Re: Water memory paper

2005-06-21 Thread FHLew

Thank you sir. I would be grateful if you would 
kindly send me a copy.
With regards

  - Original Message - 
  Jed Rothwell 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 4:04 
  Subject: Water memory paper
  I have a paper here on "water memory:"Vysotskii, V. and 
  A.A. Kornilova. The Spatial Structure Of Water And The Problem Of 
  Controlled Low Energy Nuclear Reactions In Water Matrix. in Eleventh 
  International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. 2004. 
  Marseille, France. This seems off-topic for LENR-CANR, so I do not 
  plan to upload it, but if anyone would like a copy please contact me.- 

Re: water into wine

2005-04-11 Thread FHLew

Richard wrote:
  < ...I suggest 
water has the ability to mimic the  energy storage ability like a 
capacitor has the ability to store an electric charge. From our work using 
vortex mixing some interesting observations have been logged over the years that 
suggest this ability of water to store energy. The 
total energy stored seems to arrive  from other than 
hydrostatic or induced head unless the energy stored has a cumulative property 
of its own. >
 Scientists have finally discovered the homeopathic concept of minute 
dilutions. "Hormesis" is the term they use to describe small doses of substances 
that create a beneficial response.Dr. Joan Smith Soneborn, a cell biologist, 
states that "Hormesis appears to be a very real phenomenon." Research and 
homeopathic literature indicate that the most favorable results with 
homeopathics have been with a fairly low potency, like 3X, 2C or 
3C.Interesting facts about homeopathics:· Trevor Cook, Ph.D. states that 
a magnetic resonance device detected subatomic activity in homeopathic 
remedies· Dr. Emilio de Guidici says, "water molecules form structures 
capable of storing minute charges of electromagnetic signals."· Dr. Wolfgang 
Ludwig, a German biophysicist, demonstrated that homeopathic substances give off 
measurable electromagnetic signalsThis research appears to indicate: 
 Homeopathics demonstrate 
"energies" and that water molecules have a stable, hexagonal, lattice system, 
like an invisable honeycomb.This "honeycomb" can hold homeopathic "energies" and 
can change the structural shape of the water molecule lattice 
pattern.Succussing, or shaking, the homeopathic product seems to "transfer" the 
properties of the raw material to the water structure. Motion is Matter in 
movement but there is no object in the 
movement. Salts are chemical 
fire. Its corrosive appetite is fed - not by wood or coal but by metals, whose 
electrons fuel chemical reactions. The cells and their trace mineral 
concomitants are biologically transmutated minerals by bacteria and plants 
,acquire an added energy force in an ionised electrical state - Plasma, the 4th 
state of Matter, which ignites the vitality of the cells , esoterically called 
the Vital Force, Chi or Prana and is involved in the very genesis of life 
itself. Their concerted bioradiation generates our bioplasmic sheath or auric 
web which protects us from external negative stress which may be mental, 
emotional or physical. This auric sheath is intangible but has been proven 
scientifically and clairvoyantly. The biological system has the property to 
store electromagnetic energies.    
Magnetism affects water in odd ways. Normally water's pH is neutral due to its 
balance of acid (H+) to alkaline (OH-) ions. But south pole magnetism causes 
water to become slightly alkaline, while a north pole shifts pH a tad acid. This 
subtle shift is critical in biological systems such as cell membranes.Water 
never flows in straight paths: rather, in pipes, streams, and veins, water 
spirals in trillions of tiny vortices. In 1976 Pat Flanagan discovered water can 
be magnetically charged: water spun in a vortex, as Steiner recommended, 
generates an EM field. A four inch vortex spun at 1000 rpm creates 10,000 volts. 
When reversed, the vortex implodes, and its collapsing EM is absorbed by water 
molecules, charging them. This can change water's surface tension bv altering 
its hydrogen bonds, and dramatically affect ion exchange in cell membranes.Water 
contains liquid crystals that retain a fixed molecular structure -- tiny 
icebergs of crystal water. As water cools, more crystals form until the whole 
mass is ice. Charging water in a vortex may increase the amount of crystalline 
water. Flanagan believes cells form protoplasm from water largely in this liquid 
crystal state. As crystal, cell water has an atomic lattice similar to 
semiconductors, and poses the idea cells function by electronic principles of 
solid state physics.
A cyberfriend asked me on soil-less organic farming.
  <... your use of the word "dynamised" with respect to 
nutrient  solutions leads me ask if this process is related to or derived 
from the methods proposed  by Rudolph Steiner 
> Two principles that can be said to be 
typical of Steiner's biodynamic theory have to do with composting...and moon 
phases .In practice these principles go far beyond the usual attention paid to 
such factors by pre-modern agriculturists and their modern counterparts in the 
organic movement.Cow manure and plant trimmings, was critical to making it 
trulybiodynamic. He further suggested that the beneficial organic matter, 
produced in the resulting soil would be greatly enhanced by specific additions 
of animal remains, such as the horns of oxen or the bladders of deer . The 
reason for such additions apparently has to do with subtle forces creating 
balance and harmony in the natural world. Practitione

Re: vortex mystery virus alert

2005-04-01 Thread FHLew
Thanks Nick. I will be careful.
With regards
Nick Reiter wrote:
Mr. Lew, and everyone else:
I just now went to the first URL listed below in your
posting - apparently on your own website.  I
immediately got a couple of pop-ups followed by
several Trojan virus alerts / blocked hits.  Please be
--- FHLew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Greetings to all members
A non-physcist 's visualization of solitonic
vortices is at URL:


Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Sports - Sign up for Fantasy Baseball.


