[Vietlug] old system vo+'i zlib 1.1.3

2004-11-29 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
Hi ca? nha`.
(BEm ddang cha.y redhat 7.2( kernel 2.4.20, gcc 2.96) va`
(Bdu`ng zlib 1.1.3. DDa^y la` ba?n co' cirical bugs ne^n em
(Bmuo^'n chuye^?n sang zlib version mo+'i ho+n, i't nha^'t
(Bla` 1.1.4.
(BHie^.n ta.i em dda~ rebuild zlib 1.2.1 va`o /usr/local va`
(Brebuild latest openssh vo+'i zlib 1.2.1 cu~ng va`o
(BEm lo la` trong system co`n nhu+~ng binaries kha'c duo+.c
(Bbuild vo+'i old zlib 1.1.3 co' the^? se~ bi. lo+.i
(Bdu.ng... Va^.y la`m sao dde^? ti`m ra nhu+~ng binaries
(Bddo', and/or "e'p" chu'ng du`ng zlib mo+'i nhi? Vo+'i
(Bnhu+~ng binaries dduo+.c build statically vo+'i zlib 1.1.3
(Bthi` sao? Lie^.u co' trong redhat 7.2 kho^ng ca'c ba'c
(BYahoo! JAPAN Redribbon Campaign
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Re: [Vietlug] Burn Linux CD !

2004-11-29 Hội thoại Tran Vu Hung
mkh wrote:
(BOn Saturday 27 November 2004 03:36 pm, Bit Takeshi wrote:
(B--- Nguyen Thanh Bien [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<(B
(BOn Fri, 26 Nov 2004 20:40:38 -0800 (PST), ryan
(BPS: ba'c ma` check mail ba(`ng fetchmail ro^`i ddo.c
(Bqua vt100
(Bterminal la` bie^'t ddu+o+.c ly' do ngay ma`
(Bbanned? anh Larry!!!
(BSa'ng nay chu? nha^.t ma'y to^i cu~ng ke'o ve^` 2 la^`n to^?ng co^.ng 30 ca'i 
(Bemails ma` Sender dde^`u la` Bit Takeshi va Quy NGUYEN DAI.
(BKho^ng bie^'t co`n pha?i delete nhu+~ng mail na`y bao nhie^u la^`n nu+~a. 
(BVo+'i "ta`i na(ng" cu?a to^i thi` dda`nh chi.u thua ca'c cao thu? spam ro^`i, 
(Bchi? co`n bie^'t tu+. ho?i kho^ng bie^'t la` ca'c vi. a^'y thu hoa.ch 
(Bddu+o+.c su+. thu' vi. gi` khi la`m vie^.c ddo' ?
(Bm k h _ s g n
(Bkho^'n kho^? ca'i tha^n em, em du`ng fetchmail the^' mo+'i che^'t chu+'
(Bni., off tu+` chie^`u thu+' 6, sa'ng a 312 ca'i mail, vietlug 2 tra(m
(Bmu+o+`i ma^'y ca'i bo' tay\. thie^. ti`nh kho^ng hie^?u bi. gi` nhi? ho`
(Bho` ho`...ko^ bie^'t la` vietlug co' du`ng ca'i icms hay kho^ng dda^y ta
(B:lol ( just kidding ) ok, em ddu`a ca'c ba'c ti' nha\.
(Btui bi. nha('c nho+? 2 la^`n ru`i ddo', le^n la^`n na`y tui va`o do.c
(Bca'i rule cu?a mail list na`y luo^n dde^? ba'c larry kho?i nha('c nho+?
(Btui hehehe\.
(Bmo^~i la^`n ba'c larry buo^`n buo^`n gu+?i email rie^ng cho tui la` tui
(Bbuo^`n muo^'n che^'t, tu+o+?ng la` ba'c lary ho?i giu'p ddo+~ hay co'
(Bvu. la`m a(n gi` dda^y, ai ngo+` to`an la`, ko^ du`ng uni, ko^ du`ng
(Bhtml, ko^ ...nhie^`u qua' nho+' kho^ng he^'t
(Bhave a nice week bo` ken cu be't
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(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Re: [Off-Topic] Compare Admin and non-Admin

