How to replace panelA with panelB using AjaxLink in panelA

2007-08-13 Thread Tauren Mills
My use case can best be described as making wicket-phonebook work
within a single tab of a tabbed panel using AjaxLink for create, edit,
and delete.

Thus, I have a page that contains a TabbedPanel.
One tab of TabbedPanel contains ContactListPanel.
ContactListPanel contains createContact link and a DataTable
DataTable contains rows of data with editContact and deleteContact links.

Clicking on one of those links should replace ContactListPanel with
ContactEditPanel or ContactDeletePanel.  I want the edit and delete
functions to still be within the tabbed interface, not on separate

I think this is close, but am not sure what is wrong:

private void addCreateLink() {
add(new AjaxLink(createLink) {
public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
Panel panel = new ContactEditPanel(panel,
new Model(new Contact()));

What is the proper way to replace the containing panel from a control
within that panel? I found similar questions posted on this list, but
I haven't got any of those solutions to work for me.


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Re: Phone book example

2007-08-13 Thread Igor Vaynberg
that is not the svn url for wicket-stuff repo, see project site


On 8/13/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


 I am new to Wicket and java and am trying to get the phone book example to
 and get BAD GATEWAY. Where can I get it?

 Many thanks

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Re: Empty CSS

2007-08-13 Thread Eelco Hillenius
 IResourceSettings.setDisableGZipCompression() is not available in the version
 of Wicket that I'm using (1.2.6).

We didn't provide compression of resources in Wicket, so it's correct
that setting doesn't exist.


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Re: Ajax submit form with empty file input

2007-08-13 Thread Igor Vaynberg
no, ajax submits do not support multipart forms.


On 8/13/07, Carlos Pita [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,

 is it possible to ajax submit a form that has a file input between its
 fields, even if this input is always empty at the time of submission?

 For example, the following example throws a 'ServletRequest does not
 multipart content' exception when clicking the ajaxSubmit button, even if

 Form form = new Form(form);
 form.add (new TextField(text, new PropertyModel(this, text)));
 form.add(new FileUploadField(file));
 form.add(new AjaxButton(ajaxSubmit, form) {
 protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {

 The fact is that I will upload images using another, hidden and not
 form with an iframe as its target, so the above form will never be
 with a non-empty file input.

 How can I do this?

 Thank you in advance

Re: RequestDispather.forward()

2007-08-13 Thread hillj2

I didn't know you could still use the servlet in 1.3.  As it turns out,
switching to using the servlet did fix the problem.  I don't know if that's
a problem with the filter or with the way I had things set up.  The
downside, I've now discovered, is that after doing the forward the app now
thinks it's running under the servlet/jsp app's path and not the wicket
path, which is causing its own issues.

I think I'd almost rather accomplish this using a redirect instead; however
our reverse proxy seems to have issues with redirects.  I already had to
switch to one pass rendering because of it.  Maybe one of these days someone
will actually figure out that issue and fix it.  Too bad I don't have access
to it.  If you want something done right...or at all have to
do it yourself. :)

If only I had time to convert the whole app over to wicket now; but I don't. 
But enough venting on the mailing list.

Thanks for the help, Eelco.


Eelco Hillenius wrote:
 Would the fact that wicket now uses a filter instead of a servlet have
 an effect on trying to forward a request.  I'm trying to forward a
 request from the jsp/servlet portion of our app to a bookmarkable wicket
 page using RequestDispatcher.forward(), but no matter what sort of path
 I send it, I get a null value when trying to create my RequestDispatcher

 My wicket filter is mapped to /wicket/*, and as an experiment I tried
 to forward to my app's home page.  I tried passing /wicket/,
 wicket/, and even /wicket (which shouldn't work), an neither case
 allowed me to create a RequestDispatcher (using
 request.getRequestDispatcher()).  If I simply pass / id does forward
 to my app's welcome page, and I think even passing a path for my servlet
 (where the forward is occuring--or trying to at least) is recognized;
 but I can't get it to recognize the wicket app.