Re: vortex mystery

2005-04-01 Thread FHLew
Greetings to all members
A non-physcist 's visualization of solitonic vortices is at URL:

With regards
FHLew wrote:
Greetings to all members
Horace Heffner's message of Thu, 31 Mar 2005 13:43:54

< However when the water rotates, a dip forms at the middle, which 
can drop right down to the floor of the tank at sufficiently high w.>

 A non-physcist 's visualization of solitonic vortices is at URL:
With regards

Horace Heffner wrote:
At 4:55 PM 4/1/5, Robin van Spaandonk wrote:

In reply to  Horace Heffner's message of Thu, 31 Mar 2005 13:43:54


However when the water rotates, a dip forms at the middle, which
can drop right down to the floor of the tank at sufficiently high
w. However, according to the formula, for any w > 0, h > h0 for
all R, since the first term is always positive.
The h0 above is negative.

If h = (w^2/2g) x R^2 + h0 and h0 is negative, then for w=0, h=h0
and is thus also negative. How does one end up with a negative

As I stated in the last post, the above surface is only meaningful 
when h >
0.  There is no water in the tank above [at] radii where h <= 0.

If w=0 then h<=0 everywhere because no water will stay in the tank.   No
angular momentum is involved.  Any water in the tank is not in 
as assumed - it will all run out.  Please note again that the coreolis
force is ignored throughout.


Or should the original formula perhaps be:
h =  h0 - (w^2/2g) x R^2 ?
(Since the second term in this version is positive, the height
becomes less for higher w and also for smaller R, both of which
make sense).
In short, is h the distance up from the bottom of the tank, or the
distance down from the surface?

The variable h is the distance up from the bottom of the tank.  When 
h=0 or
h<=0 then there is no water above the radius at which h is computed.  
variable h at final equilibrium is a function of R, R1, and w, where 
R1 is
the radius of the drain hole.

The initial or final surface, assumed to be in equilibrium with w 
at every radius, is concave upwards.  The coefficient of R^2 is thus

In the initial condition, h0 can be anything depending on how much 
water is
in the rotating tank.  This h0 does not affect the *curvature* of the
surface, however, which is only a function of w, g, and R, assuming the
drain hole is plugged, and w is constant over all radii.  The 
variable h0
changes as the water drains from the tank.  The equation describing the
water surface changes as well, but the final surface should return to 
form h = (w^2/2g) x R^2 + h0 for a rotating tank, assuming that 
forces w to be uniform across all radii, where in the *final* 

  h = (w^2/2g) x R^2 - 2g/( w^2 x (R1)^2)
and w is the final angular velocity of the water and tank, R1 is the 
radius, and R is a given radius.

Horace Heffner 


Re: vortex mystery

2005-04-01 Thread FHLew

Greetings to all members
 Horace Heffner's message of Thu, 31 Mar 2005 13:43:54


  < However when the water rotates, a dip forms at the middle, which can drop right down to the floor of the tank at sufficiently high w.>


  A non-physcist 's visualization of solitonic vortices is at

With regards

Horace Heffner wrote:

  At 4:55 PM 4/1/5, Robin van Spaandonk wrote:
In reply to  Horace Heffner's message of Thu, 31 Mar 2005 13:43:54


However when the water rotates, a dip forms at the middle, which
can drop right down to the floor of the tank at sufficiently high
w. However, according to the formula, for any w > 0, h > h0 for
all R, since the first term is always positive.

  The h0 above is negative.


If h = (w^2/2g) x R^2 + h0 and h0 is negative, then for w=0, h=h0
and is thus also negative. How does one end up with a negative


As I stated in the last post, the above surface is only meaningful when h >
0.  There is no water in the tank above [at] radii where h <= 0.

If w=0 then h<=0 everywhere because no water will stay in the tank.   No
angular momentum is involved.  Any water in the tank is not in equilibrium
as assumed - it will all run out.  Please note again that the coreolis
force is ignored throughout.

Or should the original formula perhaps be:

h =  h0 - (w^2/2g) x R^2 ?

(Since the second term in this version is positive, the height
becomes less for higher w and also for smaller R, both of which
make sense).

In short, is h the distance up from the bottom of the tank, or the
distance down from the surface?


The variable h is the distance up from the bottom of the tank.  When h=0 or
h<=0 then there is no water above the radius at which h is computed.  The
variable h at final equilibrium is a function of R, R1, and w, where R1 is
the radius of the drain hole.

The initial or final surface, assumed to be in equilibrium with w constant
at every radius, is concave upwards.  The coefficient of R^2 is thus

In the initial condition, h0 can be anything depending on how much water is
in the rotating tank.  This h0 does not affect the *curvature* of the
surface, however, which is only a function of w, g, and R, assuming the
drain hole is plugged, and w is constant over all radii.  The variable h0
changes as the water drains from the tank.  The equation describing the
water surface changes as well, but the final surface should return to the
form h = (w^2/2g) x R^2 + h0 for a rotating tank, assuming that viscosity
forces w to be uniform across all radii, where in the *final* equilibrium:

   h = (w^2/2g) x R^2 - 2g/( w^2 x (R1)^2)

and w is the final angular velocity of the water and tank, R1 is the drain
radius, and R is a given radius.


