RE:[Vo]:Hurricane balls, RAR and high-Q factor

2014-03-21 Thread Roarty, Francis X
On Thursday March 20 Jones said [snip] Would moving cavities be able to couple 
ZPE more effectively than stationary?  [/snip]

This is why I posited that small mobile LENR reactors when discovered will lead 
quickly to inertialess drive..there should be a linkage between motion and the 
cavities ..or at least if there are any hydrogen or ambient gases in those 
regions to act as fractional state linkage where the orbitals remain connected 
to the nucleus but stretch [Lorentzian contracted] on the temporal axis to 
exist in a different frame than their associated nucleus - obeying all the 
normal laws of inertia but time dilated and spatially shifted appropriate to 
their frame / fractional/inverted Rydberg state.
My hypothesis is that the first time a compact LENR system is placed on a 
balance scale they will discover that the system balances out much quicker when 
turned off as opposed to when it is on...hints to the old legend of pyramid 
blocks being able to be scooted 2 bowshots after being struck by a special 
device and having the blocks it was elevated on yanked out... could they have 
been agitating the ambient gases in the calcium based stone into a tortured 
fractional state where the orbitals and nucleus were pinned to different 
rates of inertia? Holding the blocks in space between 2 different space time 
coordinates of the ambient fractional gas? Likewise I have tried to imagine 
similar material embodiments of casimir geometry and ambient gases that might 
explain different perpetual machines like circulating metal balls and magnets 
or coils and magnetic material to form armatures. How about silicon and 
hydrocarbons bubbling up through the sea floor of the Bermuda triangle :_)

From: Jones Beene []
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 11:21 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:Hurricane balls, RAR and high-Q factor

The continuing reports (on various alternative energy sites) about RAR having 
recently demonstrated overunity in Brazil, are provocative... but nothing more 
than rumor. Should we wait to explore the ramifications of perpmo - until it is 

Nah. Why wait? It was always obvious to the contrarian that everything at the 
atomic and molecular level is in perpetual motion, as is everything at the 
cosmological level, so why the hell should a well-constructed machine be 
forbidden, other than the fact that none have made the grade thus far? Never 
mind a theory - let's stick to lack of results.

It will not be obvious at first why paired-pelotas in the video below, 
consisting of two steel ball bearings welded together is also provocative. The 
two are a metaphorical cooper-pair, so to speak... raising another weird 
question: is there something about spherical-pairing alone, which is special - 
at any level?

In alternative energy - we are always looking out for carrier processes which 
are so efficient that they can be bootstrapped with something else which is 
very slightly gainful in a hidden way- so as to present an arguable case for 
overunity and/or perpetual motion in a more visible way.

Impossible? Perhaps, but that will not stop tinkers from trying. And the recent 
reports of success in Brazil gives hope that this feat has already been 
achieved on a grand scale, with or without Harry Tuttle. That machine 
supposedly harnesses gravity - but another option for perpmo is ZPE. The welded 
spheres are probably amenable to ZPE coupling (to be explained) even if there 
is nothing special in the cooper pair geometry itself.

A pendulum is the classic case of high-Q oscillation using gravity. Tuning 
forks are another high-Q oscillator using mechanical tension - and they can 
have quality factors around 1000 but the mass-in-motion is not high. The RAR 
machine would have a low-Q but high momentum, so we may be talking about the 
importance of a cross product. Moreover - the 'noise' of a tuning fork is 
'work' of a sort and a Q of 1000 when partial damping is present can lead to 
perpetual motion, to the extent that the radiated damping energy can reflected 
efficiently back to the oscillator.

Thus a room of tuning forks can have a Q which is much higher than the sum of 
units - despite the lack of efficient coupling. This comes up periodically 
here.  Since the frequency of tuning forks is high compared to a pendulum, and 
since coupling of energy is often better accomplished at high frequency 
(especially ZPE) higher is preferable. And a pendulum can have high momentum 
and high Q but only low frequency. In one case, a pendulum in a vacuum was 
shown to have a Q of 10,000,000 but the frequency was only around one Hertz. 
The Q of perpetual motion is infinite of course, and even giga-Q falls short. 
Anyway, the point is that there are three important parameters which together 
can point to perpetual motion on the macroscale. Q, Mo, and L 

RE: [Vo]:Hurricane balls, RAR and high-Q factor

2014-03-21 Thread Jones Beene
From: H Veeder


.two steel ball bearings welded together . are a metaphorical cooper-pair,
so to speak... raising another weird question: is there something about
spherical-pairing alone, which is special - at any level?

Nice.. two magnetic balls roll together and their linear motion is converted
into rotational motion.


Thank, Harry - this video is another good visual example of a larger
phenomenon involving pairing - since we can better visualize how linear
motion is converted to rotational naturally. This is somewhat along the
lines of how Bob Cook wants to fashion the LENR reaction, with the
conversion of kinetic energy of reactants being spin-coupled, in the end. 


However, IMO - this process does not require actual fusion to be anomalously
energetic. And coupling would never hide gamma rays, if there was a nuclear
reaction, so essentially coupling cannot be related to permanent fusion,
since the energies are too high. 


However, moderate excess energy - well above chemical but less than nuclear,
requires only the same basic force which keeps electrons from interacting
with protons to begin with. That force is the zero point field. Puthoff and
associates have elegantly framed the details of this kind of energy
transfer, but until recently, there was doubt that ZPE could be easily
converted to energy at a macro scale. 


The armchair theorist can imagine that the two balls are protons at a
distance, and when they are accelerated together, say during the collapse of
molecule of H2 due to electron degeneracy, Pauli exclusion keeps the two
from fusing, and yet their linear motion is converted to spin. Extraordinary
spin such as is the visual effect of the videos.


In fact, just prior to this happening with protons, the two electrons of H2
could have joined into a temporary cooper pair of electrons, which function
to accelerate the electrons towards each other. Thus one cooper-pair starts
the LENR reaction and another finishes it, but no permanent fusion takes
place. The transient electron pairing only needs to happen for a femtosecond
to set the stage for this form of LENR).


This model serves to explain, to an large extent, why Ni-H LENR can be so
robust with no permanent nuclear reaction at all - since all of the
resultant high spin is coupled back to magnons - which are easier to couple
within a ferromagnetic lattice than within an exciton. When the exciton is
ferromagnetic itself, the reaction is boosted and ZPE is converted to
thermal energy.




One further point about pairing of spheres being special or natural or
favored at many levels of geometry. This goes beyond cooper pairs - to


In our solar system, out sun is a single star, and consequently humans are
misled into thinking that most stars are singlets. 


In fact that is not true - and only about 15% of stars in our galaxy are
singlets. 85% of stars are found as binary or multiple arrangements.








[Vo]:2014 Cold Fusion Colloquium at MIT

2014-03-21 Thread Jed Rothwell
Starting now.