 I tried including


 in the filter-mapping of my web.xml, since it looked like that might
 solve it, but no luck.  It would be nice if I could find some way to
 redirect from the old servlet back to wicket, but I haven't figured it
 out yet.  I've started experimenting with response.senRedirect(), but so
 far that's not looking promising either.  Why won't my app server
 recognize my wicket path?  Thanks.


 P.S. If someone tells me they think it's oc4j again (my app server) I
 think I may cry. lol
 No idea. You can still use a servlet with Wicket 1.3 if you want to
 test whether that makes the difference (sounds very unlikely to me,
 but if you test it you can make sure) and if you think it might be
 oc4j, you can simply test it with another servlet container and see
 whether the same problem exists.
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Re: Still need a little help putting hyperlinks in a CheckBox's label

2007-08-13 Thread Justin Morgan (Logic Sector)
Thanks very much for your help.  I tried this and it looks correct on  
the page.  However, there are two problems that I still need help with.

PROBLEM 1  --  Requiredness message is wrong
Submitting the form results in:
field 'cb' is required
The requiredness message needs to be:
field 'I agree to the Terms of Use and the Submission  
Policy' is required

PROBLEM 2  --  Hyperlink click issue:
Clicking either hyperlink inadvertently checks and unchecks the checkbox

I think the label I agree to the Terms of Use and the Submission  
Policy needs to be a label in the Wicket sense of a labeled field so  
the requiredness message shows up correctly...It should not be an  
HTML label element because that means clicking a hyperlink checks/ 
unchecks the box.  I'm just not sure how to go about this.

Thanks again for any help,


On Aug 10, 2007, at 11:04 AM, Igor Vaynberg wrote:

final CheckBox cb=new CheckBox(cb);

WebMarkupContainer label=new WebMarkupContainer(label) {
  oncomponenttag(tag) { tag.put(for, cb.getMarkupId()); }
label.add(new PageLink(terms, TermsPage.class));
label.add(new PageLink(policy, PolicyPage.class));

input type=checkbox wicket:id=cb/label  
wicket:id=labelagree to the
a wicket:id=termsterms of use/a and a  



On 8/10/07, Justin Morgan (Logic Sector) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  


I asked this question before but didn't really understand the
response.  I need to create a CheckBox at the bottom of a form
(ordinarily this is easy enough).  The tricky part is that the check
box's label will contain two hyperlinks that correspond to the
underlined text in the example below:

 [x] I agree to the  _Terms_of_Use_  and the

In the markup I could place the CheckBox labeled with I agree to
the, then place a terms of use Link, then a Label (and the), then
another submission policy Link.  That would solve my problem except
the CheckBox is *required*.  The requiredness error message would say
something like:
 field 'I agree to the' is required
and obviously that's not ideal for users.

Since Wicket is all about OOP, should I create a subclass of
CheckBox?  What's the best approach?  If there are any examples
similar to this, I'd greatly appreciate hearing about it.

Thanks for any help,


On Jun 12, 2007, at 11:56 PM, Timo Rantalaiho wrote:

On Tue, 12 Jun 2007, Justin Morgan (Logic Sector) wrote:

My question is:  How to I create a label that displays an error
message correctly, yet also contains hyperlinks within the label?

Make it a WebMarkupContainer that has the logic and
necessary child components.

- Timo

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Re: Replacing panels inside a ModalWindow

2007-08-13 Thread Matej Knopp
Does this happen in all browsers?


On 8/13/07, al que [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Sean,
   thanks for your suggestion.

 I have upgraded to 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT but i still have the
 same problem :(.


 --- Sean Sullivan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Did you say that you are using
  That is probably an old jar.  (Wicket is no longer
  in incubation)

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Re: Border and Template

2007-08-13 Thread Dariusz Wojtas

Yes, this technique works perfectly, I found it recently myself.
Sample may be found here:

See class '' and it's parent class.