Horace Heffner  


Re: Graneau's theory

2005-03-31 Thread FHLew
Apologies to members : Typo
  < in this webpage. The URL is: >
Please click " Cosmic Visualization "  at URL:
With regards
FHLew wrote:
At 5:34 PM 1/7/97, Scott Little wrote:
<  In the very latest issue of IE (vol 2 no 10), on page 59, there is 
a paper
by Peter Graneau.  In the introduction he says:

Water is a liquid because the H2O molecules attract each other. This
attraction is the basis of liquid cohesion. The energy associated with 
attracting molecules is potential energy. >

The Topics  may be of interest:
1. Chemical Bonds and  Attractive Forces
1. The Water Splitting Clock
in this webpage. The URL is:
With regards

Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

Horace Heffner wrote:
The following vortex posts on the subject of Graneau may be of 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
At 5:34 PM 1/7/97, Scott Little wrote:

In the very latest issue of IE (vol 2 no 10), on page 59, there is 
a paper
by Peter Graneau.  In the introduction he says:

Water is a liquid because the H2O molecules attract each other. This
attraction is the basis of liquid cohesion. The energy associated 
with the
attracting molecules is potential energy.

Uh huh.  And in liquid water that potential energy is negative, not 
positive, if we assume it starts at ~0 in the gas phase.

This whole discussion of binding energy seems very strange -- the 
atoms start out at the top of the slope, and when they aggregate into 
molecules, they slide down the slope and give up energy; you never 
pump energy _in_ to get them to stick together!  When molecules get 
together in a liquid, they slide farther down the slope; again, 
energy is given up.

To get energy out of chemical bonds you need to replace them with 
other chemical bonds which are farther "down the slope".  To get 
energy out of a liquid you need to replace it with a different phase 
which is also farther downslope.

It was acquired from water vapor
molecules when they first condensed to rain drops.
At that point they gave it up -- the potential energy turned into 
kinetic energy.

The vapor molecule is
stopped when it strikes the liquid surface of a drop. In the 
process the
kinetic energy of the vapor molecule is converted to binding energy 
in the

But this is, like, backwards, isn't it?  You _gain_ kinetic energy 
when the molecules join up, you don't lose it!  Otherwise sweating, 
which runs the process backwards, would make you hotter.


Re: Graneau's theory

2005-03-30 Thread FHLew
At 5:34 PM 1/7/97, Scott Little wrote:
<  In the very latest issue of IE (vol 2 no 10), on page 59, there is a 
by Peter Graneau.  In the introduction he says:

Water is a liquid because the H2O molecules attract each other. This
attraction is the basis of liquid cohesion. The energy associated with the
attracting molecules is potential energy. >
The Topics  may be of interest:
1. Chemical Bonds and  Attractive Forces
1. The Water Splitting Clock
in this webpage. The URL is:
With regards

Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

Horace Heffner wrote:
The following vortex posts on the subject of Graneau may be of interest.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
At 5:34 PM 1/7/97, Scott Little wrote:

In the very latest issue of IE (vol 2 no 10), on page 59, there is a 
by Peter Graneau.  In the introduction he says:

Water is a liquid because the H2O molecules attract each other. This
attraction is the basis of liquid cohesion. The energy associated 
with the
attracting molecules is potential energy.

Uh huh.  And in liquid water that potential energy is negative, not 
positive, if we assume it starts at ~0 in the gas phase.

This whole discussion of binding energy seems very strange -- the 
atoms start out at the top of the slope, and when they aggregate into 
molecules, they slide down the slope and give up energy; you never 
pump energy _in_ to get them to stick together!  When molecules get 
together in a liquid, they slide farther down the slope; again, energy 
is given up.

To get energy out of chemical bonds you need to replace them with 
other chemical bonds which are farther "down the slope".  To get 
energy out of a liquid you need to replace it with a different phase 
which is also farther downslope.

It was acquired from water vapor
molecules when they first condensed to rain drops.
At that point they gave it up -- the potential energy turned into 
kinetic energy.

The vapor molecule is
stopped when it strikes the liquid surface of a drop. In the process 
kinetic energy of the vapor molecule is converted to binding energy 
in the

But this is, like, backwards, isn't it?  You _gain_ kinetic energy 
when the molecules join up, you don't lose it!  Otherwise sweating, 
which runs the process backwards, would make you hotter.


Re: ...water into wine...

2005-03-29 Thread FHLew
Greeting to all members
At 08:47 am 28-03-05 -0900, Horace wrote:
< However, Graneau and Graneau do indeed suggest there exists some 
mechanism whereby energy can be stored in molecular bonds, and that the 
source of the energy so stored is solar.>

 Man is dependant on plants for  stored up energy in the 
form of food. Food is herbal at some stage of its production in Mother 
Nature 's alchemical  laboratory. Cow's meat and milk are formed from 
the grass and fodder the cow fed on.  Plant food is manufactured by the 
vibratory resonance of two solar rays,the Red and the Blue,.with the 
help of chloroplasts during photosynthesis in green leaves.  . Hence, 
energy food derived from plants is the photosynthetic equivalence of a 
musical chord. Botanically or  physiologically, life is a melody.

Light is liquified gas.
With regards

Horace Heffner wrote:
At 12:40 AM 3/29/5, Grimer wrote:

At 08:47 am 28-03-05 -0900, Horace wrote:

"Bond energy" in a traditional sense is an energy well, a *lack* of
potential energy, not a source of potential energy, unless the bond
constituents are free of the bond or able to bond to other substances and
thereby create a deeper energy well.  However, Graneau and Graneau do
indeed suggest there exists some mechanism whereby energy can be stored in
molecular bonds, and that the source of the energy so stored is solar.

