[Veritas-bu] what license are required to backup VMs as normal client backups

2009-12-03 Thread mark wragge
I have purchased Netbackup Starter Pack with 5 standard client license. I would 
like to backup some Virtual Machines (win2003, winxp and linux). I have 10 VMs 
in total.
Does each VM have to be licensed if i back it up? Are the client licenses 
treated the same as physical server backups?
I will not be using VCB backups.
Thanks for any help, Mark

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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

[Veritas-bu] NetApp flexClone for backup of Vmware

2009-11-09 Thread mark wragge
Hi, I am interested in hearing from anyone using NetApp FlexClone for the 
purpose of backup of a vmware environment. FlexClone appears to be the product 
recommended to backup VMs which are stored on a Netapp Volume. In my case the 
netapp volume is Fibre Channel.
I understand how flexclone works but i cannot see how i backup the VMs located 
on the FC lun without presenting the FlexClone to an ESX server and then 
importing the VMs. This is a manual process and would not be ideal on a daily 
The flexclone will be a clone of a Netapp snapshot taken using Snap Manger for 
VI so that all VMs are in a consistent state.
Thanks for any response, Mark

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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

[Veritas-bu] netbackup VS backup exec - shared SCSI tape library

2009-07-23 Thread mark wragge
I am aware that with netbackup I can share a SCSI tape library with a master 
and media server and that the server that can see the robot can manage the tape 
mount requests.
Is it possible to use backup exec to do this? If i have 2 backup exec servers 
and one tape library with 2 tape devices -  can the backup exec server that can 
see the robot issue mount requests for the second backup exec server? Or will 
the second backup exec server consider itself to have access to just one Stand 
Alone tape device.
Am i correct in that the ability of netbackup to do this is what makes it a 3 
tier product where backup exec is a 2 tier product and cannot have one server 
controlling a robot for mount reqeusts for other servers.
thanks for any info.

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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

[Veritas-bu] vcb backups using backup exec

2009-04-24 Thread mark wragge
Hi, I was wondering if anyone is using Backup Exec to perform VCB backups and 
do they work successfully?
Also , what functionality would i be missing if i choose backup exec over 
netbackup for VCB backups for Win2003 VMs? I know that backup exec will not 
permit multiplexing of jobs to a single device but other than that i am 
struggling to find performance enhancements of netbackup in a windows only 
THanks, Mark

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[Veritas-bu] NDMP SSO tape drive backup failing

2009-04-16 Thread mark wragge
Hi .Have just configured netbackup 6.5.3 using the device wizard to configure a 
robot and 2 lto4 tape drives which are Shared on a SAN. The drives are shared 
between the Linux backup server and 1 Netapp Filers. The device wizard has 
correctly detected the Robot and 2 Tape Drives which are shared with the NDMP 
I can use the master server to perform a backup successfully. When i try to 
perofrm a backup of /vol/vol0 using the NDMP storage unit the backup fails. THe 
NDMP tape devices have not come online under device monitor.
I have used the dump command on the netapp filer to succesfully use the tape 
devices. I have run the sysconfig -t command to see the 2 tape devices. NDMPD 
status is on.
I have used the tpautoconf probe  and veirfy and commands successfully to 
connect to the netapp filer.
Netbackup appears to have configured the library correctly with 2 tape devices 
shared by 2 servers (one linux master server and the other netapp filer).
Is there something that i am missing that is preventing these ndmp backusp to 
work in a shared tape environment?
thanks for any help!!

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[Veritas-bu] netapp NDMP and snapshot backup question

2009-03-31 Thread mark wragge
Hi, I am successfully using NDMP to backup a netapp filer using netbackup 
6.5mp3. I have some questions areound the capability of the backups.
I can backup the whole volume by specifying the File List of /vol/vol1 (this 
creates a snapshot on the filer and skips backup of all existing snapshots).
I can backup one previosuly created snapshot such as 
/vol/vol1/.snapshot/hourly.0 ( this performs a point in time backup using the 
specified existing snpashot)
(1) Is it possible to instruct netbackup to backup all snapshots that exist in 
the ./snapshot folder? (I could not get this to work)
(2) Is it possible to use wild cards to backup certain snapshots in the 
./snapshot folder (such as ./snapshot/*snap_lun0*
The reason I would like to do this is that i am using SnapManager for VI to 
create my snapshots that exsit on the Filer. Therefore the naming convention 
changes for every snapshot. I need a way to specify a backup of exsiting 
snapshots when the snapshot names change for every snapshot - but the names do 
have a common factor such as 'storage_lun1' or 'every 4 hours'
Thanks for any help with this, Mark

