Re: just rejoined the list; have a few questions

2003-09-12 Thread jason white

> Does anyone know if you can "upgrade" to OS 6 with a 040
> accelerator in a IIci?
According to the "readme" file for QuadControl 2.3, System
6 was supported from versions 1.4.2 and up. I bet that
would be a fast machine. perhaps I'll try it out and see
what happens :)

> I have a NuBus card (Targus 2000 IIRC) which has a VGA
> socket. It does video capture but I haven't tried that. I
> tried it in a quadra 950 but it seemed slow. This is the
> only NuBus card with a VGA socket I have seen, but I come
> late to the NuBus Mac scene :-).

According to LEM, the MacPiccaso 320 and 340 also have VGA
ports on the back, and I saw a card on eBay by eMachines
(no model # given) that did as well.

My first Mac was a Nubus PPC 7100, but I never opened the
case on it until after I gave it to my sister. I guess I've
come even later to this scene. 


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Re: just rejoined the list; have a few questions

2003-09-12 Thread jason white
Thanks for the help everyone! I swapped the video cards and
the 040 accelerator into another machine (that had sound)
and it still does.

Next question: Can anyone recommend a Nubus video card that
will allow a VGA monitor to be hooked up to these machines,
preferrably without the adapter? Eight bit color would be
perfectly fine, but would like to stay away from the
adapters if possible.


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Re: just rejoined the list; have a few questions

2003-09-12 Thread jason white
> And, since WHEN is going from 7.5.3 to 7.1 considered an
> upgrade?! ;^)

I was basing that statement on my experience with my SE/30,
and the fact that most of the added features in 7.5.3 are
not of much use to me. With the 040 card added, it may or
may not make sense. 

That and I think I read somewhere yesterday that this card
required system 6 to system 7.5 to work. I was kinda hoping
that putting an OS in that range would get sound back. From
your and other responses, that doesn't sound likely.

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Re: just rejoined the list; have a few questions

2003-09-12 Thread jason white

>   Try plugging head phones into the rear jack.   If that
> gives you sound, then the most likely problem is that
> there is a bent contact in the sound jack.   When the
> headphones are plugged in, the internal speaker is
> disabled.  This is accomplished with a little metal
> contact inside the speaker jack which is pushed when
> headphones are plugged in.  If that metal contact is
> permanently bent, then the internal speaker would be
> disabled as long as it remains in that condition.
> If the headphones do not work, then you have some other
> motherboard issue with which I am not familiar.

There's a good idea that I should have thought of on my
own.  I will try that before anything else, as I'm guessing
it's the easiest. I did look at the headphone jack to see
if there was a plug in it (I keep just a headphone plug
with no wires with my PowerBook, so I can use it without
sound when needed) but that's as far as i went.


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Re: just rejoined the list; have a few questions just rejoined the list; have a few questions

2003-09-12 Thread jason white
On Thu, 11 Sep 2003 16:08:59 -0700
 Gamba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've never seen that with an 040 card.
> Does it have a startup chime?
> If yes, and all other sound is gone, check volume
> settings in Sound control
> panel.

 No, there is no startup chime. I even replaced the speaker
from one of the other ones. 

> The only software for the 040 card is the QuadControl
> control panel, latest
> version is 2.3, but it will work without it.

I just upgraded the QuadControl to 2.3 thinking that maybe
the older version was causing the no sound problem.
> You can find out if it's a bad mobo by swapping the 040
> into one of the
> other IIci's.

That will be my next step. Are iici's with no sound a
common thing? I think I had one other one that didn't

Or could it be the video card I've got to use (I don't have
a monitor that will work with the internal video)? It's a
SuperMac Thunder24, and it's got a second card that uses
another NuBus slot, also by SuperMac. I didn't see a model
number on it, has two AT&T chips on it. (LEM's NuBus video
guide said this is a daughtercard that makes the thunder 24
"better"; not really an issue considering the monitor it's


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just rejoined the list; have a few questions

2003-09-11 Thread jason white
I recently got a IIci from a fellow on the LEM swaplist.
Actually I got several. One of them had a Daystar Turbo 040
card that fits in the cache slot. This one is noticeably
faster than the other 2 I've tried out (one had an Apple
cache card, the other's slot was empty. 

My problem is that I have no sound on this machine. I
replaced the speaker with one from one of the other
machines, and still no sound. Is this a charactristic of
the 040 card? Do I need a new driver for either the card or
the sound CP? 

