Re: [Vo]:Electron capture acceleration via NMR ?

2021-12-03 Thread Bill Antoni

On 2021-12-03 02:51, Robin wrote:

If you put your detector in a well grounded Faraday cage, it may eliminate most 
radio interference produced by sparking.
Use metal (not nylon) fly wire for the Faraday cage (or at least for a window 
if you prefer the whole cage be made of
metal sheet). The space between the wires is small enough to shield most EM 
below about 150 GHz, but alpha, beta, or
gamma should get through easily. I suggest you add a little credit card sized 
microprocessor to the detector, that can
run on batteries for a few hours, and can easily be included in the Faraday 
cage, with no protruding wires. The
microprocessor can log the counts, and the time, and store it on a microSD card 
for later use.
(Protruding wires would act as an antenna, for the EM, defeating the purpose of 
the Faraday cage.)

BTW to eliminate the Radon, just make the experiment portable, and take it 
elsewhere. Also let the detector run for a
while before the experiment starts, so that you get a good indication of 
average background radiation.

My Geiger detector was apparently immune to the sparking and it never 
showed anything that could be attributed to that. On the other hand, it 
seemed sensitive to radioactive dust and one time I managed increase the 
already somewhat high background signal by 3 times by just putting it in 
front of a 120mm fan in a closed room. I never saw anything with it 
during the tests after enclosing it in a sealed plastic box. I don't 
have the Geiger counter anymore, in any case.

The CMOS/CCD webcam detector could possibly benefit from being put in a 
sealed box inside a Faraday cage; whether it would be able to see much 
more than background radiation is the question. The low sensitivity 
(counts per unit of time) is a problem. Variations due to temperature 
are also an issue. When it did not malfunction, proximity to the plasma 
electrolysis cell increased the amount of false detections due to sensor 

I thought in the past about using a Faraday cage, but in the end also 
due to the very low budget nature of the tests I just "embraced" such 
emissions and tried finding conditions that maximized them. Generally 
this simply meant using higher voltages (typically up to 72V in my case, 
which is unsustainable for more than short periods with KOH at or close 
to saturation at room temperature due to the violent reaction), although 
other parameters also have an effect as mentioned earlier. It seems for 
example that the hotter the cathode, the higher the emissions, which 
appears to make sense on an intuitive level (stronger thermionic 
emission). Cathode materials that do not oxidize easily also seemed to 
work better.

Some authors have suggested that the electromagnetic emission itself is 
the result of novel processes occurring in the plasma/spark reaction, so 
just measuring the EMI seemed like it would be a very simple strategy to 
maximize them. Thus my tests were mostly focused on lowering the voltage 
from which the plasma reaction could start and increasing the amount of 
EMI generated.

I never tried seriously measuring excess heat. Evaporation calorimetry 
is not straightforward because much of the electrolyte is efficiently 
aerosolized from the cathode region, which may give the impression of 
much larger heat generated than in reality. Measuring the temperature in 
one single point may also give false results due to heat stratification 
or heat gradients in the electrolyte (highly likely for cathodic plasma 

Cheers, BA

Re: [Vo]:Electron capture acceleration via NMR ?

2021-12-02 Thread Bill Antoni

On 2021-12-03 01:18, Robin wrote:

If a measurable amount of energy is produced by the cell, and is of nuclear 
origin, then even an insensitive detector
should pick up multiple counts / second.
To test your detector, you can use an Americium based smoke detector. That's 
only about 1 micro Curie, and any
significant energy production should produce much more than that.

At the time I tried putting the webcam detector close to a KOH canister 
(slightly radioactive), and there was a slight increase in the number of 
events (mainly "spots"). The Geiger counter I had earlier on also 
responded to the KOH canister at close distance.

I don't think measurable gamma radiation is going to get directly 
emitted by experiments like the ones I toyed with, but I find likely 
that the strong EMI occasionally produced could affect the electronics 
of more sensitive radiation detectors and potentially give artifacts. If 
there is more behind that (perhaps even novel forms of radiation), it 
might require different detector types than used conventionally.

Cheers, BA

Re: [Vo]:Electron capture acceleration via NMR ?

2021-12-02 Thread Bill Antoni

On 2021-12-02 22:00, Jones Beene wrote:

Do you by any chance have a radiation monitor capable of seeing a 
signal from your cell when unpowered ?