The trouble is that "traditional sense" doesn't understand
what's going on. I suppose one can't blame chemists for not
being engineers. One can't expect them to recognise that
there are two types of energy, positive and negative.
Having first been introduced to energy in the form kinetic
energy it's quite uderstandable they don't realise v^2 has a
positive and a negative root. I mean to say, what possible
sense could be made of a negative velocity, eh! (sense can
be made of it but it will take a very perceptive Vortexian
to twig).
It is because chemists aren't engineers that they never
discovered the trinity of power laws for water vapour,
the pressure density law and the vesica pisces law.
These laws were not discovered by accident. They were not
discovered by playing around with data and a calculating
machine. These power laws were discovered from logical
extension of the original research on the stress-strain
properties of concrete presented at an international
symposium at Southampton University - curiously enough,
the same university that gave rise to the research on
Cold Fusion.
You of all people, Horace, should be well aware of that
since I took the trouble to mail the relevant research
publications to your northern eerie.

The stuff you mailed me did not appear to provide any more information than
what you already posted.  Most importantly, it did not provide the
numerical data to which you say a power-law fit is implied.

You were not the
first person to try and dismiss our striking and
obviously significant power relationships as mere curve
fitting exercises and I don't suppose you will be the
last. All credit to Professor Chaplin, chemist though
he may be, for not only recognising the importance of
the power laws but updating them with more modern data
and presenting them in the clearest way possible on his
excellent web-site.

Unfortunately Chaplin does not provide the numerical data either.

If chemists thought like engineers - more specifically
engineers who are familiar with the design and
manufacture of prestressed concrete, then they would
analyse their nano structures in terms strain energy,
i.e. epsilon squared. Even though chemists might not
be heaven's gift to mathematics, it would no doubt
occur to those less mathematically challenged that
eps^2 has two roots, -eps and +eps, and they would
realise that "bond energy" can be positive (tensile
say) or negative (compressive, say).
It would occur to them that they are dealing with a
structure which is the analogue of clay, with the
infra-molecular bonds in a state of compressive strain
(clay mineral particles) and the inter-molecular bonds
(pore water) in a state of balancing tensile strain.
Now I worked for six years in the Soil Mechanics
Division of the Road Research Laboratory and am
completely familiar with the pioneering research into
soil moisture pF by work of Croney, Coleman and Black
much of which remains unpublished, not untypical of
government research.
As clay samples are dried out on suction plates and
brought to a high state of pore water tension and
balancing state of clay particle compression a state
is reached (analogous to the failure of concrete in
a "soft" testing machine) where the strain energy is
suddenly released and the specimen explodes in a puff
of clay mineral smoke. This is a macro scale model of
what is happening to Graneau's water.
You talk of a "deeper energy well". Clearly, you
haven't understood the concept of negative energy
I have been plugging in these posts or you would

Re: The first sound waves left imprint on the Universe

2005-01-13 Thread FHLew

The first 
sound waves left imprint on the Universe 

The Primordial Harmonic Template of the Universe ( 
QuantumSpherical Standing Wave )" Everything is determined, 
the beginning as well as the end, by forces overwhich we have no control. It 
is determined for insects as well as for thestars. Human beings, vegetables, 
or cosmic dust, we all dance to amysterious tune, intoned in the distance by 
an invisible piper."
- Albert Einstein

When the first thunder bolts and lightnings struck the 
primordial land and water, the Template for specific resonating vibrations, was 
forged for all extant vibrant entities by the cosmic fire - The Keynotes of 
Life's Resonance 
Every atom, molecule and organ of the body has a natural and 
optimum frequency referred to as the "resonant" frequency. Any disresonant 
object will become resonant when exposed to its keynote or resonant frequency. 
This is Bioresonant Detoxification. 
The implication of the correct frequency is health . This 
Primordial Template is the Will of the Superconsciousness or God, with the 
provision of Intent and Desire for evolving cosmic material.The reflected 
sunlight into space by orbiting planets [ albedos ] is vibratory gestures of 
goodwill and Love. The Planet Venus is described as a planet of Love and Beauty 
for the simple reason that she reflects 80% of sunlight back into space . Light 
is life-giving water. Light is liquified gas, 
In the first carbon-containing blob of basic elements is " God " 
- the concept of animists ascribing the life-force (carbon) in rocks, stones and 
living organisms. It takes its first " morphic breath " of Chi, Prana or Vital 
Force which gives it form and pattern through self-organizing resonant 
vibrations and synchronises its "Internal or Biological Clock " with the 
environment in rhythm with the Schumann Resonances and the Circadian Rhythm of 
24 hour alternation of Night /Day or Ying/Yang Cycle. 
When the chaotic reverberations of thunder and lightning finally 
subsided, there descend Symmetry and Grace when Forms and Patterns unfold in the 
morphogenetic fields , sustained by the bioenergetic radiation from transmutated 
minerals. Through self-organizing resonant vibrations, basic amino acids were 
formed and with mineralization, these amino acid aggregates developed catalytic 
properties. It is with the synthesis of enzymes that the DNA molecules are 
modelled and formed with a double helix . The fundamental property of the DNA 
molecule is its immortality which differentiates it from other material. From a 
molecular perspective, science has taught us that every cell in our physical 
bodies originates with the original DNA molecule. The first DNA molecule 
represents the fundamental note or first harmonic frequency. Every molecule in 
our physical body owes its' origin to the formula contained in this first DNA 
molecule. The first DNA molecule has a formula of frequencies and assumes that 
molecules made directly by the vibrational formula contained in originating 
molecule of DNA will have a vibrational relationship to the original or creator 
DNA molecule [ Metatones Theory ].DNA and RNA molecules, the chemical carriers 
of the genetic information, are not rigid biochemical structures that can be 
manipulated easily, but rather laser-active media (Hartmut Muller, Raum & 
Zeit, 109, 2001, page 55). They generate optical holograms which are in 
resonance with electromagnetic fields of the earth, moon and galaxy and control 
both protein synthesis and embryo genesis.
It, was experimentallyproven ! Living DNA substance 
willalways react to language-modulated laser rays and even to radio 
Light and Sound equate holographic unity - 

