
 Apparently, anyway. I haven't managed to make it work so far.

To expand Chris' suggestion: What about forwarding the X11 protocol through the 
tunnel instead, such that you can run Jconsole on the same machine as the JVM?  
X11 has a fixed port number, and ssh has support for this.  I've used this 
trick when needing to do something graphical on a box with ssh-only access; 
works a treat.

- Peter

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[Tomcat] [daemon] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError unable to create new native thread

2009-02-03 Thread Steve Cohen
We have an application that runs under Tomcat under RHEL 5.0  and is 
launched by a jsvc daemon.
It chugs along seemingly fine on several servers, yet yesterday crashed 
on one of them with the above exception seemingly without experiencing 
any kind of abnormal load.  I am trying to get a handle on this.

System is

$ uname -a
Linux  2.6.18-92.1.22.el5 #1 SMP Fri Dec 5 09:29:46 EST 2008 i686 i686 
i386 GNU/Linux

Java version:
java -version
java version 1.5.0_16
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_16-b02)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_16-b02, mixed mode, sharing)

no special JVM memory settings are used when launching tomcat, just the 
default memory allocations.  I have read in some places that this 
particular form of OutOfMemoryError is actually made worse by increasing 
the memory size.

I need to deploy some thread and memory monitoring setup to get a handle 
on this.

Can someone suggest a path forward here?


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Re: [Tomcat] [daemon] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError unable to create new native thread

2009-02-03 Thread Pieter Temmerman
Hi Steve,

Some great tools to monitor your Tomcat installations are:

- Jconsole (make sure you get the topthreads plugin)
- VisualVM
- VisualGC
- Jmap

Hope that helps.

On Tue, 2009-02-03 at 09:31 -0600, Steve Cohen wrote:
 We have an application that runs under Tomcat under RHEL 5.0  and is 
 launched by a jsvc daemon.
 It chugs along seemingly fine on several servers, yet yesterday crashed 
 on one of them with the above exception seemingly without experiencing 
 any kind of abnormal load.  I am trying to get a handle on this.
 System is
 $ uname -a
 Linux  2.6.18-92.1.22.el5 #1 SMP Fri Dec 5 09:29:46 EST 2008 i686 i686 
 i386 GNU/Linux
 Java version:
 java -version
 java version 1.5.0_16
 Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_16-b02)
 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_16-b02, mixed mode, sharing)
 no special JVM memory settings are used when launching tomcat, just the 
 default memory allocations.  I have read in some places that this 
 particular form of OutOfMemoryError is actually made worse by increasing 
 the memory size.
 I need to deploy some thread and memory monitoring setup to get a handle 
 on this.
 Can someone suggest a path forward here?
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Pieter Temmerman
skype: ptemmerman.sadiel


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Re: [Tomcat] [daemon] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError unable to create new native thread

2009-02-03 Thread Steve Cohen
One additional restriction I have is a security bureaucracy from hell.  
As far as console access I have a two-hop connection.  As far as GUI 
access I have some crappy device to log into that lets me have really 
bad keyboard/mouse control of the machine, which, unless I can overcome 
this means that GUI-based tools are not going to work, and as for remote 
GUI access, see above security bureaucracy.

Which means I'm looking for command-line equivalents for what  JConsole 
does, particularly the threads tab.  Any ideas along that path?

Pieter Temmerman wrote:

Hi Steve,

Some great tools to monitor your Tomcat installations are:

- Jconsole (make sure you get the topthreads plugin)
- VisualVM
- VisualGC
- Jmap

Hope that helps.

On Tue, 2009-02-03 at 09:31 -0600, Steve Cohen wrote:
We have an application that runs under Tomcat under RHEL 5.0  and is 
launched by a jsvc daemon.
It chugs along seemingly fine on several servers, yet yesterday crashed 
on one of them with the above exception seemingly without experiencing 
any kind of abnormal load.  I am trying to get a handle on this.

System is

$ uname -a
Linux  2.6.18-92.1.22.el5 #1 SMP Fri Dec 5 09:29:46 EST 2008 i686 i686 
i386 GNU/Linux

Java version:
java -version
java version 1.5.0_16
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_16-b02)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_16-b02, mixed mode, sharing)

no special JVM memory settings are used when launching tomcat, just the 
default memory allocations.  I have read in some places that this 
particular form of OutOfMemoryError is actually made worse by increasing 
the memory size.

I need to deploy some thread and memory monitoring setup to get a handle 
on this.

Can someone suggest a path forward here?


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Re: [Tomcat] [daemon] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError unable to create new native thread

2009-02-03 Thread ovidiu asiminei
Hi Steve,

Also,  a good tool for monitoring Tomcat  is Lamda Probe



On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 9:31 AM, Steve Cohen wrote:

 We have an application that runs under Tomcat under RHEL 5.0  and is
 launched by a jsvc daemon.
 It chugs along seemingly fine on several servers, yet yesterday crashed on
 one of them with the above exception seemingly without experiencing any kind
 of abnormal load.  I am trying to get a handle on this.
 System is

 $ uname -a
 Linux  2.6.18-92.1.22.el5 #1 SMP Fri Dec 5 09:29:46 EST 2008 i686 i686 i386

 Java version:
 java -version
 java version 1.5.0_16
 Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_16-b02)
 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_16-b02, mixed mode, sharing)

 no special JVM memory settings are used when launching tomcat, just the
 default memory allocations.  I have read in some places that this particular
 form of OutOfMemoryError is actually made worse by increasing the memory

 I need to deploy some thread and memory monitoring setup to get a handle on

 Can someone suggest a path forward here?


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ovidiu asiminei

Re: [Tomcat] [daemon] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError unable to create new native thread

2009-02-03 Thread Kees Jan Koster

Dear Steve,

One additional restriction I have is a security bureaucracy from  
hell.  As far as console access I have a two-hop connection.

Is there no test system that you can use to reproduce this, under less  
insane restrictions? Have you considered hauling your behind to the  
data center to sit behind the console for a few hours? In the past I  
found that I could spend days fighting the bizarre rules with half- 
working technical solutions, or just go to the actual machine and look  
at the display there. Of course, it was only a two hour drive in my  
case. Yours might well be at the other end of the world.

As far as GUI access I have some crappy device to log into that lets  
me have really bad keyboard/mouse control of the machine, which,  
unless I can overcome this means that GUI-based tools are not going  
to work, and as for remote GUI access, see above security bureaucracy.

Which means I'm looking for command-line equivalents for what   
JConsole does, particularly the threads tab.  Any ideas along that  

There are some JMX command line tools, but JMX is really easy to use  
from code. You could write a simple JSP page to give you the figures  
that way. Script with curl/wget and graph with Excel. :)

Kees Jan

The secret of success lies in the stability of the goal. -- Benjamin  

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Re: [Tomcat] [daemon] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError unable to create new native thread

2009-02-03 Thread André Warnier

Steve Cohen wrote:

Which means I'm looking for command-line equivalents for what  JConsole 
does, particularly the threads tab.  Any ideas along that path?

Not really a help here, but as I have discovered JConsole wont't even 
work through a simple SSH tunnel, because it wants to dynamically open a 
second parallel connection, which of course your tunnel knows nothing about.

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