Re: How to split multiple CSS rules into one line each?

2009-03-26 Thread Maxim Kim

On 26 мар, 09:20, Leandro N. Camargo wrote:
 Now, what if I want to do the reverse, tranforming this:

 a.anything {


 onto this:

 a.anything {color:#eee;display:block;width:300px;}



It works for me with:
a.anything {
a.anything {

a.anything { color:#eee; display:block; width:300px; }
a.anything { color:#eee; display:block; width:300px; }

Maxim Kim.
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Re: How to split multiple CSS rules into one line each?

2009-03-26 Thread Maxim Kim

On 26 мар, 09:56, Maxim Kim wrote:

 It works for me with:
 a.anything {

 a.anything {


a.anything { color:#eee; display:block; width:300px;
a.anything { color:#eee; display:block; width:300px;

Run  :g/[;}]\s*$/-1j one more time to get
a.anything { color:#eee; display:block; width:300px; }
a.anything { color:#eee; display:block; width:300px; }

Or use

Maxim Kim.
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Re: NERD_tree color scheme

2009-03-26 Thread Tunante

Thanks, it works!
You kept my sight for a while :D

On Mar 23, 9:05 pm, Maxim Kim wrote:
 On 23 мар, 19:06, Tunante wrote:

  Sorry, but , it doesn't work

 You probably using gVim so
 :hi Directory guifg=#ff guibg=#00ff00
 should work for you.

 But better change treeDir group:
 :hi treeDir guifg=#ff guibg=#00ff00

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use vim's command mode when typing commands?

2009-03-26 Thread

Hi all,

probably I do not express myself correctly in the subject, and as you
might see, it's almost impossible to find something reasonable in the
internet with these keywords ... ;-)

When I type in comands like :help something or :mak long_filename:
Can I somehow switch to vim's command mode even here, for example to
move the cursor with h, j, k, l or to insert somthing from the buffer
with p etc.?

Thank You!
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Re: use vim's command mode when typing commands?

2009-03-26 Thread Maxim Kim

On 26 мар, 12:55,
 Hi all,

 probably I do not express myself correctly in the subject, and as you
 might see, it's almost impossible to find something reasonable in the
 internet with these keywords ... ;-)

 When I type in comands like :help something or :mak long_filename:
 Can I somehow switch to vim's command mode even here, for example to
 move the cursor with h, j, k, l or to insert somthing from the buffer
 with p etc.?

:h q:

While in command mode press C-F.
While in normal mode press q:

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Re: use vim's command mode when typing commands?

2009-03-26 Thread Jürgen Krämer

Hi, wrote:
 probably I do not express myself correctly in the subject, and as you
 might see, it's almost impossible to find something reasonable in the
 internet with these keywords ... ;-)
 When I type in comands like :help something or :mak long_filename:
 Can I somehow switch to vim's command mode even here, for example to
 move the cursor with h, j, k, l or to insert somthing from the buffer
 with p etc.?

when you are already in the command-line you can switch to the
command-line window with the key specified in the 'cedit' option. By
default this is Cltr-F. Or you can go to the command-line window
directly with q:. The command-line window behaves like a normal
window on a buffer, except with pressing Enter in normal mode executes
the current line.

See also :help cmdline-window.


Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. (Calvin)

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new html + js indentation

2009-03-26 Thread naquad
Hi all.

I've recently edited a bunch of html files containing JS code and I
didn't like default indentation.
I've tried html improved indentation
(, but didn't
like it too.
The result of my story is combination of default html indentation and
OOP javascript indentation script by Ryan Fabella
Script is in attachment.

Known problems:


At the monent I don't have time to those issues. If someone could do
this I would be very appreciated. Or show existing variants :).

P.S. This script (the same as initial version by Ryan Fabella) is
based on regexps, so it can't handle all variations correctly.
To handle all situations correctly full futured JS analyzer required.

