Re: Unusual problem is coming in rendering component

2012-05-03 Thread Thomas Götz
Please have a look at the JavaDoc of 
org.apache.wicket.model.CompoundPropertyModel. Other interesting reads:


On 03.05.2012 at 05:07 kshitiz wrote:

> Thank you very much for the repliesI got the problem and solved it using
> the code:
> *final RequiredTextField postTextField = new
> RequiredTextField(
>   "postTextField", 
> Model.of(postDomain.getPost()));
> *
> But please tell me one thing...the first parameter in new
> RequiredTextField() function is used to map textfield tag present in
> html page with its java definition. Why wicket is using that parameter to
> map it to the property of compound model (PostDomain in this case)???
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Exception when detaching/serializing a page

2012-05-03 Thread Philipp
We have been successfully running a Wicket-driven Web application for 
about 6 month now. Since a few days the application keeps giving me 
errors of the following kind:

May 01 09:04:56 
domU-12-31-39-0A-59-A1 ERROR: [Live]: 
org.apache.wicket.Session.requestDetached.1454: Exception when 
detaching/serializing page

May 01 09:05:14 
domU-12-31-39-0A-59-A1 ERROR: [Live]: 
org.apache.wicket.Session.requestDetached.1454: Exception when 
detaching/serializing page

May 01 09:05:15 
domU-12-31-39-0A-59-A1 ERROR: [Live]: 
org.apache.wicket.Session.requestDetached.1454: Exception when 
detaching/serializing page

May 01 09:10:15 
domU-12-31-39-0A-59-A1 ERROR: [Live]: 
org.apache.wicket.Session.requestDetached.1454: Exception when 
detaching/serializing page

The website itself is still being shown, however, modal windows for 
example do not work any more.

I have been googling around for that error for quite a while, but did 
not find any helpful result.

Anybody else already experienced some error like that and can point me 
into a direction where I can further investigate the issue?


Re: New book on Wicket 1.5

2012-05-03 Thread Colin Chalmers
looks good! pity it's not in english


2012/5/3 Jochen Mader 

> Hey,
> Sorry for spamming I couldn't figure out who to contact to (hopefully)
> get this listet in your books section:
> a few weeks ago my book on Wicket 1.5 got released:
> It's written in German and has been published by Entwickler Press.
> Titel   Wicket: Komponentenbasiert und objektorientiert- das alternative
> Java-Webframework
> Autor   Jochen Mader
> Verlag  Software + Support, 2012
> ISBN3868020810, 9783868020816
> Länge   219 Seiten
> Kurzinfo
> Apache Wicket ist ein komponentbasiertes Webframework, das sich in den
> letzten Jahren zu einem der beliebtesten Vertreter seiner Gattung
> gemausert hat. Man könnte diese Beliebtheit mit der einfachen
> Integration von Ajax oder der rigorosen Trennung von Markup und Logik
> erklären. Aber was Wicket wirklich über die Masse konkurrierender
> Frameworks erhebt, sind der Verzicht auf eine eigene Markup-Sprache
> und das objektorientierte Programmiermodell. Dadurch rücken Java und
> seine Sprachmittel stark in den Vordergrund. Das ermöglicht es
> erfahrenen Entwicklern, sehr schnell in die Kernkonzepte von Wicket
> einzusteigen und auch komplexeste Anwendungen umzusetzen.
> Ziel dieses Buchs ist es, die grundlegenden Konzepte von Wicket zu
> vermitteln und im weiteren Verlauf auf fortgeschrittene Aspekte
> einzugehen. Hierzu wird eine Beispielanwendung entwickelt und Schritt
> für Schritt erweitert. Anhand detaillierte Codebeispiele werden
> Sachverhalte wie der Wicket Request Cycle, Models, Validierung und
> JUnit Testing erklärt. Des Weiteren werden Themen wie
> Deplyoment-Szenarien (JEE6, Spring, ...) , jQuery-Integration und
> Performance-Tuning in separaten Kapiteln behandelt. Durch Studium
> dieses Buchs soll ein Entwickler befähigt werden, skalierbare,
> wartbare Webanwendungen in Wicket zu bauen, und er soll lernen,
> eigene, wiederverwendbare Komponenten zu entwickeln und fremde
> Komponenten zu erweitern.
> Zielgruppe
> Entwickler mit soliden Java-Kenntnissen und einem Grundverständnis der
> wichtigen Webtechnologien wie HTML und CSS
> Der Autor
> Jochen Mader hat über zehn Jahre Erfahrung  im Bereich Architektur und
> Entwicklung. Derzeit ist er bei der Senacor Technologies AG für
> verschiedene Wicket-Projekte als Technical Lead verantwortlich.
> Thanks,
> Jochen
> -
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Re: New book on Wicket 1.5

