Bug about double-width characters

2008-10-06 Thread Yongwei Wu
It seems that when a line cannot contain a full double-width character
at the end, like the case that the rightmost double-width character
starts on an even column (while the the text width is even), resizing
the Vim window or maximizing it can make Vim hang. Always reproducible
with my attached Chinese test file (in UTF-8) on my MacBook (OS X

I am using Snapshot 36 (Vim 7.2.22).

Best regards,


Wu Yongwei
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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Re: MacVim.app - Snapshot 43

2009-02-22 Thread Yongwei Wu

2009/2/23 Nico Weber :
>> When I do `open -a MacVim` with this snapshot (Snapshot 43), it just
>> bounces in the dock and I have to force quit the bouncing icon. This
>> used to work fine (a few snapshots ago), I could regularly do things
>> like `open -a MacVim *.txt` in a directory.
> Hm, works for me. Does this only happen if you use `open`? Does
> opening MacVim via double-clicking it in the Finder work? Via `mvim`?
> What's the output of
> cat ~/.CFUserTextEncoding
> ? This sounds a bit like issue 56 ( 
> http://code.google.com/p/macvim/issues/detail?id=56
>  , particularly comments 23-26). Perhaps it's just a coincidence this
> started happening after you installed 43? Does snapshot 42 still work?

Maybe not.  I am happy to report that since a few snapshots ago this
issue has ceased to appear on my computer.  Not sure whether it is
because of an OS update or the MacVim update.

There are still strange things related to locales.  After I start
MacVim by double-clicking, I can open a new Vim window by clicking on
the dock icon when there is not an active Vim window.  I cannot do
this if I first launch MacVim by typing mvim in a terminal.  For some
reason unknown, the language as indicated by v:lang is zh-CN (Chinese)
in the former case, but it is en_GB in the latter.

Wu Yongwei
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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Re: MacVim.app - Snapshot 43

2009-03-03 Thread Yongwei Wu

2009/3/3 björn :
> 2009/2/23 Yongwei Wu:
>> 2009/2/23 Nico Weber:
>>>> When I do `open -a MacVim` with this snapshot (Snapshot 43), it just
>>>> bounces in the dock and I have to force quit the bouncing icon. This
>>>> used to work fine (a few snapshots ago), I could regularly do things
>>>> like `open -a MacVim *.txt` in a directory.
>>> Hm, works for me. Does this only happen if you use `open`? Does
>>> opening MacVim via double-clicking it in the Finder work? Via `mvim`?
>>> What's the output of
>>>     cat ~/.CFUserTextEncoding
>>> ? This sounds a bit like issue 56 ( 
>>> http://code.google.com/p/macvim/issues/detail?id=56
>>>  , particularly comments 23-26). Perhaps it's just a coincidence this
>>> started happening after you installed 43? Does snapshot 42 still work?
>> Maybe not.  I am happy to report that since a few snapshots ago this
>> issue has ceased to appear on my computer.  Not sure whether it is
>> because of an OS update or the MacVim update.
> I haven't done anything on purpose to fix this so I'm not sure what
> has changed...
>> There are still strange things related to locales.  After I start
>> MacVim by double-clicking, I can open a new Vim window by clicking on
>> the dock icon when there is not an active Vim window.  I cannot do
>> this if I first launch MacVim by typing mvim in a terminal.  For some
>> reason unknown, the language as indicated by v:lang is zh-CN (Chinese)
>> in the former case, but it is en_GB in the latter.
> The problem with clicking on the dock has nothing to do with locales.
> It is a bug that should have been fixed in snapshot 43 -- can you
> please test snap 43 to confirm that it has indeed been fixed?

Yup.  Thanks!

> The fact that the locale depends on how you start MacVim is somehing I
> was not aware of however.  I don't know why this happens or what
> consequences it may have unfortunately.

Not your problem here.  For some reason I have LANG=en_GB.UTF-8 in the
terminal.  I did not set it in .bashrc or .bash_profile.  LANG=zh_CN
is natural, since I've set Simplified Chinese as my first language in
System Preferences > International.

Best regards,


Wu Yongwei
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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Re: Bundled vim in Mac OS X 10.5 and Exit code

2009-04-21 Thread Yongwei Wu

2009/4/19 jrray :
>> Vim returns a non-zero exit code when there was any error while editing.
>> This is because of Posix compatibility.  However, this should only
>> happen when in Ex mode, thus using "vim -e" or after "Q".  It's unclear
>> why it would happen when starting vim and using ":q" from Normal mode.
>> I can't reproduce it.
> This happens to me on 10.5.6 (vim 7.2.22).
> Running "vim", searching for a non-existent string "/asdf", then
> quitting ":q" will produce an exit code of 1.
> For some reason this only happens when I run "vim", and not "/usr/bin/
> vim".
> Here's a shell log of me doing the above steps with the two different
> process names:
> octopus:~ jrray$ vim || echo failed
> failed
> octopus:~ jrray$ /usr/bin/vim || echo failed
> octopus:~ jrray$ which vim
> /usr/bin/vim
> This continues to happen after I move my ~/.vim dir and ~/.vimrc file
> out of the way.