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Description: Binary data

gf question

2009-03-26 Thread Ben Kim


I wanted to know how I can open a class file in hierarchy.

For example, my source would have this line:


I want to open it using something like this (type cf on the file name).

nnoremap silent cf :exec 'sp '.findfile(substitute(expand('cfile'),

The actual file path would be:


I'm not sure how to have vim recognize . double as a file separator. 
'^.*' didn't work. I guess it's tricky since . can be in the file name 
(at least for the extension), but assuming I have only one . at the end 
for the extension, what would be the map syntax?

set path and suffixesadd is not an issue.


Ben Kim

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Re: use vim's command mode when typing commands?

2009-03-26 Thread Ben Fritz

On Mar 26, 4:55 am,

 When I type in comands like :help something or :mak long_filename:
 Can I somehow switch to vim's command mode even here, for example to
 move the cursor with h, j, k, l or to insert somthing from the buffer
 with p etc.?

You have you answer, but for future reference when you are typing in
commands like :help, you ARE in command mode.

The mode you want to use commands from is called normal mode.
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How to override comments for filetypes

2009-03-26 Thread Abhishek Gupta
Hi all,

I'm new to vim and this list so apologies if this has already been answered.

I have some settings for comments in my vimrc (see attached vimrc.txt).

These settings work fine when I launch vim.
I.e. for launching vim without specifying the file type I get the following
for comments:

However when I edit text files using vim (vim test.txt), the comments get
overridden with the following:

And for C/C++ files, the comments get overridden with the following:
comments=sO:* -,mO:*  ,exO:*/,s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/,://

How can I prevent this?
I.e. I would like to keep my comments setting for all file types.
Is this possible?
I tried placing the comments setting at the bottom of the vimrc but that
doesn't override the file type settings either.

Any suggestions?

Thanks and Regards,

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 *** User Interface ***

if has('syntax')  (t_Co  2)
  syntax on Syntax highlighting in terminals which can 
display colours

set nocompatibleUse Vim's extended capabilities
set showmodeDisplay the current mode
set nomodeline  Don't let files override this vimrc
set wildmode=list:longest,full  Command-line completion Tab (for 
filenames, help topics, option names)
set showcmd Display partially-typed commands in the 
status line
set number  Show line numbers
set shortmess=atI   Abbreviate messages
set ruler   show the cursor position all the time

 *** Search ***

set hlsearchHighlight searches
set incsearch   Do incremental searching
set ignorecase  Ignore case when searching
set smartcase   Override 'ignorecase' if the search 
contains upper case characters
set nowrapscan  Do not wrap searches

 *** Scroll ***

set nostartofline   Don't jump to first character when paging
set scrolloff=3 Keep 3 lines when scrolling

 *** General Formatting ***

set nowrap  Do not wrap files
set nobackupDo not keep a backup file
set shiftwidth=2Numbers of spaces to (auto)indent
set shiftround  Round indent to multiple of 'shiftwidth'
set expandtab   Use the appropriate number of spaces to 
insert a TAB
set autoindent  Always set autoindenting on
set smartindent Do smart autoindenting when starting a new 

set formatoptions-=tDo not wrap lines

 *** Formatting - File Type Specific ***

filetype on Enable File Type detection

augroup filetypeMark all .txt files as human readable
  autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.txt set filetype=human
augroup end

 For human readable files auto wrap text at column 50
autocmd FileType human set formatoptions+=t textwidth=50

 For C/C++ files set cindent
autocmd FileType c,cpp set cindent

 For makefiles don't expand TAB to Spaces and have all indentation ar 8 chars
autocmd FileType make set noexpandtab shiftwidth=8

 *** This does not Override File Type Formatting ?? ***

set formatoptions+=croq Format comments
set comments-=s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/  Remove C style comments with single * in 
middle part
set comments+=s1:/*,mb:**,ex:*/ Add comment style with multiple ** in 
middle part
set comments+=fb:*  Define bullet list style for single *
set comments+=b:\  Treat lines starting with  as comments
set comments+=n::   When formatting text, recognize numbered 