2012-05-03 Thread Martijn Dashorst
Just create a JIRA ticket please.


2012/5/3 Jochen Mader :
> Hey,
> Sorry for spamming I couldn't figure out who to contact to (hopefully)
> get this listet in your books section:
> a few weeks ago my book on Wicket 1.5 got released:
> It's written in German and has been published by Entwickler Press.
> Titel   Wicket: Komponentenbasiert und objektorientiert- das alternative
> Java-Webframework
> Autor   Jochen Mader
> Verlag  Software + Support, 2012
> ISBN    3868020810, 9783868020816
> Länge   219 Seiten
> Kurzinfo
> Apache Wicket ist ein komponentbasiertes Webframework, das sich in den
> letzten Jahren zu einem der beliebtesten Vertreter seiner Gattung
> gemausert hat. Man könnte diese Beliebtheit mit der einfachen
> Integration von Ajax oder der rigorosen Trennung von Markup und Logik
> erklären. Aber was Wicket wirklich über die Masse konkurrierender
> Frameworks erhebt, sind der Verzicht auf eine eigene Markup-Sprache
> und das objektorientierte Programmiermodell. Dadurch rücken Java und
> seine Sprachmittel stark in den Vordergrund. Das ermöglicht es
> erfahrenen Entwicklern, sehr schnell in die Kernkonzepte von Wicket
> einzusteigen und auch komplexeste Anwendungen umzusetzen.
> Ziel dieses Buchs ist es, die grundlegenden Konzepte von Wicket zu
> vermitteln und im weiteren Verlauf auf fortgeschrittene Aspekte
> einzugehen. Hierzu wird eine Beispielanwendung entwickelt und Schritt
> für Schritt erweitert. Anhand detaillierte Codebeispiele werden
> Sachverhalte wie der Wicket Request Cycle, Models, Validierung und
> JUnit Testing erklärt. Des Weiteren werden Themen wie
> Deplyoment-Szenarien (JEE6, Spring, ...) , jQuery-Integration und
> Performance-Tuning in separaten Kapiteln behandelt. Durch Studium
> dieses Buchs soll ein Entwickler befähigt werden, skalierbare,
> wartbare Webanwendungen in Wicket zu bauen, und er soll lernen,
> eigene, wiederverwendbare Komponenten zu entwickeln und fremde
> Komponenten zu erweitern.
> Zielgruppe
> Entwickler mit soliden Java-Kenntnissen und einem Grundverständnis der
> wichtigen Webtechnologien wie HTML und CSS
> Der Autor
> Jochen Mader hat über zehn Jahre Erfahrung  im Bereich Architektur und
> Entwicklung. Derzeit ist er bei der Senacor Technologies AG für
> verschiedene Wicket-Projekte als Technical Lead verantwortlich.
> Thanks,
> Jochen
> -
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Datatable with selection row below the header

2012-05-03 Thread lang
I need a table like datatable, only one difference: t must has input fields
on the second row where the user can enter his selections. 

