Re: Progressive quickfix buffer / background compilations

2006-10-05 Thread Gregory McIntyre

I played around a bit more and got to a similar stage that I think
everybody else is getting to using --remote commands to progressively
update buffers.

Here's my current script. This script is a little less sophisticated
than Marc's in that it doesn't keep track of the background process'
pid but I think that'd be easy to rip from his script. ;) I had to use
Ruby because I'm not very experienced with vimscript. (That might be
obvious given my vimscript below.)

You can see that I go through several options for trying to refresh
gvim's quickfix buffer using --remote commands, none of which seem to
work right (update it without crashing vim and without disrupting the
editing of other buffers).

Anyway it is here as a template if somebody has any good ideas to make
it work "right". I'll post any future versions of it that I write to
this thread, too.

" Function for compilation in background with progressively updated quickfix
" buffer.
" vim:ts=2:sw=2:et:sts

nmap  :call QuickFixRefresh()
imap  :call QuickFixRefresh()a
vmap  :call QuickFixRefresh()v

" Runs a command in the background with progressive output in the quickfix
" window. Requires gvim (relies on vim server).
function! QuickFix(...)
 if a:0 > 1
   let i=1
   let command=[]
   while i<=a:0
 let command += [a:{i}]
 let i += 1
   let command = a:1
ruby << EORUBY

 module Shell
   # Escape string so that it interpreted right by sh/bash.
   # Like Regexp.escape but for shell scripts.
   def self.escape(string)
 if string !~ %r{[ "\\]}i
   '"' + string.gsub(%r{(["\\])}i, '\1') + '"'

   # Turn a set of commands such as those from ARGV into a string
   # that can be passed to IO.popen or `` or similar without messing
   # up due to spaces in filenames etc.
   def self.command(args){|x| escape(x) }.join(' ')

 module VIM

   # Like evaluate but returns a Ruby array from a VIM array value.
   def self.evaluate_array(str)

   module Quickfix
 def self.path()

 def self.truncate(), "w")

 def self.append(line), "a") do |f|
 f.print line

 def self.reload()
   VIM.command("cgetfile #{path}")

 command = Shell.command(VIM.evaluate_array("l:command"))

 fork do
   IO.popen(command) do |io|
 io.each_line do |line|
   # Append the line to the file.

   # Refresh the quickfix buffer in Vim from the file.
   # No nice way to do this! :(
   # Here are the alternatives I've played with:

   # Using VIM.command("cfile ..") here causes errors like:
   #   Xlib: unexpected async reply
   # because we are in a sub-process and vim gets confused. (?)


   # Use --remote-send, to emulate typing the refresh command myself.
   # This makes the window flicker, takes you out of insert mode, and
   # generally makes continuing to use gvim impossible while the
   # compilation progresses. But it doesn't crash vim...

   #system("gvim", "--remote-send",
   #  ":cgetfile #{VIM::Quickfix.path}")

   # A variant on that theme. Pre-defined keybinding that works in all
   # modes. Lots of flickering, same as above.

   #system("gvim", "--remote-send", "")

   # Another variation, try using silent!
   #`gvim --remote-send ':silent! exec "silent! cgetfile
   #break if $? != 0

   # Idea: user --remote-expr to call a function we define. An expression
   # with a side-effect.
   # This works really really nicely - it doesn't disrupt editing - but
   # sometimes causes a segment violation which crashes gvim :(

   #output = `gvim --remote-expr 'QuickFixRefresh()'`.strip
   # output should be '0'

function! QuickFixRefresh()
 exe "cgetfile /tmp/vim.quickfix"

Greg McIntyre

Re: bug in map and complete()

2006-10-05 Thread Jürgen Krämer


Hari Krishna Dara wrote:
> The help on complete() gives an example as a usage pattern which seems
> to be very useful, but it doesn't work. Here is a slightly modified
> example to avoid breaking the lines in email transmission:
> inoremap   ListWeeks()
> func! ListWeeks()
>   call complete(col('.'), ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'])
>   return ''
> endfunc
> If you hit , Vim complains about the complete() as not allowed.
> Error detected while processing function ListWeeks:
> line1:
> E523: Not allowed here

I don't know the reason for this restriction, but it is documented under
":help complete()":

| Set the matches for Insert mode completion.
| Can only be used in Insert mode.  You need to use a mapping
| with CTRL-R = |i_CTRL-R|.  It does not work after CTRL-O or
| with an expression mapping.


Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. (Calvin)

bug in map and complete()

2006-10-05 Thread Hari Krishna Dara

The help on complete() gives an example as a usage pattern which seems
to be very useful, but it doesn't work. Here is a slightly modified
example to avoid breaking the lines in email transmission:

inoremap   ListWeeks()
func! ListWeeks()
  call complete(col('.'), ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'])
  return ''

If you hit , Vim complains about the complete() as not allowed.

