Re: vim not opening directories

2007-06-05 Thread Peter Palm
Op dinsdag 5 juni 2007, schreef Reid Thompson:
> I have a .vimrc.
> it has
> " Use Vim settings, rather then Vi settings (much better!).
> " This must be first, because it changes other options as a
> side effect.
> set nocompatible
> I've already tried invoking via
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ /usr/bin/vim src
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ /usr/bin/gvim src

Well, the problem is vim can't find the netrwPlugin.vim file.

What is the output of


Re: vim not opening directories

2007-06-05 Thread Peter Palm
Op dinsdag 5 juni 2007, schreef Reid Thompson:
> currently running vim 7.1.2 svn.
> In the past when invoking vim on a directory, it would open the
> directory and list the contents, my current build is not doing this. 
> It returns the message
>   "src" is a directory
> instead.  Can someone point me to what I've mis-configured?

You are probably running vim in 'compatible' mode.

:set nocompatible

to disable this behaviour, or create a ~/.vimrc file (if this file even 
exists, vim defaults to nocompatible)

And maybe start vim as 'vim' instead of 'vi' helps too.


Peter Palm

Re: good keys for mappings

2007-05-31 Thread Peter Palm
Op donderdag 31 mei 2007, schreef Arn:
> Hi,
> Any suggestions on keys/key combos that are good candidates for
> custom mappings etc?
> Maybe a dumb question but I hate having to unlearn something, I'd
> like to create a fair number of mappings that use a consistent
> convention and won't conflict with anything existing.  I think Bram
> mentioned he's found prefixing with _ works well..

Well, there's a special key, the so called 'mapleader', you can use to 
define your mappings. If you don't set it, it defaults to '\'. You can 
change the value of the mapleader to '_' to 'test' your mapping with 
the '_' prefix, or change it to something else, without changing the 
definition of the map.

:help mapleader

for more info.

Oh, and personally, I just keep it set to the default.


Re: Is there a "xml formatter"?

2007-05-30 Thread Peter Palm
Op woensdag 30 mei 2007, schreef wangxu:
> I want to have this function:
> formatting my xml file automatically.
> or,indent xml element and attributes.
> is there any plugin like this?
> thanks!

Well, if you're on a unix machine with xmllint installed, you could do 
the following:

setlocal equalprg=xmllint\ --format\ -

and then use gg=G to reformat the entire document.

Peter Palm

Re: Why bottom-posting is prefered on Vim Mainling List?

2007-05-29 Thread Peter Palm
Op Tuesday 29 May 2007 19:33:37 schreef Gene Kwiecinski:

> Want me to show you an actual screencap of my reply as it went out from
> here?

Sure, take a look at:

Peter Palm

Re: Why bottom-posting is prefered on Vim Mainling List?

2007-05-29 Thread Peter Palm
Op dinsdag 29 mei 2007, schreef Gene Kwiecinski:

> >Write top-post or bottom-post makes no difference for me, the
> > problem
> is
> >that I found bottom-post is harder to read since I will have to skim
> all
> >"original messages" before I could read the actual reply.
> Again, it's a lack of editing (ie, laziness) that creates this
> "problem", *NOT* bottom-quoting in general.

Since you yourself are too lazy to fix your own quoted text, may i 
suggest ?

(other people using Outlook Express can use

The above text, broken (even more broken) by my client (which was 
expected), should've looked more like:

>Write top-post or bottom-post makes no difference for me, the problem
>is that I found bottom-post is harder to read since I will have to skim 
>all "original messages" before I could read the actual reply.

Again, it's a lack of editing (ie, laziness) that creates this
"problem", *NOT* bottom-quoting in general.

Peter Palm

Re: A performance question

2007-05-23 Thread Peter Palm
Op woensdag 23 mei 2007, schreef fREW:
> Another thing that might help with speed that was mentioned a month
> or so ago is the following script specifically aimed at increasing
> speed for large files:

Indeed, among other things, this disables the swap file for 'large' 
files, which should really speed up things.