Who has an example for this? 

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Submitting multiple forms with one button

2012-05-03 Thread bjurko
Sorry for this I know that this topic already been discused but I didn't find
a solution. 
I need to submit two separate forms with one submit buttons. 

Forms cannot be merged into one form also problem is wrap it to one outer
becasue it is lead to huge system rework. Before the customer had two submit
buttons for these 
forms. But after some time he decide for only one button. Both buttons do
the same 
action - search. Problem is that form in which the submit button is hidden
is not submitted 
and therefor not validated. 

thnx for your advices

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Re: Submitting multiple forms with one button

2012-05-03 Thread Andrea Del Bene


don't know if you can do it, but I think you should first investigate 
how to do this with JavaScript. This blog seems interesting:

Sorry for this I know that this topic already been discused but I didn't find
a solution.
I need to submit two separate forms with one submit buttons.

Forms cannot be merged into one form also problem is wrap it to one outer
becasue it is lead to huge system rework. Before the customer had two submit
buttons for these
forms. But after some time he decide for only one button. Both buttons do
the same
action - search. Problem is that form in which the submit button is hidden
is not submitted
and therefor not validated.

thnx for your advices

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How to prevent duplicates when using HeaderContributor

2012-05-03 Thread heikki

I'd like to be able to use a fixed title for my pages, that gets overridden
for some of the pages.

To do that, I have a fixed title element in my base HTML page:

Then in the pages that should have a different title, I override
renderHead() like this:

public void renderHead(final IHeaderResponse response) {
String title = "" + getTheDynamicTitle() + "";

The result is that my rendered page has 2  elements in its header,
the fixed one and the dynamic one.

I would have thought that Wicket would be smart enough to replace an
existing header element; the IHeaderResponse javadoc says "Implementation of
this interface is responsible for filtering duplicate contributions (so that
for example the same javascript is not loaded twice) during the same
request". Well. 

Do I need to write my own implementation of IHeaderResponse for this ? 

It would seem like a pretty common use case to me, did anyone already solve
it ?

Kind regards
Heikki Doeleman

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Re: How to prevent duplicates when using HeaderContributor

2012-05-03 Thread Christoph Leiter


the Javadoc of IHeaderResponse#renderString says:
"Renders an arbitrary string to the header. The string is only rendered 
if the same string hasn't been rendered before."
So if you call it with two different titles the expected behavior is to 
get the title tag twice.

I wouldn't use a IHeaderResponse for that. My suggestion is to use a 
normal title tag in your base page markup. Provide a method which 
returns the current title and let specific pages override that method as 


heikki (2012-05-03 15:10):


I'd like to be able to use a fixed title for my pages, that gets overridden
for some of the pages.

To do that, I have a fixed title element in my base HTML page:

Then in the pages that should have a different title, I override
renderHead() like this:

 public void renderHead(final IHeaderResponse response) {
 String title = "" + getTheDynamicTitle() +"";

The result is that my rendered page has 2  elements in its header,
the fixed one and the dynamic one.

I would have thought that Wicket would be smart enough to replace an
existing header element; the IHeaderResponse javadoc says "Implementation of
this interface is responsible for filtering duplicate contributions (so that
for example the same javascript is not loaded twice) during the same
request". Well.

Do I need to write my own implementation of IHeaderResponse for this ?

It would seem like a pretty common use case to me, did anyone already solve
it ?