The Sound of Light audible in vibrant Cosmic Silence can 
only be visualized in the Universal Mind.
Let there be Light
The Word is God.
With regards

Re: WHAT'S NEW Monday, Jan 03 05

2005-01-05 Thread FHLew

John Steck  
< Flawed in that we truly believe we are freely making 
unbiased choices and have lordship over the influences around us.  
That believe exists only through the bliss of ignorance.  Consciously 
we do sometimes exercise broad judgment over our impulses, unconsciously we are 
quite pre-disposed to pattern behaviors and vulnerable to perception 
manipulation >

The gigantic Asian seaquake on 26, December, 2004, deep in the Pacific Ocean 
lasted a colossal 200 seconds, had an epicentre magnitude of 9.0, struck 250 km 
south-east of Sumatra, causing the Earth to wobble on its axis . This earthquake 
has changed the World's Map, on Gaia's mantle and Biorhythmicity - The 
Biological Clock.
From the archive, I dug up an old 2001 posting on " The Octave Shift "
From: Maria Luisa Mazzolenis To: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 12:17 AM 
Subject: [BIOSONICsystem] more on octave shift 
" ..but I have to ask you again about the octave shift because I did not 
understand properly. .."
The Planetary influence of Pluto from 8th-23rd August 2001 had 
given many of us a trying time. Those who emerged from Pluto's ordeal will 
probably be vibrating to a newer octave. His or her Octave Shift is accompanied 
by vast transforming changes expressed Astrologically, Psychically and 
Physically.  In medical parlance, 1 
octave shift signifies in Cochlear noise damage, for small to moderate losses, 
the greatest morphological damage. This is used in the analysis of the hearing 
organ. The phenomenon of " half-octave shift " is measured between the frequency 
of the damaging sound and the frequency of the greatest sensitivity loss.
In Holistic Medicine, the Octave Shift  signifies the 
activation of a newly formed frequency octave. This frequency shift is a 
transformation on many levels:

1. Cosmic
6. Metallic
9. Atomic
10. Ionic
11. Subatomic

The former life-octave is replaced by the new resonance. It does 
not occur at a specific time. It is just realised. At the moment of the shift, 
you see sounds, hear and feel colours and the overtones of the higher and lower 
octaves of awareness. This occurs with the balancing of the Meridial, the Chakra 
system and The Planetary Alignment.The 
familiar yet outdated masks are releasedand recede into the background of 
consciousness.Time stands still and space is non-local- we are existing 
everywhere at once, in a Dimensional Shift

All electromagnetic frequencies of biological processes are 
bio-rhythmic. These are designated as:
1. Infracidian [ less than a day ]
2. Circadian [ about 24 Hours ]
3. Ultracidian [ more than 1 day ]
More than a hundred Biological Clocks have been identified 
have been discovered to have weekly, Lunar , Monthly and Yearly 
Cycles. World wide studies of Biorhythmicity have demonstrated the pervasive 
influence of Infracidian cycles on our physical and Mental Health and may range 
from 1 day to many years. In Traditional Chinese Medicine [ TCM ], the 24 hour 
cycle with reference to the 2 hourly interval between 2 meridial channels of the 
12 meridial system in Acupuncture, is called the Horary Cycle. The Western 
equivalent is the Circadian Rhythm or the Biological Clock.
Central and peripheral oscillators in different body tissues [ 
protein molecules ] are found to have fascinating timing mechanisms at the 
cellular and molecular levels.These molecular biological clocks are accessory 
chronological keepers with rhythmicities different from the Master Biological 
Clock in the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus [ SCN ] of the brain. Scientists monitor a 
calcium indicating photoprotein , in transgenic plants, to determine the daily 
oscillations of free Calcium levels in higher plants. These Calcium oscillations 
may possibly control the temporal regulation of cellular 
division,metabolism,gene _expression_ including mental health,cancer and even Jet- 
Lag and are involved in the transduction pathway in the synchronization of Light 
to enviromental Day/Night or Yin/Yang Cycle. - Lew

With regards

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2005 2:20 
  Subject: RE: WHAT'S NEW Monday, Jan 03 
  Flawed in that we truly believe we are freely making unbiased choices 
  and have lordship over the influences around us.  That believe 
  exists only through the bliss of ignorance.  Consciously we do 
  sometimes exercise broad judgment over our impulses, unconsciously we are 
  quite pre-disposed to pattern behaviors and vulnerable to perception 
  manipulation (hypnosis, illusions, tongue twisters, porn, smoking, White House 
  briefings (ha ha), etc.). 
  Sorry if I've upset your apple cart... we all would like to 
  believe we can somehow transcend our own personal idiosyncrasies, but even the 
  will to continuously try and do that is part of our learned response

Re: Salty water from Mars?