Dariusz Wojtas

igor.vaynberg wrote:
 set the border as transparent, override istransparentresolver() { return
 true; } then you can add directly to the page even though in markup it is
 inside the border.
 On 8/12/07, Joe Toth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a couple of WebPages that I reused for different applications,
 but they need to have different Borders for each application.

 Using 1.3 - Currently I create an abstract WebPage that all my pages
 extend, plus I create a Border for these commonly shared pages.

 So, I have to maintain the same 'template' in 2 places because add() is
 now a final method.

 The only solution I came up with to combine the Border and the WebPage
 template is to go back into all the pages that extend the template and
 create an borderAdd() method and use that instead of the default

 Any thoughts? Suggestions?


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Re: Replacing panels inside a ModalWindow

2007-08-13 Thread Matej Knopp
I need a quickstart that can be use to reproduce the problem to be
able to help here.


On 8/13/07, al que [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Matej,
   i have tested the application in
 Iceweasel 2.0, IE 6.0, Opera 9.22 and Konqueror 3.5.5
 and i had problems with all these browsers when trying
 to use the modal window.

 With Iceweasel and IE the problem is the same as i
 explained earlier. In konqueror it seems that i cant
 get to open a modal window with a page as content (but
 if the content is a panel instead of a page it does
 open). With Opera the modal window just displays a
 blank page from the beginning.


 --- Matej Knopp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Does this happen in all browsers?

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Re: Submit button issue in wicket-phonebook

2007-08-13 Thread Tauren Mills
Hi Martijn,

When I was looking at the diffs, it looked like it went from a Button
to a Link during your commit. But I certainly could have messed up.


On 8/13/07, Martijn Dashorst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 According to the revision log, I had nothing to do with this... My
 commit only moved the projects from a branch to trunk.


 On 8/13/07, Tauren Mills [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Well, it looks like it was done on 4/19/2007 by dashorst.  Is this
  message enough, or should I submit a jira?
  Should I switch it back to Button for my application, or is there a
  way to get Link to set a value if used with input type=button
  On 8/12/07, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   looks like someone changed it from a Button to a Link. the Button uses its
   model to set the value attr, the link obviously doesnt. so see svn history
   and who made the change, and then bug that person on the list :)
   On 8/12/07, Tauren Mills [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
When running wicket-phonebook, both the Confirm and Cancel buttons
on the delete contact page say Confirm Query when rendered on a web
page.  Is this a bug in Link when it is used with an input
type=button?  Or is there a bug in wicket-phonebook?
   private void addConfimButton() {
* notice in mark-up this link is attached to input
* tag, the link is smart enough to know to generate an
onclick instead
* of href
   add(new Link(confirm, new ResourceModel(confirm)) {
   public void onClick() {
   final Contact deleted = getContact();
   String msg =
this), new MicroMap(
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AjaxTabbedPanel Problem

2007-08-13 Thread Eric Woerner

I have a interesting problem with the AjaxTabbedPanel.  If one of that tabs
has a panel that has forms with in it they are not displayed when you click
on that tab.  None of the textareas or TextFields will display.  Nothing
between the form tags will display.

Has anyone ever seen this problem?
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Re: sharing a context menu across components

2007-08-13 Thread Igor Vaynberg
what i am suggesting is this:

if you only want to have a single instance of behavior per table, yet have
onclick react per row you need to have some javascript on the clientside
that can tell what row is clicked by appending something meaningful to the
behavior's callback url.

you do not need this when you use an instance of behavior per row - because
wicket already builds the unique name that can identify that row/behavior
for you - which is the component path of the component that contains the


On 8/13/07, Kirk Israel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I guess I'm not understanding what you're suggesting.

