Problem with two FeedbackPanels on same page

2008-02-10 Thread Java Programmer
I have 2 classes which extends Panel, and both have forms on them eg:
public class AddAdvertisementPanel extends Panel {

public AddAdvertisementPanel(String id) {
feedback = new 
Form form = new Form("add_advert_form") {
protected void onSubmit() {
form.add(new TextField("title", new PropertyModel(this,
the other one looks similar but have other names:
feedback = new 
Form form = new Form("register_user_form");

Both classes are instantiated on same page as panels - problem is when
I submit the one form errors appears on both FeedbackPanels, but they
only consider one form eg:

Add new advertisement:

* Field 'title' is required.
* Field 'body' is required.

[first form here]
Register new user:

* Field 'title' is required.
* Field 'body' is required.
[second form here]

Why such situation have place? As I read about wicket nesting
components should have been "wired" to their panels, but in my case I
appear as they are global, and I could not have 2 FeedbackPanels on
one page? Anyone can explain me that?

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Re: Problem with two FeedbackPanels on same page

2008-02-10 Thread Java Programmer
On Sun, Feb 10, 2008 at 9:24 PM, richardwilko
>  Ive not tried it myself but this might help you
>  Richard

It works perfectly thanks. BTW could there be any performance loss
when using this filter? Maybe it would be better to stay away from
such situations?

Best regards and thx,

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panel doesn't see page which it create?

2008-02-12 Thread Java Programmer
I have Panel on which in constructor I put nested Panel:
public class RegisterUserPanel extends Panel {

public RegisterUserPanel(String id) {
final Panel addLocationPanel = new AddLocationPanel("addLocationPanel");
addLocationPanel.add(new SimpleAttributeModifier("style", "display:none;"));
add(new CheckBox("openLocationPanelLink").add(new
SimpleAttributeModifier("onclick", "var
panel=document.getElementById('" + addLocationPanel.getMarkupId() +

It's as you see another panel, and the exception is thrown:
WicketMessage: This component is not (yet) coupled to a page. It has
to be able to find the page it is supposed to operate in before you
can call this method (Component#getMarkupId)

It means for me that addLocationPanel.getMarkupId() is not setup yet
(it could be quite obvious, because it's constructor and I haven't
send any info about page to it, and probably it's send after creating
instance). But what can i do in such situation? What is best pattern?

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Re: panel doesn't see page which it create?

2008-02-12 Thread Java Programmer
I have moved my objects in Pnale to fields eg.:
public class RegisterUserPanel extends Panel {

final CheckBox openClosePanelCheckBox;

final Panel addLocationPanel;
and from Page I setup attributes:
RegisterUserPanel registerUserPanel = new
SimpleAttributeModifier("onclick", "var
panel=document.getElementById('" +
registerUserPanel.addLocationPanel.getMarkupId() +

But is this good way to follow? Any other pattern to use?

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IDataProvider and Hibernate Search

2008-02-18 Thread Java Programmer
I want to use DataView to present Search Results from Hibernate
Search, but I got stuck with implementation of DataProvider - maybe
first I show you classes:
private class SearchDataProvider implements IDataProvider {

private String query;

public SearchDataProvider(String query) {
this.query = query;

public Iterator iterator(int first, int count) {
SearchDAO.SearchResults searchedAdverts =
searchDAO.getSearchedAdverts(this.query, first, count);
return searchedAdverts.getResults().iterator();

public IModel model(Object object) {
return new Model((Advertisement) object);

public int size() {
SearchDAO.SearchResults searchedAdverts =
searchDAO.getSearchedAdverts(this.query, 0, 0);
return searchedAdverts.getCount();

public void detach() {


in SearchDAO I have:
public class SearchDAO extends HibernateDaoSupport {
public SearchResults getSearchedAdverts(final String queryString, int
first, int count) {
Session session = getSession(true);
FullTextSession fullTextSession = 
SearchResults results = null;
Transaction tx = fullTextSession.beginTransaction();
MultiFieldQueryParser parser = new MultiFieldQueryParser( new
String[]{"title", "rawBody"},
  new StandardAnalyzer());
Query query;
try {
query = parser.parse(queryString);
FullTextQuery hibQuery = 
results = new SearchResults(hibQuery.list(), 
} catch (ParseException e) {
} finally {
SearchResults is a wrapper for sublist of results and number of all:
public class SearchResults {

private List results = null;

private int count = 0;

public SearchResults(List results, int count) {
this.results = results;
this.count = count;