*2014 Cold Fusion Colloquium at MIT *
Starts at 9 AM promptly in Room 34-401
Mitchell Swartz
Our Emergent Need for a Clean, Efficient Energy Production Source
Arik El-Boher
Progress Toward Understanding Anomalous Heat.
Frank Gordon
Observations of a variety of Codeposition protocols used to prepare Cold
Fusion Cathodes
Larry Forsley
Neutron and Charged Particle Spectroscopy
Tom Claytor
Recent tritium production from electrically pulsed wires and foils
 Group Photo  Lunch
Yasuhiro Iwamura
Deuterium Permeation Induced Transmutation Experiments using
Nano-Structured Pd/CaO/Pd Multilayer Thin Film.
Mitchell Swartz
Excess Power Gain on both sides of an Avalanche Through a PdNi
Nanostructured Cold Fusion Component
Peter Hagelstein
Controlled Karabut experiment at SRI
Vladimir Vysotskii
Review of cavitation X-ray emission experiments
Olga Dmitriyeva
Using numerical simulations to better understand the Cold Fusion Environment
David Nagel
Scientific and Practical Questions about Cold Fusion

Starts at 9 AM promptly in Room 4-270
Brian Ahern
Nanomagnetism for Energy Production
*Francesco Celani*
Glass surface co-factors in the generation of anomalous effects under H2
gas at high temperatures
Pamela Mosier-Boss
CR-39 Detecting Emission during  Pd/D Codeposition Cold Fusion
John Dash
SEM and Energy Dispersive Spectrometer Studies of Metal Surfaces
Interacting with Hydrogen Isotopes
Peter Hagelstein
Model for Fractionation and Inverse Fractionation
 Group Photo   Lunch
Tadahiko Mizuno
Replicable Model for Controlled Nuclear Reaction using Metal Nanoparticles.
John Wallace
Relativistic quantum mechanics and Cold Fusion
George Miley
Ultra-dense clusters in nanoparticles and thin films for both hot and cold
Nikita Alexandrov
Advanced analytic and highly parallel Cold Fusion Experimentation
Vladimir Vysotskii
Observations of Biophysical Effects from Cold Fusion
Charles Beaudette
Post Missouri Priorities for Cold Fusion
Nathan Cohen
The Tortuous Path of Innovation and Implications for Cold Fusion in the
next Decade
 SATURDAY EVENING - Business Panel @ Hyatt for Registrants

Starts at 9 AM promptly in Room 4-270
Peter Hagelstein
Anomalies associated with Fracture Experiments
Larry Forsley
Enhanced Tc Superconductivity and Anomalous Nuclear Emissions in YBCO and
Vladimir Vysotskii
Application of coherent correlated states of interacting particle for Cold
Fusion Optimization
John Fisher
Polyneutron theory and its application to Excess Power Generation in three
types of Devices
Mitchell Swartz
Successful Applications of the Deuteron Flux Equation in Cold Fusion
Robert Smith
Assuring Sufficient Number Of Deuterons Reside in the Excited Band State
For Successful Cold Fusion Reactor Design
Curt Brown
Measurement of Anomalous Heat at High Ambient Temperatures
Clint Seward
Ball Lightning and Tokamak
Carl Dietrich
Flying Cars and Cold Fusion
Steve Katinsky
Industry Association for Cold Fusion Advocacy
Peter Hagelstein
Landscapes in cold fusion research
Thomas Grimshaw
Cold Fusion Public Policy: Rational - and Urgent- Need for Change
 Policy Panel (Hagelstein, Grimshaw, Karat, Katinsky, Nagel, Miley)
David French
The role of the Patent Attorney in patenting Cold Fusion inventions.
 IP and USPTO Panel (Swartz,Dash,French,Ahern, Miley)

Re: [Vo]:2014 Cold Fusion Colloquium at MIT

2014-03-21 Thread Peter Gluck
you are there, or you can see what happens there ?

On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 3:53 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

 Starting now.


 *2014 Cold Fusion Colloquium at MIT *
 Starts at 9 AM promptly in Room 34-401
 Mitchell Swartz
 Our Emergent Need for a Clean, Efficient Energy Production Source
 Arik El-Boher
 Progress Toward Understanding Anomalous Heat.
 Frank Gordon
 Observations of a variety of Codeposition protocols used to prepare Cold
 Fusion Cathodes
 Larry Forsley
 Neutron and Charged Particle Spectroscopy
 Tom Claytor
 Recent tritium production from electrically pulsed wires and foils
  Group Photo  Lunch
 Yasuhiro Iwamura
 Deuterium Permeation Induced Transmutation Experiments using
 Nano-Structured Pd/CaO/Pd Multilayer Thin Film.
 Mitchell Swartz
 Excess Power Gain on both sides of an Avalanche Through a PdNi
 Nanostructured Cold Fusion Component
 Peter Hagelstein
 Controlled Karabut experiment at SRI
 Vladimir Vysotskii
 Review of cavitation X-ray emission experiments
 Olga Dmitriyeva
 Using numerical simulations to better understand the Cold Fusion
 David Nagel
 Scientific and Practical Questions about Cold Fusion

 Starts at 9 AM promptly in Room 4-270
 Brian Ahern
 Nanomagnetism for Energy Production
 *Francesco Celani*
 Glass surface co-factors in the generation of anomalous effects under H2
 gas at high temperatures
 Pamela Mosier-Boss
 CR-39 Detecting Emission during  Pd/D Codeposition Cold Fusion
 John Dash
 SEM and Energy Dispersive Spectrometer Studies of Metal Surfaces
 Interacting with Hydrogen Isotopes
 Peter Hagelstein
 Model for Fractionation and Inverse Fractionation
  Group Photo   Lunch
 Tadahiko Mizuno
 Replicable Model for Controlled Nuclear Reaction using Metal Nanoparticles.
 John Wallace
 Relativistic quantum mechanics and Cold Fusion
 George Miley
 Ultra-dense clusters in nanoparticles and thin films for both hot and cold
 Nikita Alexandrov
 Advanced analytic and highly parallel Cold Fusion Experimentation
 Vladimir Vysotskii
 Observations of Biophysical Effects from Cold Fusion
 Charles Beaudette
 Post Missouri Priorities for Cold Fusion
 Nathan Cohen
 The Tortuous Path of Innovation and Implications for Cold Fusion in the
 next Decade
  SATURDAY EVENING - Business Panel @ Hyatt for Registrants

 Starts at 9 AM promptly in Room 4-270
 Peter Hagelstein
 Anomalies associated with Fracture Experiments
 Larry Forsley
 Enhanced Tc Superconductivity and Anomalous Nuclear Emissions in YBCO and
 Vladimir Vysotskii
 Application of coherent correlated states of interacting particle for Cold
 Fusion Optimization
 John Fisher
 Polyneutron theory and its application to Excess Power Generation in three
 types of Devices
 Mitchell Swartz
 Successful Applications of the Deuteron Flux Equation in Cold Fusion
 Robert Smith
 Assuring Sufficient Number Of Deuterons Reside in the Excited Band State
 For Successful Cold Fusion Reactor Design
 Curt Brown
 Measurement of Anomalous Heat at High Ambient Temperatures
 Clint Seward
 Ball Lightning and Tokamak
 Carl Dietrich
 Flying Cars and Cold Fusion
 Steve Katinsky
 Industry Association for Cold Fusion Advocacy
 Peter Hagelstein
 Landscapes in cold fusion research
 Thomas Grimshaw
 Cold Fusion Public Policy: Rational - and Urgent- Need for Change
  Policy Panel (Hagelstein, Grimshaw, Karat, Katinsky, Nagel, Miley)
 David French
 The role of the Patent Attorney in patenting Cold Fusion inventions.
  IP and USPTO Panel (Swartz,Dash,French,Ahern, Miley)

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

Re: [Vo]:Hurricane balls, RAR and high-Q factor

2014-03-21 Thread Bob Cook
Harry and Jones--

I have not said anything about these balls--Jones has said it all.  They 
demonstrate the instantaneous change of kinetic energy, angular momentum and 
linear momentum  into spin--rotational energy alone.  However, if the potential 
energy of the welded bond or the magnetic field goes away, the spin energy 
would transform back into kinetic energy of the two balls.  They would fly 
apart with the same kinetic energy (or nearly as much less friction loss)  that 
they had when they first met.  (Kind of like getting married and then 

LENR is nice since the system starts out with high spin energy and only 
increases its potential energy (remaining married) with no destructive kinetic 
energy to speak of--only well managed heat.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Jones Beene 
  Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 6:47 AM
  Subject: RE: [Vo]:Hurricane balls, RAR and high-Q factor

  From: H Veeder


  .two steel ball bearings welded together . are a metaphorical cooper-pair, so 
to speak... raising another weird question: is there something about 
spherical-pairing alone, which is special - at any level?