Interesting.  Thanks for find that out.  Now I see why my "svn commit"
always has this strange failure.  It seems I can at least use "export
EDITOR=/usr/bin/vim" as a workaround, before the root cause is

Wu Yongwei
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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Re: MacVim.app - Snapshot 49

2009-08-19 Thread Yongwei Wu

2009/8/16 björn :
> Hi,
> There were problems with some Ctrl keys (Ctrl-h, Ctrl-o, Ctrl-@) in
> the latest snapshot (as well as some arrow key bugs on Tiger) so I
> fixed these and built a new snapshot.  Get yours at:
> http://code.google.com/p/macvim/wiki/Snapshot
> There are (essentially) no other differences between snapshots 48 and 49.

Though it is a little bit late, I would like to thank you here.  The
new noimd feature is very useful for me, works very well, and saves a
lot of time and keys, when I deal with text instead of the code.

Best regards,


Wu Yongwei
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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Re: MacVim.app snapshot 51 released

2009-11-22 Thread Yongwei Wu

2009/11/22 björn :
> Hi,
> I have uploaded a new snapshot of MacVim.app to
> http://code.google.com/p/macvim/wiki/Snapshot
> This is the first release to include the Core Text renderer (which has
> been living in a feature branch for quite some time).  This renderer
> is almost an order of magnitude faster than the default renderer and
> this is particularly noticeable when editing in full-screen mode.  It
> relies on Vim to handle drawing of composing characters which means
> more predicable behavior (compared with other Vim GUIs) but this also
> means that even if a font has special glyphs which includes the
> composing characters these will not be used.  Thus the default
> renderer may look better if you are editing scripts will lots of
> composing characters.  Also, there are still some display issues that
> I have not yet managed to fix (e.g. try ":set go+=l" or resizing with
> the mouse, to see what I mean).  On the flip side, transparency is
> supported on 10.6 (only matters if you compile your own binary),
> undercurls (as well as underlines) are supported, modeless selection
> works, and probably other stuff that I can't think of right now.
> Anyway, to try out the Core Text renderer, simply go in to the
> Advanced preferences and make sure the "experimental renderer" is
> ticked.  I use it exclusively these days.

One negative report on the new renderer: the option 'guifontwide'
seems to have stopped working. :-(

Best regards,


Wu Yongwei
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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Re: British -ize spelling

2010-01-04 Thread Yongwei Wu
2010/1/4 Nicholas Cole :
> I'm using the latest version of MacVim (returning to Vim use after a
> long time using another editor on the Mac).  Since I last used vim
> properly, native spelling checking seems to have been added (a very
> welcome addition - the days of fighting with plug-ins are over!).
> Is there a dictionary available that gives the British spelling but
> with the -ize variants?  en_gb isn't right for me, since I'm using Vim
> to write documents for publishers that require the 'academic'
> spellings.

As far as I know, the en_gb dictionary allows the -ize spelling, and I
use it as my default language.  If, in addition, you want to mark the
-ise spelling as an error, you may try the en_ca dictionary.  The
variants are all in the English dictionary shipped with Vim (at least
this is the case on Windows).

Wu Yongwei
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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MacVim and Input Methods

2010-01-17 Thread Yongwei Wu
I noticed an issue specific to MacVim.  When near the right margin, a
Chinese phrase may be shifted entirely to the next line, instead of
being broken in the middle (I have formatoptions=mMtcql).

E.g. when I have:


and I try to input another Chinese phrase, say 输入.  I need to input
some "shuru", and then a space to convert it into Chinese.  The ideal
result should be:


While the console vim can give me this result, three different Chinese
input methods all give me this result:

Before pressing space:

After pressing space:

I.e. line breaking occurred before the input is finished.

Does anybody have a clue here?

Best regards,


Wu Yongwei
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/
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Re: MacVim and Input Methods

2010-01-17 Thread Yongwei Wu
2010/1/17 björn :
> 2010/1/17 Yongwei Wu:
>> I noticed an issue specific to MacVim.  When near the right margin, a
>> Chinese phrase may be shifted entirely to the next line, instead of
>> being broken in the middle (I have formatoptions=mMtcql).
>> E.g. when I have:
>> ..汉字
>> and I try to input another Chinese phrase, say 输入.  I need to input
>> some "shuru", and then a space to convert it into Chinese.  The ideal
>> result should be:
>> ..汉字输
>> 入
>> While the console vim can give me this result, three different Chinese
>> input methods all give me this result:
>> Before pressing space:
>> ..汉字
>> shuru
>> After pressing space:
>> ..汉字
>> 输入
>> I.e. line breaking occurred before the input is finished.
>> Does anybody have a clue here?
>> Best regards,
>> Yongwei
> Hi Yongwei,
> It is probably the "new" IM code that is causing this.  Please try
> quitting MacVim completely, then open Terminal and type:
> defaults write org.vim.MacVim MMUseInlineIm 0

Hi, Björn, it did the magic!  You are so sweet.  :-)

> Then restart MacVim and see what happens.
> Can you also please tell me what keystrokes to type in order to enter
> the examples in your original post (and which input method you used)
> so that I can try it out myself?