2004-11-29 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- BITguy [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B Do.c xong chu.c  do`ng na`y em va^~n cha? hie^?u gi`
(B ca? Hie^?u mo^~i
(B do`ng umask va` chmod tho^i.
(By' cu?a nguo+`i vie^'t la` khuye^n ba'c admin Larry ne^n
(Bset umask= va` chmod 777 vo+'i Vietlug Mailing List
(BSo far, theo em thi` ba'c Larry ho+i "ddo^.c ta`i" mo^.t
(Bti' trong vie^.c qua?n li' vnlinux.org va` vietlug ML.
(BNhu+ng, trong ti`nh hi`nh hie^.n nay thi` ddo^.c ta`i nhu+
(Bthe^' kho^ng pha?i la` 1 y' kie^'n to^`i. Ba'c Larry qua?n
(Bli' ra^'t to^'t. vnlinux.org pha't trie^?n to^'t. DDo^.c
(Bta`i nhu+ kie^?u ba'c Kim hay Saddam thi` em pha?n ddo^'i,
(Bco`n vo+'i vnlinux thi` kho^ng.
(BYahoo! JAPAN Redribbon Campaign
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. 
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Mong Larry tra loi giup! Cau hoi ve Boot va IP cua LINUX

2004-11-29 Hội thoại teppi
cha`o ca'c ba'c,

On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 17:54:35 +0300, Quang Nguyen Dang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Minh bi mat boot ghi ghost tu 1 HDD A - HDD B, cong viec hoan tat va boot 
 bang HDD B thi thong bao la khong khoi dong duoc, 1 thong bao GRU to tuong lu 
 lu xuat hien. Xin chi giup minh lam cach nao de tao boot cho HDD B khoi dong 
 binh thuong. Bay gio minh muon khoi dong toan phai cho Floppy vao de khoi 
 Trong Windows trong phan Advance cua TCP/IP minh co the add them IP. Vi du 
 nhu minh co 1 IP la, vao do minh co the IP them IP cho Ethernet 
 vi du nhu, trong khi do trong LAN van co the 
 truy cap vao cac IP kia nhu la truy cap vao Xin Larry chi giup 
 trong LINUX co lam the duoc khong? Minh da thu add them vao trong muc ROUTE 
 cua Ethernet trong NETWORKING cua REDHAT nhung ma khong duoc.
 Xin chan thanh cam on.

nha^.n ddu+o+.c thu+ nha^`m ddi.a chi? :). kho+?i ddo^.ng ddu+o+.c
tu+` ddi~a me^`m la` qua' to^'t ro^i`! Congrats! j/k.


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[Vietlug] flashlinux - chi? la` mo^.t ddi'tro kha'c cho fla't 256MB

2004-11-29 Hội thoại teppi
cha`o ca'c ba'c,

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Re: [Vietlug] Mong Larry tra loi giup! Cau hoi ve Boot va IP cua LINUX

2004-11-29 Hội thoại Viet Bach

--- Quang Nguyen Dang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Minh bi mat boot ghi ghost tu 1 HDD A - HDD B, cong viec hoan tat va
 boot bang HDD B thi thong bao la khong khoi dong duoc, 1 thong bao
 GRU to tuong lu lu xuat hien. Xin chi giup minh lam cach nao de tao
 boot cho HDD B khoi dong binh thuong. Bay gio minh muon khoi dong
 toan phai cho Floppy vao de khoi dong.

Ghost version cu~ kho^ng hie^?u GRUB.  Coi link sau dda^y dde^? 
xem ca'ch install GRUB tre^n HDD B.


 Trong Windows trong phan Advance cua TCP/IP minh co the add them IP.
 Vi du nhu minh co 1 IP la, vao do minh co the IP them IP
 cho Ethernet vi du nhu, trong khi do
 trong LAN van co the truy cap vao cac IP kia nhu la truy cap vao Xin Larry chi giup trong LINUX co lam the duoc khong?
 Minh da thu add them vao trong muc ROUTE cua Ethernet trong
 NETWORKING cua REDHAT nhung ma khong duoc.
 Xin chan thanh cam on.