If it matters, the machine is a IIci, with 20M of RAM, and
it's running System 7.5.3 for the time being. I plan on
upgrading to 7.1 as soon as the HD is backed up. (which is
slow as, well, it's slow, as the only means I've got
available is LocalTalk :( )


J White

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Re: Modem Problem

2003-03-20 Thread Jason White
>IIRC those dip switches had to do with handshaking and/or signal 
>level.  I haven't seen those switches since well before 14.4 modems.

I just purchased a 56K V.90 modem and it has the DIP switches. According 
to USR's site, they are supposed to be set 1,3,5,8in the down or on 
This site also has the schematic for the appropriate cable (DB25 to DIN 8)

>I think the original poster stated they tried the modem with a 
>terminal emulator and it accepted the dial command but wouldn't dial.
>1. Make sure your phone cord is working.
>2. Make sure the phone cord is plugged into the right jack on the modem.
>   Some modems have two jacks that are the same but some have one for line
>   and a second one that is for connection to a phone.  This 
>latter configuration
>   won't work with the line connected to the phone jack.
>3. Listen to the phone line, is it a normal dial tone.  Most 
>modems sense the
>   dial tone and won't attempt to dial if the dial tone is 
>absent (to avoid
>   crashing into a phone conversation).  Voice mail and other phone
>   features will generate a different tone on the line which is 
>not detected
>   as a dial tone.
>4. Try sending "AT Z" & RETURN.  You should get an "OK" in response.
>5. Try sending "AT H1" & RETURN.  This should put the modem "off hook"
>   and you should hear a dial tone.
This is all good advice, and would like to add one more step. In the 
terninal window before anything else is entered try AT&F or AT&F1. This 
is supposed to reset the modem. 

Hope some of this helps,
J White

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Re: Assante Ethernet Was:Can't see LCs- woe is me

2003-03-12 Thread Jason White
Subject: Re: Can't see LCs- woe is me

>Also, one of the LCs has an Asante ethernet card with an RJ45 jack. 
>I'd rather use that than the other LC's Apple ethernet card that only 
>has an AAUI jack, since I don't have an extra transceiver. Will I be 
>able to use that Asante card with System 6? Am I off in search of 

I've never owned an LC, but I've got an SE with an Assante ethernet card 
in it that works fine under 6.0.8. It only sees the other computer 
though; the other computer can't mount the SE's HD. That's a system 6 
thing though IIRC.

Hope this helps,

J White

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Re: Willy the Kid...

2003-03-05 Thread Jason White
 Usual rules apply, 
>anyone caught posting on them after the 24hr drop out period for the 
>digests will be given a thick ear and 1000 lines.
>Mark Benson

I figured I'd email this to you off list as you expressly stated not to 
put it on the list. What is "a thick ear and 1000 lines"? That one's new 
to me, but from the context, I'm guessing it's undesireable. 


J White

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Re: LC 475 et al

2003-02-10 Thread Jason White
>> Lastly, my LC III has a standard "VGA" jack instead of a Mac Monitor
>> jack. Does the 475 too? I really hate those adapters.
>Your LC III has a VGA jack? Interesting - I didn't know they had those. 
>But I DO know that my 475 (actually a Q605, but same thing) has a 
>standard 15 pin Mac video port on the back.

OK, it sounds like I erred on this one. I remember my Apple 12" "VGA" 
monitor required an adapter to use with the LC III. Perhaps I had it 
backwards in my head.

Thanks to all who responded to my queries. I know now not to pursue an 
Apple II card for this machine (if and when I get one), and that upping 
the VRAM will give me a more colorful display. I think this machine will 
be a nice little project. I've never owned an 040 (aside from my PBook 
190) and am interested in what I can make it do.

J White

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LC 475 et al

2003-02-09 Thread Jason White
I'm thinking about trying to get an LC 475 to see what I can do with it. 
I've got several LC 2s and 3s, and kinda like the case design. 

If and when I stumble across one, I've got a few questions about 
upgrading it. I don't think I've had a computer more than a week without 
opening its case in the last several years. 

Is the processor in a socket, or is it soldered directly to the board? 
Can a regular 68040 be used or is this machine pretty much limited to the 

I think I read here that someone had 68M of RAM in one of these. I 
thought Apple said only 36M max for a 475. Is there a special SIMM I need 
to look for to go beyond the 36M?

Is the Apple 2 card compatible with this machine? I don't currently have 
one, but someday it may be a toy for me to play with.

If I max out the VRAM, can I display 1000's on the LC 12" monitor? (The 
proper model name escapes me at the moment)

Does the Assante EN/SC work with this model? (in case I do decide to hunt 
down an Apple 2 card for it, or something else for the PDS) I know some 
models, the powerbooks 190 and 5300 for example, don't work because they 
used a different SCSI contoller (I think).

Lastly, my LC III has a standard "VGA" jack instead of a Mac Monitor 
jack. Does the 475 too? I really hate those adapters. 

I know this machine follows under the once removed rule for this list, 
but its a FPM, and I figured you folks would know more about it than the 

Thanks in advance,

J White

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Re: My lil' LC

2003-02-05 Thread Jason White
>Date: Wed, 05 Feb 2003 00:55:39 -0500

>What kind (brand) of modem and ethernet card do you suggest? All I
>really want to do is some very slow internet trawling (does iCab work?)
>and email using Eudora. Also, some very basic text processing with
>either Nisus or BBEdit.

I would suggest a 28.8 or 33.6k modem, unless you might use the modem on 
a newer mac at a later time and then you could go with 56k. I personally 
like Global Village modems, mostly because they look nice, and they're 
simple. There's also no serial adapter cable to hunt down for them like 
most other brands (db9 to din-8 or db-25 to din-8). I'd recommend joining 
LEM Swap List and post a want to buy ad. I see them somewhat regularly 
for $10 or less.

I'm guessing the ethernet question has already been answered to death, 
but if you go with an Apple or Assante, the drivers are built into the 
operating system. I use an Assante in my SE/30 and my SE, and they work 
fine. All my LC type computers (LC II, LC III, and LC 550) seem to have 
Apple cards and also work fine. I'd say whatever you can get for cheap, 
and whatever you can get with an RJ-45 jack. 

Hope this helps,

J White

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Re: Mac LC II - newbie

2003-02-04 Thread Jason White

>On Tuesday, February 04, 2003, at 09:21AM, Razvan Sandu 
>>Would you please give me an advice what is the most recent operating 
>>system that I can use on a Mac LC II ? I mean use with a decent speed ;-) 
>>It is the old, small, model with monochrome monitor, BNC Ethernet adapter, 
>Probably 7.1 is a good bet. 6.0.8L (I don't *think* 6.0.8 straight wil run 
>on the LCII) is faster but is not really able to do what you want to do. 
>7.1 is fast enough on any 68030 to be usable.

I'll agree that 7.1 is about as new as you want to go with this machine. 
You can add alot of the features that 7.5 has if needed. See for details.

>>What I am primarily interested in is to send/receive e-mail and browse the 
>>Net using a connection through LAN ("normal" Ethernet shared with some PCs, 
>>router, etc.).
>H... For e-mail Claris E-Mailer or an old version of Eudora (pre-4.0) 
>would be ok, I have run both in 7.1 on an SE/30. For web browsing iCab is 
>aboutt he only good browser that still works with anything, but you'll 
>need some extensions for it to run - details are no doubt in the FAQ.

If you use Claris Emailer 1.1v3, the dates may be wrong (Y2K problem?). 
There's a patch for it, but if you'd rather not tinker with it, I can 
email you a copy of the hacked version. Email me off list if interested. 
However Emailer 2.0.3 is a much nicer program, and if you can find it, 
You'd probably be happier with it.

J White

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Re: Apple 17" Multiple Scan

2003-01-25 Thread Jason White
>I can't seem to catch a break... :-(
>I've got an Apple 17" Multiple Scan Monitor and it does something strange 
>that I can't identify.
>Sometimes it goes al funny in the sense that the screen gets brighter and 
>the image is sort of stretched to the right. For example, when I click the 
>Apple Menu, to the right of the menu there is a funny blur of very bright 
>green and if there is text near the right of the menu (Like the arrow on 
>control panels that allows the menu to expand) then that will get stretched 
>too, but in black.
>It isn't like this all the time. Normally it comes on ok and is fine for a 
>while but suddenly it does this and I don't know why.
>I thought it was something to do with being too hot (Sometmes you could fry 
>an egg on the top) and thought about hacking the case and putting in a 
>cooling fan. But it is not because of heat and if there was a heat problem 
>then apple would have put in their own fan. There is no other monitors 

I had a similar problem with the same model, if I understand yours 
correctly, except my screen would momentarily turn blue instead of green. 
I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but mine kept acting up more 
and more frequently, and getting darker and darker blue until one day I 
powered it up and after about 15 minutes of use, the screen went 
completely blue and then black. It became landfill the following trash 
pickup day. 

On the plus side though, 17" monitors are so cheap now days, that it's 
really not worth taking one in to have it repaired. The NEC I bought to 
replace my Apple was right at $200 and it was the second most expensive 
one Circiut City had. Haven't looked in a while, but I'd be surprised if 
a new monitor would be more than $100, and would probably have better 
specs than the one you've got now. 

Hope this helps,

J White

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