  Nice.. two magnetic balls roll together and their linear motion is converted 
into rotational motion.


  Thank, Harry - this video is another good visual example of a larger 
phenomenon involving pairing - since we can better visualize how linear motion 
is converted to rotational naturally. This is somewhat along the lines of how 
Bob Cook wants to fashion the LENR reaction, with the conversion of kinetic 
energy of reactants being spin-coupled, in the end. 


  However, IMO - this process does not require actual fusion to be anomalously 
energetic. And coupling would never hide gamma rays, if there was a nuclear 
reaction, so essentially coupling cannot be related to permanent fusion, since 
the energies are too high. 


  However, moderate excess energy - well above chemical but less than nuclear, 
requires only the same basic force which keeps electrons from interacting with 
protons to begin with. That force is the zero point field. Puthoff and 
associates have elegantly framed the details of this kind of energy transfer, 
but until recently, there was doubt that ZPE could be easily converted to 
energy at a macro scale. 


  The armchair theorist can imagine that the two balls are protons at a 
distance, and when they are accelerated together, say during the collapse of 
molecule of H2 due to electron degeneracy, Pauli exclusion keeps the two from 
fusing, and yet their linear motion is converted to spin. Extraordinary spin 
such as is the visual effect of the videos.


  In fact, just prior to this happening with protons, the two electrons of H2 
could have joined into a temporary cooper pair of electrons, which function to 
accelerate the electrons towards each other. Thus one cooper-pair starts the 
LENR reaction and another finishes it, but no permanent fusion takes place. The 
transient electron pairing only needs to happen for a femtosecond to set the 
stage for this form of LENR).


  This model serves to explain, to an large extent, why Ni-H LENR can be so 
robust with no permanent nuclear reaction at all - since all of the resultant 
high spin is coupled back to magnons - which are easier to couple within a 
ferromagnetic lattice than within an exciton. When the exciton is ferromagnetic 
itself, the reaction is boosted and ZPE is converted to thermal energy.




  One further point about pairing of spheres being special or natural or 
favored at many levels of geometry. This goes beyond cooper pairs - to 


  In our solar system, out sun is a single star, and consequently humans are 
misled into thinking that most stars are singlets. 


  In fact that is not true - and only about 15% of stars in our galaxy are 
singlets. 85% of stars are found as binary or multiple arrangements.








Re: [Vo]:2014 Cold Fusion Colloquium at MIT

2014-03-21 Thread James Bowery
What's with all this activity at MIT lately?  Why isn't the provost sending
in the inquisitors?  This can't really be under the auspices of MIT, can it?

On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 8:53 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

 Starting now.


 *2014 Cold Fusion Colloquium at MIT *
 Starts at 9 AM promptly in Room 34-401
 Mitchell Swartz
 Our Emergent Need for a Clean, Efficient Energy Production Source
 Arik El-Boher
 Progress Toward Understanding Anomalous Heat.
 Frank Gordon
 Observations of a variety of Codeposition protocols used to prepare Cold
 Fusion Cathodes
 Larry Forsley
 Neutron and Charged Particle Spectroscopy
 Tom Claytor
 Recent tritium production from electrically pulsed wires and foils
  Group Photo  Lunch
 Yasuhiro Iwamura
 Deuterium Permeation Induced Transmutation Experiments using
 Nano-Structured Pd/CaO/Pd Multilayer Thin Film.
 Mitchell Swartz
 Excess Power Gain on both sides of an Avalanche Through a PdNi
 Nanostructured Cold Fusion Component
 Peter Hagelstein
 Controlled Karabut experiment at SRI
 Vladimir Vysotskii
 Review of cavitation X-ray emission experiments
 Olga Dmitriyeva
 Using numerical simulations to better understand the Cold Fusion
 David Nagel
 Scientific and Practical Questions about Cold Fusion

 Starts at 9 AM promptly in Room 4-270
 Brian Ahern
 Nanomagnetism for Energy Production
 *Francesco Celani*
 Glass surface co-factors in the generation of anomalous effects under H2
 gas at high temperatures
 Pamela Mosier-Boss
 CR-39 Detecting Emission during  Pd/D Codeposition Cold Fusion
 John Dash
 SEM and Energy Dispersive Spectrometer Studies of Metal Surfaces
 Interacting with Hydrogen Isotopes
 Peter Hagelstein
 Model for Fractionation and Inverse Fractionation
  Group Photo   Lunch
 Tadahiko Mizuno
 Replicable Model for Controlled Nuclear Reaction using Metal Nanoparticles.
 John Wallace
 Relativistic quantum mechanics and Cold Fusion
 George Miley
 Ultra-dense clusters in nanoparticles and thin films for both hot and cold
 Nikita Alexandrov
 Advanced analytic and highly parallel Cold Fusion Experimentation
 Vladimir Vysotskii
 Observations of Biophysical Effects from Cold Fusion
 Charles Beaudette
 Post Missouri Priorities for Cold Fusion
 Nathan Cohen
 The Tortuous Path of Innovation and Implications for Cold Fusion in the
 next Decade
  SATURDAY EVENING - Business Panel @ Hyatt for Registrants

 Starts at 9 AM promptly in Room 4-270
 Peter Hagelstein
 Anomalies associated with Fracture Experiments
 Larry Forsley
 Enhanced Tc Superconductivity and Anomalous Nuclear Emissions in YBCO and
 Vladimir Vysotskii
 Application of coherent correlated states of interacting particle for Cold
 Fusion Optimization
 John Fisher
 Polyneutron theory and its application to Excess Power Generation in three
 types of Devices
 Mitchell Swartz
 Successful Applications of the Deuteron Flux Equation in Cold Fusion
 Robert Smith
 Assuring Sufficient Number Of Deuterons Reside in the Excited Band State
 For Successful Cold Fusion Reactor Design
 Curt Brown
 Measurement of Anomalous Heat at High Ambient Temperatures
 Clint Seward
 Ball Lightning and Tokamak
 Carl Dietrich
 Flying Cars and Cold Fusion
 Steve Katinsky
 Industry Association for Cold Fusion Advocacy
 Peter Hagelstein
 Landscapes in cold fusion research
 Thomas Grimshaw
 Cold Fusion Public Policy: Rational - and Urgent- Need for Change
  Policy Panel (Hagelstein, Grimshaw, Karat, Katinsky, Nagel, Miley)
 David French
 The role of the Patent Attorney in patenting Cold Fusion inventions.
  IP and USPTO Panel (Swartz,Dash,French,Ahern, Miley)

Re: [Vo]:2014 Cold Fusion Colloquium at MIT

2014-03-21 Thread Bob Cook

Is it being taped?

  - Original Message - 
  From: Jed Rothwell 
  Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 6:53 AM
  Subject: [Vo]:2014 Cold Fusion Colloquium at MIT

  Starting now.


