Hi Bob,

The "critical volume" idea I proposed was mostly based on the simple observation that in loosely similar experiments using much lower amounts of catalyst material (perhaps a few hundred milligrams at most in the experiments for example reported by Holmlid and sometimes cited here by Jones Beene; he uses commercially-available iron oxide catalyst that about anybody can craft or purchase) only a very small fraction of the admitted hydrogen over the catalyst seemingly transitions to a denser state. It has to be so, otherwise the excess heat generated by even just the condensation energy of the H atoms to the dense state would be quite evident and there would be extensive reports not only about reproducible LENR but also about meltdowns in the chemical industry where the same catalysts are used in practice.

(thermal runaways in industrial reactors have been occasionally reported, but for chemical reactions that are already exothermic in the first place, so attributing them to LENR like some have done seems like a stretch)

So, if this transition or compression of H atoms is a rare event, it would be desirable to find a way to either increase the event rate by "brute force", or to find local conditions that make these events more probable. I think using a large amount of ordinary/commercially-available catalyst material would fall in the former scenario, while most LENR experiments using small amounts of specially-crafted nanomaterials would be fall in the latter.

That's all; there was not too much thought into the idea.
Cheers, BA

On 2021-11-23 00:06, bobcook39...@hotmail.com wrote:

Hi Bill and others—

Ideas on LENR theory:


1. Some/Most of the Ni powder were individual crystals of Ni which were a  QM (entangled) systems of  nucleons and atomic electrons coupled by a magnagentic "B"| field.

2. The QM systems of  my  first assumption could  be characterized by   equations  (Hamiltonians) that characterize differing phases of the pertinent QM system.

3. Angular momentum  ands energy are conserved in the possible phases of any QM system.

4. Positrons, electrons and neutrinos make up the elementary  particles of the assumed QM systems proposed in 1 above.  (A nucleon model proposed by William Stubbs is a key basis for  this assumption.)

5. H or H2 when added tp the Ni powder become part to the QM  system as an additional lattice nucleons(s).

6.  A fast LEMNR reaction involving a phonic increase in lattice  energy and angular momentum, an electron/positrons annihilations and a nuclear transmutation with lower, total    angular momentum and energy equal to the respective increases of the lattice electrons.

7.  Relatively slow cooling of the "hot" Ni  crystals follows per accepted theory.


1. AM is quantized at  in increments pf h/2-pi.

2 Magnetic moments are associated with the AM of primary particles.

3. Toradol shaped rotating  magnetic field may produce  what is commonly- called electric charge.  So(4) physics may be applicable to quantification.  ( Jurg may have better ideas about this.)

Bob Cook

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*From: *Bill Antoni <mailto:bantoni...@gmail.com>
*Sent: *Monday, November 22, 2021 1:18 PM
*To: *vortex-l@eskimo.com
*Subject: *Re: [Vo]:The "hero" LENR experiment ?

If hydrogen adsorbed on suitable catalysts can be made to desorb for example with UV light, and if then a transition of the H atoms to a compressed state in desorption also in turn causes the emission of UV light (without focus on any theory in particular, although R. Mills has studied such emissions with his Hydrinos) in a positive feedback loop, one such laser might be possible, but it all depends on how probable such transitions are. They are likely to be very rare with ordinary, untreated hydrogen-active metals (Ni, Pd, Pt, etc) or also more complex catalysts as used in commercial chemical reactors, causing them to go unnoticed most of the time. So, it's unknown whether such laser would be actually feasible in practice.

Although it will not work for a laser, with these mechanisms in mind, perhaps a reactor composed of a very long coiled tube with the active material coated on its internal walls could work more efficiently than a big chamber with loose powder, while still being in principle overall relatively simple to craft. The tube could be coiled around a heater of some sort, and tube geometry and gas admission would have to be such as to maximize repeated hydrogen contact with the catalyst coated on the internal walls (e.g. a straight tube might not work well and a free-flowing system could be better than one where hydrogen only very slowly diffuses through the material) instead of just absorption into the lattice as done in many gas-loaded LENR experiments.

I'm aware that one experiment by Mills or somebody else to verify his theories used a long nickel tube in an electrolytic cell, but that would be different than what I am thinking about here.

Cheers, BA

On 2021-11-22 19:54, Jones Beene wrote:

    Hi Bill,

    Your thought about "critical volume" is intriguing and brings up
    the possibility of efficient self-lasing due to
    adsorption/desorption and catalysis. Of interest would be the
    violet H line at 410 nm for which there is already a secret US
    Navy weapon in this category. Coincidence?

    This could involve the possibility of a self-generating two-gas
    laser where one gas is hydrogen and the other is hydrogen in the
    collapsed state, formed in situ and making the device efficient
    due to a UV emission cascade. This might explain why a
    hemispherical reactor is useful (assuming reflectivity is enhanced)

    In this regard, this old patent


    and this article


    seem to suggest that something like this possibility has been
    considered before... and might explain why the Thermacore project
    (with the Navy) was "apparently" canceled, despite the energy

    Probably worth a deeper look...

    Bill Antoni wrote:

    Jones Beene wrote:

        One further thought about the Thermacore runaway - is there a
        potential lesson

        there, for experiment design ?

        There could be one lesson which can be called - GO BIG... but
        also BEWARE if

        you go big.

        Perhaps there is something akin to critical mass, which is
        important for

        maximum gain, as in nuclear fission?

    If there is a very small but non-zero chance for hydrogen to
    undergo certain transitions as it's adsorbed-desorbed from the
    catalyst material, then more than critical mass it could be a
    matter of critical volume of catalyst through which hydrogen
    travels before something occurs.

    Perhaps that could explain why resonating systems are sometimes
    suggested to work well. They might be able to maximize hydrogen
    interaction events (defined as adsorption-desorption cycles) per
    unit of time with the catalyst.

    Just a simple thought.
    Cheers, BA

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