Kind regards
Heikki Doeleman

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Re: How to prevent duplicates when using HeaderContributor

2012-05-03 Thread Thomas Götz
Please see the following quickstart for an example:


On 03.05.2012 at 15:17 Christoph Leiter wrote:

> Hi,
> the Javadoc of IHeaderResponse#renderString says:
> "Renders an arbitrary string to the header. The string is only rendered if 
> the same string hasn't been rendered before."
> So if you call it with two different titles the expected behavior is to get 
> the title tag twice.
> I wouldn't use a IHeaderResponse for that. My suggestion is to use a normal 
> title tag in your base page markup. Provide a method which returns the 
> current title and let specific pages override that method as needed.
> Christoph
> heikki (2012-05-03 15:10):
>> hello,
>> I'd like to be able to use a fixed title for my pages, that gets overridden
>> for some of the pages.
>> To do that, I have a fixed title element in my base HTML page:
>> Then in the pages that should have a different title, I override
>> renderHead() like this:
>> @Override
>> public void renderHead(final IHeaderResponse response) {
>> String title = "" + getTheDynamicTitle() +"";
>> response.renderString(title);
>> The result is that my rendered page has 2  elements in its header,
>> the fixed one and the dynamic one.
>> I would have thought that Wicket would be smart enough to replace an
>> existing header element; the IHeaderResponse javadoc says "Implementation of
>> this interface is responsible for filtering duplicate contributions (so that
>> for example the same javascript is not loaded twice) during the same
>> request". Well.
>> Do I need to write my own implementation of IHeaderResponse for this ?
>> It would seem like a pretty common use case to me, did anyone already solve
>> it ?
>> Kind regards
>> Heikki Doeleman
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Re: Forms marked as multipart do not work with ajax and IE9

2012-05-03 Thread rawe
We had the same problem with IE9

Our solution.
Set the starting page markup to:

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Re: Open page in new window when clicking on button

2012-05-03 Thread laine78
I edited my html file to look like this

The display button now opens up a page in a new window.  Now he issue is at
any point after I click the display button, the back button also opens up
pages in new windows.  How do I go about resetting target in the onclick of
the back button ie. 

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AW: Open page in new window when clicking on button

2012-05-03 Thread Stefan Lindner
If this really ist he HTML code that you use, you should terminate your  
tages with />

Have you checked (yuse debug tool of your browser) waht html code is used by 
your browser? Sometimes (e.g. chrome) browsers are quite smart and they 
re-arrange html code when somehtin is wrong.


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: laine78 [] 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 3. Mai 2012 21:40
Betreff: Re: Open page in new window when clicking on button

I edited my html file to look like this

The display button now opens up a page in a new window.  Now he issue is at any 
point after I click the display button, the back button also opens up pages in 
new windows.  How do I go about resetting target in the onclick of the back 
button ie. 

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Re: How to prevent duplicates when using HeaderContributor

2012-05-03 Thread heikki
OK, that's a good solution, thanks !

Just in case that quickstart becomes unavailable, for reference I'll
summarize the method here:

the base HTML page has 

The corresponding base Java class has

and any pages with an overridden title, override getTitle() 

Kind regards
Heikki Doeleman

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Re: AW: Open page in new window when clicking on button

2012-05-03 Thread laine78
I went ahead and terminated the tags with /> 
Here is the html code generated by my browser.  Everything looks okay to me
as best as I can tell.";
value="Back" name="back" type="submit" Back";
value="Print" name="print" onclick="target='_blank';return true;"
type="submit" >Display

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AW: AW: Open page in new window when clicking on button

2012-05-03 Thread Stefan Lindner
Something must be wrong in your HTML code. What you posted ist not a valid HTML 

type="submit" Back

There is something wrong! And I'm surprised to see


inside your button tag.

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: laine78 [] 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 3. Mai 2012 21:54
Betreff: Re: AW: Open page in new window when clicking on button

I went ahead and terminated the tags with /> Here is the html code generated by 
my browser.  Everything looks okay to me as best as I can tell.";
value="Back" name="back" type="submit" Back";
value="Print" name="print" onclick="target='_blank';return true;"
type="submit" >Display

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Re: AW: Open page in new window when clicking on button

2012-05-03 Thread Dan Retzlaff
Your back button isn't really taking the user back; it's taking the user to
a new instance of the search page. How about:

On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 12:54 PM, laine78  wrote:

> I went ahead and terminated the tags with />
> Here is the html code generated by my browser.  Everything looks okay to me
> as best as I can tell.
> value="Back" name="back" type="submit" Back
> value="Print" name="print" onclick="target='_blank';return true;"
> type="submit" >Display
> --
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Re: Unusual problem is coming in rendering component

2012-05-03 Thread kshitiz
I read that out...sorry I missed that while coding. Thanks for the help..:)

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Wicket 1.5 and jbpm spring configuration

2012-05-03 Thread jensiator
I got a weird problem. 
I'm changing to wicket 1.5. In some places we use Jbpm. And I use
wicket-spring. I have not setup the Jbpm myself but when we used wicket 1.4
the wicket application had a memory usage about 70 mb(taskManager). After
switching to wicket 1.5 the memory goes up to 300mb. In applicationContext I
can remove following lines and the memory drops to 100 which is ok I guess. 
I just don't understand why wicket 1.5 can have anything to do with it.
Maybe some changes in my a application during porting to wicket 1.5 could be
the reason. So I  tried with a dummy wicket application. Just empty with out
any request listeners or specialized session. Still the memory increase is
Anyone knows any pitfalls with above code and wicket. Or any changes with
wicket 1.5 and spring?

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Re: Wicket 1.5 and jbpm spring configuration

2012-05-03 Thread Igor Vaynberg
it usually helps to include the code you are referring to :)


On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 7:42 PM, jensiator  wrote:
> I got a weird problem.
> I'm changing to wicket 1.5. In some places we use Jbpm. And I use
> wicket-spring. I have not setup the Jbpm myself but when we used wicket 1.4
> the wicket application had a memory usage about 70 mb(taskManager). After
> switching to wicket 1.5 the memory goes up to 300mb. In applicationContext I
> can remove following lines and the memory drops to 100 which is ok I guess.
> I just don't understand why wicket 1.5 can have anything to do with it.
> Maybe some changes in my a application during porting to wicket 1.5 could be
> the reason. So I  tried with a dummy wicket application. Just empty with out
> any request listeners or specialized session. Still the memory increase is
> there.
> Anyone knows any pitfalls with above code and wicket. Or any changes with
> wicket 1.5 and spring?
> --
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Re: Wicket 1.5 and jbpm spring configuration

2012-05-03 Thread jensiator
I'm sorry 
I will need to describe it better. 
The Jbpm is at this point out of my reach. No doubt it has been implemented
badly (by others) and I will look into it when I got time. The question is
why this jbpm project is affecting wicket 1.5 more than wicket 1.4. Remember
that I switch to an empty wicket application to rule out any mistake from
myself (except in following config). So I will start with showing my config.
Im using maven for dependencies
*in web.xml.* I add spring constextlistener, hibernate strategy and my
standard wicket config. 

I use wicket-spring to inject dao's in my components
*in Application init*

But I have ruled out this because the mem problems still remain if I use a
empty standard wicket app. Just defining a start page. I just test to start
the application
My hibernate knowledge is weak so I have tried to use standard stuff

That's about it. What is pulling up the memory? Is it data being stored in
the session? Data from a badly written JBPM layer? How can I investigate it.
TaskManager is not enough. Any tools out there? Or any good hook up point in
wicket to debug? 

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Re: Wicket 1.5 and jbpm spring configuration

2012-05-03 Thread Dan Retzlaff
I think you're trying to post code, but as Igor indicated, it's not coming
through. Maybe you should paste into and give us a

Not sure what your IDE is, but you might look into heap analysis tools such
as the Eclipse Memory Analysis Tool[1]. I kind of doubt there will be a
smoking gun, so you might provide a working quickstart [2].


