Where is the full client filename during FileUpload?

2010-02-03 Thread Nicola Tucci
Hi all,
I'm using a FIleUpload form component in order to save the full client
filename (path + filename, i.e.
/home/jdoe/myfiles/MyUploadableDocument.pdf), but for what I can see, I can
retrieve only the filename using FileItem.getName().
I've tried to deeply debug wicket code to find the full path, but I only
find client filename, server temp name, content-type, size.

Someone on this forum states that browsers often send only the filename, not
the full path (security reason??), but how can servers bind the source file
without the full name? It must be somewhere, maybe in the servlet request...

Besides, there is a smarter way to retrieve the full name (the one that
appears in the input component!) without perform the upload? My use case
oblige me to use FileUpload form component because the user use browser's
popup search dialog.

Thanks to all,

Form FileUploadField maxSize does not work

2009-09-04 Thread Nicola Tucci
I'm working with a file upload, using
http://www.wicket-library.com/wicket-examples/upload/single as example.

I've created an UploadPanel very similar to UploadPage.java of the example
(with the FileUploadForm form).
Well I've maxsize set to 100K and this check work if I add my uploadpanel to
the WebPage.

But If I add the upload panel to a form, the check does not work anymore.
The difference is that without outer form, the submit button of the upload
panel belong to FileUploadForm (with maxSize set).
With the outer form, the resulting submitting form correspond to the outer
form. I don't understand this as I'm still clicking the same submit button
of FileUploadForm. In this way, the maxsize is the one set in the outer form
(which I don't want to set! I want to have my UploadPanel component with
maxsize passed as parameter).

Form skips validation for disabled/not visible components

2009-08-03 Thread Nicola Tucci
Hi all! I've a situation where I want the form to validate some hidden or
disabled field.

An example is a text field where the user is not allowed to write directly
but only insert some items from some source, a lookup button (this is
much more flexible than a drop down box!).
I set this component disabled with .setEnabled(false). Now when the form is
validated, the validation for my textfield is skipped (see Form class in
wicket 1.4 rc4):

public static abstract class ValidationVisitor implements
public Object formComponent(IFormVisitorParticipant component)
if (component instanceof FormComponent)
FormComponent? formComponent =

Form? form = formComponent.getForm();
if (!form.isVisibleInHierarchy() ||
// do not validate formComponent or any of
formComponent's children
/** HERE WE SKIP!!! */
if (formComponent.isVisibleInHierarchy() 
if (component.processChildren())
return Component.IVisitor.CONTINUE_TRAVERSAL;

Now I can override this, as Form.validateComponents() if final. I could only
override Form.onSubmit() and doing an ad-hoc validation (not very good).

Some hint? Thanks folk