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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

[Veritas-bu] netbackup 6.5mp3 vcb policy failure

2009-02-19 Thread mark wragge
Hi, I have created a netbackup flashbackup-windows policy with the objective of 
backing up virtual machines but i cannot get it to work successfully. I am 
using windows 2003 netbackup 6.5mp3 and esx 3.02 running VMs of Win2003.
I have selected off-host backup and i have selected my VM proxy (also my master 
server which i have previosuly added as a Virtual Machine Proxy Server 
is Master Server host properties) . 
In Policy snapshot client options i have selected snapshot mount point of 
V:\vcb (this disk and folder exist on the proxy server). All three other 
parameters are selected as 0 (although i have attempted option 2 with VM 
backup). I have inserted the client name of the VM and selected All_local 
The validation of the advanced client polciy fails with error message of 
"snapshot could not be created with vmware method".
Before creating the policy i have inserted the name of the esx server and 
username/password under credentials-> VM Servers.
I have also installed the VMware VCB v1.5 (downloaded from the vmware website). 
Before doing this i removed the previous version of vcb which was 1.1
I have permitted the proxy server to see the SAN attached disks which are the 
VMFS disks on the ESX server and contain the VMs. These disks can be seen in 
Windows Disk Management.
I have successfully used the vcbmounter command from command line;
vcbMounter.exe -h  -u root -p  -a 
ipaddr: -r  v:\vcb_mnt\ -t fullvm
I do not know where to look next! Is there any configuration to text files that 
must be performed after VCB v1.5 is installed (as there was in v1.1).Thanks for 
any help, Mark  

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[Veritas-bu] no active directory for master server

2009-01-13 Thread mark wragge
Hi, I am looking for some inforamtion on the ability of netbackup master server 
to perform backups of servers that are in an active directory that the master 
server is not a member of.
the master server will be windows 2003, netbackup 6.5, stand alone server (no 
AD or domain membership).
the clients will be members of AD and are all win2003. the data will be backed 
up through a firewall.
my main question is; how can i provide the correct permissions to allow the 
master server to backup the clients?
also, are there any disadvantages to the master server not being a member of an 
any other comments are welcome!!

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[Veritas-bu] BMR collection failing for Linux clients

2009-01-12 Thread mark wragge
I have Netbackup 6.5 installed on a windows 2003 master server. I am 
configuring Linux Redhat clients to collect BMR inforamtion during backups but 
the collection is failing completely. The collection is working for windows 
I currently have created an SRT on the windows master server. Do i need to have 
an additional SRT located on a linux server so that the BMR collection can work 
successfully? If not - what could be stoppeing the linux BMR collection from 
taking place?
Thanks for any information.

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[Veritas-bu] 6.5.2 upgrade failing

2008-12-02 Thread mark wragge
i am trying to upgrade my faster server from windows 2003 6.5.0 to 6.5.1 or 
6.5.2. When i attempt this the update fails with an error message stating that 
the update cannot continue as there are proceses still running.

I have checked the process list and there are no netbackup, BMR services 
running. I have also rebooted the server.

I noticed in the releaSE NOTES that there is a symantec update tracker service 
that can cause this problem but this is not running on my server.

any suggestions?

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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

[Veritas-bu] mailbox backup failing

2008-11-28 Thread mark wragge
I am getting a failure on exchange mailbox backups stating "invalid filelist 
I have used the exchange directive of "Microsoft Exchane Mailboxes"
I have also tried using "Microsoft Exchane Mailboxes:\A*"
I have created the required mailbox accounnt with admin priveleges and entered 
it into the exchange client properties.
The IS backup is successful.
I am using netbackup 6.5 and exchange 2007. Is this a know issue by any chance?
thanks, mark 

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[Veritas-bu] hot oracle backups with No Rman catalogue

2008-11-19 Thread mark wragge
Hi, Could some provide me with some information on the use of the netbackup 
agent for oracle when there is no rman catalogue but HOT backups will be 
performed. I had thought previously that this was not supported by Oracle but 
netbackup 6.5 documentation states that rman is just a recommendation.
What functionality would i lose by not using an RMAN catalogue for backups?
What functionality would i lose by not using an RMAN catalogue for restores?
There is just one Oracle Server in question here.
Thanks for any help, Mark Wragge

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[Veritas-bu] i require bpstart_notify script for HP-UX 11i

2008-10-23 Thread mark wragge
Hi, I require a copy of the bpstart_notify and bpend_notify scripts for HP-UX 
11i. These scripts must be copied from the master server and my master server 
is windows so the scripts are .bat files

I do not have the option to install the HP-UX master server software on a 
server just for the purpose of obtaining the scripts.