  2014 Cold Fusion Colloquium at MIT

FRIDAY Starts at 9 AM promptly in Room 34-401 
Mitchell Swartz Our Emergent Need for a Clean, Efficient Energy 
Production Source 
Arik El-Boher Progress Toward Understanding Anomalous Heat. 
Frank Gordon Observations of a variety of Codeposition protocols used 
to prepare Cold Fusion Cathodes 
Larry Forsley Neutron and Charged Particle Spectroscopy 
Tom Claytor Recent tritium production from electrically pulsed wires 
and foils 

   Group Photo  Lunch 
Yasuhiro Iwamura Deuterium Permeation Induced Transmutation Experiments 
using Nano-Structured Pd/CaO/Pd Multilayer Thin Film. 
Mitchell Swartz Excess Power Gain on both sides of an Avalanche Through 
a PdNi Nanostructured Cold Fusion Component 
Peter Hagelstein Controlled Karabut experiment at SRI 
Vladimir Vysotskii Review of cavitation X-ray emission experiments  
Olga Dmitriyeva Using numerical simulations to better understand the 
Cold Fusion Environment 
David Nagel Scientific and Practical Questions about Cold Fusion 

SATURDAY Starts at 9 AM promptly in Room 4-270 
Brian Ahern Nanomagnetism for Energy Production 
Francesco Celani Glass surface co-factors in the generation of 
anomalous effects under H2 gas at high temperatures 
Pamela Mosier-Boss CR-39 Detecting Emission during  Pd/D Codeposition 
Cold Fusion 
John Dash SEM and Energy Dispersive Spectrometer Studies of Metal 
Surfaces Interacting with Hydrogen Isotopes 
Peter Hagelstein Model for Fractionation and Inverse Fractionation 

   Group Photo   Lunch 
Tadahiko Mizuno Replicable Model for Controlled Nuclear Reaction using 
Metal Nanoparticles. 
John Wallace Relativistic quantum mechanics and Cold Fusion 
George Miley Ultra-dense clusters in nanoparticles and thin films for 
both hot and cold fusion 
Nikita Alexandrov Advanced analytic and highly parallel Cold Fusion 
Vladimir Vysotskii Observations of Biophysical Effects from Cold Fusion 
Charles Beaudette Post Missouri Priorities for Cold Fusion 
Nathan Cohen The Tortuous Path of Innovation and Implications for Cold 
Fusion in the next Decade 

   SATURDAY EVENING - Business Panel @ Hyatt for Registrants 

SUNDAY Starts at 9 AM promptly in Room 4-270 
Peter Hagelstein Anomalies associated with Fracture Experiments 
Larry Forsley Enhanced Tc Superconductivity and Anomalous Nuclear 
Emissions in YBCO and Palladium 
Vladimir Vysotskii Application of coherent correlated states of 
interacting particle for Cold Fusion Optimization 
John Fisher Polyneutron theory and its application to Excess Power 
Generation in three types of Devices 
Mitchell Swartz Successful Applications of the Deuteron Flux Equation 
in Cold Fusion  

Robert Smith Assuring Sufficient Number Of Deuterons Reside in the 
Excited Band State For Successful Cold Fusion Reactor Design 
Curt Brown Measurement of Anomalous Heat at High Ambient Temperatures 
Clint Seward Ball Lightning and Tokamak 
Carl Dietrich Flying Cars and Cold Fusion 
Steve Katinsky Industry Association for Cold Fusion Advocacy 
Peter Hagelstein Landscapes in cold fusion research 
Thomas Grimshaw Cold Fusion Public Policy: Rational - and Urgent- Need 
for Change 

   Policy Panel (Hagelstein, Grimshaw, Karat, Katinsky, Nagel, Miley) 
David French The role of the Patent Attorney in patenting Cold Fusion 

   IP and USPTO Panel (Swartz,Dash,French,Ahern, Miley) 

Re: [Vo]:2014 Cold Fusion Colloquium at MIT

2014-03-21 Thread Jed Rothwell
I am not there.

I have no idea whether it is being taped or not.

- Jed

[Vo]:My current views on the 'Rossi's process'

2014-03-21 Thread Teslaalset
I've been reading quite some theories and views on what exactly Rossi's /
Defkalion's processes might be.
Here's my current view focussing on the main effects only. Comments and
(dis)agreements are welcome:

The main chain of fusions/transmutations is in my view: Ni58+p  Cu59 + e-
 Ni59 +p  Cu60 + e-  Ni59 + p  Cu60 + e-  - - - - -  Cu63 + e-. All
Cu isotopes in the range of Cu59 - Cu62 have relative short half-life. The
longest half-life is that of Cu61 (3.3 hours). This is why Rossi's process
needs quite some time to shut down. The fusion/transmutation chain stops at
Cu63 because Cu63 is stable with an extreem long half-life. Protons (p) are
provided by (absorbed) Hydrogen ions. Electrons (e-) are released due to
Vibrationally Promoted Electron Emission (VPEE).

The released energy is caused by two sources:

   1. The emitted electrons e- (with very high kinetic energy, 5 - 8 MeV);
   the electrons are absorbed by the reactor wall causing eddy currents that
   are converted into heat due to resistance of that wall material. Those eddy
   currents also may be the cause of the extreemly high magnetic fields that
   have been observed (Defkalion).
   2. The ß+ decay energy of Cu(x)  Ni(x) + e+ + ve (2 -4 MeV) of each
   decay step in the chain, causing the Ni/Cu powder to heat up.

Some ballpark figures on the total energy generated and the amount of fuel
Assuming all the Nickel in the reactor in the form Ni58 and finally all
transmutted into Cu63:
Ni58 mass is calculated to be 57.95380± 15 amu. The actual mass of a
copper-Cu63 nucleus is 62.91367 amu. Mass of Ni58 plus 5 nucleons is
57.95380+5=62.95380 amu. Delta mass is 62.95380-62.91367=0.04013 amu. 1 amu
= 931 MeV is used as a standard conversion 0.04013×931 MeV=37.36 MeV. So
each transformation of Ni58 into Cu63 releases 37.36MeV of nuclear energy.
So, without further energy losses it requires 2 - 3 grams of Ni and approx.
0.2 grams of H2 to produce 10KW of heat over a 6 months period continuously.

RE: [Vo]:Hurricane balls, RAR and high-Q factor

2014-03-21 Thread Jones Beene
While on the subject of high-Q coupling, trihydrogen should be mentioned.


The trihydrogen cation - [H3+] is one of the most abundant ions in the
universe, far more abundant than H2, since it is stable in the interstellar
medium. Therefore, due to its natural stability in extreme circumstance -
trihydrogen can form the basis of a compelling model for one variety of


In this type of LENR, which is one of perhaps a dozen possible energetic
hydrogen reactions - nanocavities are present; and H3+ could be the active
agent for gain within these cavities. Here is a visualization.


The center ball would be a proton with both electrons, preferably in reduced
orbitals, tightly bound. There is no need for full electron degeneracy in
this model. Therefore it could have a higher probability than reactions
requiring electron degeneracy, which is rare.


The two protons on either end of the centered hydride - are normally
oscillating and bound by electrostatic and magnetic bonds which can flip to
one of two net spin polarities - ortho and para. These two alignments have
different spin energies. What is not shown in the video is the cavity walls,
where the proton, on its excursions away from the center of mass, encounters
the near field of the metal containment structure. This would provide
electrostatic attraction to the wall, and enhanced range of oscillation and
also would disrupt the oscillation resonance. 


Very often, due to the delay and phase shift, a returning proton will
encounter the other returning proton, within the electron smear of the tight
orbitals, and will react in the known diproton reaction, due to strong force
attraction. This is not an elastic collision but is technically reversible
fusion since the protons are still protons after the encounter and Pauli
exclusion statistics prevents anything more.


This reaction provides for asymmetric spin alteration from low spin to high
spin via mass conversion and by coupling of nuclear spin to the net magnon
spin of the entire system, including the nickel containment.


The result is anomalous heat via a sequential Lamb shift, happening at THz
frequencies. This would be a mechanism which functions as an alternative or
in parallel to ZPE conversion, which can also happen at the same time in the
same circumstances.


In neither case is real fusion required, yet in both cases, there can be
an occasional nuclear reaction or transmutation as a side effect. The side
effect would typically supply only a tiny fraction of the excess energy of
the sequential Lamb shift so it can be ignored.