 I've added a ContextMenuBehavior to the dataTableComponent row.
 Inside the ContextMenuComponent that is also on the page, there is an
 AjaxLink anonymous inner class. that overrides
 onClick(AjaxRequestTarget pRequestTarget)

 But the result of getPath() always has the same problem, even when I
 do ContextMenuComponent.this.getPath(). The Behavior isn't in the
 path, because it's not part of the nesting hierarchy. It stands
 outside and connects, and as you can see below the path says
 dataTableComponent:campaignContextMenuComponent - the fact that
 behaviors have been added to the dataTableComponent's rows doesn't
 matter to the path, at least in the straight forward way I've made the

 (Just to make sure I wasn't missing something obvious, I tried adding
 the contextMenuComponent to the Behavior rather than to the
 dataTableComponent, but of course there is no .add(Component) for
 behaviors, so the concept didn't make sense.. you can add a behavior
 to a component but not vice versa)

 What am I not getting here?
 Is there some other kind of special menu item class I need to use that
 would capture the path of the behavior that invoked it?( Because right
 now it's just a component that happens to be showing up and relocated
 because of the behavior i added to the rowitem.)
 Is there some sort of way of jamming the behavior into the path,
 besides the fact that the behavior is added to the appropriate

 On 8/13/07, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  see component.getpath()
  On 8/13/07, Kirk Israel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Where can I retrieve that path? Each row is generating a unique
   behavior object instance, but in the onClick for one of the menu
   items, code like
   (which, through some documentation surfing and trial and error seemed
   the only thing close to what you were talking about) comes back with
   with no mention of the behavior that is connecting dataTableComponent
   and campaignContextMenuComponent
   Is there another object that would be carrying more meaningful request
   path info, or is my only hope to start hacking in the javascript? I
   really hate breaking the abstraction layer Wicket provides by putting
   so much in javascript, and the path to even do so isn't clear to me.
   On 8/13/07, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
the first one is internal to wicket - because the behavior is unique
an internal unique path in wicket, so you dont need to worry about
basically your onclick handler for the menuitem has a 1-1 link to
onclick handler of the behavior.
if you want one behavior then you have many menuitems onclicks
   to a
single behavior onclick. so you need to map somehow - and that is
javascript on clientside.
On 8/13/07, Kirk Israel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I kind of see what you're getting at, but could you give an
 example of
 the syntax for the first one? I already have a unique behavior
 instance for each row... do I need to add another one?  Or is
 some way in the onClick code to read what the path of the behavior
 (Actually I might not be thinking of the right use of path)
 I guess I'm trying to avoid hacking javascript strings if I can,
 the link syntax is pretty arcane...

 On 8/13/07, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  the event is triggered on clientside, so you need to pass back
  clicked there.
  you can either do it by adding a unique behavior - which then
 has a
  path - which is that id you are passing back. or you need to
  unique id on client side using javascript so it can tell which
  On 8/13/07, Kirk Israel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have a Context Menu Object and Behavior... right now I
   Context Menu for the whole Data Table (extends
   AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable) component that links to it...
   newRowItem() I add a unique ContextMenuBehavior (extends

nuke the sourceforge lists!

2007-08-13 Thread Eelco Hillenius
Hey Martijn, others,

Can we go ahead and remove all users from the sourceforge lists and
make sure no-one can every subscribe again? Or is there a better way?


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Re: AjaxTabbedPanel Problem

2007-08-13 Thread Tauren Mills

After reading your message, I just tested my problem out again.  I
described my problem in a message last night with the subject How to
replace panelA with panelB using AjaxLink in panelA.

I'm now thinking that that I did have it working, but that the content
is just not showing.  I have a form on panelB, and it looks like
panelA has been replaced with panelB when I look at the AjaxDebug
info.  But panelB isn't showing on the page.

Note that I'm not using an AjaxTabbedPanel, just a TabbedPanel.  But
I'm using ajax inside the panel to replace it.

Bottom line is that I too am having that same problem.  Unfortunately,
I don't have a solution.