Can I get these from somehwere without having a HP-UX master server installed? 
Can someeoneemail me the scripts if they have an HP-UX 11i master server.

THanks, Mark

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[Veritas-bu] enterprise media manager failing to start!

2008-06-06 Thread mark wragge
Hi, our disk drive containing the Netbackup database and installation has run 
out of disk space and the netbackup services had stopped. After making some 
space on the disk device when I now start the Netbackup services the Enterprise 
Media Manager starts and stops immediatley.
How can i overcome this problem and get the EMM service to start? Will it be 
necessary for me to recover the catalog and databases?
THanks, Mark

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[Veritas-bu] Is there a Netbackup Integration Module for VMware VCB?

2008-04-24 Thread mark wragge
Is there such thing as a Netbackup Integration Module for VMware VCB as the 
VMWARE documentation for VCB states? I have not come across this on the 
symantec website. The version of netbackup in question is netbackup 6.0.
  Thanks again!!

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[Veritas-bu] creating script to run VCB commands for Virtual Machine Backup

2008-04-24 Thread mark wragge
I have been able use Vmware Consolidated Backup to create a full copy of a VM 
using the vcbMounter command. When i do this the VM is copied to a folder on my 
backup server and I can then back this VM up.
  I know that I can use the bpstart_notify command to call a script but how do 
i integrate this process into a script? Which VCB commands do I need to use in 
the script?
  Should I be using the vcbMounter command  or should i be using the 
vcbSnapshot command?
  Which command should i use to cleanup the copy of the VM once the backup has 
  If possible could someone send me a copy of the contents of a script that 
they use when VCB backups are implemented for full VM backups?
  Thanks, Mark 

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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

[Veritas-bu] embedded media server on EDL

2008-03-13 Thread mark wragge
Hi, had anyone ever successfully configured the netbackup embedded media server 
on an EMC EDL? What are the steps required to do this?
  I am having trouble locating any documentation for this. If anyone can point 
me to the location of the documentation it would be great.

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[Veritas-bu] oracle policy with compression turned on

2008-03-12 Thread mark wragge
How does the compression option on an Oracle policy function? Is it the same as 
turning on compression on a standard filesystem backup OR is this a compression 
feature specific to oracle database backups?
  I am considering turning on compression on a Virtual Tape Librayr and on the 
oracle policy. Should i just turn it on on the VTL (EMC EDL).

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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

[Veritas-bu] inline tape copy using local device and remote device

2008-03-11 Thread mark wragge
What are the guidelines for using inline tape copy in terms of speed of devices 
that are being used. If one tape device can write faster than the second then 
what would be the effects on inline tape copy? Would it fail?
  Also, if i used inline tape copy to send one copy to a local disk device and 
the 2nd copy to a remote disk device would this work. Assuming that the 2nd 
disk device would have a slower write speed as it was across the WAN.

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Re: [Veritas-bu] configure nodes of VCS Oracle Rac cluster as mediaservers

2008-02-13 Thread mark wragge
Thanks for your information. It has helped me to understand how a rac cluster 
  If I have one media server should the media server name be the physical node 
name or the virtual name?
  The reason that I consider having two media servers is so that if one node of 
the cluster is down then i can still backup the database.

  You back up a database, not a cluster, and the one RAC database is on two 
servers.  You only need to have one media server and you can run the backups 
through that one server. 
  If you intend to have more than one media server, you'd have to figure a way 
to divide the database tables of the single instance across two servers and the 
admin of that would probably be too much hassle.  If you've got one instance on 
two server, just ignore the other server for backup purposes.
  My $.02, at least.