OK, this is the complete test case:

1) Go to System Preferences > International > Input Menu, and choose
   Simplified Chinese.
2) Open a MacVim window, and input ":setlocal tw=10 fo=mMtcql".
3) Copy into it "汉字".
4) Move to the end of the line, enter Insert mode by pressing "a", and
   choose ITABC as the input method.
5) Enter "shuru" (TWO spaces are specific to this input

You can see "输入" on one line or two lines, depending on the
MMUseInlineIm setting.

Best regards,


Wu Yongwei
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/
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Echo problem in MacVim

2010-11-13 Thread Yongwei Wu
Hi Bjorn,

I found a weird problem in MacVim (it does not occur in console Vim).
I have a script to echo the function prototype when "(" is pressed:


In MacVim, I find that in certain cases nothing is echoed. This always
occurs when the script increases cmdheight to display content that is
more than one line. I reproduced this behaviour with the following

1) Rename my ~/.vim/plugin so that my scripts do not interfere.

2) Open a new MacVim window.

3) Enter ":so test.vim", while test.vim contains the following lines:
function! TestFunc()
  let &cmdheight=2
  echo "Ha ha"
  return ''

inoremap ( (=TestFunc()

4) The first time I press "(", cmdheight increases, but nothing is
displayed. After that, "Ha ha" can be seen.

I looks to me a bug in MacVim. Can you have a look?


Best regards,


Wu Yongwei
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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Re: hardcopy question

2012-03-24 Thread Yongwei Wu
The workaround that almost universally works is convert to HTML using
":TOhtml". After that, I suppose you know enough ways to turn HTML
into PDF.


On 24 March 2012 21:29, Phil Dobbin  wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi, all.
> MacVim has a wonderful attribute which allows one to send a file to
> Preview.app via :hardcopy to make a great looking PDF which can then be
> transferred via iTunes to iPhones/iPads for reading on long, boring
> Underground journeys.
> Unfortunately the PDF generated from some user supplied help files for
> plugins & the like are blemished by unsightly black marks where the
> jump-to tags are (at least on my machine: Macbook Pro Core 2 Duo, 2.4
> GHz running Snow Leopard with MacVim huge 7.3.353).
> I've tried disabling syntax & such like but to no avail. Has anybody
> else seen this? If so, any ideas on a workaround?
> Many thanks,
> Cheers,
>  Phil...
> - --
> But masters, remember that I am an ass.
> Though it be not written down,
> yet forget not that I am an ass.
>        Wm. Shakespeare - Much Ado About Nothing
> Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.17 (Darwin)
> Comment: §auto-key-locate cert pka ldap hkp://keys.gnupg.net
> Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/
> POXyvrD/lngGVBIP6/8/rrLvJHVSxPjdo+c+bhrkJXMpQk1cDimfvsv06NHL0jZL
> U0v14djUBg6c/lLxunwf2I0ZI5sxMDgMgi5XBWrjQjvOK8vJS9tJguLHxhjuUCkf
> L+BH4tMysi3mhtL9YuBQX6V2WA3gyg9bOnYsFtCByS+e7zlpG3Jf2iLYcClDBAeE
> ePTp4carYaf8aI0o3/366fmdisxSF1iFQWWcfP974QPgbFpFam1uStnkQ03hFgs=
> =j4Hs
> --
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Wu Yongwei
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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Balloon-eval supported or not?

2013-03-24 Thread Yongwei Wu
Hi Björn et al.,

Does MacVim support Balloon-eval now? I found an 2008 post said it did
not support it then, but not much info after. I first tried Snapshot
66 for Lion, and then I built it myself. Both show +balloon_eval, but
a plugin that depends on it does not work (echofunc, script #1735). I
traced it, and found the balloonexpr is valid--but nothing is shown.

My configuration command line is (using Xcode 4.6.1 on OS X 10.7.5):

CC='clang' ./configure --with-features=huge --enable-pythoninterp
--enable-rubyinterp --enable-perlinterp

Any help is appreciated.

Best regards,


Wu Yongwei
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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Re: Balloon-eval supported or not?

2013-03-30 Thread Yongwei Wu
On 29 March 2013 04:16, björn  wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 1:32 PM, Yongwei Wu wrote:
>> Does MacVim support Balloon-eval now? I found an 2008 post said it did
>> not support it then, but not much info after. I first tried Snapshot
>> 66 for Lion, and then I built it myself. Both show +balloon_eval, but
>> a plugin that depends on it does not work (echofunc, script #1735). I
>> traced it, and found the balloonexpr is valid--but nothing is shown.
> Ballon eval has been supported for several years now, so it sounds
> like a problem with the plugin or your local settings.  There is an
> example under ":h 'bexpr" that lets you see if ballon eval is working
> as expected:
> function! MyBalloonExpr()
> return 'Cursor is at line ' . v:beval_lnum .
> \', column ' . v:beval_col .
> \ ' of file ' .  bufname(v:beval_bufnr) .
> \ ' on word "' . v:beval_text . '"'
> endfunction
> set bexpr=MyBalloonExpr()
> set ballooneval
> Save that to a text file (e.g. "beval.vim") and source it (":so
> beval.vim") -- this should cause a balloon to pop up showing the word
> under the cursor.  It works as expected for me.
> Björn

Hi Björn,

I had tried this before sending the previous message. Nothing showed up.

If it works for you, can you see anything wrong in my configuration
(using Xcode 4.6.1 on OS X 10.7.5)?