Linux go.i ca'i na`y la` IP aliasing.  Trong Redhat, Ip alias na(`m
trong ifcfg-eth0-range0.  Search goggle dde^? ti`m hie^?u the^m...

Vi' du.: 

cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0-range0

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[Vietlug] hosting management

2004-11-29 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
cho em hoi? pha^`n me^`m qua?n ly' hosting voi a. 
User khi ddu+o+.c ca^'p account se~ co' quye^`n
upload, download file le^n website ma` [EMAIL PROTECTED] ta
thue^ server cua? mi`nh, co' chu+'c na(ng ca^'u hi`nh
ca'c u+'ng du.ng tre^n web nhu+ du`ng postfix hay
qmail, thay do^?i tho^ng tin ve^` dns ...
Xin ca'm o+n a.
Manh Cuong.

Do you Yahoo!? 
Read only the mail you want - Yahoo! Mail SpamGuard. 

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[Vietlug] Lam the nao de cai dat domain cho Linux?

2004-11-29 Hội thoại Quang Nguyen Dang
|Minh dang dung Linux Redhat 9.0 muon chuyen qua domain ma ko dung mang ngang 
hang thi phai cau hinh the nao? Windows Users co the login vao duoc ko? Xin cac 
ban chi giup. Co hinh anh cang tot.

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] hosting management

2004-11-29 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
On 10:54:43 am 11/29/04 Manh Cuong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 cho em hoi? pha^`n me^`m qua?n ly' hosting voi a.
 User khi ddu+o+.c ca^'p account se~ co' quye^`n
 upload, download file le^n website ma` [EMAIL PROTECTED] ta
 thue^ server cua? mi`nh, co' chu+'c na(ng ca^'u hi`nh
 ca'c u+'ng du.ng tre^n web nhu+ du`ng postfix hay
 qmail, thay do^?i tho^ng tin ve^` dns ...
 Xin ca'm o+n a.
 Manh Cuong.

Hi Cuong,

Xem webmin.com Co`n ma^'y ddo^` commercial thi` mi`nh 0 ra`nh. Nghe no'i
Cpanel, Plesk...

Ba'c cu~ng co' the^? xa`i go'i webtool cu?a Engarde. It might not work with
perl 5.8.


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Re: [Vietlug] Lam the nao de cai dat domain cho Linux ?

2004-11-29 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
On 11:34:40 am 11/29/04 Quang Nguyen Dang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 |Minh dang dung Linux Redhat 9.0 muon chuyen qua domain ma ko dung
 mang ngang hang thi phai cau hinh the nao? Windows Users co the login
 vao duoc ko? Xin cac ban chi giup. Co hinh anh cang tot.


Mi`nh 0 co' hi`nh nhu+ng ca'i ba'c ca^`n co' le~ Linux go.i la` How to set
up Samba as primary domain controller.

Ba'c co' the^? search tre^n http://search.yahoo.com

DDa^y la` mo^.t vi' du.



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Re: [Vietlug] flashlinux - chi? la` mo^.t ddi'tro kha'c cho fla't 256MB

2004-11-29 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
On 9:19:36 am 11/29/04 teppi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 cha`o ca'c ba'c,

Awesome! Gentoo rocks :)

/me nghi~ ba?n mo+'i se~ co' vnlinuxFLash :)


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Re: [Vietlug] Ca`i Sarge to+'i ddu+o+.c Nha.n Mo^n Quan

2004-11-29 Hội thoại mkh
On Tuesday 30 November 2004 05:19 am, Pham Kim Long wrote:
Hi Long!

