Re: a question related to substitution using regular expression

2006-07-25 Thread Marshall Abrams

Why not just

s/ .*//


(For either vim or sed.)


On Jul 25, 2006, at 1:09 PM, Tim Chase wrote:

My file is like the following:
data_1.dat   pre= -1908.77 post= -48977.33 diff= -448.947
data_2.dat   pre= -444.333 post= -333.545   diff= -777.333
I hope to find out a regular expression subtitution commad to delete 
everything after dat to get a file like:

I know visual mode will do the work too. But I still hope to find out 
the substitution command using regular expression so I can use sed to 
make it automatic.

Well, you're in luck...the Vim regexp can be the same regexp as for 


or possibly the slightly shorter


Some sed's may allow for vim's \s or \ notation, in which case 
you can trim it even further:


or even


However, in your case, you might even be able to use the cut program:

cut -d  -f1 text

which just asks for the first field, when delimited by spaces (if your 
original file uses tabs, you can ignore the -d , as cut defaults to 
using tabs)

Just a few ideas...


Re: colors

2006-07-18 Thread Marshall Abrams
As a devotee of vim, I want to put in a vote for trying to make new 
releases violate fewer rather than more of existing users' assumptions 
(although I know that there are always tradeoffs).

Why should the default color scheme suddenly change when one upgrades?

(Hmm maybe fire suits should go on now.)

Every time I install a new version of vim I have to go and fix some 
little thing so that it will work the way I want it to work.  The 
problems I've experienced recently are  due to the fact that I've been 
mapping g to 1G for years.   In recent releases, matchit.vim (which I 
love) and the new fancy file browser have created mappings for g plus 
something else, so that vim has to pause when I type g to make sure 
that I'm not about to type another character (this is not the behavior 
you want for the go to the top of the file mapping).   I have fixed 
these problems, but:

How about adding functions without assigning them to keys?  If a key 
hasn't been mapped before, then someone has their own private mapping 
for it, and by adding a new mapping, you're going to break something, 
perhaps for the sake of a function that most people won't use.  
(Shouldn't a *network* file browser be optional?  I already have more 
than one with my operating system. )

Just pet peeves.  If I didn't love it so much I wouldn't complain.


On Jul 17, 2006, at 7:01 PM, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

Bill Hollingsworth wrote:

I recently upgraded to VIM 7.0 and now the color settings for my PERL 
programs are different. I liked the way the colors were before.
Could someone tell me how to return to the old settings, or how to 
set the colors myself?

For instance, now comments and variable names are the same color.
Thanks and best wishes,
Bill Hollingsworth
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory

I guess the easiest way is to write your own colorscheme. For instance 
I use the attached colorscheme which I wrote, named 
$HOME/.vim/colors/almost-default.vim and invoked by :colorscheme 
almost-default. It is a simple example which might help you create 
your own. You will have to find out the names of the highlight groups 
for which you need a non-default color. (Try Comment and 
Identifier; I guess changing them will also change perlComment and 
PerlIdentifier, or however they are named).

You can set different colors for console Vim and gvim by using, in the 
same :highlight command, arguments cterm= ctermfg= ctermbg= on the one 
hand, and gui= guibg= guifg= onthe other hand.

There are also a number of colorschemes available in your distribution 
(in $VIMRUNTIME/colors) and at vim-online (which can be installed by 
dropping them in one of the following:

- system-wide: $VIM/vimfiles/colors
- user-private on Unix: ~/.vim/colors
- user-private on Windows: ~/vimfiles/colors

). Don't change anything in $VIMRUNTIME or its subdirs, because any 
upgrade can silently overwrite any changes you made there.

:help :highlight
:help :colorscheme
:view $VIMRUNTIME/colors/README.txt

 Vim color file
 Maintainer:  Tony Mechelynck [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Last Change: 2006 Jun 21

 This is almost the default color scheme.  It doesn't define the 

 highlighting, it uses whatever the colors used to be.

 Only the few highlight groups named below are defined; the rest 
(most of

 them) are left at their compiled-in default settings.

 Set 'background' back to the default.  The value can't always be 

 and is then guessed.
hi clear Normal
set bg

 Remove all existing highlighting and set the defaults.
hi clear

 Load the syntax highlighting defaults, if it's enabled.
if exists(syntax_on)
  syntax reset

 Set our own highlighting settings
hi Errorguibg=red   
hi clear ErrorMsg
hi link ErrorMsg Error
hi StatusLine   gui=NONE,bold   guibg=red   
hi StatusLineNC gui=reverse,bold
hi TabLine  gui=NONEguibg=#DD   
hi TabLineFill  gui=NONEguibg=#AA   
hi User1ctermfg=magenta guibg=white 
hi User2ctermfg=darkmagenta guibg=#DD   

 remember the current colorscheme name
let colors_name = almost-default

 vim: sw=2

Key mappings (was: Re: colors)

2006-07-18 Thread Marshall Abrams

On Jul 18, 2006, at 2:33 PM, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

Marshall Abrams wrote:
As a devotee of vim, I want to put in a vote for trying to make new 
releases violate fewer rather than more of existing users' 
assumptions (although I know that there are always tradeoffs).