$ clang -v
Apple LLVM version 4.2 (clang-425.0.27) (based on LLVM 3.2svn)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin11.4.2
Thread model: posix
$ CC='clang' ./configure --with-features=huge --enable-pythoninterp
--enable-rubyinterp --enable-perlinterp

Best regards,


Wu Yongwei
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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Re: Balloon-eval supported or not?

2013-03-31 Thread Yongwei Wu
On 30 March 2013 23:37, björn  wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 1:01 PM, Yongwei Wu wrote:
> >
> > If it works for you, can you see anything wrong in my configuration
> > (using Xcode 4.6.1 on OS X 10.7.5)?
> >
> > $ clang -v
> > Apple LLVM version 4.2 (clang-425.0.27) (based on LLVM 3.2svn)
> > Target: x86_64-apple-darwin11.4.2
> > Thread model: posix
> > $ CC='clang' ./configure --with-features=huge --enable-pythoninterp
> > --enable-rubyinterp --enable-perlinterp
> I don't see anything strange there.  Maybe you should try with a
> prebuild binary from the MacVim Google code site.

I used Douglas's snapshot 66 build in the beginning. I tried it today
on both Lion and Snow Leopard. But see below.

> Also, I guess you may already have tried, but move your local config
> files (.vim folder, .vimrc/.gvimrc files) out of the way before trying
> again.

I tried it today. I tried "mvim -u NONE" before (followed by ":set
nocompatible"). All the same.

HOWEVER, it worked when I switched to another person's account on the
same MacBook. So it must be some of my personal settings that
interfered. I just cannot figure out which one and why :-(.

If you or somebody else here has an idea what might be happening,
please tell me. Otherwise I may have to let it be.

Best regards,


Wu Yongwei
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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Re: Balloon-eval supported or not?

2013-03-31 Thread Yongwei Wu
On 31 March 2013 19:58, björn  wrote:
>> HOWEVER, it worked when I switched to another person's account on the
>> same MacBook. So it must be some of my personal settings that
>> interfered. I just cannot figure out which one and why :-(.
>> If you or somebody else here has an idea what might be happening,
>> please tell me. Otherwise I may have to let it be.
> Some thoughts:
> - Have you tried using bash (in case you are using another shell)?
> - Have you tried moving .bashrc, .profile, and related files out of the way?
> - Have you tried moving .vim/.vimrc/.gvimrc out of the way and started
> MacVim by clicking its icon in Finder (make sure you've quit MacVim
> completely first)?

I am using bash. It doesn't seem to be related with any of the above

Wu Yongwei
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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Different Option-Key Combination in MacVim and Other Applications

2014-12-15 Thread Yongwei Wu
To my surprise, I have found the option key behave differently in my
MacVim 73 and outside MacVim.

In MacVim (with or without "-u NONE"):

Option-Q: ñ
Option-W: ÷
Option-A: á
Option-Z: ú
Option-[: Û
Option-]: Ý

Outside MacVim:

Option-Q: œ
Option-W: ∑
Option-A: å
Option-Z: Ω
Option-[: “
Option-]: ‘

Surprisingly, this only occurs on my Lion laptop. MacVim 66 on an old
Snow Leopard machine behaves like a normal Mac app.

Does anyone know the reason? Is there a way to revert to the standard
Mac option-key combination?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Wu Yongwei
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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Re: Different Option-Key Combination in MacVim and Other Applications

2014-12-16 Thread Yongwei Wu
I built it myself from the source code…. I did not make any changes.

On 17 December 2014 at 04:29, Limin Tang  wrote:
> On Monday, December 15, 2014 6:39:42 AM UTC-8, Yongwei Wu wrote:
>> To my surprise, I have found the option key behave differently in my
>> MacVim 73 and outside MacVim.
>> In MacVim (with or without "-u NONE"):
>> Option-Q: ñ
>> Option-W: ÷
>> Option-A: á
>> Option-Z: ú
>> Option-[: Û
>> Option-]: Ý
>> Outside MacVim:
>> Option-Q: œ
>> Option-W: ∑
>> Option-A: å
>> Option-Z: Ω
>> Option-[: “
>> Option-]: ‘
>> Surprisingly, this only occurs on my Lion laptop. MacVim 66 on an old
>> Snow Leopard machine behaves like a normal Mac app.
>> Does anyone know the reason? Is there a way to revert to the standard
>> Mac option-key combination?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Best regards,
>> --
>> Wu Yongwei
>> URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/
> MacVim 73 has different builds for 10.6/10.7/10/8/10.9/10.10, are you using 
> the correct build?
> --
> --
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Wu Yongwei
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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Re: Variable values not being set from .vimrc/.gvimrc when starting from Finder

2015-02-20 Thread Yongwei Wu
Did you try ":verbose set sts?"?