Error detected while processing function ListWeeks:
E523: Not allowed here

I am assuming that this is another place where the code is too strict
than required (like setting :compiler in a FileChangeRO handler that I
reported long back).

I tried to modify this such that  is not used, like this:

inoremap  =ListWeeks()

and it works fine, but  approach is superior and more flexible.

Also, while playing with the above (by pressing  repeatedly while
opening new lines) I observed that occassionally, "Mon" gets inserted
instead of "Sun". I can't find a reproduciable case other than trying to
bring up popup several times (happened twice while trying may be about
20 times). I have observed this in general while using the complete()
function that Vim advances one too many items in the completion list
(happens very often with my LookupFile plugin).


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Re: Java Omni Complete

2006-10-05 Thread Hari Krishna Dara

On Thu, 5 Oct 2006 at 7:28pm, Jason Mills wrote:

> Hi Vimmers,
> I have searched the Internet and for an omni complete
> function/script for java (i.e. javacomplete.vim), but have had no luck.
> Does anyone know if such a script/function exists?
> Jason

I am beginning to experiment with a model that uses BSH's ClassManager
to do the completion. This has many limitations, but at least it will
make the job much easier and the development itself will be much simper.
To make the lookup responsive, I have tried running BSH in nailgun
server and it seems to work well, though I only had the JDK classes in
the classpath. I have a working import completion, but this is all very
rudimentary right now. No guarantees on when I can complete these, as I
have too many things going on right now and don't want to burden myself
by releasing even pre-alpha code to users. If someone wants to
collaborate the development effort, I am ok with it (means I am OK to
receive contributions to the code, but NOT ok with feature requests and
bug reports :))

I was also experimenting with Eclipse like code generation, and was
successful using BSH again to generate a new class. This is the reason
why I started working on the forms.vim plugin, as there are too many
parameters to input, and requires things like completion of super class
and interfaces.


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Re: Font rendering on Mac

2006-10-05 Thread David Goodlad

Hi Frank

> I've been using the new 'Consolas' font from the Vista font pack for
> my vim editing on my Mac for a month or so without problems.  This
> font looks amazing, but _only_ when anti-aliased, otherwise it looks
> like a mess.
> The other day, I setup a second mac here, and was trying to get it to
> render Consolas the same as on my first machine.  It simply refuses to
> render properly.  See and
> for the working and
> non-working screenshots respectively.  I've got a terminal running top
> in the background, using Consolas as well, to show that the font works
> equally well on both machines in

have you tested this in other software than vim (terminal etc.) in tha
not  anti-aliased version? should be the same result.

Yes, it looks just as ugly when anti-aliasing is disabled in other apps :)

terminal seems using the antialiased version in both pictures.

Right, that was to demonstrate that Terminal is able to render it just
fine antialiased on both machines, while vim seems unable to do the

it could be, that this font (i haven't used it myself), is not well
hinted or not yet hinted, or not hinted for this specific font size,
which is  very small indeed.

It's hinted only for a few sizes, including this (yes, very) small
size - 9pt.  I like to keep my screen real estate, and pretend I have
a 30" monitor! :)

truetype and opentype fonts can be optimized for output in small sizes.
verdana, tahoma etc. are very well hinted, but there are many fonts that
aren't, which gives bad results in small sizes, when no anti-aliasing
is used.

Well, it looks fine on my macbook pro, where anti-aliasing works.  The
real question becomes, why won't antialiasing work on my other mac?


Dave Goodlad

Re: Font rendering on Mac

2006-10-05 Thread Frank Hellenkamp
hi david,

> I've been using the new 'Consolas' font from the Vista font pack for
> my vim editing on my Mac for a month or so without problems.  This
> font looks amazing, but _only_ when anti-aliased, otherwise it looks
> like a mess.
> The other day, I setup a second mac here, and was trying to get it to
> render Consolas the same as on my first machine.  It simply refuses to
> render properly.  See and
> for the working and
> non-working screenshots respectively.  I've got a terminal running top
> in the background, using Consolas as well, to show that the font works
> equally well on both machines in

have you tested this in other software than vim (terminal etc.) in tha
not  anti-aliased version? should be the same result.

terminal seems using the antialiased version in both pictures.

it could be, that this font (i haven't used it myself), is not well
hinted or not yet hinted, or not hinted for this specific font size,
which is  very small indeed.

truetype and opentype fonts can be optimized for output in small sizes.
verdana, tahoma etc. are very well hinted, but there are many fonts that
aren't, which gives bad results in small sizes, when no anti-aliasing
is used.