On 8/13/07, Eric Woerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a interesting problem with the AjaxTabbedPanel.  If one of that tabs
 has a panel that has forms with in it they are not displayed when you click
 on that tab.  None of the textareas or TextFields will display.  Nothing
 between the form tags will display.

 Has anyone ever seen this problem?
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Re: AjaxTabbedPanel Problem

2007-08-13 Thread Tauren Mills

Will you test in IE?  The form content shows in IE6, but not in FF2 on WinXP.


On 8/13/07, Tauren Mills [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 After reading your message, I just tested my problem out again.  I
 described my problem in a message last night with the subject How to
 replace panelA with panelB using AjaxLink in panelA.

 I'm now thinking that that I did have it working, but that the content
 is just not showing.  I have a form on panelB, and it looks like
 panelA has been replaced with panelB when I look at the AjaxDebug
 info.  But panelB isn't showing on the page.

 Note that I'm not using an AjaxTabbedPanel, just a TabbedPanel.  But
 I'm using ajax inside the panel to replace it.

 Bottom line is that I too am having that same problem.  Unfortunately,
 I don't have a solution.


 On 8/13/07, Eric Woerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have a interesting problem with the AjaxTabbedPanel.  If one of that tabs
  has a panel that has forms with in it they are not displayed when you click
  on that tab.  None of the textareas or TextFields will display.  Nothing
  between the form tags will display.
  Has anyone ever seen this problem?
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Re: AjaxTabbedPanel Problem

2007-08-13 Thread Igor Vaynberg
you probably have the span/div problem. make sure you do not nest any block
level elements like div inside spans


On 8/13/07, Tauren Mills [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Will you test in IE?  The form content shows in IE6, but not in FF2 on


 On 8/13/07, Tauren Mills [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  After reading your message, I just tested my problem out again.  I
  described my problem in a message last night with the subject How to
  replace panelA with panelB using AjaxLink in panelA.
  I'm now thinking that that I did have it working, but that the content
  is just not showing.  I have a form on panelB, and it looks like
  panelA has been replaced with panelB when I look at the AjaxDebug
  info.  But panelB isn't showing on the page.
  Note that I'm not using an AjaxTabbedPanel, just a TabbedPanel.  But
  I'm using ajax inside the panel to replace it.
  Bottom line is that I too am having that same problem.  Unfortunately,
  I don't have a solution.
  On 8/13/07, Eric Woerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have a interesting problem with the AjaxTabbedPanel.  If one of that
   has a panel that has forms with in it they are not displayed when you
   on that tab.  None of the textareas or TextFields will
 display.  Nothing
   between the form tags will display.
   Has anyone ever seen this problem?
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Re: AjaxTabbedPanel Problem

2007-08-13 Thread Tauren Mills
A quick fix to this is to wrap your form in this:

div style=clear: both
  form ... /form

But I think the TabbedPanel CSS should deal with it more elegantly.


On 8/13/07, Tauren Mills [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I did some more tests and I just discovered that for me, the HTML is
 on the page, just not under the tabs like it should be.  It is to the
 far right of the tabs, and I have to scroll right to see it.  A scroll
 bar should appear on the bottom when you go to that tab.  If you turn
 off CSS, the content will show as well.  I can't believe I didn't see
 that sooner...  Argh!

 Anyway, I think there is something wrong with the TabbedPanel CSS, so
 I created a simple quickstart to illustrate the problem and attached
 it to a JIRA:

 If I figure out a solution, I'll let you know.