On Saturday, 21 February 2015, Rich Hammett  wrote:

> Specifically, my softtabstop=2 is not being set when I start from "Open
> with..." on the python file I'm editing.  It is being set to 4, but I can't
> tell if that is a default value, or if it's being set elsewhere.  I don't
> know much about the sequence of initializing these values when I start the
> program.
> When I start it directly from Finder (MacVim, not using "Open with..."),
> it gets my values from .vimrc.
> I tried to search the archives, but didn't find anything.
> Thanks for any clues!
> Rich Hammett
> --
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Wu Yongwei
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Re: Ide-like improvements

2015-05-24 Thread Yongwei Wu
On 22 May 2015 at 11:25, David Henderson  wrote:

> On 21 May 2015, at 16:36, Kyle Lippincott  wrote:
> On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 11:09 AM, Dodo  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm a software developer and I'm currently working on a project on MacOSX.
>> Please forgive me whether I ask whings that can be silly or obvious to
>> the most of you.
>> The most of the times, I work on huge projects (even 50 lines of
>> code).
> Although I'm very very fast with "vi"/"vim" and keyboard typing, I do not
>> always use vim for the following reason:
>> - while editing a c/c++ source file, given a variable, there is no way to
>> track back where the variable has been declared.
>  https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe
> I believe YouCompleteMe while a fantastic tool is only for code
> completion. What you want is exuberant ctags, http://ctags.sourceforge.net
> .
> ​Just for the record. ​
For pure C code, CScope
​ might be useful too:

I am not using YCM (as I am comfortable enough with Clang-Complete, CTags,
and CScope), so I am not sure whether YCM covers all the CScope features. I
know YCM supports finding the definition at least. Maybe I should try out
YCM some time.

Wu Yongwei
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

On 22 May 2015 at 11:25, David Henderson  wrote:

> On 21 May 2015, at 16:36, Kyle Lippincott  wrote:
> On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 11:09 AM, Dodo  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm a software developer and I'm currently working on a project on MacOSX.
>> Please forgive me whether I ask whings that can be silly or obvious to
>> the most of you.
>> The most of the times, I work on huge projects (even 50 lines of
>> code).
> Although I'm very very fast with "vi"/"vim" and keyboard typing, I do not
>> always use vim for the following reason:
>> - while editing a c/c++ source file, given a variable, there is no way to
>> track back where the variable has been declared.
>  https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe
> I believe YouCompleteMe while a fantastic tool is only for code
> completion. What you want is exuberant ctags, http://ctags.sourceforge.net
> .
> - it would be very useful to have a directory file browsing (like for
>> instance Norton Commander) needed especially when you want to open multiple
>> files but just one by one.
> I believe plugins for that exist, but I don’t know one offhand
> Try searching the scripts in vim.org for relevant plugins that do this or
> you could use the built in :help netrw commands to do this.
>  --
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Wu Yongwei
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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Re: Balloon-eval supported or not?

2015-12-27 Thread Yongwei Wu
I rechecked the
​balloon tip not showing up ​
and found the solution. It was actually quite simple: r
​. Further
​ investigation showed that the problem was actually in the "Use Core Text
renderer" setting. When it is disabled, balloon eval stops working. I
preferred disabling it in order to use the three-finger tap.

FYI, in case anybody encounters the same issue.

On 31 March 2013 at 17:34, Yongwei Wu  wrote:

> On 30 March 2013 23:37, björn  wrote:
> >
> > On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 1:01 PM, Yongwei Wu wrote:
> > >
> > > If it works for you, can you see anything wrong in my configuration
> > > (using Xcode 4.6.1 on OS X 10.7.5)?
> > >
> > > $ clang -v
> > > Apple LLVM version 4.2 (clang-425.0.27) (based on LLVM 3.2svn)
> > > Target: x86_64-apple-darwin11.4.2
> > > Thread model: posix
> > > $ CC='clang' ./configure --with-features=huge --enable-pythoninterp
> > > --enable-rubyinterp --enable-perlinterp
> >
> > I don't see anything strange there.  Maybe you should try with a
> > prebuild binary from the MacVim Google code site.
> I used Douglas's snapshot 66 build in the beginning. I tried it today
> on both Lion and Snow Leopard. But see below.
> > Also, I guess you may already have tried, but move your local config
> > files (.vim folder, .vimrc/.gvimrc files) out of the way before trying
> > again.
> I tried it today. I tried "mvim -u NONE" before (followed by ":set
> nocompatible"). All the same.
> HOWEVER, it worked when I switched to another person's account on the
> same MacBook. So it must be some of my personal settings that
> interfered. I just cannot figure out which one and why :-(.
> If you or somebody else here has an idea what might be happening,
> please tell me. Otherwise I may have to let it be.
> Best regards,
> Yongwei
> --
> Wu Yongwei
> URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

Wu Yongwei
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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Re: Mac command button working in the MacVim GUI but not when I run MacVim in the terminal?

2016-06-06 Thread Yongwei Wu
You can enter "cat" and try different keys. If the key press does not
result in anything, your terminal app probably intercepts it.

I do not think Command keys can be passed to a command-line application, in

On 7 June 2016 at 07:35, a153  wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> In my ~/.vimrc file I have mapped NERDTree as follows:
> map  :NERDTreeToggle
> This allows me to toggle NERDTree using CMD + \ in the MacVim GUI but it
> doesn't work when I run MacVim in the terminal (I use iTerm2). Why not?
> Any help would be highly appreciated.
> --
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Wu Yongwei
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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Re: Adding settings to .vimrc doesn't work

2017-05-02 Thread Yongwei Wu
I laughed at the self-abusing "great advice", but it did work for me.
Did you start a new Vim instance after saving .vimrc?