As Robert Hicks said, Consolas is a font mainly for anti-aliased use.

best regards,


frank hellenkamp | interface designer
+49.30.49 78 20 70 | tel
+49.173.70 55 781 | mbl
+49.1805.4002.243 912 | fax

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Java Omni Complete

2006-10-05 Thread Jason Mills

Hi Vimmers,

I have searched the Internet and for an omni complete 
function/script for java (i.e. javacomplete.vim), but have had no luck. 
Does anyone know if such a script/function exists?


Re: C++ IDE

2006-10-05 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

James Oliver wrote:


[Using vim as an IDE]

Of course, there are many who use vi as an IDE and I think many use it

Does anyone know a good information source where I can see _how_
people are using vim as an IDE?

I know "How to use Vim
like an IDE" and "use vim to
quickly compile java files".

(I see some of you writing you defined shortcuts, list errors, use
ctags,... - where can I get an overview or an introduction on how to
do all this?)


To know how to use Vim (as Vim or as anything else that it can be used as), 
read the help. ;-)

OK, I know it's a tall order. The Vim help is unbelievably complete, but that 
also means unbelievably bulky. (TANSTAAFL.) But there are several ways to use it.

- Cover-to-Cover (not very useful). Start by hitting F1. When you come to the 
end of that file, you will see a list of other help files. Tackle them one 
after the other. -- This method should work, in theory, but IMHO it is not the 
best one for this purpose, among other reasons because it is too tedious.

- The Dictionary Game: start anywhere, and when a link (in gvim, something 
displayed in dark green) looks interesting, follow it, either by 
double-clicking it with the mouse or by hitting Ctrl-] with the cursor on it. 
Repeat at will.

- Helptag "menu" completion: First, set menu completion mode:

:set wildmenu

That's once and for all. You can write it into your vimrc (see ":help vimrc"). 
Then, type ":help " (without the quotes) followed by part of a help topic 
name, or by a Vim pattern (see ":help pattern-overview") which might match 
something that interests you. Instead of completing your command with the 
Enter key, hit the Tab key instead. The bottom status line (where you normally 
see the file name -- if using split windows, the name of the file in the lower 
split window) will become a menu of possible entries (if there are two or 
more: if there is only one you will see it on the command-line). Select by 
hitting the left and right arrow keys, then hit Enter to accept or Esc to cancel.

- Searching the whole text of all helpfiles:


where  is, again, a Vim pattern which defines what to search for: for 
instance, \ where \< and \> represent word boundaries. When Vim has 
searched all the help for matches, it will show the first one (if any). Use 
":cn[ext]", ":cp[revious]" (or ":cN[ext]), ":cfir[st]" (or ":cr[ewind]"), 
":cla[st]" to navigate the list of matches, or ":cope[n]" to show all the 
matching lines in a split window (see ":help quickfix"). (In all cases without 
the quotes and brackets, and you can include or omit all or part of the text 
in brackets).

Best regards,


2006-10-05 Thread Steve Hall
From: Brecht Machiels, Thu, October 05, 2006 1:07 pm
> While we're at it... I recently installed Cream and I very much like
> the shortcut key mappings. Unfortunately, Cream disables Vim's modes
> by default. The option of "Creamlite" behaviour enables modes, but
> removes (most of) the shortcut key mappings along with it. Is there
> any way to have the best of both worlds?

Of course, Cream *IS* Vim, it uses 100% Vim commands and binaries. You
should be able to use it's Expert Mode and turn off insertmode. But
this is OT for this list, please email me privately or use the Cream
lists if you want to discuss the Cream configuration further.

Steve Hall  [ digitect dancingpaper com ]

Re: C++ IDE

2006-10-05 Thread Brecht Machiels


I have written makefiles in the past. However, I'd like to be able to
build my projects on several platforms. From what I hear the autotools
require you to read tons and tons of documentation.

autotools != Makefile
I dislike autotools.  I write makefiles by hand.  Not
files, but actual Makefiles.

Oops... What I wrote there does look a tad confusing indeed :)
The autotools sentence should've been added to my paragraph about the 
build tools.

Most of these plugins come with a function to toggle/show whatever UI
you want.  It's a vimrc one-liner to bind it to a key.  i.e. doing
something like this:
is two keypresses (except the help screen).  That screenshot is just
an "omg look at all the crap" screenshot.  I actually used it to help
someone further describe what an "IDE" means to them (I get into
conversations like this alot).

As for build systems, there's alot of the integrated into vim.  :make
doesn't necessarilly call "make" - it uses makeprg (set via the
'compiler' option).  You can use this to easilly expand to whatever
build system you want - there's alot already there and on

I know it's not *that* much work. But I know that when I start messing 
around with such things, I'll end up tweaking it for days on end. I was 
hoping someone would reply and say "go to this website and download that 
nicely set up Vim 'IDE' configuration" :)

Now, rant time.  A fully "cross platform" build system is a fallacy.