  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of mark wragge
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2008 10:39 AM
To: veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu
Subject: [Veritas-bu] configure nodes of VCS Oracle Rac cluster as mediaservers

  Hi, I am configuring a 2 node VCS cluster for backup and i would like to know 
the recommendations for doing this. Both nodes will have access to a virtual 
tape library which is san connected. The cluster is running Oracle RAC.
  I have installed the media server software on each node of the cluster and 
used the physical node name during the install. I want to back up each node 
directly to the virtual tape library.
  DO i need to run the cluster_config script? I do not necessarily want Veritas 
to manage media server failover between the nodes as this is an active/active 
  Should i configure each node of the cluster as though it were an independent 
SAN media server?
  Thanks for any advice!
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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

[Veritas-bu] configure nodes of VCS Oracle Rac cluster as media servers

2008-02-12 Thread mark wragge
Hi, I am configuring a 2 node VCS cluster for backup and i would like to know 
the recommendations for doing this. Both nodes will have access to a virtual 
tape library which is san connected. The cluster is running Oracle RAC.
  I have installed the media server software on each node of the cluster and 
used the physical node name during the install. I want to back up each node 
directly to the virtual tape library.
  DO i need to run the cluster_config script? I do not necessarily want Veritas 
to manage media server failover between the nodes as this is an active/active 
  Should i configure each node of the cluster as though it were an independent 
SAN media server?
  Thanks for any advice!

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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

Re: [Veritas-bu] using Linux client to backup esx (VMware)

2007-11-13 Thread mark wragge
thanks for all the replies to this question. I will update the list when i have 
the client working.

"Rosenkoetter, Gabriel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Actually, more than just port 13782 is necessary, assuming this is ESX 3.
  They have a checkbox for "NetBackup" in their Security configuration (a lousy 
GUI front end for their wrapper for IP Chains that does less than IP Chains 
would have let you do... sigh), but the ports they list have nothing to do with 
anything useful. (They're in the general range that NetBackup uses but don't do 
anything related to the services needed on a NetBackup client.)
  In order to backup ESX 3 clients, I do this on the client side:
  esxcfg-firewall -o 2301,tcp,in,hpim
esxcfg-firewall -o 13782,tcp,in,bpcd
esxcfg-firewall -o 13724,tcp,out,vnetd
esxcfg-firewall -o 13720,tcp,out,bprd
  and then on the NetBackup master require vnetd for the client (ie, enable no 
callback: bpclient –client  -add –no_callback 1).
gabriel rosenkoetter
Radian Group Inc, Unix/Linux/VMware Sysadmin / Backup & Recovery
[EMAIL PROTECTED], 215 231 1556 

Sent: Monday, November 12, 2007 1:44 PM
To: mark wragge
Cc: veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Veritas-bu] using Linux client to backup esx (VMware)


Make sure you have port 13782 open on the esx server. 

Jared M. Seaton
Recovery Administrator
Mylan Inc.
304-685-1389 (Cell)

"mark wragge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   11/12/2007 12:49 PM 
  veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu   cc
  [Veritas-bu] using linux client to backup esx (vmware)

I am trying to use the linux client v6.0mp4 to backup an esx server v3.02. I 
have installed the client software choosing redhat 2.4 and the installation is 
complete. I cannot successfully backup the esx server as there is a cannot 
connect to client error message. I cannot use bp from the client to start a 
backup. I have checked IP resoultion and checked all hosts files. 
Is it necessary to restart an esx server after installation of the netbackup 
client software? 
How do I re-start the netbackup services on a linux client (if this is even 
possible as i dont think that services run until the backup is inititated!!).?? 
Are there any additional steps to be followed when attempting to backup an esx 
server for the first time using netbakcup? 
Thanks, MarkSend instant messages to your online friends 
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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

[Veritas-bu] using linux client to backup esx (vmware)

2007-11-12 Thread mark wragge
I am trying to use the linux client v6.0mp4 to backup an esx server v3.02. I 
have installed the client software choosing redhat 2.4 and the installation is 
complete. I cannot successfully backup the esx server as there is a cannot 
connect to client error message. I cannot use bp from the client to start a 
backup. I have checked IP resoultion and checked all hosts files.
  Is it necessary to restart an esx server after installation of the netbackup 
client software?
  How do I re-start the netbackup services on a linux client (if this is even 
possible as i dont think that services run until the backup is inititated!!).??
  Are there any additional steps to be followed when attempting to backup an 
esx server for the first time using netbakcup?
  Thanks, Mark

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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

[Veritas-bu] is it possible to integrate 2 master server databases into 1?