Re: [Vo]:Hurricane balls, RAR and high-Q factor

2014-03-21 Thread Edmund Storms
 The behavior of two balls can not be applied to LENR.  Imagining how photons 
might interact ignores the fact that the protons are not isolated in space when 
in a chemical lattice. When LENR occurs in a lattice, all the protons, 
deuterons and electrons are innerconnected. They all are restrained in their 
motion by forces that hold the lattice together.

 People who have the mind of the physicist seem to ignore what actually happens 
in a chemical structure. This structure is not plasma as is experienced in hot 
fusion. The atoms in such a structure are not free to move except under well 
known restraint. The amount of energy available is limited by the energy 
holding the structure together, which is no more than a few eV. Pretending 
otherwise has made the present theories worthless.  If you are a physicist and 
want to explain LENR, please first learn some chemistry.

Ed Storms

On Mar 21, 2014, at 8:05 AM, Bob Cook wrote:

 Harry and Jones--
 I have not said anything about these balls--Jones has said it all.  They 
 demonstrate the instantaneous change of kinetic energy, angular momentum and 
 linear momentum  into spin--rotational energy alone.  However, if the 
 potential energy of the welded bond or the magnetic field goes away, the spin 
 energy would transform back into kinetic energy of the two balls.  They would 
 fly apart with the same kinetic energy (or nearly as much less friction loss) 
  that they had when they first met.  (Kind of like getting married and then 
 LENR is nice since the system starts out with high spin energy and only 
 increases its potential energy (remaining married) with no destructive 
 kinetic energy to speak of--only well managed heat.
 - Original Message -
 From: Jones Beene
 Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 6:47 AM
 Subject: RE: [Vo]:Hurricane balls, RAR and high-Q factor
 From: H Veeder
 …two steel ball bearings welded together … are a metaphorical cooper-pair, so 
 to speak... raising another weird question: is there something about 
 spherical-pairing alone, which is special - at any level?
 Nice…. two magnetic balls roll together and their linear motion is converted 
 into rotational motion.
 Thank, Harry - this video is another good visual example of a larger 
 phenomenon involving pairing - since we can better visualize how linear 
 motion is converted to rotational naturally. This is somewhat along the lines 
 of how Bob Cook wants to fashion the LENR reaction, with the conversion of 
 kinetic energy of reactants being spin-coupled, in the end.
 However, IMO - this process does not require actual fusion to be anomalously 
 energetic. And coupling would never hide gamma rays, if there was a nuclear 
 reaction, so essentially coupling cannot be related to permanent fusion, 
 since the energies are too high.
 However, moderate excess energy – well above chemical but less than nuclear, 
 requires only the same basic force which keeps electrons from interacting 
 with protons to begin with. That force is the zero point field. Puthoff and 
 associates have elegantly framed the details of this kind of energy transfer, 
 but until recently, there was doubt that ZPE could be easily converted to 
 energy at a macro scale.
 The armchair theorist can imagine that the two balls are protons at a 
 distance, and when they are accelerated together, say during the collapse of 
 molecule of H2 due to electron degeneracy, Pauli exclusion keeps the two from 
 fusing, and yet their linear motion is converted to spin. Extraordinary spin 
 such as is the visual effect of the videos.
 In fact, just prior to this happening with protons, the two electrons of H2 
 could have joined into a temporary cooper pair of electrons, which function 
 to accelerate the electrons towards each other. Thus one cooper-pair starts 
 the LENR reaction and another finishes it, but no permanent fusion takes 
 place. The transient electron pairing only needs to happen for a femtosecond 
 to set the stage for this form of LENR).
 This model serves to explain, to an large extent, why Ni-H LENR can be so 
 robust with no permanent nuclear reaction at all – since all of the resultant 
 high spin is coupled back to magnons – which are easier to couple within a 
 ferromagnetic lattice than within an exciton. When the exciton is 
 ferromagnetic itself, the reaction is boosted and ZPE is converted to thermal 
 One further point about “pairing of spheres” being special or natural or 
 favored at many levels of geometry. This goes beyond cooper pairs - to 
 In our solar system, out sun is a single star, and consequently humans are 
 misled into thinking that most stars are singlets.
 In fact that is not true - and only about 15% of stars in our galaxy are 
 singlets. 85% of stars are found as 

Re: [Vo]:Hurricane balls, RAR and high-Q factor

2014-03-21 Thread Bob Cook

What about  D3+ cat ion?  Pauli is not working in this case--the D is integral 
spin in an excited state.  However, Ed's chemistry would be the same maybe.  
Its only held together with electric and magnetic forces.  The outside D's 
would bump the metal containment however.  

Pd is mostly integral spin (Bose particles) however one natural isotope of Pd 
is a Fermi particle (Pd-105).  Ni is also mostly integral spin with Ni 61 odd 
or Fermi.  If the lattice cell includes only Pd 105 or in the case of Ni, only 
Ni-61, does the interaction and spin coupling to the H3 or D3 change for the 
cells?  What about the other combinations of isotopes making up a lattice cell?

Does D3+ have the same stability in space as H3+?

  - Original Message - 
  From: Jones Beene 
  Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 7:54 AM
  Subject: RE: [Vo]:Hurricane balls, RAR and high-Q factor

  While on the subject of high-Q coupling, trihydrogen should be mentioned.


  The trihydrogen cation - [H3+] is one of the most abundant ions in the 
universe, far more abundant than H2, since it is stable in the interstellar 
medium. Therefore, due to its natural stability in extreme circumstance - 
trihydrogen can form the basis of a compelling model for one variety of LENR.


  In this type of LENR, which is one of perhaps a dozen possible energetic 
hydrogen reactions - nanocavities are present; and H3+ could be the active 
agent for gain within these cavities. Here is a visualization.


  The center ball would be a proton with both electrons, preferably in reduced 
orbitals, tightly bound. There is no need for full electron degeneracy in this 
model. Therefore it could have a higher probability than reactions requiring 
electron degeneracy, which is rare.


  The two protons on either end of the centered hydride - are normally 
oscillating and bound by electrostatic and magnetic bonds which can flip to one 
of two net spin polarities - ortho and para. These two alignments have 
different spin energies. What is not shown in the video is the cavity walls, 
where the proton, on its excursions away from the center of mass, encounters 
the near field of the metal containment structure. This would provide 
electrostatic attraction to the wall, and enhanced range of oscillation and 
also would disrupt the oscillation resonance. 


  Very often, due to the delay and phase shift, a returning proton will 
encounter the other returning proton, within the electron smear of the tight 
orbitals, and will react in the known diproton reaction, due to strong force 
attraction. This is not an elastic collision but is technically reversible 
fusion since the protons are still protons after the encounter and Pauli 
exclusion statistics prevents anything more.


  This reaction provides for asymmetric spin alteration from low spin to high 
spin via mass conversion and by coupling of nuclear spin to the net magnon spin 
of the entire system, including the nickel containment.


  The result is anomalous heat via a sequential Lamb shift, happening at THz 
frequencies. This would be a mechanism which functions as an alternative or in 
parallel to ZPE conversion, which can also happen at the same time in the same 


  In neither case is real fusion required, yet in both cases, there can be an 
occasional nuclear reaction or transmutation as a side effect. The side effect 
would typically supply only a tiny fraction of the excess energy of the 
sequential Lamb shift so it can be ignored.







Re: [Vo]:My current views on the 'Rossi's process'

2014-03-21 Thread Axil Axil
You should take a look at the table 2 and table 3 element list from the DGT
ICCF-17 document.

The is a large increase in very light elements and not much nickel to
copper transmutation.

This means that Cluster fusion of many nuclei including many protons and a
heavy metal nucleus is occurring per fusion event.

In the Rossi ash, iron was 10% of the element assay.