I'm actually starting to think that you are absolutely correct. If I had 
more time, I'd probably try to prove us wrong, but that'll never happen :)

Perhaps I can still use Jam as an easier and faster make (if it is 
indeed as fast as that article claims).


Re: C++ IDE

2006-10-05 Thread Aaron Griffin

On 10/5/06, Brecht Machiels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello Aaron,

> Now, if you want vim to write makefiles and things for you, that's
> another story.  I have a feeling this is what you want - a step to
> integrate "build these files".

No. I was looking into build systems for that. I'm very disappointed by
what's on offer though. I given V2 a shot, but it is
over-complex. Or at least the documentation isn't good enough. I also
tried SCons. It seems alot more intuitive. But according to it is rather
slow (if that article is to be trusted). Jam is dead, but FTJam seems to
be alive. I think I'll try that next (but first check to see if they
have some decent docs).

While this is a tad offtopic, I will touch on this below.

 > Things like Eclipse / Visual Studio
> have a "files listing" which is used to know which files to compile /
> embed / whatever.  make does this just fine, and better, IMO, but
> requires you to write a Makefile.

I have written makefiles in the past. However, I'd like to be able to
build my projects on several platforms. From what I hear the autotools
require you to read tons and tons of documentation.

autotools != Makefile
I dislike autotools.  I write makefiles by hand.  Not
files, but actual Makefiles.

I just used "IDE" to describe what I was thinking of. What I mean
exactly is that I simply want to have all those plugins nicely
integrated with keys mapped to them for easy access. As soon as I got
that (and found a decent build system), I'll be perfectly satisfied :)

Most of these plugins come with a function to toggle/show whatever UI
you want.  It's a vimrc one-liner to bind it to a key.  i.e. doing
something like this:
is two keypresses (except the help screen).  That screenshot is just
an "omg look at all the crap" screenshot.  I actually used it to help
someone further describe what an "IDE" means to them (I get into
conversations like this alot).

As for build systems, there's alot of the integrated into vim.  :make
doesn't necessarilly call "make" - it uses makeprg (set via the
'compiler' option).  You can use this to easilly expand to whatever
build system you want - there's alot already there and on

Now, rant time.  A fully "cross platform" build system is a fallacy.
Unless you're unduely smart, you'll run into a problem *somewhere*.
Doing everything "zomgcrossplatform" requires layers and layers of
additional complexity to push things into "common denominator" land.
I prefer, instead, to embrace the differences.  As I stated, I like to
write makefiles by hand.  I also prefer the OS/host based makefile
concept: Makefile just passing things off to the correct
Makefile.linux or Makefile.solaris or Makefile.mingw.  GNU make, or
some version thereof is on most systems anyway - at least more than
bjam or python+scons or perl+cons.

People are scared of Makefiles because of the abomination autotools
have cause them to be.  Try writing them by hand without autotools a
few times.

rant over

Re: C++ IDE

2006-10-05 Thread Brecht Machiels

Hello Aaron,

Now, if you want vim to write makefiles and things for you, that's
another story.  I have a feeling this is what you want - a step to
integrate "build these files".

No. I was looking into build systems for that. I'm very disappointed by
what's on offer though. I given V2 a shot, but it is
over-complex. Or at least the documentation isn't good enough. I also
tried SCons. It seems alot more intuitive. But according to it is rather
slow (if that article is to be trusted). Jam is dead, but FTJam seems to
be alive. I think I'll try that next (but first check to see if they
have some decent docs).

Things like Eclipse / Visual Studio
have a "files listing" which is used to know which files to compile /
embed / whatever.  make does this just fine, and better, IMO, but
requires you to write a Makefile.

I have written makefiles in the past. However, I'd like to be able to
build my projects on several platforms. From what I hear the autotools
require you to read tons and tons of documentation.

I guess I could answer better if you defined what an IDE is to you.  I
get mixed answers on this when I ask people.  In short: you are trying
to use vim like tools you are used to.  It doesn't work that way.  vim
is vim.  It is not Eclipse.

I just used "IDE" to describe what I was thinking of. What I mean
exactly is that I simply want to have all those plugins nicely
integrated with keys mapped to them for easy access. As soon as I got
that (and found a decent build system), I'll be perfectly satisfied :)


Re: C++ IDE

2006-10-05 Thread James Oliver


[Using vim as an IDE]

Of course, there are many who use vi as an IDE and I think many use it

Does anyone know a good information source where I can see _how_
people are using vim as an IDE?

I know "How to use Vim
like an IDE" and "use vim to
quickly compile java files".

