Re: [videoblogging] Define....

2005-12-18 Thread Richard Show

Jeffrey,First of all, thanks for your kind words about rocketboom!Second of all, keep in mind that this list consists of approximately a skizillion people, and you'll find that those conversations you're talking about are carried on by a small minority. I've been on the list for about 7 months (which is a bout 50 vlog years) and, all in all, the people are very cool and most of them recoginize that the arguments are silly. In fact, some of those who are involved in those types of discussions even recognize they're silly but find them entertaining. (I must admit, secretly, don't tell anyone, that I actually find a pervese enjoyment myself in reading long threads involving arguments about silly things interspersed with flames and attacks ... good drama to me).
Also, just to throw in a shameless plus, I did officially end the whole issue of what a vlog really is in one of my earliest videos, so all these other arguments are just after thoughts. RichardOn 12/17/05, jeffrey_harrington 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:This is just too much...I liked this group the first week but you
all seem so worried about nothing...OH Richard nice Rocketboom !! Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--Get Bzzzy! (real tools to help you find a job). Welcome to the Sweet Life.
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Re: [videoblogging] Define

2005-12-18 Thread Jeffrey
Journalist of the NYTimes and WSJ - H role models H... the 
good guys right?

Are not they the same journalist who have sat on this most recent story 
of our Government spying on US?

Journalist and the Media are controlled by a small group of $enior $ 
Socialites with $ignificat amout$ of money who publi$h what will $tand 
be$t for their media.

Who cares what W$J and the NYTime$ feel about VLOGs - VLOG what you want 
- it is not a job it is a passion, hobby and your right.

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Re: [videoblogging] Define

2005-12-18 Thread R. Kristiansen

I am right here, Chris, but i won't be calling anyone a flamer, or a troll, on this list.

have fun and be evil, all
raymondOn 12/18/05, Chris K [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Where's Raymond these days? I need him to tell me I am a flamer so Itone it down a bit. Although, I am not trying to belittle anyone, I'mjust trying to illustrate a point.



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Re: [videoblogging] Define

2005-12-18 Thread Ron Watson

No kidding!Something that not many people realize is that in terms of the corporate media, we are the product.Corporate advertisers are the customers.Be careful of how you define this medium, as the first one that the corporate media can co-opt and exploit is the one that will stick.I am for either defining it as a right to be heard/a right to a visible outlet for my opinion/my public voice (please go with the spirit of the words instead of picking them apart) or not defining it at all. If we define it in terms that the corporate media can pollute: viewers, entertainment, media outlet, etc, then it will go the way of the information superhighway.later, RonOn Dec 18, 2005, at 2:24 PM, Jeffrey wrote:  Journalist of the NYTimes and WSJ - H role models H... the  good guys right?  Are not they the same journalist who have sat on this most recent story  of our Government spying on US?  Journalist and the Media are controlled by a small group of $enior $  Socialites with $ignificat amout$ of money who publi$h what will $tand  be$t for their media.  Who cares what W$J and the NYTime$ feel about VLOGs - VLOG what you want  - it is not a job it is a passion, hobby and your right.   SPONSORED LINKS  Individual  Fireant  Typepad  Use YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS  Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web.    To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. 



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Re: [videoblogging] Define....

2005-12-18 Thread Joan Khoo

In fact, some of those who are involved in those types of
discussions even recognize they're silly but find them entertaining. (I
must admit, secretly, don't tell anyone, that I actually find a pervese
enjoyment myself in reading long threads involving arguments about
silly things interspersed with flames and attacks ... good drama to

There will always be passionate discussions on this group but
that's what makes the spice of life I say (provided no one gets hurt).



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Re: [videoblogging] Define Videoblogging

2005-12-17 Thread Markus Sandy
oxymoron alert!

there is no such thing as a correct model
otherwise it would not be a model

all models are approximations
someday even physicist's will realize this and stop looking for the 
right one

once a model is stamped correct, all you have is dogma

Enric wrote:

That model may be
incomplete or innacurate, but it should be proposed and tested against
competing models until the correct model is determined.  Saying that
no model should be tested is quite possibly a recipe for floundering
and stagnation.

  -- Enric



My name is Markus Sandy and I am

aim/ichat: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
skype: msandy

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Re: [videoblogging] Define Videoblogging

2005-12-17 Thread Randolfe Wicker

I don't understand the need to "strictly define" 
videoblogging except to separate individually (or collectively) produced 
"independent"video from advertising trailers promoting a commercial 
product (movie trailers, etc.) The independence of unfettered personal 
_expression_ is key to defining vlogging in my mind.