*1H+1H+62Ni = 4He + 4He + 56Fe + 3.495 MeV   this one produces iron.*

Fusion cannot happen if the nucleon count is odd, e.g. Ni61. This indicates

Gamma Radiation is converted to huge magnetic fields and will result in EUV
radiation from the eventual destruction of the EMF soliton that will be
thermalized by election capture.

On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 10:54 AM, Teslaalset robbiehobbiesh...@gmail.comwrote:

 I've been reading quite some theories and views on what exactly Rossi's /
 Defkalion's processes might be.
 Here's my current view focussing on the main effects only. Comments and
 (dis)agreements are welcome:

 The main chain of fusions/transmutations is in my view: Ni58+p  Cu59 + e-
  Ni59 +p  Cu60 + e-  Ni59 + p  Cu60 + e-  - - - - -  Cu63 + e-. All
 Cu isotopes in the range of Cu59 - Cu62 have relative short half-life. The
 longest half-life is that of Cu61 (3.3 hours). This is why Rossi's
 process needs quite some time to shut down. The fusion/transmutation chain
 stops at Cu63 because Cu63 is stable with an extreem long half-life.
 Protons (p) are provided by (absorbed) Hydrogen ions. Electrons (e-) are
 released due to Vibrationally Promoted Electron Emission (VPEE).

 The released energy is caused by two sources:

1. The emitted electrons e- (with very high kinetic energy, 5 - 8
MeV); the electrons are absorbed by the reactor wall causing eddy currents
that are converted into heat due to resistance of that wall material. Those
eddy currents also may be the cause of the extreemly high magnetic fields
that have been observed (Defkalion).
2. The ß+ decay energy of Cu(x)  Ni(x) + e+ + ve (2 -4 MeV) of each
decay step in the chain, causing the Ni/Cu powder to heat up.

 Some ballpark figures on the total energy generated and the amount of fuel
 Assuming all the Nickel in the reactor in the form Ni58 and finally all
 transmutted into Cu63:
 Ni58 mass is calculated to be 57.95380± 15 amu. The actual mass of a
 copper-Cu63 nucleus is 62.91367 amu. Mass of Ni58 plus 5 nucleons is
 57.95380+5=62.95380 amu. Delta mass is 62.95380-62.91367=0.04013 amu. 1 amu
 = 931 MeV is used as a standard conversion 0.04013×931 MeV=37.36 MeV. So
 each transformation of Ni58 into Cu63 releases 37.36MeV of nuclear energy.
 So, without further energy losses it requires 2 - 3 grams of Ni and
 approx. 0.2 grams of H2 to produce 10KW of heat over a 6 months period

Re: [Vo]:2014 Cold Fusion Colloquium at MIT

2014-03-21 Thread Terry Blanton
MIT has nothing to do with the colloquium.  Hagelstein is an associate
professor there and is being allowed to use the facilities.  I'm sure there
are those at the Institute who grind their teeth at the thought of the
gathering being there.

On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 10:06 AM, James Bowery wrote:

 What's with all this activity at MIT lately?  Why isn't the provost
 sending in the inquisitors?  This can't really be under the auspices of
 MIT, can it?

RE: [Vo]:Hurricane balls, RAR and high-Q factor

2014-03-21 Thread Jones Beene
From: Edmund Storms 


When LENR occurs in a lattice, all the protons, deuterons and electrons are
innerconnected. They all are restrained in their motion by forces that hold
the lattice together.


What you say is true, Ed - but essentially irrelevant. 


You did not read the premise - at least not carefully - which clearly states
that we are talking about nano-porosity and NOT about lattice chemistry such
as is seen in Pd-D. Why are you always lost in the old world of Pd-D?


A Casimir pore inside Raney nickel for instance could have a diameter of 8
nm. Plenty of room. In which case we would NOT be talking about chemistry
but about plasma physics. Should the contents of that pore be H3+ then
chemistry is modestly helpful but insufficient to explain the operative


Thus you entire argument favoring electrochemistry falls apart from the
starting premise.


*  If you are a physicist and want to explain LENR, please first learn some


If you are a chemist and want to understand the Ni-H reaction as it happens
in nanocavities, please first learn to appreciate the physics of
nanocavities, the Casimir force, quantum opto-mechanics, QCD and the strong
force, the solar diproton reaction, SPP and Pauli exclusion. There is no
room for fusion of protons to deuterium in this kind of physics.


The dark ages of Pd-D are ancient history in 2014, and we are now moving
into a new level of understanding demanding a multi-disciplinary approach
based on quantum physics. It is one in which electrochemistry is helpful -
but far from sufficient to explain the dynamics of gain in Ni-H.







Re: [Vo]:Hurricane balls, RAR and high-Q factor

2014-03-21 Thread Terry Blanton
On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 11:20 PM, Jones Beene wrote:
 The continuing reports (on various alternative energy sites) about RAR
 having recently demonstrated overunity in Brazil, are provocative... but
 nothing more than rumor. Should we wait to explore the ramifications of
 perpmo - until it is fact?

I must say, this is all beginning to remind me of Eric Laithwaite:

RE: [Vo]:Hurricane balls, RAR and high-Q factor

2014-03-21 Thread Jones Beene
From: Bob Cook


What about  D3+ cation?  Pauli is not working in this case--the D is
integral spin in an excited state.  However, Ed's chemistry would be the
same .


Yes. Nothing in the previous thread applies to deuterium or to Pd-D. 


The physics of protons is so completely different from deuterium, that it
only adds a level of confusion try to merge the two fields in search of
commonality. Best to completely separate them IMHO.


Re: [Vo]:Hurricane balls, RAR and high-Q factor

2014-03-21 Thread Edmund Storms

On Mar 21, 2014, at 10:13 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

 From: Edmund Storms
 When LENR occurs in a lattice, all the protons, deuterons and electrons are 
 innerconnected. They all are restrained in their motion by forces that hold 
 the lattice together.
 What you say is true, Ed - but essentially irrelevant.
 You did not read the premise – at least not carefully - which clearly states 
 that we are talking about nano-porosity and NOT about lattice chemistry such 
 as is seen in Pd-D. Why are you always lost in the old world of Pd-D?

Jones, ALL chemical structures are similar in this behavior to PdD. I use PdD 
as an example only because it is the most investigated and the most cited. 
 A Casimir pore inside Raney nickel for instance could have a diameter of 8 
 nm. Plenty of room. In which case we would NOT be talking about chemistry but 
 about plasma physics. Should the contents of that pore be H3+ then chemistry 
 is modestly helpful but insufficient to explain the operative dynamics.

OK, now you are describing a different feature, which I agree can accommodate 
behavior that is not possible in the lattice itself. In fact, I go this path 
when I place the Hydroton in a crack. Now the discussion has to address whether 
the Casimir effect is real or not. I do not believe it is real, as I said 
before. I believe a structure like the Hydroton must be created for the 
observed behavior to take place in PdD or in NiH, but in both cases in a 
nano-crack. We agree that a nano-crack or nano-cavity is required. We differ in 
what happens in this structure. 
 Thus you entire argument favoring electrochemistry falls apart from the 
 starting premise.

I'm not discussing electrochemistry. No one mentioned electrochemistry.  
Electrochemistry is only one of the 7 methods that have been used to force 
hydrogen isotopes into a structure where the NAE can be created. It has no 
other function. 
 Ø  If you are a physicist and want to explain LENR, please first learn some 
 If you are a chemist and want to understand the Ni-H reaction as it happens 
 in nanocavities, please first learn to appreciate the physics of 
 nanocavities, the Casimir force, quantum opto-mechanics, QCD and the strong 
 force, the solar diproton reaction, SPP and Pauli exclusion. There is no room 
 for fusion of protons to deuterium in this kind of physics.