 On 8/13/07, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  you probably have the span/div problem. make sure you do not nest any block
  level elements like div inside spans
  On 8/13/07, Tauren Mills [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Will you test in IE?  The form content shows in IE6, but not in FF2 on
   On 8/13/07, Tauren Mills [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
After reading your message, I just tested my problem out again.  I
described my problem in a message last night with the subject How to
replace panelA with panelB using AjaxLink in panelA.
I'm now thinking that that I did have it working, but that the content
is just not showing.  I have a form on panelB, and it looks like
panelA has been replaced with panelB when I look at the AjaxDebug
info.  But panelB isn't showing on the page.
Note that I'm not using an AjaxTabbedPanel, just a TabbedPanel.  But
I'm using ajax inside the panel to replace it.
Bottom line is that I too am having that same problem.  Unfortunately,
I don't have a solution.
On 8/13/07, Eric Woerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a interesting problem with the AjaxTabbedPanel.  If one of that
 has a panel that has forms with in it they are not displayed when you
 on that tab.  None of the textareas or TextFields will
   display.  Nothing
 between the form tags will display.

 Has anyone ever seen this problem?
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Re: AjaxTabbedPanel Problem

2007-08-13 Thread Matej Knopp
There is no such thing as tabbed panel CSS. Tabbed panel doesn't come
with any CSS. I put {
clear: left;

to styles.css in wicket examples, just in case someone takes the
styles from there.


On 8/14/07, Tauren Mills [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A quick fix to this is to wrap your form in this:

 div style=clear: both
   form ... /form

 But I think the TabbedPanel CSS should deal with it more elegantly.


 On 8/13/07, Tauren Mills [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I did some more tests and I just discovered that for me, the HTML is
  on the page, just not under the tabs like it should be.  It is to the
  far right of the tabs, and I have to scroll right to see it.  A scroll
  bar should appear on the bottom when you go to that tab.  If you turn
  off CSS, the content will show as well.  I can't believe I didn't see
  that sooner...  Argh!
  Anyway, I think there is something wrong with the TabbedPanel CSS, so
  I created a simple quickstart to illustrate the problem and attached
  it to a JIRA:
  If I figure out a solution, I'll let you know.
  On 8/13/07, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   you probably have the span/div problem. make sure you do not nest any 
   level elements like div inside spans
   On 8/13/07, Tauren Mills [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Will you test in IE?  The form content shows in IE6, but not in FF2 on
On 8/13/07, Tauren Mills [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 After reading your message, I just tested my problem out again.  I
 described my problem in a message last night with the subject How to
 replace panelA with panelB using AjaxLink in panelA.

 I'm now thinking that that I did have it working, but that the content
 is just not showing.  I have a form on panelB, and it looks like
 panelA has been replaced with panelB when I look at the AjaxDebug
 info.  But panelB isn't showing on the page.

 Note that I'm not using an AjaxTabbedPanel, just a TabbedPanel.  But
 I'm using ajax inside the panel to replace it.

 Bottom line is that I too am having that same problem.  Unfortunately,
 I don't have a solution.


 On 8/13/07, Eric Woerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have a interesting problem with the AjaxTabbedPanel.  If one of 
  has a panel that has forms with in it they are not displayed when 
  on that tab.  None of the textareas or TextFields will
display.  Nothing
  between the form tags will display.
  Has anyone ever seen this problem?
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Re: AjaxTabbedPanel Problem

2007-08-13 Thread Tauren Mills

Thanks for doing that.  That's where I got the css from, and is what I
was referring to.


On 8/13/07, Matej Knopp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There is no such thing as tabbed panel CSS. Tabbed panel doesn't come
 with any CSS. I put {
 clear: left;

 to styles.css in wicket examples, just in case someone takes the
 styles from there.


 On 8/14/07, Tauren Mills [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  A quick fix to this is to wrap your form in this:
  div style=clear: both
form ... /form
  But I think the TabbedPanel CSS should deal with it more elegantly.
  On 8/13/07, Tauren Mills [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I did some more tests and I just discovered that for me, the HTML is
   on the page, just not under the tabs like it should be.  It is to the
   far right of the tabs, and I have to scroll right to see it.  A scroll
   bar should appear on the bottom when you go to that tab.  If you turn
   off CSS, the content will show as well.  I can't believe I didn't see
   that sooner...  Argh!
   Anyway, I think there is something wrong with the TabbedPanel CSS, so
   I created a simple quickstart to illustrate the problem and attached
   it to a JIRA:
   If I figure out a solution, I'll let you know.
   On 8/13/07, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
you probably have the span/div problem. make sure you do not nest any 
level elements like div inside spans
On 8/13/07, Tauren Mills [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Will you test in IE?  The form content shows in IE6, but not in FF2 on