Re: weird defaults in Feisty

2007-05-22 Thread Peter Palm
Op dinsdag 22 mei 2007, schreef fREW:

> I figured it out and if anyone else has this problem I am sending out
> the solution.  Basically when I run vi it is running vim.tiny.
> vim.tiny sources /etc/vim/vimrc.tiny, not /etc/vim/vimrc, also,
> vim.tiny is pretty crippled, in that it doesn't even have syntax
> highlighting, so consider whether that's even what you want.

Actually, if I run vi (not vim), I definitely don't want 
a 'full-featured' vim (modeline exploits etc), and expect vim to run 
in 'compatible mode' (or whatever vi implementation is the default on 
my system). (my shell config aliases vi to vim, if it's available, but 
only as a normal user)

Setting the defaults in /etc/vim/vimrc is, in my opinion, not 'the right 
way', it's what ~/.vimrc is for.

And, just out of curiosity, does vim.tiny parse ~/.vimrc, or does it 
(only?) look at ~/.vimrc.tiny as well?


Peter Palm

Re: shoot into oneelse feet...

2007-05-01 Thread Peter Palm
Op maandag 30 april 2007, schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
>  Hmmm kills everything between "#" and "$"...
>  "u" would undo it...but this like "do the wrong thing
>  and repair it afterwards".
>  What I want is to prevent doing wrong things by aborting
>  them,..not to do them and saying "ooops fault"
>  afterwards and starting repairing the desaster then... :)
>  Sohow can I _abort_ this ?

As far as I know, you can't abort it. But as you dont use the 'black 
hole' register, you could just re-insert the text you wanted to change 
by typing:

Not the best solution, probably (don't type cfn if you don't want to 
change the text :) )


Re: join all lines inside pattern that occurs more than once

2007-04-26 Thread Peter Palm
Op donderdag 26 april 2007, schreef Nikolaos A. Patsopoulos:
> Hi,


> I want to join all lines that are inside a given pattern and occurs
> more than once  in the text, ie:
> PatternStart 
> text1
> text2
> ...text3
> ..text4
> PatternEnd
> ...
> ...
> PatternStart 
> text1
> text2
> ...text3
> ..text4
> ...
> ...textn
> PatternEnd
> ...
> PatternStart text1text2...text3..text4PatternEnd
> PatternStart text1text2...text3..text4...   
> ...textnPatternEnd 
> I tried to use:
> :g/PatternStart\_.\{-}PatternEnd/ J

How about:



Re: problem with shifting block

2007-04-13 Thread Peter Palm
Op vrijdag 13 april 2007, schreef shawn bright:
> lo there,


> i am using visual mode and  >> to indent a block of code.
> the problem i am having is that once i do this, the visual mode is
> gone. So, i have to re-select everything and do it again. Is there a
> command to repeat the last shift ?

Sure, just use '.'

> or better yet, is there a better way to shift code right and left ? i
> develop in python, which is white-space sensitive, so this is a
> rather big deal for me to get right.

  >> or > in visual mode shifts right
  << or < in visual mode shifts left

And, by the way, you can re-select your previous visual selection 
with 'gv'


Re: Another folding question

2007-03-28 Thread Peter Palm
Op woensdag 28 maart 2007, schreef Eric Leenman:
> Hi,


> Many of these warnings are known and not a problem.
> But what I want is to fold them to one line to have a more clear
> overview so that the new ones are easier spotted.
> So that the above appears as
> +-- 8 lines: WARNING 200 about DBUS(16:0)
> +-- 2 lines: U1:submodule U2: WARNING 301 : Input clock is floating
> +-- 2 lines: WARNING 56 : Nothing connected sout(0,1) and sout(2)
> I tried the suggestions earlier this week, but fail to get this
> working.

I didn't read the suggestions, but

:syn region WARNING start="WARNING" end="WARNING ENDED" fold

Seems to do what you want, if you have foldminlines set to 1


Re: Strange behaviour of and

2006-10-11 Thread Peter Palm
Op woensdag 11 oktober 2006 11:46, schreef Marius Roets:
> Hi everybody,
> I'm using Vim 7.0.94 on Linux. I use C-A and C-X from time to time to
> increment/decrement numbers. However when there is a leading zero I
> get very strange behaviour with both.
> Example:
> 01
> 02
> 03
> 04
> 05
> 06
> 07
> 08
> 09
> 10
> 11
> :nmap  j
> I position the cursor on 01 and press F7, this works fine up to 08.
> For 08, 09 and 10, the leading zero dissapears.
>  :nmap  j
> Use the same unmodified list.
> This is even weirder. 07 becomes 010, 08 becomes 9, and the rest
> seems ok.