On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 9:06 PM, jensiator  wrote:

> I'm sorry
> I will need to describe it better.
> The Jbpm is at this point out of my reach. No doubt it has been implemented
> badly (by others) and I will look into it when I got time. The question is
> why this jbpm project is affecting wicket 1.5 more than wicket 1.4.
> Remember
> that I switch to an empty wicket application to rule out any mistake from
> myself (except in following config). So I will start with showing my
> config.
> Im using maven for dependencies
> *in web.xml.* I add spring constextlistener, hibernate strategy and my
> standard wicket config.
> I use wicket-spring to inject dao's in my components
> *in Application init*
> But I have ruled out this because the mem problems still remain if I use a
> empty standard wicket app. Just defining a start page. I just test to start
> the application
> *applicationContext*
> My hibernate knowledge is weak so I have tried to use standard stuff
> That's about it. What is pulling up the memory? Is it data being stored in
> the session? Data from a badly written JBPM layer? How can I investigate
> it.
> TaskManager is not enough. Any tools out there? Or any good hook up point
> in
> wicket to debug?
> --
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Re: Wicket 1.5 and jbpm spring configuration

2012-05-03 Thread Martin Grigorov
His code snippets are visible in Nabble. Check the link below.

Could it be because Wicket 1.4 comes with different version of Spring ?
Yourkit, JProfiler and VisualVM can help you find out
Sent from my mobile phone. Please excuse my brevity.

Dan Retzlaff  wrote:

I think you're trying to post code, but as Igor indicated, it's not coming
through. Maybe you should paste into and give us a

Not sure what your IDE is, but you might look into heap analysis tools such
as the Eclipse Memory Analysis Tool[1]. I kind of doubt there will be a
smoking gun, so you might provide a working quickstart [2].


On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 9:06 PM, jensiator  wrote:

> I'm sorry
> I will need to describe it better.
> The Jbpm is at this point out of my reach. No doubt it has been implemented
> badly (by others) and I will look into it when I got time. The question is
> why this jbpm project is affecting wicket 1.5 more than wicket 1.4.
> Remember
> that I switch to an empty wicket application to rule out any mistake from
> myself (except in following config). So I will start with showing my
> config.
> Im using maven for dependencies
> *in web.xml.* I add spring constextlistener, hibernate strategy and my
> standard wicket config.
> I use wicket-spring to inject dao's in my components
> *in Application init*
> But I have ruled out this because the mem problems still remain if I use a
> empty standard wicket app. Just defining a start page. I just test to start
> the application
> *applicationContext*
> My hibernate knowledge is weak so I have tried to use standard stuff
> That's about it. What is pulling up the memory? Is it data being stored in
> the session? Data from a badly written JBPM layer? How can I investigate
> it.
> TaskManager is not enough. Any tools out there? Or any good hook up point
> in
> wicket to debug?
> --
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Re: Wicket 1.5 and jbpm spring configuration

2012-05-03 Thread jensiator
It's a bank system so I cannot give you any quickstarts. The 'suites' would
jump on me with nail boots. But there is no JBPM code at all I have mocked
it. Its enough to start and empty Wicket application. Thats why I can only
refer to the config.  I'm working in eclipse and I will try Eclipse Memory
Analysis Tool. I will need to get some more meat on the bones before I can
ask any good questions to you guys. Thanks

public class TestApp extends WebApplication {

public Class getHomePage() {
return StartPage.class;

with this config. 

in web.xml. I add spring constextlistener, hibernate strategy and my
standard wicket config.







I use wicket-spring to inject dao's in my components
in Application init

getComponentInstantiationListeners().add(new SpringComponentInjector(this));

But I have ruled out this because the mem problems still remain if I use a
empty standard wicket app. Just defining a start page. I just test to start
the application
My hibernate knowledge is weak so I have tried to use standard stuff

  dao bean defs 




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Re: Wicket 1.5 and jbpm spring configuration

2012-05-03 Thread jensiator
worth mentioning. I'm using Spring 3.0.6.RELEASE. And the JBPM is old jbpm 3. 

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