It would be significant if there was an increase in counts which 
tracked the onset of a visible plasma (assuming the plasma itself is 
below the threshold for detection)

I used to have a cheap Geiger counter, but since my background radiation 
level is too high with daily variations attributable due to radon gas, 
I've never been able to get useful measurements out of it, so eventually 
I gave it away. A more sensitive detector similar to one described by 
Holmlid in a few publications (the "muon detector") would likely work, 
but it would require a budget of at least 1000-1500$ (with used parts 
from Ebay or similar) which I cannot justify spending.

I tried a webcam/CCD/CMOS detector and while it seems to work for cosmic 
muons, on the long term (unpowered cell) it appears to work like a very 
insensitive Geiger counter (giving only a few hundred "events" per day), 
also tracking daily local radon variations. Furthermore, when the plasma 
reaction is ongoing, the camera may be affected by heat (increasing 
background/thermal noise) and electromagnetic emissions from the cell 
(causing random camera malfunctions) if it's too close, so overall I 
haven't had much luck with it.

I have more successfully measured RF emissions with a 30$ USB-SDR 
receiver. Measuring signal amplitude in real-time gives a good idea of 
how intense the reaction is and how it changes with experimental 
conditions. Curiously, RF emissions increase to a moderately high level 
just before a visible plasma starts appearing (apparently reflecting 
current instabilities), then drop to a low level as it appears, and 
finally progressively increase as voltage is further increased, up to 
intense levels. Supposedly, it is possible to optimize the reaction with 
this real-time information. No way of detecting a signal with the cell 
powered off without some sort of heavy shielding though, due to 
background RF emissions.

Judging by RF emissions, the same plasma reaction appears to emit 
significantly stronger emissions (keeping other variables about the 
same) when an acidic electrolyte like 10% HCl is used instead of KOH. 
Higher concentration HCl or sulfuric acid solution could probably give 
interesting results in this regard but I never dared trying: the fumes 
need to be vented away safely and droplet formation is an issue (after a 
period of operation, most surfaces surrounding the cell become covered 
by tiny electrolyte droplets, which can be a serious hazard at high 
electrolyte concentration).

With an acidic electrolyte (10% HCl, that I tried) if you drop a thin 
cathode wire very slowly into the liquid it is also possible to observe 
a weak plasma from the nano-sized dendrites formed by electroplating 
from as low as 15V or less (slightly higher values preferred), but no 
strong RF emissions occur compared to the "true" plasma electrolysis 
reaction at higher voltages.

I hope this helps,
Cheers, BA

Re: [Vo]:Electron capture acceleration via NMR ?

2021-12-02 Thread Bill Antoni

On 2021-12-02 19:35, Jones Beene wrote:
This doesn't give us much of a clue about what could be the cause of 
excess hydrogen... unless Holmlid's muons are carrying away heat 
somehow while splitting off protons in the process.

The authors suggested that thermolysis was occurring, i.e. that water 
was being split by the heat of the plasma reaction. My supposition is 
that excess hydrogen was observed when at least part of it was not 
"consumed" inside the cell (producing excess heat there). Possibly the 
heat of formation of Hydrinos could be involved instead?

Admittedly, this does not have much to do with the initial NMR idea of 
this thread and I was not trying to link it to that. It was more in 
relation to Robin's suggestion of using a saturated KOH solution in an 
electrolytic cell, which I found interesting because that is something I 
personally explored a while back in crude experiments, as it can 
significantly lower the voltage from which a visible plasma can be 
observed (about 25-30V). Other electrolytes at saturation concentration 
are instead more likely to accumulate on the cathode and dissociate 
there, producing larger amounts of metallic K which might actually be 
more useful for Robin's proposal.

Cheers, BA

Re: [Vo]:Electron capture acceleration via NMR ?

2021-12-01 Thread Bill Antoni

On 2021-12-01 19:33, Jones Beene wrote:


"IF" (big if) *unusually high hydrogen output* from an RF electrolysis 
cell can be demonstrated, then good evidence of what is happening to 
account for the gain - whether it is Millsean/Holmlid or instead is 
related to nuclear beta decay, can be as simple and foolproof as the 
detection of anomalous argon.

FWIW, excess hydrogen output (relative to Faraday efficiency) has been 
measured in plasma electrolysis cells in the early 2000s by Mizuno et 
al., but they found it to be correlated with negative heat (endothermic 
reaction). When excess heat was present, there was no excess hydrogen.