 On 8/13/07, Tauren Mills [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  After reading your message, I just tested my problem out again.  I
  described my problem in a message last night with the subject How 
  replace panelA with panelB using AjaxLink in panelA.
  I'm now thinking that that I did have it working, but that the 
  is just not showing.  I have a form on panelB, and it looks like
  panelA has been replaced with panelB when I look at the AjaxDebug
  info.  But panelB isn't showing on the page.
  Note that I'm not using an AjaxTabbedPanel, just a TabbedPanel.  But
  I'm using ajax inside the panel to replace it.
  Bottom line is that I too am having that same problem.  
  I don't have a solution.
  On 8/13/07, Eric Woerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have a interesting problem with the AjaxTabbedPanel.  If one of 
   has a panel that has forms with in it they are not displayed when 
   on that tab.  None of the textareas or TextFields will
 display.  Nothing
   between the form tags will display.
   Has anyone ever seen this problem?
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Re: Dynamic AJAX Tabs

2007-08-13 Thread Ballist1c

Opppsss!!! hahaha.. gotta get into that habit, at the moment, the tabs
display a unique id just to see if i can get it working.  also... I am
currently using a list, cause I cant add a AbstractTab to the 'item' in
populate item :( 

final List tabs = new ArrayList();

chatSessionTabs = new RefreshingView(chatSessionTabs, new
chatSessions)) {

protected Iterator getItemModels() {
return new
protected IModel model(Object object) {
return new Model((Serializable) object); 
protected void populateItem(Item item) {
Label chatSessionTabData = new Label(chatSessionTab,
final long tempChatSessionId = (Long)item.getModelObject();

tabs.add(new AbstractTab(item.getModel()) {
public Panel getPanel(String panelId) {
return new FlirtTabPanel(panelId,

if (tabs.size()  0)
add(new AjaxTabbedPanel(tabs, tabs));
add(new Label(tabs, You have no chat sessions));   

igor.vaynberg wrote:
 why dont you paste your code, abstracttab should work just fine, its just
 factory for panels.
 On 8/13/07, Ballist1c [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey guys,

 Right now i have been playing around with the current, ajax tabbs in
 extensions.  What I am trying on now is creating a dynamic number of tabs
 with multiple components and models within each tab which can change
 runtime so it will have Ajax polling for information.

 I have been using a RefreshingView to manage X number of tabs and it will
 have AJAX updates performed on the fly for information contain within the

 I have been trying to use AbstractTab but it doesn't work with
 RefreshingView because refreshing view populates the tabs at run-time
 then creating the tabs at construction/render.

 This is my current predicament, and I am looking for a clean solution
 current framework classes if possible.

 THanks hEaps guys
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Re: Dynamic AJAX Tabs

2007-08-13 Thread Igor Vaynberg
hmm, its still pretty difficult to tell what is going on.

how about a quickstart that reproduces the problem.

you want to have an ajax tabbed panel where the number of tabs is variable,
so when you recalculate the number of tabs why not simply replace the
tabbedpanel with a new instance and add the new instance to the ajax target.