 1. Boot va`o X ngay: Hie^.n nay co' ve? nhu+ ba'c dda~ co' xdm ro^`i (vi`
 ba'c dda~ boot va`o X ngay). DDo^`ng tho+`i ba'c co' ca? fluxbox va` kde\.
 Va^.y ba'c ne^n du`ng gdm hoa(.c kdm thay cho xdm. gdm/kdm se~ cho ba'c
 cho.n Window Manager (WM) lu'c login. Ca'ch na`y la` de^~ nha^'t.

Ma^'y ho^m nay vi` tie^'c cu?a ddo+`i (dda~ get tu`m lum, hie^.n df=1,4GB!) 
ne^n mi`nh chu+~a tri. gio^'ng kie^?u tha^`y lang bo^'c thuo^'c, cu+' nho+' 
hay bie^'t le^.nh na`o la` phang tu+o+'i va`o. Ke^'t qua? la`:
- boot va`o dde^'n text mode dden si`, go~ root + paswwd ro^`i ddu+'ng la.i.
- Go~ startx thi` no' nha'ng le^n ma^'y ca'i, sau do ra tho^ng ba'o kho^ng 
cha.y ddu+o+.c ca'i xserver.
- Go~ startxfce4 kho^ng co' gi` (nhung co' install va`o ro^`i)
- Go~ icewm khong co' gi`
- Go~ exec fluxbox, no' cu+. nu+. la` pha?i startx tru+o+'c ro^`i mo+'i cha.y 
ddu+o+.c fluxbox.

 2. Ne^'u ba'c va^~n muo^'n boot va`o X va` giu+~ xdm nhu+ hie^.n nay (theo
 cha'u la` kho^ng ne^n), thi` ba'c su+?a file ~/.xsession. Ne^'u muo^'n KDE
 thi` cho startkde va`o ddo', ne^'u muo^'n fluxbox thi` cho fluxbox va`o\.
 Ba'c nho+' make sure .xsession la` executable\.

A` a` co' khi no' cha.y kho^ng ddu+o+.c la` vi` ma^'y ca'i ddo' chu+a 

 3. Kho^ng boot va`o X ngay\. Debian kho^ng nhu+ dda so^' ca'c distro kha'c,
 su+?a /etc/inittab cu~ng kho^ng a(n thua\. Ba'c pha?i disable ca'i *dm ma`
 ba'c ddang du`ng mo+'i ddu+o+.c. Vi' du. dde^? bo? xdm ma` kho^ng ca^`n
 uninstall thi` du`ng: $ update-rc.d -f xdm remove
 (lu'c na`o ba'c muo^'n re-enable thi` dpkg-reconfigure xdm)

He`n gi`! Mi`nh su+?a initab cho^~ id:2: tha`nh 3,4,5,S lung tung ma` tha^'y 
cha(?ng co' phe^ gi` ca?, boot va`o mo^.t ho^`i la` no' ngu+ng dde^?  ho?i 
runlevel: ?

 Sau khi bo? ro^`i thi` ba'c cha.y X ba(`ng startx. Startx no' cho.n WM tu+`
 dda^u thi` cha'u kho^ng cha('c la('m (vi` la^u ro^`i kho^ng du`ng), hi`nh
 nhu+ la` ~/.xinitrc hay ~/.Xclients . Ba'c nhe't starkde hay fluxbox va`o
 ma^'y file ddo'.


Tuye^.t la('m. Sau dda^y se~ cho uo^'ng ma^'y thang na`y xem be^.nh ti`nh ra 
sao. Ca'm o+n nhie^`u.

Sarge 3.1 CD go^`m ma^'y di~a? Cho xin ca'i ddi.a chi? tuye^.t ddo^'i cu?a 
no'. Va` ne^'u co' the^?, cho mi`nh xin ca'i ddi.a chi? na`o dde^? dda(.t mua 
no'? Co' le~ to^'t nha^'t la` ba?o mua mo^.t bo^. ca^`m ve^` thi` cha('c a(n 
ho+n la` lo` mo` download o+? que^ nha`!

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Lam the nao de cai dat domain cho Linux ?