As you see I have to repeat searching in size() and iterator()
(SearchDAO.SearchResults searchedAdverts =
searchDAO.getSearchedAdverts(this.query, 0, 0); and
SearchDAO.SearchResults searchedAdverts =
searchDAO.getSearchedAdverts(this.query, first, count);) in size I do
not get collection, but searching happens because this method is
launched before iterator() which could answer with number of all
results as hibQuery.getResultSize();
It's very inefficient, and I don't know how can I repair that, without
writing my own DataView implementation. DataProvider is good for
databases which need to make additional select count(*), but Lucene
Hibernate Search make it in one pass.

Anybody has a suggestion on this topic?

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Re: IDataProvider and Hibernate Search

2008-02-18 Thread Java Programmer
On Mon, Feb 18, 2008 at 4:29 PM, Ryan Gravener <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You could keep an instance of the search results in the dataprovider.
>  Then on size() and iterator() check to see if results is null.  If it
>  is perform the query and store the results

Yes, I tried this before and I won't work because of querying size()
before iterator() - to get results I need to know what is first result
and how many of them to fetch, I don't know this in DataProvider
because some other class (DataView?) manage the values provided to
iterator (first and count). As I said size() is used BEFORE iterator()
so size has to ask for results first, as I don't know where I am in
result set (eg. I don't know getCurrentPage() for DataView), I cannot
in size() ask for eg. SearchDAO.SearchResults searchedAdverts =
searchDAO.getSearchedAdverts(this.query, 40, 20);

As I would know or can pass getCurrentPage() to the DataProvider
constructor I could fetch the result set in size() method and put them
into field of SearchDataProvider.

Maybe I should explain how Hibernate Search works here - when asking
DAO for results first search is asked and it returns all the docsId
which next are sliced based on first, count parameters - next same
engine ask database for objects eg "form Advertisement a where in
(1,23,45,67,77)" - in one pass I can get 20 objects from whole results
set and the exact number of documents which are proper for search

Is it more clear now I'm not English specialist :) ?

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Re: IDataProvider and Hibernate Search

2008-02-18 Thread Java Programmer
Finally I got it - I use such DataProvider:
private class SearchDataProvider implements IDataProvider {

private String query;

private int resultsPerPage;

private SearchDAO.SearchResults searchedAdverts;

private Integer resultsCount;

public SearchDataProvider(String query, int resultsPerPage) {
this.query = query;
this.resultsPerPage = resultsPerPage;

public Iterator iterator(int first, int count) {
if(searchedAdverts == null) {
searchedAdverts = 
searchDAO.getSearchedAdverts(this.query, first, count);
return searchedAdverts.getResults().iterator();

public IModel model(Object object) {
return new Model((Advertisement) object);

public int size() {
if(resultsCount == null) {
searchedAdverts = 
searchDAO.getSearchedAdverts(this.query, 0,
resultsCount = searchedAdverts.getCount();
return resultsCount;

public void detach() {
searchedAdverts = null;


Transient doesn't work in my case, but setting null on object in
detach() makes what transient should. Size is asked only once for a
search, and number of results is set as Integer (also could be added
to iterator if some results appear in time of walking thru the search
results), iterators() if size is known also would be queried once -
this is what should be done.

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Re: Is there any Color Picker ? like the calendar.DatePicker

2008-02-20 Thread Java Programmer
On Feb 20, 2008 8:28 AM, laiqinyi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Is there Color Picker ?
> I can choice any color, than return the color code(like FF 00)
> thanks
> Mead

I don't know if there are ready to use component but nice and
functional JS could be found here
Making it Wicket component should be rather simple with provided examples ...

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Re: where is wicket-contrib-tinymce ???