2005-01-05 Thread FHLew

< Regarding the fate of Mars' water, . There remain 
some difficult problems in orbital mechanics.>
   Cosmic Chemistry 
: The origin of the earth's oceans.
With regards

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 10:30 
  Subject: Re: Salty water from Mars?
  The oceans are obviously getting saltier each year as additiona minerals 
  are disolved by rain water and washed to the sea. It has been calculated 
  through measurements of river flow rates world wide with their associated salt 
  content how much this is.  This rate is such that the oceans of 
  50 million years ago would have been fresh water.  As I recall, this 
  argument was used to debunk 6,000 yr. biblical creation, but now it has become 
  a serious limitation to the 10's or 100's of additional millions of 
  years needed by evolution theory.  That 50 million is a maximum number 
  since leaching rates drop over time as the mineral deposits become 
  depleted.  Also the structure of many of the worlds river valleys show 
  evidence of much higher rates of water flow than we presently see.
  Check "The Genesis Flood" by Whitcomb and Morris for more details.
  Regarding the fate of Mars' water, are we approaching some vindication of 
  Velikovski?  There remain some difficult problems in orbital 
- Original Message - 
RC Macaulay 

Sent: Monday, January 03, 2005 9:12 
Subject: Salty water from Mars?

In Bob Parks newsletter " whats new" ,he reported 
the Mars explorers encountered dry ocean beds that once contained " salt 
Perhaps that can explain my long sought answer to " 
why" earth's oceans are so salty. There is not enough salt on earth to cause 
the level of salt content that exists in the earth' oceans. Hmm.. again.. 
did earth close encounter with Mars in the distant past " strip " off water 
causing what the ancient's dsecribed as the " great flood" ?

Re: Salty water from Mars?

2005-01-04 Thread FHLew
Please try this URL for   " The Equation of Life "

With regards

- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2005 12:42 AM
Subject: Re: Salty water from Mars?

> "Don Wiegel"  wrote:
> < " Did you ever wonder why the oceans are filled with salt water
> instead of fresh? Just where did the salt come from? And is it the same
> you find
> on a dining room table? Most of the salt in the oceans came from land.
> millions of years, rain, rivers, and streams have washed over rocks
> containing the compound sodium chloride (NaCl), and carried it into the
> sea" >
>Manufacturing minerals is a life process that has shaped the continents
> and our history.
>The Equation of Life suggests a sodium-potassium cold
> transmutation process takes place in Human Biology in the presence of
> and electrical excitation.
> With regards
> Lew
> - Original Message -
> From: "Don Wiegel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 11:30 PM
> Subject: RE: Salty water from Mars?
> >
> >
> > Ocean Water: Salinity
> >
> > "Did you ever wonder why the oceans are filled with salt water instead
> > fresh? Just where did the salt come from? And is it the same salt you
> > on a dining room table? Most of the salt in the oceans came from land.
> Over
> > millions of years, rain, rivers, and streams have washed over rocks
> > containing the compound sodium chloride (NaCl), and carried it into the
> sea.
> > You may know sodium chloride by its common name: table salt! Some of the
> > salt in the oceans comes from undersea volcanoes and hydrothermal vents.
> > When water evaporates from the surface of the ocean, the salt is left
> > behind. After millions of years, the oceans have developed a noticeably
> > salty taste.
> >
> > The ocean waters can be divided into three layers, depending on their
> > densities. Less dense waters form a top layer called the surface mixed
> zone.
> > The temperature and salinity of this layer can change often because it
> in
> > direct contact with the air. For example, water evaporation could cause
> > increase in salinity, and a cold front could cause a drop in
> >
> > -DonW-
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> > From: revtec [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 7:31 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: Salty water from Mars?
> >
> >
> > The oceans are obviously getting saltier each year as additiona
> > minerals are disolved by rain water and washed to the sea. It has been
> > calculated through measurements of river flow rates world wide with
> > associated salt content how much this is.  This rate is such that the
> oceans
> > of 50 million years ago would have been fresh water.  As I recall, this
> > argument was used to debunk 6,000 yr. biblical creation, but now it has
> > become a serious limitation to the 10's or 100's of additional millions
> > years needed by evolution theory.  That 50 million is a maximum number
> since
> > leaching rates drop over time as the mineral deposits become depleted.
> Also
> > the structure of many of the worlds river valleys show evidence of much
> > higher rates of water flow than we presently see.
> >
> > Check "The Genesis Flood" by Whitcomb and Morris for more details.
> >
> > Regarding the fate of Mars' water, are we approaching some
> > vindication of Velikovski?  There remain some difficult problems in
> orbital
> > mechanics.
> >
> > Jeff
> >
> >
> > --
> > No virus found in this outgoing message.
> > Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
> > Version: 7.0.296 / Virus Database: 265.6.7 - Release Date: 12/30/2004
> >
> >

Re: Salty water from Mars?

2005-01-04 Thread FHLew
"Don Wiegel"  wrote:

< " Did you ever wonder why the oceans are filled with salt water
instead of fresh? Just where did the salt come from? And is it the same salt
you find
on a dining room table? Most of the salt in the oceans came from land. Over
millions of years, rain, rivers, and streams have washed over rocks
containing the compound sodium chloride (NaCl), and carried it into the
sea" >

   Manufacturing minerals is a life process that has shaped the continents
and our history.