(Let me state again, it is a bad, silly advice. The tool should be
there to help you. You shall not be treated as having to adapt to
specific tools or machines.)

On 3 May 2017 at 02:42,  wrote:
> Hello!
> My system:
> Mac OS 10.11.6
> My version of Macvim:
> Custom Version 8.0.525 (130)
> Vim version installed on my Mac is:
> version 7.3
> I am only the beginner. In one of the videos I watched the tutor
> gives a great advice on switching off arrows key to avoid temptation
> to use them when in an insert mode, for example. I tried to follow the
> recommendation by entering a few lines (see below) into .vimrc file,
> but nothing's changed - I am still able to play around with those arrows.
> I will be grateful for your help.
> As I am using Macvim, I have opened .vimrc file by typing:
> :tabe ~/.vimrc
> Then I entered 8 lines:
> "Unmap the arrow keys
> no  
> no  
> no  
> no  
> ino  
> ino  
> ino  
> ino  
> Then I closed the file saving the content by typing:
> :wq
> Then I checked if the content is saved by opening the file again:
> :tabe ~/.vimrc
> and indeed everything is there.
> But when I enter insert mode in another file I am currently editing,
> I can freely move around with those arrow keys while in the insert
> mode, so the above lines didn't do the job. Please, help me to find
> my mistake, and to correct it.
> Thank you very much!
> --
> --
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Yongwei Wu
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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Re: Adding settings to .vimrc doesn't work

2017-05-02 Thread Yongwei Wu
On 3 May 2017 at 13:11, Alla  wrote:
> I see your point, and thank you for explaining this. As a beginner in
> programming
> I still can't decipher a good advice from a bad one. That one sounded
> reasonable for those who are just starting using Vim, and this could help
> them
> to develop a physical habit of avoiding "easy" conventional tools, which are
> redundant and not useful in Vim.

Let me be more specific in this case. The arrow keys are designed to
help you navigate. No matter what Vim enthusiasts say, I do not
consider using arrow keys is a problem. You have to use arrow keys in
other application, so using them is not a bad habit. It is especially
the case in Insert Mode, as there are no alternatives.

> And no, I didn't start the new instance of Vim. I just did, and, yes, it
> works.
> Could you, please, share what types of changes/settings are reasonable
> to add to vimrc?

There are simply too many settings in Vim. I believe you can find a
lot of tutorials. It is process of continuous learning. And people
normally also have a lot of plugins, which may or may not be reflected
in their .vimrc files.

I have an old Linux .vimrc already on the web. Although it is a bit
outdated, my current .vimrc on Mac is evolved from that one. Maybe you
can consult that one first:


It is commented, and you can do ":help keyword" for features you are
not familiar with.

A few more additions:

" The plugin package bundled with Vim 8 is useful, when you
" accidentally opening a file a second time.
if v:version >= 800
  packadd! editexisting

" Vim 7+ has spelling check
if has('syntax')
  nmap:setlocal spell!
  imap   :setlocal spell!

" Make syntax highlighting more accurate by synchronizing more lines
au BufReadPost *  syn sync minlines=1000

Yongwei Wu
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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Re: installation

2020-10-31 Thread Yongwei Wu
Other people mentioned the --prefix option and MacVim. I want to emphasize
that you simply cannot install to /usr/share. All directories under /usr,
except /usr/local, are protected by macOS. You cannot write to those
directories, even as root.

On Fri, 30 Oct 2020 at 23:55, Mathoscope Éveilleur de Mathématiques <
el.dou...@gmail.com> wrote:

> thanks ; ok
> it sounds simple ;
> and yes i know [whereitis].
> juste a qustion : where do i have to cd before remaking the "make"
> in /usr/share or in /usr/share/vim ?
> Le vendredi 30 octobre 2020 à 10:31:34 UTC+1, rwmit...@gmail.com a écrit :
>> On Friday, October 30, 2020 at 5:06:01 AM UTC-4, Mathoscope Éveilleur de
>> Mathématiques wrote:
>>> hi
>>> on my mac os X.10.14.6, vim was initially installed (when ? i dont
>>> remember) at /usr/share/vim/vim80
>>> yesterday i wanted to upgrade from 8.0 to 8.2
>>> i did this :
>>> $ git clone https://github.com/vim/vim.git
>>> $ cd vim/src
>>> $ make
>>> $ sudo make install
>>> but i had not noticed that i had cd in the wrong folder, somewhere on
>>> my hard drive
>>> so now i have a [whereitis]/vim folder containing ci, nsis, piwmaps,
>>> runtime and several other folders and files
>>> i have made vvim=[whereitis]/vim so to be able to use vim 8.2 by simply
>>> typing $vvim but it is not satisfying of course
>>> i would like to finish properly the installation but as i am a beginner,
>>> i dont want to make errors
>>> what is the better way to move vim to the right place ?
>>> do i just have to do :
>>> mv -f [whereitis]/vim /usr/share
>>> ?
>>> thanks for your help
>>> Vincent
>> It sounds like you know [whereitis], why not just delete it and rerun
>> make/make install in the proper directory?
> --
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Yongwei Wu
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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Re: installation

2020-11-02 Thread Yongwei Wu
I believe /usr/local is a common location for people who have root access.
This is true for most Unix variants, including Linux and macOS.

