RE: [Vo]:Parkhomov presentation translated into English

2016-12-05 Thread bobcook39923

I second Jed’s thanks for the AP paper translation.  Its seems to nail down the 
results of 22 years (at least) of the Ni-H LENR system R&D.  S. Forcardi and 
other Italians should get the credit it seems to me. 
I also consider that Rossi has been able to improve upon the COP’s of the 
system by finding compatible combinations of Li, H, Ni nano particle 
characteristics, and, primarily control circuit resonance to allow   minimal 
energy input and long term self sustaining operations. 

Those non-believers of Rossi’s capabilities are akin to  those folks that 
believe the Earth is only 6000 years old who live with dogmas and/or a conflict 
of interest.  Their idea of fraud is not unlike the fraud they seem to say God 
committed on mankind when he also left evidence of dinosaurs  on the earth.

The non- believers will continue to insist  the E- Cat and Quark-X advanced 
performances are merely illusions and the results of Rossi’s magical tricks or 
fraudulent actions.  

Bob Cook

They will continue to claim the E- 

Sent: Sunday, December 4, 2016 3:20 PM
Subject: [Vo]:Parkhomov presentation translated into English

Translated by Bob Higgins. Thanks, Bob!

RE: [Vo]:RE: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Possible generation of heat from nuclear fusion in Earth’s inner core

2016-12-03 Thread bobcook39923
YES,YES,YES!   Scientific American should follow on Natures heals, as will 
other related publishers within the establishment’s  publishing cult.

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Russ George
Sent: Saturday, December 3, 2016 8:58 AM
Subject: [Vo]:RE: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Possible generation of heat from nuclear fusion 
in Earth’s inner core

What a delight to see this new paper. So the Journal Nature has now come around 
from its flagrant condemnation and ridicule of all things cold fusion to 
publishing about it being the source of heat in the inner Earth (and other 
planets of course). I can testify that I engaged in a discussion of this very 
mechanism with Martin Fleischmann at the very first meeting on cold fusion 
while he and Giuliani Preparata and I shared a bottle of wine to cool our 
tempers if not our passion. Here’s a link to my blog post about my late 
 . The dastardly pundits at Nature deserve a special place in hell for their 
avaricious dogmatic approach to discovery of the mysteries of Nature. I am 
quite sure Maddox is occupying a well-deserved spit there now. The great 
tragedy of science is that most of the community behave like gentlemen but of 
course being the real substance of the stew of knowledge they are not what 
floats to the top, what floats is the scum and there is no greater repository 
of the scum and shysters of Science than the editors and publishers and owners 
of the Journal Nature. 

Within the microcosm of the ecology of atoms the Earthly core conditions 
described in this paper are not at all uncommon. That is why cold fusion is and 
always has and will be a principal part of behavior of hydrogen in nature.

From: H LV [] 
Sent: Saturday, December 3, 2016 8:21 AM
Subject: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Possible generation of heat from nuclear fusion in 
Earth’s inner core

Q: why don't lighter elements find there way to the centre of the Earth if 
gravity is lowest at the centre?


New study indicates Earth's inner core was formed 1 - 1.5 billion years ago
October 7, 2015

On Sat, Dec 3, 2016 at 10:47 AM, H LV  wrote:
Possible generation of heat from nuclear fusion in Earth’s inner core



RE: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Possible generation of heat from nuclear fusion in Earth’s inner core

2016-12-03 Thread bobcook39923

That’s a good question.  I have never seen a model that considers the actual 
gravitational field experienced throughout the earth resulting in the increased 
pressures with depth to the center and thereabouts.  At first glance it would 
seem that radial forces would go to zero which by definition is no pressure.   
Thus it would seem that the radial force would increase along the radius until 
it reached a maximum at some depth below the surface and then, deceased to zero 
again in space  beyond earth’s influence.  

I am interested in any analysis that gives a high pressure at the center.  I 
would think that dense particles in a liquid that allows settling would tend to 
move along the gravitational field unless atomic and molecular forces become 
more dominant and somehow hold heavy atoms in a lighter lattice at some radius 
above the origin—center.   Does any Vort know of an answer?

Bob Cook

: H LV
Sent: Saturday, December 3, 2016 8:21 AM
Subject: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Possible generation of heat from nuclear fusion in 
Earth’s inner core

Q: why don't lighter elements find there way to the centre of the Earth if 
gravity is lowest at the centre?