2004-11-29 Hội thoại chairuou
On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 06:51:05 +0900 (JST), Bit Takeshi
 Anh Larry gio?i tha^.t Em ddo.c ca^u ho?i ma` kho^ng
 hie^?u 1 ti' teo gi`, chu+a no'i gi` dde^'n vie^.c ddu+a
 ra solution nhu+ anh, cho du` chi? la` search.yahoo.com :)
 Hi N, mi`nh recommend google.com :) to^'t ho+n
 search.yahoo.com cu?a anh Larry nhie^`u

how about http://search.msn.com ;)
ca'i na`o cu~ng to^'t ca?, chi? co' bad searcher :-D

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Re: [Vietlug] hosting management

2004-11-29 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
ca'm o+n Hu+ng va` anh Larry nhie^`u.
--- Bit Takeshi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- Manh Cuong [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  cho em hoi? pha^`n me^`m qua?n ly' hosting voi a. 
 Cuong tried plesk?

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Re: [Off-Topic] Compare Admin and non-Admin

2004-11-29 Hội thoại Nguyen Thanh Bien
 So far, theo em thi` ba'c Larry ho+i ddo^.c ta`i mo^.t
 ti' trong vie^.c qua?n li' vnlinux.org va` vietlug ML.
 Nhu+ng, trong ti`nh hi`nh hie^.n nay thi` ddo^.c ta`i nhu+
 the^' kho^ng pha?i la` 1 y' kie^'n to^`i. Ba'c Larry qua?n
 li' ra^'t to^'t. vnlinux.org pha't trie^?n to^'t. DDo^.c
 ta`i nhu+ kie^?u ba'c Kim hay Saddam thi` em pha?n ddo^'i,
 co`n vo+'i vnlinux thi` kho^ng.
DDo^.c ta`i ?? hi`nh nhu+ ba^'t cu+' ngu+o+`i du`ng ma'y ti'nh na`o
cu~ng ba?o admin la` ddo^.c ta`i thi` pha?i\. O+? co+ quan mi`nh,
cu~ng nhie^`u ngu+o+`i ghe't mi`nh la('m, vi` kho^ng cho ho. du`ng
kazza, kho^ng cho du`ng webcam, va^n va^n va` va^n va^n.. the^' ne^n
suy ra ca'i nghe^` cu?a o^ng admin la` nhu+ va^.y\.

Nhu+ng ro^'t cuo^.c: website cu?a VietLug, mail list cu?a Vietlug
va^~n cha.y, hoa.t ddo^.ng va^n ro^m ra?, mu.c ddi'ch dda(.t ra cu?a
ML va` website va^~n giu+~ vu+~ng ddu+o+.c.

The^' thi` ca'c ba'c co`n muo^'n gi` nu+~a ??

VietLug la` co^.ng ddo^`ng tu+. nguye^.n, ma` thu+? ho?i xem co'
co^.ng ddo^`ng tu+. nguye^.n na`o so^'ng ddu+o+.c la^u ne^'u kho^ng
co' lua^.t le^.. Em so sa'nh kha^.p khie^~ng mo^.t chu't: gia? su+?
muo^'n va`o chu+`a tu (la`m su+ a^'y), co' ba'c na`o ddo`i su+ cu.
trong chu`a cho phe'p la^'y vo+. kho^ng ??

GIT d? a- C+++ UH UL 
UB P+ L+ E--- W+++ w--- PS+ !z

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[Vietlug] Vietnamese spelling checker

2004-11-29 Hội thoại pclouds
Cha`o ca'c ba'c,
Tui co' vie^'t mo^.t ca'i chu+o+ng tri`nh kie^?m lo^~i chi'nh ta? cho
tie^'ng Vie^.t. No' bu+., cha^.m, ngo^'n ram, ngo^'n cpu, cha.y kho^ng
chi'nh xa'c, la.i kho' xa`i. No'i chung la` bu+o+?i.
DDang pha^n va^n kho^ng bie^'t co' ne^n release source kho^ng. Ne^'u
ba'c na`o ma'u me chuye^.n vspell, muo^'n *develop* tie^'p thi` tui se~


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Re: [Vietlug] hosting management

2004-11-29 Hội thoại Viet Bach

Pho^? tho^ng nha^'t la` cpanel (cpanel.com).
Ngoa`i tie^`n thue^ server rie^ng cho mi`nh, mi`nh se~ pha?i 
tra? the^m khoa?ng $20/th cho cpanel.  Co`n ne^'u mi`nh du`ng
share hosting thi` cpanel is included.