On 8/13/07, Ballist1c [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Opppsss!!! hahaha.. gotta get into that habit, at the moment, the tabs
 display a unique id just to see if i can get it working.  also... I am
 currently using a list, cause I cant add a AbstractTab to the 'item' in
 populate item :(

 final List tabs = new ArrayList();

 chatSessionTabs = new RefreshingView(chatSessionTabs, new
 chatSessions)) {

 protected Iterator getItemModels() {
 return new
 protected IModel model(Object object) {
 return new Model((Serializable) object);
 protected void populateItem(Item item) {
 Label chatSessionTabData = new Label(chatSessionTab,
 final long tempChatSessionId =

 tabs.add(new AbstractTab(item.getModel()) {
 public Panel getPanel(String panelId) {
 return new FlirtTabPanel(panelId,

 if (tabs.size()  0)
 add(new AjaxTabbedPanel(tabs, tabs));
 add(new Label(tabs, You have no chat sessions));

 igor.vaynberg wrote:
  why dont you paste your code, abstracttab should work just fine, its
  factory for panels.
  On 8/13/07, Ballist1c [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hey guys,
  Right now i have been playing around with the current, ajax tabbs in
  extensions.  What I am trying on now is creating a dynamic number of
  with multiple components and models within each tab which can change
  runtime so it will have Ajax polling for information.
  I have been using a RefreshingView to manage X number of tabs and it
  have AJAX updates performed on the fly for information contain within
  I have been trying to use AbstractTab but it doesn't work with
  RefreshingView because refreshing view populates the tabs at run-time
  then creating the tabs at construction/render.
  This is my current predicament, and I am looking for a clean solution
  current framework classes if possible.
  THanks hEaps guys
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Re: Dynamic AJAX Tabs

2007-08-13 Thread Ballist1c

hrmm... i might have to resort to that... I was hoping not to have to access
any POJO data directly by the rendering components 

my aim was to keep all the UI components to only access models only... and
keep all the scripting to custom models keeping it transparent from the UI
classes. But that venture is starting to really create a bucket load of
classes... :S... 

igor.vaynberg wrote:
 hmm, its still pretty difficult to tell what is going on.
 how about a quickstart that reproduces the problem.
 you want to have an ajax tabbed panel where the number of tabs is
 so when you recalculate the number of tabs why not simply replace the
 tabbedpanel with a new instance and add the new instance to the ajax
 On 8/13/07, Ballist1c [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Opppsss!!! hahaha.. gotta get into that habit, at the moment, the tabs
 display a unique id just to see if i can get it working.  also... I am
 currently using a list, cause I cant add a AbstractTab to the 'item' in
 populate item :(

 final List tabs = new ArrayList();

 chatSessionTabs = new RefreshingView(chatSessionTabs, new
 chatSessions)) {

 protected Iterator getItemModels() {
 return new
 protected IModel model(Object object) {
 return new Model((Serializable) object);
 protected void populateItem(Item item) {
 Label chatSessionTabData = new Label(chatSessionTab,
 final long tempChatSessionId =

 tabs.add(new AbstractTab(item.getModel()) {
 public Panel getPanel(String panelId) {
 return new FlirtTabPanel(panelId,

 if (tabs.size()  0)
 add(new AjaxTabbedPanel(tabs, tabs));
 add(new Label(tabs, You have no chat sessions));

 igor.vaynberg wrote:
  why dont you paste your code, abstracttab should work just fine, its
  factory for panels.
  On 8/13/07, Ballist1c [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hey guys,
  Right now i have been playing around with the current, ajax tabbs in
  extensions.  What I am trying on now is creating a dynamic number of
  with multiple components and models within each tab which can change
  runtime so it will have Ajax polling for information.
  I have been using a RefreshingView to manage X number of tabs and it
  have AJAX updates performed on the fly for information contain within
  I have been trying to use AbstractTab but it doesn't work with
  RefreshingView because refreshing view populates the tabs at run-time
  then creating the tabs at construction/render.
  This is my current predicament, and I am looking for a clean solution
  current framework classes if possible.
  THanks hEaps guys
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Extend Border

2007-08-13 Thread Joe Toth
Is it possible to extend an extended Border?

In my class TemplateBorder extends Border, I need to have both
wicket:child / and wicket:body / in order for Wicket to be able to
render AccountTemplateBorder, which extends TemplateBorder.

But, then the child is rendered either before or after the border body.
I need the child to be rendered inside the border body.

Is this possible?


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