For people who can write only to their home directory, just using $HOME is
OK. I do this all the time on company servers. This has the advantage that
backing up or restoring the whole home directory will back up and restore
your Vim installation too.

On Mon, 2 Nov 2020 at 16:31, Mathoscope Éveilleur de Mathématiques <
el.dou...@gmail.com> wrote:

> so where should i install vim ?
> Le samedi 31 octobre 2020 à 16:18:23 UTC+1, Yongwei Wu a écrit :
>> Other people mentioned the --prefix option and MacVim. I want to
>> emphasize that you simply cannot install to /usr/share. All directories
>> under /usr, except /usr/local, are protected by macOS. You cannot write to
>> those directories, even as root.
>> On Fri, 30 Oct 2020 at 23:55, Mathoscope Éveilleur de Mathématiques <
>> el.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> thanks ; ok
>>> it sounds simple ;
>>> and yes i know [whereitis].
>>> juste a qustion : where do i have to cd before remaking the "make"
>>> in /usr/share or in /usr/share/vim ?
>>> Le vendredi 30 octobre 2020 à 10:31:34 UTC+1, rwmit...@gmail.com a
>>> écrit :
>>>> On Friday, October 30, 2020 at 5:06:01 AM UTC-4, Mathoscope Éveilleur
>>>> de Mathématiques wrote:
>>>>> hi
>>>>> on my mac os X.10.14.6, vim was initially installed (when ? i dont
>>>>> remember) at /usr/share/vim/vim80
>>>>> yesterday i wanted to upgrade from 8.0 to 8.2
>>>>> i did this :
>>>>> $ git clone https://github.com/vim/vim.git
>>>>> $ cd vim/src
>>>>> $ make
>>>>> $ sudo make install
>>>>> but i had not noticed that i had cd in the wrong folder, somewhere on
>>>>> my hard drive
>>>>> so now i have a [whereitis]/vim folder containing ci, nsis, piwmaps,
>>>>> runtime and several other folders and files
>>>>> i have made vvim=[whereitis]/vim so to be able to use vim 8.2 by
>>>>> simply typing $vvim but it is not satisfying of course
>>>>> i would like to finish properly the installation but as i am a
>>>>> beginner, i dont want to make errors
>>>>> what is the better way to move vim to the right place ?
>>>>> do i just have to do :
>>>>> mv -f [whereitis]/vim /usr/share
>>>>> ?
>>>>> thanks for your help
>>>>> Vincent
>>>> It sounds like you know [whereitis], why not just delete it and rerun
>>>> make/make install in the proper directory?
>>> --
Yongwei Wu
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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Re: Getting a more readable font

2023-04-17 Thread Yongwei Wu

On Sun, 16 Apr 2023 at 22:15, Eric Weir  wrote:

> Typing :set guifont=* calls up the mac font picker. With the font picker
> open I get this:
> Restarting Vim I get this:
> Why are they different? How can I get the first setting to stick?
> Thanks,
> --
> Eric Weir
> Decatur, GA  USA
> eew...@comcast.net
> "(I)t is important that awake people be awake... the darkness around us is
> deep."
> - William Stafford
> --
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Yongwei Wu
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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Re: :hardcopy not launching Preview

2023-06-28 Thread Yongwei Wu
I can reproduce this behaviour on Ventura.

I would suggest a workaround. You may use ":TOhtml", and then print
the HTML file from a browser.

On Thu, 29 Jun 2023 at 06:30, Kenneth R. Beesley  wrote:
> I've been using MacVim for years, but just recently I've noticed that when I
> invoke :hardcopy, either directly or through the pulldown File > Print, it's 
> not
> launching Preview (which allows you to select the printer, choose the number 
> of
> copies to print, etc.).  Even more mysterious, it seems to launch Preview some
> of the times I try it.  I tried updating both my MacOS and did a fresh 'brew
> install macvim".  No resolution yet.

Yongwei Wu
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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Re: :hardcopy not launching Preview

2023-06-28 Thread Yongwei Wu
Actually it is not a bug of MacVim.

Using techniques described in


I have located the file output by Vim. Opening the file by Preview
does not succeed. A search confirmed this:


Anyway, even the result from ps2pdf does not look satisfying to me.
TOhtml has always been a better solution to me.

On Thu, 29 Jun 2023 at 11:58, Kenneth R. Beesley  wrote:
> Many thanks for the :TOhtml suggestion.
> I now find that "Build-in printing" using :hardcopy is listed under
> "16.  Known bugs/missing features" in the MacVim Reference Manual.
> On Wednesday, June 28, 2023 at 8:40:24 PM UTC-6 Yongwei Wu wrote:
>> I can reproduce this behaviour on Ventura.
>> I would suggest a workaround. You may use ":TOhtml", and then print
>> the HTML file from a browser.

Yongwei Wu
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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Re: :hardcopy not launching Preview

2023-06-28 Thread Yongwei Wu
Anyway, I created a solution.