Opensource software thi` chu+a co' ca'i na`o co' dda^`y ddu? chu+'c
na(ng dde^? qua?n tri. nhu+ cpanel.


--- Manh Cuong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 cho em hoi? pha^`n me^`m qua?n ly' hosting voi a. 
 User khi ddu+o+.c ca^'p account se~ co' quye^`n
 upload, download file le^n website ma` [EMAIL PROTECTED] ta
 thue^ server cua? mi`nh, co' chu+'c na(ng ca^'u hi`nh
 ca'c u+'ng du.ng tre^n web nhu+ du`ng postfix hay
 qmail, thay do^?i tho^ng tin ve^` dns ...
 Xin ca'm o+n a.
 Manh Cuong.
 Do you Yahoo!? 
 Read only the mail you want - Yahoo! Mail SpamGuard. 
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[Vietlug] Gnome-2.8!!!!

2004-11-29 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
Hello Gnome lovers,

Ma^'y ho^m nay lu bu ma^'y ca'i docs va` ca'i ma'y Sun Sparc (do thinman
donate cho VietLUG future database server. Thanks a lot sir!) ne^n 0 lo
nga('m nghi'a pha^`n me^`m mo+'i.

Mo+'i urpmi'ng le^n Gnome-2.8...wow! DDe.p ho+n (font...maybe becasue of
Mandrakelinux :) ), Epiphany nhanh ho+n/nhe. nha`ng ho+n ba?n cu~ nhie^`u.
Co`n nhie^`u thu+' kha'c chu+a ddu.ng to+'i. No'i chung dda^y la` la^`n
dda^`u tie^n tha^.t su+. muo^'n su+? du.ng Gnome :)
I still like KDE though hehehe

vnlinuxCD-9.4 is on the way! Note: se~ co' KDE trong phie^n ba?n na`y nhu+
dda~ hu+'a tu+` dda^`u na(m :(


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Re: [Vietlug] hosting management

2004-11-29 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
On 9:49:01 pm 11/29/04 Viet Bach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Opensource software thi` chu+a co' ca'i na`o co' dda^`y ddu? chu+'c
 na(ng dde^? qua?n tri. nhu+ cpanel.


Ba'c cho bie^'t cu. the^? ho+n dduoc 0? Ne^'u dduoc thi` mi`nh se~ co^'
the^m va`o vnlinux-secure.



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Re: [Vietlug] Cau hoi rat gap, moi nguoi giai dap.

2004-11-29 Hội thoại Viet Bach

Ca^u ho?i ra^'t ga^'p vi` cha('c ba.n ca^`n lie^`n nhu+ng ra^'t
tie^'c la` co^ng vie^.c chuye^?n ddo^?i mo^.t ma.ng tu+` Windows
sang Linux kho^ng the^? la`m 1 sa'ng 1 chie^`u ddu+o+.c.  Chu+a
la`m qua la^`n na`o ma` chu+a co' training thi` se~ gai go'c, ma^'t
va`i tua^`n ne^'u co' tha^`y, ma^'t va`i tha'ng ne^'u tu+. vo.c.

