Op donderdag 31 mei 2007, schreef Arn:
> Hi,
> Any suggestions on keys/key combos that are good candidates for
> custom mappings etc?
> Maybe a dumb question but I hate having to unlearn something, I'd
> like to create a fair number of mappings that use a consistent
> convention and won't conflict with anything existing.  I think Bram
> mentioned he's found prefixing with _ works well..

Well, there's a special key, the so called 'mapleader', you can use to 
define your mappings. If you don't set it, it defaults to '\'. You can 
change the value of the mapleader to '_' to 'test' your mapping with 
the '_' prefix, or change it to something else, without changing the 
definition of the map.

:help mapleader

for more info.

Oh, and personally, I just keep it set to the default.


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