Re: How to override comments for filetypes

2009-03-26 Thread Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Saluton Abhishek :)

On Thu 26 Mar 2009 17:59 +0100, Abhishek Gupta dixit:
 I have some settings for comments in my vimrc (see attached vimrc.txt).
 However when I edit text files using vim (vim test.txt), the comments get
 overridden with the following:
 And for C/C++ files, the comments get overridden with the following:
 How can I prevent this?
 I.e. I would like to keep my comments setting for all file types.
 Is this possible?

You can always do filetype off in your .vimrc, but if you want to have
all the advantages that filetype on offers and at the same time use
your own comment settings, I would do the following in my .vimrc:

autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile,FileReadPost * set comments=put here your settings

There are other methods, like adding a file to .vim/after/ftplugin/
for each filetype whose comments setting you want to tweak, etc. See
:help filetypes for even more ways of achieving what you want.

Raúl DervishD Núñez de Arenas Coronado
Linux Registered User 88736 |
It's my PC and I'll cry if I want to... RAmen!

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2009-03-26 Thread David Karapetyan

I unsubscribed from this group a day ago (by going to google groups and 
clicking 'unsubscribe') yet I am still receiving emails. Can someone 
please take me off the list? My subscription email address is

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 10:29:27PM +0530, Abhishek Gupta wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm new to vim and this list so apologies if this has already been answered.
 I have some settings for comments in my vimrc (see attached vimrc.txt).
 These settings work fine when I launch vim.
 I.e. for launching vim without specifying the file type I get the following
 for comments:
 However when I edit text files using vim (vim test.txt), the comments get
 overridden with the following:
 And for C/C++ files, the comments get overridden with the following:
 comments=sO:* -,mO:*  ,exO:*/,s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/,://
 How can I prevent this?
 I.e. I would like to keep my comments setting for all file types.
 Is this possible?
 I tried placing the comments setting at the bottom of the vimrc but that
 doesn't override the file type settings either.
 Any suggestions?
 Thanks and Regards,

  *** User Interface ***
 if has('syntax')  (t_Co  2)
   syntax on Syntax highlighting in terminals which 
 can display colours
 set nocompatibleUse Vim's extended capabilities
 set showmodeDisplay the current mode
 set nomodeline  Don't let files override this vimrc
 set wildmode=list:longest,full  Command-line completion Tab (for 
 filenames, help topics, option names)
 set showcmd Display partially-typed commands in the 
 status line
 set number  Show line numbers
 set shortmess=atI   Abbreviate messages
 set ruler   show the cursor position all the time
  *** Search ***
 set hlsearchHighlight searches
 set incsearch   Do incremental searching
 set ignorecase  Ignore case when searching
 set smartcase   Override 'ignorecase' if the search 
 contains upper   case characters
 set nowrapscan  Do not wrap searches
  *** Scroll ***
 set nostartofline   Don't jump to first character when paging
 set scrolloff=3 Keep 3 lines when scrolling
  *** General Formatting ***
 set nowrap  Do not wrap files
 set nobackupDo not keep a backup file
 set shiftwidth=2Numbers of spaces to (auto)indent
 set shiftround  Round indent to multiple of 'shiftwidth'
 set expandtab   Use the appropriate number of spaces to 
 insert a TAB
 set autoindent  Always set autoindenting on
 set smartindent Do smart autoindenting when starting a 
 new line
 set formatoptions-=tDo not wrap lines
  *** Formatting - File Type Specific ***
 filetype on Enable File Type detection
 augroup filetypeMark all .txt files as human readable
   autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.txt set filetype=human
 augroup end
  For human readable files auto wrap text at column 50
 autocmd FileType human set formatoptions+=t textwidth=50
  For C/C++ files set cindent
 autocmd FileType c,cpp set cindent
  For makefiles don't expand TAB to Spaces and have all indentation ar 8 
 autocmd FileType make set noexpandtab shiftwidth=8
  *** This does not Override File Type Formatting ?? ***
 set formatoptions+=croq Format comments
 set comments-=s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/  Remove C style comments with single * in 
 middle part
 set comments+=s1:/*,mb:**,ex:*/ Add comment style with multiple ** in 
 middle part
 set comments+=fb:*  Define bullet list style for single *
 set comments+=b:\  Treat lines starting with  as comments
 set comments+=n::   When formatting text, recognize numbered 