Randolfe (Randy) Wicker

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 7:57 
  Subject: [videoblogging] Define 
  There's been a idea that has been promoted to not 
  defineVideoblogging. That it is too soon, that defining it will lock 
  itdown and constrain it, and so on. The error is that a 
  model,definition, thesis is required to test if something is viable. 
  Youdon't discover something by not applying a model to it, but by 
  testingif a proposed model accurately describes the item in 
  question.The video projects that are interesting and successful 
  whether thehighly structured Rocket Boom or loosely structured Carp 
  Caviar, havea understandable structure. Experimental films have 
  existed sinceEdison and others invented the technology of 
  filmmaking. But itbecame a vibrant media once Griffith found and 
  clearly displayed the60-120 minute, three act model in "Birth of a 
  Nation". Within thatclear models of genres and forms -- the science 
  fiction, crime (withsubgenre of noire), romance (subgenres of 
  romantic-comedy, etc.),comedy, etc. sub-models --- resolved into modes of 
  film _expression_. It is a mistake to narrowly define an art 
  form. To say thatvideoblogging is just personal diaries or citizen 
  journalism oranother type of genre _expression_. This is like saying 
  film isadventure. It may be that adventure (or romantic or crime) 
  films arethe most prevalent genres, but they are not the only genres that 
  canexist and are interesting. It is the form of a duration around 
  90minutes with three acts that does define the cinematic form. And 
  itis a video with blogging capability that may be the correct model 
  thatdifferent genres of videoblogging exist in. That model may 
  beincomplete or innacurate, but it should be proposed and tested 
  againstcompeting models until the correct model is determined. 
  Saying thatno model should be tested is quite possibly a recipe for 
  flounderingand stagnation. -- Enric



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Re: [videoblogging] Define Videoblogging

2005-12-17 Thread Adam Quirk

On 12/17/05, Randolfe Wicker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I don't understand the need to strictly define 
videoblogging except to separate individually (or collectively) produced 
independentvideo from advertising trailers promoting a commercial 
product (movie trailers, etc.) The independence of unfettered personal 
_expression_ is key to defining vlogging in my mind.
And that is where it should stay, in your mind.
There are videoblogs that do not rely on personal _expression_.
MediaMatters. Crooks and Liars. ScienCentral.
There are many genres of videoblogs. 

By the way, Sciencentral is great. I'm not sure if it's been mentioned before here. (no enclosures, just excerpts)

google.comRandolfe (Randy) Wicker

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 7:57 
  Subject: [videoblogging] Define 
  There's been a idea that has been promoted to not 
  defineVideoblogging. That it is too soon, that defining it will lock 
  itdown and constrain it, and so on. The error is that a 
  model,definition, thesis is required to test if something is viable. 
  Youdon't discover something by not applying a model to it, but by 
  testingif a proposed model accurately describes the item in 
  question.The video projects that are interesting and successful 
  whether thehighly structured Rocket Boom or loosely structured Carp 
  Caviar, havea understandable structure. Experimental films have 
  existed sinceEdison and others invented the technology of 
  filmmaking. But itbecame a vibrant media once Griffith found and 
  clearly displayed the60-120 minute, three act model in Birth of a 
  Nation. Within thatclear models of genres and forms -- the science 
  fiction, crime (withsubgenre of noire), romance (subgenres of 
  romantic-comedy, etc.),comedy, etc. sub-models --- resolved into modes of 
  film _expression_. It is a mistake to narrowly define an art 
  form. To say thatvideoblogging is just personal diaries or citizen 
  journalism oranother type of genre _expression_. This is like saying 
  film isadventure. It may be that adventure (or romantic or crime) 
  films arethe most prevalent genres, but they are not the only genres that 
  canexist and are interesting. It is the form of a duration around 
  90minutes with three acts that does define the cinematic form. And 
  itis a video with blogging capability that may be the correct model 
  thatdifferent genres of videoblogging exist in. That model may 
  beincomplete or innacurate, but it should be proposed and tested 
  againstcompeting models until the correct model is determined. 
  Saying thatno model should be tested is quite possibly a recipe for 
  flounderingand stagnation. -- Enric



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Re: [videoblogging] Define....

2005-12-17 Thread Joshua Kinberg
Don't judge us all over a zealous conversation b/n a few people
some conversations are better carried on off-list.


On 12/17/05, jeffrey_harrington [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is just too much...  I liked this group the first week but you
 all seem so worried about nothing...

 OH Richard nice Rocketboom !!

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