New study indicates Earth's inner core was formed 1 - 1.5 billion years ago
October 7, 2015

On Sat, Dec 3, 2016 at 10:47 AM, H LV  wrote:
Possible generation of heat from nuclear fusion in Earth’s inner core



RE: [Vo]:Possible generation of heat from nuclear fusion in Earth’s inner core

2016-12-03 Thread bobcook39923

Recent items in Sci Am are about guested at sources of energy on icy moons with 
underlying water.  Both Jupiter  and Saturn have such moons.  Enceladus manages 
to expel steam through cracks in the ice sheet—many km thick—some without 
condensing the steam as ice.  Lots of local heat I would think.  I doubt tidal 
 Forces can do that.

I think that nano silica is the host for LENR  in the cracks of the ice sheet 
which may create significant pressures under tidal forces which do apparent 
happen on this moon.  For those interested the item about Enceladus it’s in the 
October issue of Sci-Am, page 38.  I do not consider the geothermal generation 
of the nano silica reported in the rings around Saturn associated with is moon 
is as suggested by the authors of the item.  I would guess  it stems from 
crystallization of soluble silica under pressure in the ice layer of Enceladus, 
not at the water-basement rock interface as suggested in the item.

As an aside, I stopped reading Sci-Am 6 or 8 years ago, because I thought (and 
still think) the publishersy purposely avoid mention of LENR.  However, some 
unknown person or commercial entity recently sent me a subscription, which I 
have not yet canceled.

Bob Cook

From: H LV
Sent: Saturday, December 3, 2016 7:47 AM
Subject: [Vo]:Possible generation of heat from nuclear fusion in Earth’s inner 

Possible generation of heat from nuclear fusion in Earth’s inner core



RE: [Vo]:Article: Diamonds turn nuclear waste into nuclear batteries

2016-12-01 Thread bobcook39923
Higgins is correct IMHO.  The heart battery charger should utilize existing  or 
slightly modified NMR machines to focus an oscillating magnetic field on an 
internal permanent magnet oscillator which can move within a conductor and 
create an internal source of current.  Forget about using RF penetrating EM 

Regarding Robin’s observation, cardiologists may not like such a long life 
device since it would reduce the market supply of people needing periodic 
operations.  Opposing this rationale I have heard the idea that getting inside 
the chest and checking the equipment out results in more reliable performance.

The same argument (get inside to check things out ½ way through reactor life)  
was used for naval nuclear reactors early on.  I just read recently that the 
Navy brass is changing that design philosophy to produce reactors that will go 
the life of a ship—40-50 years—after nearly 65 years of reactor design and 
operating experience.   I doubt that the rest of the ship will last that long 
without overhaul or al least major changes in weapons.  
I think that the old design advice, “if the wheel works don’t fix it,” is 
probably ok for naval reactor design.

As to David’s comments about nuclear waste, I agree that the expense is high 
and the safety of storage is high and the safety is unconsciously poor in many 
cases.  The best solution IMHO is storage in Yucca Mountain in self-shielded 
ductile iron casks of about 100 tons that will fit on special rail cars for 
transport to Yucca Mt.  

As LENR gets a foot hold in the world’s energy production, those old die-hards, 
who want the eventual use of Pu-239 and other hard to handle isotopes, will be 
gone.   Yucca Mountain can be closed up along with the other nuclear test holes 
and mountain test sites nearby.  The one problem with this solution is that 
intrusion by future non-technical people would be easy, if institutional 
government controls fail in the future.  However,  this issue is no different 
than the same institutional control problem associated with hazardous waste 
disposal sites containing heavy metals and organic waste, both a major concern 
to health and safety of future, non-technical generations and the environment.

Bob Cook

From: Bob Higgins
Sent: Thursday, December 1, 2016 6:40 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Article: Diamonds turn nuclear waste into nuclear batteries

This is possible, but it would require a close coupling via low frequency 
magnetic fields.  Think of it as a hockey puck placed over the pacemaker 
implant area for a period of hours.  The human body is well modeled as a 
container of salt water.  In fact, when we were creating RF models of the human 
body, the dummy was nicknamed, "Salty".  The water is a highly ionic, highly 
conductive, high dielectric (Er~80) fluid.  This causes a skin impedance that 
is highly reflective of RF - most of the EM fields are substantially reflected. 
 Magnetic fields will penetrate, but propagating EM fields have a fixed ratio 
of electric/magnetic field intensity given by the free space impedance of 277 
ohms.  Near field evanescent fields close to the source may have a different 
ratio, allowing the magnetic field intensity to be higher which will penetrate 
into the body (the hockey puck radiator).
Most of the local AC fields are E-fields and these are highly reflected by the 
body's conductive nature and do not penetrate.