David Karapetyan
University of Notre Dame
Department of Mathematics
255 Hurley Hall
Notre Dame, IN 46556-4618
Phone: 574-631-5706
Cell:  202-460-5173
Fax:   574-631-6579

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Re: no help for invlist

2009-03-26 Thread MBro

On Mar 26, 2:49 pm, Christian Brabandt wrote:

 See :h options and scroll down a little bit. You can basically use
 invoptionname for all options (e.g. invnu toggles numbering).


Thanks, I never saw 'inv' before, and thought it stood for
'invisible' :-O
Every day I use this thing, I learn more and more and more... I love

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Re: Toggle language when I switch to command mode.

2009-03-26 Thread Agathoklis D. Hatzimanikas

On Wed, Mar 25, at 11:03 Paris wrote:
 quote: it is not possible to use greek characters in command mode
 May I ask why is that so? You said command line in our private
 exchange and I didn't understand what you were talking about. 

From :help 'langmap'
Your language characters will be understood as normal vim English characters
(according to the langmap mappings) in the following cases:
  o Normal/Visual mode (commands, buffer/register names, user mappings)
  o Insert/Replace Mode: Register names after CTRL-R
  o Insert/Replace Mode: Mappings
 Characters entered in Command-line mode will NOT be affected by
 this option.


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Re: gf question

2009-03-26 Thread Gary Johnson

On 2009-03-26, Ben Kim wrote:
 I wanted to know how I can open a class file in hierarchy.
 For example, my source would have this line:
 I want to open it using something like this (type cf on the file name).
   nnoremap silent cf :exec 'sp '.findfile(substitute(expand('cfile'),
 The actual file path would be:
 I'm not sure how to have vim recognize . double as a file separator. 
 '^.*' didn't work. I guess it's tricky since . can be in the file name 
 (at least for the extension), but assuming I have only one . at the end 
 for the extension, what would be the map syntax?
 set path and suffixesadd is not an issue.


:help includeexpr

However, 'includeexpr' is already set in $VIMRUNTIME/java.vim, so
fixing this problem in your case may be a matter of enabling
filetype detection or of setting the proper file type.


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Re: use vim's command mode when typing commands?

2009-03-26 Thread anilraj . gr

Go to command mode and type Ctrl-f.
You will enter the normal mode and try all your editing commandsm

--- Original Message ---
From:Ben Fritz
Sent:Thu 3/26/09  11:00 am
Subj:Re: use vim's command mode when typing commands?

On Mar 26, 4:55 am,

 When I type in comands like :help something or :mak long_filename:
 Can I somehow switch to vim's command mode even here, for example to
 move the cursor with h, j, k, l or to insert somthing from the buffer
 with p etc.?

You have you answer, but for future reference when you are typing in
commands like :help, you ARE in command mode.

The mode you want to use commands from is called normal mode.

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Re: Using popupmenu in your own scripts?

2009-03-26 Thread Christian Brabandt

Hi Marlun!

On Fr, 20 Mär 2009, Marlun wrote:

 I'm wondering if it is possible to use the popup menu which is used 
 by the completion functionality in your own scripts?
 For example I would like to be able to create a script which when the
 user hits a key brings up the popup menu with a list of software
 licences, let the user select one with the 'j' and 'k' keys and when
 he/she hits ENTER the corresponding licence is added to the top of the

About what kind of popup-menu are you talking?

