Re: No way to color-region(s) of text -- highlighter mode.

2006-08-07 Thread Benji Fisher
 Vim does a lot of optimization of regular expressions, but I do not
know how it would perform in this case.  I would just try it and see.
If it does not work well, that would be a good reason to try :syn match
instead of :match .

HTH --Benji Fisher

On Sun, Aug 06, 2006 at 09:59:31AM -0700, Mohsin wrote:
 I can try making a large regexp. I was under the impression that
 alternating regexps can be exponentially slow. Is %l %c %v matching
 is implemented in constant time? ie. Does vim try to match the regexp
 at every point - or it can optimize and  start matching from the given line?
 Nothing to do with implementation just the hard theoretical limit,
 I am afraid, this might not work on slower machines.
 On 8/5/06, Benji Fisher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I think that Tony mentioned
 :help /\|
 in a previous post, but maybe you missed it.  I just tried
 :highlight User1 term=bold,underline cterm=bold,underline 
 :match User1 /\%3l.\%7l\\%3v.\%7v\|\%12l.\%18l\\%33v.\%20v/
 and it marked two rectangular regions in this e-mail.  I admit that this
 is just a proof of concept, not very convenient to use.  It should not
 be too hard to store a List of Lists, each inner list giving the
 boundaries of a rectangle (four Numbers), and then to write a function
 that processes this list to :execute the appropriate :match statement.
 Then another function could add or remove Lists to the outer List.
 :help List   vim 7.0 only
 :help :for   ditto
  It is also possible to use :syn match instead of :match.  Each
 approach has some advantages.  Without knowing how you would want to use
 such a feature, I do not know which would be more appropriate.
 HTH --Benji Fisher

Re: modified Tv1

2006-08-07 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:


What is the message about (given on the subject line and here: modified Tv1).

I get it when I'm using tags:

 vi -t sometag

Chip Campbell

P.S. I use vim 7.0, patches 1-42, huge debug-build.

Chip Campbell

I don't get that message. Maybe one of your scripts?

On my system, 'vi' invokes Console Vim 6.3.58; 'vim -u NONE -t 
sometag' gives two error messages (no tags file and tag not found), 
but if I cd to /usr/local/share/vim/vim70/doc and then do 'vim -u NONE 
-t -t' the only message I get is 'starting.txt, 1466 lines, 64803 
characters. Without -u NONE I get syntax highlighting etc., but 
nothing unexpected.

I use vim 7.0, patches 1-42, huge version with GTK2-GNOME GUI but when 
(as above) invoked as vim the GUI of course doesn't start.

Best regards,

Re: modified Tv1

2006-08-07 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Yakov Lerner wrote:

On 8/7/06, Charles E Campbell Jr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


What is the message about (given on the subject line and here: modified Tv1).
I get it when I'm using tags:

  vi -t sometag

I grepped vim source, and found that strings Tv1 do not
appear in vim sources. Word modified, at the beginning of the
string/message, only appears in the name of the 'modified' option.

Is it possible that these messages come from the autocommand/plugin ?
(in which case -V20 will expose the source).

My suggestion can be  naive, but does this appear with -u NONE, too ?
Can you attach the tagfile and specific tagname to reproduce it ?

I tried 'vi -t sometag' in the vim sources directory, but all I get is
 E426: tag not found: sometag

Well, I should have mentioned that I did a recursive grep for Tv1 myself,
albeit in my vim/ directory and in my .vimrc, and didn't find it.  
your suggestion (let's  hear one for brute force!) nailed the culprit: 

from cvscommand.vim.  I don't know why that function is being executed on a
every attempt to jump to a tag (without going through Bob H's code).

Thank you,
Chip Campbell

Please review: gnu changelog enhancement script

2006-08-07 Thread Luis P Caamano

Just uploaded to a script to provide GNU ChangeLog support
like emacs.  I'll appreciate reviews, comments and suggestions.


Luis P Caamano
Atlanta, GA USA