That's because vim knows about octal numbers (base 8 instead of 10). 
Octal numbers normally start with a 0.

> Do others see the same behaviour. What am I missing?

No I don't, I don't like this behaviour as well, so I've put the 
following in my .vimrc:

set nrformats-=octal


Question about client-server in combination with ssh and netrw

2006-08-24 Thread Peter Palm
Hi all,

I've got a few questions about client-server.

I want to ssh to another machine, and then tell my local (desktop) vim 
to open a file on the remote machine.


vim --remote scp://$HOST/$PWD/.vimrc

results in

E344: Cannot find directory "/extra1/home/peterp" in cdpath

Which leads me to think using a combination of netrw and --remote don't 

Has anyone ever tried something like this, and succeeded?

Peter Palm

Re: Editing an html file with vi

2006-06-21 Thread Peter Palm
Op maandag 19 juni 2006 19:03, schreef Adnan Ali:
> --- Peter Palm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Op maandag 19 juni 2006 17:04, schreef Adnan Ali:
> > What is the output of:
> > :version
> >
> > ?
> It's weird too. It says it is elvis. That's how I
> found what vi was pointing to. I hope you don't snub
> me for that. I did acknowledge that I was not an
> advanced user!

Sure, no problem.

> > Vim's commandset is a superset of vi's, and since
> > you're asking a
> > question on the vim mailinglist, I suppose you mean
> > the 'vim
> > interface'.
> When vi points to vim, can we call this an interface
> to vim? that's what I meant! I regret my poor
> and improper usage of the English language!

The original vi was not freely distributable, so different 
implementations of vi were programmed by various people, and many 
distributions use one of these alternatives as the 'default vi 
implementation'. All these implementations provide the basic vi 
functions, using the same keystrokes.

> Many thanks for your reply! I almost solved the
> problem by pointing vi to vim.

Good luck, and I hope you'll like our favourite vi-implementation :)


Peter Palm

Re: Editing an html file with vi

2006-06-19 Thread Peter Palm
Op maandag 19 juni 2006 17:04, schreef Adnan Ali:
> I am not such an advanced user of vi, still I like to
> stick with it for whatever text I do. I learn along my
> work.
> Today, I tried to edit some .html files with vi.
> However, when I do
> $vi index.html
> it opens the html file like a browser i.e. not the
> complete text along with html tags, but the *content*
> only.

That's weird, your 'vi' is probably not a 'vim', what does a 'vi' 
without arguments say?

What is the output of:

> When I did 
> $vim index.html
> it does open the file with complete *text* including
> the tags, but I am convenient with this mode as I am
> used to working with the vi interface (? I don't what
> else could I use?).

Vim's commandset is a superset of vi's, and since you're asking a 
question on the vim mailinglist, I suppose you mean the 'vim 

It's possible your 'vi' is another implementation of 'vi' than 'vim'. If 
you answer the questions above, we can probably help you.

> So, I would be glad and appreciate if somebody would
> help me open my index.html with my *vi* so that I
> could edit the content and the tags.

What exactly do you mean with 'my *vi*', did you compile and install it 
yourself? In that case, you should enter the entire path of 'your 

> Thanks in advance for any help!

No problem, though your problem is not yet entirely clear to me yet...


Peter Palm

Re: Shell command history in VIM?

2006-05-18 Thread Peter Palm
Op donderdag 18 mei 2006 16:38, schreef Wijaya Edward:
> Hi,
> Is there a way to enable history view of
> all the shell command executed under vim,
> i.e. with :! shell_command

Well, as long as the info is known by vim (see :help viminfo), you could do:
to open the command-line window

and then:
to print all the lines beginning with !


Peter Palm