(I see some of you writing you defined shortcuts, list errors, use
ctags,... - where can I get an overview or an introduction on how to
do all this?)



2006-10-05 Thread Billy Patton
Just to add to what you said about IDE, I moved from MSVC++ to vim.  I had
to write my own make file,  big++ for future.
I eventually programmed my function keys to do
Make clean
Make test
First error
Next error
Previous error
List all errors

It was no where as "nice" as mscv++ but after the transition, I will never
go back to an "ide"
On my pc now I use cygwin for all my unix compatible work, which is my
entire world.

> -Original Message-
> From: Aaron Griffin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 12:50 PM
> To: Brecht Machiels
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: C++ IDE
> On 10/5/06, Brecht Machiels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > But as I'm probably not the first to try to use Vim as an IDE
> No, you're not.  The issue is not that you're trying to use 
> vim as an IDE, it is that you're trying to use vim as Eclipse.
> Define "IDE".
> When I use vim as "an IDE", I use things like ctags to jump 
> around files, change things here and there, run :make, etc 
> etc  taglist is nice.  So are clewn/vimgdb, but not as much 
> as raw gdb.
> Now, if you want vim to write makefiles and things for you, 
> that's another story.  I have a feeling this is what you want 
> - a step to integrate "build these files".  Things like 
> Eclipse / Visual Studio have a "files listing" which is used 
> to know which files to compile / embed / whatever.  make does 
> this just fine, and better, IMO, but requires you to write a Makefile.
> I guess I could answer better if you defined what an IDE is 
> to you.  I get mixed answers on this when I ask people.  In 
> short: you are trying to use vim like tools you are used to.  
> It doesn't work that way.  vim is vim.  It is not Eclipse.

Re: C++ IDE

2006-10-05 Thread Aaron Griffin

On 10/5/06, Brecht Machiels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

But as I'm probably not the first to try to use Vim as an IDE

No, you're not.  The issue is not that you're trying to use vim as an
IDE, it is that you're trying to use vim as Eclipse.
Define "IDE".

When I use vim as "an IDE", I use things like ctags to jump around
files, change things here and there, run :make, etc etc  taglist is
nice.  So are clewn/vimgdb, but not as much as raw gdb.

Now, if you want vim to write makefiles and things for you, that's
another story.  I have a feeling this is what you want - a step to
integrate "build these files".  Things like Eclipse / Visual Studio
have a "files listing" which is used to know which files to compile /
embed / whatever.  make does this just fine, and better, IMO, but
requires you to write a Makefile.

I guess I could answer better if you defined what an IDE is to you.  I
get mixed answers on this when I ask people.  In short: you are trying
to use vim like tools you are used to.  It doesn't work that way.  vim
is vim.  It is not Eclipse.

Re: Help with emptytags in xml.vim

2006-10-05 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Kevin Old wrote:

Hi Tony,

I can't use > in place of the > - I'm writing perl, not html. The
<% %> tags basically do a "print $obj->obj_var" for me if I used it
like this <% $obj->obj_var %>.


Have you tried? If it's within an XML file, then the XML user-agent (the 
program which handles the XML text) should translate -> to -> before 
passing it to perl (or anything). Similarly, when writing a URI to be passed 
to a program (be it cgi, php or whatever) the & separating the arguments must 
be written & (> < and & are the three entities which are 
standard not only in all versions of standard HTML but in standard XML too).

If the file containing those strings is _not_ valid XML, then I guess you 
shouldn't be using the xml.vim plugins.

Best regards,


2006-10-05 Thread Brecht Machiels

Hi all,

after being fed up by Eclipse's slowness/memory usage, I've decided to
see if Vim could replace it. I've already found numerous nice plugin's
that each implement part of the functionality of Eclipse:
- quickfix
- clewn/vimgdb
- Taglist
- Project

Configuring it all to work nicely together is another matter. I could of
course spend a couple of days learning how to write vim scripts and
rolling my own solution. But as I'm probably not the first to try to use
Vim as an IDE, there must be a nice all-in-one solution out there
somewhere. Or that's what I thought anyway. I can't seem to find any!

Is the anything like Cream that turns Vim into a development
environment? I'm thinking about something that includes all those
plugins and has easy-to-remember shortcut keys mapped to actions such as
build, debug, name completion etc.

While we're at it... I recently installed Cream and I very much like the
shortcut key mappings. Unfortunately, Cream disables Vim's modes by
default. The option of "Creamlite" behaviour enables modes, but removes
(most of) the shortcut key mappings along with it. Is there any way to
have the best of both worlds?