Yes, that is your claim. That is where we differ. I propose that the LENR 
occurs outside the lattice, as you do, but by a different process. It would 
help if you focused on where we actually differ rather than on imagined 
irrelevant differences. 
 The dark ages of Pd-D are ancient history in 2014, and we are now moving into 
 a new level of understanding demanding a multi-disciplinary approach based on 
 quantum physics. It is one in which electrochemistry is helpful - but far 
 from sufficient to explain the dynamics of gain in Ni-H.

Here again, we differe. I believe Nature has only one mechanism that applies to 
PdD, PdH, NiH and any other environment where the mechanism can be made to 
operate.  Only one universal NAE is causing what is observed using PdD or NiH.  
You apparently believe that several mechanisms are operating. Is that true? If 
so, what are these mechanisms?

Ed Storms

Re: [Vo]:Hurricane balls, RAR and high-Q factor

2014-03-21 Thread Bob Cook

What about Ed's idea that chemistry is separate from physics?  D and H should 
react the same, if its chemistry that controls their demise.  Maybe the 
differential mass makes the vibrations of the molecules a little different with 
different reaction rates?

I'm not sure.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Jones Beene 
  Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 9:19 AM
  Subject: RE: [Vo]:Hurricane balls, RAR and high-Q factor

  From: Bob Cook


  What about  D3+ cation?  Pauli is not working in this case--the D is integral 
spin in an excited state.  However, Ed's chemistry would be the same .


  Yes. Nothing in the previous thread applies to deuterium or to Pd-D. 


  The physics of protons is so completely different from deuterium, that it 
only adds a level of confusion try to merge the two fields in search of 
commonality. Best to completely separate them IMHO.


Re: [Vo]:Hurricane balls, RAR and high-Q factor

2014-03-21 Thread Bob Cook

What about my question regarding the presence of D3+ as a common particle in 
space--I think not--Li 6 is the likely more stable item?

  - Original Message - 
  From: Jones Beene 
  Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 9:19 AM
  Subject: RE: [Vo]:Hurricane balls, RAR and high-Q factor

  From: Bob Cook


  What about  D3+ cation?  Pauli is not working in this case--the D is integral 
spin in an excited state.  However, Ed's chemistry would be the same .


  Yes. Nothing in the previous thread applies to deuterium or to Pd-D. 


  The physics of protons is so completely different from deuterium, that it 
only adds a level of confusion try to merge the two fields in search of 
commonality. Best to completely separate them IMHO

Re: [Vo]:My current views on the 'Rossi's process'

2014-03-21 Thread Kevin O'Malley
What would be the testable predictions of your theory?  What should we be
looking for when someone tests a device and publishes data about it?

On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 7:54 AM, Teslaalset robbiehobbiesh...@gmail.comwrote:

 I've been reading quite some theories and views on what exactly Rossi's /
 Defkalion's processes might be.
 Here's my current view focussing on the main effects only. Comments and
 (dis)agreements are welcome:

 The main chain of fusions/transmutations is in my view: Ni58+p  Cu59 + e-
  Ni59 +p  Cu60 + e-  Ni59 + p  Cu60 + e-  - - - - -  Cu63 + e-. All
 Cu isotopes in the range of Cu59 - Cu62 have relative short half-life. The
 longest half-life is that of Cu61 (3.3 hours). This is why Rossi's
 process needs quite some time to shut down. The fusion/transmutation chain
 stops at Cu63 because Cu63 is stable with an extreem long half-life.
 Protons (p) are provided by (absorbed) Hydrogen ions. Electrons (e-) are
 released due to Vibrationally Promoted Electron Emission (VPEE).

 The released energy is caused by two sources:

1. The emitted electrons e- (with very high kinetic energy, 5 - 8
MeV); the electrons are absorbed by the reactor wall causing eddy currents
that are converted into heat due to resistance of that wall material. Those
eddy currents also may be the cause of the extreemly high magnetic fields
that have been observed (Defkalion).
2. The ß+ decay energy of Cu(x)  Ni(x) + e+ + ve (2 -4 MeV) of each
decay step in the chain, causing the Ni/Cu powder to heat up.

 Some ballpark figures on the total energy generated and the amount of fuel
 Assuming all the Nickel in the reactor in the form Ni58 and finally all
 transmutted into Cu63:
 Ni58 mass is calculated to be 57.95380± 15 amu. The actual mass of a
 copper-Cu63 nucleus is 62.91367 amu. Mass of Ni58 plus 5 nucleons is
 57.95380+5=62.95380 amu. Delta mass is 62.95380-62.91367=0.04013 amu. 1 amu
 = 931 MeV is used as a standard conversion 0.04013×931 MeV=37.36 MeV. So
 each transformation of Ni58 into Cu63 releases 37.36MeV of nuclear energy.
 So, without further energy losses it requires 2 - 3 grams of Ni and
 approx. 0.2 grams of H2 to produce 10KW of heat over a 6 months period

Re: [Vo]:My current views on the 'Rossi's process'

2014-03-21 Thread Kevin O'Malley
That sorta goes to my point about looking for experimental results that
either lend support or reduce support for a particular theory.  I'm
noticing that a lot of the experiments are veering towards testing nuclear
products, which is going to be expensive.  It won't matter much if Rossi is
selling reactors, it soon becomes someone else's problem to properly
theorize how it's happening.  But it will matter a bunch if Rossi stalls
and we need to know what's going on in order to get to production.

On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 8:53 AM, Axil Axil wrote:

 You should take a look at the table 2 and table 3 element list from the
 DGT ICCF-17 document.

 The is a large increase in very light elements and not much nickel to
 copper transmutation.

 This means that Cluster fusion of many nuclei including many protons and a
 heavy metal nucleus is occurring per fusion event.

 In the Rossi ash, iron was 10% of the element assay.

 *1H+1H+62Ni = 4He + 4He + 56Fe + 3.495 MeV   this one produces iron.*

 Fusion cannot happen if the nucleon count is odd, e.g. Ni61. This
 indicates photofusion.

 Gamma Radiation is converted to huge magnetic fields and will result in
 EUV radiation from the eventual destruction of the EMF soliton that will be
 thermalized by election capture.

 On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 10:54 AM, Teslaalset 

 I've been reading quite some theories and views on what exactly Rossi's /
 Defkalion's processes might be.
 Here's my current view focussing on the main effects only. Comments and
 (dis)agreements are welcome:

 The main chain of fusions/transmutations is in my view: Ni58+p  Cu59 +
 e-  Ni59 +p  Cu60 + e-  Ni59 + p  Cu60 + e-  - - - - -  Cu63 + e-.
 All Cu isotopes in the range of Cu59 - Cu62 have relative short half-life.
 The longest half-life is that of Cu61 (3.3 hours). This is why Rossi's
 process needs quite some time to shut down. The fusion/transmutation chain
 stops at Cu63 because Cu63 is stable with an extreem long half-life.
 Protons (p) are provided by (absorbed) Hydrogen ions. Electrons (e-) are
 released due to Vibrationally Promoted Electron Emission (VPEE).

 The released energy is caused by two sources:

1. The emitted electrons e- (with very high kinetic energy, 5 - 8
MeV); the electrons are absorbed by the reactor wall causing eddy currents
that are converted into heat due to resistance of that wall material. 
eddy currents also may be the cause of the extreemly high magnetic fields
that have been observed (Defkalion).
2. The ß+ decay energy of Cu(x)  Ni(x) + e+ + ve (2 -4 MeV) of each
decay step in the chain, causing the Ni/Cu powder to heat up.