2008-02-20 Thread Java Programmer
On Feb 20, 2008 10:42 PM, Maris Orbidans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> where is wicket-contrib-tinymce project and svn repo ?
> it's not even mentioned in this page


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Nice absolute urls - is this possible?

2008-03-20 Thread Java Programmer

I have question about generated urls e.g. in examples on we have
really nice urls, but they are realtive:

is there posiible to make them:

without ../../ but absolute for servlet mapped as:


even if I make /somepattern/* I don't
recieve /somepattern/my/mounted/package/Page4/ without ../../

I have read about WICKET-1205, and similar people problems with not
working relative urls, but mine consider only HTML source to be nicer
for web spiders (SEO and such things, my boss won't be happy with
trailings ../../, but I would understand if it's wicket feature and
can't be changed).

Any solution is possible in this matter?

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Re: Nice absolute urls - is this possible?

2008-03-25 Thread Java Programmer
On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 4:39 PM, Johan Compagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> you are worried about what is in the source?
>  so you dont really need it for something else like in an email?
>  but wicket generates for itself relative urls
>  if you need a full for yourself you can use RequestUtils.toAbsolutePath

Thanks for answer, but I still have a problem with that links - I
don't need them only for an email, I just don't understand why when I
create bookmarkable link for the class/page i have to get an output as
relative path.
add(new BookmarkablePageLink("homepage", HomePage.class).setAutoEnable(true));
it render in HTML source as:
but in this case should just:
Homepage because /page is a mount path
for this package.

Is it related to RelativePathPrefixHandler? Because it is appended in
MarkupParser as appendMarkupFilter(new RelativePathPrefixHandler());,
but where BookmarkabelPageLink use it (or Component itself)?

Thanks for any help,

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Re: Problem with serializing objects

2008-04-02 Thread Java Programmer
On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 11:15 AM, Ayodeji Aladejebi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> from JPA experience, eager loading of List of Entities is part of what hogs
>  memory. I have profiles an application before that the memory  usage just
>  kept growing each time my page reference a particular entity that eager
>  loads other collection of entities. As soon as I removed the eager load
>  annotation, my memory usage became quite stable.
Thanks but we tried also with LAZY
public class Category implements Serializable {

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Integer id;

private String name;

private String description;

@Enumerated(value = EnumType.STRING)
private CategoryStatus categoryStatus;

@JoinColumn(name="parent_id", insertable=false, updatable=false, 
private Category parent;

private List children = new ArrayList ();

@Index(name = "categoryPathIndex")
private String categoryPath = "";


and OpenSessionInView in webxml:


but the results were quite same - large sesion file each request took
about 100kB more in size, I tried also versioning compontent to false:
categoryTreePanel = new CategoryTreePanel(CATEGORIES,
categoryDAO.getRootCategories(), category);
nothing happens ... we are quite afraid of this behaviour ...


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Problem with serializing objects

2008-04-02 Thread Java Programmer
We have problem with serializing webpages - the user session files
growing rapidly (each request about 100KB), we don't know what we have
did wrong - system is based on examples from, so it
should work but this large files (10-20MB for some time, after many
request) slows it down.
We have tried to put transient in all fields which we are use as
components on WebPages - it doesn't help.
Maybe I put some code and little explain and you can tell us whay is wrong.
The example will be consider LinkTree with 2000+ categories:
Categories we have as Hibernate Entity cached whole in ehcache in memory:
public class Category implements Serializable {

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Integer id;

private String name;

private String description;

@Enumerated(value = EnumType.STRING)
private CategoryStatus categoryStatus;

@JoinColumn(name="parent_id", insertable=false, updatable=false, 
private Category parent;

private List children = new ArrayList ();

@Index(name = "categoryPathIndex")
private String categoryPath = "";

public Category addChild(Category child) {
child.parent = this;
return this;