Why should the default color scheme suddenly change when one upgrades?
(Hmm maybe fire suits should go on now.)
Every time I install a new version of vim I have to go and fix some 
little thing so that it will work the way I want it to work.  The 
problems I've experienced recently are  due to the fact that I've 
been mapping g to 1G for years.   In recent releases, matchit.vim 
(which I love) and the new fancy file browser have created mappings 
for g plus something else, so that vim has to pause when I type g to 
make sure that I'm not about to type another character (this is not 
the behavior you want for the go to the top of the file mapping).   
I have fixed these problems, but:
How about adding functions without assigning them to keys?  If a key 
hasn't been mapped before, then someone has their own private mapping 
for it, and by adding a new mapping, you're going to break something, 
perhaps for the sake of a function that most people won't use.  
(Shouldn't a *network* file browser be optional?  I already have more 
than one with my operating system. )

Just pet peeves.  If I didn't love it so much I wouldn't complain.

My answer to that (and it is a personal opinion, not a dogma) is that 
most of the alphabetic keys (with or without Shift or Ctrl) are 
already assigned in standard Vim

I have noticed that, but I'm not a fan of it.  Fortunately, I rarely 
need the functions assigned to g+something.  I occasionally undo my q 
mapping in order to record a macro.

(including gg for go to top if you don't like the hand movement and 
Shift chord required by 1G),
and more of them if possible are likely to get mapped in the future, 
so it's risky business at best to try mapping one's own functions

I was mapping g long before vim started mapping things to it.  So from 
my point of view, it was the developers who engaged in risky behavior.  
(Let me emphasize that I remain extremely grateful.)

 to them. An infamous example of the latter is the mswin.vim plugin, 
which overrides several of the Ctrl-letter keys with its own 
Windows-like mappings, thus obliterating many useful Vim keystrokes.

OTOH, the F keys (other than F1 and sometimes F10) are available by 
default; so my advice is to map user-defined mappings to F keys with 
or without Shift/Ctrl/Alt, and mappings defined in unofficial 
plugins to multikey sequences starting with Leader LocalLeader 

Uggh.  F-keys.  That's why I kept using Emacs for a long time.  Why I 
switched to vi for even greater ease.  So my fingers wouldn't have to 
leave the letter keys.  (Esc is an exception, but easy to slap.)  Same 
reason I don't like editors that make essential use of the mouse.

Let nothing intervene between thought and text.

Best regards,

Oh well.

Thanks Tony.


Re: auto upper/lower in replace pattern based on search pattern?

2006-07-13 Thread Marshall Abrams

Thanks--keepcase.vim is great.  So now with
:%s/firstname/\=KeepCase(submatch(0), 'LastName')/ig
I can replace all instances of
firstname with lastname
firstName with lastName
FirstName with LastName

But \=KeepCase(submatch(0), '') is a mouthful.
Not a problem; that exact expression does what I'll want 99% of the 
time, so I've already mapped it to a control-key.  And there are other 
ways to abbreviate.

Still, this seems *such* a useful function in a programmer's editor, it 
seems worthwhile to build it into the :substitute command as some kind 
of optional behavior.

How about one of these:

:s/firstname/LastName/k ['k' for keepcase]

:set MaGiC

or some kind of delimiter that can be stuck into a pattern to say use 
KeepCase() on this part.  OK, I know there aren't many delimiters that 
are available at this point.

Does this make any sense as a possible future feature?


On Jul 7, 2006, at 4:26 AM, Yakov Lerner wrote:

On 7/7/06, Marshall Abrams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hate to ask this because I'm sure the answer is already out there
somewhere, but I've searched help and until I was blue in the
fingers  I could swear that I remember from a few years back that
there's a way to do this.  Can't remember whether it required 

special in the patterns or some special :set variable or loading a

I want to the replace pattern in a substitution to be able to figure
out whether I want an upper or lower character in the replacement,
depending on whether the search pattern matched an upper or lower
character.  Very useful for substitutions on studlyCaps.

For example, suppose I want to replace all instances of 'first' with
'last' and of 'First' with 'Last'.  Can I do that with a slinge :s///

Try this script:
   keepcase.vim : Functions for doing case-persistant substitutions


Marshall Abrams   Programmer
Voice: 518-392-5505  Fax: 518-392-8410

This communication and any accompanying document(s) are confidential
and privileged. They are intended for the sole use of the addressee.
If you receive this transmission in error,  you are advised that any
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[EMAIL PROTECTED],  or by telephone at  (518) 392-5505.
Thank you.

auto upper/lower in replace pattern based on search pattern?

2006-07-06 Thread Marshall Abrams
Hate to ask this because I'm sure the answer is already out there 
somewhere, but I've searched help and until I was blue in the 
fingers  I could swear that I remember from a few years back that 
there's a way to do this.  Can't remember whether it required something 
special in the patterns or some special :set variable or loading a 

I want to the replace pattern in a substitution to be able to figure 
out whether I want an upper or lower character in the replacement, 
depending on whether the search pattern matched an upper or lower 
character.  Very useful for substitutions on studlyCaps.

For example, suppose I want to replace all instances of 'first' with 
'last' and of 'First' with 'Last'.  Can I do that with a slinge :s/// 