 Some ballpark figures on the total energy generated and the amount of
 fuel involved:
 Assuming all the Nickel in the reactor in the form Ni58 and finally all
 transmutted into Cu63:
 Ni58 mass is calculated to be 57.95380± 15 amu. The actual mass of a
 copper-Cu63 nucleus is 62.91367 amu. Mass of Ni58 plus 5 nucleons is
 57.95380+5=62.95380 amu. Delta mass is 62.95380-62.91367=0.04013 amu. 1 amu
 = 931 MeV is used as a standard conversion 0.04013×931 MeV=37.36 MeV. So
 each transformation of Ni58 into Cu63 releases 37.36MeV of nuclear energy.
 So, without further energy losses it requires 2 - 3 grams of Ni and
 approx. 0.2 grams of H2 to produce 10KW of heat over a 6 months period

[Vo]:E-Cat experimenters take note

2014-03-21 Thread Axil Axil
One of the best developments that has come out of the H Cat open source
developers movements has been finding the guys at
which is a manufacturer of catalytic converters.

They are extremely friendly to this idea of providing Cat reactors to
experimenters, and have a lot of options they can offer us, including
integrating different nano-metals in various combinations (e.g. Palladium,
Platinum, Nickel), leaving off the insulation around the catalytic
converter, embedding heat exchangers in the matrix. It's pretty much just a
matter of pressing some buttons, and out comes the product type of E Cat
you want.

To get ours going, we just went with an off-the-shelf matrix combination
of palladium and rhodium on a metal substrate (300 cells/inch) in a 4
(outer diameter) stainless steel pipe, with an extra 2.75 inches on the
incoming side to place some ceramic insulation to prevent back-flash, and
with no insulation around the catalytic converter. That was easy for them
to make. He'll make those available for $100, and shipping was only around
$14 from Florida. It would be easy for him to make this just Nickel, or
Nickel and Palladium, or just Palladium; but would require a lead time of
about a week or two; and he wasn't sure what the price would be for that
kind of custom order.

There no excuse to not get your E Cat experiments off the ground now. So
writeup your reactor specs and get them in now.

Re: [Vo]:E-Cat experimenters take note

2014-03-21 Thread Jed Rothwell
That is great! I have been thinking for a long time that catalytic converts
should be used in cold fusion. They are engineered to be robust, and to
expose all of the catalytic metal to the gas.

Off the shelf hydrogen filters have been used to good effect. Hydrogen
filter palladium is engineered to be robust. In this case, to withstand
high loading without cracking.

- Jed

RE: [Vo]:E-Cat experimenters take note

2014-03-21 Thread Jones Beene
From: Jed Rothwell 


That is great! I have been thinking for a long time that catalytic converts
should be used in cold fusion. They are engineered to be robust, and to
expose all of the catalytic metal to the gas.

Off the shelf hydrogen filters have been used to good effect. Hydrogen
filter palladium is engineered to be robust. In this case, to withstand high
loading without cracking.


If the gain is really from LENR then it makes more sense to use hydrogen
from a tank - there is no need for electrolysis and the risk of explosion
from HHO. And no need for a very expensive hydrogen filter. And no need for
oxygen either.


Of course, many of the proponents think that HHO as a mixed gas is more
potent than is the same amount of H2 from a tank, but that is not proved.


A meaningful experiment to test for LENR would be an Arata - Cravens type of
unpowered experiment with low pressure hydrogen filing a sealed catalytic
converter (flushed of air so no combustion). 


Do you get a small temperature gain with no power input? 


Based on Cravens demo, there could be a significant thermal gain given the
very large amount of catalyst in contact with H2.


RE: [Vo]:E-Cat experimenters take note

2014-03-21 Thread Jones Beene
ash=item58a6d66d0avxp=mtr hash=item58a6d66d0avxp=mtr


about $40 with free shipping..




From: Axil Axil 


He'll make those available for $100, and shipping was only around $14 from


Re: [Vo]:E-Cat experimenters take note

2014-03-21 Thread Jed Rothwell
Jones Beene wrote:

 about $40 with free shipping

What is good about the arrangement Axil described is the company will
custom manufacture converters with different metals. They are extremely
friendly to this idea of providing Cat reactors to experimenters, and have
a lot of options they can offer us, including integrating different
nano-metals in various combinations (e.g. Palladium, Platinum, Nickel) . .

That is much better than using off-the-shelf catalytic converters.

The hard part is knowing what metals you want.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:E-Cat experimenters take note

2014-03-21 Thread Axil Axil
The hypothesis that I would like to see tested in the water cluster theory
of cavitation. This idea goes as follows: Cavitation produces water
clusters of H2O, H, and O atoms in various configurations

Evanescent *surface plasmon polariton*  nano - reactions will then produce
over unity heat generation in the cat converter.

If the solutions of water clusters are pre prepared via
cavitation, addition types of nano-particles can be included in the colloid
that from which the HHO is generated. Potassium carbonate would be a good
addition to that colloid.

Different nano-particle combination colloid mixtures could be tested
that vary in particle micro/nano size and/or chemical composition; for
example, single and multiple wall carbon nanotubes, and Bucky balls are a
must to try.

On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 3:47 PM, Jones Beene wrote:

  *From:* Jed Rothwell

 That is great! I have been thinking for a long time that catalytic
 converts should be used in cold fusion. They are engineered to be robust,
 and to expose all of the catalytic metal to the gas.

 Off the shelf hydrogen filters have been used to good effect. Hydrogen
 filter palladium is engineered to be robust. In this case, to withstand
 high loading without cracking.

 If the gain is really from LENR then it makes more sense to use hydrogen
 from a tank - there is no need for electrolysis and the risk of explosion
 from HHO. And no need for a very expensive hydrogen filter. And no need for
 oxygen either.

 Of course, many of the proponents think that HHO as a mixed gas is more
 potent than is the same amount of H2 from a tank, but that is not proved.

 A meaningful experiment to test for LENR would be an Arata - Cravens type
 of unpowered experiment with low pressure hydrogen filing a sealed
 catalytic converter (flushed of air so no combustion).

 Do you get a small temperature gain with no power input?

 Based on Cravens demo, there could be a significant thermal gain given the
 very large amount of catalyst in contact with H2.

Re: [Vo]:2014 Cold Fusion Colloquium at MIT

2014-03-21 Thread Jed Rothwell
Someone at the conference informed me that they are recording it, and
that Hadjichristos was a no-show. That's about all I have heard.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:What if we live in a simulated reality?

2014-03-21 Thread Blaze Spinnaker

It's sort of like minecraft and the simulator was seeded with the random
number 42.

On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 7:27 PM, Jones Beene wrote:

  *From:* Blaze Spinnaker

 This is a shallow rehash analysis in a way, at least for those of us who
 want to see further developments and insight in the Sim field, and
 considering the pedigree of Frenkel. He could have dug a bit deeper IMO.

 Forget a Universal sim and look at the more probable case. For instance,
 one twist which came up recently is the possibility that some, or many,
 individuals, can be living lives which are caught in their own personal
 neural simulation, but within the framework of a normal reality. This
 could be a natural thing - like karma, not requiring AI and so on. Or there
 could be minimal supervision. Think about the Bruce Willis character in the
 Shyamalan film Sixth Sense... you remember... the kick in the gut when the
 kid sez I see dead people and you realize he's talking about you.

 Another twist in the Sim vs Real dichotomy is highlighted in the
 neglected cult TV series Doll house (episode 10) where Echo, the Active
 (which is a euphemism for occasional psychic-prostitute, and more), becomes
 the vehicle for the potential immortality of a recently deceased, very
 wealthy client. This happenstance is fiction for now but actually a
 near-term technological reality - and it brings into focus the issue of
 wealth and mortality-morality in a most unusual way.

 Can we buy immortality - even if it is a Sim? In fact, isn't the
 sequential Sim preferable in many ways? Heck, we get tired of one beautiful
 body and the next one costs only a few hundred million more, no problem.
 Everyone is happy. Wealth is redistributed. What's wrong with this picture?