//getters setters hashcode equals

Next we put the categories on panel as:
public class CategoryTreePanel extends Panel {

private final transient Log LOG = 

private transient Category activeCategory;

private transient TreeNode treeNode;

private transient LinkTree tree;

public CategoryTreePanel(String id, List rootCategory) {
this(id, rootCategory, null);

public CategoryTreePanel(String id, List rootCategory,
Category activeCategory) {
super(id);"activeCategory: " + activeCategory);
this.activeCategory = activeCategory;
tree = new CarPartsLinkTree("category_tree",
tree.setRootLess(true);"treeNode: " + treeNode);
if(treeNode != null) {
expandAllParentNodes(tree, treeNode);
tree.getTreeState().selectNode(treeNode, true);
} else {

class CarPartsLinkTree extends LinkTree {

public CarPartsLinkTree(String id, TreeModel model) {
super(id, model);

protected void onNodeLinkClicked(TreeNode node, BaseTree tree,
AjaxRequestTarget target) {
super.onNodeLinkClicked(node, tree, target);
int catId = ((CategoryTreeNode) 
Page page = getPage();
if(page instanceof AdvertismentsList || page instanceof 
AddAdvertisement) {
setResponsePage(getPage().getClass(), new
PageParameters("category=" + catId));
} else {
setResponsePage(AdvertismentsList.class, new
PageParameters("category=" + catId));
protected ResourceReference getCSS() {
return null;

protected Component newNodeComponent(String id, IModel model) {
return new LinkIconPanel(id, model, 
CarPartsLinkTree.this) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

protected void onNodeLinkClicked(TreeNode node, 
BaseTree tree,
AjaxRequestTarget target)
super.onNodeLinkClicked(node, tree, 

CarPartsLinkTree.this.onNodeLinkClicked(node, tree, target);

protected Componen

Re: Problem with serializing objects

2008-04-02 Thread Java Programmer
On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 11:38 AM, Nino Saturnino Martinez Vazquez Wael
> Are you really sure that your detachablemodels are being used all over?

We create it in CarPartDataProvider from my first post, next we create
DataView based on this provider we implement populate method as:
protected void populateItem(Item item) {
final CarPart carPart = (CarPart) item.getModelObject();
if (carPart.getCarModel() != null) {
item.add(carModel = new Label(CARMODEL,
} else {
item.add(carModel = new Label(CARMODEL,
item.add(price = new Label(PRICE, 
item.add(publishDate = new Label(PUBLISHDATE,

Is this the correct way to obtain object from provider ->
item.getModelObject(); is it use LoadableDetachableModel from
We do not ask for CarParts objects in other places, only these 3
classes (provider, model and webpage view as data view), but still see
large CarPart objects in session.
Any idea?

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Re: Problem with serializing objects

2008-04-02 Thread Java Programmer
I'm little confused now about not using detachable model in places you
have marked - I have in first place to pull the object from item:
final CarPart carPart = (CarPart) item.getModelObject();
which is load() object correctly - i tested it by quickly putting:
protected Object load() {
System.out.println("\n\n\n LOAD object: " + 
this.carPartId + "\n\n\n");
return carPartService.getCarPartById(this.carPartId);
for 3 elements on the page I got in logs:
 LOAD object: 13

 LOAD object: 12

 LOAD object: 2
So I think deatachable model is used here? Am I wrong?

If I want to use item.setModelObject(new
CompoundPropertyModel(carPart)); how can I get netsted object in:

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Re: Problem with serializing objects

2008-04-02 Thread Java Programmer
I have narrowed my code to:
protected void populateItem(Item item) {
final CarPart carPart = (CarPart) item.getModelObject();
item.setModelObject(new CompoundPropertyModel(carPart));
item.add(description = new MultiLineLabel(DESCRIPTION));
and get error about using read only model:
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Model class does not support
What model could I use instead of LoadableDetachedModel?


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Re: Problem with serializing objects

2008-04-02 Thread Java Programmer
After all the answers, I start to think that maybe my question was a bit wrong.
First I put all the hints you were provided into work eg:
item.setModel(new CompoundPropertyModel(item.getModelObject()));
item.add(description = new MultiLineLabel(DESCRIPTION));
but still have in session files (pm-null) the text which is provided
to MultiLineLabel from model (detachable, and next compound) - I start
to think that Wicket always will be keep states of it's components, so
it's not kept the CarPart object but just a strings from
MultiLineLabel. Am I right with that or not?