Furthermore, in their case the overall energetic efficiency was low due 
to the high voltages required (hundreds of volts).

See Mizuno's papers here:



Cheers, BA

Re: [Vo]:Electron capture acceleration via NMR ?

2021-12-01 Thread Bill Antoni

On 2021-12-01 01:57, Robin wrote:

In an electrolytic cell both H and K will form at the cathode, though the K 
will only be short lived because it combines
with water to form KOH & H.
However if a K atom and an H atom form in close proximity to one another at the 
same time, then the possibility exists
that the K will catalyze a shrinkage reaction of the H (m=3), before it 
combines with water.
To facilitate this process, the KOH should be a saturated solution, and the 
cathode atoms as close together as possible.

This is interesting.

In a saturated KOH aqueous solution, if the voltage is high enough (you 
shouldn't be afraid to use tens of volts if necessary) and the cathode 
thin enough (in the form of wires), solid KOH will likely accumulate on 
the cathode and start dissociating into K metal beneath it. When that 
happens, it is possible to see small sparks and explosions as it reacts 
with water and presumably hydrogen.

This is much simpler (and safer) to observe with potassium carbonate and 
possibly bicarbonate, however. With KOH close to saturation, plasma 
electrolysis starts occurring first; you have to add more KOH than 
saturation at room temperature to make it accumulate when it is 
operating. Unsafe and wasteful.

I think something similar to molten salt electrolysis starts occurring 
under these conditions, with the difference that hydrogen from water 
dissociation is also present (interesting for LENR?). The gallery linked 
below shows short animations from tests with mainly K2CO3 and some 
NaHCO3 (which seemed to make accumulation easier) at various 
concentrations and conditions that I made months ago.

Cheers, BA

Re: [Vo]:The "hero" LENR experiment ?

2021-11-23 Thread Bill Antoni

On 2021-11-23 17:44, Jones Beene wrote:

Thanks for remembering this experiment from Simon Brink !

The effect is surprisingly large and my bet is that it only works well 
with 316 grade SS.

If so - that would be good evidence for Mills' theory and the 
importance of the lowest energy catalyst. Nickel alone should not work 
as well.

As you suggest, eliminating color change should be attempted but for 
those who follow Holmlid, another wrinkle  would be using a laser pointer

To clarify, I've personally often observed plain steel turning black 
with cathodic electrolysis at relatively high currents with alkaline 
electrolytes like potassium hydroxide or carbonate, which should rule 
out oxidation, but I haven't tested SS316. I think this is more likely 
to occur if according to Simon Brink's diagram the applied voltage is 
24V (it should generate large amounts of gas and heat), although the 
experiment description in the same page says 6V or a bit more.

I don't think an ordinary constant wave (CW) laser pointer will work 
well for Holmlid-type experiments; a Q-switched pulse laser might be 
required. Nowadays relatively affordable entry level models exist for 
cosmetic tattoo-removal and similar applications, which could be adapted 
for these experiments, but still they require close to 1000$ at the least.

Perhaps, as for a Holmlid-type suggestion that might be useful here, the 
plates could be coated with soot or fine graphite after drying. Not only 
this will make surface conditions roughly even, but carbon might be able 
to increase the chances of ultra-dense hydrogen formation from the 
hydrogen-loaded plate (which should slowly release hydrogen after 
electrolysis). Look for the keyword "carbon" in this open-access paper 
for more details:

Cheers, BA

Re: [Vo]:The "hero" LENR experiment ?

2021-11-23 Thread Bill Antoni

On 2021-11-23 15:39, Jones Beene wrote:
It is hard to separate Mills' theory from Holmlid's work. They are 
likely to be complementary with both offering important details. One 
early experiment for a "critical volume" validation could involve the 
catalytic propensity of reactor itself. IOW - a large volume with NO 
added catalyst other than the reactor onterior surface - that, in 
itself, could produce a thermal or photon emission anomaly.

The main detail to keep in mind - the type of stainless steel used.

Stainless steel contains nickel and iron - both catalysts according to 
Mills but requiring high ionization. Perhaps a dedicated catalyst is 
unnecessary if the reactor composition is optimum. The best reactor 
choice to investigate would be grade 316 stainless. [...]

On a related note, Simon Brink proposed a good while back an experiment 
with electrolytically H-loaded SS316 plates exposed to infrared light; 
he suggested that excess heat would be generated with high 
repeatability, using thermometry.

