Re: [volt-nuts] EU3458A - what appears to be a 3458A for sales in the European Union only

2018-05-15 Thread Dr. Frank

In message <>, "Dr. Frank" write

Up to then, it was easy to buy and insert four 62256 SRAMs and get the
01 option for maybe 30€.
I've done that directly in 1989, for my first 3458A @ university, later
in 2009 for my own hp3458A (2001 vintage), and these RAMs are still
available today, if you have an elder unit.

And now comes the pointed question:

How many of you have actually ever used that extra memory ?

As far as I can tell, most people simply want to check as many
"Opt" boxes as possible, just on general collectors principle,
they never actually use the extra memory for anything.

So please spare me the tears over KeySight charging money to cover
their costs and make some profit on that PAL chip...


that's a really good remark ..a nyhow I needed that in 1989 at first, 
when I used the 3458A for digitizing @ 100kHz / 16bit, at first for 
capturing 256 sine wave periods from my  AC susceptometer.
Later, I wrote some DMA code to continuosly transfer the data directly 
into the sizzling fast 20MHz AT-PC...

And just recently, I needed that memory again, to digitize the initial 
drift of a precision 1kV :10V divider .. as the direct fast transfer 
would have required special code again.

Same story for the 34465A, the digitizing option is useless w/o the 2MB 
memory  option, because the operational system of the DMM is too slow to 
transfer the 32bit or floating point data directly over the busses, 
although KS claimed it would be completely compatible to the 34411A 
(which has in fact 16bit transfer also).

So, no crocodile tears necessary, sometimes you really need these 
collectors options.

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[volt-nuts] 3458A memory extension

2018-05-15 Thread Dr. Frank

It's still there, 03458-88810 Prgmd Pal-1819-0239 For 001, costs 31.83€.

The official upgrade costs 698€.

Somebody in another forum explained, that this PAL is all you need.


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[volt-nuts] EU3458A - what appears to be a 3458A for sales in the European Union only

2018-05-15 Thread Dr. Frank

Hello David,

the 3458A is not offered any more by the usual distributors here in 
Germany, like datatec or Meilhouse.

That's due to EU:RoHS directive , i.e. leadfree soldering is required, 
and the last exemption for 'measuring and displaying devices' ran out as 
of July 2017.

So KS found a way to export that lead containg 3458A directly from the 
U.S., but I do not remember the special judicial trick for that... only 
that this very same instrument is now called EU3458A.

KS up to now had no chance at all to redesign this instrument to 
lead-free, because many special components were either terminated 
already, or were custom specific parts, which never had an updated 
lead-free equivalent, or were through-hole components with no proper SMD 
variant. Just look at that badly designed LTZ1000A reference inside the 
34470A, that's nearly a 1:1 copy, but with lower-grade SMD chip 
resistors, instead of the original Vishay bmf through-hole ones.

Other examples are the fast comparators EL2018, the A/D hybrid, probably 
many of the FETs, and the TaN resistor arrays.

Btw.: In the schematics, sheet 2/5 of the analogue board, current 
shunts, there is a strange series arrangement of 'blind' vias.

These solder joints probably serve as thermocouple balancing  for the 
current resistors, to achieve low thermal voltages.

That's not so easy to be replaced in lead-free technology, either.

The only board agilent did redesign, very probably lead-free, and  in a 
compatible / plug-in replacement manner, was the µP board.

Up to then, it was easy to buy and insert four 62256 SRAMs and get the 
01 option for maybe 30€.
I've done that directly in 1989, for my first 3458A @ university, later 
in 2009 for my own hp3458A (2001 vintage), and these RAMs are still 
available today, if you have an elder unit.

The new µP board has the memory inside the new ASIC, and that has to be 
enabled by a 8 pin IC, maybe a PAL or such.
For the sake of tradition, KS still takes a lot of money for that 
option, but you might order this PAL for about 30$, if I remember right, 
and get this option for a reasonable price.. but that's not 'official', 
and maybe KS meanwhile has shut down this loophole.

Please visit TiNs exceptional website ( for further details


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[volt-nuts] What's the probability of a random used 3458A passing a Keysight calibration?

2018-01-16 Thread Dr. Frank

Surely the AC errors if any must be associated with the A2 AC Convertor board - 
03458-66502?  >> Dave

Why should this be a hardware error???

It's much much more probable, that this is a natural drift phenomenon. 
This is 'as found' and the 'as left' report is missing, that would tell 
the whole story.

Anyhow, this can very probably be adjusted by the regular calibration 


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[volt-nuts] What's the probability of a random used 3458A passing a Keysight calibration?

2018-01-16 Thread Dr. Frank

I also saw this, so at least, they will have adjusted this range.

Yes you're right, the ADC is the A3 board. I confused that with the A5 
controller board, which is the only one which had been redesigned to SMT 

There's no chance to identify a refurbished or replaced board, other 
than opening the case and looking inside.
And even then, it's not evident, that the ADC IC is ok. You only might 
do the test according to AN-18.

Replacement boards will have the same part number, which changes only by 


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[volt-nuts] What's the probability of a random used 3458A passing a Keysight calibration?

2018-01-16 Thread Dr. Frank
I meant to say, that the ADC ASIC determines crucially the stability.. 
and this special serial number US28032500 is eventually affected by the 
AN-18 service note. So that may be the reason, why they claim 2100$ for 
repair, i.e. replacement of A5, the ADC PCB.. and that had nothing to do 
with that ACV outlier. The "as left" data is not displayed, probably the 
instrument was completely adjusted afterwards. The cal report is also 
not online, pity.

So I wouldn't touch that instrument at all, as the ADC drift problem 
(CAL?72) is not checked.


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[volt-nuts] What's the probability of a random used 3458A passing a Keysight calibration?

2018-01-16 Thread Dr. Frank


that instrument on ebay is definitely from the agilent area, i.e. built 
after 2000.

It is really ok, and does not need any repair.

Obviously, this AC range is a bit outside calibration @ 3V, 4MHz, but 
that is normal after some years w/o adjustment, and not a defect at all.
Probably you know the different kinds of calibration at HPAK, obviously 
they chose the cal w/o adjustment option.

Currently, the KS server is down, otherwise one could download the full 
calibration document, and check that, also the date of manufacturing .

If you'd ever need these high frequency measurements, it's possible to 
do that by means of an appropriate signal generator and a thermocouple.

The internal LTZ1000A circuit might stabilize with age, also the 
internal 40k VHP100 reference resistor might get better.

The annual drift of the LTZ circuit is nominally 8ppm, but that is not 
fully specified.

In theory, that applies only if the instrument is powered on continuosly.
If it's switched off most of the time, the LTZ chip should not age at 
all, but it may show hysteresis (see AN-18, first item)

So to my opinion, in this case it makes no difference, if you have an 
older or a younger instrument.

The rest of the circuit is either (short term) stable, or not, also 
mostly independant from vintage.
Due to the regular AutoCal process, this is of no real concern, as all 
these other drifts will be cancelled by the machine.

The only component which determines the short term stability, is the ADC 

It might have a good T.C., from zero to max. 0.5ppm/°C, and it might 
have a low timely drift in its calibration parameter CAL? 72.

If latter is not the case, as described in AN-18, 2nd item, you really 
have a monetary problem.

But in any case, this stability risk is the same for every vintage of 

Anyhow, I would prefer a newer unit like this one, as some other 
components degenerate over time, like the un-obtainium fast comparators.

In the end, this instrument is not cheap, especially w/o proper 
adjustment. 3000$/€ would be a more reasonable price.


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[volt-nuts] GPIB Issue with 3458A

2017-12-31 Thread Dr. Frank


I doubt, that your hp unit is defective, as it might work under certain 
circumstances, and also the FW version 8.2 vs. 9.2 will not make any 
difference, as only a few pair of bytes are different. All versions of 
the A5 board are designed to be completely interchangeable over all 
versions of 3458A instruments.

I have another theory, which deals with the hardware version difference 
between the agilent and the hp unit.

Your agilent unit might already have the 66547, full SMD board for A5, 
whereas the hp will for sure have one of the old 66505/515, through- 
hole boards, Rev A, B, or C. Illya has all of them pictured in his first 
3458A repair blog.

All the  old versions (A, B, C) have GPIB bus transceivers, TI 75ALS160 
for the data bus, and NS 75161 for the handshake signals.

The new SMD board has TI 75ALS160 / TI 75ALS161, instead.

So, the handshake bus uses a different logic family for the new board, 
and therefore, the logic levels / immunity might be slightly different.

My hp3458A has got the REV C A5 board, and it's from 2000.
Since 2009, I run a similar datalogging program for capturing LTZ1000 
output versus time, each 4 seconds, on an old PC with WIN98, Turbo 
Pascal,  an XT bus GPIB card from CEC, with the NEC chip.

This program and hardware ran properly for years, (decades), until more 
and more errors during the 24h acquisition runs occured, vaguely 
reminding me of your trouble.
The output values were always correct, but frequently, 10sec time-outs 
ocurred, giving zero readings in the datalog. This time-out is obviously 
related to the handshaking mechanism.
Finally, I found out, that the old ATX PSU was failing, especially its 
input snubber network was gone defect, which probably created big EMC 

After replacing the PSU, all these errors vanished completely.

My conclusion was, that the GPIB bus is susceptible to such EMC 
disturbances, although it's solid TTL logic.
As obviously the handshake signals were affected only, their higher 
susceptibility to disturbances may be caused by the difference in the 
logic family of the transceiver IC. The agilent 3458A might be more 
tolerant to that, having the ALS161 version, instead.

So you might also look for EMC problems in your lab, like SMPS, LED 
lamps, or a defective PC power supply.

Maybe, these Prologix adaptors (clones?) have critical logic levels, 
especially on the handshake bus, or an improper ground.

You might search for these signal problems directly on the GPIB cable.


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[volt-nuts] Unable to zero 3420B on 10**5 sensitivity

2017-11-13 Thread Dr. Frank


I've thought a bit further about this excessive offset  of at least 8µV.
That could be simply due to excessive offset of the DC amplifier part of 
the meter amplifier, caused by ageing, i.e. drifted resistors or faulty 

The chopper has about 5000x ac gain, due to rectification, that's about 
2500x effective dc gain.

So these 8µV translate into 20mV too much of dc offset of the dc 
amplifier. How the 1V zero (R16) affects the DC amplifier offset, I 
don't comprehend yet.

But the next step is to check the DC amplifier.


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[volt-nuts] Unable to zero 3420B on 10**5 sensitivity

2017-11-13 Thread Dr. Frank


you should have checked the different parts of the chopped amplifier 
according to the manual, so to make sure that the DC amplifier works 
correctly, and that the AC amplifier is also ok, regarding the amplified 
neon waveforms.

But at first you could make another quick check:

As you have reworked the zeroing network, make sure by measuring at the 
wiper of zero pot R1, that you can adjust this voltage between -0.6V and 
+0.2V. Make sure, that the 1.8M resistor (A1S1R5) has about the correct 
value. If it driftet upwards excessively, that would reduce the zero 
trim range greatly.

Comparing this schematic with the 845A, which is really very similar, 
this big un-symmetry of -0.6 vs. +0.2V caught my eye.. in the 845A, it's 
more like -0.46V vs. +0.56V.

As this voltage acts upon the negative input of the chopper 
(photoelement V2), so indicating that your positive offset is caused by 
a too negative zero voltage, you could try to short R49, this 47k 
resistor, to have a symmetric +/- 0.6V. Maybe then you are able to 
achieve zero at the 10^5 gain.

If this is the case, please note the wiper voltage. This is attenuated 
by 1.8M over 100 Ohm , nominally covering +/- 33µV, which can be checked 
in the 100µV range. Also note, how the wiper voltage matches with the 
offset deflection.

If that wiper voltage is too high for zeroing, or if it does not match 
so well with the deflection, there may be something wrong in one of the 
amplifiers, or there is excessive leakage current, (by contamination by 
fingers of pre-owner), or else...

That is to be analaysed later on.


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[volt-nuts] HP-3458A NVRAM

2017-11-12 Thread Dr. Frank


'quarks' is another volt-nuts companion.

His instrument is from 1989, and we both changed all nvSRAMs in our 3458As.

The complete designations are: DS1220AD-150+ and DS1230Y-150+.

If the 1230 battery fails, you will get failure messages on booting the 
3458A, and your stored settings and key function definitions will be 
lost, so that's a bit uncomfortable at most.


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[volt-nuts] HP-3458A NVRAM

2017-11-11 Thread Dr. Frank

Hello Randy,

I have replaced the CAL-nvRAM by a DS1220AD-150 in 2013, as the Y 
version was not available.

The speed was not the problem, but a slightly different supply volatge 
range, if I remeber correctly.

My 3458A works w/o any problem, as does the instruments of 'quarks', who 
got the 2nd nvRAM which I have ordered.


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[volt-nuts] 3420B chopper drive problem

2017-11-07 Thread Dr. Frank
Another probable error in the manual, on page 5-8 (80), diagram, which 
shows the monitoring of the neon currents:

That diagram is ok for the A-version, as both neon currents are measured 
with the same polarity in its oscillator circuit.

The B-version anyhow should look different, as the currents should be of 
different polarity, so a positive pulse with about +150mV, and a 
negative pulse with -75mV (or vice versa, depending on the polarity of 
the diodes), always a signal pause at 0V.

One neon current is monitored over 51 Ohm, the other one over two 51Ohm 
reistors in series, therefore these different amplitudes.


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[volt-nuts] 3420B chopper drive problem

2017-11-07 Thread Dr. Frank

Hello Dave,

in the schematic, the polarity of the diodes in series with the neon 
bulbs is definitely wrong.

If you compare with the 3420A on page 7-7 (29), but also with the Fluke 
845 which is similar, both neons have to be switched at 180°.

Maybe someone else has erroneously reversed one of the diodes in your 
unit before?

If both neons are really firing in phase, instead, that could explain 
this non-symmetric waveform, which you observe.


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[volt-nuts] What is Transfer Accuracy?

2014-05-04 Thread Dr. Frank
I just want to add, that this parameter for me is the most important 
one, for such instruments like the 3458A, the Fluke 720A and the 752A.

Latter ones are explicitely called "Transfer Standards", and therefore 
you see, that this parameter has to be well defined, and not being "fuzzy".

The transfer accuracy is always mixed with the linearity (where I come 
back to my problem of definition)

Such real "Autocal" instruments (plus Fluke 5440, 5720) simply "live" 
from their own capability of making ultra precise transfers

Outstanding are the 3458A and the 5720A, because they not only do 
transfers within a single mode by their linearity (i.e. auto-calibrating 
all DCV ranges), but also to different modes (ACV, ACI, DCI) by ultra 
precise converters (mainly AC/DC).

Here you have to specify also the transfer accuracy of the conversion 

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Re: [volt-nuts] 3458a RAM batteries - longer life if unit is continually powered?

2014-03-27 Thread Dr. Frank

Hi Poul-Henning,

you've misunderstood, what I've done..

I simply searched the text fragments directly in the binary file, with a 

I did no SW-reverse-engineering!

I just wanted to identify, which failure (text) messages come up, when 
either the config RAMs, or the cal RAM fail...

Nobody up to now reported the correct failure messages in case of 
failure of the 8kB CAL RAM.

But perhaps you can tell from your reverse enginieering, what the error 
message would be?

regards Frank

Am 27.03.2014 19:11, schrieb Poul-Henning Kamp:

In message <>, Frank Stellmach writes:

So I've scanned the text fragments in the firmware file:

I have the firmware reverse engineered, and it is a fair deal
more complicated than you posit, there are both checksums
and hardware mechanisms involved.

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