   The Equation of Life suggests a sodium-potassium cold nuclear
transmutation process takes place in Human Biology in the presence of oxygen
and electrical excitation.

With regards

- Original Message -
From: "Don Wiegel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 11:30 PM
Subject: RE: Salty water from Mars?

> Ocean Water: Salinity
> "Did you ever wonder why the oceans are filled with salt water instead of
> fresh? Just where did the salt come from? And is it the same salt you find
> on a dining room table? Most of the salt in the oceans came from land.
> millions of years, rain, rivers, and streams have washed over rocks
> containing the compound sodium chloride (NaCl), and carried it into the
> You may know sodium chloride by its common name: table salt! Some of the
> salt in the oceans comes from undersea volcanoes and hydrothermal vents.
> When water evaporates from the surface of the ocean, the salt is left
> behind. After millions of years, the oceans have developed a noticeably
> salty taste.
> The ocean waters can be divided into three layers, depending on their
> densities. Less dense waters form a top layer called the surface mixed
> The temperature and salinity of this layer can change often because it is
> direct contact with the air. For example, water evaporation could cause an
> increase in salinity, and a cold front could cause a drop in temperature."
> -DonW-
> From: revtec [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 7:31 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Salty water from Mars?
> The oceans are obviously getting saltier each year as additiona
> minerals are disolved by rain water and washed to the sea. It has been
> calculated through measurements of river flow rates world wide with their
> associated salt content how much this is.  This rate is such that the
> of 50 million years ago would have been fresh water.  As I recall, this
> argument was used to debunk 6,000 yr. biblical creation, but now it has
> become a serious limitation to the 10's or 100's of additional millions of
> years needed by evolution theory.  That 50 million is a maximum number
> leaching rates drop over time as the mineral deposits become depleted.
> the structure of many of the worlds river valleys show evidence of much
> higher rates of water flow than we presently see.
> Check "The Genesis Flood" by Whitcomb and Morris for more details.
> Regarding the fate of Mars' water, are we approaching some
> vindication of Velikovski?  There remain some difficult problems in
> mechanics.
> Jeff
> --
> No virus found in this outgoing message.
> Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
> Version: 7.0.296 / Virus Database: 265.6.7 - Release Date: 12/30/2004

Re: New year wishes

2004-12-31 Thread FHLew

I wish all the forum members a successful and peaceful New 
Year 2005
Macaulay wrote:
 <  As the water rained down 
from above, it flowed down to the low places to form oceans, the 
extreme water flowing velocities carved such canyons as the Grand Canyon, the 
Hudson River Canyon and others.> 
Flowing liquid is a Quantum Wave
Tsunamis caused  by earthquakes and volcanic 
eruptions  have demonstrated that the  vibratory signatures of 
solitonic vortices are unique natural sculptors. Nature's Silence ( the 
splashing of water-falls, the roaring of the oceanic waves, the gurgling of 
a swiftly flowing stream,the howling of winds, the rhythmic dripping sound of 
raindrops and the rustling of leaves, which includng the seismic 
waves, are ELF ( Extremely Low Frequency ) electromagnetic 
waves .These  are SCALAR WAVES.  The evidence is manifested 
very elegantly in the  coastline rocks and stones. Mother Nature 
is a unique sculptor artist of the first waters.
< Most likely 
source of water from above was Mars being stripped of water. This would 
require a reorientation of the planets afterwards.>
Light is liquified Gas
 With regards

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2005 11:06 
  Subject: Re: New year wishes
- Original Message - 
RC Macaulay 

Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2005 10:41 
Subject: New year wishes

Best wishes for the new year.
Fred's comment on the great flood, continental drift 
and Peleg's ordeal brings to mind  my conversation with my geologist 
friend. ( One was named Peleg because in his time the earth was divided Gen. 
My thoughts are the world was much smaller in 
diameter before the flood i.e. a year was 360 days. There were no oceans. 
The earth was a single land mass. The expansion of the earth and upheaval of 
the mountain ranges gave way to gaps between the " high ground" ( 
continents). As the water rained down from above, it flowed down 
to the low places to form oceans, the extreme water flowing velocities 
carved such canyons as the Grand Canyon, the Hudson River Canyon and others. 

Most likely source of water from above was Mars 
being stripped of water. This would require a reorientation of the planets 
afterwards. Hmmm !!    
To each his own.

Re: New year wishes

2004-12-31 Thread FHLew


  - Original Message - 
  RC Macaulay 
  Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2005 10:41 
  Subject: New year wishes
  Best wishes for the new year.
  Fred's comment on the great flood, continental drift 
  and Peleg's ordeal brings to mind  my conversation with my geologist 
  friend. ( One was named Peleg because in his time the earth was divided Gen. 
  My thoughts are the world was much smaller in 
  diameter before the flood i.e. a year was 360 days. There were no oceans. The 
  earth was a single land mass. The expansion of the earth and upheaval of the 
  mountain ranges gave way to gaps between the " high ground" ( continents). As 
  the water rained down from above, it flowed down to the low places 
  to form oceans, the extreme water flowing velocities carved such canyons as 
  the Grand Canyon, the Hudson River Canyon and others. 
  Most likely source of water from above was Mars 
  being stripped of water. This would require a reorientation of the planets 
  afterwards. Hmmm !!    
  To each his own.