Re: Help with emptytags in xml.vim

2006-10-05 Thread Kevin Old

On 10/5/06, A.J.Mechelynck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Kevin Old wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm using the xml.vim plugin
> ( and have it
> working well, but am trying to set a percent tag <% %> (used with
> HTML::Mason) as an emptytag.
> Here's the line in my .vimrc:
> let
> All of the tags act as they should and do not try to close except for
> some weird issue with the % tag.
> Here's what happens.  In HTML::Mason code I can print a variable like
> this <% $variable %>.  This works fine.  But if I try to use this with
> an object there is a problem.
> I type the following:
> <% $obj->
> but when I enter the ">" xml.vim adds a closing tag, so it now looks
> like this:
> <% $obj->
> It shouldn't add the  as % is in the emptytags definition above.
> I can't seem to figure out why this is happening.
> Any help is appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Kevin

The > of -> is seen as ending the (opening) <% tag, and since it is preceded
by neither / nor % the plugin thinks that a closing tag is missing.

Try using <% $obj-> instead (i.e. replacing > by >). Then you will enter
%> somewhat later on, to end the tag.

Best regards,

Hi Tony,

I can't use > in place of the > - I'm writing perl, not html. The
<% %> tags basically do a "print $obj->obj_var" for me if I used it
like this <% $obj->obj_var %>.

Kevin Old

Re: Help with emptytags in xml.vim

2006-10-05 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Kevin Old wrote:

Hello all,

I'm using the xml.vim plugin
( and have it
working well, but am trying to set a percent tag <% %> (used with
HTML::Mason) as an emptytag.

Here's the line in my .vimrc:


All of the tags act as they should and do not try to close except for
some weird issue with the % tag.

Here's what happens.  In HTML::Mason code I can print a variable like
this <% $variable %>.  This works fine.  But if I try to use this with
an object there is a problem.

I type the following:
<% $obj->
but when I enter the ">" xml.vim adds a closing tag, so it now looks 
like this:

<% $obj->

It shouldn't add the  as % is in the emptytags definition above.

I can't seem to figure out why this is happening.

Any help is appreciated!


The > of -> is seen as ending the (opening) <% tag, and since it is preceded 
by neither / nor % the plugin thinks that a closing tag is missing.

Try using <% $obj-> instead (i.e. replacing > by >). Then you will enter 
%> somewhat later on, to end the tag.

Best regards,

Re: Simple how to unhighlight after search

2006-10-05 Thread Tim Chase

When I do a search, I have highlighting turned on.  I like that.
When I have completed I now search for something completely bogus to turn
off highlighting.

I'm not using F12 and would like to program it to unhighlight

" F12 .. unhighlight after search
map  : ?

:nnoremap  :noh

You can learn more at

:help :noh


Simple how to unhighlight after search

2006-10-05 Thread Billy Patton
When I do a search, I have highlighting turned on.  I like that.
When I have completed I now search for something completely bogus to turn
off highlighting.

I'm not using F12 and would like to program it to unhighlight

" F12 .. unhighlight after search
map  : ?

Help with emptytags in xml.vim

2006-10-05 Thread Kevin Old

Hello all,

I'm using the xml.vim plugin
( and have it
working well, but am trying to set a percent tag <% %> (used with
HTML::Mason) as an emptytag.

Here's the line in my .vimrc:


All of the tags act as they should and do not try to close except for
some weird issue with the % tag.

Here's what happens.  In HTML::Mason code I can print a variable like
this <% $variable %>.  This works fine.  But if I try to use this with
an object there is a problem.

I type the following:
<% $obj->
but when I enter the ">" xml.vim adds a closing tag, so it now looks like this:
<% $obj->

It shouldn't add the  as % is in the emptytags definition above.

I can't seem to figure out why this is happening.

Any help is appreciated!

Kevin Old

RE: Gvim closing unexpectedly

2006-10-05 Thread Steve Hall
From: "Greg Dunn", Thu, October 05, 2006 9:36 am
> On 10/4/06, Steve Hall wrote:
> > On Thu, 2006-10-05 at 10:04 +1000, Robbie Gates wrote:
> > >
> > > i was having problems with gvim hanging when i tried to edit my
> > > vimrc. After a bit of sleuthing, i tracked it down to has("tcl")
> > > hanging (called from syntax/vim.vim).
> >
> > It appears your post and one on the vim list are related:
> >
> >
> >
> Yep, I have cygwin, and yep, the dummy tcl84.dll fixed the problem.

I, too, can now confirm that the Cygwin tcl84.dll on path prior to any
others causes :echo has("tcl") to hang. 

Can anyone here using a Windows binary different from those packaged
by Cream reproduce this?