If you are talking about omnicompletion, you can write your own 
function that could present you a list of licenses. But I doubt that 
it is possible to let it insert the license at the top of the file.


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Re: How to override comments for filetypes

2009-03-26 Thread Gary Johnson

On 2009-03-26, Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado wrote:
 Saluton Abhishek :)
 On Thu 26 Mar 2009 17:59 +0100, Abhishek Gupta dixit:
  I have some settings for comments in my vimrc (see attached vimrc.txt).
  However when I edit text files using vim (vim test.txt), the comments get
  overridden with the following:
  And for C/C++ files, the comments get overridden with the following:
  How can I prevent this?
  I.e. I would like to keep my comments setting for all file types.
  Is this possible?
 You can always do filetype off in your .vimrc, but if you want to have
 all the advantages that filetype on offers and at the same time use
 your own comment settings, I would do the following in my .vimrc:
 autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile,FileReadPost * set comments=put here your 

If you decide to use the above autocommand in your .vimrc, be sure
to put it _after_ your filetype plugin on command so that your
autocommand is executed last.

Also, I think it would be better to use the FileType event rather
than BufRead and BufNewFile, and I don't see the reason for using
the FileReadPost event at all.  The result would be

autocmd FileType * set comments=put here your settings


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Re: How to override comments for filetypes

2009-03-26 Thread Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Saluton Gary :)

On Thu 26 Mar 2009 22:19 +0100, Gary Johnson dixit:
 autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile,FileReadPost * set comments=put here your

 If you decide to use the above autocommand in your .vimrc, be sure to
 put it _after_ your filetype plugin on command so that your
 autocommand is executed last.

Yes, I forgot to tell O:)

 Also, I think it would be better to use the FileType event rather
 than BufRead and BufNewFile, and I don't see the reason for using
 the FileReadPost event at all.  The result would be

    autocmd FileType * set comments=put here your settings

From the autocmd help I deduced that the FileType event is launched at
the time set filetype is called, but *before* the appropriate filetype
script is called, so I didn't suggest that event because I thought that
any set comments will be overriden when the ftplugin/whatever.vim
script is called... From the docs I still think that is the case, but
I'll take your word that it works.

Raúl DervishD Núñez de Arenas Coronado
Linux Registered User 88736 |
It's my PC and I'll cry if I want to... RAmen!

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Re: How to override comments for filetypes

2009-03-26 Thread Gary Johnson

On 2009-03-26, Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado wrote:
 Saluton Gary :)
 On Thu 26 Mar 2009 22:19 +0100, Gary Johnson dixit:
  autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile,FileReadPost * set comments=put here your
  If you decide to use the above autocommand in your .vimrc, be sure to
  put it _after_ your filetype plugin on command so that your
  autocommand is executed last.
 Yes, I forgot to tell O:)
  Also, I think it would be better to use the FileType event rather
  than BufRead and BufNewFile, and I don't see the reason for using
  the FileReadPost event at all.  The result would be
     autocmd FileType * set comments=put here your settings
 From the autocmd help I deduced that the FileType event is launched at
 the time set filetype is called, but *before* the appropriate filetype
 script is called, so I didn't suggest that event because I thought that
 any set comments will be overriden when the ftplugin/whatever.vim
 script is called... From the docs I still think that is the case, but
 I'll take your word that it works.

Hello Raúl,

Take a look at $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin.vim.  You'll see that vim uses
the FileType event itself to load filetype plugins.  So as long as
the user's FileType autocommand is put into the list of autocommands
after the ftplugin.vim script adds its FileType autocommand to the
list, the user's command will be executed after the filetype plugin
is sourced.  At least that's how it looks to me.


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Re: Feature Request: Dpi awareness on Windows

2009-03-26 Thread Alessandro Antonello

I don't believe that the manifest could change anything. The problem happens in
my system too, and is not linked with DPI changes. I just used 96 dpi and the
text drawing by Vim has the same problem.