The problem is that that files grows very fast (10MB is porobably a
limit becuse at that size it stops), and also what happens if another
user change the state of the object and write it into DB.

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Ajax DropDownChoice and null values

2008-04-03 Thread Java Programmer
I have problem with DropDownChoice components. I have three DDC
components which loads child component choices when you change parents
value. This work, but one thing not - when I back to "Choose" choice
the Ajax request returns empty and it's because
onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) is not invoked in this case.
When I remove required from parent DDC it works (nulls the chocies of
child), but I need required and show errors when submit form. I have
tried to validate component but it was validated after other
components with setRequired() set up so no show if them aren't filled
with good values.
This validating was done by such code:
_carModelDDC.add(new AbstractValidator(){
protected void onValidate(IValidatable component) {
component).getModelObject() == null){

Component code which not working with null values is coded like that:
DropDownChoice _carMarkDDC = new DropDownChoice(CAR_MARK,
AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior(ONCHANGE_BEHAVIOR) {
protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
if(carPartsModel.getCarMark() != null) {
CarMark carMark = 
} else {


Any possible clues for that?
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Re: Ajax DropDownChoice and null values

2008-04-03 Thread Java Programmer
AbstractValidator should work like this:
_carMarkDDC.add(new AbstractValidator(){
protected void onValidate(IValidatable validatable) {
if(validatable.getValue() == null){

public boolean validateOnNullValue() {
return true;
and it works, but still no Ajax response for other components:
INFO: Initiating Ajax POST request on
INFO: Invoking pre-call handler(s)...
INFO: Received ajax response (69 characters)


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Re: Ajax DropDownChoice and null values

2008-04-03 Thread Java Programmer
I added onError when Required failed, now works - closed:
protected void onError(AjaxRequestTarget target, 
RuntimeException e) {

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Messages with labels

2008-04-14 Thread Java Programmer
How can I in unit tests check if the messages with $label are
displayed on page eg.:
add_advert.street.Required=Field '${label}' is required.

in unit tests:
getWicketTester().assertErrorMessages( new String[] {


That has not resolve message for component but expected still is Field
'${label}' is required. not Field 'Street' is required.
How can I change this?

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Re: Messages with labels

2008-04-14 Thread Java Programmer
I have solved it with maybe not elegant way but working:
private String getComponentErrorMessage(String componentPath, String
keyWithLabel, String label) {
Component component =
String labeledMessage = component.getString(keyWithLabel);
if(label != null) {
labeledMessage = labeledMessage.replaceAll("\\$\\{label\\}",
return labeledMessage;

On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 3:32 PM, Java Programmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
>  How can I in unit tests check if the messages with $label are
>  displayed on page eg.:
>  add_advert.street=Street
>  add_advert.street.Required=Field '${label}' is required.
>  in unit tests:
>  getWicketTester().assertErrorMessages( new String[] {
> getWicketTester().getComponentFromLastRenderedPage("add_advert:subject").getString("add_advert.street.Required")
>  });
>  That has not resolve message for component but expected still is Field
>  '${label}' is required. not Field 'Street' is required.
>  How can I change this?
>  Best regards,
>  Adr

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WicketTester not respecting required textfields

2008-04-14 Thread Java Programmer
I'm using 1.3.2 version, I have form with several required elements:
private TextField getSubjectTF(final Form form) {
TextField subject = new TextField(SUBJECT);
return subject;

private DropDownChoice getConditionDDC(Form form) {
DropDownChoice _conditionDDC = new DropDownChoice(CONDITION,
_conditionDDC.setChoiceRenderer(new IChoiceRenderer() {
public Object getDisplayValue(Object o) {
Condition condition = (Condition) o;
return getString(Condition.getKey(condition));

public String getIdValue(Object o, int i) {
Condition condition = (Condition) o;
return condition.toString();
return _conditionDDC;

I have tests for this page:
@Test public void testRequiredFieldsSubmit() {
PageParameters parameters = new PageParameters();
parameters.put("category", "1000");
getTester().startPage(AddAdvertisement.class, parameters);
FormTester form = 
getTester().assertErrorMessages( new String[] {

getComponentErrorMessage(AddAdvertisement.ADD_ADVERT + ":subject",
"add_advert.subject.Required", "add_advert.subject"),

getComponentErrorMessage(AddAdvertisement.ADD_ADVERT +
":condition", "add_advert.condition.Required", "add_advert.condition")

When launching this test I got all message errors for DropDownChoice
elements which are required, but not for any element which is
TextField. Strange because on live page the errors are also for
TextField as it should be done.
Anybody can explain this?