I'm not entirely convinced by this approach as electrolysis could affect 
surface emissivity (the cathode can turn dark or black after prolonged 
electrolysis), but it could be a starting point under simpler 
experimental conditions.

Cheers, BA

Re: [Vo]:The "hero" LENR experiment ?

2021-11-23 Thread Bill Antoni

Hi Bob,

The "critical volume" idea I proposed was mostly based on the simple 
observation that in loosely similar experiments using much lower amounts 
of catalyst material (perhaps a few hundred milligrams at most in the 
experiments for example reported by Holmlid and sometimes cited here by 
Jones Beene; he uses commercially-available iron oxide catalyst that 
about anybody can craft or purchase) only a very small fraction of the 
admitted hydrogen over the catalyst seemingly transitions to a denser 
state. It has to be so, otherwise the excess heat generated by even just 
the condensation energy of the H atoms to the dense state would be quite 
evident and there would be extensive reports not only about reproducible 
LENR but also about meltdowns in the chemical industry where the same 
catalysts are used in practice.

(thermal runaways in industrial reactors have been occasionally 
reported, but for chemical reactions that are already exothermic in the 
first place, so attributing them to LENR like some have done seems like 
a stretch)

So, if this transition or compression of H atoms is a rare event, it 
would be desirable to find a way to either increase the event rate by 
"brute force", or to find local conditions that make these events more 
probable. I think using a large amount of 
ordinary/commercially-available catalyst material would fall in the 
former scenario, while most LENR experiments using small amounts of 
specially-crafted nanomaterials would be fall in the latter.

That's all; there was not too much thought into the idea.
Cheers, BA

On 2021-11-23 00:06, wrote:

Hi Bill and others—

Ideas on LENR theory:


1. Some/Most of the Ni powder were individual crystals of Ni which 
were a  QM (entangled) systems of  nucleons and atomic electrons 
coupled by a magnagentic "B"| field.

2. The QM systems of  my  first assumption could  be characterized 
by   equations  (Hamiltonians) that characterize differing phases of 
the pertinent QM system.

3. Angular momentum  ands energy are conserved in the possible phases 
of any QM system.

4. Positrons, electrons and neutrinos make up the elementary  
particles of the assumed QM systems proposed in 1 above.  (A nucleon 
model proposed by William Stubbs is a key basis for  this assumption.)

5. H or H2 when added tp the Ni powder become part to the QM  system 
as an additional lattice nucleons(s).

6.  A fast LEMNR reaction involving a phonic increase in lattice  
energy and angular momentum, an electron/positrons annihilations and a 
nuclear transmutation with lower, total    angular momentum and energy 
equal to the respective increases of the lattice electrons.

7.  Relatively slow cooling of the "hot" Ni  crystals follows per 
accepted theory.


1. AM is quantized at  in increments pf h/2-pi.

2 Magnetic moments are associated with the AM of primary particles.

3. Toradol shaped rotating  magnetic field may produce  what is 
commonly- called electric charge.  So(4) physics may be applicable to 
quantification.  ( Jurg may have better ideas about this.)

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail <> for 

*From: *Bill Antoni <>
*Sent: *Monday, November 22, 2021 1:18 PM
*To: *
*Subject: *Re: [Vo]:The "hero" LENR experiment ?

If hydrogen adsorbed on suitable catalysts can be made to desorb for 
example with UV light, and if then a transition of the H atoms to a 
compressed state in desorption also in turn causes the emission of UV 
light (without focus on any theory in particular, although R. Mills 
has studied such emissions with his Hydrinos) in a positive feedback 
loop, one such laser might be possible, but it all depends on how 
probable such transitions are. They are likely to be very rare with 
ordinary, untreated hydrogen-active metals (Ni, Pd, Pt, etc) or also 
more complex catalysts as used in commercial chemical reactors, 
causing them to go unnoticed most of the time. So, it's unknown 
whether such laser would be actually feasible in practice.

Although it will not work for a laser, with these mechanisms in mind, 
perhaps a reactor composed of a very long coiled tube with the active 
material coated on its internal walls could work more efficiently than 
a big chamber with loose powder, while still being in principle 
overall relatively simple to craft. The tube could be coiled around a 
heater of some sort, and tube geometry and gas admission would have to 
be such as to maximize repeated hydrogen contact with the catalyst 
coated on the internal walls (e.g. a straight tube might not work well 
and a free-flowing system could be better than one where hydrogen only 
very slowly diffuses through the material) instead of just absorption 
into the lattice as done in many gas-loaded LENR experiments.

