Op dinsdag 29 mei 2007, schreef Gene Kwiecinski:

> >Write top-post or bottom-post makes no difference for me, the
> > problem
> is
> >that I found bottom-post is harder to read since I will have to skim
> all
> >"original messages" before I could read the actual reply.
> Again, it's a lack of editing (ie, laziness) that creates this
> "problem", *NOT* bottom-quoting in general.

Since you yourself are too lazy to fix your own quoted text, may i 
http://home.in.tum.de/~jain/software/outlook-quotefix/ ?

(other people using Outlook Express can use

The above text, broken (even more broken) by my client (which was 
expected), should've looked more like:

>Write top-post or bottom-post makes no difference for me, the problem
>is that I found bottom-post is harder to read since I will have to skim 
>all "original messages" before I could read the actual reply.

Again, it's a lack of editing (ie, laziness) that creates this
"problem", *NOT* bottom-quoting in general.

Peter Palm

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