Assuming you have ps2pdf installed (Homebrew ghostscript has it). You can
add a vim_preview file:

pdffile=`echo $psfile|sed -E 's/(\.ps)?$/\.pdf/'`
ps2pdf $psfile $pdffile
open -a Preview $pdffile

Then, you can add this to your .gvimrc (not .vimrc, as MacVim sources the
global gvimrc, which contains the setting of printexpr, after your .vimrc):

set printexpr=system('/path/to/vim_preview\ '.v:fname_in)\ +\ v:shell_error

:hardcopy will work again.

On Thu, 29 Jun 2023 at 14:19, Yongwei Wu  wrote:
> Actually it is not a bug of MacVim.
> Using techniques described in
> I have located the file output by Vim. Opening the file by Preview
> does not succeed. A search confirmed this:
> Anyway, even the result from ps2pdf does not look satisfying to me.
> TOhtml has always been a better solution to me.

Yongwei Wu
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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Re: :hardcopy not launching Preview

2023-07-02 Thread Yongwei Wu
I was unaware of the fact that pstopdf came preinstalled, otherwise I
would probably have used it.

This said, I made a quick comparison, and noticed:

- While the resulting files look similar (but not identical), the one
generated by ps2pdf is smaller (33537 vs 206104 bytes in my case).
- Ghost ps2pdf defaults to compatibility with PDF v1.4, while Apple
pstopdf generates a file compatible with PDF v1.3 (not configurable).
- They both use the Courier font, but ps2pdf embeds the PostScript
Type 1 font, while pstopdf embeds the TrueType font. This may be the
main reason for the size difference.

Just some useless info at the weekend. ;-)

On Thu, 29 Jun 2023 at 19:22, Richard Mitchell  wrote:
> Advantages of ps2pdf over pstopdf ?

Yongwei Wu
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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Re: :hardcopy not launching Preview

2023-07-02 Thread Yongwei Wu
No objection at all. I said it was just "some useless info at the weekend". ;-)

On Mon, 3 Jul 2023 at 07:24, Yee Cheng Chin  wrote:
> And of course you can configure MacVim / Vim to use whatever tool you want. 
> We are just using pstopdf by default.
> On Sun, Jul 2, 2023 at 4:23 PM Yee Cheng Chin  wrote:
>> That's interesting to know about the ps2pdf difference. The default 
>> "pstopdf" tool that Apple ships definitely seems like the bare MVP that 
>> works just for people who have such needs (which is our case here) without 
>> them having to do too much work in supporting. FWIW I actually toyed with 
>> the idea of bundling  "ps2pdf" with MacVim (before I found out about the 
>> Mac-bundled pstopdf) before I saw the binary size… It's a pretty heavy tool.
>> On Sun, Jul 2, 2023 at 4:03 AM Yongwei Wu  wrote:
>>> I was unaware of the fact that pstopdf came preinstalled, otherwise I
>>> would probably have used it.
>>> This said, I made a quick comparison, and noticed:
>>> - While the resulting files look similar (but not identical), the one
>>> generated by ps2pdf is smaller (33537 vs 206104 bytes in my case).
>>> - Ghost ps2pdf defaults to compatibility with PDF v1.4, while Apple
>>> pstopdf generates a file compatible with PDF v1.3 (not configurable).
>>> - They both use the Courier font, but ps2pdf embeds the PostScript
>>> Type 1 font, while pstopdf embeds the TrueType font. This may be the
>>> main reason for the size difference.
>>> Just some useless info at the weekend. ;-)
>>> On Thu, 29 Jun 2023 at 19:22, Richard Mitchell  wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Advantages of ps2pdf over pstopdf ?

Yongwei Wu
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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Re: Using :Make for MacVim to invoke "Marked 2" for markdown rendering?

2023-07-09 Thread Yongwei Wu
Is there any reason you do not want to use a plugin like
https://github.com/iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim? Scrolling in Vim would
synchronize with the view in the browser.

On Sun, 9 Jul 2023 at 12:54, David Finton  wrote:

> Solved.
> I looked for info on setting the variable makeprg in Vim.  In Vim, ":set
> mp" showed me that the makeprg variable was still set to its default value
> of "make". But I also realized that I could change that setting in my
> ~/_vimrc file, rather than in a script under the ".vim" folder.
> I used the same exact setting line from Rob Allen's article, but I used it
> to set the "makeprg" variable directly in my vimrc.
> Works like a charm.
> On Tuesday, July 4, 2023 at 5:27:22 PM UTC-7 David Finton wrote:
>> I found a simple recipe for configuring ".make" in MacVim to
>> automatically bring up Marked 2 for markdown rendering as I edit.  I can't
>> get it to work.  Perhaps there is a simpler way?
>> The recipe is from Rob Allen:  Use Vim's :make to preview markdown
>> <https://dzone.com/articles/use-vims-make-to-preview-markdown>
>> So I have the file ~/.vim/ftplugin/markdown.vim, and it contains the
>> following line:
>> set makeprg=open\ -a\ Marked\\\ 2.app\ '%:p'
>> When I try ":make" in MacVim, it reports the following:
>> make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.
>> I can manually start Marked 2, and in Marked 2 find the file I'm editing
>> and open it, and that works.  But I would like to do this with a keystroke
>> from MacVim.  Rob Allen's page filled me with hope that this was possible
>> and easy.  Am I close?
>> Thanks!
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Yongwei Wu
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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