I'm aware that one ex

Re: [Vo]:The "hero" LENR experiment ?

2021-11-22 Thread Bill Antoni
If hydrogen adsorbed on suitable catalysts can be made to desorb for 
example with UV light, and if then a transition of the H atoms to a 
compressed state in desorption also in turn causes the emission of UV 
light (without focus on any theory in particular, although R. Mills has 
studied such emissions with his Hydrinos) in a positive feedback loop, 
one such laser might be possible, but it all depends on how probable 
such transitions are. They are likely to be very rare with ordinary, 
untreated hydrogen-active metals (Ni, Pd, Pt, etc) or also more complex 
catalysts as used in commercial chemical reactors, causing them to go 
unnoticed most of the time. So, it's unknown whether such laser would be 
actually feasible in practice.

Although it will not work for a laser, with these mechanisms in mind, 
perhaps a reactor composed of a very long coiled tube with the active 
material coated on its internal walls could work more efficiently than a 
big chamber with loose powder, while still being in principle overall 
relatively simple to craft. The tube could be coiled around a heater of 
some sort, and tube geometry and gas admission would have to be such as 
to maximize repeated hydrogen contact with the catalyst coated on the 
internal walls (e.g. a straight tube might not work well and a 
free-flowing system could be better than one where hydrogen only very 
slowly diffuses through the material) instead of just absorption into 
the lattice as done in many gas-loaded LENR experiments.

I'm aware that one experiment by Mills or somebody else to verify his 
theories used a long nickel tube in an electrolytic cell, but that would 
be different than what I am thinking about here.

Cheers, BA

On 2021-11-22 19:54, Jones Beene wrote:

Hi Bill,

Your thought about "critical volume" is intriguing and brings up the 
possibility of efficient self-lasing due to adsorption/desorption and 
catalysis. Of interest would be the violet H line at 410 nm for which 
there is already a secret US Navy weapon in this category. Coincidence?

This could involve the possibility of a self-generating two-gas laser 
where one gas is hydrogen and the other is hydrogen in the collapsed 
state, formed in situ and making the device efficient due to a UV 
emission cascade. This might explain why a hemispherical reactor is 
useful (assuming reflectivity is enhanced)

In this regard, this old patent

and this article

seem to suggest that something like this possibility has been 
considered before... and might explain why the Thermacore project 
(with the Navy) was "apparently" canceled, despite the energy anomaly.

Probably worth a deeper look...

Bill Antoni wrote:

Jones Beene wrote:

One further thought about the Thermacore runaway - is there a potential lesson
there, for experiment design ?
There could be one lesson which can be called - GO BIG... but also BEWARE if
you go big.
Perhaps there is something akin to critical mass, which is important for
maximum gain, as in nuclear fission?

If there is a very small but non-zero chance for hydrogen to undergo 
certain transitions as it's adsorbed-desorbed from the catalyst 
material, then more than critical mass it could be a matter of 
critical volume of catalyst through which hydrogen travels before 
something occurs.

Perhaps that could explain why resonating systems are sometimes 
suggested to work well. They might be able to maximize hydrogen 
interaction events (defined as adsorption-desorption cycles) per unit 
of time with the catalyst.

Just a simple thought.
Cheers, BA

Re: [Vo]:The "hero" LENR experiment ?

2021-11-22 Thread Bill Antoni

Jones Beene wrote:

One further thought about the Thermacore runaway - is there a potential lesson
there, for experiment design ?
There could be one lesson which can be called - GO BIG... but also BEWARE if
you go big.
Perhaps there is something akin to critical mass, which is important for
maximum gain, as in nuclear fission?

If there is a very small but non-zero chance for hydrogen to undergo 
certain transitions as it's adsorbed-desorbed from the catalyst 
material, then more than critical mass it could be a matter of critical 
volume of catalyst through which hydrogen travels before something occurs.

Perhaps that could explain why resonating systems are sometimes 
suggested to work well. They might be able to maximize hydrogen 
interaction events (defined as adsorption-desorption cycles) per unit of 
time with the catalyst.

Just a simple thought.
Cheers, BA