One key that we must think about is how Vim calculates the font size to
accommodate columns and rows in a buffer window. I don't have the Vim
sources so
I can't answer that question but Windows has only one way to measure a font
height and that way is pixels. But we always set True Type and Clear Type font
sizes in points. I think that this calculation is made in the right way by
GVim, since is very simple. But just this does not work with some fonts. If you
get Liberation Mono font, for example, the result is very similar in GVim and
Notepad, but not in UltraEdit 32.

In other way, raster fonts are much better show in GVim than other known
editors. For this two considerations I came with the conclusion that the
difference has in the calculation of the font (and characters) size. I also saw
this difference between how the fonts are shown a few years ago. But I never
pay to much attention on it. I solved the problem looking for a better font to
work with. Just that.

2009/3/25 George V. Reilly
 I wasn't expecting the change to the manifest to do anything different on
 XP; I was confirming that it didn't cause any problems.

 I'll try turning off Aero (DWM) tomorrow when I'm at work.

 I believe Bram monitors this mailing list, but I'll pass the patch on to him

 /George V. Reilly

 On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 4:49 PM, Joe Castro wrote:

 XP does DPI scaling differently so I don't think it would be affected the
 same way.  Not sure what the difference would be on Vista for you, it may
 behave differently with DWM on/off?

 The patch works great for me. (indirectly, I embedded the manifest using
 mt rather than rebuilding Vim).  Thanks for the quick turnaround!  The
 toolbar is at the size it would be for 96DPI, but other than that I don't
 see any side effects.  Is there anything I should do to hopefully get this
 included in Vim 7.3?


 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf
 Of George V. Reilly
 Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 3:03 PM
 Subject: Re: Feature Request: Dpi awareness on Windows

 The difference is obvious in your screenshot, but I can't repro it. At
 high DPI on my Win32 Vista SP1, gvim 7.2.147 looks just as sharp as Notepad
 or Notepad++.

 Nevertheless, here's a patch. I tested it on XP SP 2 also.

 /George V. Reilly

 On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 8:38 AM, Joe Castro
  Thanks for the quick response.
  This is a side by side picture of some XML in notepad and Gvim with this
  The system DPI in the shot is 150% normal (144dpi).  The font in both is
  It's not a clear type issue.  When an app doesn't opt-in to DPI
  Windows just scales the visuals.  I think this is just a matter of
  user32!SetProcessDPIAware early near the app's entry point, or embedding
  manifest along the lines of:
  ?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?
  assembly xmlns=urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1
    asmv3:application xmlns:asmv3=urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3
  Everything might automatically work if this was done, though it's likely
  bitmap images on the menus won't look right.  Still I'd rather have
  pictures than text :)
  From: [] On
  Of George V. Reilly
  Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 9:20 PM
  Subject: Re: Feature Request: Dpi awareness on Windows
  On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 1:48 PM, Joe Castro
  From the website it seemed like this is the place to send feature
  It would be great if Gvim was DPI aware.  The text is fuzzy in non-96dpi
  Windows Vista and 7.  So far I haven't had any luck modifying this by
  adding a manifest next to the exe.
  Picture = 1K words. Please take a few screenshots [1], save them as
  upload them somewhere (such as, and send a link to
  Vim mailing list.
  Is this perhaps some artficact of ClearType that you dislike? Do other
  applications, such as Notepad or Notepad++, exhibit the same problem
  the same fonts?

Re: How to split multiple CSS rules into one line each?

2009-03-26 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 26/03/09 07:20, Leandro N. Camargo wrote:

 Now, what if I want to do the reverse, tranforming this:

 a.anything {

 onto this:

 a.anything {color:#eee;display:block;width:300px;}


 All the best,

What about (untested)


meaning (if I didn't goof): Whenever a line containing { is found, join 
lines from here to the next } (assuming it isn't on the same line).