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How to generate 403 Forbidden?

2008-05-07 Thread Java Programmer
How can I generate 403 Forbidden or other codes (404 etc.) on
Exception? I think I should set headers and set redirect to true, but
anyone have working example?

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DataView component path in WicketTester

2010-01-13 Thread Java Programmer
Is it possible in WicketTester to check the items which are inside
DataView - an example:

DataView dataView = new DataView ("sampleDataView", provider, 10) {
protected void populateItem(Item sampleItem) {
sampleItem.add(new Label("title", new Model()));

and in WicketTester I want to:
getWicketTester().assertComponent("sampleDataView: something :title",

How can I get that 'something' for the test?


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Re: DataView component path in WicketTester

2010-01-13 Thread Java Programmer
2010/1/13 Java Programmer :
> and in WicketTester I want to:
> getWicketTester().assertComponent("sampleDataView: something :title",
> DataView.class);
Of course should be:
getWicketTester().assertComponent("sampleDataView: something :title",

Sorry for mistake,

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Problem with MultiFileUploadField and keeping rest of fields in model

2008-05-08 Thread Java Programmer
I have use MultiFileUploadField for uploading pictures, everything
works fine but when I use e.g. setMaxSize(Bytes.kilobytes(1024)) on
the form and try to upload larger picture or pictures than limit, I
got only one message about hitting limit size, and other fildes are
not checked this time (e.g. required text fields). There is also
problem with backuping fields from model after such sending, some
fields are set up, and some remains empty. I have read about "Notice
that this component clears its model at the end of the request, so the
uploaded files MUST be processed within the request they were
uploaded.", but I don't think it's the problem. I try to use 2 models
one CompoundPropertyModel for texts on form, and one for new
MultiFileUploadField(UPLOADS, new Model(new ArrayList()),
MAX_PICTURES_TO_UPLOAD); (earlier I had everything in

Anybody knows what could be wrong?

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GMap2 problem with displaying in IE 6/7

2008-05-20 Thread Java Programmer
I have problem with GMap2 on IE 6/7 - in Firefox 2.x/3.x Maps are
shown correctly, but in IE I have JS error "lack of definition
WicketMap2", and map was not shown. I'm pretty sure that maps were
shown some time before maybe some Microsoft update caused problems?
I use 1.3-SNAPSHOT build, and Wicket 1.3.2, I can't probably switch
project to 1.4 now, because of it "near to end" state.
Problem seems to appear near line:
Wicket.Event.add(window, "domready", function() { new WicketMap2('map4d'); ...
which is followed by:

Anybody can help with that, or have same problem?
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Re: GMap2 problem with displaying in IE 6/7

2008-05-20 Thread Java Programmer
Found bug in that version comma after 'marker': overlayID, in
addGOverlayListener click event, probably repaired in earlier
versions, sorry for troubling you :(.

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Re: GMap2 problem with displaying in IE 6/7

2008-05-23 Thread Java Programmer
On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 4:55 PM, Martin Funk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just to make shure,
> do you still see a bug?
> Or are things fine now?
> mf
We do not use current version of GMap2, but have older snapshot (we
cannot change API right now), but as I see in sources that bug is now
Revision: 3784 Line: 125 -> comma on end of JS array,
but in next revision simplified JS code fix this error, so probably in
new snapshots this bug will not appear.