Steve Hall  [ digitect dancingpaper com ]

Re: Gvim closing unexpectedly

2006-10-05 Thread Greg Dunn

On 10/4/06, Steve Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[cross-posting to connect threads]

On Thu, 2006-10-05 at 10:04 +1000, Robbie Gates wrote:
> Hi All,
> i was having problems with gvim hanging when i tried to edit my
> vimrc.
> After a bit of sleuthing, i tracked it down to has("tcl") hanging
> (called from syntax/vim.vim).

It appears your post and one on the vim list are related:

I'm not on a Windows box tonight to track this down, can anyone help
us figure out if this is in the binary or runtime?

1. Verify syntax/vim.vim is not corrupt

2. Test the binary:

 :echo has("tcl")

Greg, do you have Cygwin installed?

Interesting that this just cropped up twice in two hours, these
packages have been downloaded nearly 300 times over 8 days.

Yep, I have cygwin, and yep, the dummy tcl84.dll fixed the problem.
One difference I have from the dev thread is that my gvim doesn't
hang, it just closes.

-- Greg

RE: Forms highlighting

2006-10-05 Thread David Fishburn

I gave the demo a whirl.

When you enter the State field the omni completion pops up.
You cannot hit escape to get out of this.
In fact you must choose something, even if you didn't want to.

Entering the Country field.
If you cursor is on U, press C.  I wanted to just type "Canada", but of
course C in normal mode changes to end of line.  So this wiped out the rest
of the line.  It seems when the > is gone, things get messed up.  You can't
actually type anything.

So I restarted the form.
When to USA hit cw, typed in "Canaada".
Realized my mistake, but my cursor on the a and hit x.
Since I was in visual mode this left me with "xada".  Now use the left and
right keys to reposition yourself.  Very funky behaviour ending up with the
existing characters being repeated many times.  Actually it does this with
h,l as well.

That is all I had a chance to try this morning.


Re: Forms highlighting

2006-10-05 Thread Mikolaj Machowski
Dnia czwartek, 5 października 2006 01:16, Hari Krishna Dara napisał:
> I have 6.3 version of cygwin and arrows work fine in rxvt. I stil think
> your term settings are not right. But this is not really concern forms
> plugin, though it means we might have to support some other maps that
> will reliably work in all the terms.

, ? It should work everywhere and is quite natural for Vim
users (IMO).

> > Another thing. Until now I was only playing with demo. Now I tried to
> > do my own form and have one thing to say:
> >
> > Listener stuff is complicated. Can it be done simpler?
> Do you mean simplify the listener interface, or completely do away with
> them?


> - If you mean the former, then the alternative is to accept a function
>   name (this is what my previous version worked). But a big problem with
>   this is that the function has to be global and I hate defining global
>   functions without intending them to be part of API, and I know several
>   others feel the same. The current scheme of expecting a dict object
>   should be more familiar to many, who worked with the newer GUI
>   frameworks (such as Swing and Flex). While not having to define a
>   global dict variable, it also provides a way to create more
>   "contextual" listeners (you can e.g., put the form that the listener
>   is attached to, without having to modify the listener interface to
>   also expect the form object).

I would expect some simplifying in use. For example why explicitly
declare them? Create listeners automatically.

Check example I send earlier. Core stuff is quite simple, big part of it
is overhead dealing with listeners.

> What do you think are the next priority TODO items before making the
> first release (or a beta release)? I am thinking if I fix the known
> issues and implement the items that improve the overall feel of a static
> form, it will be good enough. Right now, there are too many ways the
> user can end up in 'modifiable' mode and just remove/change anything,
> giving the impression that the plugin is not robust).

>   - Pressing  in textfield doesn't let you  into the existing 
> (need to set backspace=start, but this is global).
>   - Support for radio buttons.
>   - Optional user completion for textfields and comboboxes (no preset 
>   - Support for disabling fields (greyed out and no editing or focusing).
>   - Validators.

Local validation (onBlur event) can be already done. Problem is when
doing after pressing OK. Hmm, in fact it can be also done but is boring
;) to do. Some API for that would be good.

>   - For non-editable comboboxes, don't accept a value that is not in the 
>   -  in select mode should cancel selection and bring up popup (or 
> nothing by setting 'keymodel' to empty value, but this is global).
>   - When the focus is moved in, explicitly set the value again, to make
> sure any fouled up entries are fixed.

Don't understand that. Maybe you were thinking about "moving out" of
field (onBlur JavaScript event)? It is already possible.

>   - Detect cusor movements beyond the fields and disable modifiable. This 
> reduce the chance of accidentally mucking up the form.
>   - Avoid first empty line (in an empty buffer).
>   - Recognize no/empty title.

Title may be declared. Make it support for non showing it, like::

  let demoform ='Address Entry Form', 1)

To show it and 0 for non showing it.

>   - Encode the field boundaries (like [], <>) in the field itself. This 
> make some of the logic more generic and will make it more flexible to
> change them.