Known limitation: The above won't work correctly if you have some braces 
that alerady open and close on the same line.

Best regards,
Megaton Man:LOOK at them!  Helpless, tender creatures, relying on
ME, waiting for ME to make my move!

(from below):   Move your ASS, Fat-head!

Megaton Man:It is a MANDATE, and I am DUTY BOUND to OBEY!

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Re: gf question

2009-03-26 Thread Anton Sharonov

Ben Kim wrote:
 I wanted to know how I can open a class file in hierarchy.

 For example, my source would have this line:


 I want to open it using something like this (type cf on the
 file name).

If you like just to navigate to this class, easiest way which I
know is jumping with CTRL-] - this assumes you have tags file
(generated with exuberant ctags). Works very well, excepting the
cases, if you have many classes with the same names in different

:help CTRL-]

It is also very convenient to use wildcard match and
tab-completion features with :tag command - for instance type
:tag my*herTAB, and VIM will expand it to the full name of
class (like MyRedHerring).

Another more powerful but more complicated possibility - if you
agree with running eclipse in the background while you do your
java editing in VIM, you can use eclim [1] plugin to speak with
eclipse and do a wide range of interesting things with java -
code completion, jumping to the exact definitions of the
overloaded methods, generation of java doc, auto correction,
formatting the sources, validation on save, auto insert of the
imports, imports clean-up, checkstyle, navigating classes
hierarchy, accessing eclipse local history of the file changes,


[1] eclim project

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Re: use vim's command mode when typing commands?

2009-03-26 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 26/03/09 19:00, Ben Fritz wrote:

 On Mar 26, 4:55 am,

 When I type in comands like :help something or :mak long_filename:
 Can I somehow switch to vim's command mode even here, for example to
 move the cursor with h, j, k, l or to insert somthing from the buffer
 with p etc.?

 You have you answer, but for future reference when you are typing in
 commands like :help, you ARE in command mode.

 The mode you want to use commands from is called normal mode.

Not exactly. When typing commands on the command-line you are in 
command-LINE mode. Command mode is a less-used synonym for Normal mode.

:help vim-modes

and in particular the last sentence under Normal mode.

Best regards,
CART DRIVER: Bring out your dead!
There are legs stick out of windows and doors.  Two MEN are fighting 
in the
mud - covered from head to foot in it.  Another MAN is on his hands in
knees shovelling mud into his mouth.  We just catch sight of a MAN 
into a well.
  Monty Python and the Holy Grail PYTHON (MONTY) 

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Re: no help for invlist

2009-03-26 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 26/03/09 19:49, Christian Brabandt wrote:

 However if I use tab-completion, I see noinvlist. The command
 to be a toggle on/off:
 :set invlistinvisible text is shown
 :set invlistinvisible text is not shown

 See :h options and scroll down a little bit. You can basically use
 invoptionname  for all options (e.g. invnu toggles numbering).


for all _Boolean_ options. If you're lazy (and prefer typing two fewer 
characters), :set list! (or :set nu!) also toggles  the option.

If you try :set invguifont or set invlines you'll get E474: Invalid 
argument, because 'guifont' is a String option and 'lines' is a Numeric 

Best regards,
Experience is what you get when you were expecting something else.

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Re: unsubscribe

2009-03-26 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 26/03/09 19:42, David Karapetyan wrote:

 I unsubscribed from this group a day ago (by going to google groups and
 clicking 'unsubscribe') yet I am still receiving emails. Can someone
 please take me off the list? My subscription email address is

Are you sure? This email was sent from

Maybe you had more than one list address? You may try to return to 
Google Groups with a different email address of yours, or visiting for alternative ways to unsuscribe.

Best regards,
I call them as I see them.  If I can't see them, I make them up.
-- Biff Barf

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How to move to a window by the value returned by winnr()?

2009-03-26 Thread Clark J. Wang

I want to define some shortcut keys to jump to a vim window by it's
number. Anyone has any idea?
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