 Linux Server
  |   |   |
  |   |   |
Co^ng vie^.c pha?i la`m:

1.  Ca`i dda(.t 1 2 ca.c ma.ng cho Linux Server
2.  Ke^'t no^'i server vo+'i Internet
3.  Ca`i dda(.t DNS server tre^n Linux Server (i.e Bind)
4.  Ca`i dda(.t Firewall tre^n Linux Server (i.e. Shorewall)
5.  Migrate accounts tu+` NT server qua Linux Server
1 ca'ch la`m la` ca^'u hi`nh Linux server nhu+` 1 backup
domain controller (du`ng Samba) ro^`i sau ddo' migrate
accounts tu+` Windows PDC qua Linux server

Co`n mail server no^.i bo^ thi` sao ?  Ne^'u ddu+o+ng xa`i ma^'y
ca'i gia?n di. nhu+ mdeamon hay vpop thi` ddo^?i qua Linux postfix
tu+o+ng ddo^'i kho^ng kho' la('m nhu+ng ne^'u ddu+o+ng xa`i Exchange
thi` me^.t vi` mail server tre^n Linux kho^ng the^? thay the^' hoa`n
toa`n ca'c chu+'c na(ng cu?a Exchange.

Server cho 150 ngu+o+`i thi` ba('t buo^.c pha?i co' web proxy (Squid)
va` pha?i co' he^. tho^'ng UPS va` Backup.  Ngoa`i ra file server 
cu~ng pha?i co' the^m chu+'c na(ng anti-virus scan (samba-vscan)
va` mail server cu~ng va^.y (MailScanner + ClamAv).

Ne^'u to^i kho^ng ra`nh la('m ve^` Linux/Networking ma` xe^'p
ba('t to^i la`m chuye^.n na`y ga^'p thi` to^i chi? co'
the^? tu+. an u?i ba(`ng ca^u I am in deep shit!


--- Quang Nguyen Dang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Trong mang LAN cua minh co 150 may, minh muon cac ban chi cho mo hinh
 LAN sao cho phu hop nhat (tot nhat ve bao mat). Trong do co 1 may chu
 de cung cap Internet cho tat ca cac may con con lai trong LAN.
 1 Truong hop rat kho chiu la to hay bi nguoi khac lay trung IP (May
 chu cua to dung LINUX REDHAT 9.0), khi no lay trung IP voi to thi
 Internet se khong chay duoc. Co cach nao de khac phuc hien tuong nay
 khong nhi? Theo ly thuyet thi khong duoc phep trung IP nhung day co
 nguoi khac lay trung voi minh nen minh cung bi luon.
 Windows cung co 1 cai rat hay la co the gan nhieu IP cho 1 card LAN,
 LINUX co the lam duoc vay khong? Xin moi nguoi chi giup.
 Cam on moi nguoi rat nhieu.
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Re: [Vietlug] Vietnamese spelling checker

2004-11-29 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
On 9:04:02 pm 11/29/04 pclouds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Cha`o ca'c ba'c,
 Tui co' vie^'t mo^.t ca'i chu+o+ng tri`nh kie^?m lo^~i chi'nh ta? cho
 tie^'ng Vie^.t. No' bu+., cha^.m, ngo^'n ram, ngo^'n cpu, cha.y kho^ng
 chi'nh xa'c, la.i kho' xa`i. No'i chung la` bu+o+?i.
 DDang pha^n va^n kho^ng bie^'t co' ne^n release source kho^ng. Ne^'u
 ba'c na`o ma'u me chuye^.n vspell, muo^'n *develop* tie^'p thi` tui
 se~ release.

Ca'i na`y nghe ha^'p da^~n ddo' Duy. Mi`nh nghi~ cu+' release ai tham
gia/phu. dduoc thi` se~ bie^'t.


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Re: [Vietlug] Mong Larry tra loi giup! Cau hoi ve Boot va IP cua LINUX

2004-11-29 Hội thoại Dinh Duong Ha
Viet Bach wrote:
Linux go.i ca'i na`y la` IP aliasing.  Trong Redhat, Ip alias na(`m
trong ifcfg-eth0-range0.  Search goggle dde^? ti`m hie^?u the^m...
Vi' du.: 

cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0-range0

Co' the^? the^m IP mo^.t ca'ch ddo+n gia?n ba(`ng le^.nh ifconfig
*#ifconfig eth0*
*#ifconfig eth0:1*
*#ifconfig eth0:2*
thi` ethernet se~ ddu+o+.c  ba ddi.a chi? IP.
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