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YUI Menu how to remove CSS / skinning

2008-08-25 Thread Java Programmer
I need to remove defaukt CSS from YUI menu, or replace it with skin -
I search for solution in sources, but can't find -
YuiHeaderContributor takes all files from inc catalog, but where is
code for skins (there should be only one css than, with e.g.
I read about, but
don't see the way to use skins in wicket - are there any

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Question about JavaScript validation

2007-11-23 Thread Java Programmer
Is there any simple way to generate javascripts to validate forms
against validation rules provided by Wicket Validators e.g.
RequiredValidator? I have on mind client side validators to check is
fields not empty, or provided passwords match. For now I see that Ajax
support is great, but cant find any exaples for common client
javascripts to prevalidate forms - if there are any ready to use, how
can I write my own? Any working examples to see?

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Re: Question about JavaScript validation

2007-11-24 Thread Java Programmer
Thank you for the answers, I agree that server side validation is more
important, from e.g. security reasons, but if you make something we
called now Web 2.0 application is nice to have also client side
validations scripts. So I can check if login is free to use via Ajax,
but checking if password confirmation match password I would prefer to
do via normal JavaScript code (if there are huge number of requests,
it'll be better solution). Such functionality offered Struts, so if
there is no such functionality in Wicket it would be probably my first
step to write one.

Thanks again for answers,

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Any example of using DataView with Forms?

2007-12-07 Thread Java Programmer
I have problem with setting Forms on DataView. I have list of Consumer
objects, each consumer has Set of attributes, I wanted to add
DropDownChoice with all attributes, when pressing Add consumer would
get new attribute to its Set, and will be saved in database. Quite
simply but not form me :(

Some ugly spike code:
   private class ConsumerDataView extends DataView {

public ConsumerDataView(String id, ConsumerDataProvider dataProvider) {
super(id, dataProvider);

protected void populateItem(Item item) {
final Consumer consumer = (Consumer) item.getModelObject();
item.setModel(new CompoundPropertyModel(consumer));
item.add(new Label("name"));

Form addAttributeForm = new Form("addAttributeForm") {
protected void onSubmit() {
/* AttributeDescriptorProvider attributeDescriptorProvider
= new AttributeDescriptorProvider();
DropDownChoice attributeDescriptor = new
new PropertyModel(attributeDescriptorProvider,
getAttributeDAO().getAllAttributeDescriptors()); */

DropDownChoice attributeDescriptor = new
DropDownChoice("attributeDescriptors", new Model(new


Submiting this form results in WicketMessage: No get method defined
for class: class com.test.entities.Consumer expression:
I consider that addAttributeForm doesn't belongs to object, but does
this mean that I cannot nest forms in data view?

HTML code of form:


Any idea what should be done to get it work?

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Re: Any example of using DataView with Forms?

2007-12-07 Thread Java Programmer
Oh I did it ...
The previous code need small changes:
Model model = new Model(new AttributeDescriptor());
DropDownChoice attributeDescriptor = new
DropDownChoice("attributeDescriptors", model,

and then we can use:
protected void onSubmit() {
AttributeDescriptor attributeDescriptor =
(AttributeDescriptor) getModel().getObject();
try {

} catch (ConsumerException e) {

consumer also was removed from model (removed line item.setModel(new
CompoundPropertyModel(consumer)); )
so form could its own model ...
Maybe there is better solution for this, but that is working so it
maybe helps someone  
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problem with two ListChoices connected each other

2010-06-29 Thread Java Programmer
I need a solution if such component exists:
1) first ListChoice have categories about 1-2k options
2) second ListChoice is empty
3) there are arrows which can move elements from first to second
ListChoice, and the way back
Main problem in such scenario would be with sending lot of refreshing
data through the Ajax, because there are a lot options in fist
we need something much simpler, and we cannot find, maybe something
pure JavaScript with Model connected. Do you have any idea what we can
use for this?