Re: We Lack the Sense of a Water Buffalo

2004-12-30 Thread FHLew
Apologies to all forum members for the typo.

Please try this URL:

With regards
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 2:17 AM
Subject: Re: We Lack the Sense of a Water Buffalo

> "Terry Blanton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> "This is very interesting. I am finding bodies of
>  humans, but I have yet to see a dead animal," said
>  Wijeyeratne, whose hotel in the park was totally
>  destroyed in Sunday's tidal surge.
>  "Maybe what we think is true, that animals have a
>  sixth sense," Wijeyeratne said.>
> " If only we knew, Boss, what the stones and rain and flowers say. Maybe
> they call us - and we don't hear them. When will people's ears open, Boss?
> So asks Zorba in Nikos Kazantzakis' Zorba the Greek.
> Please click the webpage : Vortex : Generation of liquid vortex in
> URL:
> ructures/
> With regards
> - Original Message -
> From: "Terry Blanton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 10:25 PM
> Subject: We Lack the Sense of a Water Buffalo
> > From Yahoo news:
> >
> > Experts: Tsunami Kills Few Animals
> >
> > By GEMUNU AMARASINGHE, Associated Press Writer
> >
> > YALA NATIONAL PARK, Sri Lanka - Wildlife officials in
> > Sri Lanka expressed surprise Wednesday that they found
> > no evidence of large-scale animal deaths from the
> > weekend's massive tsunami - indicating that animals
> > may have sensed the wave coming and fled to higher
> > ground.
> >
> > An Associated Press photographer who flew over Sri
> > Lanka's Yala National Park in an air force helicopter
> > saw abundant wildlife, including elephants, buffalo,
> > deer, and not a single animal corpse.
> >
> > Floodwaters from the tsunami swept into the park,
> > uprooting trees and toppling cars onto their roofs -
> > one red car even ended up on top of a huge tree - but
> > the animals apparently were not harmed and may have
> > sought out high ground, said Gehan de Silva
> > Wijeyeratne, whose Jetwing Eco Holidays ran a hotel in
> > the park.
> >
> > "This is very interesting. I am finding bodies of
> > humans, but I have yet to see a dead animal," said
> > Wijeyeratne, whose hotel in the park was totally
> > destroyed in Sunday's tidal surge.
> >
> > "Maybe what we think is true, that animals have a
> > sixth sense," Wijeyeratne said.
> >
> > Yala, Sri Lanka's largest wildlife reserve, is home to
> > 200 Asian Elephants, crocodile, wild boar, water
> > buffalo and gray langur monkeys. The park also has
> > Asia's highest concentration of leopards. The Yala
> > reserve covers an area of 391 square miles, but only
> > 56 square miles are open to tourists.
> >
> > The human death toll in Sri Lanka surpassed 21,000.
> > Forty foreigners were among 200 people in Yala who
> > were killed.
> >
> >
> > __
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
> >
> >

Re: We Lack the Sense of a Water Buffalo

2004-12-30 Thread FHLew
"Terry Blanton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"This is very interesting. I am finding bodies of
 humans, but I have yet to see a dead animal," said
 Wijeyeratne, whose hotel in the park was totally
 destroyed in Sunday's tidal surge.

 "Maybe what we think is true, that animals have a
 sixth sense," Wijeyeratne said.>

" If only we knew, Boss, what the stones and rain and flowers say. Maybe
they call us - and we don't hear them. When will people's ears open, Boss? "
So asks Zorba in Nikos Kazantzakis' Zorba the Greek.

Please click the webpage : Vortex : Generation of liquid vortex in

With regards

- Original Message -
From: "Terry Blanton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 10:25 PM
Subject: We Lack the Sense of a Water Buffalo

> From Yahoo news:
> Experts: Tsunami Kills Few Animals
> By GEMUNU AMARASINGHE, Associated Press Writer
> YALA NATIONAL PARK, Sri Lanka - Wildlife officials in
> Sri Lanka expressed surprise Wednesday that they found
> no evidence of large-scale animal deaths from the
> weekend's massive tsunami - indicating that animals
> may have sensed the wave coming and fled to higher
> ground.
> An Associated Press photographer who flew over Sri
> Lanka's Yala National Park in an air force helicopter
> saw abundant wildlife, including elephants, buffalo,
> deer, and not a single animal corpse.
> Floodwaters from the tsunami swept into the park,
> uprooting trees and toppling cars onto their roofs -
> one red car even ended up on top of a huge tree - but
> the animals apparently were not harmed and may have
> sought out high ground, said Gehan de Silva
> Wijeyeratne, whose Jetwing Eco Holidays ran a hotel in
> the park.
> "This is very interesting. I am finding bodies of
> humans, but I have yet to see a dead animal," said
> Wijeyeratne, whose hotel in the park was totally
> destroyed in Sunday's tidal surge.
> "Maybe what we think is true, that animals have a
> sixth sense," Wijeyeratne said.
> Yala, Sri Lanka's largest wildlife reserve, is home to
> 200 Asian Elephants, crocodile, wild boar, water
> buffalo and gray langur monkeys. The park also has
> Asia's highest concentration of leopards. The Yala
> reserve covers an area of 391 square miles, but only
> 56 square miles are open to tourists.
> The human death toll in Sri Lanka surpassed 21,000.
> Forty foreigners were among 200 people in Yala who
> were killed.
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around