On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 7:11 PM,  wrote:
In reply to  Bob Higgins's message of Tue, 29 Nov 2016 10:41:32 -0700:
I have often wondered why pacemakers can't have a built in transformer secondary
and rectifier so that all one has to do a be adjacent to the primary for a while
in order to recharge the internal battery ("air" core transformer). Perhaps they
could even be powered by the stray AC fields in your average dwelling?

Robin van Spaandonk

RE: [Vo]:Bill Gates connection to LENR?

2016-11-30 Thread bobcook39923

With all due respect, there IS Rossi IP.  It was identified in the Rossi/IH 
contract in an Appendix—very specific.  I read it all.  It was generally 
referred to as E-Cat IP and specified in several different documents, including 
the E-Cat US patent as I recall.  

It did not include much technical information about Pd and D reactions and 
reactors, which may cause it to be worthless SOUR GRAPES in some people’s 

If it were worthless as you indicate, it certainly has spurred a lot of Ni-H 
LENR technology and LENR+ development (as Peter Gluck so consistently 
identifies) to produce investment in R&D around the World.

I admit that I am frequently confused, but not about Rossi’s alleged fraudulent 
life.  My main confusion is trying to understand the motives of people who 
attempt to discredit  Rossi’s work.

I am concluding after following the treatment of P&F in 1989 and thereafter 
that some of the same motives that drove the discrediting of P&F are pertinent 
to deciding how Rossi should be handled.  In a political realm I consider such 
motives would be labeled conservative and in opposition to progressive peoples’ 

Bob Cook

From: Brian Ahern
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 4:25 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Bill Gates connection to LENR?

There is no IP!!!

Every time you forget or deny Rossi's fraudulent  life, you get confused. Rossi 
has absolutely nothing.

I suspect that a settlement of the Federal Case in Florida will happen about 
February 2017 with Rossi maintaining control of the IP and much money changing 
hands.   There is potential for a huge fish fry, however.
Bob Cook

FW: [Vo]:Article: Diamonds turn nuclear waste into nuclear batteries

2016-11-29 Thread bobcook39923

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

Sent: Monday, November 28, 2016 2:37 PM
To: Brian Ahern
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Article: Diamonds turn nuclear waste into nuclear batteries

Each nano diamond would have a small resistance from the beta generation 
locations to the surface of the particle.  Disperse the diamond powder in a 
copper lattice, pressure bond, and, bingo, you have a low resistance source of 
electrons.   The mean free path of a C-14 beat is probably mico-meters compared 
to nano-meters for the diamond particles.  The beta (charge) would be captured 
in the copper.  Put a diode on one end of the copper and you may get a nice 

The device being made from by-produce materials from reactor ops would be 
subject to regulation by the NRC.

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Brian Ahern
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2016 2:17 PM
To:; Jones Beene
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Article: Diamonds turn nuclear waste into nuclear batteries

Not so fast!  The kow work function is great for cold cathode emission. However 
the very high reesistivity prevents useful operation.

From: Jones Beene 
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2016 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Article: Diamonds turn nuclear waste into nuclear batteries 
This is really just the natural progression of betavoltaics, incorporating 

The niche has been around for many years as it is almost obvious... remember 
Paul Brown and before?... Several of those betavoltaic proponents used to post 
here (Brown passed away in 2001). The tech was always just out of reach in 
terms of cost and energy density.

Nano-diamond changes everything. Its low work function means high efficiency 
and cold cathodes. The problem will always be cost but mass production of the 
material for micro-electronics could change that. Intel needs a new 

Where are you Intel? We need you.

On Monday, November 28, 2016 11:17 AM, Jed Rothwell  

That's fantastic. If it works, it will be as good as cold fusion for small 
scale devices such as hearing aids. I wonder if it can be powerful enough for a 
cell phone?

- Jed 

[Vo]:Bill Gates connection to LENR?

2016-11-29 Thread bobcook39923
With the recent information from Italy (Giuseppe, Navarro and Coppi) reported 
on Rossi’s blog;  the information from LENR Forum about Gates interaction with 
La Gatta (apparently in Padua, It during the ICCF-19); Texas Tech interaction 
with La Gatta’s firm in Italy;  La Gatta’s interaction with IH in N.C.,  and 
Gates support of LENR at Texas Tech, is Gates involved in IH via. La Gatta’s 
firm or Texas Tech or both?

The plot thickens.  And the Court Case may reveal much more about the IH 
supporters and  action to control the Ni-H LENR technology.  

I suspect that a settlement of the Federal Case in Florida will happen about 
February 2017 with Rossi maintaining control of the IP and much money changing 
hands.   There is potential for a huge fish fry, however.

Bob Cook

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