One change which would be good to introduce before official beta:
obligatory fields. As I wrote earlier - full validation if possible but
laborious. And declaring it in API should allow for some emphasis


Re: Key remapping doesn't work

2006-10-05 Thread VetteVert

VetteVert wrote:
> Yakov Lerner-3 wrote:
>> Is your 'nocp' option properly set ? (it must be 'nocp') ?
>> Yakov
> Yes it is set.  I cannot get any keymappings to work...
> thanks

I take that back.  This did work (testing...)

:map  o 
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Re: Key remapping doesn't work

2006-10-05 Thread VetteVert

Yakov Lerner-3 wrote:
> Is your 'nocp' option properly set ? (it must be 'nocp') ?
> Yakov

Yes it is set.  I cannot get any keymappings to work...


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Sent from the Vim - General mailing list archive at

Re: Colorschemes Need Updating

2006-10-05 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Tue 3-Oct-06 7:59am -0600, Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:

> Bill McCarthy wrote:
>>I primarily use just one - ps_color - but missed the update.
>>I have it now, thanks.  I sure wish those Vim Online folks
>>had an FTP site so we could easily updated the files we've
>>downloaded with a simple shell command once a week or so.

> Try GetLatestVimScripts --
> (also at
> ; see "getscript.tar.gz"). Set up a list of scripts you're
> interested in (an example is included with either of the
> two downloads) and type
>   :GLVS
> whenever you want updates.

That quite a comprehensive script.  It not only downloads
the files, it also optionally installs most of them.

I look forward to studying it - maybe I can figure out how
to automate downloading an updated tips file too (I can't
download the compressed file from WinXP).


Best regards,

Forms example

2006-10-05 Thread Mikolaj Machowski
Dnia środa, 4 października 2006 05:06, Hari Krishna Dara napisał:
> A new version is available, to try:
> - Download the below file and put it in your autoload directory:
> - Start a fresh Vim session and execute:
> :call forms#demo()
> The new version has support for listening to changes in the field
> values. The demo can now automatically lookup city and state when you
> fill in your zipcode using a webservice (you need wget in the path and
> need Internet connection).

Using this version I wrote example tag form generated from xml data
file. It uses simple validation (only two fields: accesskey and dir)
acting when leaving field.
Playing with it gave me some more ideas:

- obligatory fields (and highlighting of that)
- single hotkey per form is real problem (try o), at least shortcut
  should take to *first* field with that letter not last
- bug when first field is empty; cursor is placed directly after ':' in
  label, only Tab is taking it to real field; below workaround is
  putting always ' ' as value if field is empty.

How to use.

- open it ;)
- correct path to xml/xhtml10s.vim
- so %

" Form
" Data about attributes:
" g:xmldata_{b:html_omni_flavor}[tagname][1]

if !exists('g:xmldata_xhtml10s')
source ~/.vim/autoload/xml/xhtml10s.vim
let attrs = g:xmldata_xhtml10s['a'][1]
let g:tfList = {}
function! g:tfList.actionPerformed(name)
  if a:name ==# 'ok'
let output = 
  \ "Output:\n"
for i in g:formfields
if b:curForm.getFieldValue(i) !~ '^\s*$'
let output .= i.'="'.b:curForm.getFieldValue(i)."\"\n"
call input(output)
call input('Form cancelled, closing window')
return ":bw!\"
function! g:tfList.valueChanged(name, oldval, newval)
  if a:name == 'accesskey'
  function! UpdateAcckey()
  if len(b:curForm.getFieldValue('accesskey')) > 1
 call b:curForm.fieldMap['accesskey'].setValue(' ')
  return ":call UpdateAcckey()\"
  elseif a:name == 'dir'
  function! UpdateDir()
  if b:curForm.getFieldValue('dir') !~ '^\(\s*\|ltr\|rtl\)$'
 call b:curForm.fieldMap['dir'].setValue('   ')
  return ":call UpdateDir()\"
  return ''
let htmlform ="Tag a")
let g:formfields = []
for attr in sort(keys(attrs))
if len(attrs[attr]) == 0
  call htmlform.addTextField(attr, attr.':', ' ', attr[0])
  call htmlform.addComboBox(attr, attr.':', '', attrs[attr], 
attr[0], 1)
let g:formfields += [attr]
call htmlform.addButton('ok', 'OK', '', 'o', g:tfList)
call htmlform.addButton('cancel', 'cancel', '', 'c', g:tfList)
call htmlform.setDefaultButton('ok')
for field in htmlform.fields
  if field.type != g:forms#FT_BUTTON
call field.setListener(g:tfList)
vert new
exe "normal! 30\|"
call forms#ShowForm(htmlform)