Thanks in advance,

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Palette model changing problem

2010-09-21 Thread Java Programmer
I have a problem with Palette component - I try to retain model
objects which were selected in Pallete, and update the list od choices
same time (in other word you have one set of available choices takes
2, than press some ajax button and get different set of choices, than
takes 3, so you should have 2+3 selected choices, but every time after
updating Pallete I got empty selected list).
Maybe you can look at the code:

private void addKeywordPalette() {
final IChoiceRenderer renderer = new IChoiceRenderer() { /not
important/ };
keywordPallete = new Palette(Keyword.KEYWORDS, new
Model(selectedKeywordCategories), new PropertyModel(this,
"categories"), renderer, 10, true) {
protected Recorder newRecorderComponent() {
final Recorder recorder = super.newRecorderComponent();
recorder.add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("onchange") {
protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget
ajaxRequestTarget) {
// here I save model
selectedKeywordCategories =
(ArrayList) keywordPallete.getModelCollection();"selectedKeywordCategories: " +
return recorder;


The button which updates Palette component looks like:

private void addGetKeywordsButton() {
final AjaxButton getKeywordsButton = new

protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget
ajaxRequestTarget, Form form) {
//this updates available choices which and renders
palette component via ajax
final Set categorySet =
categories = new ArrayList(categorySet);
getKeywordsButton.add(new Image(IMAGE, ADD_IMAGE));

What could be wrong that new model isn't used (I use log4j and the
selectedKeywordCategories have selected objects, but Palette doesn't
use them)? Is there made a copy of that array, or something?

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Wicket 1.5 and WebPageRenderer warn

2010-10-17 Thread Java Programmer
I use wicket 1.5-M2.1 right now, and I get warn which I haven't on
earlier versions:
WARN  2010-10-17 17:45:55,425 WebPageRenderer: The Buffered response
should be handled by BufferedResponseRequestHandler

What could be the reason of this warn (the application was slightly
migrated from 1.4 -> 1.5, but I had solved all compilation issus and

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Form sending encoding problem 1.5-M3

2010-11-26 Thread Java Programmer
I have migrated with a small project to Wicket 1.5-M3, and most of
things work fine, but I have one problem with encodings. All my pages
are UTF-8, the messages from properties, and database data is fetched
fine, But problem appear when I try to send data from form, and it
contains some country specific letters. The request isn't processed as
it usually did for me in 1.4.9 version. I looked at the headers and

Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: pl,en-us;q=0.7,en;q=0.3
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-2,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
Content-Length: 1459

it seems that Wicket use ISO-8859-2 as it's POST data encoding, even
if I set encodings in markup to UTF-8 (which is prefered form me now).
I have google for this issue but can't find solutions but this one:

So far I tried:
1) in html:  and 
2) in Application configuration:
3) in Maven:


in Jetty plugin:


I look at my earlier projects in 1.4.9, and there was no such problems
with encodings, so I guess something was added to 1.5. If someone can
help with that I would be greatful, for now ideal solution for me
would be even narrow encodings used by Wicket to UTF-8.
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Re: Form sending encoding problem 1.5-M3

2010-11-26 Thread Java Programmer
Hello again,
I have checked one more thing - I have removed from code and html
MultiFileUploadField, so the POST request wasn't multipart, and
everything was fine this time (UTF-8 data send from form).
Any ideas, what's wrong? A bug in multipart forms processing?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Form sending encoding problem 1.5-M3

2010-11-26 Thread Java Programmer
Unfortunately it wouldn't help - in source:

but still characters are messed up.

Best regards,

On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 10:57 AM, Martin Grigorov  wrote:
> try with 
> On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 10:40 AM, Java Programmer 
> wrote:
>> Hello again,
>> I have checked one more thing - I have removed from code and html
>> MultiFileUploadField, so the POST request wasn't multipart, and
>> everything was fine this time (UTF-8 data send from form).
>> Any ideas, what's wrong? A bug in multipart forms processing?
>> --
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Adrian
>> -
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http post return page

2010-12-08 Thread Java Programmer

Is it possible to get http POST variables which are send to Wicket
page from external page? My case is similar to PayPal return url, but
company which operate the payment, send some important data as POST
variables, and I need to extract them in Wicket. When I tried to do it
normal way as PageParameters I see that when Wicket recieves POST
connection to the WebPage, it translates it to the GET, and throws
away POST variables.

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Re: http post return page

2010-12-08 Thread Java Programmer
On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 2:18 PM, Martin Makundi
> Did you try ((WebRequest) getRequest()).getParameters(key)

Thanks, it's working and it's exactly what I need.

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