2007-11-01 Thread mark wragge
We have two solaris master servers runnning netbackup 5. We would like to 
integrate these into one master server. Is it possible to integrate one of the 
master serrvers catalog into another master server so that we have just one 
master server and one catalog.
  The data in the catalogs has infinite retention so we cannot wait for the 
data to expire and one of the master servers must be decomissioned.
  What options do we have?

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[Veritas-bu] how can i back up NT4

2007-10-25 Thread mark wragge
I have a sudden requirement to backup an nt4 server. It is not listed on the 
6.o compatibility list. If i use a netbackup 5.1 client can i back up an nt4 
server using Netbackup 6.0
  Thanks, Mark

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[Veritas-bu] migrate solaris master server to linux server

2007-09-25 Thread mark wragge
Hi, previously i have asked the list for stps involved in migrating a solaris 
master server to a windows environment. Is it possible to migrate a solaris 
master server to a linux platform and if it is what is the procedure to do this?
  Thanks for any help, Mark

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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

[Veritas-bu] can i restore files from a unix client to a windows client?

2007-09-14 Thread mark wragge
I have a solaris server that will be decomissioned soon. The data on this 
server has been backed up and will be kept for some time. 
  Can i restore the data from this servers backups to a windows server? The 
data that will be restored will be individual files such as jpegs and tifs.
  Will i be able to restore this data - i do not yet have the infrastrucutre to 
test this.
  Can i initiate a restore of unix client data from a windows server if the 
data was being restored to a unix client?

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[Veritas-bu] can netbackup be moved from solaris to linux

2007-08-07 Thread mark wragge
is it possible to move netbackup from a solaris server to a windows server? 
  the main goal is to be able to recover the data that has been backed up by 
the solaris 5.1 netbackup server using the windows 5.1 netbackup server. it is 
just the data that is on the tapes that is required. the policies, tape 
libraries etc are not important.
  Is is possible to scan in a tape from the solaris netbackup server to the 
catalog of the win nbu server and recover the data?
  Thanks, Mark Wragge

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[Veritas-bu] how to backup lots of small files

2007-08-02 Thread mark wragge
what is the best way to backup a solaris server copntaining millions of small 
files. is flashbackup the quickest way?
  the backup is currently taking over one day for 250gb and we suspect that it 
is the large number of files.

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[Veritas-bu] performance tuning - when to use buffers

2007-07-30 Thread mark wragge
What is the best rule to use with performance tuning to get maximum speed from 
tape devices - should one use default buffer settings or custom buffer 
settings? Where do i find the recommendations for buffer settings for different 
drive types (HP LTO3 and HP LTO3 Worm in particular).
  Other than buffer settings, what can be customized to provide maximum 
performance for drive speed? I am aware of multiplexing and datastreaming. Are 
there customized settings for SCSI HBA drivers and Tape devices drivers that 
will improce performance. 
  The OS is Solaris 9, NBU 6mp4 and SCSI HP LTO 3 tape devices.

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Re: [Veritas-bu] Veritas-bu] Data Domain with NBU

2007-01-15 Thread mark wragge
Hi mike, i have implemented Data Domain systems on a number of sites using 
legato and netbackup.The data domain boxes have worked very well at all sites 
with excellent compression ratios. The support from data domain has been great 
during configuration and afterwards.The best part about them is that they 
eliminate tape and library errors and maintenance (apart from the fact that the 
data is cloned to tape later).
  The only occasional issues we have had with Data Domain Systems would be:
  Storage Unit (DD tape device) was unavailable a number of times and backup 
failed during the backup- resolved by stopping and starting veritas services or 
rebooting master server. 
  One interesting point to remember is that the backup to DD disk may not be 
faster than SAN attached tape. You are writing to a NAS file system so there is 
a performance overhead. On one site we had to convince the customer that a 
decrease in backup speed was worth it to avoid tape/library errors, tape 
management and to acheive compression and data replication. 

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Re: [Veritas-bu] FalconStor vs. Data Domain

2006-12-18 Thread mark wragge
I have installed Data Domain at three sites. Two using Veritas Netbackup. ON 
both Netbackup sites the customers are very happy with the data domain systems. 
They get great compression ratios and the DD systems have been reliable. The DD 
support has also been very good during installation and afterwards when 
  Both customers are using DD replication for offsite copy of backup data to a 
DR site.
  One thing to watch out for is that the backup to DD wont necessarily be 
faster that to SAN based tape. The backups become more reliable due to absence 
of tape device/library failures and availability of media.

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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu