RE: [Vo]: Is Big brother watching?

2007-03-09 Thread David Thomson
Hi Harry,

 These days I am more concerned with Big Sister than Big Brother.

Why is that?


RE: [Vo]: E=mc^2 without SR.

2007-03-09 Thread David Thomson
Hi Steven,

 OTOH it's my understanding that time dilation has been confirmed.
Extremely brief half-life's of certain sub atomic particles that are
speeding close to C have been detected to decay within a slowed down time
period reference from our perspective. At least, that's my understanding.

Time dilation, as I have stated earlier, was quantified by Lorentz based
upon the MMX.  It doesn't surprise me then, that the effect has been
observed in decaying muons.  The discussion is about whether the dimension
of mass is equal or equivalent to the unit of energy and whether this
equivalence explains the physical world.


[Vo]: Spooky Radar

2007-03-09 Thread Terry Blanton,,2027227,00.html

US defence contractor looks for quantum leap in radar research

David Adam
Tuesday March 6, 2007
The Guardian

They designed an exploding cigar to kill Fidel Castro and hired
fortune-tellers to fight the cold war. Now the US military is taking
its war on terror where even Albert Einstein feared to tread - into
the baffling world of quantum mechanics. Lockheed Martin, a main US
defence contractor, thinks it can exploit research on the fringes of
theoretical physics to build the ultimate radar, which could see
through anything, from buildings to solid earth.


RE: [Vo]: E=mc^2 without SR.

2007-03-09 Thread Steven Vincent Johnson
Hi Dave,

Aspects of SR have always intrigued me, perhaps for its Alice-in-Wunderland 
spatial analysis qualities. With that qualification in mind...


 Another false prediction of SR is that it doesn't matter
 which object is moving [at] what velocity, since it is believed
 there is no fixed reference frame.  Yet, when cosmic rays
 come streaming through the Earth, the Earth's mass does not
 approach infinity, either.  In fact, there is no reference
 frame that exhibits infinite mass increase.


This is an interesting observation, one that wanders precariously into the 
realms of exotic philosophy and unsolvable Zen koans, rather than hard-core 
physics. My response to the alleged contradiction would be that it only matters 
(no pun intended) in regards to the point-of-view being taken at the time the 
personal observation is being made, which inevitably raises the question as to 
whose perception of the universe is the correct one. IMHO, we will only 
succeed in tying ourselves into unsolvable knots similar to religious 
fanaticism if we insist there MUST exist an ABSOLUTE frame of reference. SR, 
would seem to suggest there ain't no such animal and never was  - period. I 
guess I should make a confession here and state for the record that those kinds 
paradoxical observations have always appealed to my new-agey POV.

In more prosaic terms it depends on which frame of reference point is being 
assumed in order to EXPERIENCE THE OBSERVATION. If the observer assumes the 
relative speed of the speeding cosmic ray then the Earthly atom collided with 
magically becomes the culprit possessing the extra mass. A very subtle 
point I think that is missed here is that the observation only makes sense in 
regards to the TWO ATOMIC NUCLEI that interact/collide with each other. The 
observation does not make any practical sense if extrapolated to include all 
the rest of the Earthly atoms that have not been interacted with, even though 
that might seem to be a natural conclusion to draw. OTOH, if we are at rest 
with all the rest of the atoms on planet Earth we can assume that the extra 
mass resides in the speeding cosmic ray being interacted with.

This suggests that it is incorrect to assume that extra mass exists in all 
other speeding earthly atoms, as referenced from the point of view of the 
speeding cosmic ray). Likewise, it is incorrect to assume that other cosmic 
rays that may be flying around (but have NOT been collided with) possess extra 
mass either. 

Bottom line: It's only whom you're having the brief torrid affair with that 
counts. Everyone else are just innocent bystanders in which there is only the 
potential to have a brief torrid affair with.

Such Zen koan-like observations invariably raise the legitimate question as to 
HOW is it that this extra mass can behave in such a fickle manner. After all 
- WHO REALLY POSSESSES THE EXTRA MASS IMHO, the extra mass really doesn't 
exist per-say, but rather the extra mass is simply being used as an expedient 
vehicle in order to make the SR equations make sense. But perhaps I have 
exceeded my area of expertise on the matter. ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]: BEV vs FCEV

2007-03-09 Thread Terry Blanton

I saw a cute statement in this argument:

It's easier to deliver an electron than a proton.

Of course, with H2 you get both.  :-)

RE: [Vo]: E=mc^2 without SR.

2007-03-09 Thread David Thomson
Hi Terry,


 IMHO, we will only succeed in tying ourselves into unsolvable knots
similar to religious fanaticism if we insist there MUST exist an ABSOLUTE
frame of reference. SR, would seem to suggest there ain't no such animal and
never was - period. 


Ah, but that is the key.  SR is not based upon physical observations, but
assumptions.  It's claim that there can be no absolute frame of reference is
therefore just as much a religious fanaticism as any other unfounded


OTOH, the Aether Physics Model specifically claims that each subatomic
particle MUST exist in an ABSOLUTE frame of reference ONLY with the quantum
of Aether unit in which it resides.  To put it another way, matter does not
move through space-time, but rather matter is encapsulated by space-time and
space-time moves relative to space-time.  Sounds kind of strange at first,
until you realize that that is exactly how the rest of the fluid Universe


A leaf on a calm day merely rests peacefully upon the surface of a river,
yet the river flows and carries the leaf with it.  The Gulf Stream is a body
of water within the Atlantic Ocean, which moves relative to the Sargasso Sea
and carries all sorts of particles within its fluid.  Dust particles float
aimlessly within the atmosphere, as it flows fluid-like around the planet
relative to other regions of atmosphere.  Is it any surprise that matter
would also float within the sea of Aether, each subatomic particle
encapsulated by its own quantum of space-time?


Here we get both absolute frames of reference and relativity ala Lorentz.
Can't ask for better than that.  There's a little to please everyone, and it
is all based upon empirical constants and data.


 The observation does not make any practical sense if extrapolated to
include all the rest of the Earthly atoms that have not been interacted
with, even though that might seem to be a natural conclusion to draw. 


Yet, that is exactly what SR claims.  Each particle is its own observer.
Although, I have often pointed this out as another error in SR theory.  If
40 people watch a collision, does the collision then have 40 times the
energy it otherwise would have had if there were only one observer?
Obviously not.  As you correctly deduce, the only observer of importance is
the one involved in a collision with the moving particle.  But even still,
if a single aluminum nucleus were traveling at the speed of light, and its
mass approached infinity, according to E=mc^2 the amount of energy in the
collision would also be near infinite.  This has not been observed.


 Such Zen koan-like observations invariably raise the legitimate question
as to HOW is it that this extra mass can behave in such a fickle manner.
really doesn't exist per-say, but rather the extra mass is simply being
used as an expedient vehicle in order to make the SR equations make sense.
But perhaps I have exceeded my area of expertise on the matter. ;-)


The concept of extra mass is meaningless.  Mass is merely a dimension.
Mass is not a substance that can increase or decrease in value of itself.
As an analogy, if we join two ten feet long pipes together, we get twenty
feet of pipe, not twenty feet of length.  The dimension of length did not
increase, but the overall value of the pipes' length increased.  This will
be a sticking point for many people, but if you are interested in the
subtleties of Zen Buddhism, you should have no difficulty grasping the
difference between the dimension of length and the thing it measures.  The
same goes for mass.  There is the dimension of mass, and when it is given a
value, it becomes the measurement of inertia.




[Vo]: Outrage !!

2007-03-09 Thread Jones Beene

This is the Petrocracy at works, folks:

[Vo]: Re: Outrage !!

2007-03-09 Thread Michel Jullian
Outrageous indeed! There is a related case here in France where they want to 
charge a farmer who's been selling vegetable oil as a fuel a tax called the 
TIPP, where the PP initials mean produits petroliers, which is even more 
outrageous than this story since the product he sells isn't petroleum based!

Extract of the article you linked us to:
I think it's inappropriate of state dollars to send two people to Mr. Wetzel's 
home to do this. They could have done with a more friendly approach. It could 
have been done on the phone. To use an intimidation factor on this - who is he 
harming? Two revenue agents. You'd think there's a better use of their time, 
Watson said.

Not to mention the CO2 emissions, the cherry on the cake!


- Original Message - 
From: Jones Beene [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: vortex
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2007 5:36 PM
Subject: [Vo]: Outrage !!

 This is the Petrocracy at works, folks: 

Re: [Vo]: Mass versus Energy

2007-03-09 Thread Paul Lowrance

David Thomson wrote:
 I think I'm getting tired of trying to show people the Aether Physics Model.
 I'm ready to just turn within and work on my own development and let people
 discover the answers to physics for themselves.

Sorry to jump in, as my time only permits me to follow my own threads at Vo. 
I'm not taking sides with anyone, but had a few pennies to toss in.

I'm not a QM specialist, but I know something about QM.  In QM the vacuum or 
empty space is not empty.  This is very clear in quantum physics.  This is 
called the vacuum energy, which is the lowest possible energy, the ground state. 
In QM there are violations in the conservation of energy, but such violations 
occurs only for brief moment in time.

Some may refer to such quantum fluctuations as Aether, which is fine.  Although 
most physicists have a problem with that since there were so many flavors of 
Aether theories over time.  Personally I think it would be respectful to title 
quantum space as Aether.

Also in QM there are virtual particles, which would interest Aether theorists, 
since such virtual particles are the cause for the coulomb force, strong nuclear 
force, weak nuclear force, spontaneous emission of photons, Casimir effect, van 
der Waals force, Vacuum polarization, Lamb shift, and Hawking radiation.

Theories are great, but a theory usually receives death ears from the science 
community until such a theory can correctly predict all known effects and 
experiments such as --

* Single electron double slit experiment.
* Single photon double slit experiment.
* Delayed choice experiment.
* Van der Waals' forces.
* Zel'dovich radiation.
* Cherenkov radiation.
* Hawking radiation.
* Quantum tunnelling.
* Casimir effect.
* Unruh effect.
* Quantum Hall Effect.
* Quantum Zeno effect.
* Quantum confinement effect.
* Aharonov-Bohm effect.
* Compton effect.
* Photoelectric effect.
* Primakoff effect.
* Scharnhorst effect.
* Zeeman effect.
* Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect.
* Schottky effect.
* Peltier-Seebeck effect.
* Mössbauer effect.
* Meissner effect.
* Leidenfrost effect.
* Kaye effect.
* Josephson effect.
* Ferroelectric effect.
* Faraday effect.
* Biefeld-Brown effect, also known as electrohydrodynamics (EHD).

Furthermore, the theory must use an accurate and stable method of predicting 
such theories such as mathematics or computer software.

Paul Lowrance

RE: [Vo]: Mass versus Energy

2007-03-09 Thread David Thomson
Hi Paul,

Let me see, Einstein explained the photoelectric effect, but none of the
others items in your list rings a bell when I look over his papers.  I have
written a 27 page basic introduction to the theory, which I had to keep as
short as possible but still present the theory.  In that paper, I cover
several of the observations listed below, and several others could be easily
derived as they are logically implied.  The theory I present is
mathematically correct and is modeled in MathCAD.  

So you are saying, write the paper and they will read it.  You haven't
read it, apparently.  

I have presented a completely new foundation for physics, which explains
many things not explained in the Standard Model, including a mathematically
correct unification of the forces, an electron binding energy equation, a
correction in the dimensions of charge used in units, as well as the
discovery of a second type of charge.  I have discovered the final force law
for the strong force, which is identical in structure to Newton's and
Coulomb's laws.  I have quantified exactly how the physical Universe arose
from non-material cause, exceeding the Big Bang theory in scope.

Modern physicists get into the news for predicting the Higgs Boson, which
has never been observed and never will be.  Scientists get Nobel prizes for
theories involving imaginary Pions and Gluons.  Scientists are thrilled that
their physics is confused as to whether quantum existence is a wave or a
particle, and they are ecstatic to claim that quantum existence is nothing
more than a probability function.

Somebody comes along, uses the empirical data and constants to derive a
discrete model of physics, which answers many of the questions sought by
modern science, and instead of being welcomed, he is told to go back to his
cave until he has solved every possible problem in physics.  What kind of
response is that?  What justification do you have to tell me that I have to
single handedly rewrite all of physics before my theories can be accepted,
when I present many unique discoveries and no other scientist has ever been
told to do similar?


 Theories are great, but a theory usually receives death ears from the
science community until such a theory can correctly predict all known
effects and experiments such as --

* Single electron double slit experiment.
* Single photon double slit experiment.
* Delayed choice experiment.
* Van der Waals' forces.
* Zel'dovich radiation.
* Cherenkov radiation.
* Hawking radiation.
* Quantum tunnelling.
* Casimir effect.
* Unruh effect.
* Quantum Hall Effect.
* Quantum Zeno effect.
* Quantum confinement effect.
* Aharonov-Bohm effect.
* Compton effect.
* Photoelectric effect.
* Primakoff effect.
* Scharnhorst effect.
* Zeeman effect.
* Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect.
* Schottky effect.
* Peltier-Seebeck effect.
* Mössbauer effect.
* Meissner effect.
* Leidenfrost effect.
* Kaye effect.
* Josephson effect.
* Ferroelectric effect.
* Faraday effect.
* Biefeld-Brown effect, also known as electrohydrodynamics (EHD).

Furthermore, the theory must use an accurate and stable method of predicting

such theories such as mathematics or computer software.

Paul Lowrance

[Vo]: Szpak electron capture model

2007-03-09 Thread Jones Beene


There is a bit of a turf-war brewing here, as I had sensed.

Szpak et al. sez: A model from a chemist’s perspective that is
consistent with the state of the system, imposed constraints
and the nature of the electron—nucleus reaction rather than
on arbitrarily assumed set of approximations, is proposed.
However, from a physicist’s point of view, the theoretical
arguments offered in this communication are pure speculation.

That is about as carefully phrased as one will ever see such a major 
turf-war put-down in a peer-reviewed paper. Unfortunately for the 
electochemists, they may be prematurely puffing their collective chests 
(no offense, Pam) as their theory is pretty much a crock (at least from 
the physicist's, and even the armchair vortexians, POV).

They continue: Within the reaction volume, the concentration of 
energetic electrons ... is sufficiently large so that ... electron 
capture can be described as a chemical reaction ... with the neutrino 
escaping the reaction volume. The reaction (e-) + (D+) -- 2n is the 
source of low energy neutrons (Szpak, unpublished data), which are the 
product of the energetically weak reaction

Oops... stop here. There are almost zero independent studies or results 
which show neutrons produced anywhere near to commensurate with the 
excess energy seen (4 orders of magnitude, say) -- yet -- they want to 
introduce these unpublished results to justify this bizarre ... sorry... 
make that 'almost physically impossible' theory.

They continue This model states that the transmutation
reactions, X(n,r)Y, determine the excess power and
it specifies the mechanism by which a chemical reaction
can trigger a nuclear response.

Maybe ... but excuse me... if the excess power is the result of 
neutrons, then why are no neutrons sufficient to achieve these high 
levels of excess energy ever seen in this kind of reaction - EXCEPT in 
the aforementioned (Szpak, unpublished data) category ? Did they 
expect to casually pass this small detail off without raising a few 

And on top of everything else they admit that electrons necessary to 
pull this off would need be in the range of 800,000 eV ... from which 
the secondary gammas which will surely stand-out like a sore thumb, no?

Where is the gamma spectroscopy ? Are we to believe everything, based on 
CR-39 ?

This latest chapter in the quest for LENR respectability is looking less 
and less certain ... I kinda wish they had just stuck with the film 
results, and let others (even the dreaded fizzix professionals) make the 
necessary leap of faith into a justifiable model.


Re: [Vo]: Proof of capturing ambient temperature energy

2007-03-09 Thread Harry Veeder
Michel Jullian wrote:

 COP is the ratio of output power to input power.
 Same thing actually: Eout/Ein = Pout*t / Pin*t = Pout/Pin
 Jed's COP=1.2 example was given in terms of energy (1200 joules out / 1000
 joules in), my COP=4 example was in terms of power (1000 watts out / 250 watts

The practical significance of the two ratios is very different.
Eout/Ein says nothing about the rate at which energy needs to be
supplied to the system to maintain the ratio.

e.g. 1000 joules in per second and 1200 joules out per minute
is not the same as 1000 watts in and 1200 watts out.


Re: [Vo]: Proof of capturing ambient temperature energy

2007-03-09 Thread Michel Jullian
You're right Harry it's more rigorous to define the COP as the ratio of output 
power to input power. Note that for heat pumps it is often used even more 
rigorously to describe the ratio of output (moved) thermal power to input 
mechanical power, i.e. taking the motor or engine's efficiency out of the 

IMHO one can use both definitions provided one defines clearly the _system_ 
under study (heat pump alone, or motor+ heat pump combination, commercially 
called heat pump)


- Original Message - 
From: Harry Veeder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2007 7:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]: Proof of capturing ambient temperature energy

 Michel Jullian wrote:
 COP is the ratio of output power to input power.
 Same thing actually: Eout/Ein = Pout*t / Pin*t = Pout/Pin
 Jed's COP=1.2 example was given in terms of energy (1200 joules out / 1000
 joules in), my COP=4 example was in terms of power (1000 watts out / 250 
 The practical significance of the two ratios is very different.
 Eout/Ein says nothing about the rate at which energy needs to be
 supplied to the system to maintain the ratio.
 e.g. 1000 joules in per second and 1200 joules out per minute
 is not the same as 1000 watts in and 1200 watts out.

Re: [Vo]: Half full or half empty

2007-03-09 Thread Harry Veeder
David Thomson wrote:

 Hi Harry,
 Is y = xa^2 not an equation?
 Yes, it is the equation of a straight line with slope a^2.
 Of course, it is an equation.  All the variables are truly variables and
 have the same dimension of one.  Do you really think that E=mc^2 is the
 equation of a straight line with slope c^2?  Are you implying that because
 y=xa^2 is an equation that p=ac^2 is an equation where p is pressure, a is
 acceleration, and c is the speed of light?

No, because a variable with a mass dimension is missing from the right side
of the equation. Besides, I was only addressing your remark about it not
being an equation.

 When you arbitrarily change variables to constants and assign specific
 dimensions to other variables, you end up with completely different

Of course, but there is no such problem with E = mc^2.

 In the case where y and x are given specific dimensions, those dimensions
 have specific implied values, depending upon the system of units used.  For
 example, in the MKS system of units:
 joule = kilogram * (meter/second)^2
 You cannot then arbitrarily change the unit values for meters per second to
 a different value and still have an equality.

 Once you assign a constant to one of the variables, which is not consistent
 with the system of units being used,

but the dimension of c^2 is consistent with energy units.

 the other variables cannot maintain
 their dimensions within the equation.  You end up with:
 y = xc^2
 You cannot reference y as energy or x as mass.  Since c was arbitrarily
 chosen, x and y are now also arbitrary.  You would need a system of units
 where v^2 = c^2, such as in the Aether Physics Model's quantum measurements
 units, in order have a dimensional equation involving c^2.
 True, there are many situations that will work as though x is mass and y is
 energy, but it is not a mathematical certainty.  Therefore, it is possible
 for many applications of E=mc^2 to appear to be valid, but there are also
 applications for where it is not.

Sorry, I just don't see what you see.


Re: [Vo]: Mass versus Energy

2007-03-09 Thread Paul Lowrance

David Thomson wrote:
 Hi Paul,

 Let me see, Einstein explained the photoelectric effect, but none of the
 others items in your list rings a bell when I look over his papers.


I'll point out the difference.  Einstein's paper was aimed at one thing, The 
Photoelectric Effect.  I provided you with a list in my previous email; e.g., 
Quantum tunneling.  Most physicists would agree that a paper on the 
Photoelectric effect does not need to address Quantum tunneling.  Correct me if 
I'm wrong, but it seems your Aether theory is broad --
and includes topics such as, quoting --
Unified Force Theory,
Structure of the Aether
Structure of subatomic particles
Dark matter
Origin of neutrinos
Geometry of space-resonance
Two manifestations of charges
Geometry of charges
many other physics topics.

 I have
 written a 27 page basic introduction to the theory, which I had to keep as
 short as possible but still present the theory.  In that paper, I cover
 several of the observations listed below, and several others could be easily
 derived as they are logically implied.  The theory I present is
 mathematically correct and is modeled in MathCAD.

 So you are saying, write the paper and they will read it.  You haven't
 read it, apparently.

You left out a key ingredient.  Your Aether theory appears very broad. 
Physicists therefore *need* to hear you claim that your theory predicts the 
aforementioned list in addition to many other effects, experiments, etc. etc.

I'll add to that list

* Davisson-Germer experiment
* Stern–Gerlach experiment
* EPR paradox · Schrodinger's Cat

 I have presented a completely new foundation for physics, which explains
 many things not explained in the Standard Model, including a mathematically
 correct unification of the forces, an electron binding energy equation, a
 correction in the dimensions of charge used in units, as well as the
 discovery of a second type of charge.  I have discovered the final force law
 for the strong force, which is identical in structure to Newton's and
 Coulomb's laws.  I have quantified exactly how the physical Universe arose
 from non-material cause, exceeding the Big Bang theory in scope.

No offense intended, but to save time may I ask if you are well versed in the 
following Quantum Physics --

* Quantum field theory
* Quantum electrodynamics
* Quantum chromodynamics
* Quantum gravity

I'm thinking that most physicists specializing in quantum physics would disagree 
with you.

 Modern physicists get into the news for predicting the Higgs Boson, which
 has never been observed and never will be.  Scientists get Nobel prizes for
 theories involving imaginary Pions and Gluons.

I thought charged pions were verified in 1947, and the neutral pion was verified 
in 1950.  Furthermore I thought gluons were verified in 1979.

We cannot lump all scientists in the one basket since it's a vast field.

 Scientists are thrilled that
 their physics is confused as to whether quantum existence is a wave or a
 particle, and they are ecstatic to claim that quantum existence is nothing
 more than a probability function.

One thing I know, a lot of people get such an impression when listening to t.v. 
documentaries and about QM because the public is only interested in what is 
called an Interpreation of a theory.  As far as I know, there is nothing 
confusing about the quantum wavefunction mathematics in regards to being a 
particle or wave.

 Somebody comes along, uses the empirical data and constants to derive a
 discrete model of physics, which answers many of the questions sought by
 modern science, and instead of being welcomed, he is told to go back to his
 cave until he has solved every possible problem in physics.  What kind of
 response is that?

It's a real response because --

1. They value their time.
2. They already have a theory that predicts my aforementioned list, and a whole 
lot more. QED for example is presently verified to an accuracy of 10^-12, which 
is merely a limitation to experimental error.

You cannot reasonably ask them to spend the time to go through your theory until 
at least you yourself verify your theory accurately predicts what QM predicts 
and then some.  I hope you accept this.

 What justification do you have to tell me that I have to
 single handedly rewrite all of physics before my theories can be accepted,

I'm not. Each person has their own free will, and therefore if you can find 
people to help you then great, but you cannot expect most physicists to do what 
you want. How long would it take you to go over the aforementioned list to at 
least verify their theory works? If it were my theory then I would be very 
excited to go through each item to see if the theory worked.

 when I present many unique discoveries and no other scientist has ever been
 told to do similar?

Now that's not true. Most physicists work on a specific area. You are 

Re: [Vo]: Proof of capturing ambient temperature energy

2007-03-09 Thread Paul Lowrance

Michel Jullian wrote:
 You're right Harry it's more rigorous to define the COP as the ratio of 
output power to input power. Note that for heat pumps it is often used even more 
rigorously to describe the ratio of output (moved) thermal power to input 
mechanical power, i.e. taking the motor or engine's efficiency out of the equation.

 IMHO one can use both definitions provided one defines clearly the _system_ 
under study (heat pump alone, or motor+ heat pump combination, commercially 
called heat pump)


I'm wondering if Tom Bearden's usage of COP is correct, or does Tom use a 
different COP term?


Paul Lowrance

RE: [Vo]: E=mc^2 without SR.

2007-03-09 Thread Steven Vincent Johnson
Hello again, Dave,

 Nuclear fission, regardless of what isotope is involved,
 results in the unbinding of nuclei and hence should absorb
 energy and convert it to matter. This is not the case.

 It is not the case because nuclei heavier than iron tend to
 be inherently unstable. But I am no expert in nuclear physics.

These two comments expressed by Mr. Thompson and Mr. Veeder appear to reveal a 
major bone of contention, an issue I gather that has been thrashed about for 
some time now. Let me approach the on-going controversy from a different 

Why is it always being argued that fusing atomic particles MUST always release 
energy no matter where we are on the atomic number scale, at least according to 
Einstein's E=MC^2 equation?

Likewise, why is it always being argued that splitting atomic particles MUST my 
default always absorb energy no matter where we are on the atomic number scale, 
according to E=MC^2.

Why? Why is it always being argued that, according to Einstein's E=MC^2, these 
two conditions MUST occur in ONLY this way?  I don't get why this seems to be 
such an absolute constant in your argument.

We all agree on the fact that energy is observed being released when fusing 
atomic nuclei, when dealing with elements under the atomic number of Fe, iron. 
Likewise we all agree on the fact that energy is also observed being released 
when atomic nuclei are split apart, when dealing with elements greater than the 
atomic number of Fe. In both cases, regardless of whether we are approaching Fe 
from above or below this magic atomic number, mass is reduced as measured by 
the remaining subatomic particles within the nuclei.

Perhaps I should ask this vexing question from a different POV: How does the 
Aether theory explain the apparent loss of mass in fission interactions?

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]: Outrage !!

2007-03-09 Thread Terry Blanton

I'm afraid their ordeal might not be over.  The Feds will be next.

This will become a problem for Tesla and with BEVs in general.  This
is also why the Gov't needs to sell a fuel . . . some kind of fuel.
Highways are maintained by the federal excise tax on fuel.  If you're
not selling fuel, you have no $$ for highways and the corruption that
goes with it.

BTW, Tesla is rumored to have cut a deal with Ford for Fusion
Coasters.  What's a coaster? you might say.  Well, a coaster is a
automobile without a drive train.  No need to waste the $$ on buying
the unnecessary IC Engine (my new name . . . ICE is too cool a name
for those stinkers) or tranny.  Just pop in your Bettery and your
Torque machine and awwaay you go!


On 3/9/07, Jones Beene [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This is the Petrocracy at works, folks:

Re: [Vo]: Proof of capturing ambient temperature energy

2007-03-09 Thread Michel Jullian
Sorry if he is a friend of yours, but maybe his particular definition for COP 
can be guessed by reading this page...
(in which Naudin is mistakenly taken for a scientist BTW, Randi even calls him 
Dr Naudin :)

...or any of the 1 others Google finds when you search:
tom bearden fraud


- Original Message - 
From: Paul Lowrance [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2007 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]: Proof of capturing ambient temperature energy

 Michel Jullian wrote:
  You're right Harry it's more rigorous to define the COP as the ratio of 
 output power to input power. Note that for heat pumps it is often used even 
 rigorously to describe the ratio of output (moved) thermal power to input 
 mechanical power, i.e. taking the motor or engine's efficiency out of the 
  IMHO one can use both definitions provided one defines clearly the _system_ 
 under study (heat pump alone, or motor+ heat pump combination, commercially 
 called heat pump)
 I'm wondering if Tom Bearden's usage of COP is correct, or does Tom use a 
 different COP term?
 Paul Lowrance

Re: [Vo]: E=mc^2 without SR.

2007-03-09 Thread Terry Blanton

OOps!  Now I am.

On 3/9/07, Terry Blanton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 3/9/07, David Thomson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Terry,

waves and looks around

I'm not in this thread.  :-)


Re: [Vo]: E=mc^2 without SR.

2007-03-09 Thread Terry Blanton

On 3/9/07, David Thomson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Terry,

waves and looks around

I'm not in this thread.  :-)


Re: [Vo]: Proof of capturing ambient temperature energy

2007-03-09 Thread Paul Lowrance

Michel Jullian wrote:
 Sorry if he is a friend of yours, but maybe his particular definition for COP 
can be guessed by reading this page...
 (in which Naudin is mistakenly taken for a scientist BTW, Randi even calls 
him Dr Naudin :)

 ...or any of the 1 others Google finds when you search:
 tom bearden fraud

Sorry, IMHO James Randi is one of the most unintelligent individuals I know of. 
 I would be more than happy to read just about any other source.  A google 
search on {tom bearden fraud} is not exactly what I had in mind as information.

Paul Lowrance

Re: [Vo]: Outrage !!

2007-03-09 Thread Jed Rothwell
Terry Blanton wrote:

This will become a problem for Tesla and with BEVs in general.  This
is also why the Gov't needs to sell a fuel . . . some kind of fuel.
Highways are maintained by the federal excise tax on fuel.  If you're
not selling fuel, you have no $$ for highways and the corruption that
goes with it.

I do not think this would be a problem for the government. If cars run on 
electricity, they can easily tax electricity. If they run on cold fusion, the 
government can almost as easily tax mileage based on odometer readings, using 
some sort of digital odometer. The government can begin doing this after about 
a million people switch over to the new fuel, when the lost revenue becomes 

I do not know whether highway taxes are more likely to invite corruption than 
other kinds, but I think we should have them. I seldom drive, and I know people 
in cities who never drive. It is unfair to ask us to pay for the highways we do 
not use. Of course it is okay to ask us to pay for part of them, but heavy 
drivers should pay much more, and trucks even more, since heavy vehicles wear 
out roads more quickly.

I favor wider use of road tolls, using automatic detection devices rather than 
toll booths, so that noone has to slow down. Perhaps on-board GPS units would 
do the job. I think we should charge automobile drivers $1 per mile, and make 
public transport such as buses and trains free. Automobile drivers cause much 
more environmental harm than people riding on MARTA trains.

- Jed

[Vo]: Fw: [BOBPARKS-WHATSNEW] What's New Friday March 9, 2007

2007-03-09 Thread Akira Kawasaki

-Forwarded Message-from Akira Kawasaki

From: What's New [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mar 9, 2007 1:25 PM
Subject: [BOBPARKS-WHATSNEW] What's New Friday March 9, 2007

WHAT'S NEW   Robert L. Park   Friday, 9 Mar 07   Washington, DC

The Alaskan division of the Fish and Wildlife Service circulated
a memo instructing biologists not discuss global warming or polar
bears unless they have been designated to do so.  Hmmm.  A year
ago NASA's top climate scientist, physicist James Hansen, was
being pressured by a White House appointee to cool it on global
warming .  NASA
chief Michael Griffin put a stop to that, issuing a policy that
allows scientists to speak their minds if they give their boss
notice.  Science owes its success to a culture of openness in
which Nature is The Decider.  Anything else is just religion.

Conservative Christian sounds like an oxymoron to me, but there
is a split between the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE)
which has expanded its agenda to include climate change and human
rights, and really conservative groups.  These would include
James Dobson's Focus on the Family, Gary Bauer's Coalitions for
America  and Tony Perkins' Family Research Council.  Note: Real
conservatives aren't interested in conservation.  The Christian
right wants to get back to fighting the real enemy   sex.  Sex
and drugs were the downfall of Ted Haggard, who was the President
of the NAE . 

The commitment of physicists to the principle of openness was
tested this very morning in Denver at the APS March meeting, as
it has been every year for 108 years.  Roy Masters, author of
God Science and Free Energy from Gravity, was to deliver
Electricity from Gravity at 9:36 a.m.  Anyone can deliver a
paper at the March Meeting.  What if Masters actually succeeded
in using up our gravity to keep the lights on?  Not to worry.  

Even as Roy Masters was talking about generating energy from
gravity, George W. Bush was cutting a deal with President Luiz
Ignacio Lula da Silva of Brazil to use ethanol.  It made about as
much sense.  We've been through this before: Brazil makes ethanol
from sugar cane.  We grown corn.  Corn is food.  The diversion of
food to fuel, even at today's trivial level, has already inflated
the price of corn in Mexico, sending Mexicans north for better
paying jobs.  Toxic waste from fermentation of sugar cane is
dumped in the Amazon.  We don't have an Amazon.  Because the
energy balance is precarious, sugar cane must be harvested in
Brazil by hand.  That condemns vast numbers of laborers to
serfdom.  We don't have serfs - yet.  What we do have is lots of
people who are capable of running the numbers for the President
to see if ethanol is any kind of a solution.  None of these
people seem to be in the White House.

Opinions are the author's and not necessarily shared by the
University of Maryland, but they should be.
Archives of What's New can be found at
What's New is moving to a different listserver and our
subscription process has changed. To change your subscription
status please visit this link:

Re: [Vo]: Is Big brother watching?

2007-03-09 Thread Harry Veeder

David Thomson wrote:

 Hi Harry,
 These days I am more concerned with Big Sister than Big Brother.
 Why is that?

Big Sister is hard at work making the sexes equal.

Re: [Vo]: Spooky Radar

2007-03-09 Thread Robin van Spaandonk
In reply to  Terry Blanton's message of Fri, 9 Mar 2007 09:38:40 -0500:

US defence contractor looks for quantum leap in radar research

David Adam
Tuesday March 6, 2007
The Guardian

They designed an exploding cigar to kill Fidel Castro and hired
fortune-tellers to fight the cold war. Now the US military is taking
its war on terror where even Albert Einstein feared to tread - into
the baffling world of quantum mechanics. Lockheed Martin, a main US
defence contractor, thinks it can exploit research on the fringes of
theoretical physics to build the ultimate radar, which could see
through anything, from buildings to solid earth.

more will even find the WMD you don't have..;)


Robin van Spaandonk

Competition (capitalism) provides the motivation,
Cooperation (communism) provides the means.

Re: [Vo]: Outrage !!

2007-03-09 Thread Kyle R. Mcallister
- Original Message - 
From: Jed Rothwell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Friday, March 09, 2007 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]: Outrage !!

I do not know whether highway taxes are more likely to invite corruption 
than other kinds, but I think we should have them. I seldom drive, and I 
know people in  cities who never drive.

I honestly don't know if this is a bad idea or a good idea, I don't know. 
However, I do find it amusing that here in Vortexland (and everywhere else 
for the most part) any suggestion for changing something having to do with 
hitting us up for more money to drive generally has the qualifier this 
doesn't apply to me though... or some such derivation.

I drive a long way each day to work and back, compared to many, and probably 
a long way in your opinion. About 40 miles round trip. I have no choice, the 
economy here is devastated and will only get worse. You can do nothing here 
without permits for this and regulations for that, and so everything is 
gone. This was once a big steel all the steel here is from damned 
China. We have to fight to make a living. Heating bills here in this frozen 
wasteland are enormous. We are taxed out of our homes here, literally. Those 
taxes are largely wasted on pork projects and the lazy. I do not want help 
from these corrupt people, but even if I did, I couldn't get it for a few 
reasons: 1., I work and make too much money, 2., I am the wrong race. That 
isn't racism either, its simple fact of observation. I've been with friends 
who try as hard as they can, and needed some help during the coldest parts 
of winter, as they went for assistance downtown. They were told in no 
uncertain terms that they were not eligible due to income (too much of it, 
so called) and due to not being a minority.

To tax us further, without something giving somewhere, will destroy us more. 
I'm just a lowly mechanic (by day anyways) and make very little. I imagine 
many of you high minded dreamers here on Vortex make far more and could 
handle this. What do you say to us? If we go, who will fix your cars? I'd 
like to see some of you try to fix a modern electronicized, 
over-emissionized, plastic-and-aluminum, engine shoehorned into the tiny 
engine bay car with the Bible sized wiring diagram. You will quite simply be 
screwed over royally. Try doing this on a hybrid, and you are adding even 
more difficulty. We can barely do it at our shop, as the crooks at Toyota 
will not sell us the tools we need. Want to change your own transmission 
fluid in your Mercedes-Benz? Good luck without your blue-collar mechanic's 
shop... Mercedes-Benz sells you the car without a dipstick! MB WORKSHOP 
ONLY printed in nice friendly letters on the transaxle dipstick handle with 
no dipstick connected to it. If you just guess, and overfill the 
transmission, oopsfoaming of the fluid and the transmission is done.

To go futher on about this issue of taxes and regulations, did you know that 
all new cars will soon be required to have sensors in the wheels to alert 
you of low tire pressure? I have to go to a meeting on my own time, and 
which I am not paid for, on March 27th to be taught how to use the new tire 
valves and how to reset the sensors and such should we need to plug a nail 
hole in a tire. Gone bye-bye are the days of punching the plug into the 
tire, fill 'er with air and drive off into the it is all 
computerized. We need a damned SILICON tax! Who is going to pay for this 
crap? You are. And me, eventually, when all the old cars are gone and I have 
to buy something post-1995. No one needs tire pressure sensors. What people 
need is a working brain to get off their lazy, stupid, computer-jockey asses 
and learn how to make sure 32psi is in their tires. (That's PSI 
bloody kilopascals, thanks much)

New York also has the NYVIP joke as well... New York Vehicle Inspection 
Program. It is a computer that scans the barcode of your registration 
sticker so that you can do an inspection on the vehicle in question. When 
the computer works, of course. The Empire state, with its vast wealth and 
variety of resources bought the cheapest computers and peripherals they 
could find, and cobbled it together with ape-level intelligence. Then 
requires us to buy this thing at $3500, or sorry, we can't do inspections 
anymore. If your car is older than 1996, you are lucky. If 1996 or newer, 
you get the OBDII connector plugged into the DLC port under the dashboard, 
and the computer (hopefully) communicates with your vehicle's ECM, and sees 
if the emissions are kosher. If not, you fail inspection. Butits not 
necessarily if your emissions are excessive. If your Service Engine Soon 
or Check Engine light is on for any reason, the computer will fail the 
car. You will be charged too, we can't cancel the inspection and just let 
you leave without getting the inspection done and get it fixed (or fix it 

Re: [Vo]: Outrage !!

2007-03-09 Thread John Berry

Turn up the heater, do go for a drive in the summer and find less depressing
music and maybe environment.

Of course there is an answer to all of this, but it won't be found in your
current mindset...

Be proactive and productive, change things don't just reduce how fast you
are taking a part in destroying the world, be a force for good not a smaller
force for bad.

On 3/10/07, Kyle R. Mcallister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

- Original Message -
From: Jed Rothwell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2007 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]: Outrage !!

 I do not know whether highway taxes are more likely to invite corruption
 than other kinds, but I think we should have them. I seldom drive, and I
 know people in  cities who never drive.

I honestly don't know if this is a bad idea or a good idea, I don't know.
However, I do find it amusing that here in Vortexland (and everywhere else
for the most part) any suggestion for changing something having to do with
hitting us up for more money to drive generally has the qualifier this
doesn't apply to me though... or some such derivation.

I drive a long way each day to work and back, compared to many, and
a long way in your opinion. About 40 miles round trip. I have no choice,
economy here is devastated and will only get worse. You can do nothing
without permits for this and regulations for that, and so everything is
gone. This was once a big steel all the steel here is from
China. We have to fight to make a living. Heating bills here in this
wasteland are enormous. We are taxed out of our homes here, literally.
taxes are largely wasted on pork projects and the lazy. I do not want help
from these corrupt people, but even if I did, I couldn't get it for a few
reasons: 1., I work and make too much money, 2., I am the wrong race.
isn't racism either, its simple fact of observation. I've been with
who try as hard as they can, and needed some help during the coldest parts
of winter, as they went for assistance downtown. They were told in no
uncertain terms that they were not eligible due to income (too much of it,
so called) and due to not being a minority.

To tax us further, without something giving somewhere, will destroy us
I'm just a lowly mechanic (by day anyways) and make very little. I imagine
many of you high minded dreamers here on Vortex make far more and could
handle this. What do you say to us? If we go, who will fix your cars? I'd
like to see some of you try to fix a modern electronicized,
over-emissionized, plastic-and-aluminum, engine shoehorned into the tiny
engine bay car with the Bible sized wiring diagram. You will quite simply
screwed over royally. Try doing this on a hybrid, and you are adding even
more difficulty. We can barely do it at our shop, as the crooks at Toyota
will not sell us the tools we need. Want to change your own transmission
fluid in your Mercedes-Benz? Good luck without your blue-collar mechanic's
shop... Mercedes-Benz sells you the car without a dipstick! MB WORKSHOP
ONLY printed in nice friendly letters on the transaxle dipstick handle
no dipstick connected to it. If you just guess, and overfill the
transmission, oopsfoaming of the fluid and the transmission is done.

To go futher on about this issue of taxes and regulations, did you know
all new cars will soon be required to have sensors in the wheels to alert
you of low tire pressure? I have to go to a meeting on my own time, and
which I am not paid for, on March 27th to be taught how to use the new
valves and how to reset the sensors and such should we need to plug a nail
hole in a tire. Gone bye-bye are the days of punching the plug into the
tire, fill 'er with air and drive off into the it is all
computerized. We need a damned SILICON tax! Who is going to pay for this
crap? You are. And me, eventually, when all the old cars are gone and I
to buy something post-1995. No one needs tire pressure sensors. What
need is a working brain to get off their lazy, stupid, computer-jockey
and learn how to make sure 32psi is in their tires. (That's PSI
bloody kilopascals, thanks much)

New York also has the NYVIP joke as well... New York Vehicle Inspection
Program. It is a computer that scans the barcode of your registration
sticker so that you can do an inspection on the vehicle in question. When
the computer works, of course. The Empire state, with its vast wealth and
variety of resources bought the cheapest computers and peripherals they
could find, and cobbled it together with ape-level intelligence. Then
requires us to buy this thing at $3500, or sorry, we can't do inspections
anymore. If your car is older than 1996, you are lucky. If 1996 or newer,
you get the OBDII connector plugged into the DLC port under the dashboard,
and the computer (hopefully) communicates with your vehicle's ECM, and

Re: [Vo]: Outrage !!

2007-03-09 Thread Terry Blanton

On 3/9/07, Kyle R. Mcallister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I drive a long way each day to work and back, compared to many, and probably
a long way in your opinion. About 40 miles round trip.

The average commute in Atlanta is 34 miles one way.  I personally do
23 miles one way.

We have many who commute from South Carolina every day.  I  have a co
worker who commutes from Chattanooga.


[Vo]: New Challenge to Jed

2007-03-09 Thread John Berry

Ok, so the thermite, the squib explosions that can be plainly seen and heard
(and recorded) and which burnt people and thew them around, and went off
before the collapse and thermite detected, buildings pancaking at freefall
speeds, the people doing work on the building before 911 (an unprecedented
power down) and removing the bomb sniffing dogs there after, the pod (or a
never before seen optical illususion on a plane?), the flash in all videos
of both planes just before they hit, the total lack of evidence of a plane
crash at Pennsylvania, everyone smelling cordite at the Pentagon, the calls
that couldn't have been made (and the unreal conversations claimed: This is
your son, Mark Bingham, You Believe me don't you? (that's how every phone
conversation goes with my mother)
The fact that the FBI admitted that the hijacker's ID were stolen and Arabs
weren't involed and the (many identified) were still alive. (There were also
no Arab names on the manifest, Autopsies showed no Arabs)
The plane the Mayor claim landed, everyone was told to evacuate the airport
(had to walk) and the flights either weren't scheduled or were at the wrong
gates to begin with. (and the pilot of one of the planes just happened to be
involved with a simulation of just such an event! What are the odds!)
The patently fake Osama that looks nothing like Osama and uses the wrong
hand to eat. (Osama is a lefty)

Ok, so none of this is able to even warrant you looking into the evidence
(as you show abundant ignorance of the position you are fighting against),
well just look at this video:

You can plainly see WTC7 (the Solomon Brother Building) in the background as
they report it has fallen, they were 20 minutes early!!!

This is not the first time, one of the well known JFK facts is that New
Zealand newspapers reported stuff they couldn't have possibly known yet,
again we see the media ahead of the game.
The result of a presidential election was printed beforehand too once.

No, obviously this won't convince you, indeed I had asked and you admitted
that no evidence possibly could, at least don't pretend you position is
supported by logic or evidence.

This isn't something I want to believe, this isn't a political statement and
it says nothing about what one expects of the future, it has nothing to do
with what is easy to believe or comfortable, it has nothing to do with
patriotism (well I'm a kiwi so obviously not) or what someone thinks of
right .vs left or capitalist .vs communist or any other issue that may be
brought up, it's about one thing, the evidence.

You can't brush it aside by giving anecdotes about cold fusion, Japan or

You are welcome to close your eyes, cover your ears and hum if you wish

Re: [Vo]: Outrage !!

2007-03-09 Thread John Berry

Great, so $1360 a month, let's hope Jed doesn't get a job in government.

Personally I think that user pays is generally a poor idea, I'm more of a
flat rate all you can eat kind of guy, it is much more freeing, people don't
need to be obsessing over every mile like that.

But at the very least Jed's figures are 10 times too high at least, possible
s much as 100 times too high.

On 3/10/07, Terry Blanton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 3/9/07, Kyle R. Mcallister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I drive a long way each day to work and back, compared to many, and
 a long way in your opinion. About 40 miles round trip.

The average commute in Atlanta is 34 miles one way.  I personally do
23 miles one way.

We have many who commute from South Carolina every day.  I  have a co
worker who commutes from Chattanooga.


[Vo]: Beardem

2007-03-09 Thread thomas malloy

Michael Jullian wrote;
Sorry if he is a friend of yours, but maybe his particular definition for COP 
can be guessed by reading this page...
(in which Naudin is mistakenly taken for a scientist BTW, Randi even calls him Dr Naudin  :) 

...or any of the 1 others Google finds when you search:
tom bearden fraud

Ha, Dr. Tom Bearden and fraud, yes, I would expect at least 10,000 hits. OTOH, I'd love to see them take Randi's money. 

--- http://USFamily.Net/dialup.html - $8.25/mo! -- - $19.99/mo! ---